Weak nervous system: characteristics, signs, how to strengthen? Weak nervous system in a child - what to do? What does a weak nervous system mean?

medicinal plants 18.01.2022
medicinal plants

Good day everyone! Dear accomplices! Maybe you can help. I've completely messed up something. I guess I should try psychotherapy or something...
I have a weak nervous system, always have. It is easy to unbalance me, I often get nervous, cry. I have endlessly - all my life - psychosomatics. I'm 50 years old. The last few years have been really hard for me. I see and hear worse. My memory got worse, my reactions slower. I think worse, I lose everything and forget.
My work is related to information, large flows, in different languages. I have to be always online. I coordinate people. Along the way, I learn 2 languages. It's very hard for me to do this. Begins - the neurosis has already begun. The sight of the computer shakes me. With any minor breakdowns of gadgets or with an unstable connection, panic begins. Communication in a non-native language exhausts me. In a month I plan to start another project in parallel with the first one. And I'm already scared that I won't pull it because of my weak nervous system. Due to low stress resistance.
I have hypertension and take antihypertensive drugs. But still, when I'm nervous, my blood pressure rises, my heart starts to hurt and pound. Two days ago I had a trouble, not fatal and not so terrible. But I was downright knocked down, headache, constant tears, palpitations, pressure ... I want to say that I recently had a doctor's examination, passed all the tests and everything is fine. It is necessary, in short, to be less nervous, to rest more, to relax, not to think about the bad .. So the question is - how to implement it?
How can I relax? How to work but not overwork? How not to panic from glitches in the program, unstable connection or your own stupidity when you forget simple words and moo like a degenerate?
I do not refuse from pills, I drink a sedative. But I want to ask - can a psychologist or a psychotherapist via Skype help here? I don't have such experience. If there are contacts of a good specialist - but not very high in price - please send me a PM, please. Skype only, I don't live in Russia.
Also please talk to me! How to increase stress resistance? How to learn to rest? Where to find energy? I have catastrophically little of it, I'm tired all the time and barely alive. And then there are plans with the second project, which is very interesting to me and I don’t want to miss it!
Upd Many thanks to everyone! I am very touched that so many people responded and showed so much kindness and participation! Your words helped me! I lay down for three and now I'm much better. So to speak, the soldier is back in the ranks! Sorry for not answering!

Most children in life and work, in everyday behavior are always active, joyful, cheerful, hardy. But sometimes there are also children who are passive, withdrawn, who can hardly withstand more or less prolonged stress. Usually they are highly responsive and sensitive even to weak stimuli. These features in the behavior of individual children are primarily due to the peculiarities of their nervous system. Such children are, according to the definition of I.P. Pavlov, representatives of the so-called weak nervous type. It is important to remember this in order not to confuse what is a consequence of the conditions of life and upbringing with what is a manifestation of the characteristics of the nervous system itself.

Temperamental traits of impressionable children - children with a weak nervous system:

How do children of this type behave? From an early age, they are extremely sensitive and receptive: they can quickly and easily notice minor changes in the mood of people, as well as the faintest rustles, sounds, and shades. They even see what goes unnoticed by many: a slight shadow of annoyance or a spark of joy on the face, imperceptible movements, minor changes in costume or gait.

These children are very worried when they read books and watch movies. Events capture them so much that tears appear in their eyes, although they try to distract themselves from exciting events. Memories of them cause inexplicable mental pain.

Hypersensitivity, nervousness are also manifested when they have to decide, do something on their own, especially in an unfamiliar and unusual environment. Impressive children react to everything new with a great, even excessive, expenditure of energy, often being preoccupied at the same time. Some trifle, and the child already has a tense face, a deep sigh. For example, a father instructed his son to pay off a taxi driver, and he experiences this as the most important event in his life.

Features of children with a weak nervous system are also manifested in educational and physical work. It is easier to teach such pupils to be thorough in daily affairs than children of strong types, especially sanguine and choleric ones. They work better in monotonous conditions, quickly and easily get used to the regime of the day and work, since monotonous activity cannot cause very great excitement, which can lead to overexpenditure and inhibition of the nervous system. Therefore, both parents and teachers have to reckon with the lack of endurance and easy fatigue of impressionable children.

Prolonged strenuous work, whether physical or mental, is tiring for them. If in the first lessons they work well, then further - worse. Children of a weak type get tired especially quickly in new conditions. It is especially difficult for them to study in the first and fifth grades. They work best at home, when no one interferes, or in a secluded corner of the library.

In a noisy tense environment, simple tasks seem difficult to children with a weak nervous system, and easy tasks seem difficult. During examinations and other exciting events, they are either passive, lethargic, or irritable, noisy, and if some kind of misfortune happens, then they are completely exhausted, sick.

