The results of the Olympiad are our legacy. All-Russian Olympiad "our heritage". Organizational support for the Olympiad

Shrubs 21.03.2022

Since 2006, the Orthodox St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities has been implementing an educational program of subject

olympiads and creative competitions for students of state, municipal and non-state institutions of general secondary education. The program is aimed at identifying talented and gifted schoolchildren, supporting them in further professional development and spiritual and moral development.

  • All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture “Holy Rus', Keep the Orthodox Faith!” (OPK)
  • ABOUT open V Serossiyskaya And intellectual O Lympiad "Our Heritage" (OVIO)
  • Multidisciplinary subject Olympiad of PSTGU "Axios" (Axios)
Primary school children, excluding first graders, went through a school qualifying round with their teacher. Based on the sum of the points received, the ten people who would represent their educational institution at the city tournament were determined. Having our own online personal accounts, we, school organizers, received and instructions, and, in fact, assignments. The gymnasium where I work this year provided the opportunity to show their abilities to more than one hundred and twenty children in grades 2-4. Of course, the amount of points turned out to be different and a lot of work had to be done to choose the top ten . So, competing with each other, the qualifying tournament between the third and fourth grades went on for several days. The test was carried out in strict accordance with the all-Russian regulations. While the students completed the next task, the points for the previous competition were calculated. Surprises cannot be avoided. For example, children They learn poetry well non-stop, their erudition is top notch. There wasn’t enough time to work with the text, and this is speed reading. Adults, let’s think: where and how do children spend their time more—playing on the phone or reading books?

Well, since I have long developed the habit of always having a camera at hand, I was able to capture the moments of the school tour.

It will be very interesting for moms and dads to see which tasks were easy for children, and which ones took longer to think about. Here is a useful link from the above site.

So, the finalists have been determined, and now the students are participants in the municipal qualifying round, which will take place within the walls of 31 schools. Who arrived how: with parents, with teachers, they came themselves, because they study at the same school. Waiting for the instruction to start, we all gather in the assembly hall. There are a lot of children, more than two hundred. Elena Aleksandrovna Goferber, leading specialist, takes the floor in front of the audience MKU KNMC Krasnodar talks about the regulations and forms groups that take the teachers of 31 schools with them into the offices, seating the children at their desks one at a time. A prerequisite is that students from the same school should not meet in the same classroom. Pen, pencil, concentration - These are the main assistants of young students! All the adults wished their daughters, grandchildren, and sons success. The doors closed and work began. On Wednesday, we, the school teachers-organizers, will know all the scores of our students. Elena Aleksandrovna told the parents everything in the assembly hall. All the best to you, readers!

Our heritage is the 2017-2018 Olympiad, which today is in great demand and popularity, because everyone can easily become a participant and try their hand at it.

“Our Heritage” is a well-known all-Russian Olympiad, which belongs to the group and category of interdisciplinary competitions, focused mainly on identifying gifted and talented children, regardless of the area of ​​their special subject talents.

All-Russian Olympiad, results.

“Our Heritage”, like any other Olympiads, has a number of characteristic features unique to this competition. Among the most important and significant, perhaps, the following should be noted.

  1. Studying national history and culture.
  2. Development and improvement of skills in project work, and replenishment of the methodological fund of the Olympiad itself.
  3. An association of youth, which is primarily aimed at preserving and maintaining the national cultural heritage.
  4. Creation of all necessary conditions aimed at supporting and identifying gifted children.
  5. Improving the qualifications of teachers, as well as the participants of this Olympiad themselves. After all, you must admit that for the guys themselves this is quite an invaluable and good experience.

If you carefully study the “Our Heritage” Olympiad, especially for those who have never taken part in it and have not heard about it, then you can note and name the following main characteristics, which basically make up its entire essence.

Characteristics of the Olympics.

Regarding who is the organizer and initiator of such a truly unique and original Olympiad, this is the Orthodox Holy Trinity Humanitarian University, together with the methodological group of the All-Russian Olympiad on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the META Education Foundation and the informal all-Russian community of students and graduates and teachers “Keepers of the Origins”.

All necessary information regarding not only the competition itself and its conditions, but the topic and time of the competition can be found by visiting and registering on the official website Remember, the “Our Heritage” Olympiad itself is included in the official list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. What does this give? First of all, some benefits upon admission, as well as the winners receive a state award for supporting talented youth.

Among the various additional opportunities for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren, Olympiads should be highlighted. They are held annually, and their winners have the opportunity to enter desired universities due to certain privileges. What are we talking about? For example, about the “Our Heritage” Olympiad. This is an all-Russian general educational opportunity to demonstrate your own knowledge and skills, as well as try to earn quite a good “reward”.


The Our Heritage Olympiad for 2018-2019 will be held 15 times. The project is being implemented by the St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. The rules of the procedure comply with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure for holding school Olympiads.

