XVII All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Academic Subjects. All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Academic Subjects Marathon of Academic Subjects September 1

Houseplants 21.03.2022

From March 26 to March 28, 2018, associate professors of the Department of Pedagogy M.M. Borisov and N.S. Murodkhodzhaev took part in the Third Tambov Regional Pedagogical Marathon “School as a Space of Innovation: A Territory of Special Opportunities”, held at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin."

The purpose of the event is to create conditions for exchange pedagogical experience; ensuring dialogue between participants in innovation processes in school education from the standpoint of analyzing achievements, resources and unresolved problems.

The event was attended by leaders educational institutions, scientists, practitioners dealing with the problems of Russian education, representatives of methodological services, public organizations, media, students of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavina.

The pedagogical marathon was opened by T.I. Gushchina, director of the Tambov Pedagogical Institute state university named after G.R. Derzhavina. Stromov V.Yu., rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Kotelnikova T.P., head of the department of education and science of the Tambov region, addressed the participants with welcoming words.

N.S. spoke at the opening of the marathon. Murodzhodzhaeva, who greeted the participants on behalf of the administration of the Institute of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology and spoke about innovations in school education.

The program included a presentation platform for scientific, educational and methodological works teachers of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and employees of the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, the work of discourse seminars, master classes, round tables on the search and promotion of innovative educational practices and technologies for working in a modern school.

Murodjodzhaeva N.S. conducted a master class on the topic “Creating an original cartoon”, during which the participants were introduced to the technology of creating an animation studio. They had the opportunity to create their own cartoon.

Borisova M.M. conducted two master classes. At a master class on the topic “Use of outdoor games in different forms work with younger schoolchildren” Marina Mikhailovna introduced the participants to the specifics, features, and classifications of outdoor games. As part of the master class, participants could play outdoor games.

The master class “Teambuilding - team building technology” was aimed at showing participants game technologies for team building. During the master class, the participants were given games such as “Rope”, “Ha-ha”, “Where-Where”, “Find Me”, etc., aimed at unity, the ability to listen and hear each other, and communication skills .

As part of the pedagogical marathon, meetings were also held with the administration of the Pedagogical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin and acquaintance with the history of the city of Tambov and the university.

    The Nikitin family festival, held for the second time, attracted many parents seeking to raise their children as healthy, developed and living in harmony with the world as possible. That is why they were so eager to get acquainted with the experience of the Nikitin family, in which, starting in the 60s of the last century, a system of family education was created.

    A subject that studies the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics, appeared at school not so long ago. And the requirements for teachers of this new discipline are still being discussed today. The question is who in the best possible way will be able to convey such complex content to students, was also relevant at the Marathon along with the course content and didactic tools.

    This year the pedagogical marathon ended with Teachers' Day German language. The subject, which often has to play second fiddle to English, remains fascinating, complex and promising: it is not for nothing that lately It has become prestigious to take the Unified State Exam in German.

    If in Tsarist Russia teachers of music, drawing and physical education were rated higher than other subject teachers, as people of art - of course, because they have talent and teach what everyone takes into their lives to the end - then in today's school their position is unenviable . Low wages, huge responsibility for the lives and health of children, endless extracurricular work and endless reporting. Judging by the choices that teachers made today, the most pressing topic is physical education projects...

    School is a small universe where problems and emotions seethe every day, where triumph and drama coexist on an everyday basis, where every minute you are faced with surprises and never-repeating questions. To manage this world, you need to have wisdom, patience and a lot of knowledge. It was for them that today’s Marathon participants came to MPGU. Here, as in school life, local practical skills and a large-scale view of the essence of important processes coexisted.

    Like any pedmarathon day, this one showed current trends and problems in teaching the discipline. Today, most participants preferred speech classes - oral, written and spontaneous. There were no empty seats in the classrooms where they spoke French, and there were more spacious ones where they talked about certification. The fact that using the language is indeed a problem could be judged by how reluctant the teachers were to get involved in active actions even from the spot, but it didn’t matter - the students helped out, and it was clear how not scary it was: make a mistake, laugh - and again try. Even recklessly.

    Foreign language- one of the subjects whose importance is recognized by both parents, children, and the state. Moreover, in a couple of years the mandatory Unified State Exam in English is coming! As one of the speakers of the day joked, 2020 has been officially declared the year of the Unified State Exam, and 2022 – the year of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language.