Unlike students of strong types, children of a weak nervous type show quick inhibition, stiffness, if they have to act depending on the situation. When an unexpected question is put before them and they find it difficult to answer immediately, they usually have a confused look, a tense face, they don’t know where to put themselves. In the classroom, after a question is asked, they timidly raise their hand, and when they hear their last name, they shudder and, slowly getting up, answer.

During exams, “they are so excited that it is fraught with loss of appetite, insomnia and nightmares. Then the feasible task seems to them unbearable and the solved problem - unsolved. Successful completion of exams calms sensitive children, they say: “Why did you have to worry so much? It won't happen again." But "this" is repeated over and over again - such are the characteristics of children with a weak nervous system.

An impressionable child may be offended by a trifle: cry if, before his appearance, they finished the conversation or, say, did not convey a joke that everyone laughed at (and not at all at him).

We stopped at some features of the temperament of impressionable children. It must be said that each of them may have other features: one is fast, the other is slow, one is balanced, the other is unbalanced. This once again indicates that in human society there are no immutable, "pure" nervous types. The behavior of the child is formed gradually, under the influence of social influences, personal experience and upbringing.

Features of raising impressionable children - children with a weak nervous system:

We need a careful approach to impressionable children. Here, mistakes in education can lead not only to such negative traits as fearfulness, irritability, but also to illness, to nervous breakdown.

1. First of all, for children with a weak nervous system, it is downright vital thoughtful daily routine at school and at home. The regime, as is known, is associated with great stability and rhythm in the way of life, which is very important for the economical expenditure of nervous energy, which is what weak-nervous children need. It is important to prepare lessons at a certain time, help with the housework, relax and play sports.

2. So, the regime strengthens the nervous system. But is it necessary to put children in changing, new conditions? It is necessary, but only taking into account their features and condition. Changing the regime is appropriate when the children are not very tired of anything: for example, during the holidays. When students rest, their daily routine naturally breaks down. It is important to see something new every day: to go hiking, to the forest, to the river. It invigorates and gives strength. But in all cases, such abrupt changes in the child's life, which can lead to nervous strain, to a breakdown, should be avoided. Any kind of assault is especially harmful both in study and in work.

3. Systematic lessons. If students of strong types can “catch up with their comrades” in a few days and sleepless nights without much damage to the nervous system (although with damage to knowledge), then impressionable children cannot do this. On this path, they inevitably have headaches, weakening of the body, and even serious breakdowns.

When gradualness is observed, impressionable children master an extremely difficult task. Some even manage to become endurance athletes. What's the secret? In training, it is more convenient for weak children to start with easier exercises, and then move on to more difficult ones. And when you go out on the ice, do as many circles as you need - first five, and now eight, nine and even ten.

4. It is important that all impressions and difficulties are feasible for a child and did not lead to fatigue. Parents, if they want well for their receptive child, need to become thoughtful educators.

5. For children, they are especially harmful, but for the impressionable, downright harmful alcohol and cigarettes. The guys and bases of that every minute are excited by something new. And if we add artificial stimulants to this, then they can easily become overworked, not to mention nervous breakdown from the poison of alcohol and cigarettes. To refuse any excesses - the child should not have an excess of everything exciting, even chocolate, coffee, cocoa.

6. Caring and demanding in the family and school they bring up confidence, courage, activity in sensitive children. It is important to trust them with public assignments, sometimes very responsible ones, allowing them to get carried away with an active life.

7. Impressive children are easier to suggest than others. Therefore, it is important protect them from negative suggestions. Beware of such general remarks as: “Nothing will come of you”, “You can’t do anything”, “Always trembling”. Of course, you need to make comments, but in a more tactful manner and most importantly, in all cases, encourage the child, instill confidence in their abilities. For example: “Today you are something timid. You didn’t have it before”, “Yes, now you are not good at something. Last time I tried - and everything turned out well", "You, Seryozha, deeply understand the heroes of the books, learn to understand the people around you just as well."

8. Try also wean impressionable children and from negative self-suggestion, which they are especially prone to: "I can't", "I'm afraid." At the same time, they often do not really do even a feasible task. Inspiring himself with vigor, confidence, strength (“I can”, “I'm not afraid”, “There is no need to be afraid”), the child will be able to achieve a lot.

9. Impressive children have more than others to learn to overcome fear, fearfulness and fear. At the same time, a sense of collectivism and responsibility for a common cause plays an important role.

