Scenario of the final stage of the festival "kaleidoscope of methodological ideas" methodological development. Planning a festival of methodological ideas in dhow The festival program includes

Berries 21.03.2022

The purpose of methodological readings is to support and promote methodological achievements in the field of general and additional education, development of professional cooperation in the development and implementation of promising methodological ideas and technologies in teaching subjects based on the integration of resources of the Moscow Electronic School.
The concept of the event is the provision that methodological readings are a kind of platform for the exchange of professional experience, for consolidating and popularizing it, and for introducing the best pedagogical theories into the real practice of general and additional education institutions in Moscow.
The organizers set themselves the following tasks:
1) demonstration of advanced teaching experience organizing the educational process in the open educational environment of the city;
2) public discussion of professional findings of colleagues, approval of the best pedagogical solutions, drawing up recommendations for the mass implementation of the presented experience;
3) development and modernization of the very methods of borrowing the most successful techniques and forms of organizing education for metropolitan schoolchildren on the basis of the capabilities inherent in the Moscow Electronic School.
The organizing committee includes representatives of the Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources in Education, the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education, the City Methodological Center, the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, school No. 1329, the Moscow city organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, the Expert Advisory Council of the Parent Community under the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the regional public organization "Unified Independent Association of Teachers", the Association of Additional Education Teachers, the regional public organization "Independent Association of Literature Teachers", the All-Russian public organization "Association of History and Social Science Teachers", the Interregional Association of Geography Teachers of Russia, publishing groups " Enlightenment", "Educational literature", "Russian textbook", " Russian word", "National Education", "Exam", "Intelligence Center".
The event is attended by subject teachers, librarians of educational organizations, methodologists, teachers of preschool and additional education.
The program of the VI Moscow Methodological Readings “Festival of Methodological Ideas” includes a series of events:
April 16-20 (according to schedule) - Marathon open lessons.
A list of sites and their addresses, as well as a list of topics for open lessons, classes and leading teachers will be posted until April 15, 2018.
April 21 - final meeting “MES Pedagogical Album”:
9.00-10.00 - registration of participants, operation of information platforms;
10.00-12.00 - panel discussion “First hand” (meeting with interesting people);
12.30-14.30 - methodological workshops “Sharing our experience”: “On the pages of graduate competencies 2030” (section with the participation of teachers of Russian language and literature), “MES Library: a new look at reading problems” (section with the participation of librarians of educational organizations), “ What languages ​​does MES speak?” (section with the participation of teachers foreign languages), “Eras and faces in the mirror of MES” (section with the participation of history and social studies teachers), “The Queen of all sciences and the possibilities of MES” (section with the participation of mathematics teachers), “MES: teaching to think digitally” (section with the participation of teachers ICT and computer science), “Educational field “Art” in the world of MES” (section with the participation of teachers of the educational field “Art”), “MES and fine arts are one!” (section with the participation of teachers fine arts), “Resources of the MES virtual laboratory” (section with the participation of chemistry teachers), “Resources of the MES virtual laboratory” (section with the participation of biology teachers), “Resources of the MES virtual laboratory” (section with the participation of physics teachers), “Really lessons physical culture with MASH?!” (section with the participation of physical education teachers), “And never confuse islands and cities, they teach at school...” (section with the participation of geography teachers), “MES in the system of additional education” (section with the participation of additional education teachers), “MES : the beginning of the beginning" (section with the participation of teachers primary classes), “MES: the beginning of the beginning” (section with the participation of preschool teachers), “Virtualization of technological education: new forms of training and control” (section with the participation of technology teachers), “The role of MES in religious education: through thorns to the stars” (section with the participation of teachers of ORKSE and ODNKNR).
April 22 - 10.00-12.00 - round table “Let's sum it up” (for chairmen of subject associations).
The festival will take place at school No. 1329 at the address: Nikulinskaya street, building 10,
There are two forms of participation in the festival:
- master (offering his experience);
- listener (adopting someone else's experience).

