Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (SurSU). Russian universities Surgut State Law University

Perennials 05.04.2022

Admission conditions

Admission is carried out in the following areas and specialties:




030301.65 - psychology;
030302.65 - clinical psychology;
030301.65 - psychology of professional activities;
030401.65 - clinical psychology;
031201.65 - theory and teaching methods foreign languages and cultures;
031202.65 - translation and translation studies;
030401.65 - history;
032101.65 - physical culture and sports;
032102.65 - physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education);
032103.65 - recreation and sports and health tourism;
050502.65 - technology and entrepreneurship;
070503.65 - museum work and protection of monuments;
071301.65 - folk art.

Bachelor's degree

030300.62 - psychology;
030600.62 - history. Profiles: “History of International Relations”, “Historical Local History”;
033400.62 - theology. Profile: “Practical theology of Orthodoxy”;
034300.62 - physical education. Profiles: “Sports Management”, “Sports Training”;
034400.62 - physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education). Profiles: “Adaptive physical education”, “Adaptive sports”;
034600.62 - recreation and sports and health tourism. Profiles: “Recreation Management and Sports and Health Tourism”, “Sports and Health Tourism”;
035700.62 - linguistics. Profiles: “Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures”, « Translation and translation studies";
050100.62 - pedagogical education. Profile: “Technological education”; 072300.62 - museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites. Profiles: “Exhibition activities”, “Cultural tourism and excursion activities”;
531100.62 - folk artistic culture. Profile: “Amateur theater management.”

Master's degree

034300.68 - physical education. Master's program "Physical training and health technologies";
035700.68 - linguistics. Master's program "Translation Theory and Intercultural/Interlinguistic Communication";
050100.68 - pedagogical education. Master's program "Technological Education".



010701.65 “Physics”, specialization “Geophysics”
210405.65 “Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television”
220201.65 “Management and computer science in technical systems”
230105.65 “Computer software and automated systems”
010501.65 “Applied mathematics and computer science”
230102.65 “Automated information processing and control systems”
230201.65 “Information systems and technologies”
270102.65 “Industrial and civil construction”

Bachelor's degree

011200.62 “Physics”, profile: “Geophysics”
210700.62 “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”, profiles: “Radio communication and radio access systems”, “Digital television and radio broadcasting”, “Optical networks and communication systems”
140400.62 “Power engineering and electrical engineering”, profile: “Electric power systems and networks”
220400.62 “Management in technical systems”, profile: “Management and computer science in technical systems”
230100.62 “Informatics and computer technology", profiles: "Automated information processing and control systems", "Computer software and automated systems"
010400.62 “Applied mathematics and computer science”, profile: “Applied mathematics and computer science”
230400.62 “Information systems and technologies”, profile: “Information systems and technologies”
270800.62 “Construction”, profile: “Industrial and civil construction”

Standard period for mastering the main educational program full-time education - 4 years.

Master's degree

011200.68 “Physics”, program “Physical mechanics of liquids and gases”
210700.68 “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”, program “Optical networks and communication systems”
210400.68 “Telecommunications”, program “Systems and devices of radio engineering and communications”
230100.68 “Informatics and computer technology”, program “Information and software for automated systems”
230400.68 “Information systems and technologies”, programs “Data Management”, “Security of Information Systems”, “Analysis and Synthesis of Information Systems”
220400.68 “Management in technical systems”, profile: “Management and computer science in technical systems”


030900.62 - jurisprudence
030200.62 - political science
030201.65 - political science
030501.65 - jurisprudence
030900.68 - jurisprudence



280101.65 - life safety in the technosphere
280705.65 - fire safety
020201.65 - fundamental and applied chemistry
011000.65 - chemistry
020803.65 - bioecology
011600.65 - biology

Bachelor's degree

280700.62 - technosphere safety. Profile “Life safety in the technosphere.”
020100.62 - chemistry. Profiles: “Analytical Chemistry” and “Petrochemistry”.
022000.62 - ecology and environmental management. Profile "Ecology".
020400.62 - biology. Profiles: “Zoology”, “Botany”, “Microbiology”, “Biophysics”.

Master's degree

020400.68 - biology. Master's programs: “Botany and Plant Ecology”, “Microbiology and Virology”, “Ecology”, “Vertebrate Zoology”, “Biophysics”.
020100.68 - chemistry. Master's program "Analytical Chemistry".


Bachelor's degree:

Management (080200):

  • profile “Production Management” (corresponding to specialty 080502 “Economics and Management in an Oil and Gas Industry Enterprise”), training is carried out by the Department of Economics and Management;
  • The profile “Financial Management” is prepared by the Department of Management.

Human Resources Management (080400):

  • The profile “Organizational Personnel Management” is trained by the Department of Human Resources Management.

State and municipal administration (081100):

  • profile “Municipal Administration”, training is carried out by the Department of State and Municipal Administration.

