Field chamomile beneficial properties. Chamomile and other chamomiles. Treatment of the liver and gallbladder with chamomile

Flowers 08.08.2022

Chamomile is a wildflower, one of the most beautiful plants in the free fields of Russia. It is a perennial plant, beneficial properties which is actively used in traditional and folk medicine. In addition, chamomile is known as a delightful honey plant. It is also known that field chamomiles are in demand in cosmetology; they are added to various masks for the face, body and hair. North America is considered the birthplace of chamomile.

Field chamomile: medicinal properties and description

Field chamomile is a miniature herbaceous plant with a tap root system. The inflorescences are characterized by the shape of baskets. Flowering continues from early summer until the first frost. IN wildlife can be found in all corners of Russia. The most favorite places are roadsides and vacant lots. You can often find this wildflower next to the cornflowers.

The plant has excellent cold resistance and good adaptive properties. If this wild plant is planted on summer cottage, you will have to carefully monitor its spread, since after flowering a large number of seeds are formed.

When growing field chamomile in your garden, it is better to give preference to sandy, alkaline and well-drained soils. The simplest and most common method of propagation is to sow seeds. Chamomile is a light-loving crop, so the area should be well lit. The depth of immersion of seeds into the soil should not exceed 1 cm.

Field chamomile

Healing properties and contraindications for use

The medicinal properties of yellow field chamomile are due to its chemical composition. The plant contains essential oils, vegetable protein, salicylic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, apiin, mucus, azulene and a loading dose of vitamins E, C, B and K.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition The use of field chamomile has the following beneficial properties for the human body:

  • Improving the human immune system - the body’s resistance to aggressive pathogenic microorganisms is enhanced.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, increases appetite and food is better absorbed.
  • Relieves or reduces the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
  • Disinfects wounds.
  • Relieves spasms, reduces inflammation and bleeding.
  • It does not have a hypnotic effect, but is characterized by a pronounced sedative effect.
  • Normalizes the activity of the stomach, liver and kidneys.
  • Cleanses the skin, giving it shine and radiance.
  • Activates the work of hair follicles, stimulates hair growth.

Important! All products of natural origin can provoke the development of an allergic reaction; a test must be carried out before using chamomile.

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, we should not forget about contraindications.

  • Decoctions and tinctures of field chamomile are contraindicated for pregnant women. The flower stimulates the production of the hormone estrogen, which leads to hormonal imbalance, and this is fraught with irreparable consequences. During breastfeeding Preparations with chamomile extract can be taken, but with extreme caution.
  • Contraindications may include chronic diseases, which require the use of medications on a regular basis. In this case, your doctor may approve the use of chamomile.
  • Abuse of chamomile-based products can lead to the development of migraines, bleeding, vomiting, and increased blood pressure.
  • Individual intolerance leading to the development of an allergic reaction is rare, but you should not forget about it.

Attention! Treatment of a child with chamomile is possible only after four months. At first, concentrated decoctions and infusions should not be used. Even newborns can be bathed in chamomile.

Types of field daisies

Today, there are about 20 varieties of chamomile in nature. During flowering, all of them form flowers of amazing beauty, and some of them have a large number of healing properties.

  • Meadow chamomile. Alternative name Common Nivyanik. It grows actively in the European part of the continent. The height of the plant can reach 1 m, and the diameter of the inflorescences is approximately 7 cm.
  • Chamomile- This variety has a characteristic and persistent aroma. They look attractive with white oblong petals and a yellow center. The plant can reach a height of 30 cm. The plant can be propagated using rhizomes or seeds.
  • Small field chamomile- this variety belongs to the Astrov family, it is most common in gardens, meadows, fields and flower beds. The height of such flowers, as a rule, does not exceed 40 cm. The plant is a perennial, it is often used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology, veterinary medicine, etc. Blooms from early June until the first frost. Has good frost resistance. It reproduces mostly by self-sowing.
  • Yellow medicinal chamomile (pharmaceutical)- the height of this plant, as a rule, does not exceed half a meter. Miniature leaf blades similar to dill develop. The most popular varieties of pharmaceutical chamomile: Caucasian, Southern, Zolotistaya.

