Samsung galaxy s7 does not read troika card. Samsung phones with NFC. Nuances that many did not know about

Shrubs 09.03.2022

Many new technologies, before being integrated into our lives, undergo a number of modifications and improvements that should combat various problems in their functioning.

For example, at the moment, which still remains quite innovative, there are a number of tags, and not all of them are supported by devices.

In this article, we'll look at what the notification that the NFC tag type is not supported means and how to fix the problem.



What is NFC? This is a special technology for contact reading information from a phone using special devices.

Moreover, at present, not all mobile devices are equipped with such a system, but even if it is, it can only work in conjunction with a special application for each area of ​​technology use.

This technology is currently not very widespread, but its implementation is quite active.

Why is this technology needed, and what problems does it help solve?

It can significantly speed up and simplify many everyday processes, since now you can pay for travel, read travel card details or pay for purchases with one touch of your phone to a special sensor on the turnstile or payment terminal (if the function is activated on your phone).

So far, such turnstiles and terminals are not yet very widespread, so a significant simplification of the user’s life is not expected.

In order to start using, for example, a travel pass in this form, you need to download a special application for the Troika card (for travel on underground and overground transport in Moscow), register your card in it, then tap it on your phone to read it, as a result all her data will be reflected in the application.

After these steps, you will be able to use your phone instead of a card, placing it on the sensor on the turnstile; the card itself will only be needed to top up your balance with cash at the ticket office.

Important! Payment with bank cards works in a similar way, which also need to be registered in the application, but for this, the card itself must have this option set.

The essence of the problem

Each device, be it a terminal or a turnstile, that can interact with your phone is equipped with a special NFC tag.

It is with this that the same tag in your phone interacts and the information (and money) is read.

The types of such tags vary depending on which developer designed them.

And this is the main problem - if the tag types in the reader and in your phone do not match, then the function will not work, since one device does not recognize the other.

But this error only occurs if the developers did not exchange device licenses in order to set up collaboration.

Some developers have done this, others have not, so your device may work with several types of tags, but not a specific one.

The only way to completely solve this problem is to replace the NFC chip itself, but this is an expensive procedure that is performed under service conditions.

Preparing the device

Some users claim that this problem can be solved by reprogramming the device to work with other types of encodings, and, consequently, tags.

Strictly speaking, this is how you crack the code of your tag. To carry out reprogramming, you will first need to do the following:

1 Login Device Settings and find the item there Reference or About the phone, go to Software details, click on it;

2 Find the section Build number and press it several times until the message appears "You have become a developer"(in some cases you may need to click on Build number and hold– it depends on the phone model);

3 Now you have become a developer - go to the section For developers, which will appear in Settings and put a tick in the checkbox next to the item "USB Debugging".

You can obtain root rights, which will allow you to begin reprogramming the device, only by connecting your phone to a computer.

It is in order for you to be able to make changes to the phone’s operating system while working on a PC, and all the above steps were needed.

Obtaining root rights

First, download and, since it is the one that will allow you to get root rights.

To install, double-click on the file, and then agree with the installer's recommendations by clicking Next and OK.

1 Now connect the switched-on phone to the switched-on computer using a USB cable;

2 Launch the King-Root program;

3 A large dialog box will open in the lower right corner of which there is a large blue button - click on it;

4 Wait for the process to complete and disconnect the phone from the computer.

After rebooting your device, you will be able to use functions available as a superuser.


Now you have received. Find the file /system/csc/others.xml in them.

Depending on the settings and features of the operating system, it can be located anywhere, so the easiest way to find it is by searching by device.

Open this file. Find tags And, add a new line between them and write in it NONE .

There is no absolute guarantee that this will work, but it's still worth a try.

Modern technologies do not stand still, dynamically developing and improving. This also applies to the fundamentally new NFC technology, which has literally taken over the entire world of mobile communications, providing the potential user with even more opportunities at minimal cost.

NFS in Samsung phones - what is it?

The technology is a universal solution for exchanging data between devices. In fact, Samsung NFC is positioned as a short-range contactless network that works at a distance between mobile devices within 10 centimeters. What is noteworthy is that despite the ability to work with open data at such a distance, the network is as secure as possible. Information cannot be lost, nor can the data be obtained by third parties. In fact, Samsung NFC network is much more secure and compliant high standards security than the similar bluetooth, which has been relevant for a decade and a half.