Economy (080100):

  • profile “Accounting, analysis and audit” is prepared by the department Accounting, analysis and audit;
  • profile “Finance and Credit”, training is carried out by the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit;
  • profile “Taxes and Taxation”, training is carried out by the Department of Taxes and Taxation;
  • The “Commerce” profile is prepared by the Department of Economic Theory.
  • profile “Advertising and public relations in the commercial sphere”, training is carried out by the Department of Public Relations;



Surgutsky state university

State budgetary educational institution of higher education vocational education"Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra"
International name

Surgut State University


Think Act Achieve "3D"

Year founded



Sergey Kosenok

Legal address

628400, Surgut, Lenin Ave., 1


Surgut State University (SurSU)- the first university on the territory of Ugra. Founded on May 26, 1993 in the city of Surgut.


The issue of opening a Higher Educational Institution in Surgut began to be actively discussed in the 80s. However, for the first time the phrase “University in Surgut” appeared in the report of inspector Leontyev for 1916.


Main building (Ship)- 628400, Surgut, Lenin Ave., 1 - Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Linguistics, Faculty physical culture, faculty teacher education.

Old building (University)- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 22 - Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Doctors), Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Civil Engineering Department.

UNIKIT- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 22 - faculty information technology, Faculty of Automation and Telecommunications (former Faculty of Engineering and Physics).

Humanities Corps- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 8 - Faculty of History, Faculty of Social Technologies, Faculty of Psychology.



Born in 1959, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1981 he graduated from the Ishim State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics and Physics. In 2002-2003 underwent professional retraining at the institute professional retraining Ural Academy civil service in the direction of "State and Municipal Administration". Labor activity: 1981-1985 – physics and mathematics teacher high school No. 2, Urai; 1985-1986 – Secretary of the Urai City Committee of the Komsomol; 1986-1988 – Deputy Director for educational work of Urai SPTU No. 59; 1988-1991 – party work; 1991-1996 – Deputy Chairman of the Urai City Council of People's Deputies for Public Education, Head of the Education Department of Urai; 1996-2001 – Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Administration, First Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; 2001-2009 – Head of the Department for Personnel Policy of the Administration of the Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; Since November 2009 - Acting Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra". Since March 10, 2010 - rector. In 1996 he defended his candidate's dissertation and in 2008 his doctoral dissertation. Received the academic title of associate professor in 1998. He is an Excellence in Public Education (since 1995), Honored Teacher Russian Federation"(since 2002). Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2009); Letter of gratitude from the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District (2009).

NAZIN GEORGY IVANOVICH - first rector of Surgut State University. April 4, 1940 - November 7, 2009. Born in the city of Novosibirsk.

In 1963 he graduated from Tomsk State University named after V.V. Kuibyshev, majoring in theoretical physics.

Direction scientific research G.I. Nazin's focus is on mathematical modeling in statistical physics, which has both theoretical and applied significance.

In 1972, Georgy Ivanovich defended his candidate's thesis in the specialty "theoretical and mathematical physics", and in 1988 - his doctorate. In 1991, G.I. Nazin was awarded the title of professor.

Academician International Academy informatization, Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education. Author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Since 1993, Georgy Nazin has been the organizing rector and then the rector of Surgut State University.

Recipient of the following awards and honorary titles:

  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • Russian Medal Orthodox Church"Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow"
  • "Honored Scientist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug"
  • "Veteran of Labor" (1990)
  • "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation"

Deputy of the Surgut City Duma.


  • Lebedev Sergey Lvovich - first vice-rector, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
  • Litovchenko Olga Gennadievna - Vice-Rector for Scientific Research
  • Karataeva Galina Evgenievna - Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance
  • Bolotov Svyatoslav Vyacheslavovich - vice-rector for social and extracurricular work
  • Verizhnikova Tatyana Grigorievna - Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs
  • Ryzhakov Vitaly Vladimirovich - vice-rector for external relations and development, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


Name Year founded
- Faculty of Economics 1995
- Faculty of Management 1993
- Faculty of Law 1995
- Faculty of Automation and Telecommunications 1993
- Faculty of Information Technologies 1993
- Faculty of Psychology 1996
- Faculty of Chemical Technology 2008
- Faculty of Biology 1996
- Faculty of Physical Education 1995
- Faculty of Linguistics 2002
- Faculty of History 2002
- Faculty of Social Technologies 2008
- Faculty of Teacher Education 2008
- Construction department 2010
- Medical Institute: ---
- Faculty of Medicine 1995
- Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Doctors ---


Main article: Library of Surgu State University

By Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1247 of April 27, 2000, the scientific library of Surgut State University was approved by the methodological center for libraries educational institutions KHMAO. The library is a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA), a member of ARBICON.

