I felt like I was robbed. Why dream if I was robbed: the meaning of sleep. Robbery of a house and a car in a dream

Trees 25.05.2022

A person who dreamed that he was robbed has a feeling of anxiety for his safety for a long time. How justified is this concern, why does the theft really dream? Dream Interpretations consider dozens of options for theft in a dream and give an appropriate interpretation for each.

Vanga's dream book about theft

Miller's dream book: be vigilant

If you have been robbed, it's time to start stubbornly defending your position. It is enough to show cowardice, and misfortunes will fall like a sack. If in a dream theft took place under the cover of night, one must be especially careful with strangers. To catch the robber yourself - in reality to prevail over opponents.

Empty your purse - deprived of prospects?

Oddly enough, the most common plot is to find in a dream that someone has robbed a bag. Why does this dream of an absent-minded young lady who constantly loses either her keys or her wallet? The modern Combined Dream Book advises her not to look for prophecy: a dream is only a reflection of real worries.

If a person dreamed that he was robbed on the street, having stolen keys from a bag or briefcase, in reality ill-wishers would unceremoniously interfere in his life. They pulled out a wallet - there will be still unknown competitors who will be able to harm a successful business, if it was a gypsy - to monetary losses, as in other thefts committed by gypsies.

Dream Interpretations warn: to find in a dream that documents have disappeared from the portfolio means that you will not be able to realize your plans.

Timely Warnings

The meaning of the dream that the apartment was robbed is interpreted depending on what was lost. If diamonds have disappeared in the house, this prophesies a break with a lover, a collapse of hopes. The missing wedding ring - to divorce, other gold jewelry - to a quarrel between spouses.

To dream that some things were stolen from the inside of the car means covert actions against you, the one who robbed the car. Why dream of recognizing him in a dream or guessing about the identity of the criminal? It is with this person that you should be more careful, do not bring yourself closer, do not be frank.

Thank you for robbing

I dreamed that the criminals robbed the wardrobe, took clothes and fur coats out of the house: dream books portend changes for the better if things were worn. Old problems, old debts and a load of guilt will go away with the junk.

If you managed to see the thief, all the troubles will go to this person. Successful, profitable transactions are possible, and a change of apartment to a new one - more comfortable, spacious. When the stolen is returned in a dream, dream books promise that fortune will smile on the dreamer.

Modern man often experiences emotional and physical workload. Whether it's stress at work or quarrels with household members, all this is reflected in our subconscious, building not always pleasant dreams. You were robbed, thank God, it happened in a dream, not in real life. We learn in dream books what it is for?

The driving force behind the fact that they are trying to take something away from us in night visions is the subconscious fear of losing something in reality. This does not apply to material goods, rather, these are the values ​​that fill our mind, consciousness, soul.

These include: love, friendship, some personal services to society, unique ideas, views, knowledge and achievements of hard work and great experience.

At the same time, dreams where something is taken away from us characterize the personal qualities of the victim, as if hinting that it is time to change and correct the state of affairs, proving fraud.

In night scenes with a robbery, the identity of the criminal who offended you often plays a key role. If someone close robbed, then in reality you are afraid of this person's betrayal.

There may be different interpretations of the interpretation: positive or negative. It all depends on who saw the dream, a man or a woman, as well as what exactly was stolen and where it happened.

A woman's heart will forgive a car thief

A woman was robbed - often such a vision has a double meaning, for a correct interpretation it is important to remember all the sensations and feelings after waking up.

Broke into your home- it means that they encroach on your personality, values, tastes and habits. Perhaps you are under the complete control of an authoritarian person and endure excessive pressure from him. You will need all the courage and determination to stand up for your rights and beliefs.

For a girl, such a night alignment may appear on the eve of hiring, this shows that you are not a very confident person. Probably, one of the relatives inspires you with a sense of inferiority, afraid of losing control over you.

