Recipe for pancakes with red fish and cheese. How to cook delicious pancakes with red fish. Pancake recipes with fish

Growing 10.01.2024

Depending on what filling you want to wrap in a pancake, it also depends on which method is best to use to make it more convenient to eat this pancake.

And if you are expecting guests and want to serve stuffed pancakes beautifully, then you can choose an original wrapping method that will look harmonious among the other festive dishes on the festive table.

If you have already read the articles about this and that, then it’s time to find out what methods of folding a pancake exist.

I divided the wrapping methods into groups to make it easier to navigate.

5 Ways to Wrap Pancakes with Caviar

Caviar can be served with pancakes in different ways. The main trick here is that the caviar should be visible. So that everyone understands that these are not just pancakes, but pancakes with caviar.

Classic pancakes - tubes

The simplest, but nevertheless beautiful way of serving is for caviar filling.

1. Simply take the caviar and place it at the bottom edge of the pancake.

2. Roll into a tight roll and cut in half diagonally.

Open triangle

And there’s nothing complicated here either.

1. Cut the pancake in half and place a spoonful of caviar in the middle of each half and apply the edges of the pancake to its center.

That's all. Ready.

Pancakes - bombs

But you probably haven’t come across this method yet. Very beautiful and impressive. And it's still simple.

1. Take a pancake and roll it into a tight tube.

2. Connect the opposite ends together, giving the pancake the shape of a circle.

3. Press the ends tightly together with your fingers. The texture of the pancake is such that the ends stick together and the shape will hold.

The size of the pancake is important because if you end up with a bagel with a big hole in the middle, then none of the filling will fit there. Ideally, the hole should be no more than 1 cm in diameter

4. Now put a spoonful of caviar on top and you’re done.

Pancake cake “Star”

1. Take a batch of pancakes (at least 15 pieces) and fold them in half twice, trying to keep them the same shape.

2. Then we lay out the resulting triangles so that in the gap between them we get the outline of a star. And fill this contour with caviar.

Snails with caviar

Snail pancakes are similar to bombs, only they roll up a little differently.

1. First, tightly roll the pancake lengthwise.

2. And then in width. We stick a toothpick or skewer into the pancake so that it does not lose its shape.

3. Place a spoonful of caviar on top.

Pancakes stuffed with red fish

Red fish also has its own special ways of serving. And the matter is not limited to wrapping here.

Pancake rolls with salmon

1. Take a pancake, grease it with cream or curd cheese, lay out several narrow strips of lightly salted salmon, and place cucumber strips between the first and second pieces of fish.

2. Roll up a tight roll, cut off the unattractive ends, and cut the roll itself into slices 3-5 cm wide (or narrower in height).

Canapes with red fish

Another good option for serving pancakes with red fish is canapés. Perfect as a light snack.

1. Take a pancake, grease it with cream or cottage cheese and place several strips of fish on it.

It is not necessary to place the fish tightly together, there will be several layers, so you won’t get empty canapés

2. Take the next pancake, also grease it with soft cheese and cover the first pancake with it. Add a few pieces of fish on top, trying not to repeat the arrangement in the first layer.

In total we make 4 such layers, which we cover with a pancake, on which we do not put anything.

3. Place the resulting pie in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then take it out and cut off the round edges.

4. We estimate where the middle of the canapes will approximately be and stick toothpicks or skewers into them. Then carefully cut the pancake into pieces.

It is always better to stick skewers in advance so that the structure does not fall apart when cutting

5. Decorate toothpicks with olives. If you use skewers, you must first place the olive on the skewer and then stick it into the pancake.

How to wrap pancakes with meat, minced meat or salad

Let's move on to more advanced methods of rolling pancakes. But don't be alarmed, it's not much more complicated.

The peculiarity of these fillings is that they can all have a completely different consistency: semi-liquid, like a salad with mayonnaise, or crumbly, like meat with mushrooms. And you need to wrap them in such a way that they either definitely don’t fall out when bitten, or immediately keep in mind that the stuffed pancake should be in a plate and cut with a knife or fork.

How to make a pancake with a bag

One of the most original and at the same time simple ways Serve the meat with pancakes - just roll them into a pancake bag.

To do this, put the filling in the middle of the pancake, and then lift and tie the edges.

You can use it to garter a pancake green onions or a strip of braided cheese

That's it.