10. Indecisive children often lack self-confidence, they constantly think that they will not cope with the task. In contrast, sanguine and choleric people easily take on unfamiliar work. Therefore, before entrusting a new task to a child of a weak nervous type, educators should prepare it well. Such children are able to speak in public if they know the text of the speech. Only then can they be made to boldly take up the matter when they have thoroughly repeated the necessary training material.

11. In impressionable children, it is important to maintain good health. In a cheerful mood, they can easily overcome shyness, fearfulness, uncertainty, fatigue, easily get used to the conditions that previously embarrassed them; perform well tasks that seemed impossible to them. However, this does not mean that children, even impressionable ones, must be protected in every possible way from weakening negative feelings: grief, sadness, tears. In life, for sure, there will always be reasons that cause them. That's why it is important to teach the child to painlessly endure transitional states- from sadness to joy, from despondency to fun. K. E. Tsiolkovsky is right when he asserts that a person’s strength is also determined by how much he can withstand large fluctuations of opposing feelings. The wider the amplitude of fluctuations of feelings, the stronger the person.

These are some of the features of educational work with impressionable children. There are no absolutely special means of approach to them, as well as to children of other temperaments. However, for different types of temperaments, certain pedagogical techniques and methods are taken in different doses and in different combinations. For example, various methods of instilling courage are needed in relation to all children, but especially to impressionable ones, since they easily show stiffness and fearfulness.

With the right pedagogical approach, no child's temperament can be an obstacle to the formation of any moral qualities and abilities. Impressive children, like others, have strong personality traits.

According to the magazine " Primary School", 1979.

Tags: raising very impressionable, sensitive children, raising a child with a weak nervous system, a weak nervous system in a child - what to do?

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The strength of the nervous system characterizes its endurance, performance, noise immunity to stimuli.
Strong nervous system characterized

high efficiency (that is, with hard work they work for a long time and successfully, but not with monotonous work).

Nerve cells perceive and transmit impulses for a long time without going into a state of inhibition, "without getting tired".
Weak nervous system characterized

low working capacity (with a long, intense task, they are quickly depleted; usually this quality is manifested especially clearly in one type of activity: mental or physical).

Nerve cells quickly go into a state of inhibition, especially with superstrong stimuli.

  1. Attention
Strong nervous system

Easily maintain concentration; if they are distracted, then in order to diversify the activity that has become boring.

Weak nervous system

Even weak stimuli distract from the actions performed.

3. Memory

Strong nervous system

Good natural memory, the type of memory is usually clearly expressed (visual, auditory, motor).

Weak nervous system

Usually there is no explicit type of memory, so the process of assimilation and reproduction of information is mediated by semantic supports, analogies, etc.

Strong nervous system

They focus on the fact of implementation, and not on thoroughness. They tend to make decisions quickly, without much thought (therefore, they jump from stage to stage, work without a pre-planned plan).

Weak nervous system

They prefer to work in detail, completing the task step by step. Perform actions in sequence.

  1. Implementation of activities

Strong nervous system

A situation where time is limited; an assessment situation (exam, test, etc.), a situation that requires a quick response, increase the level of performance.

Weak nervous system
Weak nervous system
They prefer the written form of the answer, it is easy to structure it (they can use diagrams, tables, graphs). In oral presentations, they can follow the reaction of others too closely, they need support.

  1. Independent work

Strong nervous system

Often they perform independent tasks not according to clear instructions, but on their own initiative, focusing on a situation of free choice. Actively develop their own ideas.

Weak nervous system

Thanks to careful preparation, they are able to penetrate into the deeper connections and relationships of the subject. Deeper and more thorough assimilation of educational material.

The mobility of the nervous system is determined by the speed characteristics of the main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition.
Special techniques for working with "inert" and "mobile" students

When working with inert students the teacher needs:

1) do not require them to immediately engage in activities, since their activity in the implementation of a new type of task increases gradually;

  1. gradually offer different tasks, do not rush to complete them, because they cannot actively work with a variety of tasks, and some refuse to complete them at all;

  2. do not ask at the beginning of the lesson, since inert students are hardly distracted from previous situations (for example, from the things they were busy with during the break);

  3. avoid situations when you need to get a quick oral answer from an inert person to an unexpected question; it is necessary to give him time to think and prepare;

Certain difficulties in educational activities are also experienced by " mobile students, what due to the rapid extinction of activity, loss of interest in the activity performed (especially if it is monotonous), frequent distraction from work. These students, to a greater extent than inert ones, need constant guidance and control from the teacher. They need to be helped to learn how to arbitrarily regulate their activities and organize them properly. Healthy specially train students with a mobile nervous system to be restrained, to teach them to listen to the teacher's instructions until the end before starting work.

