After the merger with the Ugntu, more students began to enroll in the Ugues. Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service Ufa State University of Economics

With your own hands 05.04.2022
With your own hands

Economics and service (UGUES). Many students here received higher education for in-demand specialties. Unfortunately, in 2015 the university was reorganized. However, he did not disappear. What happened to the educational institution? What should those applicants who are interested in this university do?

The emergence of the university

The history of this educational organization began in 1971, when a branch of the Moscow Technological Institute appeared in Ufa. The university had only 3 areas of training in which future consumer service specialists studied.

It gradually grew and developed. The number of teachers increased, the number of areas of training and students grew. In 2002, the educational organization became an independent university. Its new name is Ufa state institute service. After 4 years, the university became the Ufa State Academy of Service and Economics, and then a university (UGUES). The faculties and departments of the university existed until 2015.

The fate of the educational organization

In 2015, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ufa state university Economics and Service became part of one large educational organization (Ufa State Technical Petroleum University) and became known as the Institute of Economics and Service. In this structural unit Currently, bachelors, specialists, masters and graduate students are being trained in a wide range of areas.

The training of students at the Institute of Service and Economics is carried out at a high level. The educational process is built using innovative technologies and scientific achievements. Practice plays an important role in acquiring the necessary skills during training. Its students work at leading enterprises in the city. During internship, students communicate with various specialists and receive relevant and useful information from them.

Some departments at the Institute of Service and Economics

At the Institute of Service and Economics, formerly called UGUES, there are various departments. There are 10 of them. One of them is the Department of Finance and Credit. It has existed since 1999 and is engaged in the preparation of the financial sector. The department is in contact with various large organizations and banks. Cooperation allows us to send students to practice and place graduates in jobs.

One of the most attractive activities around the world is the tourism and hotel business. Specialists in this field are always in demand. That is why the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Service has long existed and is actively developing at the Institute of Service and Economics. She pays main attention to the practical part of the educational process. This allows students to develop professional competencies, which are in demand in the labor market.

Popular areas of training

Many applicants focus their attention on the bachelor’s program “Economics”, profile “Economics of Entrepreneurship”. In this direction students:

  • study the economics of an enterprise;
  • analyze its financial activities;
  • study management and accounting. accounting;
  • carry out the development of marketing solutions;
  • study methods of managing project activities.

Those applicants who are creative personalities, choose the “Art of Textiles and Costume” direction at the Institute of Service and Economics. Some of the classes are theoretical. It is implemented in regular classrooms. The other part of the classes is aimed at gaining professional skills. It is carried out in special laboratories of the institute, which allow creative ideas to be brought to life. Graduates of this direction in their future activities are engaged in creating new style solutions in clothing, shoes, textiles and jewelry.

At the Institute of Service and Economics (formerly UGUES), the cost of training in areas of training is adjusted annually. For 2016/2017, the price for the first course was more than 95 thousand rubles. Specific numbers for 2017/2018 academic year worth checking out admissions committee.

Admission to the Institute of Service and Economics

Applicants who decide to enroll in the Institute of Service and Economics (the old name is Ufa State University of Economics and Service) must contact the admissions committee of USPTU with a passport, a document proving their education, and write an application. It can be applied to 3 areas of training at the same time.

Applicants must take into account the following several nuances:

  1. You can enter a higher education institution after school only based on the results of the Unified State Exam.
  2. Those people who have graduated from college or technical school can take the Unified State Exam in order to obtain the results necessary for admission. There is another option - passing entrance tests at a university.
  3. If you have a higher education, then upon admission you can present the results of the Unified State Exam or pass entrance tests conducted by the educational organization independently.

The list of required exams can be found in the admissions office or on the official website of the university. The following directions are suitable as an example:

  1. "Finance and Credit". Upon admission to this training program, applicants take the Russian test. language, social studies and mathematics.
  2. "Artistic costume design." Entrance exams include creative tests in painting and drawing, passing Russian. language and social studies.
  3. “Technology and organization of travel agency and tour operator services.” Applicants take or present results for exams such as Russian. language, history, social studies.

Minimum points

Entrance tests are considered passed successfully if the minimum number of points is scored in each subject. It is determined annually by the university. For 2017, the following minimum scores have been established at the Institute of Service and Economics (UGUES):

  • rus. language - 37;
  • mathematics - 28;
  • physics - 36;
  • social studies - 42;
  • history - 32;
  • biology - 36;
  • creative tests - 26.

Students of Economics and Management educational programs are winners of international, Russian and regional competitions of scientific student works and olympiads, incl. International Student Olympiad "Entrepreneurship and Management", All-Russian Student Olympiad in Economics and Enterprise Management, All-Russian Student Olympiad in Management, Republican Student Olympiad, Republican Competition scientific works students, etc.
Scientific work is organized and coordinated by the scientific student clubs of the IES "Official","Internationalist". A student scientific and practical conference is held annually “ Current issues Economics, Organization and Management", Olympiad in Economics and Management, coursework competition.