Rolling a pancake into a closed triangle

And this is very good way prevent the filling from falling out if there is a lot of filling. You can't eat this with your hands, only with a fork.

1. Place the filling in the middle of the pancake and cover it with two edges as if you were making an airplane.

2. Then take the third edge and bend it so that its middle connects with the upper corner.

All that remains is to bend the “petals” to form a triangle and place the pancake on a plate with the “seams” down.

Double triangle

If you want the stuffed pancake to be able to be held in your hands, use the double triangle wrapping method.

1. Place the filling in the middle and spread it a little with a spoon. Then fold the pancake into a triangle, as shown in the photo.

2. Bend the resulting corners to the opposite edge. Like this:

3. It turns out to be a compact double triangle from one pancake.

Baked pancake filling

The meat and minced meat filling can be packed into a baked pancake. But this can only be done while preparing pancakes.

It is more convenient to bake fluffy pancakes rather than thin ones

1. Bake the pancake dough in a frying pan on one side only, then remove it to a plate. Place the filling in the center of the pancake on the raw side and connect the two edges, pinching them with your fingers, just short of reaching the center of the pancake.

Warm up raw dough sticks together easily and holds its shape well

2. In the same way, we pinch the remaining edge and, when we have prepared all the pancakes with filling, we send them to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes.

Convenient ways to roll a pancake with cottage cheese

The methods by which I suggest wrapping pancakes with cottage cheese will be the most familiar to you. They are convenient precisely because they can hold a plastic curd mass without any problems.

Classic envelope with cottage cheese

Pancakes are most often folded using an envelope. It's easy, fast and quite reliable.

1. Place the cottage cheese in the middle of the pancake and cover it sequentially with the first edge:

Then the second:

Well, the third and fourth:

Filling in a closed tube

The safest way to pack a large amount of filling into a pancake.

1. Place the filling at the bottom of the pancake.

2. Cover it with the bottom and side edges.

3. And roll it into a tube.

How to wrap pancakes with jam or honey

Honestly, here I would advise not to complicate things and wrap a regular triangle. Liquid fillings will spill no matter how you wrap them.

The triangle is folded very simply: spread the pancake with jam over the entire surface and fold it in half twice.

Well, I'm pretty sure you've found a method that works for you and now your spring rolls will never fall apart.

Thank you for your attention.

Blini are a product of Russian cuisine, a culinary product made from liquid dough, which has its roots in ancient times. They come in different varieties: yeast and yeast-free, thin and thick, sweet and unsweetened, with and without fillings, but usually have round shape. Pancakes are baked in large quantities during Maslenitsa week.
In our family, pancakes are baked very often. Simply with sugar, honey and butter or prepare stuffed pancakes. Today I want to offer my mother’s recipe - delicious yeast-free pancakes with milk, stuffed with red fish and curd cheese with herbs. You will need:
For pancake dough:
Milk – 1.5 l.
Egg – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
Salt – 1.5 tsp.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Flour – 500 gr. (so that the dough is liquid - I bake thin pancakes)
For the filling:
Curd cheese with herbs – 1-2 packs. (200g each)
Lightly salted salmon – 200g.

How to make delicious stuffed pancakes:

First we need to prepare the dough for baking pancakes. Beat eggs into warm milk, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and mix with a whisk. Gradually begin to add sifted flour, stirring at the same time.
The dough should be like heavy cream. In this case, the pancakes will turn out thin.
Let's start baking pancakes. After the pancakes are ready, we start stuffing them with curd and fish filling. Apply 2 tbsp onto the pancake. curd cheese evenly over the entire surface. Place red fish cut into cubes on the edge of the pancake and wrap tightly.

We do all the pancakes this way. Serve the stuffed pancakes with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee, cutting the pancake diagonally and garnishing with herbs. Try these tender, thin, melt-in-your-mouth pancakes with red fish and soft curd cheese.
It's just a fairy tale!
Svetlana wishes everyone a bon appetit and her - website!

Pancakes with fish are an amazing dish. It can be served at a festive table, and if you prepare pancakes with red fish and cut them into small pieces, you can safely call them original rolls.

Look at the photo, because the dish really looks like rolls. Your guests will be delighted not only with the external characteristics of the pancakes, but also with their taste.

In this article I presented interesting recipes for snacks with step by step photos, which should interest you too.

Beginners in culinary arts will be able to cope with their preparation.

