Presentation "what our grandparents ate and what our grandchildren will eat." This is how our ancestors ate and were healthy! Nutrition of our distant ancestors presentation

With your own hands 20.12.2021
With your own hands

MBOU "Novovasilievskaya main secondary school»

UMK "Harmony"

Lesson about the world around us for 1st grade " How our ancestors ate"

teacher primary classes

1 qualification category

MBOU "Novovasilievskaya secondary school"

Timkova Olga Nikolaevna

Prepared and conducted:

Subject: How our ancestors ate.
Goals : 1) summarize students’ knowledge about traditional food our ancestors, about its changes over time and about the benefits of natural products for human body; 2) develop the following skills in students: research, social interaction, evaluative, informational, presentational, reflective and managerial; 3) fostering interest and respect for Russian language, respect for oneself as its bearer; formation culture of speech behavior and caring attitude towards the quality of your speech.
Equipment : multimedia lesson presentation, newspaper application for KTD, dishes of our ancestors, bread, salt, towel, tablecloth, scarves, wooden spoons, “Cookbook” 1878 (modern edition), "The ABCs of healthy eating."
Literature: O.T. Poglazova: textbook “The World Around us”; O.T.Poglazova methodological recommendations for the study of historical material in an integrated course "The world around us"; magazine " Primary school"No. 9, 2005; I.V. Babich, V.N. Zakharov, I.E. Ukolova “Anthology on the history of Russia”, vol. 2, book 1. Progress of the lesson.
I . Organizational moment. (slide 1)
II . Message of the topic, purpose of the lesson. (slide 2) -Today in class we will look into the past - into the life of our ancestors. From your messages we will learn how they ate, why in their times people got sick less.
III . A journey into the past. (slide 3) 1. -Now we will be transported to the past. And this funny Little Brownie will help us make the journey. I will read you F.N. Slepushkin’s poem “Izba”, and you listen carefully and imagine yourself in the place that the poet describes.
I'm talking about peaceful rural life I want to tell you, friends! It’s like the silence here in the village A good family lives. Old house with two windows, Everything looks simple. There I saw an icon! She is standing in front. The table is large and all oak It is not covered with anything; Only one maple root He had some good beer on him! Benches with clean benches In that hut they stand around. Shelves with jars, with pots, Everything is neat and in order. Grandfather on the stove and with children Sitting, weaving bast shoes And cheerful words Sings about an old lady!
2. Working with outdated words.(slide 4) - In the poem you listened to there were many outdated words, which you and I do not use in our speech. But maybe someone heard such words from their grandparents. And here is how these words are interpreted in V.I. Dahl’s dictionary.3. Visiting our ancestors.(slides 5-8)-So we found ourselves in the past. We are visiting our ancestors. Look how beautiful it was in the houses of our ancestors. Now such rooms can be seen in museums. (Look at the furnishings and household utensils on slides 5-7.) Our Brownie really liked these houses and he even agrees to live there.- And here is how Nikita Kuzmich depicted the house of our ancestors Sverchkov in his painting “In the Old Hut” in 1922. (slide 8)4. We are visiting our ancestors, and guests were always invited to the table, even though it was poor. But you and I know that our ancestors had their own “Rules of Behavior at the Table”. Let's remember them. (Children's answers. Teacher turns to slide 9.)

Table manners
From the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth”

    Don't grab the dish first. Don't blow into liquid so that it splashes everywhere. Don't sniffle when you eat (when you eat). Hands do not lie on the talerka (plate) for a long time. Don't swing your feet everywhere. Don't wipe your lips with your hand. Do not drink until you have swallowed food. Don't lick your fingers or chew bones. Don’t champ over your food and don’t scratch your head. Don't speak without swallowing a piece. It is indecent to run your hands all over the table, but eat peacefully. Do not draw, stab or knock on the trays, tablecloths or dishes with forks and knives. You should sit quietly and quietly, straight, and not with your shoulders down.

