The lesson "workers of the Kuban - grain growers." Question: in Kuban, grain growers are often called heroes. Why are Kuban grain growers

Decorative 03.05.2023

Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov is the foreman of the integrated brigade of the Kuban collective farm in the Ust-Labinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory.

Born on April 27, 1927 in the village of Tuguchuk, now Shpakovsky district of the Stavropol Territory in peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1956. In 1942 he graduated from seven classes high school, in 1946 – mechanization school agriculture.

He started his working life early. In 1942, before the arrival of the Nazis, he and his peers, risking their lives, stole five wheeled tractors, hiding them in a forest belt. Immediately after his release, the fifteen-year-old teenager repaired his station wagon and drove the levers himself. Started working as a tractor driver. In 1943-1945 and 1946-1958, tractor driver, assistant foreman, foreman of the tractor brigade of the Ust-Labinsk MTS (Krasnodar Territory).

In 1958-1960, a brigade mechanic, since 1960, foreman of the 4th complex brigade of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban collective farm (now OJSC Kuban Stud Farm) of the Ust-Labinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory. He works continuously in this position until his retirement. Under his leadership, the brigade achieved the highest yields.

U KAZAK of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 31, 1965 for the successes achieved in increasing productivity, increasing production and procurement of sugar beets, Klepikov Mikhail Ivanovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1971 he graduated from the Slavic Agricultural College. In the 1970s, the 4th integrated brigade of M.I. Klepikov launched an initiative to develop socialist competition under the motto “From a team of high agricultural culture - to brigades, farms, farms of excellent quality agricultural products.” M.I. Klepikov’s brigade became a real academy in the field.

Using new technologies, M.I. Klepikov received record harvests of wheat, corn, peas, sunflowers and beets. In the 11th Five-Year Plan, in the areas assigned to M.I. Klepikov’s brigade, the wheat harvest averaged over 52 centners per hectare, barley - about 63 centners, sugar beets - 457, corn - 74, sunflower - 30 centners.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 5, 1986, for the outstanding successes achieved in the development of agriculture, early implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan plans for the production of crop and livestock products, great personal contribution to the cultivation of high yields, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal " Hammer and Sickle."

In the first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the grain harvest in the fields of the 4th Brigade was again a record: on average it was about 62 centners, including wheat - 65.6 centners. M.I. Klepikov’s team accumulated enormous experience, which they generously shared with grain growers around the world. The slogan “a neighbor’s land is not a stranger’s land” became an all-Union initiative.

Having reached retirement age, continued to work in his native brigade until 1998. He remained a foreman-mentor and passed on his rich experience to the younger generation of Kuban farmers.

Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1971-1990, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 7th-11th convocations (1966-1989), people's deputy of the USSR in 1989-1991, deputy of the Krasnodar Regional Council of People's Deputies, member of the Krasnodar Regional Committee of the CPSU, delegate XXIII-XXVII Congresses of the CPSU.

Lived in the city of Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory. Died on March 23, 1999. He was buried at the New Cemetery in Ust-Labinsk.

Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin (12/31/1965; 04/8/1971; 12/7/1973; 06/5/1986), Orders of the October Revolution (03/13/1981), Red Banner of Labor (10/31/1957), medals, including “For valiant labor in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."

Honored Machine Operator of the RSFSR (1969). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975). Awarded five gold, four silver and five bronze medals from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

In the city of Krasnodar, on the territory of the Kuban State Agrarian University, a monument-bust to a noble grain grower was erected in 2002. In Ust-Labinsk, a street is named after him and his bust is erected.

The earth will not remain in debt. M., 1976.

The real masters of the earth

“Free Kuban” has repeatedly written about the components of success for farmers who have achieved high results. Therefore, I think there is no need to repeat myself. Let's dwell on the holiday itself, on its atmosphere, and talk about those people who received well-deserved awards.

After the ringing of the bells, which announced the opening of the festivities, the right to be the first to greet the leaders was given to Veniamin Kondratyev. The governor's short, but succinct and heartfelt speech repeatedly evoked applause from those present in the hall. He didn’t just speak, but seemed to mint words, putting into them the fullness of his feelings. This speech, in our opinion, is worthy of being quoted almost verbatim.

