USSR: what the Soviet people were proud of and what they were not told about. USSR: what the Soviet people were proud of and what they weren’t told about 1950, what happened in the USSR

Growing 03.02.2024

1950 who? 1950 year of which animal? The White Metal Tiger personality is characterized by determination, organization and willpower. Every Tiger has such qualities, but they are expressed to varying degrees. But it is precisely these qualities that the White Metal Tiger has in abundance. The White Tiger may even be overly harsh both towards other people and towards himself. He loves justice, is focused and always makes plans for the future. This is often an intense, strong personality.

The White (Metal) Tiger is an authoritative leader who always takes the initiative. He loves independence and will not tolerate restrictions in any matter. Tigers have difficulty interacting with other people, are demanding of themselves and require admiration and attention. This is a passionate and fearless personality. A goal-oriented person who always achieves goals with a constant belief in success. It is impossible for him to quit what he started.

White Tiger in a relationship

Relationships and feelings are not the easiest area for the White Tiger of Metal. In relations with a partner, he likes to command and demand, and does not want to seek compromises. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going, fair, always respects the other person, but often does what he considers necessary, without listening to or consulting anyone. It is on such contrasts that the relationships of people born under this symbol will develop.

The Tiger's big advantage in love is the absence of selfish motives; it gives independence to loved ones. This is a faithful person who does not betray if he has already made his choice.

White (Metal) Tiger at work

People born in 1950 are excellent workers. But they love freedom and decide complex tasks. They themselves can find unusual methods of solving a problem, sometimes very daring and not thought out in detail. But they are ready to solve them themselves, the main thing is that those who expect results from them have patience.

Perhaps the White Metal Tiger should start his own business; they can only be limited by establishing contacts and connections. If you learn how to do this, it will not be difficult to achieve success.

Earth sector of the Tiger Metal – element of Wood

Metal is known to cut down Wood, which means that strict organization and self-confidence will prevail over emotions, sensations and qualities of the soul. Sometimes they will conflict when both sides of the personality are strongly expressed. The Tiger should not choose between material well-being and spiritual development. It is worth combining one with the other. In life and work, you will need a strong will and mind, and in personal relationships, goodwill towards people and acceptance of a person without aggression and intolerance will be useful.

It’s worth trying to combine the hostile elements of Wood and Metal. The White Tiger must sometimes slow down the pace of life and even feel oppressed, otherwise problems may arise in everyday life.

The balanced personality of the White Tiger should be less attentive and show more tolerance. He will achieve success faster if he becomes less self-confident, accepts change and says goodbye to the past. Learn to express your emotions correctly.

“Life has become better, life has become more fun!”

Exactly half a century flew by and made noise. Humanity built, invented, fought. And it continues to do so: the two Koreas are locked in mortal combat. Soviet Union supports the “North”, the United States supports the “South”. Former allies can barely contain their anger so as not to attack each other. In general, as Galich later wrote: “We stand for the cause of peace, we are preparing for war...”

The Soviet people live unpretentiously, modestly, mostly communally. When inviting each other to visit, people indicate how many times to call them. And then they count so as not to lose their way:

“We live in the same apartment,

All the neighbors know us

Just call me four,

And he’s twelve times.”

Men have something to drink and something to snack on. Women have something to fan themselves, take cover and enjoy: Chinese sandalwood fans, their own bamboo umbrellas and domestic cakes “Battleship Potemkin”, “Tachanka”, “Othello”.

The Soviet people sing with feeling: “The melody of the cities and fields is cheerful - life has become better, life has become more fun!” "

What else do you remember about the fiftieth year? The first sports report was from Nikolai Ozerov, the next from Vadim Sinyavsky. The heroic sailors from the Aurora and Varyag were alive and well, Kuban Cossacks and Seven Braves were shown in cinemas, and happy buyers of the outlandish boxes with a blue screen and lens were guaranteed “delivery, installation, as well as instruction and training in setting up and use."

Valery Burt

The drunken uncle was in a hurry to buy vodka. I went out onto the highway and got hit by a MAZ. There is some joy in this tragedy. He doesn't need any more alcohol!!! ... The drunken uncle was in a hurry to buy vodka. I went out onto the highway and got hit by a MAZ. There is some joy in this tragedy. He doesn't need any more alcohol!!!