Exercise for the eyes (slide 10)

IV . Presentation of student projects. (slides 11, 12) - Now the time has come to find out how and what our grandparents ate. We learn about this from your projects, which you, after talking with your relatives, prepared for the lesson.(Each student tells and demonstrates the prepared dish. Children and guests ask the speaker questions.)
V. Teacher's message. 1. - Preparing for today's lesson, I looked through a lot of literature that mentions the life of our ancestors. And that's what interested me. I want to read to you an excerpt from the memoirs of Germans who happened to visit Russia in the 17th century.(I read out an excerpt.)
In general, they live poorly. There are few supplies and utensils inside the buildings. Most have no more than 3 or 4 clay pots and the same number of clay and wooden dishes. There is little tin and even less silver utensils. They sleep on benches, and in winter on the stove. Under some stoves and benches we saw chickens and pigs. They are also unaccustomed to delicate foods and delicacies. Their daily food consists of cereals, turnips, cabbage, cucumbers, fresh or salted fish - however, salted fish predominates. They have good mutton, beef and pork, but since they, according to their religion, have the same amount fast days, how many days are meat eaters, they know how to prepare many different dishes from fish, cookies and vegetables, so that for their sake you can forget meat. Once during Lent we were served 40 similar dishes granted by the king. By the way, they have special kind cookies, which they call “pie”. They give them a filling of finely chopped fish or meat and onions and bake them in cow's oil, and during fasting in vegetable oil; their taste is not without pleasantness. They each treat their guest to this dish if he intends to receive it well. Usually their dishes are prepared with garlic and onions; therefore, their rooms and houses, including the magnificent chambers of the Grand Duke's palace in the Kremlin, and even the Russians themselves, and all the places where they visit at least a little, are saturated with a smell that is disgusting to us Germans. For drinking, the common people use kvass, as well as beer, honey and vodka. The most distinguished persons also serve Spanish, Rennes and French wine at the table.
2. - And some more information from history ( slide 13).
    300 years ago - under Peter the Great, potatoes and tomatoes were introduced. At first, peasants were forced to grow potatoes by force. After 50 years, potatoes became the second bread in Russia. 200 years ago - sugar began to be produced from beets in Russia. Tsar Peter tried coffee in Holland. He liked the coffee. The king ordered all his entourage to drink it in the morning. Those who resisted were punished.
So gradually in Russia they began to drink not only tea, but and another overseas drink. VI. Summing up. - You and I learned how and what our ancestors ate for several centuries and how food changed over time. - Now let’s summarize everything we heard in class today.- What was the main food of our ancestors? (Vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, meat, fish.)- What food is this? (Natural.)- So why did our grandparents get sick less often? (Because they ate natural food.)KTD.(slide 14) I hand out pictures to all the children with images of domestic animals, vegetable beds, apple trees, and mushrooms. They all come together and bring the picture to life. - Now you and I can clearly see what the food of our ancestors was like. - You all prepared wonderfully for the lesson today, wrote interesting projects, prepared various dishes. Well done!And since there are dishes on the table, they must be tasted.
VII . Invitation to the table. (slide 15) -For a long time in Russia, all guests were invited to the table and at the beginning of the feast, guests were served bread and salt. The word “khlebosole” comes from this custom.I offer bread and salt to the guests on a towel, and the children read poems .
1.If we want someone 2.We bring salt with the loaf, To meet with honor and honour, Bowing and tasting We ask you to greet us generously, from the heart: With great respect, Our dear guest and friend, We meet such guests. Take the bread and salt from our hands. A lush round loaf. It's on a painted saucer, With a snow-white towel.
-We invite everyone to the table to taste our dishes and evaluate the work of our guys.- In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone good health. And to be healthy, you need to eat right. As a reminder of our lesson, take the “ABC of Healthy Eating.”(The guests sit at the tables.) This is how Alexei Tolstoy described the morals of our ancestors.(slide 16)
If you argue, it’s too bold, If you punish, that's the point, If you forgive, then with all your heart, If there is a feast, then there is a feast.
The brownie says goodbye to us, but we may meet him again. Let's say “thank you” to him for an interesting journey.
Music is playing. Everyone sits down at the tables to taste the dishes prepared by the children and their parents (kutya, crucian carp in sour cream, brushwood, pancakes, jacket potatoes, porridge, jelly, pies and much more).