Small field chamomile

Important! In veterinary medicine, chamomile is given to rabbits, pigs, dogs, sheep and cattle. In gardening, chamomile helps in the fight against mosquitoes, caterpillars, aphids and ticks.

The ideal time to collect chamomile is during its flowering period. Experienced agronomists try to collect it approximately on the fifth day after blooming. At this time the inflorescences have next view: the petals are located in a horizontal position, the core is not completely open. It is during this period that the maximum concentration of nutrients is concentrated in the plant.

The process of harvesting medicinal field chamomile is not so simple. The entire algorithm is divided into several stages.

Attention! Collection should be carried out in dry and warm weather. The inflorescences must be carefully separated from the stem by hand or using a special tool. It is forbidden to pull out the plant along with its root system.

Collection of inflorescences

The duration of flowering of the crop is from May to the end of September. During the entire growing season, collection can be carried out three times.

After flowering, chamomile loses its beneficial properties, and making preparations from such material is pointless.

Important! You should not collect the plant in contaminated areas, for example, by the side of the road or near industrial enterprises.

Drying flowers

The correctness of this stage will determine how useful the resulting product will be. If you harvest only flowers without stems, they must be spread evenly in one layer on a flat, clean surface: flooring, windowsill or newspaper.

It is necessary to exclude direct exposure to sunlight; they should be stored in partial shade. In a room with arranged flowers, it is advisable to ensure good air circulation.

If the flower was collected together with the stem, then the plants are collected in bunches, tied and hung in a dark, dry room with good ventilation.

How to dry chamomile

The product is ready when it becomes crispy and dry.

During drying, it is necessary to regularly turn over all collected material. Thanks to this simple procedure, air circulation will be ensured, which will allow the raw materials to dry faster. Drying time is usually no more than two weeks. Approximately 1 kg of fresh raw material yields no more than 250 g of dry material.

Attention! You should not dry field chamomile in electric dryers and cabinets, because as a result of heat treatment, most of the beneficial and nutrients are lost.

The final stage - preparation for storage

There are several options:

  • Perhaps the simplest is to place the inflorescences in dry and clean cardboard boxes. Store in a dark and cool place.
  • Not a difficult, but more expensive option. To sell, you will need to purchase special glass jars. In them, dry chamomile looks very attractive; the containers can be decorated and used for interior decoration.
  • Fabric bags. In this case, it is necessary to use bags made of natural, undyed and clean fabrics. The dried material is carefully laid out in bags and hung on the wall. In this case, the flowers will retain their shape and do not lose their original appearance.

Chamomile is a unique plant whose beneficial properties can be used for the benefit of yourself, your family and your pets.

The modest field chamomile, which can be found everywhere in Russian meadows, is not only an ornamental plant, but also a natural medicine that can alleviate the patient’s condition in many diseases.

In summer, you can make a small bouquet of freshly picked flowers and keep it in a vase on the coffee table. Chamomiles emit a pleasant subtle aroma, which in itself has a calming effect on nervous system. And if you also dry the flowers “in reserve,” then in the fall and winter you can drink wonderful chamomile tea, which has a lot of beneficial properties for the body.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

People knew about the medicinal qualities of the plant already in ancient times. It is no coincidence that its second scientific name is “matricaria”. It comes from the word “matrix”, which means “uterus” in Latin. For a long time, chamomile has been used to treat various “female” ailments.

The most useful part of the plant is the flowers and tops. It is there that vitamins and microelements are concentrated, thanks to which chamomile has gained fame as a medicinal product. As for vitamins, these are primarily groups A and B, but from the rest of the substances it is difficult to isolate those that bring maximum benefit - there are so many of them in chamomile. If we were to list them, let us at least name the main ones:

  • - essential oils;
  • - antioxidants;
  • - tannins;
  • - carotene (from which retinol is formed).

What diseases will be easier if you use chamomile decoction as an adjuvant in complex treatment? First of all, these are sleep disturbances and hyperexcitability caused by stress. If you just can’t fall asleep at night, anxious thoughts are constantly spinning in your head, interfering with a peaceful rest, if you are tormented by nightmares, try drinking chamomile tea before bed for several days in a row. Insomnia caused by mental stress will go away, and your sleep will become healthy and sound.