All Galaxy smartphones with contactless technology

Currently, manufacturers of mobile devices are trying to implement this technology into their designs, ensuring an incredible level of quality of operation of the units. Samsung NFC is not far behind, its models today are presented in the following names and modifications:

  • Galaxy S8 is a flagship model that works directly on operating system Android version 7.0. Supports the simultaneous operation of two SIM cards, despite the fact that the mobile phone has one communication module. The device screen size is 5.8 inches, resolution is within 2960x1440 pixels. The device’s camera has a resolution of 12 megapixels and has autofocus;
  • Galaxy A5 is a device in the budget segment, the main focus of which is solely on camera resolution. Like the older modification, it runs on the Android operating system, version 6 and higher (depending on what was installed at the time of sale). Supports simultaneous operation of two SIM cards, between which you need to switch while using the phone. The screen has a diagonal of 5.2 inches and a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The advantage of the unit is its camera, which has a resolution of up to 16 megapixels, with provision for best quality autofocus shooting;
  • Galaxy S7 - the technology was actively used by the manufacturer earlier, which resulted in the creation of a whole series of devices that fundamentally support new standard wireless data transmission. Smartphones run on the Android operating system, version 7.0, and provide the ability to connect two SIM cards. Screen mobile phone It is made standard for its market segment, has a diagonal of 5.1 inches, and the resolution is 2560x1440 pixels. You can highlight a high-quality camera, the resolution of which is 12 megapixels, and there is also an autofocus option.

Galaxy S8 on Yandex Market

Galaxy A5 on Yandex Market

Galaxy S7 on Yandex Market

Does Android Pay work on Samsung phones?

The issue of compatibility of Android Pay payment functions, which are being actively introduced into new mobile phone models, is quite problematic. The problem is that each manufacturer tries to develop its own standards.

It is worth noting that in their structure, the services of Android, Apple and Samsung are fundamentally similar, which allows them to be used in parallel with each other and ensure that all stated payment requirements are met. As users of gadgets note in reviews, sometimes malfunctions occur payment system from Android on devices of various modifications of the Galaxy S7, which is not surprising, taking into account the fact that the smartphone is actually the first from Samsung to use this technology in full.

Difference between Samsung Pay and Android Pay

What is Samsung Pay technology on Samsung mobile phones? The company not only tried to use the accepted NFC wireless communication standard in its work, but also made it possible to use not only certain types of terminals that support the possibility of contactless payment for purchases. The solution actively uses proprietary technology called MST (which translates as “magnetic secure transmission”).

Thanks to the unique capabilities of the new technology, the user will be able to easily pay for his purchase on almost any type of terminal that involves the use of a bank card as a payment instrument. To do this, you will only need to have at your disposal a device compatible with the Samsung payment service that supports this “magnetic” technology. Through the use of MST, the creation of magnetic field, according to its criteria, completely identical to that which has a magnetic stripe signal emanating from a bank card. As practice shows, even store salespeople themselves are not aware of this possibility of mobile devices and are surprised that it actually works in practice.

How to use NFC on Samsung

There is nothing easier for a user than learning how to use NFC technology on Samsung. To ensure data transfer, you just need to activate the software chip (provided that the mobile phone has it in its design).

In the settings, go to the “Advanced” submenu, where the “NFC enable” item is provided, after which the option is activated. After this, Android Beam technology is activated automatically; if this does not happen, you can easily perform the operation manually by clicking on the “Enable” item in the same settings menu. For full operation, you will need to activate both technologies; it is important that neither device is blocked or turned off. When a vibration signal is received, this is the first sign that both devices have detected each other and data transfer within the network can begin. Until the data exchange is completed, it is forbidden to separate your devices, this will lead to the fact that the information will be lost and you will have to do everything all over again.

Previously, we already told you about , which allows you to quickly pay for purchases in stores, link cards, and also about tags that you can assign yourself. But even such a seemingly well-thought-out option has its own nuances and shortcomings, which will be discussed in this material.

Messages and questions often began to appear on the Internet that the NFC tag type is not supported. Yes, this problem is mainly faced by users of devices from the giant Samsung, where models of the Galaxy family are often mentioned, but there are also other models of devices. There are no answers as such on the World Wide Web, and interest in this issue is only growing. We conducted a thorough analysis for you and identified which application this problem occurs with, why it appears and whether it is possible to solve it.

If you are reading this material now, then, most likely, you are an active user of the Moscow metro, because this is where the problem with labels arises.

The Troika card is a specialized card that allows you to quickly top up your balance for travel on various transport in Moscow. The system was introduced back in 2013, and has been actively developing since then.

In 2015, the first version of the My Travel Card application was released, where you could enter all your card data using NFC technology and pay for travel not with a card, but with a smartphone. And this is quite logical. Now every user has a phone, so paying in this way becomes even faster and more convenient. And if you might have forgotten your card at home, you’re unlikely to forget your phone!

This is where the whole problem lies. As soon as the “My Travel Card” application appeared for paying for travel, including support for NFC technology, many users decided to install this program on their smartphone and try it in action, but encountered a problem when, when trying to scan or pay, a “tag type” notification appeared NFC is not supported." Once again, as a rule, this problem is most often observed on Samsung devices.

The main cause of the problem

Not only must your device have built-in NFC, but the phone must also be compatible with Mifare Classic technology. If this compatibility does not exist, then no one guarantees correct operation for you. See the table below for which smartphones have this functionality.

This standard was developed back in 1994 and has since been actively developed and supported, remaining the most popular brand among contactless cards. Actually, that’s why it is used in Russia in the metro. But not all smartphone developers add support for this standard to their devices, which is why similar problems arise!

How do I know if my smartphone supports the application?

At a minimum, you must have a smartphone Android based 4.0 and higher with NFC support.

As mentioned earlier, the NFC technology itself must support the Mifare Classic standard, and this can only be verified in practice.

On the Bank of Moscow website you can view a list of models that support this technology, but keep in mind that the list is not final. This is only a small percentage of all those devices that will work with Troika cards. To view, go and find the item "List of phone models". Click on a tab to view all models.

For convenience, we also present this table:

ONETOUCH POP S9Liquid ExpressPadfone 2OneASCENT P7
ONETOUCH IDOL2 Mini SLiquid GlowPadfone SDesire 610
Victoria 5035VG One X
922 One M8
One M9
One Max
Nexus 7 (2012 with NXP PN65)Sisley S90Optimus 3D MaxDroid RazrNexus I9250
VIBE Z2Optimus GDroid Razr HDNote II
P780Optimus G ProDroid Razr Maxx HDSIII
Vibe Z2 Pro (K920)Optimus 4X HDMoto XSIII Neo
Optimus L5 SIII Core
Optimus L7 Core DUOS
Optimus LTE S5 G900F
Optimus Vu
Prada 3.0
Optimus Vu2
Grand SMint975 Swift 2
PF200 Swift 2 Plus
Grand X
Sprint Flash

Whether your smartphone will support the technology or not depends on the developer himself. If the smartphone manufacturer has signed an agreement with NXP Semiconductors, then support will be provided. If not, then the “My Travel Pass” application will not work correctly on such devices.

Nuances that many did not know about!

You can pay for travel not only from a bank card, but also from your mobile phone account. This is supported by the big three operators - Beeline, MTS and MegaFon. But there are nuances here too.

In addition to NFC technology, additional Mifare Classic technology, you must have a special SIM card, which is also designed specifically for contactless payment standards. Moreover, all three mobile operators have developed these SIM cards to allow payment.

The subscriber needs to come to a mobile phone store and exchange his old one for a new generation SIM card. Next, you will simply bring your smartphone to the reader, and the system will automatically debit funds from your mobile phone. If you don't change your old map to a new one, similar errors will appear in the “My Travel Card” application.

You can view the full list of supported devices on the MTS website.

As you can see, there are two options for paying for travel in Moscow, and which one to choose is up to you.

Initially, Near Field Communication technology ( NFC) has gained maximum popularity as a technology for making contactless payments. You can use a smart card with a built-in NFC chip as a travel card in public transport, as a payment card in retail establishments, as a “smart” business card or as a contactless key card.

However, in lately, this technology is increasingly used in devices such as smartphones and tablets: almost all major manufacturers have begun to equip their mid- and high-end models with NFC adapters.

What is NFC?

If we translate the name of the Near Field Communication technology from English, we get the phrase “near field communication”, which can be deciphered in ordinary language as wireless communication over short distances. Thus, we see that two NFC-enabled devices can communicate with each other when they are nearby. And indeed, the “range” of NFC is only a few centimeters.

IN mobile devices NFC technology can be used for various purposes. You can, for example, turn your phone into a virtual bank card, or use it as a pass to a swimming pool or to a business. You can also quickly exchange files and links, and even, using special applications, read and write information to programmable NFC tags or NFC smart cards.

In the Android operating system, NFC support appeared in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich - its built-in Beam function allows you to share files between devices.

Why do you need NFC if you already have Bluetooth?

As you remember, NFC is most often used when paying for various goods or services, and in this case Bluetooth is not entirely suitable. Firstly, due to its large range (there is a possibility of interception of your payment data). And secondly, the connection between two NFC devices, unlike Bluetooth, occurs almost instantly.

Does your device support NFC?

Not all phones and tablets have NFC adapters. Does your tablet support NFC? How to check its availability?

Some manufacturers, such as Samsung, place the Near Field Communication message directly on the battery of their smartphones, while others, such as Sony, place the NFC logo on the device.

However, the easiest way to check the presence of an NFC adapter in your phone or tablet is through its settings menu:

Go to the settings menu of your Android device

In the Wireless Networks section, click More...

Here you should see NFC settings items:

NFC activation

If your tablet or phone has an NFC adapter, you need to allow it to be used to exchange data between other NFC devices.

Go to Settings -> Wireless & networks -> More...

Check the box “allow data exchange when combining the tablet with another device”

This will automatically turn on Android Beam.

If Android Beam doesn't turn on automatically, simply tap on it and select Yes to turn it on.

When Android Beam is disabled, it limits the ability to share NFC data between smartphones or tablets.

Sharing data using NFC

Once you have activated NFC, you can use it to transfer data. For successful data exchange between tablets and phones, pay attention to the following:

Both the sending and receiving devices must have NFC enabled and Android Beam enabled.

None of the devices should be in sleep mode or have a locked screen.

When you bring the two devices close enough to each other, a beep will sound indicating that the devices have detected each other.

Do not separate the devices until the data transfer is complete and you hear a success signal.

Data transfer via NFC

Place the backs of the devices facing each other.

Wait until confirmation appears that both devices have detected each other and the message “tap to transfer data” appears on the sender’s screen:

Click on the screen and data transfer will begin:

You will hear a sound confirmation both at the beginning and at the end of the data transfer.

Application sharing

You cannot share APK files using NFC. Instead, the sending device sends the other device a link to the app in the Google Play Store, and the recipient opens a page in the Market asking them to install it.

Sharing web pages

Just as in the previous case, the web page is not transferred from one device to another, but only a link to it is exchanged, which the recipient tablet or phone opens in its web browser.

Exchange YouTube video

Again, when sharing a YouTube video, the file itself is not transferred - the second device will simply open the same video on the YouTube website.

Usage NFC tags.

In addition to exchanging information between tablets and phones, you can use your device to read (and write) data from NFC tags and smart cards equipped with an NFC chip.

NFC chips are small enough that they can be embedded anywhere - in business cards, bracelets, product labels, stickers, price tags and other items. They can contain information about the person, a URL, product information, and even commands that your phone or tablet should execute when you touch these tags.

To read data from NFC tags (or to write information to them), you will, of course, need a special application.

For example, using the Yandex.Metro program you can find out how many trips are left on your disposable Moscow Metro card, and the NFC App Launcher program will allow you to program your phone or tablet to perform certain actions by placing the corresponding information in the NFC tag.


Most of modern Android phones and tablets are already equipped with NFC adapters, but so far this function is in little demand and its use is still limited, mainly by the ability to quickly exchange content and contactless payment for services. However, in the future, NFC may penetrate into all areas of our lives, sometimes even completely unexpected ones.

With the help of technologyNFC you can not only transfer data from one cell phone to another, but also pay for purchases(for example, purchasing food products in a supermarket).

The decoding is simple - NearFieldCommunication, which, when literally translated into Russian, means near-field communication or communication in nearby space.

Initially, this technology was used for fast contactless payment. Now NFC replaces the plastic bank card and Bluetooth and combines them in one system, which is a fairly practical invention to use. Do you want to make the process of paying for purchases or transferring files easier? Let's figure out how to find out if your phone, tablet or laptop has NFC.

The history of the appearance of technology in the telephone

It is believed that this is a relatively young development. Its appearance dates back to 2004: it was during this period that three famous companies Nokia, Philipps and Sony organized the “NFC Forum”, and three years later they integrated the first NFC tags into a Nokia phone.

Smartphone models that support NFC

It should be noted that not all phones support this data transfer technology. It is known that the following devices have NFC support:

  • Apple iPhone (from 6S and 6S Plus models);
  • new items from the Galaxy line from Samsung and smartphones from other manufacturers on the Android platform (starting from Android0).

Checking the device for NFC

Would you like to try the technology in practice, but don’t know if this is possible on your device? Let's check it out.

To do this, carefully open the back cover of the smartphone or tablet, in a situation where it can be moved away without damage, and inspect the gadget’s battery.

When NFC development is present, you will see this abbreviation there. If the cover of the phone/tablet is not removable, the corresponding icon or abbreviation will be located on the outside.

If for some reason you do not want or cannot remove the cover, you can make sure that this method of communication is available in the device settings.

Find the “Wireless Networks” tab, then “More...” and if NFC is available on the device, then there will definitely be a corresponding item there.

How it looks, look at the photo above or in video instructions on how to How check correctlyNFC on the phone:

NFC activation

If you find it on your device, you need to activate access to the technologyNFC. You can do this as follows:

  1. go to the “Settings” section and then “Wireless networks”, “More...”, where previously you could verify the presence of NFC;
  2. confirm by clicking on the item “Allow data exchange when combining > device name > with another”;
  3. Android Beam is immediately activated on your Android smartphone. If this does not happen, click on it and select “Yes” so as not to disrupt the system;

NFC can also be activated in the quick menu, in the same place where Wi-fi is turned on. This is done by touching the NFC tag.

Watch the video for more details:

What should I do if my device does not support NFC?

Don't worry if you don't find the built-in feature, there is a way to connect NFC to your device. But this can only be done if the panel cover on the back and the SIM card hole on your smartphone/tablet are removable . Installing NFC in this case will not be difficult.

Installing an NFC module

The optimal solution is to install a special module - an external communication device. It is compatible with almost all smartphones, is easy to use and gives access to NFC without purchasing a new phone.

Types of modules and methods of their implementation

Main types: chips, SIM cards, external devices, stickers. The latter of them come in two types: passive - which do not allow the exchange of data, and active - they use Bluetooth and Wi-fi communication channels for transmission, which significantly increases energy consumption.

Such stickers are attached to the outer shell of the phone, which is also not very practical.

The most popular of them are:

  • NFC SIM card. Now available for purchase from most mobile operators. You can find out about the availability of such a SIM at a communication store. You just need to install the finished card into your phone or tablet. This type of module is the most affordable and easiest to install.
  • NFC antenna. The second method for which you will need to purchase an NFC antenna. This can be done in a communication salon. Next, the antenna is attached to the SIM card and inserted into the device.

As you have already seen, install the module quite simple and safe : You don't need to download any additional apps or programs. However, these services do not completely replace the Android Pay app, but are just some of its many functions.

How to use an NFC tag

An NFC tag is a miniature device in the form of a chip that can be attached almost anywhere: from a phone to insertion under the skin!

We won't use such radical methods, but it's worth noting that contacts, settings, a URL, and other data and commands can be placed on the chip. All gadgets can support the tag.

Data exchange via NFC

The technology can also be used to transfer files.

To transfer data you must take the following steps:

  1. make sure that you have completed NFC and Android Beam activation;
  2. unlock the device, exit “sleep mode”;
  3. check the devices are detected with each other;
  4. connect;
  5. transfer data between devices;
  6. at the end a specific sound signal will sound.

However, not all types of files can be transferred this way. For example, applications cannot be sent.

Advantages and disadvantages of NFC

The main advantages are:

  • low price;
  • small dimensions of the device;
  • high transmission speed;
  • Support on almost all mobile devices.

It is worth highlighting the disadvantages:

  • relatively short range;
  • Not all devices are equipped with an NFC chip.

So, thanks to these notes, you have learned quick and simple ways checking your device for the ability to transmit information and interact with other technical means using Near Field Communication. Following simple instructions In this article, you can also find out for yourself whether your smartphone has this technology, you will be able to integrate NFC into your phone and transfer the necessary files at high speed.

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