General points

The main goals of the event include:

  • creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;
  • studying the culture and history of the Russian Federation;
  • uniting youth to preserve the cultural heritage of the state;
  • advanced training of researchers, teachers, graduate students, students taking part in the Olympiad;
  • expansion of the methodological base and development project work, used during related competitions.

“Our Heritage” takes place in 4 main stages, each of which is the responsibility of its own institution.

  1. School stage – general education organizations.
  2. The municipal stage is similar.
  3. Regional stage - federal authorities, educational institutions of state and non-state type and other authorities.
  4. The final stage is St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities, as well as a number of co-organizers: authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal and non-governmental institutions and others.


Participants in the Olympiad can be students in grades 1-11, agreeing to such a procedure voluntarily. We are talking about municipal or non-governmental organizations involved in the implementation of general education programs. For this purpose, a special qualifying round is used for schoolchildren and representatives of universities. Participants in “Our Heritage” can be both a citizen of the Russian Federation and foreign visitors or stateless persons.

The working language of the competition is, of course, Russian. All stages of the Olympiad are held in person from September 1 to May 15. To assess the knowledge of participants, information on a whole range of disciplines related to the history of the Russian Federation and its culture is used.

Olympiad tasks are compiled on the basis existing programs training implemented at the level of general, basic and secondary education. Competition quotas are determined in advance by the organizers themselves, while for school stage they are not used.

The winners of the Olympiad are determined on the basis of all stages that have passed and the results entered in the final table of results. This is exactly how the ranked list of private owners of Our Heritage is drawn up. In the final table, all information is listed in descending order. The list of those who managed to score an identical number of points is given in alphabetical order.

Organizational support for the Olympiad

As mentioned earlier, the coordinator of the Olympiad is the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities. Before the start of evaluation, a special organizing committee of the competition, a methodological commission and a jury are created. All of the above authorities have been operating in their usual composition for no more than a year.

All preparations for the Olympiad are entrusted to the Central Organizing Committee, the chairman of which is the dean of the Faculty of History of PSTGU.

The Central Organizing Committee of the competition performs a number of the following functions:

  • development of regulations and regulations for the Olympiad;
  • providing the Council of School Olympiads with relevant documents for inclusion of individual events in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • ensures the final stage of the competition;
  • forms departments that monitor the proper implementation of all rules;
  • analyzes the jury's report;
  • considers appeals from participants and makes the final decision regarding the allocation of seats;
  • approves the list of winners and prize-winners, and also awards them;
  • submits a report on the work performed to the Council of the Russian Olympiads;
  • provides all information about the competition for free access;
  • prepares material to cover the event in the press;
  • carries out other functions used to achieve the main goal of “Our Heritage”.

What does the organizing committee do at the venues of the Olympiad?

  1. Provides local competitions.
  2. Forms the exact composition of the jury.
  3. Approves a quota for the exact number of participants.
  4. Compiles lists of winners and submits them to the central authority.
  5. Determines funding sources after cost estimates have been prepared.

To prepare the Olympiad tasks, a special methodological commission is created, consisting of members of PSTGU and the educational institutions of the co-organizers of the competition. She is also given some responsibilities:

A specially formed jury consisting of teaching staff PSTGU and educational institutions of the co-organizers of the competition, as well as ordinary teachers and other specialists. This authority also has its own functions.

  1. Checking the work of participants and other types of tests, if any.
  2. Proposal to provide diplomas to the winners of “Our Heritage” and its prize-winners.
  3. Consideration, together with representatives of the methodological commission, of the participants’ appeal.
  4. Carrying out other functions aimed at achieving the main objectives of the Olympiad.

Checking the first three stages of the competition is entrusted to a specific jury, which is composed of teaching and research staff educational institutions upper echelon.

The work of all departments of the Olympiad is based on legality, professionalism, humanism and objectivity.

Results of the Olympics

The timing of “Our Heritage” is regulated by the Central Organizing Committee. Only winners and runners-up of the first three stages are allowed to participate in the final competition of the Olympiad. After the results are announced, participants have the right to file an appeal, the procedure of which is regulated by a special provision.

The winner of the Olympiad is the one who is awarded the corresponding 1st degree diploma. The winners of the competition are those who were awarded diplomas of the 2nd and 3rd degrees. The originals of all diplomas are signed by the leadership of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad. Both the original of this document and its electronic analogue have identical legal force.

All important information about the upcoming competition 2018-2019, the winners of previous years and the tasks of the competition can be found on the official portal of “Our Heritage”.

Financing of the Olympics in 2018

Financial support for the first two stages of “Our Heritage” comes from the funds of educational institutions and departments. The third stage of the competition draws funds from municipal governments and city districts. The organizers of each of the listed stages of the educational competition have the right to create a board of trustees, thus attracting potential sponsors or patrons to the Olympiad.

Financing of the final stage of the event and the work of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad rests with the organizer of this procedure. It is important to note that collecting any fees from the Our Heritage participants themselves is strictly prohibited.