Another group of diseases that can be treated with chamomile decoction is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, problems with the pancreas - all this can be corrected with the help of chamomile. Of course, it will only be an auxiliary remedy to those prescribed by the attending physician, but it will bring considerable benefits. This herbal infusion perfectly copes with such a delicate and painful problem as bloating and flatulence. Increased gas formation is an unpleasant companion to many diseases of the digestive system. Chamomile can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, mitigate or completely eliminate symptoms. In principle, many inflammatory ailments can be cured by this healing tea. This is a good antispasmodic that can relieve pain due to muscle strain.

Chamomile has a fairly pronounced choleretic effect. However, before you start drinking the healing drink, you need to conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs: if it is discovered that there is not only an accumulation of bile in the gallbladder, but stones have begun to form, then you need to be careful with chamomile, as with any choleretic agents so as not to “rip” any pebble out of place. But for the prevention of stone formation, it is just right.

Chamomile tea is good for colds - it speeds up the healing process. He helps those who suffer from poor appetite– increases the secretion of the digestive glands, promoting better digestion and absorption of food. The processes of epithelial regeneration proceed better and faster, that is, wounds and inflammations on the surface of the skin heal faster. Chamomile cleanses the intestines of old “blockages”, thereby helping to speed up metabolism and normalize weight.

Preparing herbal tea

How to properly prepare a solution for oral administration? There are no particular difficulties here: taking about 6 tablespoons (tablespoons) of chamomile, you need to fill them with two glasses of water and put them in a water bath. The mixture will take about 15 minutes to cook. Then remove from heat, cool, then strain the resulting solution and bring its volume to 500 ml (this is 2 cups). To this you can add a couple of spoons of honey (any kind - flower, linden, buckwheat - that you can find in the house). This herbal tea should be drunk in a third of a glass (half a glass is possible) after meals for intestinal problems and inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

You can do it another way: just brew a handful of chamomile with boiling water (for example, in a thermos), wait half an hour, strain and add water. And you can accept it. Of course, with this method of preparing herbal tea, it will contain fewer nutrients, but if there is not enough time, it can also be used.

Ways to use chamomile

The warm infusion is drunk for colds, sore throats and flu. If your throat hurts, the resulting infusion can be used as a gargle (at least 4-5 times a day). Of course, chamomile alone is not enough for a sore throat, but a sore throat caused by ARVI is easily treatable. Gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis are also indications for the use of chamomile. You can rinse your mouth with it after eating. Small children are given chamomile in small doses when teething. This medicinal plant is also good because it can be used by children without age restrictions.

For those who suffer from such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids, chamomile will also bring relief. You need to take a steam bath - sit for a few minutes over a bucket or deep basin, where chamomile is dissolved in hot water. The same steam baths are useful as an additional method of treatment for inflammation of the appendages and vaginitis - but first you still need to go to the doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and recommendations.

Your own cosmetologist

For home cosmetology, chamomile is just a godsend. With the help of steam baths for the face, you can cope with such a common problem for those with oily skin as pimples and blackheads. After the bath, the skin softens, thanks to the antimicrobial effect, an environment is created that is unfavorable for the proliferation of bacteria and microbes, and you can perform mechanical cleansing of the face without fear of introducing dirt into the resulting wounds.

If you regularly take foot baths, you can combat excessive sweating, soften keratinization and old calluses (after which they are easily removed), and cope with cracks that do not heal for a long time.

Chamomile is also used to color and strengthen hair. Of course, you won’t get a bright color, but a light golden hue will please the eye. To obtain this effect, you need to rinse cleanly washed hair with a strong chamomile infusion.


Are there any contraindications for this natural medicine? Adherents of traditional medicine can rejoice: there are almost no serious, absolute contraindications for use. Among them only:

  • — individual intolerance to chamomile (in general, all people who are allergic to plants should use chamomile decoctions and infusions with caution);
  • - the patient has anacid gastritis (this is gastritis, in which atrophy of the gastric mucosa occurs).

In addition, women who are in an “interesting position” should not get too carried away with chamomile. However, pregnancy is not a contraindication, but before use it is better to consult a doctor.