We were afraid of hacking and the threats of criminals - soon you will have to quickly make the right decisions, as your future depends on it. If at the same time you were tied up, a deadlock is expected, from which it is difficult to get out. Take a wait-and-see attitude.

They took old furniture and broken appliances out of the house, and at the same time you cried and sobbed loudly - a great sign, negative emotions and a bad mood will leave you with a light hand. Now is the time to collect our thoughts and think about a new future.

Young lady's old car was stolen- a great reason to walk around bridal salons in search of a dress. Soon on your road you will meet a reliable driver with a personal comfortable city sedan. A man will give an engagement ring if in a dream the car was your property.

If you stole a new vehicle that you temporarily used, expect trouble from business partners or envious colleagues. In this case, before an important event, you should trust your own intuition, experience and carefully plan everything.

You have been deprived of a wallet with a small amount of money- positive moments in life can soon await: they will return the debt or get bonuses at work, in any case, one should hope for a significant increase in income.

If a bag is pulled out of your hands on the street and you recognize the face of a robber, you have a good warning - you should not trust this person with your intentions, ideas, and especially flogged from a laptop and a safe.

Robbed at work - the dreamer should be more responsible and collected. Your carelessness, sloppiness and frivolous attitude to duties can affect your future career.

Pardon the thief - destroy the good

For men, any loss of personal property in a dream is an encroachment on his pride, honor and dignity. A sign that someone is clearly jealous of the dreamer and is ready to do everything possible to humiliate and trample the opponent.

Hacked and emptied the interior of the car - a serious reminder of your business competitors. Your ideas or strategic ideas have not yet been formalized, are undergoing changes, you should not share them with friends, relatives, especially in public places, otherwise you will lose lost profits.

They stole a used car - to soon want to change jobs or find a more promising line of business. A good opportunity to prove yourself in a new way, to strengthen your financial position.

I dreamed of losing my wallet with a large amount of money - expect retribution for your careless actions and reckless actions. Probably, someone will come to demand that you repay the debt, or perhaps a long-time admirer will claim alimony, recognizing you as the father of the child.

All that is acquired by overwork. Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The robber is personified with male dignity. For a woman, a dream where they are trying to rob her speaks of her real desire to have a new intimate relationship. If there were several criminals, the woman experiences a clear sexual hunger and allows herself to be dominated.

For men, dreams where their property is taken away show his secret desires for homosexual relationships. If they repulsed the bandits, to the mutual desire of a potential partner.


To catch a burglar in your house means your distrust and caution towards people. If the theft is successful, it only brings humiliation, disappointment and resentment in real life.

We managed to prevent the theft of your property - this promises to receive an inheritance that you can save if you donate part of the money to charity.

Gustov Miller

Caught a thief - it means that you will be able to defeat enemies. If another person was accused of stealing, beware of rash judgments and statements in relation to others, so that later you yourself will not be in a stupid position.

The police pursued for suspicion of robbery - to difficulties and aggravation of relations with representatives of the authorities and the law. It is worth being more prudent and prudent in concluding dubious deals that promise easy money.

Robbed by the one who obeys you or provides you with some services - this is a dream warning: one of your associates has ceased to reckon with you, is attempting arbitrariness in your home or at work. It is required to stop the rebel before you lose your main source of income.

You are accused of a crime - to a stupid misunderstanding that can ruin your career.

Many people ask themselves: “Why dream that I was robbed?”. And not in vain, because it is really worth knowing the interpretation of this vision. Because it is symbolic, and just like that one never dreams. Therefore, now it is worth turning to the most popular interpreters to try to find the answer to this question.

Universal dream book

Every person who does not get out of his head the question: “Why dream that I was robbed?” Is obliged to familiarize himself with the interpretations proposed by this interpreter.

It says that this vision portends a situation in which he will need to demonstrate all his determination and courage. Without this, you will not be able to defend your convictions.

Thieves did not enter the dreamer's house, but to his work? This is a warning dream. In the near future, a person is advised to be careful and attentive. If he shows carelessness in serious matters, then for him this will turn into significant losses.