Requirements for the master class:
- the master class script is drawn up with a duration of no more than 15 minutes;
- a certain amount of interactive work with master class participants is required;
- upon completion of methodological readings, it is necessary to prepare materials for publication within a month, which will be stated in a special regulation on publication.
All categories of participants must register before April 15, 2018 by filling out the form at This year, after registering for your email You will receive a letter with an electronic ticket. Please print it out and take it with you to the festival. This will significantly speed up registration.
If you wish to participate in the festival as a master (with a master class, training, presentation of ideas), please send the topic of your speech and theses to the section moderator.
Pre-registration is required to participate in the event!
All participants will receive a festival program (“Ticket to the Future”) and a participant certificate (“MES: readiness to implement ideas”), and the most experienced masters will receive a diploma (“Top Ten”). Based on the results of the event, it is planned to publish a collection of materials from the speeches.
Send questions to: [email protected].

Ekaterina MOROZOVA,
Chairman of the United Independent Association of Teachers

March 26, 2016 on the site of School No. 1329, as part of the IV Moscow Methodological Readings, took place Festival of methodological ideas.

His target - support and promotion of methodological achievements in the field of education, development of professional cooperation in the development and implementation of promising methodological ideas and technologies in teaching subjects based on an integrative approach. One of tasks- mass demonstration of advanced pedagogical experience, public discussion of pedagogical findings.

Directions readings:

- modern lesson: innovation and tradition;

- implementation of interdisciplinary and meta-subject approaches in teaching subjects;

- methods of teaching subjects in the context of informatization of education;

- formation of universal educational activities outside school hours: experience, problems, promising solutions;

- modern technologies for measuring the quality of education: achievements and problems;

- design and research activities in class and extracurricular activities in various subject areas, ways to increase students’ learning motivation, etc.;

- Olympiad movement and work with gifted children.

At the Plenary session (during the panel discussion) SPEAKERS:

Rozov Sergey Viktorovich, artistic director of the Theater and Creative Laboratory “Sparrow Hills”;

Pirogov Lev Vasilievich, editor-in-chief of the Publishing House “Literary Studies”;

Rostovtsev Andrey Vladislavovich, Chairman of the Moscow Robotics Association, employee of the Center for Teaching Excellence;

Danilov Alexander Anatolievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, author of school textbooks, head of the Center for Humanitarian Education of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House;

Lukyanov Ilya Vladimirovich, head of the physics department of School No. 1329, director of the Olympiad Physics and Mathematics School at the Moscow Center for Educational and Mathematical Education, researcher at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, member of the jury of the All-Russian competition research work named after D.I. Mendeleev, head of the Russian national team at the Asian Physics Olympiad;

Frishman Irina Igorevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher Russian University friendship of peoples;

Prostokvashin Alexander Mikhailovich, head of the department of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the Moscow Department of Health, retired police colonel;

Yanovskaya Elena Yurievna, manager library of School No. 641 named after. S.A. Yesenina, winner of the professional competition “Best School Library 2014”;

Gadzhikhanova Razitta Gadzhievna, Ph.D. in art history, researcher at the Dagestan State United Historical and Archival Museum named after. A. Tahoe-Godi.

Before the start of the panel discussion, the Festival participants were greeted by the director of School No. 1329 Veronica Fedorovna Burmakina.

WORKSHOPS: computer science and ICT, French, primary school, teachers of additional education, educational field "Art", geography, mathematics, biology, English language, Russian language, literature, librarians of educational institutions, drawing, physics, technology, chemistry, preschool education, history, German language, physical education, fundamentals of life safety, “First step in robotics” (SHNT), Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics, “Speech and creative space of development and features of family education in the 21st century.”

During the break, publishing platforms and the EXHIBITION “Traditional rag doll of the indigenous peoples of Russia” were open.

Organizer - United Independent Association of Teachers. Chairman - Ekaterina Pavlovna Morozova.

Included Organizing Committee included: Regional public organization“Unified Independent Association of Teachers”, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Moscow Center for Quality Education, publishing houses “Prosveshcheniye”, “Russian Word”, “Intelligence Center”, “Exam”, etc.