How can you help these kids get involved? One of the most effective ways can be this: at first, the child is reduced in the amount of work. For example, as the psychologist L.S. Slavina recommends, the teacher suggests that the first grader write only half a line instead of 3-4 lines or read not all the material, but only an insignificant part of it. The child, who did not want to get to work when it was necessary to complete the entire task, willingly began to write or read. After the planned part was completed and the teacher evaluated the work, he either offered the child the next part of the task, or limited himself to what was done.

Compiled by:

Navalikhina V.I. -teacher-psychologist

Kuprienko D.V.

Teacher of additional education

Municipal budgetary educational institution



"Accounting for the type of nervous system in the organization of GP"

A person is arranged in such a way that he almost daily worries about his loved ones and worries about things that are important to him, because modern life constantly throws him stressful situations. All this has a negative impact on the central as well as the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, such an impact does not go unnoticed. Negative emotions lead to the development of physical and mental pathologies. After all, we know that "all diseases are from the nerves."

The nervous system and its strength

Which people are the most stressed? Of course, those who have a weak type of nervous system. Moreover, according to experts, with each new generation the number of such people is constantly increasing.

This or that margin of safety, which distinguishes the nervous system, is given to each person from birth. This indicator indicates the performance and endurance of all nerve cells in our body. If the National Assembly has sufficient strength, then it is able to withstand any, sometimes even the strongest excitations. Cell inhibition does not occur in this case. Thus, the difference between people with a strong and weak nervous system is that the first of them are able to withstand superstrong stimuli. And if the National Assembly is weak? Then its owners cannot boast of patience. They are unable to withstand exposure to strong stimuli. It is difficult for them to retain the information that has come to them. That is why people with weak nerves share it with everyone, sometimes even with the first people they meet. After all, in such situations, the National Assembly starts to slow down or stops working altogether.

However, a weak nervous system also has its advantages. For example, it has an increased sensitivity and is able to easily distinguish between super-weak signals.

Signs of weak NS in adults

What is the difference between a person whom nature could not endow with a strong nervous system? First of all, he shows indifference in most issues. Such a reaction suggests that the individual perceives any blows of fate without expressing his protest. A weak type of nervous system makes a person lazy. Moreover, this can be observed not only in relation to its psychological, but also physical characteristics. This is confirmed by people who live in poverty and do not make any attempts to correct the situation and change their position in society.

Another sign of a weak nervous system is indecision. A person who is characterized by increased sensitivity is ready to obey everyone. Sometimes such people are possessed to such an extent that they turn into living robots.

Considering the characteristics of a weak nervous system, it is worth noting the constant doubts of its owners. Such a person often makes excuses, thereby trying to disguise his failures. And he doubts not only himself. The distrust of people with a weak nervous system is also caused by the one who tries to help him in this or that matter. This is sometimes expressed in envy of someone who is more successful and better in this life.

What else applies to the characteristics of a weak nervous system? By excitement, expressed in anxiety, such people stand out from all the rest. Such manifestations clearly indicate a significantly reduced indicator of nerve strength. Constant anxiety often leads a person to mental disorders and even breakdowns. After all, such people live in constant fear. Fears take away their vitality and age prematurely. It should be understood that certain worries, and sometimes great difficulties, are possible for each person. However, people with a strong nervous system meet them on their own. life path quite calmly, trying to find a way out of this situation. Excessive anxiety will not help solve the problem. It only takes away health and brings old age closer.

It is also possible to identify a person with a weak nervous system by the extreme caution shown by him. In order to realize their own plans and ideas, such people always need the right moment, which they constantly wait for. This sometimes becomes a habit. As a result, overly cautious people become pessimists, as they constantly think about the possible failure that could ruin their life's work. All this translates into indigestion, nervousness, inactive blood circulation and many other diseases and negative factors.

Signs of weak NS at an early age

What is characteristic of impressionable children? From an early age, they are extremely sensitive and receptive. At the same time, the child’s weak nervous system allows him to easily notice even the most insignificant changes that occur in the mood of the people around him. In addition, such children hear even the faintest sounds, rustles, and see slight shades. Such a child can even notice what is inaccessible to many of his environment. This, for example, is a slight shadow of annoyance or a spark of joy on the interlocutor's face, as well as minor changes in a person's gait, in his suit, movements made by him that are invisible to many.

With a weak nervous system in a child, he has a very emotional process of reading books and watching movies. The plot captures these children so much that tears can often be seen in their eyes. And even after reading and watching, despite the fact that the events that made you worry are already in the past, memories of them cause inexplicable pain in the soul of a child with a weak nervous system.

Such children have increased nervousness and sensitivity in those cases when they find themselves in an unusual and unfamiliar environment and have to do something or decide on their own. And let it be even some trifle, but the tension of the child can be seen even in his face.