Why dream that the apartment was robbed, and the person at that moment saw the thief, but did not even make attempts to stop him? This means that soon he will have to correct the mistakes made earlier. Otherwise, there will be trouble.

business area

Many interpretations relate specifically to her. If a person is concerned about the question “Why dream that I was robbed?”, He needs to remember the details of the vision.

In a vision, someone completely "cleaned" his car? This means that very soon a certain person will try to appropriate the idea that belongs to the dreamer. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to talk about your ideas while they are at the development stage. Otherwise, by entrusting the idea to someone close, a person will lose recognition and success.

Was everything stolen from the car? This promises significant losses in business, but they will not occur through the fault of a person. Circumstances just happen that way, and there is no way to prevent them.

But if a car was stolen from a person, then he can rejoice. This portends him a change of activity. The new work will bring more pleasure, and will also be much more promising than the old one.

Miller's dream book

Above it was said about what dreams that they robbed the car. But how to interpret a vision in which a person’s pockets, jacket and bag were “cleaned out”, and then this crime was attributed not to the real culprit, but to someone else?

This is another warning dream. It indicates that a person is not particularly careful in his judgments. He tends to jump to conclusions and prejudice other people. You should wean yourself from this habit while you still manage not to suffer from it.

But these are not all the nuances that a person must take into account if he was robbed in a dream. Why dream, for example, of stealing something truly expensive? If a thing was stolen from him, which is the highest value for him (not necessarily material), it means that in reality someone will try to prevent the dreamer's undertakings. The reason for this will be elementary envy.

Surveillance from the side

When a person asks the question: “Why dream that I was robbed?”, He should remember - was he an outside observer at the same time?

If he stood aside and watched the thieves take out valuables from his office or apartment, it means that he will face serious trials. Unfortunately, there is no way to bypass them or somehow prevent them. He only needs to think. Because the worst thing in the future situation is to commit

Did the girl dream that someone snatched her bag? This is a bad sign. Very soon, the person she trusted, as herself, will let her down. He won't do it on purpose. It’s just that initially you shouldn’t count on him, knowing what a weak-minded slob he is.

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, when suddenly the gypsies robbed the dreamer, taking away all the money? This plot has the most simple meaning. It suggests that in reality a person will have to face financial difficulties. It is recommended not to make rash spending in the near future and save money for a rainy day. They might come in handy.

Family dream book

I want to know why I dream that the house was robbed? You should look into this interpreter. The meaning must be interpreted depending on what exactly was taken out of the house by the thieves. The interpretations are as follows:

  • Stolen diamonds portend a break with the other half and the collapse of hopes.
  • An engagement ring promises a major scandal that will end in divorce.
  • Any other gold jewelry symbolizes a quarrel between spouses.
  • The clock taken out by thieves represents wasted time.
  • Stolen branded items indicate that soon a person will be deceived in anticipation of positive changes.

good interpretations

They are also available. One can rejoice if a person dreamed that the entire old wardrobe was taken out of his house - worn clothes, a fur coat “eaten” by moths, a holey coat, etc. Together with old things, debts and an lingering sense of guilt will go away from life.

Did the dreamer manage to see the face of the thief, and did it seem familiar to him? So, it is to this person that all his troubles and problems will pass. And a bright streak will come in life! Luck will be on the side of the dreamer. Profitable and successful transactions are possible, the purchase of a new apartment, a trip to a long-awaited vacation.

Also a good sign is a dream in which an expensive thing stolen by a thief returned to its rightful owner. This suggests that soon Fortune will smile at him.

The dream of theft is an unpleasant phenomenon. A night dream promises problems and conflict situations to the dreamer. Become a victim of thieves on the street - to be unprotected, vulnerable, deteriorating health. A robbery in a car portends a meeting with an ill-wisher. Apartment criminals symbolize the fears and anxiety of the sleeping person for the safety of their property. Theft in the garage dreams of material loss, and at work - to unforeseen circumstances, unpleasant conversations.