Dear friends, fellow countrymen! People say: “Bread on the table means peace on earth.” No matter what happens on the planet, no matter what wars are fought around us - ideological, economic, political - we here in Kuban will do our job: maintain peace and grow bread, said Veniamin Kondratyev. - Our harvest this year is heroic, it weighs more than 10 million tons. This is a real victory! You achieved it through hard work and sweat. You, combine operators, tractor drivers, agronomists, seed growers, scientists, all those who cared and cherished bread, are real winners, and today we honor you.

Thanks, among other things, to you, Russia has become a world leader in grain exports. And our Krasnodar region, our Kuban, boldly holds the status of the guarantor of the country’s food security. And I’m sure, we are all sure, that she will be able to feed not only herself, but the whole of Russia with bread.

You are the real owners of your land, because you protect it as a jewel, as a gift, as a shrine.

That's why we have a record harvest. As the Cossacks say: “Where the owner walks, there he will produce bread.”

Your work is hard and exhausting. And you are worthy of rewards not only on holidays and after the harvest. You villagers must be confident in the future. You should be able to build a house, create a large family, support children, see how your native village, farm, or village flourishes. This real reward must find you. And I will do everything in my power to ensure that you receive it.

Dear friends! As long as we achieve record harvests in Kuban, as long as work continues in the fields, as long as we believe in ourselves and make our plans, Russia will be strong from within. What else do we need for life? A strong country, our president, mighty people and beautiful Kuban!

Once again I want to tell you thanks a lot for a record harvest, for work and for love of our native land.

Happy holiday! Happy harvest!

Became Heroes on merit

The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region, Vladimir Beketov, greeting the grain growers, reminded them of the times when they composed songs about hundred-year-old harvests. Milling 16 centners of grain per hectare seemed an unattainable dream. And today the Seversky district, for which ten years ago 30 centners was considered a victory, receives over 60 centners. And my fellow countrymen, successful people, noted the speaker of parliament, are also proud of the fact that they received a record harvest, like the whole of Kuban.

“Thank you for your work, good health and happiness in every family,” Vladimir Beketov wished his fellow countrymen from the bottom of his heart.

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Nikolai Fedorov, before reading out the greeting from Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko, admitted that while listening to the speech of the respected Veniamin Ivanovich Kondratyev, he suddenly understood for the first time what the famous phrase “A poet in Russia is more than a poet” actually means.

This also turns out to be the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, concluded the former twice Minister of Justice and Agriculture Russian Federation, for which he was also awarded loud applause.

As for Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yevgeny Gromyko, he, who had previously been distinguished by true eloquence and irony, was taciturn this time. Perhaps because he read out the welcoming address of the head of the agrarian department of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, in which all the accents were placed and a due, high assessment was given to the work of farmers both in Kuban and throughout Russia, who are ready to thresh at least 108 million tons of grain this year.

The “Harvest Festival” was given a special solemnity by the fact that for the first time at such celebrations three famous and worthy people were awarded the “Hero of Labor of Kuban” medals. The highest award of the region was awarded to the general director of the Kuban Confectionery Plant OJSC Vladimir Kochetov, the director of the Druzhba stud farm OJSC of the Kalininsky district Alexey Sidyukov and the general director of the Kanev agricultural company-stud farm Pobeda Viktor Tormashev. This is how the work of the leaders, each of whom dedicated more than 40 years of their life to the agro-industrial complex, is appreciated. And the Kuban residents in the hall did not fail to express their respect to these respected people with thunderous applause.

They were the first

The applause continued for a long time in the Sports Palace. After all, the names of the winners of the harvest were named, the best of the best combine operators, drivers, agronomists, scientists, farmers... And it was nice to see among the awarded not only those who have extensive life experience, but also relatively young guys who have found happiness in the grain-growing craft.