Children with a weak nervous system stand out from all others in physical work and in learning activities. It is much easier for a teacher to work with such students. He easily teaches them to carefully perform everyday activities, unlike children with a strong type of nervous system, especially choleric and sanguine. Impressive students perform better in a monotonous environment. It is not difficult for such children to get used to the daily routine. The fact is that monotonous activity does not cause much excitement, which in a child with a weak nervous system is a kind of protection against overexpenditure and fatigue. All this should be taken into account by teachers and parents of impressionable children, without loading them, among other things, with intense and prolonged mental or physical work. After all, such tasks will be too tiring for a small person.

It should also be borne in mind that children with a weak nervous system get tired very quickly when new conditions are created. That is, their education in the first and fifth grade becomes especially difficult. They can work best at home, where no one can disturb them, or sitting at a separate table in a quiet library. In the case of creating a tense and noisy environment, students with a weak nervous system do not cope well with the task. After all, easy tasks for them immediately become difficult. When passing exams, as well as during other exciting events, such children are usually lethargic or passive, noisy or irritable. They look sick or weak.

Impressive students, unlike their peers who have a strong nervous system, are often constrained in cases that require them to act according to the prevailing situation. If the teacher asks such children an unexpected question, then it is difficult for them to answer it immediately. As a rule, at such moments the student has a confused look and a tense face, not knowing where to put himself.

When passing exams, such children show excessive excitement. This leads to loss of appetite, to the occurrence of insomnia, or is fraught with nightmares. In such situations, any feasible task seems overwhelming, and an already solved task that has the wrong answer. After passing exams, sensitive children calm down and are perplexed about their past worries. But in the event of similar circumstances, this will certainly happen again.

Impressive kids sometimes get offended because of a trifle. They may even cry if the conversation ended before they arrived, or if a joke (not on them) was passed on that made everyone laugh.

The connection between body and mind

Every change that occurs in the human body will certainly affect its health. That is why in medicine there is such a direction as psychosomatics, which establishes a connection between the mental processes occurring in the human body and its physiological state.

Any stress factor causes a protective reaction of the body, which is expressed in muscle tension. This allows a person to maintain health. After all, when the body is tense, the soul is relaxed. When such situations occur infrequently, they do not carry any negative consequences for the body. However, when accidental psychotraumas degenerate into protracted stresses, a person becomes ill. His pathology belongs to the psychosomatic type, which causes difficulties in making an accurate diagnosis. While doctors are looking for the origins of the disease, a person loses vigor and sleep, efficiency and energy. His ability to enjoy life disappears, and minor inconveniences gradually develop into significant problems.

Failures in the physiological processes of the body lead to pathologies of the mental sphere. A person has to live, experiencing chronic fatigue, irritation, anxiety and vague anxiety. Within a short time, this condition develops into a neurotic disorder, which significantly worsens the quality of life.

What to do with a weak nervous system? How to maintain health and prevent the development of many diseases? To achieve a significant effect, simple methods will help, which will be described below.


How to strengthen a weak nervous system? by the most effective method that gives excellent results in this direction is winter swimming. It allows you not only to put your nerves in order and improve your health, but also to engage in the development of willpower.

With regular procedures, the body will gradually get used to cold water. Such persistence is very beneficial for health, but to obtain a positive result, you will need to follow certain rules, namely:

  • produce a gradual increase in the degree of cooling;
  • perform procedures regularly.

Physical activity

All living things must move, and do it as actively as possible. This will allow the body to constantly expend the accumulated stress hormones in it.

With regular physical activity, a person's performance increases. His brain is saturated with oxygen, and the body increases its resistance to stress. Besides, physical activity is an excellent prevention of many diseases. The most useful during its implementation is the removal of mental and nervous tension.

The best option for such activities are walks in the fresh air. After all, they are simple physical exercises with hardening and psychological rest. Such walks quickly strengthen the nervous system. And if you walk in the fresh air every day for at least 30 minutes, then a positive result will not be long in coming. It will show up in a couple of weeks.

Tourism produces no less effect on the increase in the strength of the nervous system. Of course, it will take more time, but in this case it is possible to get a positive result in just a few days.

Sports will also help to strengthen the nerves. It is especially effective to engage in such types of it as:

  • aerobics;
  • rock climbing;
  • yoga;
  • fitness;
  • Pilates;
  • martial arts.

The most important condition for this is the regularity and quality of the classes.

Bad habits

Restoring nerves, while receiving a positive result, is possible only if you refuse alcohol, cigarettes or psychoactive substances. Absence bad habits in humans - the main condition for the health of the body.

