Uparatna - analogues of precious stones for the planets. Sun (Surya) in Vedic Astrology Gems and Doshas

perennials 31.12.2021

In Vedic (Indian) astrology, stones have a special relationship. They are considered "representatives" of the planets solar system on Earth and used as effective remedy astrological correction (provided that the stones are 100% natural and not subject to any processing (chemical, thermal), with the exception of cutting. Artificially grown stones do not have healing properties.

In natural untreated "living" stones, as a rule, there are impurities and inclusions, which are usually removed by chemical and thermal treatment to improve aesthetic qualities. As a result of such processing, the "healing" property of the stone is completely lost.

It is also believed that stones with holes (in the case of beads, bracelets) lose their power. The ideal option is when the stone (stones) is without punctures, cracks and chips, framed in metal and has constant contact with the skin.

The larger the stones, the better. The more stones in the product, the better. But you should always give preference to size and quality, not quantity.

According to the classical approach (as in India), a stone must be bought on a special day, it must be energetically cleansed (hold it in salt water (sea salt) or honey for a day), activate it with a special ritual (yajna), or read the mantras of the corresponding planet, and only after that, you can start wearing (on a favorable day for this). Then the stone will be as "strong" as possible.

Some stones should be worn throughout life, others for a certain period. The effect of wearing, as a rule, comes in a few weeks (exceptions are expensive, large and "energetically strong" specimens of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds).

In Vedic astrology, the wearing of stones is assigned in accordance with how one or another planet "behaves" in a person's natal chart, and not according to the principle of the Sun being in a particular sign.

Depending on the location of the planets in each individual birth chart, the influence of celestial bodies will differ significantly, and therefore it is very important to analyze all factors together.

This approach is more correct and gives significant positive changes in the life of the individual.

The prescribed stones will give not only the results inherent in the stones themselves, but will also affect those areas of life for which the corresponding planets are responsible in the natal chart of a person. For example, if Venus is in the house of finances, then wearing Venus stones will affect both finances and personal qualities the individual as a whole.

Also, depending on individual features horoscope, there are stones that are contraindicated for a particular person, since they can lead to insomnia, depression, deterioration of the mental state in general, accidents, increased negative qualities of character, etc.


People tend to shift the responsibility for their lives to anything and anyone except themselves.

Not all problems are solved by wearing stones. In case of serious lesions in the natal chart, it is necessary to work in other ways (but this is a topic for a separate consultation).

For example, if a person suffers from insomnia (while leading an unhealthy lifestyle, watching horror at night, etc.), then the stones are unlikely to help much here.

The right stone is good and practical gift, which will serve well for its owner all his life.

Astrologers prescribe nine gems for nine planets. We will discuss in detail all of these 9 gemstones and their semi-precious substitutes. Stones in astrology are assigned for two purposes. The first goal is to receive the favorable influences of the planet ruling the stone or protect the person from the evil influences of this planet. The second purpose of using gems is medical astrology. Gemstones have healing powers, and their main medical effects will also be discussed next. We must know perfectly well the influence of this or that stone. Depending on the horoscope and on a number of other factors that a person has in the natal chart, the impact of the same stone on different people will be different. It is necessary to look at what aspects of life or health in a given person this or that planet is responsible for. Also, for the benefit of readers, we will consider for each stone its chemical structure, type of connection and many other characteristics.


Ruby- this is the name given to the precious stone - Red Corundum. It can change shades from red to pink. The best representatives of Ruby are those stones that have a mystical deep red color. In Sanskrit, it is called "Manikya". In Urdu and Persian it is called Yakoot.
The highest quality and finest rubies are found in Burma. Thailand, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Pakistan also produce vibrant rubies. Rubies are produced in India, USA, Australia and Norway, which change color from dark to opaque over time.

The chemical composition of Ruby is Aluminum Oxide with the formula Al2O3. Its specific gravity: 4.0, refractive index: 1.76-1.77, Ruby hardness: 9. It has a trigonal crystal structure.

The ability to distinguish the real Ruby from a fake - a matter of experience. For an ordinary person, gemological research is not available, so we will tell you about a non-laboratory method for determining the authenticity of a stone. If the Ruby is placed on the eye and held for a while, then if the stone is real, it will constantly feel cool, while the fake stone will become warm after a couple of minutes.
The edges of a real ruby ​​after processing remain the same color as the stone, and an artificial stone will have yellowish edges. In addition, if you put Ruby in a cup of milk, it will appear reddish.
Ruby is the stone of the Sun. This gem should be worn after it has been cleaned and properly charged, as it could be used for a long time and could absorb negative energies. The ruby ​​needs to be charged during the auspicious moments of "Ravipushya" (when the Pushya nakshatra falls on Sunday). Unfortunately, this period only happens once a year. You can also charge the stone on Sunday or at those moments when the Moon is in the constellation Pushya.

Astrological Influence.
Ruby also called Manek/Manickam. It is said that it gives fame, fame, recognition, benefit from the state and government institutions, a high position in society. The one who wears this stone will not be afraid of poison. Mental activity becomes calm, and insomnia will not be terrible for a person.
Medical Impact.
Ruby improves heart function, gives flexibility to the body, survivability, rapid tissue regeneration, eliminates mitosis, protects against psychic attacks, gives strong immunity. This stone reduces fever, bleeding, infectious diseases, typhus, bubonic plague, leukemia, anemia, schizophrenia, diabetes, heart attacks, and also restores nerves, liver function, removes irritability, strengthens the thyroid gland, spine, adrenal glands, heart, removes cholesterol,

semi-precious substitutes.
Semi-precious replacement for Rubina - Red Garnet. Astrologically, it gives the same effect as Ruby, but its power is, of course, a little weaker. Ruby begins its effects within a few days, but to achieve the desired effect from Pomegranate, you need to wait a little longer.
In gemology, Red Garnet is called Almandine. Its composition: Fe3Al2 (SiO4)3, Specific gravity: 3.77. Refractive index: 1.86-1.87. Hardness: 7.5. It has a cubic crystalline structure. It is found ubiquitously in Garnet Mica schist.
Red Pomegranate improves vitality, relieves anemia, fever, depression, psychosomatic illness, hemorrhoids, bleeding, gall and kidney stones, relieves anxiety, and also helps to restore the balance of blood circulation, hormones, thyroid, white blood cells, spinal fluid, pituitary gland.