It only remains to add that the winners of the Olympiad receive not only an honorary diploma, but also receive additional privileges during admission.

The main task of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums is the comprehensive development of students and providing gifted children with opportunities in-depth study various items. By taking part in various student competitions, students can not only demonstrate their knowledge and gain invaluable experience, but also secure a place in one of the best universities countries.

Among the numerous competitions for gifted youth, the “Our Heritage” Olympiad, which will be held for the 15th time in the 2018-2019 academic year, deserves special attention.

General information about the Olympiad

The Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad “Our Heritage” is a successful project developed by employees of the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University with the aim of improving the quality of students’ knowledge in the field of Russian history and culture.

Students in grades 1-11 can take part in the competition. Naturally, for different age groups Tasks of the appropriate level of difficulty are offered.

Every year, the organizers offer schoolchildren new exciting topics for an in-depth study of the history and culture of their native country. So, in the 2017-2018 academic year these were: for grades 1-7 - “Library”, for grades 8-11 - “Russia from 1868 to 1918”. The following topics are proposed for 2018-2019:

  1. “Volga region” (history of cities, sights, monuments, etc.);
  2. “Folk crafts and crafts” (covers all regions of the Russian Federation).

The Olympiad includes 4 main types of tasks:

  1. tests;
  2. crossword;
  3. logical tasks;
  4. brain ring (team tour).

On the way to the top, participants will have to go through 4 head-to-head rounds:

  • school;
  • municipal;
  • regional;
  • final (final).

As a Level III Olympiad, the competition provides winners with benefits upon admission to best Universities Russia. The degree of weight of such a diploma is determined by the university depending on the specialty.

Pupils of schools who have officially submitted an application on the website, as well as preschoolers and students will be able to participate in the 15th Olympiad “Our Heritage 2018-2019”. It is worth noting that anyone can try their hand at and demonstrate a high level of knowledge in the field of Russian history, regardless of whether they have Russian citizenship.

Please note that students are registered for the city round by regional (school) organizers, and for the final round the participant must independently submit an application, attaching the relevant documents!

Innovations for the 2018-2019 academic year

Since the competition is very popular and the number of participants is growing every year, the management is constantly working on its development, developing new interesting tasks and introducing interesting ideas.

In 2018-2019, the following innovations are planned for the “Our Heritage” Olympiad:

  1. Dividing the final stage tasks into 6 blocks (now separately for students in grades 5-6 and 7-8).
  2. Creation of a parent committee for the Olympiad (innovation at the stage of open discussion).
  3. Opportunity for parents to take part in the final rounds on a volunteer basis.

Innovations adopted last year will also remain relevant in the new season, such as gifts from participants for other teams and involving schoolchildren in charity events.

Organizational issues

The first stage of preparation for the Olympiad “Our Heritage” 2018-2019 academic year is to compile interesting and at the same time diverse tasks that allow you to reveal the topics chosen as the basis as deeply as possible. Anyone can join in writing assignments. To do this you need:

  1. Register on the website
  2. Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the organizers for each type of question.
  3. Study the recommended literature.
  4. Create your own set of tests, questions, logical problems and ideas for the brain ring.
  5. Attach a correctly formatted file using the site tools.

All participants whose work will be approved by the jury and will take part in the Olympiad will receive personalized certificates on September 1, and the authors of the best assignments will receive Laureate diplomas!

Calendar of events for the 2018-2019 academic year

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the officially approved “Our Heritage” calendar and check with school and regional organizers exactly when the 2018-2019 Olympiad will take place in your school:


September 2018

5-11 grade (school tours)

Charity event “Congratulations to children on National Unity Day”

First Open Doubles Tournament “Ethnomir” or “VDNKh” (from 3rd grade and older)

October 2018

Grades 5-11 (municipal tours)
Grades 5-11 (regional tours)

November 2018

Grades 1-4 (school tours)

Charity event “Collecting gifts for Christmas and New Year for children and the elderly.”

FINAL 5-6 grades

December 2018

2-4 grades (municipal tours)

January 2019

FINAL 7-8 grades

February 2019

2-4 grades (regional tours)
FINAL 9-11 grades

March 2019

FINAL 3-4 grades

April 2019

FINAL 2 classes

May 2019

FINAL 1st grade

Subtleties of preparation

All Olympiad tasks are compiled in accordance with the school curriculum and the age of the participants. But, like any other Olympiad, participation in the “Our Heritage” competition requires systematic preparation from students.

Experienced teachers, whose students annually take places in this competition, recommend:

  • Read the literature recommended by the competition organizers.
  • Review assignments from previous years.
  • Refresh your knowledge from school curriculum on given topics.
  • Actively develop the mind, the ability to think analytically and critically.
  • Learns to interact effectively in a team.

Remember! Nothing is “impossible”, the “impossible” just takes a little longer. Strive for the top and you will definitely achieve success!

We also invite you to watch a video about how the finals of the “Our Heritage” Olympiad for the 2017-2018 academic year took place:
