Northern summer resident - news, catalogue, consultations. The meaning of industrial wood in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE

Perennials 07.01.2024

Used as semi-finished products for further mechanical or chemical processing.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .

See what “TRADE WOOD” is in other dictionaries:

    Industrial wood- – round and split timber, except for firewood and wood unsuitable for industrial processing, as well as stump resin and technological chips. [GOST 17462 84] Term heading: Wood Encyclopedia headings: Abrasive equipment,... ...

    industrial wood- Round and chopped timber, except for firewood and wood unsuitable for industrial processing, as well as stump tar and technological chips. [GOST 17462 84] Product topics. will harvest timber. industry EN industrial wood DE Nutzholz … Technical Translator's Guide

    Parts of a tree trunk of a certain size and quality, which are the final product of logging production or used as semi-finished products for further mechanical or chemical processing. * * * BUSINESS WOOD BUSINESS… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Industrial wood- 6. Industrial wood D. Nutzholz E. Industrial wood Round and split timber, except firewood and wood unsuitable for industrial processing, as well as stump tar and industrial wood chips Source: GOST 17462 84: Products... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Basic a group of timber products, including round timber (assortments), except firewood, and wood raw materials. The yield of wood from the total volume of wood harvesting reaches 80-85%... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    Industrial wood- an extensive group of forest materials produced from wood for the needs of the national economy and population. It is used in round form or as raw material for further processing and chemical processing. Includes all assortments, except firewood,... ... Brief dictionary basic forestry and economic terms

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    Industrial wood- Industrial wood Round and split timber, except firewood and wood unsuitable for industrial processing, as well as stump resin and industrial chips See all terms GOST 17462 84. PRODUCTS OF THE FOREST INDUSTRY.… … Dictionary of GOST vocabulary

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Timber- a forest of great height with a small taper and a small number of branches. The scaffolding has a height of at least 24 meters. Timber is used in the manufacture of log houses and bathhouses. According to SNiP II-25-80, the value of the slope of round timber when calculating structural elements is taken equal to 0.8 cm per 1 m of length, for larch - 1 cm per 1 m of length. It is generally accepted that in order to obtain a high-quality log house, it is necessary to use wood whose density does not exceed 0.5 - 0.6 cm per 1 meter.

Sawlog- timber with an average height of up to 24 meters, the taper of such timber is higher than that of timber timber, there are more branches, such timber is used for the manufacture of lumber. Carpenters call such woods “carrots.”

Podtovarnik- wood up to 15 - 18 meters high with a slight taper and a maximum diameter of 11 - 20 cm, from such wood, also called thin gauge, high-quality lining and floor lath, moldings are made. From such wood you can make a small frame house or bathhouse.

Timber forest- these are forest plantations in which the majority of trees are suitable, in terms of their size and technical qualities of wood, for making timber of those assortments that are mainly harvested in a given area.

Industrial wood- category of the best trees in terms of technical suitability, characterized by an even, healthy trunk. With a height of over 20 m, the length of the business part is 6.5 m or more, less than 20 m. - not less than one third of the height of the trunk. The highest quality wood comes from the Russian north, where due to the short summer the tree grows slowly and the wood is densely layered. Lumber from this wood is distinguished by its density and strength. This category includes all assortments of roundwood (sawlogs and veneer logs; pulpwood, round and split; and other assortments of industrial roundwood), with the exception of fuelwood. Another name: unhewn wood.

Round forest- all round timber felled or otherwise harvested and removed. That. this term covers all timber removed, i.e. the entire volume of wood, including natural waste and logging waste suitable for disposal. This category also includes: fuelwood and industrial roundwood (unhewn wood).

Assortments- timber for established purposes, meeting the requirements of standards and technical specifications. (Includes sawlogs, logs, pulpwood)

Balances- short logs used mainly for the production of pulp and paper, as well as for the production of fiberboard. The diameter of the apical end for balance sheets of all types is from 6 to 40 cm, for balance sheets supplied for export 8 - 24 cm.

