Download the presentation of the English teacher's work system. Presentation of the teacher's pedagogical experience, presentation for an English lesson on the topic. At the regional competition “The Best for Children”

Decorative 30.07.2021

The growing need for schoolchildren to master foreign languages ​​as a tool for future professional activity, opening access to prestigious work and foreign contacts, obliges teachers foreign language choose technologies that will help create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, stimulate motivation to master a new language of communication and allow students to reveal their individuality, abilities and show activity. It is quite obvious that using only traditional teaching methods it is impossible to solve this problem; therefore, conditions must be created that can involve every student in an active cognitive process. In my opinion, a harmonious combination of traditional teaching with the use of modern educational technologies is necessary. In the practice of my work, I use many technologies such as: collaboration technology, health-saving technologies, development of critical thinking through reading and writing, but I will only talk about those with the help of which the best results are achieved; these, in my opinion, are gaming, design and information -communication technologies.

One of the effective ways to stimulate students' interest in English language I think the use of gaming technologies both in lessons and in extracurricular activities, especially among junior schoolchildren. I strive to ensure that children are not only participants in the game, but also creative in their approach to it. It is necessary to take into account the interests of different age groups, and also individual characteristics every student. Properly selected and well-organized games bring speech activity closer to natural norms, contribute to the development of students’ mental abilities, improve and train memory, develop thinking, help better assimilate and consolidate knowledge, and awaken a keen interest in the subject being studied. I have a large card index of games and game situations that I have collected over the years of working at school. We conduct grammatical, lexical, phonetic games with the children, games aimed at developing speech skills. games with visual support. The use of gaming technologies increases the child’s motivation and allows the pace of the lesson to increase, because children expect that after completing the amount of tasks they will play. And I play with them, which they like even more.

In high school, games become more serious: competition games " Brain-ring", "Weak link". This also includes non-standard forms of lessons: “KVN”, “Travel Lesson”, “Conference Lesson” and many others. For example, in 2008 I taught a lesson called “Welcome to London!” The children were “flying” on the plane, talking with the flight attendant along the way about the country and the city where they were flying. Then they went through customs control and filled out a declaration. Already in the city they went shopping, talked with passers-by about how to get there, and visited the information desk. During the lesson I used all the materials brought from London: souvenirs, postcards, brochures, real pounds sterling. The lesson turned out to be very interesting. One thing is certain: gaming technologies make the learning process more fun and creative.

Project technologies I use it both when studying the compulsory curriculum and in extracurricular and educational work. The main thing in this activity is the creation by a specific child useful product. The project method allows the teacher to involve students in interesting intellectual activity. A modern student project is didactic tool activation of cognitive activity, development of creativity and at the same time the formation of certain personal qualities. The project is an opportunity for students to express their own ideas in a creatively thought-out form that is convenient for them: making collages, posters, announcements, conducting interviews and research with subsequent design, drawing up plans for visiting various places with illustrations, etc. To solve the problem that underlies the project, schoolchildren must possess certain intellectual, creative and communication skills. This is the ability to work with text, analyze information, make generalizations, conclusions, and the ability to work with reference material. Creative skills include: the ability to conduct a discussion, listen and hear the interlocutor, defend one’s point of view, and the ability to succinctly express one’s thoughts. The project consists of scenarios for school evenings and holidays, developed and conducted by me.

I work on the project in stages: 1. Preparatory stage - identifying project topics and formulating the problem. The teacher’s task is to reveal the situation in such a way that students approach its solution as independently as possible, in order to use leading questions to lead the children to those points of the plan that need to be covered in the project. 2. The main stage is to familiarize students with the methodology of working on the project, familiarization with program vocabulary and grammar, and with authentic material; students putting forward their ideas about mini-projects; formation of groups and distribution of tasks in groups. This is where control on my part takes place, additions and corrections are made. Work is carried out both in separate lessons and at home, independently. 3. The final stage is the design of the project in the form of a collage, poster, guide; presentation and defense of projects; discussion of the results, summing up the work and practical use of projects.

I work according to the SPOTLIGHT textbooks, a program that provides for the implementation of projects starting from 2nd grade. Of course, at first this is a small amount of work, but from class to class it becomes more complex. These are so-called software projects. Among the most successful, I would like to name the following: The person I admire (7th grade). Famous people (6-7 grades) Sochi (7 grades) Animals in danger (8 grades) My family (4 grades) My day (4 grades) Theme parks (7 grades) Currently, more and more students When defending their projects, they prefer presentations in Microsoft Power Point. They are very convenient for both teachers and students. In addition to text, the presentation may include pictures, animation, graphs, tables, and music. It was very interesting extracurricular activity using ICT “Black Sea Cruise” This event was designed as a general event on the topics “Travel”, “Protection” environment"taking into account interdisciplinary connections (geography, Cuban studies, computer science, foreign languages), which made it possible to present a holistic picture of the phenomenon being studied. During the event, modern educational technologies were used: project-based, information and communication technologies. The relevance of the event lay in the fact that it formed students’ tolerance through familiarity with the cultures of the Black Sea countries.