Let's get acquainted with one of them - Andrey Tyrtyshny from the village of Fastovetskaya, Tikhoretsk district. The guy is 26 years old. Why did you become a machine operator? Yes it is family tradition. The combine was once managed by my grandfather, Alexander Denisovich Tyrtyshny. The father, Alexander Alexandrovich, still participates in the grain harvest together with his son. And Andrey did not let him down. Using the Akros-530 combine, he threshed 4,016 tons of grain, becoming the best among crews with a power plant of no more than 260 horsepower not only in Kubanagro-Fasta LLC, but throughout the entire region. Therefore, Governor Veniamin Kondratyev gladly handed the keys to the Lada Granta car to the young machine operator.

Two more combine operators went home on new machines: Alexander Veretennikov from the Kanev Druzhba, who threshed 5,831 tons of grain on John Deere 9670, and his colleague from the same farm, Alexander Terekhov, who unloaded 4,928 tons of wheat from the John Deere 9780 bunker. and barley.

Speaking about valuable gifts for other winners who took second and third places, it must be said that they also had decent bonuses: 150 and 100 thousand rubles each. The same amounts were awarded to the best grain transportation drivers who took prizes.

In honor of the winners, songs were performed more than once by artists of the Kuban Cossack Choir, as well as by the beloved Nadezhda Kadysheva.

As they say in such cases, the holiday was a success. And today, for those who were honored, new workdays began: machine operators moved to beet harvesters. The digging of sweet roots is in full swing. Then it will be the turn of the fields of sunflowers, soybeans and corn. And the final chord after harvesting them will be the sowing of winter crops, after which there will be a temporary lull in the fields. We will wait for the next harvest, hoping for a new record.


Photo by Savva YUDIN

Leaders among agricultural enterprises

  • Public joint-stock company "Kuban Steppe" Kanevsky district, yield - 71.2 centners.
  • CJSC KSP "Khutorok" Novokubansky district - 78.0 centners.
  • Enterprise "Red Banner" of the agricultural production complex of the collective farm and breeding plant "Kazminsky" of the Otradnensky district - 76.3 centners.
  • LLC "Zemlya" Kalininsky district - 82.3 centners.

Farmer winners

  • Andrey BURDIN from the Tikhoretsky district, who received 81.2 centners of grain from each of 332 hectares.
  • Irina TITOVA from the Kurganinsky district, whose peasant farm took 85.1 centners of wheat (area - 860 hectares).
  • Andrey NIKITENKO from the Uspensky district, who threshed 65.8 centners (430 hectares).
  • Sergey REVA from the Krasnoarmeysky district with a result of 80.5 centners of grain from an area of ​​433 hectares.

Winners of the grain harvesting competition among municipalities edges

  • In the northern natural-climatic zone - Kanevsky district (headed by Alexander Gerasimenko), which received 64.5 centners of grain per hectare of sown area.
  • In the central zone - Primorsko-Akhtarsky district (Valery Spichka) with a result of 67.2 quintals.
  • In the southern foothill and Anapo-Taman zone - Seversky district (Adam Dzharim), which achieved a yield of 60.2 centners.
  • In the western natural-climatic zone, leadership, as last year, went to the Kalininsky district (head Viktor Kuzminov), where 64.8 centners of grain were taken from each of 41,597 hectares.

Scientists' contribution

  • For providing practical assistance to agricultural producers in obtaining high grain yields, scientists from the Kuban State Agrarian University Alexander Naydenov, Valentina Vasilko and Alexey Kravtsov were awarded diplomas from the regional administration and cash prizes.
  • The contribution of scientific workers of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture Vera Philobok, Alexey Yanovsky and Rakhman Agayev was highly appreciated.

GCD: Topic: Getting to know the labor of grain growers in the Kuban.


To form in children specific ideas about where bread comes from, how bread was grown in the old days, and how it happens now.

Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the work of Kuban grain growers.

Expand knowledge about agricultural machinery.


Maintain children's natural interest and curiosity, speech skills, memory, imagination, thinking, cognitive interest in the world around them,

Vocabulary work:

Enrichment of vocabulary: grain growers, cereals.

Activation of the dictionary: grains of wheat and rye, spring grains, grain growers, tractor driver, combine operator, elevator, bakery.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, love for the native land, respect for the people who work on the land and grow bread.


Children come in and stand in a semicircle .

Visit us today kindergarten a letter arrived. Want to know what it says?