Sawlogs and plywood logs- roundwood (roughly hewn or unhewn) that can be sawn lengthwise to produce lumber or railroad sleepers, also used to make veneer. Ridge(tree) - a thick short section of a tree trunk, used as a blank in the manufacture of wood products; Previously, this was the name given to the lower, butt sections of thick trunks

Fuelwood– roundwood used as fuel, heat and electricity production. This term includes wood from the main trunks, branches and other parts of trees, as well as wood used for production charcoal, as well as wood chips for fuel and charcoal.

Charcoal– wood converted to coal by partial combustion or by treatment with heat from external sources.

Wood waste. This term includes defective lumber, slabs, wood trimmings, pencils remaining after peeling veneer logs, sawdust, carpenter's and joiner's waste, etc. The term does not include wood chips obtained either directly from the forest from roundwood or from waste (i.e. already accounted for as pulpwood, round and chipped, or as chips and shavings).

The need to clarify the concept of “wood” is caused, firstly, by its incorrect identification with the concept of “forest”. On the other hand, timber harvesting is one of the most common uses of forest resources.

Let us turn again to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.

It contains the following definition of wood:

"1. The bark-covered hard part of a tree or shrub, and the dense part of the plant that conducts water and nutrients from the roots to all other organs. 2. Logs and other timber." The reader who does not have special knowledge will apparently understand the second version of the definition more clearly.

A more specific definition of wood is given in the forestry terminological dictionary: “Wood is the bulk of the trunk, branches and roots of woody plants, consisting of tissues that perform the conductive, mechanical and storage functions of wood.”

An adult tree has a trunk, crown and roots. The trunk connects the root system with the crown of the tree, i.e., it performs conductive and mechanical functions in the tree. It is with this main element of a tree (trunk) that the concept of “wood” is usually associated.

Wood is studied at different levels, distinguishing between its macrostructure and microstructure (the so-called anatomical studies of wood). A brief macroscopic characteristic of wood can be as follows.

In a cross-section of the trunk, the wood is distinguished by a central part - the core (a dark-colored zone in the middle) and its light outer part, called sapwood.

If the wood core is colored dark, such species are called sound wood.

Species in which all the wood has a solid, uniform color are called coreless.

"Liquid - wood that can be used for economic purposes; includes wood and firewood. Illiquid - wood that cannot be used for economic purposes due to loss of technical qualities due to damage by rot, as well as as a result of fires and other natural disasters.

Business - round and split timber, except firewood, stump tar, as well as industrial chips. Firewood - wood used for fuel (firewood) and technological processing (technological firewood)."

Forestry: Terminological dictionary/ Under the general ed. A.N. Filipchuk. M.: VNIILM, 2002.

We further note that the consideration of ownership of timber and other extracted forest resources dedicated to Art. 20 Forest Code of the Russian Federation. Citizens and legal entities who use forests in the manner prescribed by the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, acquire ownership of timber and other extracted forest resources in accordance with civil legislation.

Ownership of timber obtained from the use of forests located on forest fund lands, in accordance with Art.

Art. 43 - 46 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation belongs to Russian Federation. In accordance with Art. 25 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forests - located both on forest fund lands and on other categories of land - can be used for various purposes, including for the harvesting of wood, resin, harvesting and collection of non-timber forest resources, food forest resources, collection of medicinal plants and etc.

Regardless of what kind of forests we are talking about, the resources extracted from them, including wood, become the property of the person (individual or legal) who legally uses the corresponding forest. It should be noted that we can only talk about the legal use of the corresponding part of the forest area, since, firstly, only a forest area can be the subject of forest management, and, secondly, this use must be legal.

So, for example, if you are provided with a forest plot for recreational activities and the agreement (other document of title) does not stipulate permission to cut down forest plantations, then you do not have the right to dispose of the wood obtained during the cutting process.

The right of ownership is an institution of civil law, therefore all powers of the owner in this regard are contained in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The legislator provides for the procedure for concluding a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations, the features of which are also subject to regulation by civil law.