Slide 1

Presentation on the topic "Food"
Completed by 3rd grade student Ksenia Lazareva, Gymnasium No. 9. Elektrostal Teacher: Gerashchenko Olga Matveevna

Slide 2

Russian food and drinks

Slide 3

We can eat kasha in Russia.
We need milk, grain, sugar, salt and butter for kasha.

Slide 4

IN ancient Rus' porridge was a cult dish. Not a single big or small event in people's lives was complete without porridge. Everyone ate porridge - both poor and rich. At the wedding, the newlyweds ate only porridge (hence the sayings: “If you make porridge, dissolve it”, “You can’t cook porridge with it”). The wedding feast in Rus' was called porridge.

Slide 5

When a truce was concluded in the war, they always ate porridge. Before starting big things, they were also supposed to eat porridge. Suvorov's porridge also became famous. According to legend, during one of the campaigns, Suvorov had a little left different types croup If you cook only one type, there won’t be enough for the whole army. So Suvorov suggested boiling all the cereals together. The soldiers really liked this porridge and called it “Suvorov”! There is even a porridge holiday - June 26!

Slide 6

We can eat borsch in Russia.
We need water, meat, beet, carrots, potatoes, onion, cabbage, tomatoes, salt and sour cream for borsch.

Slide 7

The word “borsch” itself appeared before beets were added to the broth. Allegedly, instead of beets, they used to put Siberian hogweed there (not to be confused with the poisonous Sosnovsky hogweed), from which the name came. Another opinion says that “borscht” comes from the Old Russian “barshch” (beets). There is a third opinion: the word “borscht” comes from the words “brown” and “cabbage soup”. There is no borscht in the national cuisines of Western countries.

Slide 8

We can eat pancakes in Russia.
We need milk, flour, eggs, salt, sugar, butter and sour cream for pancakes.

Slide 9

Pancakes are one of the most famous and delicious Russian dishes, an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa. According to legend, Maslenitsa was the daughter of Father Frost and lived in the North. The fragile girl Maslenitsa met a man. He saw her hiding behind huge snowdrifts and asked her to help people tired of the long winter - to warm them up and cheer them up. Maslenitsa agreed and, turning into a healthy, rosy-cheeked woman, with laughter, dancing and pancakes, made the human race forget about winter bad weather. Pancakes are also a symbol of the sun - rosy, round and hot.

Research paper on the topic :

“What did our grandparents eat, what will our grandchildren eat”

The work was carried out by:

Filipeva Zinaida,

Smorodinova Ekaterina,

Khudyakov Artyom,

students 3 "B" secondary school class №5

Head: Kamenkova

Natalya Viktorovna,

primary school teacher at secondary school No. 5

Target: give an idea of ​​the nutritional characteristics of our ancestors and contemporaries, draw attention to the issue of the possibility of maintaining health through eating simple and affordable foods.


  • study literature on this topic;
  • get acquainted with the rules of correctness; nutrition
  • form healthy image life

Features of the diet of our ancestors:

The list of the main products of traditional Russian cuisine, of course, represents exactly what grew and was obtained in a given territory and did not include vegetables, fruits, and meat of “non-local” animals and birds imported in later times.

The diet of the population of Rus' consisted of sour rye bread, porridge, liquid dishes (cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik, botvinya, beetroot soup and fish soup, okroshka, stews, brews, zatirukhi, mash, etc.), kvass, sbitni, jelly. And in general, over the centuries, the diet of the rich did not differ much from the diet of the poor.

The main dishes of our ancestors were flour and cereal products made from rye, wheat, barley, oats, and millet. Porridge was always served at the table. Porridge was the name given not only to cereal products, but in general to all dishes made from crushed products.

“Porridge is our mother.”

In Rus', porridge was called the foremother of bread. Not a single important matter or event took place in the old days without porridge.

Porridge was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.

It was prepared for weddings, funerals, feasts and... taken to school by the teacher.

