A wide variety of soy recipes - effects on the body and how to cook them. A dish of soybeans. How to make hummus at home Soy Dishes: Simple and Delicious Recipes

Decorative 03.03.2022

As you know, hummus is a favorite snack made from chickpea puree. But for its preparation, you can use peas, lentils, soybeans, different kinds beans. You can experiment with different flavors and choose the one you like best. Today I would like to offer you a recipe for cooking homemade soybean hummus. Why not? It is prepared according to the same principle as classic hummus. As you know, soybeans are an excellent source of protein, they contain a large amount of vitamins, calcium, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and much more. Nutritionists also talk about the usefulness of introducing this product into the diet. People who consume soy regularly not only lose weight, but suffer less often various diseases strengthen your immunity. And the dishes themselves from soybeans, as a rule, turn out to be very satisfying, although they contain a minimum of calories. I myself quite rarely cook legumes for a side dish, so these pâtés have become a real discovery for me. They are very tasty and healthy, besides they are convenient to take with you, for example, as a snack... Well, I think I persuaded you to try it. Then we're ready!


To make hummus at home, you will need:

150 g soybeans;

1 carrot;

1 head of red onion;

2 cloves of garlic;

sea ​​salt - to taste;

pepper "Jalapeño" - to taste;

red sweet paprika - to taste;

black pepper - to taste;

a few green onion feathers - optional.

Cooking steps

Add peeled whole carrots, onions. Put to cook on (!) Slow fire. After boiling, add salt, mix. Cook for about 1-1.5 hours until done. If necessary, add water in small portions when boiling the beans, they should always be covered with a small amount of water.

Drain the water in which the beans were cooked into a separate bowl.

Punch boiled soybeans and vegetables with a blender on a pulsating mode until smooth.

Add jalapeno pepper.

Add minced garlic, red paprika, salt if necessary.

Thoroughly mix the hummus, adding small portions of the broth in which the beans were boiled, thereby adjusting the density of the hummus.

Arrange the finished soybean hummus in cocotte bowls, bowls, containers or jars, whichever is more convenient and more convenient for you, pour olive or sunflower oil and close if you are preparing it for future use. And if you serve it right away, then sprinkle with black pepper and garnish with herbs when serving.

Enjoy your meal! Eat with pleasure!

The main component of Asian cuisine is one of the oldest cultivated plants, whose name is soy. As you know, it is customary to adopt good traditions, therefore, from the second half of XIX For centuries, Russian chefs have also begun to widely use soybeans, in no way inferior to Asian ones in skill and ingenuity. Soybean is one of the most ancient cultivated plants grown for human consumption, and it is also one of the main elements of Asian cuisine.

In China, they even found drawings that contain the image of soy, made about 6 thousand years ago. How to cook soy, read our article. It is important to note and pay special attention to the fact that in the "pure" form, soy is not used for food. In the vast majority of delicious dishes, soy is used exclusively in boiled form.

  1. To cook soy quickly and well, it must first be washed and soaked for 12 hours. The specified time will be enough for the soybeans to increase in volume by 2-3 times.
  2. After 12 hours, i.e. after soaking the soybeans, you need to drain the water and rinse the beans thoroughly. Then they should be poured with clean water and sent to boil for 1–1.5 hours.
  3. After this time, the water from the pan must be drained, poured clean and boiled until cooked for about an hour and a half. Attention! Soy should never be cooked over high heat! You can salt soybeans only at the very end of cooking.

Boiled soybeans can be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes.

soy recipes

Soy Dishes - Soy Sauce Recipe

  • soy - ½ cup;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • broth - 2 cups;
  • apple puree;
  • sugar;
  • wine.

  1. Boiled soy before cooking, you need to grind, mix with flour and butter. To stir thoroughly. Salt and mix again.
  2. Then you can take any broth, add it to soy, mix and boil for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Then add apple puree, a little sugar, wine and cook soybeans over low heat for another 2-3 minutes.

Soy Dishes - Soy Cheesecakes Recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • soy - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sugar;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook soy at home:

  1. To prepare this dish, you will need boiled soybeans and cottage cheese previously passed through a meat grinder. Mix these ingredients with the egg and beat. Then sweeten and mix well.
  2. Then take a little flour and sprinkle it on a cutting board. Now we form cheesecakes and fry on both sides.
  3. Ready soy cheesecakes can be served with honey, sour cream or jam.

Soy Dishes - Soy Stew Recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • soybeans - 300g;
  • potatoes - 200g;
  • cabbage - 200g;
  • bulb;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook soy at home:

  1. We boil the soy.
  2. Saute some onions.
  3. Add soybeans, finely chopped potatoes and chopped cabbage to the onion.
  4. Mix gently and add some water. Then add sour cream or mayonnaise.
  5. Simmer for 30 min.

Soy Dishes - Soy Puree Recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 120 grams of soy;
  • 10 grams of onions;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 20 grams of sour cream;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • salt.

How to cook soy at home:

  1. Soaked soybeans must be boiled until cooked, after which the water is drained, and the soybeans are crushed with a meat grinder.
  2. In a saucepan in oil, you need to fry the chopped onion, put the soy mass, salt, boiled milk, and, stirring, cook over low heat, then season with sour cream.
  3. This soy puree is served with fried lard or melted butter.

Soy Dishes - Chinese Soy Stew Recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 500 grams of soy mince;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 600 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 parsley;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1/2 cup tomato puree;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook soy at home:

  1. Slightly boiled minced meat should be salted and fried in a pan.
  2. After that, you can put it in a shallow saucepan, add 2 cups of broth or water, tomato puree, close the lid and simmer over low heat.
  3. Half an hour after the start of the stew, you need to add peeled, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fried vegetables and potatoes, peppers and bay leaves. All this must be carefully mixed and again put the soybeans to simmer for half an hour.

