Compatibility of the Rooster in love relationships. Compatibility of the rooster man with other signs What kind of food does the rooster man eat?

Shrubs 17.11.2023

When interested in a love horoscope, pay special attention to the compatibility of the Rooster man with other signs. According to the eastern calendar, representatives of this sign are extraordinary and bright personalities who are extremely popular with the opposite sex.

General characteristics of the sign

A man born in the year of the Rooster has a number of undeniable advantages that certainly distinguish him from other signs. This is an active and purposeful person who pays great attention to the business she has chosen in life, therefore she takes her work very seriously, devoting a lot of time to the development of various professional skills and abilities.

The Rooster is always confident in himself, so he easily gets along with different people, in addition, he likes to shock the public, attracting everyone's attention. Thanks to their openness, courage, natural attractiveness and innate charm, men of this sign easily conquer women's hearts.

Description in a relationship

Each sign undoubtedly has their own preferences for a partner. It is clear that in order to build this or that union, it is necessary to take into account a number of character traits of your future soul mate.

According to the Eastern horoscope, do representatives of the stronger sex manifest themselves in love and sexual unions?

In love

Since the Rooster man is used to dominating in love, he will do everything possible to win the woman he likes. At the same time, he gets carried away very easily and cools down no less quickly in his feelings. When a representative of this sign meets his soulmate, he will do everything to make her happy and their family union to be a success. When courting their chosen one, the stronger sex will certainly conquer her with courtesy and gallantry, and surprise her with pleasant and unexpected surprises and gifts. Their relationship will be bright and emotionally rich.

  1. This is the unconditional leader in relationships.
  2. Men born in the year of the Rooster want a woman to be attentive to them and always take care of them. appearance and clothes.
  3. Besides, great value has the intellectual level of development of his partner, otherwise they simply will not have common topics for conversation, and he will immediately get bored in such a relationship.

In sex

According to his characteristics, a man whose year of birth is considered the year of the Rooster is sexually suitable for many signs, since from birth he has a special attractive magnetism. Women find representatives of this sign sexy and want to have them in their bed.

By the way, the most famous lovers in the world were born in the year called the Year of the Rooster. Since sex plays a very important role in their lives, they never cease to amaze their partners with their boundless imagination and love of experimentation.

Compatibility with other signs

When choosing a partner for life, it is very important to pay attention to such a concept as compatibility of zodiac signs. Let's take a closer look at which year the Rooster man is most compatible with. Which of the signs, according to eastern horoscope, is most suitable for creating a strong alliance with him.

Rat (Mouse)

Not the best couple. Constantly arising difficulties will interfere with both friendships and work, and family relationships. In this union, each partner makes high demands not only on himself, but also on his significant other.

As a result, many claims and unjustified expectations accumulate between lovers, and the relationship gradually deteriorates and cools.

Bull (Ox)

The union will succeed if both partners make concessions to each other and begin to behave like adults. Overall, this relationship will be successful. A woman will be pleased that she has such an attractive and sexy partner; next to him she will always feel like a goddess.

Despite his flighty character, the man remains faithful to his girlfriend, appreciating the care and reliable support that she provides him. Over the years, the couple's love will become stronger, and the relationship will develop into a happy union.


Not everything in this union will always go smoothly and without problems, but in general such relationships will work out perfectly. Both partners are bright and extraordinary individuals who value personal freedom. At the same time, the Rooster and the Tiger have a lot of common hobbies and interests, thanks to which they will never be bored with each other.

The woman in this couple will not want to give up leadership to her partner, because of this, conflicts and mutual claims are likely. But loving and appreciating their couple, the stronger sex will easily smooth out all the misunderstandings that arise.

Rabbit (Hare, Cat)

The problem in this case will be the different temperaments of the partners. The Rooster is very emotional and open to everything new and unknown, while the Rabbit is calm, unhurried, accustomed to thinking through and calculating its actions in advance.

Even if the lovers make concessions, it is unlikely that their union will be happy, since the partners will not be able to develop in such a relationship. The most memorable year for them will be the first year of their relationship.


But this union promises to be not only successful, but also happy. The life together of the representatives of the signs will be filled with positive changes. The Rooster man, thanks to his love of adventure, will be happy to make the wildest dreams and fantasies of the Dragon woman come true.

This is a fairly harmonious union. Even if conflicts occur, the partner will quickly improve the relationship by yielding to his beloved.