Pearls are formed in shellfish - in oysters and mussels. It is formed inside the shell of a mollusk as a result of a foreign object (grains of sand, etc.) getting there. Further around the object - "seed" is the deposition of aragonite or, as it is more commonly called, mother-of-pearl, which forms concentric layers in thin films. They are superimposed on each other, forming the shape of a pearl. The color of the Pearl varies from white to white with a pink tint, brown and even black. It depends on the type of water that got inside the irritant. and other environmental factors. In Sanskrit, Pearl is known by several names such as Mukta, Shashiratna, etc. In Urdu, it is called Mukharid.

For a very long time, the main sources of the highest quality pearls have been the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Manar in Indian Ocean as well as the Red Sea. You can often "encounter" with pearls in the culture of Japan and China.

The chemical composition of Pearls is calcium carbonate with organic substances and water. Percentage of pearls: 2.71; refractive index: 1.53-1.68; hardness: 3. The crystal structure of the Pearl is Prismatic. The closest chemical formula for pearls is CaCO C3H18N9On.nH20.

Pearl- Jewel of the Moon. Imitation Pearls are made from glass and covered with a material made from clam shells. To distinguish a real stone from an ornamental one, you need to put a pearl in your mouth. Real pearls will taste like sand pellets, while fake pearls will taste like glass. You can also look at the stone through a magnifying glass: if the stone is real, then you can find 2 core points inside it, if it is fake, then they will not be there.
Pearls are loaded on Monday when the moon is in the constellation Pushya.

astrological influence.
Pearl gives happiness, loyalty and good health to the wearer. It also grants emotional stability, calms the mind, gives strength to fight anger, and provides inner peace and happiness. If it is worn by women, then it gives shine to the face and normalizes menstrual cycle. People who wear pearls are granted wealth, inheritance, fame and fame.

medical impact.

Pearl has soothing and cooling properties. Promotes healing, faster healing process, improves the digestive tract. As you know, it reduces the effects of hepatitis, gallstones, bleeding, normalizes acidity in the body, relieves irritability and anxiety, and stops the rapid development of cancer. Pearls help balance fluids in the body, the female reproductive system, the functionality of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.
semi-precious substitutes.
Semi-precious substitutes for pearls are Moonstone and Opal. Moonstone is called Orthoclase with a bluish-white sheen. Chemically, it is called Potassium Allumotrisilicate with hardness: 6 and specific gravity: 2.57 with a monoclinic crystal structure. They are mined in Burma, Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil, the European Alps and Mexico.

Moonstone It gives the same astrological effects as pearls, but sometimes its effect is very different from that described above. The pearl has advantages over it, as it can be worn and helped by people with a hostile, afflicted Moon just as effectively. And Moonstone and even Opal are good to use to enhance the influence of the Moon, i.e. if the Moon is afflicted when dressing the Moonstone and Opal, the influence of the negative Moon in a person's life will increase, while the Pearl will neutralize the bad effect.

Moonstone used to detoxify and increase fertility. It is very effective for menstrual problems and restores the normal cycle. It also helps relieve PMS. Reduces mental illness, dropsy, bleeding, thirst, high blood pressure, insect bites, malaria and yellow fever. This stone balances the intestinal tract, pancreas, pituitary glands. The stone is very effective in restoring different body cycles.

Opal is a mineral, a solid hydrogel of silicon oxide in composition close to quartz, but characterized by a variable water content in itself: 5-10. Unlike other gemstones, it is opaque and can wear off over time, possibly cracking. Opal shimmering in the light is most valuable. Its hardness: 6; specific gravity: 2.10; refractive index: 1.37-1.47 with amorphous crystal structure. It is found in depressions of sedimentary rocks. The main producer of Opals is Australia. Mining also occurs in the United States, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa.

Opal has cleansing properties, improves eyesight and hearing, helps with infections, insomnia. Good for headaches, regulates and balances the nervous system.



Coral is formed from the skeletal remains of marine life called coral polyps. These tiny living creatures live in colonies that form branching structures. As they grow, they form coral reefs and atolls. The composition of most corals is calcium carbonate. They are red, pink, white and blue. Black and Gold Corals are composed of an organic horny substance called conchiolin. Of all types of Coral, Red is the most precious. In India Red Coral is known by many names such as Bhomaratna, Angarak mani, Sinduja etc. In Persian, it is called Miranga, Majaan.

Red Corals are mined in Japan, the Mediterranean and the African coasts. Black, gold corals are found in South India and Australia.
Coral hardness: 3; specific gravity: 2.68; refractive index: 1.49-1.66. The chemical formula of Coral is CaCO3 (or C3H48N9O11) with a triangular crystal structure.

Red Coral is the gemstone of Mars. True Coral has a very deep color, like vermilion, and is flawless. Artificial corals are not resistant to high temperatures and may melt. In addition, the artificial Coral always makes an audible sound when rubbed, which will never be the case when the real one is rubbed. If you lightly scratch the surface of a real Coral, and then rub it with an oily finger, then its surface will become smooth again, while the fake remains scratched.
It is necessary to charge the Coral during the passage of the Moon through the auspicious constellation Pushya.

astrological influence.
It is believed that Coral relieves the negative influence of Mars. The positive impact of Mars on a person is an incentive to action. Wearing Coral helps remove obstacles in marriage and also overcome family problems and quarrels. It develops self-confidence and protects married women from widowhood. This stone protects children from the evil eye.
medical impact.
The main medical property of Coral is to help the body regenerate tissue and increase the number of blood cells. It relieves leukemia, fever, insanity, nightmares, asthma, dental problems, infertility, constipation, jaundice, obesity, rickets, fear of water, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and arthritis, helps to balance irritability, mucous membrane, bile, circulation, spinal canal, digestive tract and nervous system, Thalamus.
semi-precious substitutes.
A semi-precious substitute for Red Coral is carnelian. carnelian- This is a red with orange hues variety of Chalcedony. Its hardness: 7; specific gravity: 2.61; refractive index: 1.53-1.54 with a triangular crystal lattice structure. Its chemical name is Silicon Dioxide with the formula SiO2. The best carnelians are mined in India.
carnelian improves tissue regeneration, blood vessel elasticity and assimilation. it helps eliminate nosebleeds, anorexia, fear, anger, gallstones, kidney stones, pollen allergies, and impotence. One of the functions of Carnelian is balancing sexual energies. It also balances the endocrine system, irritability, pancreas, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.



in Sanskrit Hessonite known as Gomedak, Rahuratna. On the English language it is called Hessonite. In Arabic it is called Hazar Yamani.
Hessonite is a variety of grossular garnet. According to gemology, it comes in a variety of colors. The most famous variety of grossular is hessonite (essonite) with a dark orange color. This color is obtained due to its constituent manganese and iron. The highest quality Hessonites are found in Sri Lanka in complex placers. In Madagascar, this stone is called Cinnamite or Cinnamon stone. It is also found in Brazil, Canada, Siberia, California and the USA (New Hampshire).