Pancakes with red lightly salted fish

The recipe requires the use of lightly salted red fish, and therefore your pancakes can be filled with salmon, salmon or trout, pink salmon.

It must be admitted that pancakes with red fish have become a classic Russian filling on the tables of many of our compatriots. I heard that pancakes stuffed with fish began to be called “Russian” in some European countries.

The result is a spectacular dish (look at the photo), beautiful, and its taste is fabulous. You can prepare pancakes with pink salmon or another type not only for the holiday table, but also for dinner and lunch to please your family.

Components: 120 gr. flour; 1 tsp Sahara; 1 pinch of salt; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 400 ml milk; 60 gr. sl. oils; 400 gr. red fish; greens and 100 gr. sl. cheese. Better take Philadelphia cheese.

From the specified number of ingredients you will get 6-7 servings of delicious pancakes.

Cooking algorithm with attached photos:

  1. I sow flour. I add sugar and salt to the composition. I mix the ingredients.
  2. I add milk and stir.
  3. I put butter and chickens. eggs. I stir the mixture until the mixture is homogeneous. It is important to remove all lumps, otherwise appearance pancakes will be ruined.
  4. I bake pancakes, and only then do the filling. The pancakes should be elastic, soft and delicate in texture.
  5. I'm working on red fish. I cut it into slices, let them be about 0.5 cm.
  6. I chop the greens.
  7. I take the prepared pancake and spread it with cheese in the center. I put in the fish mass, cover it with herbs. That's all, pancakes with fish and cheese are ready.

All that remains is to wrap the pancake in a roll and cut into 2 equal parts. You can cut the stuffed pancakes into 2-3 more pieces so that they look exactly like Russian rolls.

Regarding presentation, I want to clarify that you should not be afraid to experiment. Stuffed homemade pancakes can be served warm.

Pancakes with fish filling and hard cheese

These pancakes will be delicious and tender, the main thing is to stop in time to avoid overeating. The recipe is presented below.

Components: 200 gr. fish; 100 gr. TV. cheese; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 500 ml milk; dill; 150 gr. flour; 3 tbsp each rast. butter and mayonnaise; salt.

Cooking algorithm, supplemented with photos for convenience:

  1. I'm whipping chickens. eggs, milk and butter. I add flour. I'm making a batch. I leave it aside for 10 minutes.
  2. I bake homemade pancakes. I leave them aside to cool.
  3. At this time, I chop the fish into pieces and smaller greens. I also cut the cheese into pieces.
  4. I put all the ingredients for the filling and mayonnaise in a blender. I turn it into mush. The filling is ready.

I grease the pancakes with the resulting mixture. All that remains is to wrap the rolls. I stack the pancakes on top of each other. If you wish, you can cut them into smaller pieces and decorate with lettuce leaves.

Original pancakes with salmon cheese and cucumbers

The taste of pancakes with salmon is amazing, and the cucumber successfully complements the spicy taste.

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 piece cucumber; dill; 200 gr. salmon and curd cheese; salt; 1 tbsp. rast. oils; 500 ml milk; 300 gr. flour; 250 ml water; 2 tbsp. sour cream; quarter tsp soda

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm whipping chickens. eggs. Be sure to extinguish the soda either lemon juice, or vinegar. I add salt and sugar.
  2. I add 150 ml of milk and sour cream. I'm in the way.
  3. I add flour. I pour in the rest of the milk. I stir, introduce the plant. oil. I add boiling water. I stir.
  4. I'm starting to fry pancakes.
  5. I mix cheese with herbs. Grind it as finely as possible. Cut the cucumbers into bars, doing the same with salted fish. The filling is ready.
  6. I spread cheese in the center of the pancake. I put cucumber and salmon in the middle. I roll it up. Done, you can serve.

The dish turns out to be savory in taste, although it is very simple to prepare. Due to the fact that the recipe calls for the use of boiling water, the dough becomes elastic and homogeneous. Adding sour cream gives baked goods a creamy taste.

This appetizer will be ideal both for lunch and for a gala table for any occasion. Prepare it in a good mood, and then your positivity will be transmitted through the dish to your guests and household members.

Recipe for pancakes stuffed with red fish, onion and cucumber

To make this type of snack, you should bake pancakes. You can take the recipe that you like best. The main thing is that the pancakes are tender and unsweetened, because we use salty filling.