Preparing for olympiads, exams, scientific and practical conferences, schoolchildren actively use information resources - reference, scientific literature, various printed publications, watch videos, use Internet resources to prepare reports, design research work. The Internet allows us to quickly obtain the missing information for both classroom and extracurricular and extracurricular activities. I believe that the use of these tools makes the learning process even more interesting and modern. Having an audio and video library for almost all topics of the course, whenever possible I try to use them in lessons and evenings. Cassettes and discs for textbooks Spotlight grades 2-7, Link grade 8 and Enterprise classes provide the opportunity to listen to real English speech, which makes the learning process more interesting. Thanks to videos about the country of the language they are learning, acquired as a result of a trip to England, children will learn about all aspects of English life: holidays and customs, education and recreation, sports, music and much more.

Many children have computers at home with Internet access. This is a good opportunity to individualize learning, to intensify independent work students to increase cognitive activity and motivation. Students use a computer to complete design work, and they need the Internet to obtain additional information. As for me personally, I often resort to the help of the Internet to include the obtained material in the content of the lesson and for my self-development. In class, my students and I discuss additional material, we use it for monologue or dialogical statements, participate in writing essays and abstracts, and get acquainted with new cultural knowledge. The use of ICT in lessons allows you to diversify the learning process, present educational material more clearly and accessible to students. Any diagram, grammar table, illustration, animation, sound recording used in organizing the educational process becomes not just a decoration for the lesson, but makes it more meaningful.

I conducted a survey among students in my groups. I was interested in the guys' opinions on the following questions. 1. Is it important to use ICT in lessons, in extracurricular activities and for independent work? All the guys gave a positive answer. 2. What are the benefits of using ICT? The most common answers were: Promotes memorization Gives additional information Makes the lesson more interesting Attracts attention Realizes possibilities and develops creativity These answers show how important and necessary it is to use information technology for training, development and education of the modern student.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Sineborsk secondary school"

Teaching experience Malysheva Polina Anatolyevna, English teachers

first qualification category

Basic information:

My pedagogical credo:

  • “To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach” (V. Klyuchevsky)
  • The teacher should appeal not so much to the students’ memory as to their minds, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization. ( Fedor Ivanovich Yankovic de Mirievo)
  • “Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge, but all knowledge has an educational effect” (L.N. Tolstoy)

Requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard:

  • The main tasks of a foreign language teacher: developing the student’s ability to:
  • a) communications;
  • b) searching for information in a foreign language;
  • c) independent deepening of knowledge;
  • d) perception of foreign culture, tolerant and respectful attitude towards it.

Foreign language proficiency criteria:

  • a) the student’s ability to solve a specific communicative problem;
  • b) ability to work with foreign language literature;
  • c) the ability to independently search for and assimilate knowledge.

It is possible to develop the above-mentioned abilities (competencies) in students only on the basis of a system-activity approach

The system-activity approach is implemented through:

Method of dialectical teaching,

which was patented

at the International Center for Pedagogical Invention

Patent certificate No. 126

Goncharuk Anatoly Iosifovich

Zorina Valentina Lazarevna

  • relieve students from overload, grueling, boring lessons;
  • level up professional competence teachers in the field of philosophy, logic, psychology, methods of teaching academic disciplines, formation of educational instruction;

The dialectical teaching method allows:

  • implement the new generation Federal State Educational Standards, achieve the expected results(subject, meta-subject, personal) ;
  • form:

Formation of UUD using LMS technology in the classroom

English language.

The lesson in LMS logic meets the requirements of a modern lesson:

  • The topic of the lesson is formulated by the students themselves.