In the event took part subject teachers, librarians of educational organizations, methodologists, teachers of preschool and additional education, including representatives of the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture and public association"Altar of the Fatherland".

Faith and Time

Related materials:

Plenary session “First hand” (panel discussion). Presenter - Ekaterina Pavlovna Morozova

VI Moscow methodological readings “Festival of methodological ideas”

“Learning and teaching at the Moscow Electronic School”

Venue: School No. 1329 (Nikulinskaya St., 10)


13.00 - registration

13.30 - plenary session

15.30 - work of sections

Report at the plenary session

“Educational potential of the volunteer project “Common Cause. Revival of wooden temples of the North."

Archpriest Alexy Yakovlev , candidate of theology, rector of the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Raev, head of the project “Common Cause. Revival of wooden temples of the North."

Program of the section of teachers of ORKSE and ODNKNR

“The role of MES in teaching religious cultures”

(the compilers of the reading program gave the section a poetic name:

“The role of MES in religious education: through thorns to the stars”)


Petrakova Tatyana Ivanovna , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, chairman of the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture, methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, editor-in-chief of the Internet portal “Faith and Time”, full member of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture;

Soloviev Alexey Yurievich , Deputy Chairman of the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture, teacher at the Nikolo-Ugresh Theological Seminary, full member of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture.

"Using the potential training courses within the framework of ORKSE and ODNKNR for the transformation of moral attitudes and transformation of the soul of the teacher and student.”

Vasechko Yulia Sergeevna , methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, member of the Council of the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture, member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

“Use of the electronic form of the textbook in ORKSE lessons”

Pustovoit Yulia Vladimirovna , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, methodologist of the editorial office of fine arts, music, Moscow Chemical Culture, Orkse publishing house "Prosveshcheniye".

“Textbooks and manuals on ORKSE and ODNKNR publishing house “Russkoe Slovo”

Rubtsov Vladimir Yurievich , methodologist of the publishing house "Russkoe Slovo".

“On the procedure for posting and moderating electronic educational resources at MES”

Aksyutin Lev Vladimirovich , methodologist at the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

Venue - school No. 1329

Directions : Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, 1 car from the center, right, right, onto Pokryshkina Street (perpendicular to Vernadsky Avenue). Walk along the street. Pokryshkina 300 m to the bus stop. transport (stop "Academy under the President of the Russian Federation"), on any bus. drive 700 m. (2 stops) along the street. Pokryshkina (get off at the “City Cardiodispensary” stop), then walk (to the right and forward) 650 m.

Sections: School administration

The methodological festival is held at the end of the school year by the school administration.

1. Goals and objectives of the festival:

  • behavior of the results of the educational process for the year, analysis of methodological work teaching staff
  • identifying talented teachers, their support and encouragement;
  • formation of a team of like-minded people who understand the peculiarities of their life activity educational institution
  • stimulation of professional pedagogical creativity;

2. Festival participants:

All engineering and teaching staff of the school can take part in the competition. Experience pedagogical work, the age of participants is not limited.

3. The festival involves:

  • assessment of the work system of teachers and the degree of their knowledge of technology and lesson methods, as well as scientific and methodological issues at the modern level;
  • analysis of content and technological methods and inventions, new techniques and approaches to knowledge transfer;
  • events that reveal the communicative qualities of festival participants.

4. The festival program includes:

  1. Opening speech by the Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work with a brief analysis of the methodological work of the teaching staff for the entire period of the academic year.
  2. Jury presentation.
  3. "Business card" (representation) of teams.
  4. Implementation of the project, drawing up a professional profile of a specialist.
  5. A competition that reveals professional and creative abilities: The most important thing is the weather in the house.
  6. Defense of the pedagogical concept, conceptual ideas and work system, in accordance with the theme of the methodological festival;
  7. Final speech by the chairman of the jury, summing up the festival.
  8. Awarding the winner and laureates of the festival.