“I am a spikelet. It was pouring in its native field. I swam in the warm rains. The bread I made was golden and fragrant. In it is your health and strength. How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him. And you guys, save your bread. After all, bread is our wealth. And a lot of people worked hard to get it to your table.”

Who sent us this letter?

What did he tell us in his letter?

– Do you guys know where the bread we buy in the store every day comes from?

Do you want to know whether the people who grow it work hard at khat?

– We all eat white and black bread every day, many like dry bread, cookies, and various cakes. Who knows what all this is made of? (Flour.)

What is flour and where is it obtained from? (Children's assumptions.)

Children approach tables with trays containing grain.

– Flour is obtained from grains like these that lie on your trays and tables. Look at them carefully. (Children look at the grains and touch them with their hands.) Look, are all the grains the same? (Children's answers.)

On one tray there are grains of wheat, and on the other - grains of rye. Wheat grains are round, and rye grains are long. Rye and wheat are grains, they grow in the field, flour is made from their grains, and bread is baked from flour.

– What do these plants look like? (Children's answers)

I brought you these plants. (The teacher shows spikelets of rye and wheat.) These are spikelets of wheat and rye. Let's look at them. They, like the grains, are also different.

- What can you say about this spikelet? (Shows a spike of rye.) It is long, thin, and has not very long antennae. This is a spike of rye. Rye grains are long. And the spikelet is long.

– What can you tell us about a spike of wheat, what is it like? (Shorter and thicker, and its antennae are shorter and the grains are rounder.)

– To obtain flour from grains, you need to spend a lot of labor: first grow rye and wheat, then harvest.

Who do you think is doing this? (grain growers.)

When the Cossacks settled the Kuban lands, they began to grow bread on them. Our lands are fertile, the open spaces are wide. The grain harvests were rich. There was enough for our own needs and for sale.

There are many professions on earth, but today we will talk about the most important and most honorable profession of grain grower.

After all, the grains did not immediately become
The bread that's on the table
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground.

That's it, long and hard.

Let's guys look at our screen.

(Demonstration of the presentation of the work of the grain grower today)

children sit on chairs At what time of year is the farmer busy?

slide.1 equipment repair.

Let's start with winter. What work does a grain grower do in winter? Repairs his tractor, replaces worn parts, lubricates, and cleans the tractor of dirt and dust. The tractor has a lot of work to do. The tractor is repaired in the workshop. Engineers, mechanics, and welders help him with this. .

slide.2 snow retention

In winter, grain growers carry out snow retention so that a lot of moisture is retained in the soil in the field.

slide.3 agronomist

But then spring comes, the beginning of difficult, intense work. The sun dries the earth hotly, you need to start sowing as soon as possible, but before the grains fall into the ground, the farmer must harrow so that the earth is even and soft.

Before sowing a field, an agronomist must check the soil. An agronomist, like everyone else who works in the field, is responsible for good harvest. (show). He checks whether there is enough moisture in the soil for seeds, whether the sun has warmed it. The agronomist also checks the seeds for germination. The seeds will germinate quickly if the soil is moist and warm.

slide.4. (There is a tractor with a harrow in the field, plowed land around.)

– What does a plant need to grow? (The grain must be planted in the ground.)

To get a lot of grain, huge fields are sown. What helps a person dig up and loosen these fields? (Technology) These days, dozens of smart and powerful machines help grow bread.

What kind of technology is this? This is a tractor. Who works on the tractor? (Tractor driver.)

- Has this technique always existed?

How did they plow the land before?

Slide. 5 farmer.

In the old days, the plowman did this with a horse and a wooden plow. The Cossack will harness a horse to a plow or plow and plow a strip of land.

slide. 6 seeders and seeder.

In the old days, grains of wheat and rye were sown by hand. It is very difficult to distribute the seeds evenly by scattering them with your hands.

– Nowadays, other machines – seeders – enter the plowed field.

They sow grains into the ground.

Slide 6 Earing wheat field

The field is sown. The grain grower is doing a new job - feeding small seedlings with fertilizers so that they are strong and strong. And again the tractors hum from dark to dark in the field. All the farmer's thoughts are about the future harvest. He is upset if there is no rain for a long time. But here machines and sprinklers come to the rescue. The pump pumps water from the river, it goes through pipes to the plantation. The time comes, and thanks to the caring care of grain growers, our small grains grow, begin to spike, and bloom. Ripe ears bend under the weight of grains. The wind makes the rye and wheat agitate like the sea.