So, in accordance with Art. 221 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in cases where the law, general permission given by the owner, or local custom in forests, water bodies or other territory allows the picking of berries, fishing, collection or extraction of other publicly available things and animals, the right of ownership to the relevant things is acquired by a person who carried out their collection or extraction.

Clause 2 of Art. 20 LC RF establishes from general rule exception regarding the right of ownership of wood obtained from the use of forests located on forest fund lands, i.e. belonging to the Russian Federation. Article 43 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation concerns the use of forests for carrying out work on geological study of subsoil, for the development of mineral deposits, Art. 44 - use of forests for the construction and operation of reservoirs, other artificial water bodies, as well as hydraulic structures, specialized ports, art. 45 - use of scaffolding for construction,

reconstruction, operation of power lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear facilities, Art. 46 - use of forests for processing wood and other forest resources.

Puryaeva A.Yu. Commentary on the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation (item-by-item). M.: JSC "Yustitsinform", 2007.

Solid wood furniture can be made from boards, round timber blanks or ready-made furniture panels - it all depends on the length of the chain technological process. But in any case, the original raw material is unprocessed wood. And not only the quality of the workpieces depends on it, but also performance characteristics future furniture.

What is commercial timber?

These wood-based panels (chipboard, fiberboard) can be made from fibers, shavings, sawdust and other sawmill waste. And for the manufacture of solid wood furniture, the raw material can only be high-quality industrial wood. This category includes raw materials made from the stem part of a tree. Out of the total volume of logging, the output industrial wood– 72-85% (depending on the species and age of trees).

The fibrous structure of the trunk can be studied from three main sections:

  • end (transverse)– cut across the fibers, perpendicular to the stem axis;
  • radial– passing through the core of the barrel, at right angles to the end;
  • tangential– applied parallel to the axis (at any distance from the core), tangential to the annual layers.

When a cross section of the trunk is made, the following layers are distinguished:

  • bark, cork and bast layer - external protection of the tree;
  • cambium - a thin layer between the sapwood and bark;
  • sapwood - porous wood through which water and nutrients rise up the trunk from the roots to the crown;
  • core (which includes the core);
  • medullary rays;
  • annual circles.

Properties and characteristics of different layers of a tree trunk

The most valuable part of a tree trunk is located near the core (including the heartwood and sapwood). At the same time, the core itself, which stretches along the entire length of the trunk, has a soft, loose structure. Coniferous plants have a core diameter of 2-4 mm, for deciduous trees this figure can reach 10 mm (depending on the type of tree).

As the tree grows, the core gradually collapses, and its diameter increases towards the crown.

Heartwood (oak, ash, yew, elm, walnut, pine, cedar, larch) have a naturally low humidity and a darker color of the core, different in color from the rest of the wood of the trunk.

There are species in which there is no color highlighting of the core at all, and all the wood across the cross-section has a uniform color. Such trees are called sapwood, these include: birch, alder, hornbeam, linden, pear, maple. The dark color of the center of the trunk in sapwood trees indicates the initial stage of decay, and not the strength of the wood (the so-called “false” core).

Wood core- the hardest part of the trunk, which is characterized by high density and resistance to rotting. The process of nucleation involves blockage of water-conducting pathways, deposition of carbon dioxide and resins. As a result, the living cells of the sapwood die, darken, become saturated with dyes and tannins and are converted into a core.

Sapwood consists predominantly of young cells, which have lower density and, accordingly, strength.

While the tree is young, its wood consists mainly of sapwood. The time for kernel formation depends on the type of wood: for example, in pine this happens after 30 years, in oak - after 8-10. As the tree ages, the diameter of the core also increases, due to the transition of the sapwood part to the heartwood. For example, in an oak tree with a trunk diameter of 15 cm, the proportion of sapwood in the wood is about 50%. In a tree with a diameter of 30 cm, the core part is 3-5 times larger than the sapwood. And in an oak trunk with a diameter of 60 cm, the sapwood part will no longer be more than 10% of the core.