Although both the Snake and the Rooster are problematic signs in the horoscope, their union will undoubtedly be strong and lead to a happy family life. It is with this partner that a woman will reveal herself as a homemaker.

Having found each other, lovers will remain faithful and sincere in their feelings, having lived together for decades. Representatives of these signs easily forgive each other's mistakes.

Horse (Horse)

Relationships are only possible if the partners agree to personal freedom. When dating a Horse woman, the Rooster man will feel great, but attempts to start a life together or family will cause many difficulties.

It will be difficult for this couple to find common language and come to an agreement, since everyone hears only themselves. The lovers will begin to spend most of their time arguing, endlessly proving that they are right.

Goat (Sheep)

The combination of these signs in the horoscope is not the most successful. Each of the partners is accustomed to being given special attention and care. The Rooster, as a rule, does not think about money, but the Goat, on the contrary, needs a sense of security, which a stable financial situation can provide it with.

In addition, it will be difficult for such a couple to find a common language and find true spiritual intimacy. Therefore, partners often break up, even after living together for several years.


It is easy for a Monkey woman to charm a man of this sign. Carried away, she will make every effort to create a good relationship with him. But whether such a union will be happy depends on how much the partners will try to hear and understand not only their other half, but also themselves.

It is very important for the partner in this relationship to feel that the woman needs the relationship with him as much as he does. If the Monkey values ​​his loved one, the union has a chance of success.


A serious relationship in this couple most likely will not work out, since both partners are very emotional and dreamy, it will be difficult for them to get along in everyday life.

People whose birth year is the year of the Rooster value their career, so they will pay little attention to everyday issues and raising children. Because of this, of course, scandals and quarrels will arise, since each spouse will demand understanding and support from the other.


The stumbling block in these relationships will be the different life goals and aspirations of the partners. It'll be surprising if they create one at all. married couple. The partner is too restless and changeable in his views, which will certainly irritate the other half.


The relationship will last as long as the partner is ready to put up with this state of affairs. As soon as she gets tired of pleasing and chasing her lover all the time, she will break them off and find herself a new partner.


This is what the compatibility horoscope of the Rooster man with other signs looks like. However, when choosing a partner, do not forget that a person, first of all, creates his own destiny. The characteristics of the sign in question allow us to conclude that it is almost always compatible with other signs, and therefore we are talking about one’s own priorities and willingness to make compromises.

A man born in the year of the Rooster has little chance of remaining unnoticed in a company. It’s as if an amplifier is built into it: a loud voice, broad gestures, direct gaze. The Rooster man is active and talkative, he is always ready to take on a challenge or have fun. His openness is an integral character trait; like a character from “Adventure Time,” he is always ready for adventure and interesting stories.

The Rooster man goes through life with an open visor, which makes him very attractive in the eyes of others, including the opposite sex. He has many friends who know that the Rooster man will always come to the rescue and be honest with them. And women especially value him for his courage and openness, which make the Rooster man an exotic “product” on the grooms’ market.

How to win a Rooster man

To win a Rooster man, first you will have to break through the crowd that surrounds him from morning to night. He is an extrovert who loves to be the center of attention and events. Well, if events don’t happen for a long time, he creates them himself. Thanks to his ability to make the atmosphere around him bright and noisy, the Rooster man often becomes the organizer of various events - parties, buffets, discussions, meetings. On them, you can be sure, he takes himself main role, which I am usually one hundred percent passionate about. Therefore, the first and most difficult rule of seduction with a representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope is to attract the attention of the Rooster man.

This can be done with the help of some extravagant act or bright clothes in which you can safely go to the Brazilian Carnival. Just don’t take away the palm from the Rooster man when it comes to the brightness of his actions. It is enough to capture his attention just once, and then move on to active admiration mode. You won’t have to fake it - the behavior of the Rooster man is so unpredictable and non-trivial that it’s difficult to resist delight.

If it comes to a meeting-date, it is best to arrange it in some popular place filled with people. Remember, the Rooster man is not a fan of quiet cozy nooks! He is attracted to places where he can express himself, showing everyone not only his new suit, but also the depth of his inner world. In addition, the Rooster man loves to talk about himself and his hobbies. Ask clarifying questions, listen carefully and do not interrupt - it will not be difficult, because he is an excellent storyteller, in whose stories there is room for humor and intrigue.