Soy Dishes - Japanese Soy Meat Recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 200 grams of soy goulash;
  • 3 large peeled oranges;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • half a glass of pitted apricots;
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh champignons;
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook soy in Japanese:

  1. Lightly cooked goulash should be fried uncovered for 15-20 minutes.
  2. From oranges, you need to remove the thin white skin, cut them as small as possible, and apricots must be left whole.
  3. Mix fruit with mustard. Half of the resulting mixture should be laid out on top of the meat, and the other half should be left. Cook for another 15-20 minutes, season with a little salt.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a medium-sized saucepan, put mushrooms and chopped green onions into it.
  5. Fry for 5-10 minutes until the mushrooms are soft, then add all the other fruits and a small amount of boiled water.
  6. Cook soy for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Put the meat in a large deep plate, put mushrooms and fruits on top of the meat, garnish with orange slices.

How to cook soy sprouts - product features

Soy - very interesting gift nature, which has a mass of useful substances. In fact, no matter how you cook soy and soy sprouts, it can replace a lot of meals. And often, when answering the question of how to cook soy sprouts, most housewives prepare a variety of salads. Although besides them there are a lot of other dishes that, in terms of their taste, will not yield to many dishes. And it is depending on the context in which dish you are going to cook soy sprouts, and the principle of their preparation will depend.

  1. Due to the fact that soy is a rather multifunctional product, it can be used not only in cold, but also in hot dishes.
  2. The most important thing is the need to follow a certain sequence in the process of cooking soy sprouts, otherwise the consistency of the finished dish can be seriously disturbed.
  3. Thus, the taste of soy is quite delicate and extremely pleasant. In this regard, they are often used as an independent side dish. And due to the fact that soybean sprouts are saturated with a lot of vitamins, useful macroelements and microelements, soybean sprouts can not only bring taste pleasure, but also have a favorable effect on the state of the body.

  1. Soy sprouts are not just used in the process of preparing a variety of broths. They are able to give the finished dish a unique taste that is absolutely unique and inimitable. And in the process of cooking, soybean sprouts must be doused with boiling water, because this will not only disinfect the product, but also increase the nutritional value of soybeans. Therefore, dishes from soy sprouts are satisfying, but low in calories.
  2. If you want to prepare, for example, a salad with soy sprouts, then it is very important for you to correctly combine the other components of the salad.
  3. Soy sauce will be very relevant in such salads, which will not only add flavor, but also make soy sprout salad even more useful. Nevertheless, vegetables, and specific spices and seasonings are suitable for such a salad. And the preparation of salads from soy sprouts can also be varied. And there are cocktail salads, where in order to decide how to cook soy sprouts, you need to pre-prepare them. There are also hot salads, but in ordinary cold salads you need to pour boiling water over soy sprouts.

As you can see, cooking soy is not at all a difficult question, and dishes prepared using boiled soy are varied and very appetizing!

Video with a recipe for cooking soy with vegetables

Food in the post. Soy products.

Soybeans have been known since ancient times. Until now, they are actively used in the cuisine of Asian countries. However, with the spread and popularization of vegetarianism as a food system and philosophy, soybeans have spread very widely in our country.

Soy as a source of protein

Soybeans are very rich in protein, which also contains essential amino acids, therefore it is considered a relatively complete protein for humans.

Soy products are in demand not only among vegetarians, but also among people who observe religious fasts, as well as with allergic reactions to certain proteins.

The range of products made from soy is very extensive:

Tofu (bean curd);

Soy meat, sausages, sausages;

Soybean flour is used in baking and desserts;

Soy is included in some infant formulas;

Protein shakes, including sports.

Soy phytoestrogens

In order to understand whether it is worth including soy in your menu, you need to understand that protein is not the only component. An important point is that soy, along with other legumes (chickpeas, peas), contains quite a lot of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones.

In this regard, soy can be useful for women during menopause, when the concentration of their own hormones decreases, because it is they who have a protective effect in terms of cardiovascular disease over the years.

However, in other cases, it is impossible to overdo it with soy products, because the shift in the content of female and male sex hormones can lead to significant imbalance and disruption of the hormonal status in children, men and young women.

Soy is a genetically modified crop

Soybeans as a crop have undergone genetic modification. The exact effect of such cultures on the body has not yet been reliably clarified, so observing moderation in the use of soy products will not be superfluous.


These days, most nutritionists consider eating soy a positive. This product has a high protein content, and vegetable protein is absorbed faster than the animal and ensures proper metabolism in the human body. In addition, eating soy foods increases the level of lecithin, which slows down aging and provides energy. In terms of the amount of amino acids necessary for humans, soy also surpasses many meat delicacies. In the US, doctors combine daily intake of 25-50 g of soy protein to maintain cholesterol levels at an optimal level.

With all the pluses, you need to keep in mind that the indiscriminate use of soy foods in large quantities will not bring strong benefits, but will only increase the load on different systems. Isoflavones in soy can lead to excess female hormones in the body and, conversely, to a deficiency of hormones of the endocrine system. When making dishes with soy, it is important to properly process the beans, because raw soy has anticoagulant properties, i.e. neutralizes the action of vitamin K and interferes with the absorption of calcium.


Edamame is essentially an unripe soybean fruit. Such beans fit perfectly into the lean menu, making up for the lack of protein, but they can not replace the diet all year round. The benefits of edamame are expressed in the abundance of iron, as well as in the regulation of carbohydrate and fatty acid balance. Green beans can be used in diet programs, not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Experts believe that green beans in large quantities should not be present in the diet of children because of the possibility of inhibiting the immature endocrine system. And in general, for any problems with the thyroid gland, this type of bean is not recommended. Due to the presence of oxalic acid in the composition, you can not eat dishes with edamame with urolithiasis.


Dry beans are sold in all major stores on the cereal shelf. First, the fruits must be laid out on a tray and examined, removing all spoiled beans and possible debris. Unripe or overripe fruits can also be sent to the basket. Then follow a simple recommendation:

  1. Rinse the soy in a colander cold water.
  2. Soak the beans in water overnight. In this case, it is better to close the container or tighten it with a film.
  3. The next day, for cooking, the beans are transferred to a large pot and poured with fresh water, completely immersing the fruits in the liquid.
  4. Bring the water with soybeans to a boil over high heat, then reduce the power and leave the pan for a couple of hours.
  5. During the cooking process, the beans must be stirred to remove the skin. It should separate completely from the soy at the end of cooking. This husk is removed from the pan with a slotted spoon.
  6. The pan is removed from the heat as soon as the soybeans soften. After cooling, the water is drained.