Physical education minute. “The spikelet is growing” Invite the children to stand up.

Guys, let's take a little rest:

Imagine that we are in a field. I turn you into small grains and plant you in the ground. (Children squat down)

The spring sun warmed the earth, and the rain fell. The grains grew and grew and became spikelets. (Children slowly rise and raise their hands up)

The spikelets reach for the sun. (Children tense their hands)

The sun was very hot and our ears of corn withered. (Children relax, drop their heads, lower their arms, shoulders, and lower their torsos to the floor.)

But then the rain began to pour, the spikelets came to life, reaching for the sun again. The breeze blew, the ears of corn leaned to the right, left, forward, backward. Like waves in the sea. (Children perform smooth slopes)

The ears are ripe and ready for harvest! (Hands smoothly spread to the sides)

The children sit down.

All summer the grains ripen in the spikelets. But the grains are ripe.

Slide 7- 8 harvesting in ancient times and today.

And it comes again difficult time among people whose profession is grain grower. No wonder the proverb says: “A summer day feeds the year”

Harvesting the grown crop is difficult, responsible and at the same time a joyful event in the work of a grain grower. We need to hurry up. Suddenly, fine days give way to rainy ones and the grain crumbles and disappears. Joyful because they are harvesting the harvest that they have grown so carefully, they have waited so long, they are glad that their hard work is needed by people.

In the old days, families went out to harvest the harvest. Men mowed grain with scythes, and women reaped them with the help of sickles like these. They collected the compressed bread into sheaves, where it was dried, and then threshed the grain with flails.

Nowadays, such miracle technology helps grain growers

Harvesters enter the field. How the fields will be harvested depends on their successful work and the efforts of the grain growers. To mow grain fields, you need combines. A combine harvester is a wonderful machine that performs several jobs, you just need to skillfully operate it. The combine is reaping (cuts) ear and collects them, cleans them and pours clean grain into trucks “He walks, cuts a wave, grain flows from a pipe” - there is such a riddle about a combine harvester. Who works on the combine ? (Combine operator)

What does a combine do? (Children's assumptions.)

He cuts the ears and threshes grains from them; these grains are poured into trucks through a special long sleeve (hopper).

slide 9– work on current

Grain is transported from combine harvesters to trucks for processing. There it is cleaned, sorted and taken to the granary.

Slide 10 granary. Mill

The grain collected from the field is transported to the elevator. An elevator is a grain storage facility for cleaning and drying grain.

After the grain is cleaned and dried at the elevator, the grain is taken to the mill.. There they are ground and ground.. The result is flour. And he works at the mills (Flour grinder)

Slide 11 bakery

Where is the flour then taken? (To bakeries.) There they make dough from flour and bake bread, bake bread ( Baker)

slide 12 – bakery products

Flour can be wheat or rye. What is baked from wheat flour? (White bread, rolls, cookies, bagels.). But from rye flour bake black bread.

- You see, guys, how much labor you have to spend to get bread. Bread travels a very long way before it reaches our table; grain growers work day and night so that we always have fresh, fragrant bread. For conscientious work, grain growers are awarded orders; their work is the most respected.

Nowadays, Kuban grain growers work with the help of such wonderful equipment.

Ball game “Where the bread came from”

(The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question, the child catches the ball, answers the question and returns the ball to the teacher)

Goal: practice naming agricultural professions, work on word formation.

A man works on a tractor - TRACTOR OPERATOR.

A man works on a combine - COMBINEER.

A man grows bread - BREAD GROVER.

What do they do in the bakery? (baking bread);

What is bread made from? (from flour);

What is flour made from? (from grain);

Where does the grain come from? (from an ear of wheat);

Where does the wheat come from? (grew up in a field);

Who sowed it? (grain growers);

What is the name of the special machine that sows grain? (seeder);

What is the name of the building where grain is stored? (elevator).