(Logical diagrams, problematic issues, summing up the concept, etc.);

2. Goals and objectives are formulated by the students themselves

(problematic issues, application for assessment):

transition from external coercion to self-coercion;

3. Students plan ways to achieve the intended goal:

transition from a focus on memory and communicated knowledge (cramming) to a focus on thinking and inferential knowledge (development);

Advantages of the Dialectical Teaching Method:

4. Students carry out learning activities through individual labor, simple and complex cooperation:

transition from two-dimensional activity to three-dimensional labor;

5. Students exercise control by using different shapes(self-esteem, mutual assessment);

6. Students formulate difficulties and carry out corrections independently (problematic questions):

transition from simple (formal) reproduction to expanded (real) reproduction of knowledge;

Advantages of the Dialectical Teaching Method:

7. Students evaluate the activity according to its criteria:

transition from a biased assessment of knowledge derived by the teacher to a materialized (objective) self-assessment of students;

8. Reflection is carried out;

9. Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities:

transition from direct learning (autocracy) to mediated learning (democracy).

Didactic tools for LMS technology:

  • Euler circles
  • Problematic issues
  • Collection of concepts
  • Logic circuit
  • Tests (subtests)

Unique test capabilities in the LMS system:

  • The ability to test not only the level of knowledge, but also the level of thinking.
  • Possibility of compiling according to any educational material, topic.
  • The ability to use test tasks to reinforce the material studied in the lesson.

The didactic tools of the LMS contribute to:

  • 1) student development;
  • 2) the formation of an initiative specialist capable of self-development and self-education;
  • 3) development of logic and thinking;
  • 4) formation of communicative competence.

And also:

  • can be used not only to consolidate studied material and control knowledge, but also for expanded reproduction of knowledge;
  • can be used at various stages of the lesson;
  • relevant for different types of lessons.


  • The theory and technology of the Dialectical Teaching Method have been studied;
  • Techniques and forms of work in the logic of LMS have been tested;
  • Systems of diagnostic tasks (subtests) have been developed,
  • Technological maps of lessons in the logic of LMS;
  • Cards of problematic issues;
  • Participation in the work of the zonal scientific and practical conference “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard using the means of LMS”;
  • Participation in the correspondence scientific and practical conference “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards using the means of LMS”;
  • The University of Continuing Education program “Formation of cognitive learning tools using LMS in English lessons” has been developed;
  • A program was developed in collaboration with the University of Continuing Education “Criterion-based assessment system - a tool for improving the quality of philological education (SDO)”

Positive dynamics of educational achievements

2013-2014 academic year year

% of progress

2014-2015 academic year year

% quality

2015-2016 academic year year

Positive results of extracurricular activities of English language students


All-Russian Subject Olympiad School days Winter session


1 winner;

II All-Russian distance Olympiad with international participation “Rostkonkurs”


2 winners (2.3 places);

All-Russian Subject Olympiad in English “Russian Culture”

1 winner;

2 winners (2.3 places);

2 winners (2.3 places)

Generalization and dissemination of teaching experience

Work experience is summarized at different levels:

  • Since 2015 - head of the school for class teachers;
  • Since 2015 - head of programs of the International Educational Institution;
  • In 2014 - participant in the regional seminar “Modeling and analysis of a lesson in the system of the Dialectical Teaching Method” (open lesson in 9th grade);
  • In 2015 - participant of the zonal scientific and practical conference “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard by means of LMS: experience, problems, prospects” (master class: “Development of cognitive learning tools in English lessons”);
  • In 2015 - participant of the Pedagogical Forum (master class: “Development of cognitive learning tools in English lessons”);
  • In 2014 - head of the project “3D: Dear of Good Deeds”;
  • In 2016 - head of the School Jumble project.

  2. 2. The methodological problem I’m working on: “DEVELOPMENT OF A STUDENT’S INNOVATIVE PERSONALITY, HIS COMMUNICATION ABILITIES, BY USING INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS.” Tell me Tell me, and I’ll forget. and I'll forget. Show me Show me, and I'll remember. and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand. and I will understand. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin
  3. 3. Educational - respect and interest in the culture of the country of the language being studied, patriotism, spiritually developed personality. Educational Development - - Modern comprehensive acquisition of learning goals, development of knowledge about the culture of the English individual, the country's communities, language. icative language skills. Practical – skills of oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) speech as a means of communication.
  4. 4. To achieve the set learning goals, I use the following interactive methods and techniques: Theatrical Didactic Student in the role of dialogues, and business games teachers skits Songs and poems Work in small groups Method in English Projects Everyone teaches everyone Use of Brainstorming ICT Interactive lectures, use of video and audio materials
  5. 5. Play is the main activity of primary schoolchildren, so I strive to conduct every lesson in the lower grades in the form of an exciting game. The game method makes it possible to involve all children in the class in cognitive activities. Today we have a lesson - a trip. I come to the lesson with the children in the capital with “guests”. " On their behalf I am talking with Great Britain. Let's fly! children.
  6. 6. Singing in English lessons - effective remedy introduction of new vocabulary and joint activities between teacher and students. Mastery of the Instrument Dramatized Songs - One allows me to supplement my favorite activities with children's music lessons. accompaniment.
  7. 7. Theatrical dialogues and skits develop communication skills, activate passive vocabulary, and create a relaxed atmosphere of play in the lesson.
  8. 8. The presence of a computer connected to the Internet in the classroom provides ample opportunities for using ICT in the classroom. If necessary, you can use such funny electronic men to remember the alphabet and dictionary much faster
  9. 9. WORK IN SMALL GROUPS is one of the most favorite forms of organizing lessons among my students. She allows the guys to choose who they want to work with. The result depends on all team members, so everyone should participate to the best of their ability.
  10. 10. STUDENT IN THE ROLE OF TEACHER - this is a kind of role-playing game, which is one of the most effective teaching methods and requires serious preparation of the student. A more gentle method is EVERYONE TEACHES EVERYONE.
  11. 11. The design method is a learning model that engages students in solving complex problems. Projects put the student in an active position as an adult to solve important issues.
  12. 12. OUR ACHIEVEMENTS The school team took 1st place in the city Olympiad in English. My participants: Mashir Mark, Burykin Denis, 11th grade student, 8th grade student, personal ІІ place personal ІІ place