Relationship with a Rooster man

In a relationship with a Rooster man, the main thing is to always remain calm and balanced. From the very beginning, agree to resolve difficult situations with him without scandals, otherwise he himself, due to his straightforwardness, does not always feel where the line between “possible” and “impossible” ends. That is why in love relationships With a Rooster man, it is important to let him know when what he says is unacceptable and unpleasant. If you convey this idea to him clearly and briefly, the Rooster man will adjust his behavior, because the representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope does not set out to offend a loved one. And if he does it, it’s not out of malice.

The Rooster man will be proud of your relationship with him, and on occasion he will definitely brag to his friends and family about what an amazing woman he got. Also, with pleasure and pride, he will introduce his beloved to his wide circle of friends. In general, when meeting a Rooster man, he always adheres to the principle “my friends are now your friends.” It is not surprising that the number of friendships in his life is simply off the charts.

It’s easy to make new acquaintances with him: wherever you go - on vacation, to the theater or even to the forest to pick mushrooms - the Rooster man will be able to quickly find “great guys with whom you can have fun.” So you are unlikely to be bored while sitting at home. At the same time, the Rooster man respects the warmth and comfort of his home nest and will not refuse to spend time with you alone, in the most romantic setting.

The Rooster man takes care of his family, considering it his duty to provide financial support to loved ones. Something is bothering him, he speaks about it directly, and is unlikely to harbor a grudge in his soul. In general, the Rooster man is used to solving all problems that arise immediately, without delay. And even if it is not very pleasant - like tearing off a band-aid with one jerk - but the heavy sensations are much less extended over time.

Sometimes, in the process of sorting out the relationship with the Rooster man, it may seem to you that the degree of drama on his part is somewhat exaggerated, but you quickly get used to this feature of his: the Rooster man is really not alien to a certain amount of theatricality and grotesqueness in the manifestation of his feelings. Both negative and positive.

Accustomed throughout his life to being the center of attention, the Rooster man will be extremely furious if he sees someone flirting with his woman, and she, horror of horrors, responds kindly. You shouldn't do that! Giving a Rooster man a reason to be jealous is like waving a red rag in front of a bull: pointless, desperate and extremely dangerous. Try to confess your love to him more often, give him confidence that he is the main person in your life, and then the Rooster man will melt and do everything in his power to make you happy next to him!

"Rooster Man according to the Chinese Horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

The rooster man is a very interesting person. He will never be able to go outside in shorts and a stretched T-shirt. This representative of the stronger sex spends his last money on his wardrobe. A male rooster will look advantageous in any society and will be able to find a common language with everyone. He spends a lot of time in the gym and does not take care of himself.

The rooster guy loves female company. You will never get bored with him. He knows a lot interesting stories and loves to joke. Women idolize this man, and he, in turn, knows perfectly well what a woman needs.

Rooster Man Personality Characteristics

A man born in the year of the rooster cannot be alone. He needs a noisy and cheerful company, where he will shine and amaze those present with his wit. If the fans turn away and end the relationship, then he begins to worry and falls into deep depression.

A man in the year of the rooster tries to win love and trust among his colleagues. Very quickly he begins to command and manipulate people. He simply cannot stand it when people argue with him and try to convince him of something. He initially believes that only he is right.

Year of the Rooster. Characteristic. A man never thinks that he can offend others with his behavior and words. It is impossible to come to an agreement with him. If your point of view differs, then he begins to get angry and throws a huge tantrum.

Born in the year of the rooster, he is very narcissistic. He always notices all the shortcomings and expresses them in front of everyone. But he has too many complexes. The male rooster knows them, but will never show them to others.

The rooster guy devotes a lot of time to his education. He reads and studies a lot. He is in no hurry to hide this, but, on the contrary, when the opportunity arises, he tells everyone about it. He always writes everything down and develops a daily routine. The rooster's friends appreciate him for his intelligence and ask for help.

The rooster man is a naive person. He trusts everyone indiscriminately. If he finds himself in a situation where they are trying to suppress him, then the male rooster closes down and moves away from those around him.

A representative of this sign thinks for a long time, and only then makes a decision. He takes failures seriously, but is in no hurry to fix everything.

The rooster man works tirelessly. Often there is not enough strength, but he gives his best. If he has a goal in front of him, he will go to the end. A good income is simply necessary for this sign. A rooster man needs money for a prosperous life.

He won't become rich right away. He accumulates capital little by little. The Rooster man is not able to take risks and open his own business. He doesn’t know how to take care of things and usually spends everything he has.

The Rooster man very patiently strives for an ideal relationship and a prosperous life. In old age, he provides for his life and the life of his children.