What is the name of round bread? (loaf)

OUR ALL FAVORITE GAME LOAF. We congratulate our guys on their birthday


Every person needs bread every day, always remember how hard it is to grow it, take care of the bread.

On a tray in bread bins there are small pieces of black and white bread, Educator

invites the children to eat a piece of bread.

Natalia Lyakhnenko
"Kuban grain growers". Targeted excursion to the children's library (preparatory group)

Targeted excursion to the children's library

on the topic: « Kuban grain growers»

Preparatory group

Program content:

Enrich children's understanding of how to grow bread in Kuban;

Introduce the tools of labor of the Cossacks in ancient times;

Foster a caring attitude towards the work of adults, bread;

Clarify children's ideas about work grain growers.

Foster a sense of respect for our ancestors;

Pride in your small homeland.

Develop interest in agricultural workers, the ability to think, draw conclusions, and draw conclusions.

Materials for the lesson: pictures on the topic; masks with images of grain crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats).

Preliminary work:

- Class: Cognition (FCCM) on topic: « grain fields, - pride Kuban» ;

Looking at illustrations "tool";

Didactic game “For what, who needs what”.

Vocabulary work: loaf, plow, harrow, barns, sheaf.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into library and dance« Kuban dance» , and then they stand in a semicircle, a girl comes forward, a loaf of bread in her hands, reading poem:

Hello ours Kuban,

Blessed land,

Bread and salt, bright love

Welcome guests! (gives a loaf to the workers libraries) .

Educator: Children, what is the name of the region in which we live?

Children: Krasnodar.

Educator: The capital of the Krasnodar region?

Children: Krasnodar city.

Educator: What else can you call the Krasnodar region?

Children: Kuban.

Educator: We will now sing songs called "Oh yeah Kuban» And “I want to tell you about Petrovskaya”

Child reads a poem:

golden spikelet,

Who helped you grow?

Warm wind

May thunder,

The sun is in the blue sky,

And also human hands,

That there was no boredom in work.

I can't live without them like this:

Strong, tall, golden.

Educator: Children, what is this poem about?

Children: About wheat.

Librarian: Krasnodar region is the breadbasket of our Motherland. You know that bread is one of the most amazing products. We sometimes forget about the true cost bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls absorbed a lot of work not of one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow, harvest, thresh, grind and finally bake. bread.

Children, as they call people who raise bread?

Children: Grain growers.

Librarian: Day and night - and in the scorching heat and in the rain there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers in constant worry for him.

Child reads a poem:

Hot at work grain growers,

Training Kubanskaya is visible:

High quality grain gold

The fields will pay for their labor in full.

Librarian: Guys, I want to tell you how we grew bread in ancient times time: raised by the Cossacks bread yourself, called bread - loaf. With the help of a plow, the Cossacks plowed the ground; the Cossack's horse helped. She was always by his side both in work and in battle. (show illustration) Using a harrow, they harrowed the ground and then sowed bread, they used a basket for this, selected grains were poured into it, and then scattered across the field and again harrowed the ground, as if sprinkling the grains with earth (illustration). When the bread was ripe, matured, they mowed it with a scythe, collected small sheaves and placed them in a large sheaf. Then the grains were knocked out of the ears with chains (illustration, the grains were dried and poured into barns.

The mill grinds grains into flour (illustration) and then baked a loaf bread. It was the most delicious bread because he was soaked in the sweat of the Cossacks. This was the work of the Cossacks, that’s why the Cossacks came up with proverb: “Labor feeds a Cossack, but laziness spoils him.”

Guys, do you want to play? And at the same time I will see if you know how it grows bread.

Physical education minute:

We planted the grain

What will come of it?

The rain waters the earth,

The sun gently warms

The grain grows

Reached for the sun.

It plays with the wind,

The breeze shakes it

Presses low to the ground -

It's fun to play!

Our sprout stretched out,

Turned into a spikelet.

Librarian: Guys, what kind of machines help harvest crops these days? (children's answers).

Librarian: He goes and cuts the wave,

Grain flows from the pipe. (harvester) (show illustration)

Librarian: Who controls the combine? That's right, it's a combine operator. The grain is removed from the fields and taken to the elevator, where it is dried and stored.

In the open air, in the sea bread

Castle with towers reaching to the sky.