For example, many people believe that alcohol is practically harmless. However, even with a rare use of small amounts of alcoholic beverages, there is an increased excitation of the nervous system and malfunctions in its work. Regular drinking leads to the development various diseases. These ailments also negatively affect the nervous system.

As for smoking, it reduces a person's attentiveness, memory, and even the level of intelligence. A similar effect is due to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain, provoking oxygen starvation, as well as in connection with the ingestion of toxic substances that are present in cigarettes.

Even a cup of coffee negatively affects the nervous system. At first, it increases the activity of NS, and then sharply reduces it. Gradually, the nervous system is depleted. The same thing happens with energy drinks.

Proper nutrition

There are a number of products that can strengthen the human psyche and nervous system. That is why, to obtain the desired result, you will need to include in the menu:

  1. Nuts, cottage cheese, soy, fish and chicken meat. They contain proteins responsible for the work of reflexes and the entire central nervous system.
  2. Fats. Their use allows you to increase efficiency, strengthen emotional health and tone the central nervous system.
  3. Carbohydrates. Their main source is cereals, which provide energy to the brain and help strengthen the nerves.
  4. Vitamins of group B (1,6 and 12), as well as A, C, D and E. Fish and nuts, vegetables and fruits, bran, eggs and oatmeal can saturate the body with them.
  5. Minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc). Their presence in the body contributes to the production of substances that contribute to the functioning and strengthening of the central nervous system. The greatest amount of minerals contains chicory and chocolate, milk and cereals, nuts, vegetables and fish.

Daily regime

Healthy and deep sleep can give the nervous system more strength. During rest, the body is restored and cells are renewed.

But early waking up, frequent awakenings, superficial sleep and lack of sleep loosen the nerves. In the absence of normal rest, a person becomes apathetic and lethargic, he hardly concentrates and thinks poorly. Often, lack of sleep manifests itself in communication in the form of outbreaks of aggression and irritation.


There is another ideal assistant that allows you to form a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. It is nature that heals itself. A person will only need to leave the city, sit on the river bank and start admiring the sun, which is reflected in the water. Communication with nature makes a person inspired and peaceful. It normalizes the nervous system and sometimes even cures physical ailments.

At present, in the laboratory for the study of types of higher nervous activity of a person of the Research Institute of Psychology, headed by Professor B.M. Teplov, material has been accumulated that explains the characteristics of the nervous system of a weak type. In the light of the obtained data, the nervous system of a weak type is not a bad nervous system, but a system with a high reactivity (sensitivity). Due to increased reactivity in nerve cells, the supply of functional substance is rapidly consumed. However, with a properly organized mode of work and rest, the stock of reactive substances is continuously restored, due to which high productivity of the nervous system of a weak type can be ensured. Research by Soviet psychologists V.D. Nebylitsyna, N.S. Leites and others confirm this point of view, first expressed by B.M. Teplov in the form of a hypothesis.

What are the functional benefits of a weak nervous system?

It is very indicative that the weakness of the type, as established by special studies, expresses not only the lack of strength of the excitatory and inhibitory processes, but also the high sensitivity and reactivity associated with this. This means that a weak type of nervous system has its own special merits.

According to Teplov and Nebylitsyn, a weak nervous system is also characterized by the sensitivity of analyzers: a weaker nervous system is also more sensitive; it is able to respond to stimuli of lower intensity than strong ones. This is the advantage of a weak nervous system over a strong one. The value of this approach lies in the fact that it removes the previously existing evaluative attitude to the properties of the nervous system. At each pole, the presence of both positive and negative (from a biological point of view) sides is recognized.

What is the balance of nervous processes?

In the study of the school of Teplov and Nebylitsyn, the balance of nervous processes began to be considered as a set of secondary (derivative) properties of the nervous system that determine the ratio of excitation and inhibition indicators for each of its primary properties (strength, mobility, lability, dynamism of the nervous system). Along with a new interpretation of the balance of the nervous system, a new term was proposed - the balance of nervous processes.

Is it possible to talk about the irrelevant value of the psychological characteristics of temperament?

In the history of the science of temperament, the question of the value of psychological types of temperament has been repeatedly raised. Aristotle, for example, considered the most valuable melancholic temperament, predisposing to deep thinking. The German philosopher Kant favored a phlegmatic temperament. The phlegmatic, in his opinion, flares up slowly, but burns brightly and for a long time, is able to show great will and endurance, can achieve a lot without offending the essence of other people. It is possible that the personal temperament of these thinkers also played a certain role in assessing temperaments, of which the first was melancholic, and the second phlegmatic.