The chemical name of Hessonite is Calcium Aluminum Silicate. Its chemical formula is Ca3Al2(SiO4)3. Its hardness: 7.25; specific gravity: 3.65; refractive index: 1.73-1.75 with a cubic crystal structure.

Hessonite It is the gemstone of Rahu. It is advisable to charge Hessonite on Sunday or Thursday, when the Moon is in the constellation Pushya. For the best effect when charging the stone, it is recommended to read mantras for Rahu.

astrological influence.
This stone improves family understanding, health, wealth and general happiness. It also helps to gain job recognition, career stability, and happiness from children. Gives durability and safety, guarantees a healthy and long life. It is also known to improve eyesight and protect against the evil eye.

Semi-precious substitutes
Semi-precious substitute for Hessonite - Zircon and Amber.
Zircon- a mineral of the subgroup of island silicates, zirconium silicate with the chemical formula ZrSiO4. This stone is known for being often colorless, similar to diamonds. But it can also be yellow, orange, blue, red, brown, etc. colors. In Astrology, red-brown Zircon is used as a stone for the planet Rahu. High quality zircons are found in granites, syenites and other rocks, usually in pegmatites. The best of them come from Sri Lanka. Brazil, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Australia, Burma, Nigeria, Tanzania and France also produce a lot of zircons.
Zircon hardness: 7.5; specific gravity: 4.69; refractive index: 1.93-1.98. Zircon crystallizes in the tetragonal syngony, forming dipyramidal and prismatic crystals.

Amber- fossilized tree resin. The most common stones are yellow-gold to orange-gold, but green, red, purple and black amber are also found. In terms of chemical composition, it is a mixture of organic resins with the basic formula C10P16. It is found as droplets or small masses of irregular shape.
If Amber is rubbed, a negative electric charge is formed, which attracts dust. The most famous deposits of this stone are in the Baltic Region and along the coast of the Baltic Sea, as well as in the Dominican Republic.
The hardness of Amber is 2.5; specific gravity: 1.08; refractive index: 1.54-1.55. The crystal structure of Amber is amorphous, i.e. without a clear structure.

Amber improves cell regeneration, strengthens the brain and nervous system. It helps relieve colds, ulcers, sensitivity, hay fever, asthma, convulsions, deafness, earaches, headaches, toothaches, rheumatism and restlessness. Gives a balancing effect on the liver, kidneys, throat, digestive tract, thyroid gland, inner ear, brain and central nervous and endocrine system, intestines and stomach. It helps a lot to lubricate and give elasticity to the muscles, tendons, removes inflammatory reactions of the tendons.



Yellow Sapphire also known as Oriental Topaz. In Sanskrit he is called Guru Ratna, Pushparaag, and in Persian Yakkot. In Urdu - Asphar.
Sapphire is a transparent corundum. It has many color shades.

The chemical name is aluminum oxide with the formula Al2O3. Yellow Sapphire is mainly found in Queensland and New South Wales in Australia. Sri Lanka and East Africa also produce this type of Sapphire. Its hardness: 9; specific gravity: 4.00; refractive index: 1.76-1.77 with a triangular crystal structure.

Qualitative Yellow Sapphire placed on the palm gives heaviness. It should not have a layered surface and if rubbed it should shine brighter. A defective or fake stone will feel rough and grainy. Yellow Sapphire may have dark bubbles inside. The fake stone has different shades: from yellow to white. A real Sapphire thrown into a liquid will sink, while a fake Sapphire will always end up on the surface of the water.
Yellow Sapphire is the gemstone of the planet Jupiter. .
medical impact.
This stone helps in learning and memorization. It is also effective in eliminating the effects of a snake bite. Helps to balance the activity of the gallbladder, abdomen, liver, removes irritability. Gives strength to fight weakness, colds and chills. It is also said to help in the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases.
astrological influence.
Yellow Sapphire is worn for security, wealth and general prosperity. It helps in academic achievement, business and commerce. This stone brings stability in marriage and happiness from children. Protects the liver, lungs, ears and circulation. If you want to gain weight, then you need to purchase this particular stone.
semi-precious substitutes.
Semi-precious substitute Yellow Sapphire - Golden Topaz.
Golden Topaz is actually golden yellow in color and is sometimes referred to as Sherry Topaz. Although Topaz comes in other colors, golden yellow is in the gemstone category. Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate with the formula Al2(F, OH)2SiO4. It is found in igneous rocks. The stone is found in the USA, Sri Lanka, Burma, the former USSR, Australia, Pakistan, Mexico, Japan and Africa.
Topaz hardness: 8; specific gravity: 3.54; refractive index: 1.62-1.63. The crystals are prismatic, well formed, rich in facets (rhombic prisms, dipyramids, pinacoids).



in Sanskrit Blue Sapphire called Nelashma, Neelratna, Shaniratna, Indraneel, etc. In Persian it is called Yakoot or Kabood.
The basis of Blue Sapphire is corundum. It comes in different colors, but Blue colour traditional for sapphire.

The chemical name is aluminum oxide with the formula Al2O3. Good quality Blue Sapphires are found in Burma, Sri Lanka and India. Some of the best stones of this type - blue-cornflower blue - are found in Jammu and Kashmir. The US state of Montana is also rich in sapphires. Cambodia, Brazil, Kenya, Malawi, and Colombia also produce these sapphires. Sapphire hardness: 9; specific gravity: 4; refractive index: 1.76-1.77 with a triangular crystal structure.