We invite you to take part in the XVII All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon of Academic Subjects!

Moscow, March 23 – April 7, 2018
Venue of the Marathon: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Vernadsky Avenue, 88, Art. Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station.
Exception - Technology Teacher's Day (April 2) will be held at GBOU School No. 293, st. Yaroslavskaya, 27, st. VDNH metro station.

Every day registration opens at 9:00, opening of the day at 9:30, first event at 10:30. The end of lectures and the issuance of certificates at 15:00.

The entire Marathon is an exhibition-fair, at which leading publishing houses present educational and methodological literature on the topic of the day.
An extensive program has been prepared for participants, covering almost all areas of teachers’ activities.
The program is published on the website. There are also reports, photo and video reports and other related materials from the marathons of past years on the website.

Each day of the Marathon is dedicated to one or more subjects or areas of school life. The marathon is a good opportunity to attend a professional festival of your subject; meet with leading authors, methodologists, scientists, and colleagues from all over the country; understand the prospects.

Organizing Committee of the XVII All-Russian
pedagogical marathon of academic subjects

Dear colleagues,

Teacher Training Center "Extern" announces the launch the first All-Russian Marathon pedagogical innovations, dedicated to new forms and technologies in education.


Present the variety of possible approaches to organizing training, as well as provide food for thought and answer a number of questions:

What are borders applicability of various educational formats? What are they advantages And flaws?

Which goals participants in the learning process (both “teachers” and “students”) set themselves, and what funds adequate to achieve the intended goals?

What are limits of applicability old and new educational approaches? - What are the limits of applicability of various educational formats? What are their pros And cons?

We invite innovative teachers to take part in the Marathon “New forms of organizing lessons and extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard of a teacher.”

Who will be interested in the event:

Teachers who want to know, how to make the presentation of your subject even more interesting;
- teachers who want find like-minded people and are looking for interesting cooperation;

For teachers interested in self-development, expanding your own horizons, improving working methods, development new technologies;

-- teachers who want to increase their competitiveness in the modern labor market.

The preferred form of presentations by speakers is presentations, videos, slideshows of open events, master classes in the areas of training, education and educational and practical training.

The Pedagogical Marathon program is built on the principle themed days, each of which will be dedicated to one area of ​​school life or academic discipline.

Experts and practicing teachers who have achieved particular success in teaching and have industry titles and awards will take part as invited guests in the themed days with reports/master classes.


Ilyukhina Vera Alekseevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. 2006", Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Moscow City Prize in the field of education, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, author of more than 150 printed works. She created her own method of calligraphic writing and developed unique “Miracle Copybooks”. Teaching writing according to V.A. Ilyukhina is conducted by many schools in Russia.

Gulchevskaya Natalya Emelyanovna, candidate of psychological sciences, certified coach ACC ICF, certified business coach, trainer of the course “Coaching in education as the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

Tsvetkova Galina Vladimirovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, teacher of Russian language and literature MOU " High school With in-depth study individual items No. 49" Volgograd

Voronin Igor Vadimovich, founder and co-author of the UMKI educational robotics project, head of department information technology Institute of Laser and Information Technologies Problems Russian Academy Sci.

Soboleva Olga Leonidovna, Author and developer of a system of innovative methods of teaching and developing preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, created on the basis of a “two-hemisphere” approach; supervisor comprehensive program preschool education “Dialogue”; developer of the new partial program “Rainbow of Speech.

Biryukova Svetlana Valerievna, biology teacher, MBOU "Lyceum No. 87 named after L.I. Novikova" Nizhny Novgorod, winner of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation as a priority winner national project education of the best teachers of the Russian Federation in 2014

Skryabina Galina Nafanailovna, computer science teacher of MAOU Secondary School No. 5, Balashikha Moscow Region, winner of the municipal level in the competition for the award of the Governor of the Moscow Region for special merits and success in professional activities “Best subject teacher and best teacher primary classes» in 2016 and 2017

Varyakhova Tatyana Alekseevna, primary school teacher at GBOU "School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasov." Honorary Education Worker of the Russian Federation, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Moscow Mayor Grant in the field of education 2009.