A balanced diet is the basis of proper nutrition

Physiological nutritional standards are based on the basic principles rational nutrition, in particular the doctrine of balanced nutrition.


A student's diet should be balanced.

For children's health vital importance has the right ratio of nutrients. The student’s menu must include foods containing not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. These components are not independently synthesized in the body, but are necessary for the full development of the child’s body.


The following foods must be present in the diet of a school-age child:

  • milk or fermented milk drinks;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish;
  • meat products;
  • eggs.

Questions questionnaires 1) Which foods (dishes) are healthy and which are harmful to the human body? 2)What food do you like most? 3) How often do you eat chips, crackers, and instant foods? 4) How often do you drink carbonated water, Coca-Cola, etc.?

Table No. 1 How often do children eat chips, crackers, and instant foods.

Frequency of consumption of these products

Every day

Number of children

Once a week

Extremely rare

Table No. 2. How often do children drink Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks?

Frequency of use

product data

Every day

Number of children

Once a week

Extremely rare

Never drink

Conclusion As a result of the research work By studying literature and conducting experiments, we became convinced that our health depends on proper nutrition, and also learned that the diet of our ancestors was natural and safe, so our grandparents lived to be 80 years old and did not take medicine. Our hypothesis was confirmed: « Nutrition affects human health."

Application FOOD OF THE FUTURE...

Man has always tried to expand his knowledge in a variety of areas, and cooking is no exception. Modern technology has already made a significant impact on this area, but you are probably wondering what kind of food awaits us in the future?

Food in the form of a patch

While we have learned to take various medications with transdermal patch, American scientists were able to bring this method completely to new level and use the patch as... nutrition.

Music that enhances taste.

Recent Research Oxford University showed that sound actually influences how we taste food. For example, high sounds add more sweetness to products, and low sounds add bitterness to food.

Food that can be inhaled.

In 2012, Harvard professor David Edwards invented a device called Le Whif, which gives off a special dark chocolate smell. This device began to sell well in Europe, and in frequency it attracted the interest of those who are forced to go on a diet. They claimed that the device helped them reduce their appetite.

Edible packaging

In 2012 Brazilian restaurant called Bob's attracted a lot of attention when he offered his clients burger wrapped in edible paper packaging. Customers didn't have to unwrap the bun, they ate it along with the paper!

People should know and remember: any new technology has obvious advantages and unknown disadvantages.

“... lattice bread, cabbage soup and thin porridge with ham, and sometimes hard-boiled with lard, and, if there is meat for lunch, on Sundays and holidays sometimes pies, sometimes jelly, and sometimes pancakes or some other food; for dinner cabbage soup and milk or porridge, sometimes with jam, sometimes sushik, when baked turnips, and for dinner sometimes cabbage soup, oatmeal, or even rassolnik or botvinya, on Sundays and holidays for lunch some pies or thick porridge, or vegetables, or herring porridge..." Excerpt from the book "Domostroy" 1547.

“Shchi and porridge are our food” Porridge in Rus' was made in three types depending on the ratio of grain and water: steep, smeared and gruel (semi-liquid). Porridge was also cooked when peace was concluded between the warring parties: as a sign of peace and friendship, the opponents gathered at the same table to eat porridge. If an agreement could not be reached, they said: “You can’t cook porridge with him!”

Porridge is mother, and bread is father. Bread and flour products are the basis of the Russian table. The earliest people in Rus' began to bake sour rye bread. Thanks to a special cooking technology, this bread is easily digestible, has high nutritional properties, and contains vitamins.

Features of the diet of our ancestors: food was varied; the originality of the dishes was determined by the characteristics of the Russian oven; The main advantage of Russian cuisine is the ability to absorb and creatively refine and improve best dishes all the peoples with whom the Russian people had to communicate on a long historical path.

The ideal diet for a healthy person is homemade food, which is based on recipes passed down from generation to generation, on family traditions. Many culinary customs and traditions of our country are based on the rules of rational nutrition and contribute to maintaining health. Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine are healthy and tasty. They should be included in your diet. Eat right and be healthy!

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