Real Blue Sapphire shines with its real light and does not borrow light. It is very smooth and has the interesting property that its light comes from the center of the nucleus. If this stone is placed in a bowl or pot at night on a full moon, you can see how the pot will turn blue. A fake will give a very dim, muffled light.
Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn. This stone is charged on any day when the Moon is in the constellation Pushya. It can be worn on Saturday, during the influence of the Pushya constellation, or when there is an influence of amritsiddhi yoga. This stone is best worn in an alloy called Triloha. It can also be set in gold.
medical impact.
Blue Sapphire is said to improve eyesight, longevity and blood flow to the tissues. It helps relieve attacks of rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, epilepsy, hysteria, tumors, reduces fat, arthritis, mental illness, petrochemical and radiation exposure, excessive bleeding, emotional pain and trauma, hemorrhage. It balances the balance in the intestinal tract, pancreas, lower spine, heart, blood and adrenal glands.
astrological influence.
Blue Sapphire adds wealth, expands the sphere of influence on other people, especially if you are dealing with the "masses". Increases the social status and prosperity of a person. Saturn governs most diseases in the body, so by wearing Blue Sapphire one can be assured of a long and healthy life.
Semi-precious substitutes
Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli (lapis lazuli).
Turquoise is one of the first mined gemstones in the world, changing color from blue to greenish. It is found in microcrystalline form, usually as inlays or ores. The best sky-blue stones are mined in Iran, greener varieties of Turquoise are found in Tibet. Mexico and the United States also mine greenish stones. These stones are produced in Chile, Australia and Cornwall (England). The deep blue color in the stone is due to the presence of copper and iron veins in it.
Its hardness: 6; specific gravity: 2.80; refractive index: 1.61-1.65. The chemical name is a salt of phosphoric acid (phosphate) with a triclinic crystal structure. Turquoise formula CuAl6 (PO4)4(OH)8 . 5H2O

At Turquoises a remarkable feature to help with disorders of the female reproductive system. Improves vision, tissue regeneration, and blood circulation. This stone is very effective for headaches and migraines. Relieves fever attacks, swelling, pollution effects environment, anorexia and tension. Balances blood circulation, nervous system, tendons and ligaments, throat.

Lapis lazuli is a blue stone composed of various minerals such as lapis lazuli, sodalite, hauine, calcite and pyrite. The color of Lapis Lazuli varies depending on the amount and composition of its constituent elements. The most valuable stones are blue stones with inserts of white calcite and yellow perite. It is formed in the process of contact metamorphism at the junction of carbonate rocks with alkaline intrusions. The highest quality lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan. Argentine stone is also of very high quality. Some shades of blue Lapis lazuli are found in the USA and Canada. Its hardness: 5.5; specific gravity: 2.8; refractive index 1.50. It has a changing crystal structure. The formula of the stone is (Na, Ca)8 (Al,Si)12O24(SO4)Cl2(OH)2.

Lapis lazuli increases strength, courage, vitality, blood oxygenation, mitosis, hearing and the immune system. It relieves the effects of poison, fever, depression, melancholy, neuralgia, spasms, tonsillitis, anxiety and Hodgkin's disease. Diseases of the larynx, autism, urinary problems, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, jaundice, diabetes, insomnia, neurosis, dizziness. Helps balance the emotions, vocal cords, thyroid, bone marrow, skeletal system, and Eustachian tube.



In Sanskrit ancient texts Emerald called Haridraratna, Marakat and Somya. Known in Persian as Jarmurad.
Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl in green tones, sometimes with blue. The presence of chromium and vanadium makes it green. Its shades can vary from colorless, blue, pink to yellow-gold, depending on the composition. It is Beryllium aluminum silicate with the formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. It is found in granites, pegmatites, crystalline schists in alluvial deposits. The most beautiful emeralds in Colombia. Other mining locations are in Austria, India, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Norway, Pakistan and Zimbabwe.

Emerald hardness: 7.5; specific gravity: 2.71; refractive index 1.57-1.58 with a hexagonal crystal structure.
If you look at the stone through a special filter (made of glass), then the real emerald will appear pink, and the fake will remain green. After rubbing an emerald with turmeric, you can see a reddish deposit on the stone.

The Green Emerald is the gemstone of Mercury. You need to start wearing it on Wednesday. The frame must be gold or bronze. It is charged on the day when the Moon is in the constellation Pushya.

astrological influence.
The ruling planet of the Emerald is Mercury, and the stone itself represents communication and movement. It is mainly worn to improve business, to increase the level of trade and communication. It sharpens the intellect of the wearer and removes speech defects. Controls the nervous system and directs it in the right direction. Skin problems and allergic reactions are reduced when wearing this stone.

medical impact.
The main properties of the emerald are associated with the mind. It improves memory, intuition, sociability and intelligence. In addition to everything, it improves vision, stamina and the immune system. Used to reduce pain, cancer, asthma, ulcers, infections, birth pains, eye fatigue, stress, paranoia, schizophrenia, radiation exposure, headache, back pain, sciatica and women's diseases. Emerald has a balancing effect on the respiratory and nervous systems, blood circulation, nerves, hemoglobin, adrenal glands and pancreas.

Semi-precious substitutes
A semi-precious substitute is Peridot.
Peridot is a stone of the highest quality of the Olivine mineral. The color of Peridot is olive greenish and comes from its iron content. The chemical name is iron-magnesium orthosilicate. It is mined on the island of St. John in Egypt, in China, Burma, Brazil, Hawaii, and Arizona (USA), as well as in Australia, South Africa and Norway. The chemical formula of Peridot is (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. Stone hardness: 6.5; specific gravity: 3.34; refractive index: 1.64-1.69 with a prismatic crystal structure.

Peridot helps the body in quick recovery and wound healing. Gives strength to the body, helps tissue regeneration, reduces anger, jealousy, tension, epilepsy, poisons and bites. The stone balances the endocrine system and nerves, is indispensable for astigmatism, myopia, and liver disease. Helps in fertility.



In Sanskrit, it is called Vaidoorya, Hemavaidoorya, Voodooraja and Keturatna. In Hindi, the name of the stone sounds like Lahsuniya. In Arabic Enulahara.
cat eye It is quartz, a variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. Its colors range from green to yellow and brown. It is a hard and durable stone. It is named so because a narrow strip resembling a cat's eye runs along the surface of the stone. This effect is due to the presence of fibrous and tubular hollow channels, crystals or gas-liquid inclusions, ultrathin disk-like cracks, light needle-like and fibrous minerals (amphibole, asbestos, rutile, goethite), as well as biotite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, sillimanite or its own fibrous structure. The golden-brown color of the stone is highly valued, with a tubule shadow, which gives dark and light colors of the "Milk and Honey" effect. Basically it is Beryllium Aluminum Oxide with the formula BeAlO4. The best stones are found in the Urals in mica schists. It is also mined in Sri Lanka, Burma, Brazil, Zimbabwe, China.