5. Methodical exhibition

Simultaneously with the festival, a methodological exhibition of didactic material and methodological developments is held, at which engineering and teaching staff present their accumulated teaching experience.
Proposed nominations in which methodological developments (manuals) are presented:

  • The best traditions in education
  • Active forms of learning
  • Teacher-researcher
  • Information Technology
  • Innovations in education and developmental training
  • Raising a successful person in the sphere of personal life (countering negative phenomena among young people)
  • Development of children's creativity in the educational process
  • Health-saving technologies.

7. Festival jury

The results of the festival are summed up by a specially appointed jury, which includes the school director, deputy director for educational management, deputy director for educational management, and head teacher. The festival jury also evaluates the quality of materials submitted for the methodological exhibition.

Scenario of the methodological festival “The Road from Idea to Result”

Leading: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! There are traditions in our school that go back decades: the ceremonial beginning of the school year, Teacher's Day, a professional skills competition. And today we are holding a methodological festival, which has also become a good tradition in our educational institution.
While developing the festival program, we spent a lot of time trying to find an epigraph that would become the leitmotif of the festival, its motto. We thought that the new millennium places new demands on us, teachers. A new teacher is a spiritual, moral, creative, socially active person, an intellectual, an erudite, a humanist, and a hard worker. But again and again we return to the words of the great Russian poet, in which, in our opinion, the purpose of our profession is hidden: “Sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal...”
I give the floor to the Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work.

Deputy Director for Research and Development: The most important means of improving the pedagogical skills of teachers is well-organized methodological work. Taking into account the level of the educational process, established traditions, requests and needs of teachers, the state of the educational and material base, as well as the characteristics of the student body, the teaching staff worked on the problem: “Ensuring modern quality of education based on preserving its fundamentality and meeting the needs of the individual, society and states." A range of tasks was defined, among which I would like to highlight: systematic self-improvement of each teacher; study and application of modern pedagogical technologies for training and education of students by school teachers.
These tasks were solved by a team of teachers, educators and industrial training masters through the work of methodological commissions, independent work on self-education and other forms of collective study. The work of methodological commissions is headed by experienced professionals dedicated to their work: Mamedova O.A., Glukhova T.A., Pak M.M., Golubeva S.V. Working hard and creatively, these people led the methodological commissions in such a way that they gained great authority and respect not only among colleagues, but also among students.
A highly qualified and organized team (23 people - 48% have the highest qualification category), is in a constant pedagogical search for optimal forms and methods to solve the problem facing us all, skillfully fosters devotion to the chosen profession and a sense of responsibility in students. The high professionalism of the IPR of our school is also confirmed by the fact that we confidently and successfully represent ourselves at the district, regional and federal levels:

  • In October 2007, our team of students took 1st place in the regional action “I am a citizen of Russia”, leader O.A. Mamedova, then the students performed this project in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
  • Our teachers Pantyukhina I.R. (Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work), Mamedova O.A. (history teacher), Fedyakina T.V. (master of teaching), took part in regional pedagogical readings of engineering and teaching staff of institutions vocational education“Modern approaches and principles of organizing training and education in vocational education institutions”, where teacher of the highest category Mamedova O.A. becomes a laureate.
  • We took part in the work of the regional scientific and methodological council for the profession “Auto mechanic”, where Lazareva N.A., deputy director for educational management, made a report on the development of a regional component in the curricula for the profession “Auto mechanic”.
  • Mamedova O.A. on the recommendation of the UMC, she participated in the Far Eastern regional scientific and practical conference in Khabarovsk on the topic “Topical issues of teaching history and social studies and new educational standard second generation." Then she spoke at a regional seminar among teachers of social science disciplines based on the conference materials.
  • Kalenyuk G.N. participated in the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 2007” among UZ NGOs, where she successfully presented her professional credo and methods of her work.
  • Grandfather A.N. spoke at advanced training courses at the UMC with a report “Creation and use of electronic textbooks in lessons of special disciplines in the profession of “Pastry Chef”.
  • At the regional professional skills competition, our craftsmen showed high professionalism both at the methodological and at the practical production level: 1st place – Demenkova E.N. (master of training, profession “Cook, confectioner”), 2nd place – Chepkasov V.Kh. (craftsman, profession “Fitter”), 2nd place – Khusainov R.G. (craftsman, profession “Carpenter”). The students also showed a high level of professionalism: Levyshkina M. – 2nd place (profession “Pastry Chef”), Matsinovich M. – 2nd place (profession “Fitter”), Shakhov V. – 3rd place (profession “Carpenter”).
  • Presented the joint author's work of I.R. Pantyukhin. and Mamedova O.A. in the regional competition methodological works and manuals on patriotic education in the category: “Methodological material on organizing and conducting search work, perpetuating the memory of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.”
  • We present the experience of pedagogical work in Russian scientific and methodological journals. Thus, in the magazine “Chemistry at School” No. 4 for 2008, an article by I.R. Pantyukhina was published, “Put in a word about cholesterol,” which describes in detail a profiled chemistry lesson for the profession “Cook, confectioner” using the technology of pedagogical workshops.
  • Finally, we are reaching the international level, presenting ourselves on the global Internet: on the website of the publishing house “1 September” ( we are presented as a participating institution in the pedagogical festival. This material examines the history, development program of State Educational Institution NPO PU No. 13, features of industrial and theoretical training, student success, etc. The purpose of publishing this presentation is to popularize the teaching experience and achievements of our teaching staff.