In some of his statements, I.P. Pavlov attached too much importance to the type of nervous system, and, consequently, to temperament. Such, for example, is his assessment of the sanguine temperament as the most perfect, since the underlying one is strong; a balanced and mobile type of higher nervous activity provides an accurate balancing of all possibilities environment; Pavlov spoke of a weak type as a "disabled life type", which can normally exist only in especially favorable conditions, in a greenhouse environment. It should not be forgotten that Pavlov's views refer mainly to animals, and not to man. In addition, it should be borne in mind that his views on the value of types of higher nervous activity changed significantly as the relevant material accumulated in his laboratories.

What is the two-aspect nature of the psyche, its subject-content and formal-dynamic sides?

Another important question the study of temperament is the question of the correlation of the biological properties of a person, his organic basis with the psychological "filling" of temperament. In the works of Teplov, Nebylitsyn, V.S. Merlin, the concept of the two-aspect psyche was developed, the essence of which is to distinguish two aspects in the human psyche: subject-content and formal-dynamic.

The formal-dynamic characteristics of the mental are the features and properties of the human psyche that underlie his activity, regardless of its specific motives, goals, methods, relationships and manifested in the "external picture of behavior" (I.P. Pavlov). The dynamic features of the psyche are determined by the neurophysical properties of the human body.
The formal dynamic features of the human psyche constitute what we call temperament.

Is the evaluative approach to the types of temperament legitimate?

From the understanding of temperament as a formal dynamic characteristic of the mental, the axiological (“evaluative”) approach to it follows. There are no "good" and "bad" temperaments, each temperament in specific activities has both its advantages and disadvantages. Often a weak type of nervous system is evaluated negatively. However, Teplov's research showed an important advantage of the weak type of the nervous system - high sensitivity, which is absolutely necessary in situations of activity that require fine differentiation of stimuli. V.S. Merlin specifically noted the equivalence of "properties of the general type of the nervous system" and the widest possibilities for compensating a person with different types of GNI to various types professional activity.

How is the type of temperament related to the productivity of the individual?

In fact, each of the temperaments has its own strengths and weaknesses.

So, the liveliness, mobility, emotionality of a sanguine person allow him to quickly navigate in an environment, easily establish contacts with people, and do several things at the same time; but these same qualities often become the reason for his rash decisions, hasty conclusions, lack of patience, the habit of leaving things unfinished.

If a choleric person is able to develop great energy, work hard and hard, then he often lacks endurance and composure in a responsible situation.

Excessive calmness and slowness of the phlegmatic are good in circumstances where endurance and composure are required, but in other cases, the phlegmatic surprises those around him with his equanimity, which is similar to indifference.

The deep impressionability of a melancholic serves as the basis for the development of such character traits as responsiveness, sensitivity, constancy in friendship; but the slight inhibition of the melancholic may be the cause of timidity and self-doubt.

The initial properties of temperament do not predetermine what they will develop into - into advantages or disadvantages. Therefore, the task of the educator should not be to try to convert one type of temperament into another (and this is not possible), but to contribute through systematic work to the development of the positive aspects of each temperament and at the same time help to get rid of those negative aspects that can be associated with this temperament.

In what psychological properties of an individual does temperament manifest itself?

Temperament manifests itself in different areas of mental activity. It appears especially brightly in 1) the emotional sphere, in the speed and strength of emotional excitability. There are people who are emotionally responsive, impressionable. Even minor events find an emotional response in them. They warmly respond to the events of public and private life, work with enthusiasm and passion. On the other hand, there are people with reduced excitability, unimpressive. Only especially important events cause them joy, anger, fear, etc. They treat everyday events without excitement, work energetically, calmly.
Temperament also acts in 2) the speed and strength of the flow of mental processes - perception, thinking, memory, etc. There are people who quickly establish their attention, quickly think, speak, and remember. Others have a slow, calm flow of mental processes. They are sometimes called slow-witted. They think slowly, they speak slowly. Their speech is monotonous, inexpressive. Slowness is found in them in other mental processes, as well as in attention.

Temperamental differences are also manifested in 3) features of motor skills: in body movements, in gestures, facial expressions. Some people have fast, energetic movements, plentiful, sharp gestures, expressive facial expressions. In others, the movements are slow, smooth, gestures are mean, facial expressions are inexpressive. The first is characterized by liveliness, mobility, the second - motor restraint. 4) Finally, temperament is reflected in the characteristics of moods and the nature of their change. Some people are most often cheerful, cheerful; their moods change often and easily, while others are prone to lyrical moods, their moods are stable, their change is smooth. There are people whose moods change abruptly and unexpectedly.

How to diagnose temperament by its external manifestations?