Stone hardness: 8.5; specific gravity: 3.71; refractive index: 1.74-1.75 with rhombic crystal structure.

The best quality is considered a stone with a yellowish tint and with a whitish ray of the “eye”. Its rays should be straight. This is not a very expensive stone, so you need to carefully choose it when buying, make sure that there are no cracks, deep scratches and that it does not look “burnt”. It is said that if you put the Cat's eye between the eyebrows, in the region of the third eye (the eye of Shiva), then a person can foresee future events.

The cat's eye is the gemstone of the planet Ketu. It must be sent to Panchadhata (an alloy of the five metals). It is advised to cleanse it during the time when the Moon is in the constellation Pushya, on any day except Sunday.

The cat's eye gives wonderful advancement in career, business and trade. It has the ability to calm the mind, give patience, and control thoughts and imagination. It is indispensable for those people who want to achieve enlightenment - moksha. Also, this stone helps in meditation. It has the power to treat chronic diseases.

Semi-precious substitute.
Semi-precious substitute - Alexandrite.
Alexandrite is also chrysoberyl with the same composition as Cat's eye and with the same physical properties as described above. The rarest and most valuable alexandrite changes color in daylight from green to red, purple or brown when placed under an incandescent lamp. It is best when the stone is transparent and its color differs only at the edge. Its effect on a person is the same as that of the Cat's eye.



in Sanskrit Diamond called Heerak, Kulish, Heer and Abhedya. In Arabic it is called Alpaas.
Diamond is the hardest mineral on earth, and combined with exceptional brilliance and brilliance, is the most valuable of all gemstones. Clear and colorless diamond is the most popular, but there are also varieties such as yellow, brown, green, pink, blue, red and even black. Diamond is crystalline carbon with the formula C. Due to the uniform arrangement of carbon atoms, diamond crystals are well formed. Diamond is formed at very high temperatures and pressures at a depth of 80 km underground. Australia is the main producer these days. Ghana, Sierra Leone, Zaire, Botswana, Namibia, the USA, the former USSR and Brazil also mine diamonds.

The value of a diamond is assessed by four key measures - color, brilliance, cut and carat, i.e. the weight.
Diamond hardness - 10; specific gravity - 3.52; refractive index - 2.42 with a cubic crystal structure.

If you put a diamond on your tongue, you can feel a chill. A real diamond has a unique radiance that its glass fake cannot convey. Diamond is the gemstone of Venus. It must be set in silver or gold. It can be cleansed while the Moon is in the auspicious constellation Pushya.

Diamond gives some unique charm to the personality of the owner, gives luxury and comfort. Increases material wealth, fame and improves artistic and artistic abilities. It brings romance to the wearer and adds zest to his personality. All sexual disorders and imperfections are dissipated. It is said to help relieve fever attacks.

Semi-precious substitute.
Semi-precious substitute for Diamond - Tourmaline and Rock Crystal.
Tourmaline is a boron aluminosilicate. Its formula is Na(Li Ai)3 Al6(BO3)Si6O(OH)4. It comes in various colors and, accordingly, has several names.

The colorless tourmaline is called Anchoret and is used as the stone of Venus. This variety is found in the pegmatites of Madagascar and Pala (California in the USA). The hardness of this stone is 7.5; specific gravity - 3.06; refractive index - 1.62-1.64 with a trigonal crystal structure.

Tourmaline helps in sleep disorders and is widely used for these purposes. The stone reduces fear, anxiety and stress and also helps to improve sleep. Balances vision, brain activity, thymus and thyroid glands.
Rock Crystal - Quartz, the most common mineral on earth. It is natural silica with the chemical formula SiO2. Its crystals are found in the form of a hexagonal prism with pyramidal edges. It is mined all over the world, but the most important extraction points are in Brazil, the Swiss and French Alps, Madagascar and the countries of the former USSR. Stone hardness - 7; specific gravity - 2.65; refractive index - 1.54-1.55 with a trigonal crystal structure.

Quartz helps to increase lactation, tissue regeneration, vision, reduce detoxification. Also relieves anemia, jaundice, asthma, constipation, headaches, fevers, ulcers, leukemia, bubonic plague, sore throats, dizziness, burns, blisters. Helps as radiation protection. Balances body salt content, blood circulation, amino acids, proteins, gastric mucosa, immune system, pituitary gland and intestines.

This information has been taken in full.

from the book Bipul Pathak
— The Book of Gems —
(mystical and medicinal properties stones).Chapter 3

Translation and commentary by Madi Kumar das,2011

Any copying of this text is required with a link to the source - http: // site

In this article we will talk about what place Venus occupies in Jyotish, its main characteristics and methods of correction.

Venus (Skt. Shukra * - white, seed) - expresses the creative potential of a person, from which something large-scale can grow.

In the planetary kingdom, Venus is an adviser, like Jupiter, but their functions are different.

“He* has a mixed kapha-vata constitution. His skin color is like snow, white jasmine flower or fragrant oleander, or lotus stem. He likes juicy fruits, and music, and women.

Robert Freedom

*in Sanskrit, Shukra is male. All planetary deities in Jyotish are male.

Characteristics of the planet Venus according to Vedic astrology:

  1. Love. When we see the manifestation of God in everything that surrounds us - one type of love. The romantic side of relationships, life or love in business, in material things - love of the second type. The manifestation of warm feelings is the quality of Venus. All kinds of pleasures.
  2. A person's ability to receive and give. Since this is a female planet, the ability to give is a very important quality for women. This is also important for relationships. Women with a weak Venus who do not understand the mechanism of give and take will be unhappy in marriage. Men simply give such women a gift, pay in advance, and the woman will feel obligated to him and will follow his lead. In men, a strong Venus will manifest as purposeful communication, they will not allow their resources to be used for other purposes. With a weak Venus, men cannot be business partners, it is difficult for them to understand how and where to invest, they cannot communicate on the merits.
  3. Creation. Cultivation of ideas, intuitive creativity. The ability of a woman to inspire a man with ideas.
  4. Partnerships. People are together, develop together, only if they think about each other that this person is a Genius, they see the potential of a person. Thus, it creates long-term cooperation. In the horoscope of a man, Venus is the personification of a woman, a wife.
  5. External female nature. Figure, hairstyle, clothes, jewelry, demeanor, flirting, way of communicating, charm, beauty, taste.
  6. Too strong Venus in men makes them hedonistic, they cannot tolerate discomfort. Such men often either become gay or create ideal, comfortable living conditions for themselves.