Ingredients: green onions; ready-made pancakes; cucumber; salt; sour cream; fish.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare pancakes. Leave them to cool aside.
  2. I'm making the filling. The fish is cut into thin slices. Take a sharp knife to make this task easier.
  3. I peel the cucumbers by removing the skin. I cut into strips lengthwise.
  4. Wash the green onions, then chop them into small pieces.
  5. I put the cucumbers on a sieve and sprinkle with salt. I let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes. I squeeze it out as carefully as possible.
  6. I put the greens on a plate. onion, pour in sour cream, knead the mass.
  7. I'm stuffing pancakes. I put 2-3 pieces of fish on the surface of the pancake, then the same amount of cucumber and 1 tbsp. sour cream.
  8. I fold the pancake from the side inward and roll it up. It needs to be closed, but only on one side. It is better to open the other side so that you can see what the pancake is filled with.

This concludes the recipe, all that remains is to serve the pancakes to the table. This filling will appeal to all lovers fish dishes, and sushi connoisseurs will note that their taste is really similar.

I believe that at least one recipe will interest you, and you will prepare it in the near future. Good luck in the kitchen!

My video recipe

Red fish in pancakes is a real delicacy. I don’t cook them often, but with special pleasure. This usually happens on holidays, when you want to serve some special snacks to your guests, but sometimes you can treat yourself.

It’s easier to prepare them, especially if you already know how to fry pancakes, but if not, read about it below. Basically, you just need to combine a delicious pancake with a delicious filling, and the result is simply a magical dish.

Besides? Besides the fact that it is incredibly tasty, it is also healthy, because fish contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins A, B and D. Frequent consumption of fish will help you maintain strong nerves, blood vessels, and also regulate cholesterol levels. So, sometimes it’s not a pity to buy such yummy food and improve your health.

Pancakes with red fish and curd cheese

Kitchenware and appliances: frying pan, spoon, knife, bowl, whisk, cutting board, sieve, ladle.


Cooking process

  1. Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add about half a teaspoon of salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar. Stir until smooth.
  2. Pour in one and a half glasses of milk and mix again.

  3. Add one and a half cups of flour and 15 g of baking powder. Stir until no lumps remain.

  4. Pour in two thirds of a glass of boiling water to make the dough more liquid.

  5. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and pour a ladle of dough onto it.

  6. Fry the pancakes for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. Let them cool.

  7. Spread the pancake with curd cheese. Place another spread pancake so that it overlaps the first one.

  8. Cut 300-400 g of fish, place and roll into a roll.

  9. Cut it into portions and serve.

Video recipe for making pancakes with red fish and cream cheese

To properly fry pancakes and make red fish pancake filling , look how the girl does it. She explains and shows everything very clearly, so you will enjoy watching.

Rye pancakes with red fish

Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Number of servings: 12.
Kitchenware and appliances: frying pan, whisk, knife, two bowls, sieve, cutting board.


Cooking process



Video recipe for making pancakes stuffed with red fish

If you want perfect pancakes, watch the woman in the video make them. She explains everything quite clearly, so it will be useful for you to watch.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • If the fish is absolutely uniform and rich in color without white streaks, then most likely it is tinted.
  • If you take uncut fish, then look at its fins: if they are small and almost absent, then the fish was grown artificially using stimulants.
  • The eyes of the fish should be clear and without a veil; if this is not the case, then it has been in the store for a long time.
  • The fish should smell like fish. If the smell is different or absent at all, then the product is spoiled.
  • If the gills are pale, white or gray, then the fish is no longer suitable.
  • The scales should be tightly located on the carcass, but they should still be elastic.
  • If you take fish in a package, make sure it is whole and without air inside.
  • Carefully inspect the package of flour to ensure that it is not damaged or scuffed.
  • The flour should be uniform white in color and free of foreign odor.
  • The fat content of milk is not important, the main thing is that it is fresh and tasty.
  • It is best to take chicken eggs of the second category, since they contain normal levels of essential microelements.

What to serve with

We usually eat pancakes with tea, coffee or other hot drink. If you want, you can add sugar, then the contrast of sweet and salty will create an even richer taste.

You can simply put the pancakes on the table as a cold appetizer, but then it is better to cut them into small pieces to make it easier to eat. Champagne or sparkling wine goes perfectly with this appetizer.