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Pedagogical experience of the English language teacher at the Kirov secondary school of levels I – III Mikhailova Tatyana Mikhailovna

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To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. V. Klyuchevsky

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Using ICT in English lessons as a means of improving the quality of students' work Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I′ll understand. Benjamin Franklin Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand. Benjamin Franklin

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Relevance of the topic The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the requirements educational standard RF on modern stage development of the sphere of general and secondary education. The chosen topic is relevant for development within an educational institution.

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Technology of using information and communication tools for teaching English as a way to increase the efficiency of the educational process “The whole world is an open task. Decide - and luck awaits you...” A.A. Gin Goal: increasing the effectiveness of teaching English Saving time Increasing interest in studying the subject Increasing the share of independent search for knowledge Organizing self-assessment of knowledge Enriching lesson content Organizing interactive communication Implementing fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching

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Options for using information technologies Systematic use of information technologies as teaching tools. Fragmented use of information technology. Implementation of the entire training course using a computer 1 2 3

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Interactive technologies, methods and techniques of ISUD Collaborative learning Communicative Method of ISUD projects

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R E G L L I V E R P O O W E S T N G K A R O A O S C O T L A N D B N C H R F I E G A T W I N E A P L M K I C A N E D R O C L L E R A S A W R N O D O L G N H E N C O N S S T O N Hello, I am Englishman and I want to check your knowledge of my country and other English-speaking countries. The first question will be political: which government organization in USA presents the Supreme Legislative Power? The second one will be for music lovers: this city is famous for its world-known group consisting of 4 people. Usually, it is a genre of films with many cowboys, Indians, bandits, horses and shootouts, located on the Wild West. This animal is national symbol of Australia. One of the countries belonging to the UK. Good job, you have almost found all the words, but I think I missed something… That’s it! I forgot to introduce myself, but I am sure you know my name. So, what is it? I was absolutely sure that you know me. The next question is: what is one of two official languages ​​in Canada? The longest mountains in the world, “backbone” of North America, Central America and South America. This is the 2nd largest and busiest airport in Great Britain after Heathrow. The leaf of this tree is national symbol of Canada. What is the capital of USA? And what is the capital of Great Britain? I was glad to spend time with you puzzling out this crossword. Good luck and good bye!

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The use of information technology in the process of teaching English for: Language material Types of speech activity control Introduction of new material, its structuring and generalization Practical development of knowledge in the field of grammar and vocabulary Development of listening and reading skills with varying degrees of penetration into the text Development of dialogic speech Development of writing skills Conducting current and final test classes Organizing independent creative tasks, projects, translations for home reading Automating the process of processing results Improving efficiency Preparation for the Unified State Exam

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Expected results: increasing the academic performance and level of learning of students, motivation to study the subject; increasing your theoretical, scientific and methodological level, professional skills and competence; development and testing of didactic materials, tests, visual aids, creation of an electronic set of pedagogical developments; development and implementation open lessons, generalization of experience on the topic under study; reports, speeches at meetings pedagogical councils, participation in competitions and conferences summarizing experience.

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POSITIVE RESULTS OF ACTIVITIES IN PERFORMING THE FUNCTIONS OF A CLASS TEACHER Organization of KTD Diagnostics of students and their families Organization of parent lectures Individual work with students and their parents Working with subject teachers

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