How to win a Rooster man

He may fall in love easily, but his love will not last forever. This is a patient man who does everything to conquer the lady of his heart. As soon as the relationship begins to shift to new level, he shows himself in all his glory. He creates endless scenes of jealousy and scandals.

How to win a rooster man? This question worries the fair sex, because every lady wants to see a smart, handsome, well-groomed and gallant gentleman next to her.

He should be constantly praised and supported. If he starts to dream, then you shouldn’t interrupt him. Dream together and make plans for the future. The Rooster man will appreciate everything and thank you for your understanding.

Born in the year of the rooster, the stronger sex loves to lie. But you shouldn’t tell him about it, even if you know the truth - it’s better to remain silent.

If you want to win a rooster guy, then don't cook for him. romantic evenings Houses. Better invite him to go to an exhibition or concert. He constantly needs to be in society.

A woman who cannot take care of herself and keep her apartment clean will never please a rooster man. He notices every speck of dust and untidy item. The lady who can do all this will definitely be rewarded for her efforts.

If you disagree with something or think differently, do not remain silent and dot the i's in the early stages of the relationship. Subsequently, the rooster man will become very irritated and quarrel. But don't force your opinion on him.

The Rooster is not able to tolerate criticism painlessly. If you suspect him of cheating, then don’t make a scene. It's no use. He never admits his mistakes. If you cannot forgive, then it is better to leave forever.

The rooster man cannot forgive his beloved for betrayal. If this happened, and he remained nearby, then at every opportunity, he will remember and poke.

He is only interested in women who can hold a conversation on any topic. Find common activities and you will understand how gentle and affectionate a rooster man can be.

Rooster Man at work

A man born in the year of the rooster cannot boast of luck. He achieves everything on his own. But on career growth character influences. At the peak, he can get into trouble and resign of his own free will.

He does the work conscientiously and double-checks everything several times. But if he manages to occupy the chair of a leader, then, often, he becomes a tyrant. He shouts at his subordinates and demands the impossible. He rejects advice and help and proves to everyone that he knows everything better than others.

In a simple position, a rooster man is an excellent employee. Colleagues love and respect him, and he maintains a joyful atmosphere. He can advise and help, and completely disinterestedly.

He begins to work at an early age. The Rooster man will find himself in any field of activity, so it was difficult for him to choose a job. If he doesn’t know something, he will definitely study it and fill the gap in knowledge. The results obtained can be safely applied in practice.

He doesn’t hold on to his money and quickly flies away. The rooster man cannot save money. He tries to spend every penny on his family. To earn a lot, a rooster needs to find his calling and do what he loves. Boring work drives him crazy.

A representative of this sign is best suited for work in professions where you need to talk a lot and be visible. A rooster man makes an excellent toastmaster.

A rooster guy can't live without praise. He needs to be constantly complimented. He always tries to be the best in everything.

Rooster Man in Love and Family

The rooster man always focuses on details when choosing a companion. He himself looks 100% and demands the same from his other half. He chooses his chosen one not by internal qualities, but by appearance.

The rooster man is fickle in love. In order to decide on his wife, he will have to choose for a long time. In his youth, he is not going to get married and it is impossible to convince him. But at a more mature age he is able to create strong family. He loves to look after and give gifts. But he also loves to be pampered.

As soon as the rooster man realizes that he has found his soul mate, he immediately proposes and turns into an ideal husband and a reverent father. He will work around the clock, but will provide for his family. He never skimps on his loved ones.

The rooster man demands a lot from his wife. And if she does not fulfill household duties, then he will scandalize and will soon be disappointed in his wife. Such a marriage is doomed. It is important for him to have a delicious dinner and clean laundry waiting for him at home.

The Rooster man has many female fans. He can get carried away easily. All hobbies are for a while, after he has had enough time, he returns to the family and begins to take care of his family with renewed vigor.

A rooster man will never scream about his feelings and publicly swear his love. Although he doesn't talk about love, he knows how to care.

The compatibility of Roosters is very doubtful. They are aggressive and straightforward. If Roosters meet, then their relationship either develops into love for life, or into enmity. Let's take a closer look at what kind of relationship will develop between two people born in the year of the Rooster.