"How to cook dry soybeans at home?" doesn't take much time. However, you need to keep in mind that for cooking soy meat, you can buy a ready-made dry semi-finished product, which requires a lot of effort in the kitchen. It can be soaked in any fat-free broth, or marinated in tomatoes, wine-based or milk-based sauces. If you need to get rid of the soy taste, you should first soak the product in hot water for 1.5 hours, every 30 minutes I change the water. Then the semi-finished product is squeezed out and a quick marinade is made.


Fans of natural salty snacks and beer snacks often have the question of how to fry soybeans in a pan. Here the main trick lies in the preliminary soaking of the fruit. It is enough to leave the beans in the water for several hours, but you can also overnight. Then it is necessary to dry the product for an hour.

Soybeans are fried with a small addition of any oil, as is the case with seeds, peas, beans, peanuts. First, the oil is heated in a frying pan, then the soy is poured in, and the top is sprinkled with salt and any seasonings to taste. Roast the beans over medium heat until lightly browned.

If you're wondering how to pan fry soybeans, you can also experiment and microwave beans. And supporters of natural processing of beans fry them in a hot open oven, lining the baking sheet with parchment and without adding oil.


It has already been described above how to process dry beans. If you have fresh soybeans, cook them according to identical instructions in a large pot for 2-3 hours. Warm beans are added to any dish. Fresh soybeans do not need to be soaked.

Please note that today there are varieties of soybeans that do not boil for 10 hours of cooking on the stove. Therefore, always read the cooking method on the package of beans. In general, any soy should be boiled in a cast iron cauldron or saucepan, if desired, adding soda or salt to cold water. The harder the water, the more additives are required and the longer the soybeans will cook. However, you can speed up the process by cooking the beans in a double boiler or pressure cooker.


  1. For soy pate, grind boiled beans with nuts. You can also make minced meat with a meat grinder. Salt to taste, spices and herbs are also added to the mixture, and soy milk for greater tenderness.
  2. To make soy cutlets, you need to add onion and garlic and semolina or mashed potatoes to the pate mixture. Bake the product in the oven, greasing the baking sheet with oil or sprinkling it rye flour.
  3. What can be prepared from soy at home for a lactose intolerant diet? Of course, milk! To create it, you need to pass three glasses of soaked beans through a combine, and then pour 6 liters of cold boiled water. Put the pot on the fire, and when the water boils, reduce the power and leave the beans for another 6 minutes. Strain the mass through cheesecloth.
  4. If you squeeze lemon juice into soy milk, you get soy sour cream. Whey will also come out of the mixture, on which you can make pancake dough.
  5. You can make tofu cheese based on soy milk and lemon. Soy flakes obtained by curdling milk from citrus should be put in a colander with gauze and pressed with a load. After 60 minutes, the cheese should be transferred to cold water. An hour later, the product is ready.


This popular Asian dish is made from fermented soybeans. Pasta can be salty and spicy, and is also made with the addition of flour, sugar or rice. Use the product for meat, soups and vegetables, as well as to create some types of soy sauce.

Fermented soybean paste at home is quite simple, but it is a long process. Wash 1 kg of beans and soak them in cold water for 10 hours. Then drain the liquid and pour the soy again, leaving about 7 cm of water above the fruits. Soybeans are boiled over high heat until boiling, then they wait for the fruits to soften and drain the water. The cooled soybeans are passed through a meat grinder and flat cakes are made from minced meat. They are dried in a warm room for 2 months, turning regularly.

When the soybean dries, the cakes are crushed into several pieces and left in the kitchen until slightly softened. Pass the product through a meat grinder, add salt to taste and 700 ml of soy sauce. Infuse the mass for about a month. This will give you Tai Soybean Paste. Miso can also be made by leaving mashed boiled beans under a load of koji rice or barley mushrooms, but it takes at least six months to ferment.

Japanese soybean paste soup is usually made with store-bought miso. First you need to soak the shiitake mushrooms, then fry them and add water. Wakame seaweed is also added there, and after boiling, reduce the fire. At the end, add udon noodles. Miso paste is separately bred with a couple of spoons of pure broth and is also sent to the soup. Decorate the dish before serving. green onions and tofu cheese.


  • For soy fritters, add to glass soy flour the same amount of wheat flour. Pour ground ginger or other spices, a coffee spoon of baking powder. You also need to grind a vegetable supplement: zucchini, bell pepper or pumpkin. The mixture is kneaded with water to make a dough that resembles thick sour cream. Fritters need to be fried in hot fat.
  • To make soy cabbage soup, you need to bring water in a saucepan to a boil, and then add 3 chopped potatoes, 300 g of fresh chopped cabbage and 100 g of dry soy mince. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to add the finished fried passerovka from carrots, onions, celery and parsley root. Salt the soup and turn off the heat. Add sour cream to taste.
  • Soybean dishes at home are often made on the principle of "garnish plus meat". With minced soy, for example, you get an interesting variation of naval pasta. Boil 200 g pasta. Pour the minced meat with beef broth, and after 4 hours fry in a pan. Add stewed onion, pepper and salt, parsley and tomato puree to the finished meat. Stir the mixture and add to the pasta.


  1. Take 300 g of green soy seeds, 4 potatoes, 2 carrots, a couple of bell peppers, 3 tomatoes and an onion. Saute tomatoes, onions and peppers in oil, then add water. After boiling, send the chopped carrots and chopped potatoes to the mixture, and after 10 minutes - soybeans. After 15 minutes, the vegetable soup will be ready, all that remains is to add greens and salt.
  2. For a delicious salad, chop 150 g of beets and carrots each. 200 g of green boiled beans free from seeds and send to vegetables. Add chopped cucumber and 100 g sauerkraut. Season with oil and salt. Pepper, dill and parsley are added to taste.
  3. Green soy sprouts can be added to a nutritious salad. It is necessary to scald the product with boiling water, sprinkle with salt and mix with onion fried in soybean oil. Then add a little soy sauce, sugar, salt, pepper and herbs.