Retrograde Venus

A person puts pressure on himself in pleasure, love. Such people have a high bar and they can be constantly dissatisfied with something (especially for women). Women think constantly about their beauty.

For men, they create an ideal partner for themselves, they constantly lack something in women. Hence doubts about partners, obsessive thoughts about women.

Such people are in search of the ideal relationship between a man and a woman.

Venus retrograde also gives perfectionism, and therefore stagnation in creativity. A person suffers from the fact that he has high ideals, a constant search in creativity.

The burning of Venus is a resistance to romance and pleasure

1. Not conscious - a person loses the ability to enjoy at the slightest discomfort, moves a little, travels. Dissatisfaction with your partners. In men, this is also a pronounced sexual dissatisfaction, they often change.

2. Conscious - understand their problem and suffer from it.

3. Complete - a person cannot feel love, romance and does not understand this at all. They are selfish, have a low libido.

Venus Signs:

Taurus and Libra.

Friendship and Enmity with planets:

Venus is friendly with Mercury and Saturn.

Venus is hostile to the Moon and the Sun.

Day of the week- Friday.
Color- pink, blue, multi-colored, beige.
Stones: diamond, white sapphire.
Metal: silver.
Part of the world: Southeast.

Lord Brahma, along with Lord Siva, saw the crystal-clear bodily beauty of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose blackish body resembled a marakata jewel, whose eyes were reddish in color, like the depths of a lotus, who was dressed in robes as yellow as molten gold, and whose body was all attractively decorated.

They saw His beautiful, smiling, lotus-like face, crowned with a jeweled helmet. The Lord had attractive eyebrows, and His cheeks were adorned with earrings.

Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva saw the belt around the Lord's waist, the bracelets on His arms, the necklace on His chest, and the ankle bells on His legs. The Lord was adorned with flower garlands, His neck was adorned with the Kaustubha gem, and He carried with Him the goddess of fortune and His personal weapons such as His disc and mace.

When Lord Brahma along with Lord Siva and the other demigods saw the form of the Lord in this way, they all immediately fell to the ground offering their obeisances.

In Indian astrological practice, the wearing of precious stones is used as conductors of planetary energy.

In the Garuda Purana, Sri Suta Goswami talks about precious stones. One of the most important rules wearing precious stones, is the impeccable purity of the stone.

"Pure, unblemished gems have a beneficial effect that can protect against demons, snakes, poison, disease, sinful reactions, and other dangers, while damaged gems have the opposite effect.". Garuda Purana, Chapter 68, Sloka 17.

"A gem free from all kinds of impurities and impurities and having a natural internal brilliance is a stone that brings good luck. Precious stones that are broken, have cracks, impurities or inclusions, lacking luster, having a sandy or rough appearance, bring only misfortune and should not be used" Agni Purana, Chapter 246, Shloka 7 and 8.

Here are the main, traditional stones for the nine planets, Nava Graha:

Sun - Ruby

Moon - Pearl

Mars - Coral

Mercury - Emerald

Venus - Diamond

Jupiter - Yellow Sapphire

Saturn - Blue Sapphire

Rahu - Hessonite

Ketu - Cat's Eye

These stones are considered the most auspicious, but due to their high price, not everyone can use them. There are also their substitutes, "uparatna", which are not used by all astrologers and Ayurvedicists.

The selection of stones in Vedic Astrology is based on a rather complex system, which is currently partially lost.

In India, the ratio of nine planets with gems is called Navaratna or nine gems.

The following is a list of birth gems that is consistent with the ancient scriptures accepted by numerous countries in the east.

Birth Stone - Ruling Planet - Zodiac Sign:

Ruby - Sun - Leo

Pearl - Moon - Cancer

Coral - Mars - Aries, Scorpio

Emerald - Mercury - Gemini, Virgo

Yellow Sapphire - Jupiter - Sagittarius, Pisces

Diamond - Venus - Taurus, Libra

Blue Sapphire - Saturn - Capricorn, Aquarius

Hessonite - Rahu - No sign

Cat's Eye - Ketu - No Sign

The Vedic system has a very rich experience in the use of precious stones, with which we can enhance the influence of benefic planets. To use this table, we need to evaluate the strength of the planet - whether it is in exaltation, moolatricon, or in a friendly sign. All these positions of the planets give favorable results and can be enhanced with the gems of the corresponding planet.

There is also the practice of neutralizing the negative influence of the planets by wearing stones, but this practice is more complex, and includes the repetition of special mantras, performing puja (worship) of Navagrahams.

A professional astrologer can determine the stone you need, which, unfortunately, are not so many.

Precious stones are used in Ayurveda and treat quite successfully even the most serious diseases that are not treatable by modern medicine.


Nowadays, high-quality precious stones are very rare, and not everyone can afford them, because of their high price. They are sometimes replaced by uparatna, or less expensive stones, which can serve as an alternative substitute for navaratna (precious planetary stones).

These gems have the same ability to transmit the energy of the planets, only to a much lesser extent. Therefore, the size of these stones should usually be larger than for the main gemstones.

Sun ( Ruby) - garnet, red zircon, red quartz, red tourmaline, red spinel.

Moon ( Pearl) - moonstone, agate, quartz, white sapphire, white tourmaline.

Mars ( Coral) - red agate, carnelian, red jasper.

Mercury ( Emerald) - aquamarine, peridot, green agate, jadeite, green zircon, green tourmaline.

Jupiter ( yellow sapphire) - topaz, citrine, yellow pearl, yellow zircon, yellow tourmaline.

Venus ( Diamond) - zircon, white sapphire, white tourmaline.

Saturn ( Blue sapphire) - blue zircon, blue spinel, amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue tourmaline.

Rahu ( Hessonite) - hyacinth, gomed.

Ketu ( cat eye) - turquoise.

This list of stones is not, of course, complete. All stones have a gradation in color, and each color allows the stone to pass one or another planetary energy.

The main signs of determining the most suitable gemstones are considered from the position of the planets in the horoscope, and the most important points are the position of the Ascendant and the Moon.