Compatibility in love

The Rooster woman and the Rooster man are emotional and impulsive. Therefore, their relationship will be full of both positive and negative emotions. Positive character traits of both partners include nobility, a sense of justice and the ability to sympathize with others. They will always stand up for the weak and help those in need. Both love the attention of others, which is why rivalry arises between them. Roosters do not like to give in to each other and openly criticize their partner's shortcomings. The Rooster is not shy in his statements, expressing everything he thinks. Often quarrels and conflicts are accompanied by mutual grievances. In relationships, the Rooster either admires the chosen one or becomes furious with him.

Both are quite sociable, talented and love the attention of the opposite sex. They loving and appreciate beauty. Although Roosters admire their own virtues more. They are characterized by boasting and exaggeration of their own importance. But the straightforwardness and ardor of nature often repel others.

The Rooster man will immediately pay attention to the Rooster woman. He likes an interesting and bright woman. Together they will be comfortable and fun. Sexual compatibility Petukhov based on trust women to their partner. She will never deny a man intimacy, but she will reproach him for real or fictitious betrayal. Therefore, the partner needs to pacify the suspicion of his chosen one, and then he will be able to get a wonderful mistress.

Difficulties in a love relationship will appear when each partner begins to notice the other’s shortcomings, not paying attention to their own. Roosters are jealous and can show furious distrust of their chosen one, while they themselves may not be faithful.

If the Roosters stop re-educating each other and give up pettiness, they can become an ideal couple. The Rooster woman must take into account the temperament of the man of the same sign and submit to his leadership. And the man - take on a combative character your woman and keep the balance of emotions. He needs a woman who can support him and become a faithful adviser, and not a critic and judge. However, it is rare that the Rooster woman will give up leadership, so conflicts in the couple are inevitable. The relationship will be tense, which will eventually tire both of them.

Marriage Compatibility

People born in the year of the Rooster often marry several times. Two Roosters in marriage are a rare phenomenon; it is difficult for them to achieve a relationship in which both will feel good. The union is turbulent and tense. In conflicts and quarrels, a man and a woman are so hot-tempered that they fly into a rage and cannot stop. Both do not hear each other, each proving his own. Despite the fact that Roosters love coziness, comfort and order, they try to control each other and encounter resistance from their chosen one.

If a woman and a Rooster man tie themselves into marriage, they must know each other’s character traits. For a man, family is important, but he will never give up the desire to realize himself in society. He will work hard, and next to him he needs a woman who will admire him, understand and support it. In the case when the Rooster woman is calm about her husband’s activities, it is quite possible to create a harmonious relationship. It is possible for a Rooster man and a Rooster woman to achieve compatibility in marriage if both spouses distribute family responsibilities so that each of them is a leader. The husband will build a career and provide for his family, and the wife will take care of home improvement and leisure activities.

It is worth considering that the compatibility of a Rooster woman and a Rooster man may change depending on the influence of horoscopes by zodiac sign. In any case, in order to achieve good relationships in the family, Roosters need to be compliant and restrain their emotions.

Compatibility with signs of other years

For a successful marriage with people born in the year of the Rooster, you need to be fairly resistant to criticism. The Rooster can be a very faithful and loving chosen one. And although this sign is quite complex, you can live amicably and happily with Roosters.

Compatibility of Rooster and Ox

The best partner for the Rooster will be the Ox. He will responsibly take on all the responsibilities of a partner. Both can create a wonderful family. Compatibility of an Ox woman (man) and a Rooster man (woman) is based on the honesty of the spouses towards each other. After all, both cannot stand hypocrisy. They will be inspired by each other and will be able to carry love through the years.

Compatibility of Rooster and Dragon

This bright passionate union, in which both spouses have no time to be bored. The Rooster and Dragon suit each other in every way. They have common interests and hobbies. For the Rooster, the Dragon is an ideal.

Compatibility of Rooster and Snake

The secretive Snake will become more cheerful and less suspicious in an alliance with the Rooster. She will be able to receive in the face of a warlike bird reliable defender. The Snake will also provide financial stability in the family. The Rooster will listen to the wise advice of the Snake. There will be a lot of love and passion in the relationship.

Compatibility of Rooster and Boar (Pig)

Here at first there is mutual sympathy, which over time flows into real strong feeling, capable of revealing in each of the spouses their best qualities. The compatibility of a Rooster woman (man) and a Pig man (woman) is built on mutual respect and support for each other.

Compatibility of Rooster and Dog

Quite optimistic union Dogs and Rooster. And although the Dog will be irritated by the manners of the Rooster, the confidence, directness and enterprise of the second sign will conquer the peaceful Dog.