In order to unite a team of like-minded people who understand the peculiarities of the life of their educational institution. We are holding such an organizational and activity event as our today’s methodological festival.

Leading: Today, the work of the festival will be presented by the performances of three teams - teachers, teaching assistants and educational service teachers, who will demonstrate psychological and pedagogical knowledge, acting skills, pedagogical techniques, and oratory in three areas:

  • Formation of a personality capable of successfully adapting to a market economy.
  • Interpersonal relationships: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”
  • My educational philosophy

The work of the teams will be assessed by a strict but fair jury ( Appendix 2 ). I propose to draw lots for the order of performance of the teams. So, the first festival task is the presentation of teams - the calling card.

Leading: The main objective of the Education Modernization Strategy is to achieve a new quality of education that meets the requirements for the individual in modern rapidly changing socio-economic conditions. These requirements consist of the school graduate mastering a system of universal key competencies that allow him to realize himself in the conditions of the information society, to realize his professionalism in interaction with nature and society. In this regard, the second festival task: teams of teachers must design an individual scheme that will reflect what is necessary for the formation of an individual capable of successfully adapting to a market economy. (On the tables are whatman paper, felt-tip pens, rulers, pencils, magazine clippings, scissors). Operating time 10-12 min. Then comes the protection of projects.

Leading: Interpersonal relationships among teenagers have a tremendous impact on the formation of a young person’s personality, his views on future life, his attitude towards others, and his level of self-esteem. Problems in interpersonal relationships contribute to the emergence of complexes, force the teenager to seek recognition as an individual in a criminal environment, and are often one of the main reasons for taking drugs and alcohol. Interpersonal relationships in an educational institution are usually considered in the form of a “triangle”: teachers – students – parents. Sometimes a “triangle” turns into a “polygon”. The third task of our festival is to show how we imagine interpersonal relationships in our school, what they should ideally be. So, the competition “The most important thing is the weather in the house.” (Teams present homework).

Leading: I would like to begin the next competition nomination with the words:

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.

My educational philosophy. Who came up with this task?! “Thank you” to him! You tell me. I agree with you. It may be easier to teach several lessons. Think over goals, methods, select teaching tools. But what is my pedagogical philosophy?.. Still, let's try to figure it out. (Speakers are teachers of the highest qualification category, representatives from teams).

Leading: Children expect the truth from us, TEACHERS. They are instinctively drawn to goodness, to purity. Each teacher is given a credit of trust. How not to deceive children's expectations, not to leave, not to take them to nowhere...
Our festival is over, it’s time to sum up the results. And the floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

Awards are presented to the winners of the methodological exhibition and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the festival's competitive tests is announced.

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