Dobrodeeva Larisa Viktorovna, teacher English language Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium of Livny, winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition “Russian Teacher of the Year” in Oryol region in 2017, winner of the Presidential grant

Klementieva Tamara Anatolevna, primary school teacher, GBOU school No. 690, St. Petersburg

Vorobyova Olga Valerievna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 44", Kursk

and many, many other methodologists and teachers from all over Russia!

WE INVITE YOU to take part in the Marathon as a speaker!

All speakers are provided with a certificate of speaking at an all-Russian conference

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Moscow City Prize in the field of education, Laureate of Moscow Grants in the field of education and in the field of information technology

Schedule of the All-Russian Pedagogical Marathon

You can take part in the entire Marathon or in its individual days and receive a certificate of participation. (stay tuned - the schedule will be adjusted)

November 14, 2017
November 15, 2017
November 16, 2017
November 20, 2017
November 22, 2017
November 24, 2017
November 27, 2017
November 29, 2017
November 30, 2017
December 8, 2017
December 12, 2017
December 13, 2017

The conference is held on a webinar platform.

All paid participants are provided with recordings of performances, master classes, materials and number certificate about participation in conference “All-Russian Marathon of Pedagogical Innovations “New forms of organizing lessons and extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard of a teacher”, 72 hours in electronic form.

Discounts for schools, associations, methodological associations for one-time payment for 5 or more participants.


To take part in the conference, you must select a participation package and register.

Free participation in all online events of the Marathon without receiving a certificate or promotion certificate
qualifications and access to Marathon records and materials.

October 30, 2018 on the basis of the Lyubinsk Secondary Municipal Budgetary Institution secondary school No. 2 named after G.P. Yakovenko" of the Lyubinsk municipal district, within the framework of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon, the Day of the "Professional's Workshop" was held. The theme of the day is “The lesson is the main sphere of the intellectual life of a schoolchild”, words of the great teacher, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, written more than 50 years ago, are still relevant today.

On October 31, 2018, “Teacher-Mentor Day” was held as part of the pedagogical marathon. The content of this Day consisted of several sections. The first was devoted to a discussion of the theory of generations. Tatyana Georgievna Borodavkina, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of General and Special Education, BOU DPO "IROOO" presented the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with generation Z. Elena Nikolaevna Boyko, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and primary education BOU DPO "IROOO" identified relevant and priority areas professional development for young generation Y teachers.

On October 30, 2018, within the framework of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon, the “Day of a Teacher Working with Children with Special Care” was held. The event was attended by 161 people - teachers of adaptive schools, correctional classes, defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists working with children with disabilities. Marathon participants climbed important issues education and training of children with special educational needs.

On October 30, 2018, “School Mediator Day” was held at KUOO “ASh No. 6” as part of the XV regional pedagogical marathon. 30 people took part in the work of the day, among them deputy directors, teachers, educational psychologists, social educators, curators of the school mediation service, heads of municipal methodological sites for supporting the school mediation service.

On October 18, 2018 at 10 a.m., the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon for teachers of history and social studies, music and fine arts, musical directors of preschool educational institutions. 120 teachers and music directors from schools and kindergartens in Omsk and the Omsk region learned in practice the intricacies of education.

On October 17, 2018, the Day of Teachers Working with Gifted Children took place at the Omsk Gymnasium No. 43. Among the 102 participants in the pedagogical marathon are representatives of educational institutions and educational authorities from 28 municipal districts of the region and the city of Omsk.

On October 17, 2018, as part of the XV Regional Pedagogical Marathon, the Day of School Library Workers was held on the topic “The information and educational environment of school libraries as an opportunity for the development of a unified educational space.” The event took place on the basis of the Omsk public educational institution “Gymnasium No. 85”, it was attended by heads of libraries, librarians, teacher-librarians, a total of 64 people.

Today it has become possible thanks to the pedagogical marathon to become a participant in a unique educational event and visit one of the most remote areas of the Omsk region without leaving the regional center.

On October 16, 2018, within the framework of the XV Pedagogical Marathon, “Career Guidance Day” was held on the topic “Carrying out career guidance work using the resources of secondary vocational education", which was devoted to the issues of continuity of general and vocational education in the process of implementing new forms of career guidance work.

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