Reading rooms:

  • Catalog Hall
  • Reading room of social, humanitarian and fiction literature
  • Reading room "Professorsky"
  • Reading room for foreign literature
  • Reading room of legal and economic literature
  • Reading room for medical and biological literature and literature on physical education and sports
  • Reading room of natural - scientific and technical literature
  • Reading room of electronic resources
  • Interlibrary loan (ILA), electronic document delivery (EDD)

Surgut State University

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra"
International name

Surgut State University


Think Act Achieve "3D"

Year founded



Sergey Kosenok

Legal address

628400, Surgut, Lenin Ave., 1


Surgut State University (SurSU)- the first university on the territory of Ugra. Founded on May 26, 1993 in the city of Surgut.


The issue of opening a Higher Educational Institution in Surgut began to be actively discussed in the 80s. However, for the first time the phrase “University in Surgut” appeared in the report of inspector Leontyev for 1916.


Main building (Ship)- 628400, Surgut, Lenin Ave., 1 - Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Linguistics, Faculty of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Education.

Old building (University)- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 22 - Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Doctors), Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Civil Engineering Department.

UNIKIT- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 22 - Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Automation and Telecommunications (former Faculty of Engineering and Physics).

Humanities Corps- 628400, Surgut, st. Energetikov, 8 - Faculty of History, Faculty of Social Technologies, Faculty of Psychology.



Born in 1959, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1981 he graduated from the Ishim State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics and Physics. In 2002-2003 underwent professional retraining at the Institute of Professional Retraining of the Ural Academy of Public Service in the direction of “State and Municipal Administration”. Labor activity: 1981-1985 – teacher of physics and mathematics at secondary school No. 2 in Urai; 1985-1986 – Secretary of the Urai City Committee of the Komsomol; 1986-1988 – Deputy Director for educational work of Urai SPTU No. 59; 1988-1991 – party work; 1991-1996 – Deputy Chairman of the Urai City Council of People's Deputies for Public Education, Head of the Education Department of Urai; 1996-2001 – Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Administration, First Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; 2001-2009 – Head of the Department for Personnel Policy of the Administration of the Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; Since November 2009 - Acting Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Surgut State University of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra". Since March 10, 2010 - rector. In 1996 he defended his candidate's dissertation and in 2008 his doctoral dissertation. Received the academic title of associate professor in 1998. He is an Excellence in Public Education (since 1995), Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" (since 2002). Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2009); Letter of gratitude from the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District (2009).

NAZIN GEORGY IVANOVICH - first rector of Surgut State University. April 4, 1940 - November 7, 2009. Born in the city of Novosibirsk.

In 1963 he graduated from Tomsk State University named after V.V. Kuibyshev, majoring in theoretical physics.

The direction of scientific research of G.I. Nazin's focus is on mathematical modeling in statistical physics, which has both theoretical and applied significance.

In 1972, Georgy Ivanovich defended his candidate's thesis in the specialty "theoretical and mathematical physics", and in 1988 - his doctorate. In 1991, G.I. Nazin was awarded the title of professor.

Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education. Author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Since 1993, Georgy Nazin has been the organizing rector and then the rector of Surgut State University.

Recipient of the following awards and honorary titles:

  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • Medal of the Russian Orthodox Church “The Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow”
  • "Honored Scientist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug"
  • "Veteran of Labor" (1990)
  • "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation"

Deputy of the Surgut City Duma.


  • Lebedev Sergey Lvovich - first vice-rector, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
  • Litovchenko Olga Gennadievna - Vice-Rector for Scientific Research
  • Karataeva Galina Evgenievna - Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance
  • Bolotov Svyatoslav Vyacheslavovich - vice-rector for social and extracurricular work
  • Verizhnikova Tatyana Grigorievna - Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs
  • Ryzhakov Vitaly Vladimirovich - vice-rector for external relations and development, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


Name Year founded
- Faculty of Economics 1995
- Faculty of Management 1993
- Faculty of Law 1995
- Faculty of Automation and Telecommunications 1993
- Faculty of Information Technologies 1993
- Faculty of Psychology 1996
- Faculty of Chemical Technology 2008
- Faculty of Biology 1996
- Faculty of Physical Education 1995
- Faculty of Linguistics 2002
- Faculty of History 2002
- Faculty of Social Technologies 2008
- Faculty of Teacher Education 2008
- Construction department 2010
- Medical Institute: ---
- Faculty of Medicine 1995
- Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Doctors ---


Main article: Library of Surgu State University

By Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1247 of April 27, 2000, the scientific library of Surgut State University was approved by the methodological center for libraries of educational institutions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The library is a member of the Russian Library Association (RBA), a member of ARBICON.

Reading rooms:

  • Catalog Hall
  • Reading room of social, humanitarian and fiction literature
  • Reading room "Professorsky"
  • Reading room for foreign literature
  • Reading room of legal and economic literature
  • Reading room for medical and biological literature and literature on physical education and sports
  • Reading room of natural - scientific and technical literature
  • Reading room of electronic resources
  • Interlibrary loan (ILA), electronic document delivery (EDD)

We recommend reading