Also in Vedic Astrology, planetary periods (dashas) are considered very important, when the planets show their strongest influence on a person's life. These periods, lasting from six to twenty years, pass in a person's life, exerting the influence of one or another planet on him. And these periods can be enhanced by wearing the gem of the planet ruling this period, especially if this planet is well placed in the horoscope, which will undoubtedly bring good luck and health.

Treatment with precious stones

Since time immemorial, gemstones have been used by all cultures of the world. Their beauty is unique throughout the mineral kingdom. The very word "gem" refers to the best in nature.

Today's science provides a lot of information regarding the physical properties and chemical composition gemstones, but does not provide any information about their therapeutic properties.

Qualities of healing stones

Gemstones must be of natural origin and must not be subjected to heat or other high-tech methods that are widely used in the industry to improve the color or clarity of the stones, thus making them more presentable.

Although these methods turn unattractive stones into pleasing to the eye, however, this perversely affects the properties of the stones and makes them useless for therapeutic purposes.

Almost all rubies and sapphires, topazes, quartz group, amethyst, garnets undergo an improvement in color properties.

Natural gemstones are becoming very rare and it is necessary to buy stones from a specialist who is able to distinguish a cut stone from an uncut one.

"Synthetic gems" are useless for therapy.

Synthetic or natural gemstones that have been pasteurized may have some therapeutic value in regards to color therapy, but just as much benefit can be gained by wearing colored glass. The use of colored lamps and the wearing of appropriately colored clothing is also color therapy.

Most jewelers and dealers do not see these differences. They look at gems as a business, not as a cure.

Another method of processing low-quality stone, which is used mainly with emeralds, is oiling the stone. Each stone has what we call R.I., or refractive index. If the oil used to "fill" the cracks has the same refractive index as the stone itself, then the flaws will become almost invisible. Eventually this oil seeps out of the stone and the imperfections become visible.

There are also less complex treatments such as wax or plastic impregnation that are used to shape coral or turquoise.

A gem must always be "beautiful". This is his main feature. If the stone looks unattractive, you may be convinced that it is not suitable for therapeutic purposes.

Stones can be grown in laboratories and naturally have no healing effect.

If you cannot afford good quality the main stone, it is better to buy a good quality substitute!

All these stones have the power of talismans. Auspicious high-quality stones can counteract poisons, diseases, and other dangers. Low quality stones are unfavorable and have the opposite effect.

Ruby, emerald, blue sapphire, cat's eye, yellow sapphire, diamond, pearl, hessonite, bloodstone, quartz, jadeite and red garnet are the main types of gemstones.

They should be chosen only under the expert guidance of a sidereal astrologer.

The value of gemstones is established by references to authoritative gemological texts. The quality is analyzed according to the weight of the stone, its cut, color and clarity.

Some Precautions When Wearing Gems

The stone cannot be useful throughout the year against all diseases. When using stones, climate change and the nature of the disease must be taken into account.

Stones such as cat's eye, ruby ​​and red coral are hot stones and are therefore very auspicious during the winter months, but if used during the summer months they can cause conjunctivitis and festering abscesses.

Red coral, ruby, coral and cat's eye should not be used at night. It is very harmful if we put on or take off red stones while preparing for rest or immediately after waking up.

A combination of cold and hot stones may be acceptable. The best combinations are red coral and gomed, red coral and yellow sapphire, red coral and blue sapphire, ruby ​​and blue sapphire, cat's eye and blue sapphire.

With one of these combinations, the need to move the hot stone at night or during the winter months is eliminated.

The use of cold stones (moonstone, yellow and blue sapphire) during the winter months can give a bad result, arthritis, bronchitis, fever, chills, colds are possible. Therefore, it is better to use both cold and hot stones at the same time.

Stones must not weigh more than five and a half carats.

The weight of the ruby ​​and the cat's eye must not exceed two and a half carats.

The weight of a blue sapphire must not exceed three and a half carats.

However, red coral can weigh even ten and a half carats.

Some stones, in particular diamonds, can carry a curse. Beware of buying antiques.

Pearl(Moon) increases emotional stability, friendliness and contentment. Should not be worn when overweight, high phlegm, increased Kapha. Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius should be careful. Pearls are especially useful for Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Moonstone and pearls are used to calm the mind and give strength. reproductive system. These stones are worn in a silver frame on the left ring finger or as a medallion. The stone must touch the skin in order to bring maximum benefit. Wearing stones is also used to treat menopause, cysts, tumors.

red coral(Mars) Stimulates courage, energy, penetration and the ability to win over opponents. Represents Pyrrha and should not be used in cases of increased sexuality and fever.

Caution must be worn by Gemini and Virgo. Red coral is especially good for Aries, Scorpio, Cancer and Leo.

Emerald. (Mercury) gives intelligence, memory. Aries and Scorpios may notice that it increases their impulsiveness or selfishness. Emerald is especially favorable for Gemini, Virgo, Taurus and Libra.

yellow sapphire(Jupiter) wisdom, compassion, enthusiasm and faith. Associated with prosperity. Taurus and Libra should be careful. Especially useful for Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries and Scorpio.

Diamond(Venus) attractiveness, art, grace, and charm. personal expression. Especially good for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Blue sapphire(Saturn) Calmness, practicality, and endurance. Blue Sapphire should be used with great care if its purity is not high enough. This can cause vata arousal problems. Especially favorable for Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus and Libra.

Pomegranate, Hessonite, Cinnabar (Rahu) is the gemstone for the dark planet Rahu, called the North Node in the West. It helps to balance harmful influences (such as television), gives clarity of consciousness and general popularity in society.

cat eye(Ketu) is the gemstone of Ketu, called the South Node in the West. This is the planet of ultimate spiritual awakening. The Gemstone should be used with caution if the person has high pitta.

Gemstones and Doshas

Usually diamond (Venus) and red coral (Mars) should be worn on the ring finger.

Emerald (Mercury) and pearl (Moon) on little finger.

Yellow sapphire (Jupiter) - on the index finger.

Blue sapphire (Saturn) - on the middle finger.

Gomed (rahu) - on the little finger or ring finger.

Lasnyu (Ketu) - only on the little finger.

Rings are not worn on the thumb, as it represents the soul.

Warming stones are usually set in silver.

The day on which the stone is set and the day when it is first put on the hand is important, which is compared with marriage.

The influence of the stone is carried out through subtle energy channels - nadis.

♦ Ruby (padmanabha mani or manika):

Calms vata and kapha, but excites pitta, stimulating the pulse and causing rashes, hives and acne. Can be replaced with a ruby ​​for the poor - pomegranate.

