Presentation "theme of the day - elections". Elections Download presentation on elections

Flowers 30.07.2021

The theme of the day is elections Social studies teacher MBOU Uglovskaya secondary school Orlova Tamara Mikhailovna 2012

Elections Is a legally legalized procedure in which citizens determine who will represent their interests in certain authorities.


* build faith ordinary people that they have the ability to control the government and its decisions

* helping people show support or disappointment with the existing government

* this is effective method political education of the people

* this is a barometer of public opinion

Documents forming the basis of electoral law and electoral process

Constitution Russian Federation

Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation"

Federal law "On elections of the President of the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On the Referendum of the Russian Federation"

Citizens of the Russian Federation

have the right to elect and be elected

to public authorities

and local governments,

and also participate in a referendum.

Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 32

The electoral rights of citizens are the constitutional right to elect and be elected to government bodies and to elected bodies of local self-government.


Active right

the right to choose and

recall deputies, participate

in plebiscites, referenda

Passive right

the right of a citizen to be elected to the representative bodies of the state

Exists different types elections:

  • the next - are held after the expiration of the term of office of the elected body established by the law;
  • 2. early elections - held in connection with the termination of the previously announced term of office of the electoral authorities or elected officials;

    3. election of deputies by rotation. They can be carried out in relation to a part of the deputies of the representative body of state power in the manner and within the terms established by law;

    4. by-elections (by-elections) - appointed in case of vacancies during the term of office of the collegial body;

    5. Repeated elections - held when the elections held were declared invalid or invalid by a court or election commission decision.

Electoral systems:

Majority(Belarus, USA, UK, France

Proportional(Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Czech Republic)

The system of representation of parties and movements, based on the fact that each party receives in the representative body of power the number of mandates in proportion to the number of votes cast for its candidates in the elections

The absolute majority

A candidate is considered elected if he has received an absolute majority of votes, i.e. 50% + 1 vote.

The relative majority

The winner is the candidate with a simple majority of votes.

Mixed- based on the principles of majority and proportional systems. (France, Italy, Russia (from 1993 to 2006), Poland)

Features of the majority system:

  • There is a close connection between deputies and voters, because the constituencies are single-mandate and each deputy represents his own region;
  • A party (or electoral bloc) that lost in the elections in a single-mandate constituency, that is, received, for example, 49% of the votes (an insignificant minority), may not be represented at all in parliament.
  • Often, deputies are elected who are convenient for the authorities of a given region, or the representatives of power structures themselves;
  • Elections can cause social tension in an unstable society
  • Features of the proportional system:
  • In a representative body, social, ethnic, confessional and other groups can be widely represented (it is enough to create your own party)
  • Deputies elected by party lists are responsible not only to the people, but also to their political party

Main stages of the electoral process

1. Announcement of the date of the elections

She is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, as a rule, on a Sunday.

2. Compilation of voter lists

(The voter lists include all citizens of the Russian Federation who have active suffrage on election day. The voter list is submitted for general review, no later than 30 days before election day.)

Formation of electoral districts and electoral commissions

What are they, election commissions?

Central Election Commission

Election Commissions of the Subjects of the Federation

District Election Commissions

Territorial (district, city and other) election commissions

Precinct election commissions

The right to nominate candidates has:

Electoral associations and directly electoral blocs voters

Types of associations: party, front, union, etc. Most often, parties participate in the elections. An electoral bloc is a voluntary association of two or more public associations. He has the rights of electoral association

The State Duma

Federal Assembly

Russian Federation

The State Duma

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists of 450 deputies and

elected for a term of five years.

State Council of the Russian Federation

consists of 100 deputies and is elected for a term

five years.

As a full citizen you can:

Take part in a referendum, in elections from the age of 18 and choose:

  • The President of the Russian Federation;
  • Deputies of the State Duma;
  • Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • Deputies of the State Council of the Russian Federation;
  • Deputies of the representative body of local self-government of the city or district in which you live.


in a referendum,

participate in the pre-election


if the citizen is 18 years old.

... Keep your choice secret, no matter who is interested in it.

... Young voters can work in the campaign headquarters of candidates, voter clubs, and take part in the volunteer movement.


... Take actions that violate the secrecy of the vote.

... When filling out the ballot, use a pencil.

... Conduct election campaigning on election day.

... Accept gifts from someone if their purpose is to draw your attention to a particular candidate or party.

General data on the election results are placed in the funds mass media, in the Internet

Thanks to the latest information

technologies the data of protocols of precinct

Election Commissions (PECs) are located

on the Internet in on-line mode as they are introduced into the state automated

system "Elections".