Soy porridge is a dietary and nutritious dish. For him, it is enough to cook beans soaked overnight. Add milk, honey or sugar to taste, as well as salt to boiled soybeans. Cook the porridge for another 15 minutes, and then season with oil.

Many housewives, especially young mothers, are interested in whether it is possible to cook porridge with soy milk. This practice is actually very common. For example, you can boil 300 ml of soy milk, add sugar and salt to taste and add 120 g of oatmeal. After 20 minutes, the porridge will be ready, if you do not forget to stir it. By the way, it is not necessary to boil such porridge: you can pour oatmeal with soy milk and maple syrup, add chia seeds and chopped cocoa beans, and send the mixture to the refrigerator for an hour. This porridge is served with berries and grapefruit slices.


  • The taste of edamame is perfectly emphasized by sharp notes. First, boil the beans (2 cups), and then heat the olive oil in a pan. Top with 2 crushed garlic cloves, a pinch of chili flakes. Pour in half a glass of soy sauce and add sugar to taste. When the sauce thickens, you can turn off the heat and transfer the mixture to the beans. Toss the edamame with the spicy dressing and serve as an appetizer.
  • Boil 300 g of beans and separate the peel from part of the edamame. Fry some garlic and shallots separately. To the beans in the pod, add two tablespoons of dashi broth and canned jalapeno, and then puree in a blender. Add vegetable oil. Then you need to make a sauce for a snack: add a drop of soy sauce and starch on the tip of a knife to a spoonful of dashi broth. Make small baskets out of nori seaweed and put the pieces of rice cookies on the bottom. Then lay out the bean cream puree, a few fruits without a pod and sauce. Unusual Asian appetizer is ready!
  • Blend the cooked edamame beans, onion, cilantro, garlic and miso paste in a blender. Add soy sauce, chili sauce, lime juice and stir. You can add some boiled soy water to get the right consistency. Fill with a mass of halves of tomatoes or sweet peppers.


  • Whisk half a cup of butter with two cups of sugar. Separately, beat two pairs of eggs and pour the mixture into the oil. Add 3 cups soy flour, 450g raisins. At the end, gently pour in soda on the tip of a knife, 2 coffee spoons of spices. Pour in half a glass of wine. Blind cakes from the resulting dough and bake them over low heat.
  • Mash 50 g of tofu with 4 large spoons of soy milk. Add the juice of 1 large lemon, the yolk beaten with 50 g of honey, and the grated zest. Dissolve 5 g of gelatin in a water bath and pour into the mixture. Finally, fold in 1 egg white, whipped until foamy. Pour the mixture into bowls and refrigerate. Serve lemon jelly already transferred to the dish.
  • Rub a pack of margarine with an incomplete glass of sugar. Beat a couple of eggs and add to the mixture, pour in a couple of drops of strawberry essence and a little beetroot juice for color. Add 2 cups wheat flour, 1.5 cups soy flour, and half a coffee spoon of baking powder. Knead the dough and bake the biscuit for 15 minutes.


  1. A light salad with tofu is an essential part of any soy diet. Cut 300 g of cheese into a bowl, add half a cup of pine nuts, one red onion and 300 g of spinach. Dress the salad with a mixture of olive oil, mustard and wine vinegar.
  2. A high-calorie lunch can be replaced with a nutritious stew. Soak 50 g soy mince in warm water for 20 minutes. Cut sweet pepper, eggplant, tomato. Fry garlic with onions and carrots in a pan, then add meat without water. After five minutes, you can pour vegetables into the container, pour water and leave the stew to stew for 15 minutes. The dish is served with herbs and tomato paste.
  3. Vegetarian savory pancakes are a great diet snack. Sift 150 g of flour and add 220 ml of soy milk to it. Also pour in 80 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. At the end, add a pinch of salt and knead the dough. The mass should be homogeneous and infused for 30 minutes. Pancakes are baked in a pan with a minimum amount of oil.

Soy paste. Pass the soybeans cooked in accordance with all the rules through a meat grinder. Can be combined with any nuts. Any will do. For my taste, roasted peanuts are very suitable here. But this is a matter of taste, of course. According to this very taste, add various spices, sea salt dissolved in water (you can, of course, coarsely ground stone, but sea salt is a special taste) and greens to the resulting soy mass. I like to taste. To make the pate more delicate, you can add soy milk or soy cream to it. Okay, mix it all up. Garlic lovers can grate or squeeze a slice or two with a special crusher. You can cook a pate not with nuts, but with boiled carrots, beets or sweet bell peppers. And if you mix it with fried eggplant, you get a wonderful caviar. You can make pate with mushrooms or olives. Anything is possible, to be honest. And with each new addition - a new taste and a new color. Cook - and try it yourself and don't forget about your friends!

Soy cutlets, hedgehogs, rolls. If you add salt, spices and a little semolina to the soy mass, prepared in the same way as for pate, only ground together with onions and garlic, and mix it all properly, you will get excellent cutlets. Only it is better not to fry them, but to bake them in the oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with rye flour or bran. You can, in the end, slightly grease the baking sheet with oil, preferably with palm oil (a thing, of course, a rare and probably expensive thing, but in order to sometimes lubricate the baking sheet, you can buy one day; and I think your grandchildren will still use the hereditary bottle with palm oil). And if you have not completely abandoned the use of vegetable oil, there are no problems at all. Soy sour cream can be added to minced meat, this will give the cutlets a special taste. Instead of semolina, you can add a little mashed potatoes.

From the cutlet mass, you can bake a roll with mushrooms or any other filling in the oven. You can bake the roll in foil.

And in order to make hedgehogs from the same cutlet mass, you need to mix it with boiled rice, roll small balls out of it, roll them in coconut powder and bake in the oven.

And to all these fried-cookies, soy sauces will be very good. But for their preparation, soy milk is absolutely necessary. So, let's continue like this.

Soy sauces, as I mentioned above, are prepared on the basis of soy milk or dry soy cream (diluted, of course). I will give here three ways to prepare soy gravy. This, so to speak, is the basis for your culinary creativity, your gourmet delights.