  • You need to start frying pancakes in a very hot frying pan so that they do not stick.
  • If they still stick to the bottom, then perhaps you have too much sugar in the dough and need to dilute it a little with milk.
  • If they continue to stick, add a little flour or an egg.
  • If you do not have a Teflon coating, then do not forget to add oil to the pan.
  • Milk can be replaced with fermented baked milk, kefir or whey, just check their ratio with flour before cooking.
  • If you don’t have a lot of fish, you can chop it finely to make enough for more pancakes.
  • Instead of cream cheese, you can use full-fat cottage cheese mixed with sour cream.
  • Pour the dough into the middle of the pan, and then spread it over the surface.
  • To prevent pancakes from being greasy, grease the pan rather than pouring oil on it.
  • Decide for yourself how to wrap pancakes with red fish. You can make it like a regular roll, you can make it into an envelope, or you can make it into a pocket. The main thing is that the filling does not fall out.
  • Sift the flour before adding it to the dough.

Other options

There are incredibly many pancake recipes for every taste, so you have the opportunity to try and try. For example, make and serve them as an appetizer.

Or cook if you're up for it healthy eating. Well, if the main thing for you is only taste, then fry them and eat them with hot tea. You can make a chocolate cake out of them if you prepare a delicious cream. You can always bake the most ordinary pancakes and experiment with fillings. The easiest way is to take condensed milk or your favorite jam.

Or make it and add chocolate to it, then it will turn out even tastier. And if you cook potato pancakes, you can even make a cake out of them and serve it as a side dish.

I hope you liked my options, but if you have your own recipes, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.

Cottage cheese or liver, pancakes with red fish, pancakes with fruit fillings - this list of dishes alone makes your mouth water. There is probably no person in the world who does not like pancakes. There are a huge number of their types, but one thing remains the same: this dish can be served on any table - both festive and everyday - success and well-fed guests are guaranteed!

Pancakes stuffed with salmon and cucumber

This dish is perfect as a spectacular, delicious snack for the festive table. The base pancakes can be prepared according to any proven recipe, using the proposed filling, but experienced chefs advise preparing dough with sour cream for this type of pancakes. These pancakes turn out rosy, lacy and very tasty.


  • 160 milliliters of milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams (¾ cup) flour;
  • 180 grams of sour cream (15% fat);
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (preferably powder);
  • 1 tablespoon butter (pre-melted);
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 300 grams of lightly salted salmon;
  • 2 medium cucumbers;
  • 1 bunch of green leeks;
  • 100 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • Salt.

In the process of preparing pancakes there are many subtleties on which the entire success of the business depends. For example: all ingredients should be at room temperature. This will allow them to quickly begin to interact with each other. In addition, the gluten in flour, which affects the consistency of the dough, begins to react only to heated or warm liquids.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start by preparing the pancake dough. To do this, you must first separate the whites from the yolks, and place the latter in a deep container in which the dough will be kneaded.
  2. Add sour cream, salt and sugar to the yolks. Grind the egg mass with a fork or mixer, gradually adding milk and melted butter.
  3. All that remains is to add the sifted flour and finally knead the dough.
  4. Beat the whites with sugar and salt until stiff foam and gently fold into the dough, slowly stirring everything with a wooden spatula.
  5. Let's start baking pancakes. Pour a small amount of batter into a well-heated frying pan and fry the pancake on all sides. We do this with the entire volume of dough. You should get about 20-25 pancakes.
  6. Let's prepare the filling. To do this, remove the skin from the fish fillet and cut it into thin strips with a sharp knife.
  7. Peel the cucumbers, remove the middle and seeds, and dip with a paper towel to remove the liquid. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
  8. Before stuffing pancakes with cucumber, be sure to let the cucumber juice drain, otherwise the pancake will get soggy and fall apart.
  9. Chop the leek very finely with a knife.
  10. Pour sour cream into a small bowl, add onion and stir. There is no need to salt the filling, as the fish is already salted enough.
  11. Let's start stuffing the pancakes. In the middle of each we place 203 slices of salmon, the same amount of cucumber and season everything sour cream sauce.
  12. Wrap the pancake in any shape (preferably into a roll) and place it on a plate.

With feta and pink salmon

An excellent recipe for office meals. These pancakes go perfectly with other cold appetizers and go well with white and red wines. In addition, these pancakes are prepared with budget option red fish - pink salmon, which is available to any cook.