Current parties:

  • United Russia
  • Fair Russia
  • Patriots of Russia
  • Just cause
  • Apple

Leader: V.V. Putin

Foundation date:


Russian conservatism, social conservatism

Leader: S.M. Mironov

Foundation date:

Ideology: social democracy, socialism.

Leader: V.V. Zhirinovsky

Ideology: conservatism, patriotism, statism, pan-Slavism, anti-globalism

Leader: G.A. Zyuganov

Foundation date:

Ideology: Marxism-Leninism, socialism, patriotism.

Leader: Semigin G.Yu.

Foundation date:

Ideology: patriotism, socialism.

Leader: Dunaev A.G.

Ideology: liberalism, neoliberalism, liberal-consirvatism, liberal-nationalism.


Yavlinsky G.A.

Foundation date:

Ideology: social liberalism, social democracy.

Fourth extra

What color is not on the Russian flag?

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • White

Who is not the President of Russia?

  • D. A. Medvedev
  • V.V. Putin
  • B.N. Yeltsin
  • M. S. Gorbachev

The latest date for the State Duma elections?

  • November 16, 2012
  • 08 August 2011
  • December 4, 2011
The elections of the President of the Russian Federation will take place:
  • January 4, 2012
  • February 4, 2012
  • 4 April 2012
  • March 4, 2012

since this:

1. The most important human right and duty in a democratic society.

2. The ability to shape government policy.

3. Ability to avoid adverse consequences for the state as a whole.

Basic terms and concepts

Elections are a form of direct expression of the will of citizens, carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws, constitutions (charters), laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities

Voter - a citizen of the Russian Federation with active suffrage

Election campaign - activities for the preparation and conduct of elections

Election Commission - a collegial body formed in the manner and terms established by law, organizing and ensuring the preparation and conduct of elections

An electoral association is a political party that, in accordance with federal law, has the right to participate in elections

Active suffrage - the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to elect to state and local government bodies

Passive suffrage - the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to be elected to state and local government bodies

Electoral district - a territory that is formed (determined) in accordance with the law and from which directly the citizens of the Russian Federation elect a deputy (s), an elected official

Candidate - a person nominated in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law as a candidate for a position to be replaced by elections

A referendum is a form of direct expression of the will of citizens of the Russian Federation on the most important issues of state and local importance

This presentation can be used:

* when conducting lessons in history and social studies.

* when carrying out extracurricular activities.

* For agitation of the young generation participating in the elections for the first time.

Materials used:

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, M., "Prospect" - 2009;

2. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation”;

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Slide 4

Elections in the State of Athens

V Ancient Greece used open voting and secret ballot by lot. The "bulletin" was a bob: white bob meant "for", black meant "against." In Athens, there was another type of secret ballot “court of shards”: according to it, the community had the right to expel any public figure from the city limits if his popularity threatened the foundations of democracy. The voting procedure looked like this: a participant received a shard and wrote on it the name of a person whom he considered necessary to expel from Athens, and then placed the shard in a special fenced-in place on the square. The one whose name was repeated more times was declared exiled. In ancient Rome, the election campaign began long before election day. The candidate announced to the authorities about his desire to run. After that, the pre-election struggle began. It happened as follows: a candidate put on a snow-white toga (candidate), which meant his clear conscience, and went to squares and bazaars, asking for support from voters. On election day, each voter received a small plaque - a ballot paper - and wrote the name of the candidate on it and lowered it into the ballot box.







Constituent Assembly,

1917 g.

Veche (in Novgorod - since 1136)

Noble assemblies

  • Voting rights were granted not only to the nobility, but also to the common people.

"Certificate of Merit to the Nobility", signed by Catherine II in 1785.

The right to vote among the male bourgeois (townspeople).

Citizens convicted by a court or having an "obvious defect" were deprived of their voting rights

  • The lowest age limit in the world is 20;
  • Rights were granted to Russian citizens without distinction of gender;
  • Military personnel were vested with electoral rights;
  • Abolished the residency and literacy qualifications;
  • Cancellation of restrictions on nationality and religion.

CITIZEN - a person endowed with rights and responsibilities

RIGHT these are the conditions for study, work, life, which the state gives a person.

Constitution of the Russian Federation -

The basic Law

our country

Human and Citizen Rights and Responsibilities (Section I, Chapter 2)


The right to freedom of speech

The right to live

The right to study

Right to use

cultural achievements

Right to



The right to elect and be elected

Free expression of the will of citizens at elections

ELECTIONS - a democratic procedure by which performers are determined for some key positions in various social structures

VOTER - someone who participates in elections or has the right to do so

VOTER'S RIGHTS - free expression of the will of citizens in elections

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation,
  • Constitutions of the republics within the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law of September 19, 1997 "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation";
  • The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation governing the organization and procedure for elections to various government bodies and local government bodies;
  • Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, acts of heads of administrations and other heads of executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the organization and conduct of elections.
  • Resolutions of the State Duma and the Central Election Commission.