First way. After lightly browning onions and carrots in a pan, pour a glass of warm (heated) soy milk or diluted dry cream and simmer for a couple of minutes. Then add herbs, spices, garlic, and store-bought soy sauce to taste. This is the main part of any gravy. And so that this base is not too liquid, it can be fixed as follows: pour a teaspoon of starch diluted in a small amount of water into the prepared gravy, bring it all together to a boil - and immediately remove from heat. Ready. Enjoy your meal!

The second way. Also, after browning carrots and onions in a pan, pour a glass of warmed soy milk or cream, at the same time (if you have enough hands) falling asleep in small portions of soy, rye or barley flour. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and add soy sauce, herbs and garlic.

Soy flour gravy is suitable for both protein and carbohydrate dishes, while barley and rye flour gravies are suitable only for carbohydrate dishes.

You can also add ketchup, tomato paste, or a little turmeric to these gravies. It will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. So try to make your sauces brighter, prettier, so that they please the eye. Then it will be a joy to eat them.

The third way. Mushroom broth (you can directly with mushrooms, but first you need to chop them) pour into a pan with already browned onions, add spices to taste, soy sour cream, soy sauce, a lot of finely chopped greens and a clove or two of chopped garlic (the best and easiest way is to squeeze through the crusher). Liquid gravy is ready. If you want a thick gravy, add soy flour and bring to a boil.

Soy meat in walnut sauce. Soak and boil meat with spices. Then prepare the peanut sauce. To do this, pass a glass of walnuts through a meat grinder or mixer, add water to it, boil a little, without ceasing to stir, and then add the seasonings prepared in advance. Here it is a matter of taste, everyone will choose which seasoning is dear to him and in what quantity. The main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, I prefer a little curry, fresh or dry basil, tarragon, and other aromatic herbs. Preferably, of course, fresh herbs, but you can use dry ones. Be sure to add lemon juice and garlic.

Then pour the peanut sauce over the soy meat pieces and bring to a boil. That's all. But if the finished dish is allowed to stand (infuse, as my grandmother used to say) for a while, it will really infuse and become even tastier. And do not be afraid that it will get cold - this dish can even be served as a cold appetizer.

And if the pieces of soy meat in nut sauce are now fried, there will be such a golden crust - just a feast for the eyes. And no oil.

Soy dumplings. This is where soy whey comes in handy. On it, you knead the dough for dumplings. Well, that is, you can knead on whey, if you have it. And if not, then you can use soy milk. This, believe me, will be faster than making whey specifically for kneading dough for dumplings on it. In general, knead the rye flour dough with whey or milk. You can add barley flour or any other, except wheat, then the dough will become whiter and softer.

You make the filling, of course, from soy meat. Soak it in hot salted water, then fry it a little with onions and spices. If the pan is not Teflon, then you can coat it with sour cream.

Then pass the soy meat and garlic fried with onions through a meat grinder and add pepper. The filling is ready.

The filling can also be made from cabbage or mixed with minced meat from soy meat fried with onions.

From the same dough, you can also sculpt dumplings with a wide variety of fillings - with potatoes, with tofu, with strawberries, cherries, potatoes and mushrooms, just with mushrooms and fried onions - with whatever your heart desires. And the most delicious and dumplings, and dumplings are obtained by boiling them in soy milk. That's it. Eat for health.

Pizza has long ceased to be only an Italian national dish. Stepping over all boundaries, pizza has conquered the whole world. And by right. Now in Tokyo, and in Paris, and in Rio de Janeiro, and in New Vasyuki, you can smell the smell, read the word and taste the dish familiar to the whole world. But we don't have to travel that far to taste our favorite dish. "If the mountain does not go to Mohammed..." Yes, yes, yes, that's right. We'll make our own pizza. What's the most important thing about pizza? Correctly.

Dough. To whey or kefir (soy, do not forget!), And even better to mineral water(Borjomi is still the tastiest, unsurpassed) add a teaspoon of soda, juice of one lemon, a little salt and, if available, soy sour cream. Pour in flour (it is best to mix rye flour with barley or oatmeal) and knead well. It will turn out beautiful butter dough. Knead it with your hands, roll it out to the size of a baking sheet or a large frying pan, or mold it on a baking sheet as you like, any shape, and put the filling on it.

Filling is made from everything that the eye has fallen on and what the soul has asked for. For example, you can cook soy meat in the same way as for dumplings - that's the basis. Fill the dough prepared in a baking sheet or frying pan with this base and picturesquely lay onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings, paprika cut into thin half rings, thinly sliced ​​​​tomatoes (if you can, it is better to cut the tomatoes right above the pizza so that the precious fresh tomato juice does not disappear) and sprinkle with chopped herbs ( according to taste and season). If you like garlic, add garlic, crushed or chopped, whichever suits your taste. And do not spare pepper, and black, and red, and white, and chili - pizza should be spicy. Only, sprinkling with peppers, remember that it is still to be eaten. And to you.

By the way, you can buy ready-made pizza seasoning, it is now sold in almost every store where seasonings are sold at all. And the last touch of a great artist - season it all with ketchup, soy sour cream (garlic and walnuts can be squeezed into such sour cream) or one of the soy sauces. This is what you like. A matter of preference, as the French say. For example, I first pour ketchup or sour cream with garlic and nuts, and then I pepper it. So, in my opinion, both more beautiful and tastier. And - almost forgot! - Put the pizza in the oven. And everyone who enters your house from all around will come running to this divine smell. About three blocks. I know from my own experience.

Stuffed zucchini prepared simply and quickly. Peel it from the peel, cut it lengthwise into two halves and remove the core. Stuff the middle with soy minced meat for cutlets, salt, pepper to taste and place in a patch or a suitable pan. After adding a little water, simmer for half an hour. When the zucchini is ready, cut it into circles, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs. Pour soy mayonnaise and bring it to the table.

And, of course, what a table without salads! And with the help of soy meat, you can not only make your culinary "repertoire" more diverse, but also earn a well-deserved reputation among your friends as an unsurpassed maestro of salad arts and a subtle soy artist.

"Athlete"- an exceptionally high-calorie and at the same time remarkably tasty salad based on soy pate. Excellent nutrition for people involved in fitness and bodybuilding.

Cut pickles, boiled carrots, onions or green onions into soy pate, add green peas and mayonnaise. And high-calorie nutrition with one hundred percent digestibility is ready.

"Meat salad- sounds funny for a vegetarian dish, don't you think? Nevertheless, this is precisely a meat salad, only the meat in it is soy. And this meat must first be poured for 15–20 minutes with hot salted water, and then stewed with spices. Then cut the boiled potatoes and carrots, fresh or pickled cucumbers, onions or green onions into small cubes, like a vinaigrette. Mix with prepared meat, green peas and soy mayonnaise. Salad ready. Expect triumph!

Rice salad. Rice for him should be crumbly. Therefore, it is better to use varieties with long grains and cook as follows: rinse the rice well and hold it in cold water for half an hour before cooking, then put it in a colander and let the water drain.

The lid of the pot where the rice is cooked must certainly be tightly closed. But at the very end of cooking, you need to remove the lid and cook the rice for another two or three minutes with the lid open, just so that excess moisture evaporates and the rice becomes crumbly.

In the meantime, rice is being cooked, cut into small cubes pickled or fresh cucumbers, boiled carrots, onions and soy meat, prepared in the same way as for the "meat" salad. Add green peas and mayonnaise and mix it all with rice. This salad is best made in advance so that there is time to hold it in the cold, let it soak. But although it is necessary to insist it in the cold, it can be served at the table and slightly warmed up.

soy sprouts get in the following way. Soak the soybeans for 24 hours, transfer to a colander or basket and pour warm water over the sink or bathtub twice a day. Within reasonable limits warm, mind you. After about a week, soybeans will sprout 8-10 centimeters long.

Cut off, remove a thin film from them, scald with boiling water and cut into a salad along with garlic, pepper, various herbs, season with soy vinegar and enjoy the taste, getting benefits. Exceptionally vitamin salad. Eat for health.

Good owners do not waste anything in the household. We will also be zealous owners, especially since soy, being a practically waste-free product, provides all the opportunities for this. If you remember, after the manufacture of soy milk, dry soy mass remains. "Well, what to do with her now?" - you ask. “Oh, so many things! - I will answer you. - For example…"

Cutlets from soy mass. They are done like this: mix the soy mass with onions and garlic, add semolina or raw potatoes grated on a fine grater, salt, pepper and fry in a lightly greased or non-stick frying pan, you can bake in the oven.

Or like this: soaked and boiled lentils, peas, beans or beans (or all together, assorted, so to speak), as well as onions and garlic, pass through a meat grinder, mix with soy mass, blind cutlets and bake them in the oven. Don't forget to salt and pepper.

You can add soy sour cream or soy cheese to these cutlets.

Beetroot- soy caviar. Bake the beets in the oven or boil them, as you like. Just do not add salt to the water if you do not want to spoil the taste of the beets.

Right in the patch, fry the onion with grated carrots, add the soy mass, season with sea salt, cover and simmer. At this time, grate the prepared beets on a medium grater and add to the patch with soy mass. Stir. Then add the tomatoes and paprika slightly poached in the pan. Garlic and spices - to taste. Ready caviar before serving, it would be nice to sprinkle with lemon. And you can serve both hot and cold.

soy casserole- one of my favorite dishes. And I have several different recipes, and each of them gives a new twist, a new shade of taste. Start over.

In the soy mass left after straining soy milk, add, if available, soy sour cream (and if not, then it’s not scary, you can do without it), raisins, chopped apple (you can chopped lemon with zest or other fruits, dried fruits, berries and even vegetables - raw mashed carrots, pumpkin, zucchini), vanillin, you can add a little cocoa (or you can not add it), rye flour or semolina, salt and sugar. If you do not use sugar, add more raisins, for example.

As for the proportions, there is almost nothing for me to say here, because I do not particularly adhere to them. Each time I improvise on a given topic and change the proportions and toppings, I get a completely new taste, almost a new dish. But to start with something to improvise on, take for your first casserole a kilogram of soy mass, four to five tablespoons of sour cream, a cup of raisins, half a glass of rye flour, a large apple, two tablespoons of cocoa, salt and sugar taste. Instead of flour or semolina, you can add any chopped, ground nuts. Mix everything. Sprinkle the baking dish with rye flour. Bake for about 40 minutes, see for yourself.

If you do not want a sweet casserole, then instead of sugar, apple, raisins, add grated raw potatoes to the soy mass, salt, pepper, sprinkle with garlic and chopped herbs. Bake like a closed pie, you can even make a filling of boiled mushrooms, lightly stewed and minced cabbage with spices, or from any other vegetables.

Vegetable soy casserole can be made easier. Vegetables for her can take a variety of and in any combination. For example: cabbage, potatoes, zucchini and paprika. Or: mushrooms and eggplant with tomatoes. Matter of taste, mood and availability. By all means, of course, add onions, spices, salt and simmer lightly. Then mix the vegetables with the soy mass and put in a patch or pot, brush with sour cream, ketchup or any of the soy sauces, sprinkle with finely chopped or crushed garlic on top and put in the oven. When all the vegetables are soft, the casserole is ready.

By the way, you can make such a casserole not with vegetables, but with fruits and berries. Also - to taste, mood and availability. Combinations can be the most unexpected.

Actually, it's time to move on to dessert, don't you think? Soy makes excellent baked goods, trust me. And its most important difference from ordinary pastries is that you can eat soy pastries as much as you like, and not be afraid to spoil your figure. Hey sweeties!

Soybean buns. Baked from dough kneaded with soy whey, if available. If not, soy milk.

To prepare the dough, add half a liter of whey soda, minced lemon, grated raw carrots, salt, vanilla sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. Phew. Then soy mass, raisins or dried apricots, rye or barley flour. Mix everything together well and add soy sour cream for more sweetness. Here is your dough and ready! Now sculpt and bake small, pretty buns - and rather on the table! It is very tasty to drink them with soy milk or cocoa on soy milk. And, as with all other soy dishes, there is endless scope for improvisation in the preparation of soy buns.