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Type: Sadistic poems

One girl’s mother died and said: “If I die, don’t paint your nails with red polish.” Mom died, the girl forgot and painted her nails red... One girl’s mother died and said: “If I die, don’t paint your nails with red polish.” Mom died, the girl forgot and painted her nails with red polish. And suddenly they broadcast on the radio: “Girl, girl!” Wipe off your nails! A coffin on wheels is driving up to your house. She went to wash them, but they did not wash. And on the radio they broadcast again: - Girl, girl! Wipe off your nails, the coffin is already looking for your entrance! And one nail did not wear off. On the radio they broadcast for the last time: - Girl! Girl! Wipe off your nail quickly! The coffin drove up to the door and rang the bell. The girl thought it was not a coffin and opened it. The coffin opened, and her mother came out and said: “Why didn’t you listen to me?” - And strangled the girl.

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The year 1950 was marked by a number of events that left a noticeable mark on the history of the Soviet fine arts. Contents 1 Events 2 Stalin Prize 1950 3 Born ... Wikipedia

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1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 Portal:Railway transport See also: Other events in 1950 History of the metro in 1950 ... Wikipedia

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1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 See also: Other events in 1950 History of railway transport in 1950 History of public transport in 1950 This article lists the main events in the history of subways ... Wikipedia

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 See also: Other events in 1950 Other events in the history of the metro Other events in railway transport This article lists the main events in the history of public ... Wikipedia

Contents 1 Selected cinema 1.1 World cinema 1.2 Soviet cinema ... Wikipedia

Years in the literature of the 20th century. 1950 in literature. 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 ← XIX century 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 ... Wikipedia

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  • Magazine "Ogonyok". File of issues No. 27-39 for 1950
  • Magazine "Ogonyok". File of issues No. 14-23, 26 for 1950, . "Ogonyok" is a Russian, Soviet and Russian socio-political, literary and artistic illustrated weekly magazine. It was founded and published in 1899-1918 in…

On December 30, 1922, at the First All-Union Congress of Soviets, the heads of delegations signed the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR. Initially, the USSR included only 4 union republics: the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, and at the time of the collapse of the Union in 1991 there were 15 union republics. Today, to many, the truth of the achievements of this country seems controversial, given the price for these achievements I had to pay, but it is impossible to deny the fact that the era of the USSR became a time of global changes in all sectors of the country’s life. Today about achievements great country and about what its citizens preferred not to talk about.

1920 – 1930s: electrification of the entire country and great construction projects

The main achievement of the Country of Soviets in the 1920s was the electrification of the country, the fight against homelessness and the elimination of illiteracy. Medical care and education became free for all Soviet citizens. A children's health camp "Artek" has opened in Crimea.

The 1930s went down in history as a time of great construction projects: the White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in record time, and units at the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station were put into operation. The country set a course for industrialization. The developments of domestic scientists related to agriculture- combating drought, mechanization, chemicalization and increasing productivity. A new direction of science is beginning to develop - nuclear physics.

It was during these years that the first Soviet films “Battleship Potemkin” by Sergei Eisenstein, “Circus” and “Jolly Fellows” by Grigory Alexandrov were shot, Sholokhov wrote his novel “Quiet Don”, for which he later received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1920s – 1930s: time of repression

The Bolsheviks began repressions against political opponents immediately after the October Revolution. But they continued into the 30s. At that time, the fight against “sabotage,” sabotage, political crimes, most of the cases of which were falsified, and the fight against fists was widespread. In the period from August 1937 to November 1938 alone, 390 thousand people were executed and 380 thousand were sent to the Gulags. This time also went down in history as a time of repression against ethnic minorities, in particular Germans, Latvians, Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians.

The symbol of a happy childhood in the USSR is a smiling girl in the arms of Joseph Stalin. This is 6-year-old Gelya Markizova, who came to the Kremlin with her father, one of the leaders of the delegation from Buryat-Mongolia.

True, then no one could have imagined that within a year the girl would have to change her last name, and propaganda would give her face to the most famous pioneer of the country, Mamlakat Nakhangova. And all because Geli’s father was called a spy for Japanese intelligence and shot, and she naturally became the daughter of an enemy of the people.

1940 – 1950s: victory over fascism and debunking the cult of personality

The 1940s were marked by a terrible war, victory over fascism and the beginning of the restoration of the country. At this time, the best works of the Stalinist Empire style were built in Moscow: a complex of high-rise buildings in different areas of the capital, called “7 Sisters” and new metro stations. It is at this time that “ cold war"and the arms race between the West and the USSR. This prompted the creation of the best examples of Soviet military equipment.

On March 8, 1950, the USSR officially announced the possession of the atomic bomb, ending the American monopoly on the world's most destructive weapon. In 1953, the USSR reported the successful testing of a hydrogen bomb. In the period from 1954 to 1960, the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, the Urals, the Volga region, Siberia and Far East. In 1957, the nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin was launched. It was at this time that for the first time since 1908, Soviet scientists received several Nobel Prizes.

In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev spoke at the 20th Congress of the CPSU with a report “On the cult of personality and its consequences,” in which he debunked the cult of personality of the late “father of nations.” In 1961, Stalin's body was taken out of the Mausoleum. Mass renaming began: Stalingrad became Volgograd, the capital of the Tajik SSR Stalinabad was renamed Dushanbe. Monuments to Stalin were dismantled everywhere, and many feature films were censored in order to get rid of the “obsessive image.”

During these years, the glory of Russian ballet resounded throughout the planet, and Bolshoi Theater tours became one of the most significant events in cultural life.

In 1958, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” by Mikhail Kalatozov received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. And in the same year, Boris Pasternak was awarded for his novel Doctor Zhivago. True, the poet was forced to refuse the prize, and the novel was never published in the USSR.

1950s: a time of keeping silent about failures

They preferred not to tell Soviet citizens about the failures. So back in 1957, long before the Chernobyl accident, a larger-scale disaster occurred related to the proliferation of nuclear substances. The accident in Kyshtymsk left 11 thousand people without homes, and about 270 thousand people were exposed to radioactivity. The tragedy was first mentioned only in 1960, and its consequences became known only in the early 2000s.

1960 – 1970s: leadership in space and hockey

The 1960s for the USSR became a time of leadership in the world of space technology, which began with the flight into space of the first man - Yuri Gagarin. Even spiteful critics of the USSR called this event “a genuine achievement of the Soviet era.”

The 1960s were also the years of world recognition of the culture of the country of the Soviets. Mikhail Sholokhov receives the Nobel Prize in Literature. Violinist David Oistrakh not only gathers concert halls around the world, but also becomes a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Boston, an honorary member of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome, a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin, the Beethoven Society, the Swedish Academy of Music in Stockholm, an honorary doctor of music from the University of Cambridge and a holder of orders from a number of European countries. The names of Irina Arkhipova, Elena Obraztsova, Galina Vishnevskaya, Maya Plisetskaya, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova and Mikhail Baryshnikov are thundering on the world opera stage. Andrei Tarkovsky's film Ivan's Childhood receives the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.

Between 1970 and 1973 the world's first soft landings to Venus by the Soviet space stations Venera-7, Venera-8, Venera-9 and Venera-10. The main Komsomol construction project in the country begins - the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). The 1970s also became a triumph for Soviet hockey.

In 1977, the right of USSR citizens to free education at all levels (from primary to higher) was enshrined in Article 45 of the Constitution.

1960 - 1970s: environmental disasters and the era of stagnation

Someone considers the Brezhnev era a “golden age”, attributing to this time the factories built, growth statistics, factories built, brilliant films and other unsurpassed achievements. Denouncers of “stagnation” note failures in supplying the population, shortages of goods, low quality products and the destructive environmental consequences of economic activity.

In particular, in the 1960s, due to irrigation, the Aral Sea, which at that time was the fourth largest lake in the world, began to dry up. From 1960 to 2007, its surface area of ​​this reservoir decreased from 68.90 thousand km. sq. up to 14.1 thousand km. sq.

Citizens of the USSR remembered the year 1977 for a series of terrorist attacks in Moscow. There were three explosions: in a Moscow metro car between the Izmailovskaya and Pervomaiskaya stations, in the sales area of ​​a grocery store on Bolshaya Lubyanka and near a grocery store on Nikolskaya. As a result, 7 people were killed and 37 were injured. The main organizer and leader of the terrorist attacks was recognized as Stepan Zatikyan, an Armenian nationalist who longed to “punish the Russians for the oppression of the Armenian people.” Soviet dissidents, and in particular A.D. Sakharov, spoke out against the death sentence imposed on him.

The period of the 1980s began with the Moscow Olympics. In 1981, the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” by Vladimir Menshov received an Oscar. It is known that later Ronald Reagan, preparing for a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, watched this film 8 times, trying to “understand the mysterious Russian soul.”

In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev entered the political arena. The spirit of freedom, perestroika and glasnost begins to soar in the country. Few could have imagined that the country had reached the finish line of its existence. On November 15, 1988, the Soviet spacecraft of the reusable transport space system "Buran" made its first and only flight, perhaps ending the era of achievements of the USSR.

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