Cambium- the thinnest transparent layer consisting only of young cells. Thanks to it, the tree is able to regenerate.

Annual layers, noticeable in cross section, have the form of concentric circles. With normal tree growth, its trunk thickens by one ring every year. But the thickness of these rings depends on the following indicators:

  • wood species,
  • age,
  • growth conditions,
  • climate zone.

For example, a pine tree growing in the north will have narrower rings than a tree of the same species grown in the southern regions. But the density, strength, and also the resin content of the wood of “northern” pine will be an order of magnitude higher. For the manufacture of furniture from solid wood, the best pine wood is considered to be the one that has 3-25 annual layers on the end section in the radial direction of 1 cm (the same can be said about other coniferous species).

In deciduous trees (oak, chestnut, elm, ash, elm), on the contrary, the greater the width of the annual layers, the stronger and harder the wood. In hornbeam, beech, birch, alder, aspen, linden, and maple, the wood cut does not have clearly defined annual layers. For these types of wood, the width of the rings does not affect the quality of the raw material.

Core rays found in most tree species, but only in some they are so wide that they are visible in a cross section with the naked eye (beech, oak). Their size (from 0.005 to 1 mm), quantity and type also depend on the growth conditions of the tree and its species. Trees grown in the shade have fewer pith rays than those grown in open, sunny areas. The rays are located in the radial direction in the trunk, so the trunk most easily splits along them.

Thus, the quality of wood depends not only on the type of wood. Even among plants belonging to the same biological species, wood can have significantly different characteristics and properties, which depend on the conditions in which they grew.

That is why, when purchasing wood raw materials, its origin is so important.


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Metals and Welding

The trunk of a felled tree, from which the roots, top and branches are separated, is usually called a whip. Whips are divided into three groups based on the yield of industrial wood. The whips are supplied unpainted. They are not allowed to have curvature of more than 5% of the length of the whip, core rot occupying more than 65% of the area of ​​the lower end and external rotten rot. Taking into account the dependence on the purpose, timber is distinguished for sawing, peeling, planing, chemical processing, and for use in round form. When cutting the logs, round assortments are obtained in the form of logs, ridges, pulpwood, etc.

Logs are called assortments intended for use in round form or as raw materials for the production of general-purpose lumber.

Ridges trunks used for the production of special types of forest products are called. ᴛ.ᴇ. aircraft sawn timber, peeled veneer and sliced ​​veneer. matches, etc.

Churakami are called varieties that correspond in length to the working dimensions of woodworking equipment.

Balances - these are round or split assortments intended for processing into cellulose and wood pulp.

Longevity is a piece of whip, the length of which is a multiple of the length of the resulting assortment and includes an allowance for cutting.

Poles these are small-sized logs with a diameter of 6 to 13 cm, used in construction and agriculture. Round timber is divided by thickness into small (up to 13 cm), medium (from 14 to 24 cm), large (from 26 cm or more)

For small timber, a gradation of 1 cm is established. For medium and large timber, every 2 cm. The length of the timber depends on its purpose and ranges from 0.5 to 17 m. Most often, the length of timber used is from 3 to 3.5 m. The standards often indicate not specific lengths of the assortment, but the limits of their possible changes and gradation.

For coniferous timber with a length of 2-3m or more, the gradation is 0.25 or 0.5 m, for short deciduous assortments the gradation is 0.1 m. Assortments for lumber production have a gradation of 0.3 or 0.25 m. Based on quality, timber is divided into 4 grades; At the same time, small assortments come in 2-3 varieties. Coniferous timber of the 1st grade without knots or few knots, mainly from the lower part of the trunk and is intended for obtaining high-quality lumber. Sapwood and external rotten rot are not allowed. Grade 2 timber with dead outer knots of moderate size and slightly less restrictions on the tolerance of other defects is used to produce various grades. Grade 3 timber with large knots from living branches is harvested from the top part of the trunk and has a reduced requirement for other defects. In grade 4 timber there are almost unlimited knots and rot is allowed. These timber products are used for short-length products and chemical processing.