Cake "Snowflake". In half a liter of soy whey or Borjomi, add one teaspoon of soda and a lemon passed through a meat grinder. Put sour cream, soy mass, a pack of coconut powder, vanilla sugar and nutmeg. Pour barley flour in small portions.

To prepare the cream, stew a sliced ​​banana a little, cool and beat it with a mixer along with soy milk. Together with a banana, you can also whip overripe (and even better - frozen) persimmon, peeled from the skin, if the season is in season.

Bake cakes from the prepared dough, cool them and spread with cream, without sparing. Put the cakes smeared with cream one on top of the other - and the cake is ready. You can decorate however you like.

soy candy can be cooked at home. And it will be tastier, I assure you, than all the factory-made soy candies you have tried before. And most importantly - you can make for yourself just such sweets, with exactly the same taste, which you want to try today.

To do this, pass soybeans cooked in accordance with all the rules along with nuts and dates (pitted) through a meat grinder. And then just begins the creation of the taste of sweets.

If you add raisins, dried apricots, prunes or some other dried fruits (you can even have a few) - there will be one taste.

If you add dry soy cream dissolved in a small amount of water to the candy mass, the taste will be completely different.

Mix instant cocoa with dry cream - you get chocolate bars.

Add sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon zest or any other spices according to your mood and taste. From the candy mass, sculpt balls, bars, sausages, pretzels - the shape can be any - and eat to your health. Now the confectionery factory is right at your home. You are now your own pastry chef and client. Lucky…

Cake "Candy". I call it that because it is made from candy mass, prepared as described in the previous recipe. Put a layer of candy mass on a dish, lay fruits cut into flat pieces on it, preferably of the same variety. For example, a banana layer is covered on top with another layer of candy mass, on which a layer, for example, of pineapple slices, is laid out, on which a layer of candy mass is laid out, etc. There can be any number of layers in height, depending on the desire, the amount of candy mass , the variety of fruits and the number of expected guests.

The same candy cake can be made with a "zebra". At the same time, it will differ from a simple candy cake only in that the white layers, where coconut powder is mixed into the dough, will be interspersed with brown ones, to which cocoa is added.

The filling can be made not only from fresh fruits, but take, for example, currants, blueberries or cherries in their own juice and mix them with pre-soaked raisins. It is better to soak raisins not in water, but in the juice of those fruits with which you will mix them.

It is very tasty to sprinkle layers of chopped nuts between the dough and the filling. Well, on top of the cake it is supposed to be filled with glaze, which is prepared as follows: cook a little cocoa with a small amount of soy milk, adding coconut powder, vanilla sugar, cardamom, cinnamon - anything, to taste and discretion, at least all at once. And if you cook with soul, the cake will be no worse than from the "North" - only much more useful. That's for sure.

Soy husk. Mince cooked soybeans, coconut powder, nuts or seeds, raisins, prunes, dates, dried apricots and lemon zest. It is better to fry the nuts before this, and sort out the dried fruits, if necessary, and soak for a while, and then peel them. Actually, immediately after grinding, the halva is ready. Put it beautifully in a beautiful dish - and regale yourself and treat others.

Lenten fish dishes are allowed to be consumed on some days of Great Lent. But what about seafood? We are used to writing fish and seafood in the same row, but can they be considered fish and how does the church treat their use during fasting? By According to church tradition, shrimp, squid, mussels, crayfish, octopuses and other seafood are not considered fish products, so the liturgical charter allows their use on Saturdays and Sundays of Lent. However, Lent is a time of abstinence, self-restraint and refraining from delicacies, and seafood is more of a delicacy for us than an affordable and familiar dish, so you should cook them only on holidays that fall on Lent in order to slightly diversify the Lenten menu.

Although there are a number of restrictions on eating fish meatless dishes, on those days when fish is still allowed, you can cook a lot of delicious meatless dishes. Salads, soups, hot dishes and all kinds of pastries are prepared from fish in Lent. Often, fasting people prefer to prepare more hearty dishes than salads or soups, but they can be just as tasty and satisfying as pies, which are popular during fasting. We offer several recipes for hearty fish lean dishes.

500 gr. perch fillet,
500 gr. salmon fillet,
500 gr. potato,
500 gr. mushrooms,
3 bulbs
250 gr. lean mayonnaise.

Boil fish and potatoes until tender. Grate potatoes on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry, separately fry the mushrooms. Finely chop the fish. Put a layer of fish on a flat plate, brush with lean mayonnaise, put a layer of mushrooms on top, brush with mayonnaise again, put a layer of onions, brush with mayonnaise, put another layer of fish on top, brush with mayonnaise and finish the salad with a layer of potatoes, remembering to grease it with lean mayonnaise. There can be any number of layers in such a salad, however, each of them must be well greased with lean mayonnaise, and the top layer must turn out to be potato. You can decorate such a salad with greens or pickled cucumbers. Leave the finished salad for a while in the refrigerator so that each layer is well soaked.

300 gr. any fish,
3 potatoes
1 beet
1 carrot
2 pickled or pickled cucumbers,
100 gr. vegetable oil,

Boil the fish until cooked, salt and pepper. Cool the finished fish and cut into pieces. Boil potatoes, beets and carrots, cool and cut into cubes. Also chop the cucumbers. Add vegetables to the fish, salt, season with vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.

8 potatoes
2 herrings,
3 bulbs
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
4 tbsp 7% vinegar,
1 tsp mustard,

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into slices. Peel the onion and cut into rings, and slice the herring. Put potatoes, onions and herring in a salad bowl in a slide. Separately, mix the vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard and salt, season the salad with the resulting sauce.

Among lenten fish dishes, special attention should be paid to soups. Made from different types fish, they invariably turn out fragrant, satisfying and very tasty. A great option for a festive table, when lunch should be festive at the same time, but moderate and modest.