If gypsies robbed in a dream, the dreamer will make an irreparable mistake in real life, for which he will have to pay for a long time. The gypsy woman snatching her wallet from her hands symbolizes the danger that threatens the dreamer soon, this is a warning against risky actions. If you are trying to steal a bag in a dream, you should be more careful in real life, with a successful attempt, negative changes are expected in the dreamer's personal relationships.

The interpretation of the dream depends on important factors: what emotions prevailed in the dream, what was stolen, who was the thief and where the robbery took place. Almost always, a dream about theft and criminals has a negative meaning:

  • If you dream that you robbed your own house - to troubles and problem situations, the loss of valuable things. Interpretation of a dream according to Miller's dream book: a dream portends the negative influence of an outsider in making important decisions.
  • If the dreamer dreamed that they robbed the apartment, and his close friends acted as thieves, this is a sign of betrayal and lies of a person who is in the inner circle of the sleeping person. And also such a plot testifies to the dreamer's excessive suspiciousness and groundless suspicion.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream as a victim of pickpockets in public transport is a financial loss.

The more valuable the stolen things, the bigger the problems for the sleeper are foreshadowed.

If the thieves did not steal anything of value during the robbery, this is a harbinger of envy on the part of a loved one. Resistance to theft is characteristic of a stubborn person who defends his position to the end.

Being robbed in a dream is almost always a bad sign. A similar plot in a dream predicts that you may show weakness and make a mistake when making a decision. In the dream book, you can find out in detail why this is a dream.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book says that if you dreamed of being robbed, then in reality you will hardly have to prove your case, putting all your strength and courage. If the dreamer knows dishonest and insidious deeds behind him, then he must prepare for losses and misfortunes.

Be careful!

Being a victim of thieves in a dream means that in reality you are tormented by some kind of fear. The characters in the dream will help you understand what the real threat is.

Have you lost unnecessary trinkets or items of no particular value due to scammers? This is a subconscious hint that there may be an ill-wisher in your environment, but his actions will not cause you any significant harm.

If a significant and expensive thing was stolen from you in night dreams, then the interpreter of dreams warns of a real danger of losing something.

What have you lost?

Why dream that you were robbed? It is important to consider what was stolen from you in a dream. Items will tell you what area of ​​life you should pay attention to:

  • money - issues with finances;
  • gold - authority and respect;
  • jewelry - relationships with partners and lover;
  • clothes - friends and your priority interests;
  • furniture - home, relationships with relatives;
  • technique - you lack information.

Losses, envy and intrigues of enemies

If in a dream food was stolen from you, then the dream book sees this as a sign of the imminent loss of one of your relatives or friends.

Seeing the very moment of the theft is also a bad sign, prophesying the death of the next of kin. In some cases, being robbed in a dream is a loss of parents.

If a young girl had a dream of robbery, then she should be wary of anger and envy in the present. To everyone else, to become a victim of thieves in a dream - to the discovery of the insidious plans of enemies.

Don't miss your chance!

Why else dream of being robbed? One of the meanings is the imminent ruin and a streak of serious problems.

A meeting with an impudent thief in a dream book is interpreted as a chance to correct previous mistakes.

If the dreamer happened to catch a thief, then there comes a period when you can achieve what seemed unattainable. Don't miss this chance!

It's worth being careful

The literal meaning of dreams with theft in dream books is often interpreted as abduction in reality. Only in real life you will lose not material things, but something more valuable, but ephemeral (love, rights, ideas, freedom, etc.).

Sometimes being robbed in a dream literally means a loss of peace and the appearance of strong feelings. This is due to uncertainty about your future and the correctness of the chosen path.

If the dead robbed you in a dream, then the dream book sees this as an omen of mortal horror for you in reality.

Time to get married

There are dreams where it turned out to be robbed, and a positive meaning. Sometimes they are a prediction of successful contracts, high salaries at work and the establishment of strong relationships.

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