Vata and kapha bring longevity and increase vitality. Promotes prosperity and improves digestion by igniting agni. Normalizes the pulse.

♦ Pearl (Mochi)

Cools and suits all constitutions. Basma from pearls treats gastritis, stomach ulcers, sexual weakness. Calms the excitement of any dosha, brings peace and tranquility. Pitta is best worn in a silver frame, and vata and kapha in gold.

♦ Gomed (tapomani)

Warms. Pacifies vata, balances kapha, but excites pitta. Improves digestion, strengthens the solar plexus and spleen. Helps with muscle fatigue and problems with concentration. Wear on the ring finger in gold.

♦ Yellow sapphire (pushkaraja)

Cools. Calms vata and pitta but increases kapha. Set in gold on the right index finger brings stability to a patient suffering from Vata or Pitta disorders. Strengthens the heart, kidneys and lungs. Topaz is a sapphire for the poor.

♦ Red coral (right)

Cools. Suitable for all types. A copper-rimmed necklace or ring on the ring finger can protect the liver, spleen, and pericardium from the negative effects of Mars. (available in silver or gold). Basma treats cholecystitis and stomach ulcers.

♦ Diamond (vajra)

Calms vata, pacifies kapha and excites pitta. Slows down aging, increases life expectancy, strengthens the immune system. Stimulates shukra, sexual potency. Wear as a necklace or ring on the ring finger in gold.

♦ Blue sapphire (nilam)

Warming. Calms vata and kapha, excites pitta. Affects the muscular system and bone tissue. Wear on the middle finger in silver, which normalizes changes in the joints and lowers Vata. Don't pair a sapphire with a diamond.

♦ Lapis lazuli (indranila)

Cools. Calms B and P, but increases K. Regulates bile formation and bile secretion, cleanses the blood. Beneficial for skin diseases and tendency to bleeding. It is indicated for anxiety, fears and weakness of cardiac activity. Wear on the little finger in a gold frame.

♦ Emerald (panna)

Cools. Calms V and P, nol stimulates K. Calms the nervous system and improves oratorical abilities. Improves digestion and brings prosperity, promotes spiritual awakening, is a nourishing tonic. Wear in gold on the little finger.

♦ Cat's eye (vaidurya, lasnya)

Warms. Soothes in, excites P and pacifies K. Useful for allergies, frequent colds, congestion respiratory tract, allergic-type asthma. Helps in the treatment of kidney dysfunction. Helps control emotions. Should be worn by those associated with lunatics or for protection from spirits.

♦ Suryakantha

A pink stone from which water begins to ooze under the influence of the sun. Cools, pacifies B, excites P and calms K. Improves memory and relieves seizures. Worn on the ring finger and in gold.

♦ Quartz crystals (sphatic)

Cools, calms B, excites P and K. Draws to itself radiation. Helps with fistula and prickly heat. Improves perception and intuition. Wear as beads in silver or gold or as a ring on the ring finger.

♦ Onyx (tribhuja, harita pita mani)

Warms, soothes V and K, excites P. Beneficial for old people with disorders nervous system. Promotes restful and refreshing sleep. Improves memory, positive thinking, relieves lethargy and apathy. Brings peace, happiness and love to relationships and gets rid of evil spirits. Worn on the ring finger in silver. Should not be worn by Sagittarius and Gemini.

♦ Bloodstone (lohita, jyotiraja)

Warms and cleanses the blood. Excites P, calms B and cools K. Heals liver and gallbladder. The ring is worn on the little finger in silver or copper.

♦ Jade (jade, yashava, haritamani, bisma pashan)

Warms, soothes B and K, excites P. Brings success. Treats kidney stones. Contributes to the development of oratory skills. Prevents the development of cataracts, the appearance of abdominal pain. Protects against black magic. Worn on the little finger in silver.

♦ Amethyst (nila sphatika)

Suitable for everyone, but can excite V. Associated with sahasrara and is responsible for mental clarity. In gold brings prosperity. With neuromuscular disorders, 4 stones can be placed in the corners of the bed, and in the corners of the house it protects against all harmful effects up to radiation.

♦ Opal (sagararaja, varuna)

Cools. Excites V and K, calms P. Improves vision, reduces temperature. Strengthens spiritual feelings and religious aspirations, develops intuition. Dull opal portends trouble. Suitable for Pisces. A gold or silver ring should be worn on the ring finger.

♦ Alexandrine (hemaratha, harshal)

Changes color according to the location of the Sun. Cools. Excites V and K, pacifies P. Calms the mind, improves memory and is useful in epileptic seizures. The gold ring should be worn on the ring finger.

♦ Aquamarine (harita nila mani)

Cools. It relieves the mind of dullness, improves intelligence, gives a feeling of happiness. It is useful for spouses to wear - it strengthens marital love. It can shade an emerald and should be worn in gold on the little finger.

(in autumn and spring) we offer to order high-quality jyotish stones, in accordance with the individual selection according to the birth chart.

In Indian astrological practice, it is common to wear precious stones as conductors of planetary energy.

Natural stones are used in Jyotish to enhance vitality, good luck and support in life.

Due to the purity of the precious stone, when wearing it, a person receives the missing planetary energy, which can help him on his path in life. ()

In Jyotish, there are basic stones prescribed to be worn in order to increase the influence of certain planets. These stones are selected by an experienced Jyotish astrologer along with recommendations for wearing them. It is important that the stone is natural, of high quality, with good clarity and cut. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right astrological stones.

Therefore, to find out which stones are right for you, you need have an astrologer's recommendation.

If you already have recommendationsand you know which stones are suitable for you, you can send us application to the corresponding stone. After that, we will contact you and offer the best options.

If you do not yet have astrologer's recommendations, we suggest using the service Jyotish stone consultations. The selection of stones is done in accordance with the individual birth card (based on your birth data: place, date, year, exact time). In this consultation, you will also receive recommendations on the correct wearing of the recommended stones in order to enhance the positive astrological effect.

We will pick the best options recommended stones and send photos so that you can choose the stone you like yourself (see examples). All offered stones are certified (or will be certified at the request of the buyer), which confirms their naturalness and good quality.

It is also possible to orderfinished jewel(ring or pendant) of the required design, in accordance with the Vedic rules for wearing stones.

Delivery for Moscow and Kaliningrad is free. For other cities - delivery by mail (prepaid).

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