300-400 gr. any white fish
1 l. water,
1/2 bay leaf,
1 carrot
1 onion
2-3 potatoes
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp flour,
3-4 peppercorns,

Clean the fish from bones and skin, rinse well and place in cold salted water. Bring to a boil and leave on the lowest heat for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add spices. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until transparent, then add flour and carrots and continue frying. Remove the finished fish from the broth, and strain the broth. In the hot broth, add the sliced ​​potatoes and cook until soft, then add the sautéed vegetables and cook for a few more minutes, salt the soup and add the sliced ​​fish, then remove from heat. Pour the soup into bowls and garnish with herbs.

100 gr. cod fillet,
1.5 l. water,
2 potatoes
2 bulbs
2 carrots
2 tomatoes
100 gr. mushrooms,
3 cloves of garlic
1/3 bunch of parsley
1/3 lemon
5 tbsp vegetable oil,

All ingredients must be fresh or frozen. Cod fillet cut into pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the onion, also squeeze it in oil, add the carrots, grated on a medium grater, and chopped mushrooms. Fry everything for a few minutes, and then lower the heat, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Cut potatoes into cubes. Salt the water and bring to a boil, then put the cod into it, bring to a boil again, add potatoes and onions with carrots and mushrooms. Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 15 more minutes. Then add sliced ​​tomatoes, from which you can first remove the skin, thinly sliced ​​lemon, finely chopped greens and finely chopped garlic. Cover the pan with a lid, turn off the heat and let it brew for at least 5 minutes, after which the soup can be served at the table.

Fish soups and salads are delicious, however, among lenten fish dishes, many prefer hot. Who will refuse a fragrant fish in a crispy fried crust? And from fish cakes or unusual cabbage rolls with fish filling? All these delicacies are available to us for only two days out of the whole 7 weeks of Great Lent, so it’s worth considering in advance what lenten fish dishes can be prepared on these holidays.

6 potatoes
300 gr. fish fillet,
2 bulbs
5 tbsp vegetable oil,
30 gr. dried mushrooms,
1/2 st. fish broth,

Soak dried mushrooms first. Cut the fillet into cubes, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan in vegetable oil. Finely chop the soaked mushrooms, peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Saute mushrooms with onions. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and lightly fry in oil. Put potatoes, fish, mushrooms and onions in layers in a pot and put a layer of potatoes on top again. Pour vegetable oil, add fish broth, salt and simmer in a preheated oven until tender.

1 kg. white cabbage,
500 gr. fish fillet,
1/2 st. rice,
2.5 bulbs
2 parsley roots
1/2 carrot,
vegetable oil,
1 bunch of greens
1/2 st. fish broth,
1 tbsp flour,
2 tbsp. soy sour cream,
2-3 tbsp tomato paste,

Remove the stalk from the cabbage and boil the head of cabbage until half cooked in salted water. Drain in a colander, cool and separate into leaves. Cut off the thickened part of the cabbage leaves and beat lightly with a wooden mallet. Clean the fish fillet from the bones and pass through a meat grinder, fry the minced meat for 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, then add the rice boiled until half cooked. Spasser grated carrots, 1 parsley root, 2 onions, salt and add everything to the minced meat. Put the minced meat on the prepared cabbage leaves and roll them up with an envelope. Fry the resulting envelopes in vegetable oil, laying with the seam down. Put the fried cabbage rolls in a saucepan and prepare the sauce. For 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, fry the flour, pour in hot fish broth in portions, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Sauté an onion half and 1 parsley root, then add everything to the broth. Cook until the vegetables are completely softened. Add soy cream, tomato paste, salt and pepper, mix well and bring to a boil. Pour the stuffed cabbage with the resulting sauce and bake in the oven until cooked. When serving, decorate the cabbage rolls with herbs.
During fasting, pastries are especially popular. What could be tastier and more satisfying than a freshly cooked hot pie? Among the lean fish dishes there are many recipes for all kinds of pies, pies and even whites. Let's take a closer look at these recipes.

200 gr. fish fillet,
200 gr. onion,
4 cloves of garlic
500 ml. water,
1 kg flour
1/4 st. vegetable oil,
10 gr. yeast,
3 tbsp Sahara,

Knead the dough from water, flour, yeast, vegetable oil, sugar and 1 tsp. salt. Leave ready dough in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Prepare minced meat. To do this, pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, add finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat thoroughly, if it is not very juicy, you can add a little water to it and mix thoroughly again. Make small cakes from the dough, put the minced meat in the middle, make round whites and fry them in vegetable oil over low heat on both sides.

500 gr. fish fillet,
1 onion
vegetable oil,
yeast lean dough,
1 st. sweet tea,
ground black pepper,

Make minced meat from minced fish fillet and finely chopped onion. Salt and pepper the minced meat, fry until tender in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, using a glass, cut circles out of it. Put the minced meat in the center of each circle, pinch the edges so that the middle remains open. Put the finished pies on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, let stand for 10-15 minutes, brush with sweet tea and put in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.

25 gr. yeast,
1 kg. flour,
1 st. vegetable oil,
4-5 tbsp Sahara,
1 kg frozen cod
2 large onions
1 st. rice,

Boil the rice until tender in 4 cups of salted water. Drain the remaining liquid after cooking into a separate bowl, and rinse the rice with cold water. Dissolve yeast in 1 cup of warm water, add 2 tbsp. sugar and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then add 1.5 tbsp. rice water, 1/2 tbsp. sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. flour, 2-3 tbsp. sugar, about 1.5 tsp salt and mix well. Now, gradually adding flour, knead the dough and put in heat for 2 hours. Remove the bones from the cod and cut into small pieces. Salt to taste and fry in vegetable oil until tender. A couple of minutes before cooking, sprinkle the fish with 1 tbsp. flour and mix. Separately, fry finely chopped onion, add fish to it and mix. Roll out the dough with a layer of about 5-7 mm, put it on a greased baking sheet, put a layer of rice and then a layer of fish with onions. Cover the pie with another layer of dough and pinch the edges. Put the pie in the preheated oven for about 30-40 minutes.

Lent and lenten fish dishes are quite compatible concepts. Fish in fasting is allowed to be consumed only on the feast of the Annunciation and in Palm Sunday, but even on these days, cooked meals should remain lean. Choose fish dishes to your liking and cook delicious, hearty dishes without violating church traditions.

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