Castle with towers to the sky

Will save the whole sea bread.

Educator: Our children know a lot of proverbs and sayings about bread.

1. The earth is mother, and bread-father.

2. Labor and bread is the head of everything.

3. We can live without gold, but without no bread.

4. He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.

5. Not the one bread the one in the fields, and the one in the bins.

6. Whoever stops being lazy, has bread will not be born.

7. C bread Russian man is a hero from century to century.

8. The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

Librarian: Well done, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings, but now guess riddles:

In cold areas I mature

I treat everyone to pearl barley porridge.

Don't be too lazy to guess, golden me (children - barley)

Black the bread is good!

He will replace him for us (children - rye)

So that we can be proud of the loaf we collect in the field? (children - spikelets of wheat).

Librarian conducts didactic training with children game: “Find something made from wheat.”(On the table located: loaf, bun, cookies, pancakes, bread, drying, a bottle of kvass, candy, fruits, vegetables, sausages, etc.) The child must put on the table everything made from flour.

Educator: Our children know poems about spikelets:

Golden field, ripe spikelet,

Don't drop grains on dry sand.

Don't give grain to the restless winds,

The Motherland needs every handful.

Stiff bristles, don’t prick your heels,

What's left in the field, pick it up from the ground,

Every ripe spikelet, every grain,

So that it's fragrant it became bread too.

Educator: And now you and I will play a game "Farmer" (Children stand in a circle and choose a farmer by counting):

A house grew up in a field, the house is full of grain,

The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up,

The house is shaking, on a golden stalk.

Don't yawn, choose a farmer.

Children choose masks with images of grain crops - wheat, oats, barley, corn, etc. The farmer stands aside and remembers who is where.

Educator: Early in the morning, the farmer walks around his fields and watches how his crops grow, but when the sun rises high, it becomes hot and he enters the house, and meanwhile the ears of corn change places. Sounds counting rhyme:

The sun is shining, the rain is falling,

The spikelet grows and grows.

A sprout stretches towards the sun,

Thin, thin stem.

Farmer, don’t yawn, guess the changes.

The farmer must place the children as they were before he left.

Educator: Children, why? Kuban called the breadbasket of Russia?

Children: Only on Kuban They grow a lot of wheat, rye, barley, etc. Kuban feeds the whole of Russia with bread.

Educator: Why is it only in the Krasnodar region that cereals grow so well?

Children: Because we have Kuban has a favorable climate, warm winters and hot summers. And our people work well grain growers.

Librarian: In October a holiday is celebrated - Agricultural Workers Day "Harvest Festival". On this day they are awarded medals, certificates, valuable gifts from noble grain growers. You also worked hard today and I want to give you this "To the sun". The sun is a good mood, it is life on earth, it is warmth not only on the streets, but also in our souls! So let it be "Sun" smiles at us and lights our path! ( librarian gives"Suns" children, teachers, guests; the children invite everyone to a tea party.)

Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov

(04/27/1927, Stavropol region - 03/26/1999, Ust-Labinsk)

Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, honored machine operator of Russia, founder of the all-Kuban competition for high culture of agriculture
We've all heard catchphrase: “Kuban is the breadbasket of Russia.” But high yields depend not only on the fertility of the soil, but also on the people who work on the land.
Such a person was Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov. For his valiant work in the Kuban fields, he was respected and appreciated by his compatriots, and foreign farmers called him the “beet king.”
In 1943, immediately after the liberation of Kuban from the Nazi invaders, Mikhail Klepikov, a fifteen-year-old teenager, rode a tractor for the first time. At the age of 19, he was already a foreman at the Kuban collective farm in the Ust-Labinsk region. His initiative, under the motto “A neighbor’s land is not a stranger’s land,” was taken up by the whole country.
Klepikov's team accumulated enormous experience, which they generously shared with grain growers around the world. Using new technologies, Klepikov received record harvests of wheat, corn, peas, sunflowers, and beets.
His selfless and tireless work for the benefit of Kuban earned him well-deserved recognition. The main work of Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov’s life was caring for the land and caring for it.
Until the end of his days, Mikhail Ivanovich remained faithful to his calling.

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