For a person who has no contraindications, chamomile can only cause harm with a significant overdose or with too much long-term use. In this case, irritability, fatigue, and poor sleep will appear. So you need to keep it in moderation.

Let's drink some tea and get on the scales?

Finally, we can mention one more interesting property of chamomile tea, which will be of interest to those who want to lose weight. It turns out that he is able to fight extra pounds. You shouldn’t expect a super effect, but you can lose about 3 kg per month if you use it regularly herbal tea with chamomile. This effect is explained by the ability of a modest wildflower to cleanse the intestines and normalize appetite. The sedative effect that chamomile has helps you overcome stress without “eating” it with cakes and chocolate. And if a person does not overeat, in most cases the metabolism improves on its own. Of course, if you rely only on chamomile and ignore exercise, there will be no effect. But taken together they will undoubtedly bring benefits.

This is what she is like – a little field daisy. While not distinguished by striking beauty, she has other remarkable “talents” - the ability to cure illnesses, calm nerves and even improve the figures of her fans. Enjoy chamomile tea and stay healthy!

This flower decorates gardens and vegetable gardens, it is collected in bouquets, girls use it to tell fortunes about love and weave it into wreaths, and folk healers use it as a remedy.

Chamomile, whose beneficial properties are very extensive, has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, cleansing agent, and is used in cosmetology and dietetics. Traditional medicine does not deny the positive effect of this plant on the body, which is why infusions, infusions and other products using flowers are sold in pharmacies.

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family, is divided into several species and not all of them have medicinal properties. There is chamomile (garden), field chamomile, yellow chamomile, fragrant chamomile (without tongue), Roman chamomile, German chamomile and some other varieties.

The flowers of pharmaceutical chamomile, field chamomile, fragrant and yellow are of value. The plants are almost identical in their content of nutrients and can be used for health purposes.

Medicinal chamomile: beneficial properties

This species is specially grown on an industrial scale by many pharmaceutical enterprises. Flowers also grow in gardens, dachas, and vegetable gardens. The flowers of this chamomile are small and fragrant, and the plant itself looks more like a shrub.

Nice aromatic herb contains a very high concentration of ether, a set useful to the body acids, vitamins, tannins, bactericidal components and other elements.

Infusions and decoctions are used, both externally and internally.

Chamomile beneficial properties and contraindications

mother herb, German chamomile, chamomile, ruddy grass, camila, morgun, Romanova grass

  • The plant has a high anti-inflammatory effect and actively fights many viruses and bacteria.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, helps cure ulcers, gastritis and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile produces a calming effect.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Has vasodilating properties.
  • Helps with migraines and other headaches.
  • Medicinal chamomile relieves fever and colds.
  • Effective for many female diseases.
  • Improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Relieves inflammation in cystitis, urethritis.
  • Treats skin inflammation (dermatitis, eczema, acne, abscesses).
  • Heals the scalp and promotes hair growth and strengthening.

Attention! Contraindications include pregnancy, anacid gastritis and individual intolerance.

Tongueless chamomile- or fragrant chamomile

Beneficial properties of fragrant chamomile

If you have never encountered this type of plant, then at first you may not even understand that it is a chamomile. The flowers have no petals; instead, yellowish-green baskets are formed. The plant has a more intense aroma identical to chamomile. It can grow in the wild and is found on mountain slopes, in forests, fields, near rivers and lakes.

Its chemical composition is not much different from the type described above. Accordingly, fragrant (tongueless) chamomile has the same healing effects. The baskets are collected for medicinal use. They can be used fresh or dried.

Nivyanyk- field, meadow, wild chamomile

Beneficial properties of field chamomile

Field (meadow) wild chamomile has longer and larger leaves, and a dense center. In another way it is called “nivyanik”. The chemical composition of the plant is somewhat different from chamomile and odorous. The medicinal properties of this type of flower are also different. It is used as tinctures, decoctions and as part of various preparations (medicinal ointments, creams, homeopathic preparations).

Chamomile yellow- navel and also field marigolds

Beneficial properties of yellow chamomile

The plant is wild and is found along ravines, on forest edges, in green valleys and fields, mountain lowlands and other natural uncultivated areas. Distinctive feature- the petals are not white, but yellow.