Compatibility of Rooster and Horse

Compatibility is questionable Rooster and Horse. Despite the fact that their characters are very similar, the relationship between the signs is not easy. Everyone will look for admiration in the eyes of the chosen one. Problems will also arise in the financial sector.

Compatibility of Rooster and Rat

Life will be difficult Rooster with Rat. The second sign is cunning and rarely says what he thinks. A rooster can peck its partner in moments of aggression. The Rat is practical and values ​​stability. The Rooster is generous and can spend his last savings.

Compatibility of Rooster and Tiger

Despite passionate romance and beautiful love, it will not be possible to build a long-term alliance with the Tiger. Both love to play first fiddle and can speak harshly towards each other. Both are polygamous natures, which complicates compatibility in marriage. Good friendships based on mutual support are possible between them, even after a breakup.

Compatibility of Rooster and Monkey

This funny and bright novel which is unlikely to develop into marriage. The cunning Monkey will not tolerate the directness of the Rooster. The Rooster does not tolerate secrets; he needs to feel safe. Serious problems will arise in finances. Both love risks and can easily lose a tidy sum.

Compatibility of Rooster and Goat (Sheep)

Absolutely different people, Rooster and Goat, will not be able to build a long-term alliance. The Goat is very sensitive to every word of the Rooster, who constantly criticizes and analyzes the behavior of the chosen one. The compatibility of a woman (man) Rooster and a man (woman) Goat (Sheep) is complicated by the fact that they have different temperaments and rhythms of life. The Goat strives for peace and quiet, while the Rooster loves company.

Compatibility of Rooster and Rabbit (Cat)

Worst Compatibility, according to the eastern horoscope, a woman (man) has a Rooster and a man (woman) a Rabbit (Cat). It is difficult for them to reach agreement and it is better to stay away. The rabbit will create all the conditions in the house so that the chosen one feels comfortable. But the Rooster will not be able to become an exemplary master and will very soon get bored. Conflicts will be loud and lead to open fighting.

The compatibility of people born in the year of the Rooster is questionable. Relationships are full of conflicts and confrontations. Despite the similarity of characters, both see each other’s shortcomings and freely sort things out in front of everyone. It is necessary to direct joint energy towards the implementation of common goals and noble deeds, and not focus on trifles and trifles. Only with the presence of additional favorable factors can a harmonious union be achieved.

Let's find out what the character of a man will be like, whose sign according to the eastern horoscope is the Rooster! Rooster man - Horoscope.Guru will tell you all the details!

The Rooster man is beautiful and attractive

Roosters are very attractive and extraordinary. They dress beautifully, are well-groomed, gallant, know how to present themselves, and keep their bodies in excellent shape. They love to be the center of attention and entertain society with their wit! As a rule, everyone around is delighted with the Rooster - he knows what to say to please everyone. He also spreads a huge amount of magnetism around himself, constantly attracting and exciting people around him! But his personal life is still too turbulent: the Rooster cannot create a happy family in his youth, only towards maturity does he develop the strength and ability to become happy in his personal life.

Character traits

The Rooster needs to be in sight and in the center of attention, constantly exchanging energies. But if you forget about such a man, he simply becomes depressed! By the way, the Rooster is sure that he is right in everything, so it is useless to argue with him: he says out loud what he wants, and will never care about other people’s feelings. He does not tolerate criticism directed at himself, but speaks frankly and immediately to others. Deep complexes are always hidden behind his apparent narcissism. Even if they are very well hidden!

The Rooster is very well-read, educated, organized and neat. He is very proud of himself, always attentive to details and likes to observe everything from the outside. They regularly turn to him for advice! The Rooster is also very trusting, even childishly naive. It is easy to deceive him, and where he cannot command, the Rooster simply begins to become apathetic. Sometimes he is considered a bureaucrat: he plays it safe too often. With all his love for command, he lacks will, he does not believe in his own strength, and constantly jumps between self-doubt and low self-esteem, while doubting, he loses vital energy, and this leads to failures...

Career and finance

As a rule, men born in the year of the Rooster work very hard, constantly striving to do more than they can. Very active, active, purposeful, they understand perfectly well that they do not fall from the sky without difficulty. So, gradually, grain by grain, they accumulate wealth! They never take big risks, and besides, they often spend everything they earn without a trace. Traditionally, they go from poverty to wealth, from terrible family relationships to ideal love! But the Rooster’s old age is, as a rule, prosperous and prosperous!