To assign a student to a certain type of temperament, you should make sure that he has one or another expression, first of all, of such traits:

1. Activity. It is judged by the degree of pressure (energy) with which the child is drawn to the new, seeks to influence the environment and change it, to overcome obstacles.

2. Emotionality. She is judged by her sensitivity to emotional influences, by her disposition to find reasons for an emotional reaction. The ease with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions is indicative, as well as the speed with which one emotional state changes to another.

3. Features of motor skills. They act in speed, sharpness, rhythm, amplitude and a number of other signs of muscle movement (some of them also characterize muscle motility). This side of the manifestations of temperament is easier to observe and evaluate than others.

On what basis is the psychological characterization of temperament given?

The psychological characteristics of the main types of temperament stem from its psychological essence and are closely related to its definition. They reveal the features of emotional excitability, features of motor skills, the nature of the prevailing moods and the features of their change. The characteristics reveal the originality of the dynamics of the mental activity of the individual, due to the corresponding type of higher nervous activity.

Pavlov's doctrine of the types of nervous activity is essential for understanding the physiological basis of temperament. Its correct use involves taking into account the fact that the type of the nervous system is a strictly physiological concept, and temperament is a psychophysiological concept, and it is expressed not only in motor skills, in the nature of reactions, their strength, speed, etc., but also in impressionability , in emotional excitability, etc.

Each type of temperament has its own ratio of mental properties, first of all, different degrees of activity and emotionality, as well as certain features of motor skills. A certain structure of dynamic manifestations characterizes the type of temperament.

In accordance with this approach, criteria are distinguished for attributing one or another psychological property to temperament. So, V.M. Rusalov identifies seven such criteria.

Considered psychological property:

1. does not depend on the content of activity and behavior (is independent of the meaning, motive, purpose, etc.);

2. characterizes the measure of dynamic (energetic) tension and the relationship of a person to the world, people, himself, activity;

3. universal and manifests itself in all spheres of activity and life;

4. manifests itself early in childhood;

5. sustainable for a long period of human life;

6. highly correlates with the properties of the nervous system and the properties of other biological subsystems (humoral, bodily, etc.);

7. is researchable.

The psychological characteristics of temperament types are determined by its following main properties: sensitivity, reactivity, activity, the ratio of reactivity and activity, the rate of reactions, plasticity - rigidity, extraversion - introversion, emotional excitability.

How does temperament manifest itself in the emotional sphere?

Temperament is reflected in emotional excitability - in the strength of emotional excitement, the speed with which it covers the personality - and the stability with which it is maintained. It depends on the temperament of a person how quickly and strongly it lights up and how quickly it then fades away. Emotional excitability manifests itself, in particular, in a mood elevated up to exaltation or lowered up to depression, and especially in more or less rapid mood changes directly related to impressionability. Each of these temperaments can be defined by the ratio of impressionability and impulsiveness as the main psychological properties of temperament. The choleric temperament is characterized by strong impressionability and great impulsiveness; sanguine - weak impressionability and great impulsiveness; melancholic - strong impressionability and low impulsiveness; phlegmatic - weak impressionability and low impulsiveness. Thus, this classical traditional scheme naturally follows from the correlation of the main features with which we endow temperament, while acquiring the corresponding psychological content. The differentiation of both impressionability and impulsiveness in terms of strength, speed and stability, outlined above, opens up possibilities for further differentiation of temperaments.

For temperament, the impressionability of a person and his impulsiveness are especially significant.

The temperament of a person is manifested, first of all, in his impressionability, which is characterized by the strength and stability of the impact that the impression has on a person. Depending on the characteristics of temperament, impressionability in some people is more, in others less significant; in some, according to Gorky, it is as if someone "ripped off all the skin from the heart," they are so sensitive to every impression; others - "insensitive", "thick-skinned" - react very weakly to their surroundings. For some, the impact is strong or weak - which makes an impression on them, spreads with great speed, for others at a very low speed into the deeper layers of the psyche. Finally, for different people, depending on the characteristics of their temperament, the stability of the impression is also different: for some, the impression - even a strong one - turns out to be very unstable, while others cannot get rid of it for a long time. Impressibility is always individually different affective sensitivity in people of different temperaments. It is essentially connected with the emotional sphere and is expressed in the strength, speed and stability of the emotional reaction to impressions.

Another central expression of temperament is impulsivity, which is characterized by the strength of excitations, the speed with which they take possession of the motor sphere and pass into action, the stability with which they retain their effective force. Impulsivity includes the impressionability and emotional excitability that determines it in relation to the dynamic characteristics of those intellectual processes that mediate and control them. Impulsivity is that aspect of temperament by which it is connected with striving, with the origins of the will, with the dynamic force of needs as incentives for activity, with the speed of the transition of impulses into action.

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