The chemical composition of the herb is close to chamomile, and therefore has identical effects. It has proven itself especially well in the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Just a note. In nature, there are several types of plants that are very similar to chamomile, and unknowing people can easily confuse the flowers. Therefore, if you are not well versed in botany and intend to use the herb for health purposes, it is better to buy it at the pharmacy or sow cultivated chamomile seeds in your garden (if you have a plot).

How to use chamomile

Treatment of colds (runny nose, cough, sore throat)

Chamomile kills many types of harmful viruses and bacteria, therefore, in order to quickly get rid of a cold, it is recommended that the sick person drink tea.

Brew it this way:

  • For a half-liter teapot take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile flowers, 1 tsp. St. John's wort and the same amount of thyme. You can add regular tea leaves as a base.
  • The herbs are poured with boiling water, you can drink it after 20 minutes, preferably hot.

For severe sore throat, gargle with chamomile infusion up to 10 times a day.

To quickly get rid of a runny nose and cough, you need to do chamomile inhalations once a day:

  • Pour water into a small saucepan and throw a handful of flowers into it.
  • As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, lean over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

After this, lie down for half an hour, then you can take hot chamomile tea.

Beneficial properties of chamomile for children

Chamomile is used mainly externally in the treatment of certain childhood ailments.

  • Infants can wipe diaper rash with a strong infusion of flowers.
  • A weaker solution is used to wash the children's inflamed eyes.
  • Young children can do enemas with chamomile infusion for constipation.
  • For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tsp. flowers without a slide, add water and leave.
  • Strain and give to the child warm, dividing a glass of liquid into 3 doses (morning, afternoon and evening).

Chamomile beneficial properties and contraindications for women

The plant is widely used in gynecology. For any inflammation of the genitourinary tract in women (cystitis, adnexitis, urethritis, vaginitis, colpitis), it is recommended to douching from an infusion of herbs.

Prepare the infusion like this:

  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. oak bark and the same amount of St. John's wort.
  • Pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs and leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and use warm.

It is advisable to do douching at night. Depending on the disease, the procedure is repeated for 7-14 days.

For cystitis and urethritis, hot baths are made from chamomile, in which you need to sit for 10-15 minutes. This is good for pain and reduces inflammation.

This treatment has no contraindications (except for pregnancy), but it is important to understand that chamomile cannot replace drug therapy, but serves only as an aid.

Any problems digestive system can be eliminated by drinking chamomile tea daily. It is brewed in the most usual way - add a small handful of chamomile to the tea leaves and drink warm tea 4-5 times a day. It can be done before or after meals. Brew a fresh pot of tea daily.

Adding chamomile infusion is also useful in cleansing enemas.

Treatment of the liver and gallbladder with chamomile

For stagnation of bile, liver diseases and other problems associated with these organs, make the following infusion:

  • 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers;
  • 1 handful of mint;
  • 1 tbsp. yarrow herbs;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • a pinch of wormwood.

Pour all this into 300 ml. boiling water, leave for at least 3-4 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes after meals.

Chamomile: beneficial properties for hair

If you regularly rinse your hair with chamomile decoction after washing, you can achieve slight lightening. In addition, the plant strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff, and makes hair shiny and strong.

It is useful to add a strong infusion to various hair masks. In case of severe hair loss, make a strong herbal decoction (2 tablespoons of flowers per glass of water), strain and rub the liquid daily into the hair roots with massage movements. You can use a small sponge for this.

The use of chamomile in cosmetology

For problem skin and acne, chamomile becomes a real salvation. If you make a little fresh infusion every day and wipe your face with it 3-4 times a day, you can quickly get rid of acne and improve your skin.

For skin elasticity, rejuvenation, and a fresh face, pour the broth into ice cube trays and freeze. Every morning, wipe your face with a cube of this ice. In just a week you will see how your skin has changed. You can add the decoction to various face masks.

Using the beneficial properties of chamomile to strengthen the immune system

As a general tonic to prevent colds and other diseases, chamomile can be added to regular tea from time to time when brewing. For example, during seasonal flu exacerbations, drink this tea constantly for 10 days.

Attention! You cannot drink herbal teas all the time; it is advisable to always alternate their use and take breaks.

Now you know what kind of plant this is chamomile, beneficial properties of flowers and use for various ailments. Despite the fact that the plant is one of the most harmless and has virtually no contraindications, when treating serious diseases it is better to consult a doctor.

A story about chamomile for children: “Chamomile is our favorite flower”

Shatokhina Sofia, 6 years 10 months, pupil of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Purpose works: The story is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age, preschool workers, teachers primary classes, as well as for loving parents.

Target: formation of love for native nature, for the surrounding world.
- develop observation and attention to the surrounding world;
- cultivate a love for nature, a desire to appreciate and protect nature.

Little sun on my palm -
White chamomile on a green stem.
Yellow hearts with a white rim...
How many of them there are in the meadow, how many of them there are by the river!
The daisies bloomed - summer has come.
Bouquets are made from white daisies.
In a clay jug, jar or cup,
Large daisies crowd cheerfully.

Chamomile is a small flower on a thin stem. The stem is green and there are many small daisies on it. The petals of the flower are white and the center is yellow. Chamomile grows both in the field and in the garden.
Every day I love to admire and collect chamomile. Chamomile reminds me of small suns, just as warm, bright and sunny.
Chamomile is a healing and beneficial flower. Tea is made from chamomile flowers; it helps with colds. First the flowers
collected, then dried.
We'll pick a lot of daisies,
Through the fields and along the roads.
They are healthier than all the flowers -
They treat various diseases.
It smells very tasty in the cup,
Fragrant chamomile tea.

Chamomile is also an analgesic and sedative. You can buy dried chamomile flowers at the pharmacy.

Gargle with chamomile infusion, make various baths, and wash your hair. My mother and I also wash our hair with chamomile infusion, our hair becomes soft and silky. Chamomile is also used in cosmetology, but you need to handle it very carefully, otherwise it may side effect. Whiten your face, rinse your teeth, and you can also gargle. But this is only field chamomile, and garden chamomile does not have healing properties.
My mom freezes ice cubes with chamomile and wipes her face with them.
Girls weave beautiful wreaths from chamomile, decorate their heads, and give them to their friends.
Older girls also use daisies to tell fortunes.
Look out the window
There is chamomile
A drop of sun.
Tear off the petals
And find out your destiny!
What gorgeous bouquets are made from daisy flowers. I'm sure many people like these flowers. Here is a bouquet of field daisies.

And this is a bouquet of garden daisies.

Daisies look very good in bouquets with other flowers.

And you can grow chamomile both in your garden plot and in the area near your house. Buy seeds in the store, make holes - beds for seeds and sow. Water this bed, weed it and you will have a gorgeous chamomile. Chamomile flowers can be collected several times during the season.
Chamomile is very beautiful flower. She delights us with her blooms all summer long. Many insects fly to chamomile with great pleasure, thereby pollinating it.

It is a symbol of Russia; our chamomile is also loved in other countries of the world. She is also a symbol of purity and beauty, white and immaculate, a symbol of family, all families love chamomile flowers, men love to give women chic chamomile bouquets.
Chamomile, emitting light,
Looks like the sun
He hurries after us everywhere,
Its own, not crossed over.
Until late autumn is upon us,
Casts bold glances.
Her cheerful yellow eye
Through the eyelashes are white...
Across all the clearings and fields,
Chamomile from May.
For your happiness, for our joy,
It grows, blooms and glows.
There are many poems and songs about chamomile. In the summer, on July 8th, we celebrate the “Day of Love, Family and Fidelity,” where the daisy is a symbol of the holiday.

Chamomile flowers come in large and small varieties. She is considered the queen of fields, meadows, and forests. Likes to grow near roadsides.
And how many of these daisies grow in our area? They seed and grow on their own. Neighbors come to capture our daisies as a souvenir, and they themselves take great pleasure in taking pictures with our daisies.
I take great pleasure in collecting gorgeous bouquets myself and giving them to my family and friends. Chamomiles fill the room with a unique aroma, decorate it and give it a special charm.
Love your loved ones, give them chamomile pleasure.
Daisies bloomed on the field,
Lots and lots of beautiful flowers.
And the white sea sways -
Like a dream from impossible dreams!
How I want to plunge into it.
Fall into them and look at the sky.
And smile with happiness in your soul.
Fly with your heart to the sky like a bird!
Ah, daisies! Meadow flowers –
Golden-white dope...
You are like someone's holy souls,
Like a healing balm for the heart!..

Chamomile is the most studied medicinal plant. She has been protecting human health since ancient times. The first description of a healing inflorescence appeared in the 5th century BC. To date, the largest number of scientific publications have been published on the topic “chamomile - beneficial properties and contraindications”. No other medicinal plant has deserved such close attention from doctors and biologists.

Chamomile is the most widely used medicinal plant. It is registered as a pharmaceutical product in 26 countries around the world. This is gold that grows under your feet, an everyday product and a medicinal elixir.

The medicinal properties of chamomile are determined by its high content of essential oil (up to 0.8%), the largest amount of which is contained in the inflorescences. Therefore, baskets are the main medicinal raw material.

The main active ingredient of chamomile oil is chamazulene.

It is an aromatic compound that has the following properties:

  • stimulates brain function;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relaxes smooth muscles, relieves spasms, activates cerebral blood flow;
  • increases heart rate, supports the heart;
  • prevents the development of an allergic reaction;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, extinguishes inflammation, promotes healing of the mucous membrane, relieves pain, and reduces gas formation.

Chamomile is considered a natural antidepressant. It tunes the brain to productive activity and at the same time calms the nerves, restores sleep and normal performance.

The nature of our planet is very rich in various plants that benefit people. Chamomile is one of these, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are widely used by traditional healers. You can meet this beautiful flower along roadsides, in meadows and in your own garden. What...

Chamomile grass is harvested in smaller quantities. It is not as rich in essential oils (up to 0.4%) as the inflorescences, but in terms of the amount of flavonoids - natural antibiotics, it surpasses the bright baskets.

Chamomile bioflavonoids inhibit the activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Stops fermentation processes in the intestines. Infusions are effective for external and internal use. Chamomile is used for washing, rinsing, baths, lotions, irrigations and compresses.

Organic acids and aromatic substances contained in the inflorescences have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Infusions are used for irrigating hemorrhoids and genitals, gargling, washing the nose, washing the face, and rinsing hair.

Chamomile products relieve itching, suppress redness, and eliminate inflammation, so they are applied as lotions for various types of rashes, conjunctivitis, and stomatitis.

Chamomile color is an effective choleretic. The decoction relieves spasm of the ducts and improves the flow of bile. Regulates appetite and digestion, has a mild laxative effect.

The flowers of the plant are steamed for colds, flu and bronchitis. Drink as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory at any stage of the disease. Chamomile thins mucus, improves its discharge, and fights cough and high fever.

Yellow, fragrant, field chamomile: benefits for the body

Chamomile is the most valuable specimen. All other types of plants are inferior to it in terms of the content of nutrients. Infusions and decoctions from the pharmaceutical inflorescence are most active in the treatment of internal diseases. Other types of the common flower are used for external use.

Chamomile is considered a weed. However, it is also harvested and essential oil is obtained from it. But due to the fact that it lacks the main medicinal component chamazulene, fragrant chamomile extract is recommended only as an external remedy, for preparing baths, lotions, and refilling aroma lamps.

Yellow chamomile and field chamomile actually belong to the genus navel and, from a botanical point of view, are not daisies. These are wild or cultivated plants that are cultivated for decorative purposes. They have no medicinal value.

Uses of chamomile and its beneficial properties:

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction is used as a pain reliever for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa, accompanied by spasms and flatulence. Chamomile suppresses nausea and heartburn, stimulates the secretion and flow of bile, and increases appetite.

The decoction is used to treat inflamed hemorrhoids. Using the product, microenemas are prepared to relieve swelling of the intestinal mucosa.

The decoction is added to baths for gout. For joint pain, apply warm compresses.

The benefits of chamomile infusion

The infusion has a mild calming and antispasmodic effect. It inhibits the development of an asthmatic attack. Prevents bronchospasm.

Inhalations are prepared with chamomile infusion for laryngitis, tonsillitis, and tracheitis. They treat the nasopharynx during treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea soothes the stomach and intestines. The drink reduces gas formation and stops rumbling in the stomach. Tea heals nerves, fights insomnia, and activates the immune system. Is good remedy for the prevention of seasonal diseases. Chamomile tea with honey and cream promotes sound sleep.