  • universal, equal and direct suffrage
  • publicity, openness
  • voluntary exercise of the right to vote on the basis of personal and secret ballot


1. The most important human right and duty in a democratic society.

2. The ability to shape government policy.

3. Ability to avoid adverse consequences for the state as a whole.

For citizens

this is an opportunity

to carry out








  • Going to the polls, be able to think!
  • Be incorruptible! Remember! Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.
  • Look for the worthy: think about what this person can really do for you personally and for others!
  • Have your opinion, which means your choice!
  • Live your mind!

We are all responsible for ourselves!

Slide 2

"A person who has a healthy sense of justice is a free subject of rights" I.A. Ilyin

Slide 3

Elections are the central institution of a democratic rule of law

  • Slide 4

    "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs both directly and through their representatives." Article 32, clause 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Participation in elections is a manifestation of legal and political maturity, social activity, and responsibility. A citizen is one who is able to rise to the interests of the whole society, who is aware of the importance of his participation in the life of the country.

    Slide 5

    I choose the future

  • Slide 6

    “A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 has the right to elect and be elected to government bodies and local governments, as well as to participate in a referendum regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations. "

    "Citizens who have been declared legally incompetent by the court, as well as those held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, do not have the right to be elected" Article 32, Clause 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Slide 7

    Passive electoral right - the right to be elected to government bodies and local self-government bodies. Active electoral right - right citizens to elect to elected government bodies, as well as participate in referendums.

    Democratic elections are based on the principles of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot.

    Slide 8

    The system of elections in Russia

    In Russia, a citizen has the right to elect from the age of 18, the right to be elected to a representative body (State Duma) from the age of 21, and the President of the country from the age of 35. The President of Russia and the State Duma are elected for terms of 4 and 5 years, respectively. On the basis of the Russian Constitution, the President cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms. State Duma deputies are elected according to party lists. The organizational structure of the State Duma of the Russian Federation includes: chairman, deputies, heads of Duma committees and leaders of Duma factions.

    Slide 9

    Electoral system

    There are two main types of electoral systems: majority and proportional, as well as mixed systems. Until 2003, a proportional-majority system was used in Russia, in which half of the candidates entered parliament on party lists, and the other half were elected in local constituencies on the basis of the majority system.

    Slide 10

    Majority system

    From (French Majoritee) - majority. Under this system, the one for whom the majority of votes was cast is considered elected, and the votes cast for the rest of the candidates are not counted. The two-round majority system is used in Russia for the presidential elections. The majority system has two types - an absolute majority (a candidate who receives an absolute majority of votes, i.e. 50% + 1 vote) and a relative majority (a candidate who receives a simple majority of votes is considered elected; to win such elections, the number of votes collected can be less than 50%). In accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 "On the elections of the President of the Russian Federation", the election of the head of the Russian state is envisaged on the basis of a majority system of absolute majority.

    Slide 11

    Proportional system

    In a proportional system, seats in parliament are distributed among political parties in accordance with the number of votes cast. With the use of the proportional system, parties with less than a certain percentage of the votes will not get into parliament.

    Slide 12

    The votes cast for the parties that did not enter parliament are proportionally distributed among the other parties. So, if only 3 main parties A, B and C entered parliament, for which 40%, 25% and 15% of the votes were cast, respectively, then the remaining 20% ​​of the votes cast for the parties that did not pass the threshold will be distributed in a ratio of 40:25:15 and in fact party A will receive 50%, party B - 31.25%, and party C - 18.75% of the vote. The proportional election system has been operating in Russia since 2003. This system is also used in elections in Israel, Italy, etc.

    Slide 13

    Elections in Russia are conducted by electoral commissions

    The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation - the CEC of the Russian Federation since 1995 consists of 15 members, of which 5 are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, 5 - by the Federation Council, 5 - by the State Duma. Each of them must have at least a higher education. professional education(before the amendments to the legislation, it was necessary to have a higher legal education), preferably a degree in law. The actions of the election commission can only be controlled by observers from political parties

    Slide 14

    Elections in Russia are actions of citizens, electoral associations, election commissions and government bodies to form various government bodies

    Slide 15

    The elections of the State Duma deputies are to be held in December 2011

    The elections of the President of the Russian Federation are scheduled for 2012 (the term of office will increase to 6 years on the basis of amendments to the Constitution of 12/31/2008)

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