  • 20 ready-made savory pancakes;
  • 1 pack of feta cheese;
  • 1 bunch (50 grams) green leeks;
  • 500 grams of smoked pink salmon.


  1. We prepare pancakes according to our favorite proven recipe. You will need about 20 pancakes.
  2. We release the cheese from the packaging and drain the brine.
  3. Finely chop the leek with a knife, leaving 10-12 onion stalks for decoration.
  4. Mash the cheese with a fork until it becomes a paste. Add onion and stir.
  5. We separate the fish from the skin and bones. We cut the finished fillet as follows: cut thin slices with a sharp knife in the direction from the ridge to the abdomen.
  6. Grease the edge of the pancake with cheese paste, and place a slice of pink salmon on top.
  7. Roll the pancake into a roll or tube. Place the pancakes in the refrigerator to cool slightly.

To make a green onion garnish, you need to soak it in cold water for a few minutes. After this, it will become elastic and easy to tie. Before serving, tie each pancake with a bow arrow, tie a bow and place on a plate.

Trout and basil rolls

This type of pancake is prepared in a special way, since its highlight is the special preliminary preparation of the fish. And trout and basil create a unique combination of flavors! Pancakes can be prepared according to any proven recipe, or you can use the recipe for openwork pancakes with sour cream.


  • 20 savory pancakes;
  • 400 grams of fresh trout;
  • Lemon;
  • 50 grams of basil.


  1. Before preparing the filling, you should marinate the trout. To do this, squeeze the juice from the lemon. To get the juice out of the lemon better, you need to hold the unpeeled citrus under hot water for a while, and then roll it forcefully on the table.
  2. We clean the trout from the skin and remove the bones. Cut the fish into thin slices.
  3. Pour lemon juice over the trout and let marinate for about 20-30 minutes.
  4. We wash the basil and place it on a paper towel. Be sure to let the water drain.
  5. Cut the basil into thin strips.
  6. Place trout slices on the pancake and basil on top.
  7. We roll it up in any shape: you can use it as an envelope or a roll.

Serve with sour cream or slice very thinly and put on a skewer - the appetizer is ready.

With salmon and melted cheese

A universal dish that goes well with any feast. In addition, children really love these rolls - you just have to present them beautifully and interestingly.

For pancakes:

  • 400 milliliters of milk;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 25 grams of salt;
  • 20-30 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of water.

For the filling:

  • 300 grams of salmon (lightly salted);
  • 100 grams processed cheese(“Amber”, “Viola”);
  • 20 grams of fresh herbs.


  1. In a deep container, beat the eggs with salt (do not separate the eggs into whites and yolks).
  2. Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove.
  3. In a saucepan, mix milk with water (the ingredients should be warm), add not too hot butter and the egg mixture.
  4. Constantly stirring everything with a whisk or mixer, add flour (it must be sifted first). It is necessary to bring the mixture to a homogeneous state, since the taste and consistency of the pancakes depends on this.
  5. Let the dough rest for 1 hour. Meanwhile, prepare the fish filling.
  6. Cut the salmon into thin slices.
  7. We bake pancakes in a dry frying pan - the dough already contains fat, so the pancakes will not stick to the surface.
  8. The pancakes are ready: you can fill them. Lubricate each with melted cheese, then lay out the salmon (2-3 slices will be enough).
  9. Roll the pancake into a roll and cut into 2-3 pieces.

Each, if desired, can be thickly sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

With curd cheese and caviar

One of the most luxurious options for making pancakes. These pancakes are sure to be a bright addition to your treats.


  • 10 ready-made unleavened pancakes;
  • 2 tablespoons (70 grams) of any curd cheese;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 40 grams of caviar;
  • Green.


  1. Let's start cooking with the filling. To do this, mix softened butter and curd cheese to the consistency of sour cream.
  2. If desired, and to add a special aroma, you can add very finely chopped dill to this mixture.
  3. Generously grease each pancake with creamy cheese mixture over the entire area.
  4. Roll the pancake into a tube and cut into 3-4 centimeter pieces.
  5. Place the “stumps” on a dish, carefully decorating each with a small portion of caviar.

We decorate this spectacular dish with herbs, lemon slices and caviar. Serve to the table.

Simple pancakes with salmon (video)

Pancakes with red fish can hardly be called an economical dish, but how delicious and beautiful they look on the holiday table! By spending a little time and effort, you will prepare dishes that your guests will certainly appreciate and all family members will love.

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