Chamomile oil

Essential oil is diluted with water and used as an external remedy. In case of inflammation of the gums and teeth, the oral cavity is treated. Rinses are prescribed for stomatitis and gingivitis. Essential oil kills harmful bacteria and eliminates unpleasant odors.

A solution of essential oil is used to irrigate areas of the skin in the presence of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and ulcerative lesions. Lotions relieve itching and swelling at the sites of insect bites.

Diluted essential oil is used for douching for vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, urethritis and prostatitis.

Treatment of diseases with chamomile

The main active substance necessary for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is chamazulene. The longer the plant material is boiled, the more of this component is found in the solution, since during the heating process it is additionally formed from by-products. Therefore, in the treatment of digestive disorders, it is the decoction that is used as the most effective dosage form.

The drink is prepared in a water bath. A spoonful of dry inflorescences is poured into a glass hot water. Simmer on fire for 30 minutes. Remove, leave for 3-4 hours, filter and drink half a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is regulated by a doctor and depends on the severity of the disease.

The decoction is used occasionally to relieve joint pain due to gout. They moisten gauze generously and apply it hot to the affected area. The compress is wrapped in heat-insulating materials and left for 1-2 hours.

To administer microenemas in the treatment of hemorrhoids, use 30-50 ml of warm chamomile decoction.

To prepare the infusion, place a tablespoon of medicinal raw material into a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for 3-4 hours.

When treating asthma, the solution is taken at night, one-third of a glass, for 2-3 weeks. During a cold, gargle 3 times a day after meals until symptoms are completely eliminated. At high temperatures, take a glass of hot drink once.

Chamomile tea is brewed as an infusion, but is aged for a shorter period of time. It can be strained after just 10 minutes.

To improve your health, you need to drink one cup a day in the morning on an empty stomach. It is possible throughout the unfavorable season.

Essential oil for external use is diluted clean water(teaspoon per glass). Apply to the gums in the form of applications for stomatitis up to three times a day. With the same frequency, gargle with a sore throat and treat the affected skin. Treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Beneficial properties of chamomile for women and children

Chamomile is considered an effective female plant. It helps relieve menstrual pain. Medicinal herb has been used for centuries to treat external inflammation: vaginitis, colpitis, thrush, etc. Tampons with chamomile are used for cervical erosion. In addition, the sedative effect of the plant can alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Chamomile is an effective remedy for babies. Pediatricians recommend it to soothe the intestines with colic. Drinking tea before bed helps you fall asleep. Chamomile baths eliminate the symptoms of diathesis.

Older children can gargle with a medicinal infusion. At a high temperature, a child from 12 years of age can be offered a glass of chamomile instead of a pharmaceutical antipyretic.

Application in cosmetology

Among any cosmetic products you can find products with the addition of chamomile extract. This plant is so popular due to its antiseptic properties. It is added to shampoos, creams, lotions, toothpastes, body oils, lipsticks, soaps, etc.

Chamomile soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and itching. Prevents the development of allergies. Softens, restores, heals, removes redness. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Chamomile is universal. At the same time moisturizes and washes away excess sebum. Restores balance. Included in skin care products for all skin types.

Creams and lipsticks with chamomile form an invisible polysaccharide film on the surface of the face, which prevents moisture evaporation and creates favorable conditions for action. natural antioxidants. Chamomile in cosmetics prevents premature aging.

Contraindications for using the plant

The instructions for chamomile indicate the presence of contraindications during pregnancy. Pregnant women should consult their doctor about the advisability of such treatment.

Childhood is not an absolute contraindication. Some pediatricians allow chamomile from birth. But if the child is under 12 years old, then individual consultation is needed in each specific case.

Despite the fact that chamomile has antiallergic properties, it itself can provoke negative reactions. Therefore, in case of individual intolerance, its use is unacceptable.

We tend to not pay attention to what is available. A flower familiar to us is no longer perceived as a miraculous plant. But chamomile can cure a whole range of diseases. Traditional medicine- This is an inexpensive and simple way to improve your health.

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