Chronicle of student victories

Diploma of the 1st degree 4 International competition of scientific and scientific-methodological works of teachers, graduate students and students (Ismagilova E.D.), Diploma of the 3rd degree of the Interuniversity competition “Creative Workshop on Auditing” of the International Youth Forum “Economic Science Week” (Ilyina D., Kamalova L., Khakimova I.). Participation in the All-Russian student competition “Best Young Auditor Assistant” (Akhmetshina E., Rezyapova S., Kadirova R.). 2nd place in the finals of the All-Russian competition “Best innovative project for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of trade” (Kraineva A.) and special prizes in the finals of the competition (Khaliullina L, Kurbanova R.)

Prize-winner of the I Interuniversity Personnel Forum (Kraineva A.). Participation in the all-Russian competition for students of financial specialties (Kashfutdinov A., Lyapustina O.). Diploma of the All-Russian Literary Competition "Great Russian word"(Kraineva A.). Participation in V Republican Olympiad in Programming (Kashfutdinov A.), Participation in the Interuniversity Student Olympiad in Applied Econometrics (Kamalova L., Kadirova R.). Participation in the Republican Student Economic Olympiad (Kadirova R.). Participation in the Republican project competition “Modernization of housing and communal services-2015” (Bogomolova D.).

Participation in the finals of the International competition “Best innovative project for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of trade” (Kraineva A.). Prize-winner of the All-Russian Intellectual Show “Voroshilov Shooter” (Kharisova A). Winner of the nomination of the Republican competition “Best young worker in the housing and communal services and construction sector” (Nesterova K.), All-Russian youth competition educational institutions and scientific organizations on better job“My legislative initiative” (Cherepanova E.). Participant in the Republican Economic Student Olympiad - 2014 (Elizarieva O., Kvitko A.) ​​Participation in the All-Russian Forum “Media Spring” (Kraineva A.). 1st place in the Republican interuniversity project to expand the information space of student media “Info-Hunting” (Kraineva A.).

Diplomas of the Republican Student Economic Olympiad -2013, All-Russian Student Olympiad in accounting And economic analysis(Chesnokova L.). Prize-winners of the All-Russian competition of youth author's projects aimed at the socio-economic development of Russian regions “My country - my Russia” (Kolganova T., Tansykuzhina Y.), prize-winners of the XI All-Russian forum “Russian Youth Science: Reboot”, 4th place in the Regional qualifying round business game "Iron Entrepreneur". (Kolganova T., Loginova E., Nesterova K., Kharisova A., Diplomas of the Regional Stage of the International Competition “Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)” (Kolganova T., Loginova E., Nesterova K., Kharisova A., Egorov E.)

Prize-winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of “Statistics” (Mustafina R.). Diplomas of the International Youth Forum of Financiers (Kolganova T.), Diplomas of the All-Russian Interdisciplinary Student Olympiad in priority areas economic development (Kolganova T.). Prize-winners of the Regional stage of the International competition “Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)” (Kolganova T., Loginova E.).

Diplomas of the International Scientific Student Forum “Strategic model of the SCO: possible development options” (Vasilieva A.). Diplomas of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the field of “Statistics” (Mustafina R., Chesnokova L., Bashirova D., Valimkhametova G.) Victory in 2 nominations, winners of the nomination “Solving project tasks” and “Absolute winner of the Championship” of the VI All-Russian Student Championship UMO in management “Effective manager - 2011” (Pokachalova I.), Diploma of the Regional competition for the best scientific work among students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation of financial and economic profile (Mustafina R.). Diplomas of the regional stage of the XIV All-Russian competition of scientific works for youth “Economic Growth of Russia” (Pokachalova I.). Diplomas of the regional stage of the XIV All-Russian competition of scientific works for youth “Economic Growth of Russia” (Galyautdinov R.).

1st place in 3 nominations of the V All-Russian Management Championship “Effective Manager” (Galyautdinov R., Pokachalova I.), 2nd place in the team competition of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Economics and Enterprise Management in the nomination “Economic Test” (Serebryakova I. I.), 2nd degree diploma of the XV Republican competition of scientific works of university students of the Republic of Belarus (Galyautdinov R.), 1st place in the team competition of the non-competitive stage of the Republican Student Economic Olympiad, 1st place in the Regional Olympiad in the discipline “Statistics” (Ibatullina G.), 2 place in the video competition of the Republican anti-drug action "PRoteсt" (Popova L.), 2nd place in the nomination "Social Photography" of the city festival of social advertising "Urban Environment" (Yulueva L., Malikhova A.), 3rd place in the city interuniversity competition on the intellectual game “PolitProsvet - 2010” (Gerasimova D., Nuretdinov, Shirinkin S., Galyautdinov R.). Participation in the All-Russian Olympiad in micro- and macroeconomics (St. Petersburg). II place in the III round of the Regional Student Olympiad in the discipline “Statistics”, (Titovets A., Krotovich V., Plotnikova V.). Victories in the nominations of the Republican Student Economic Olympiad (Mukhametyanova G. - 1st place in the nomination “Financial and Economic Analysis”, and Zinnurova A. - 3rd place in the nomination “Enterprise Economics”).

3rd place in the section of the All-Russian competition of youth author's projects "My country - my Russia" (Kazykhanov R., Moscow), 4th place in the Republican competition of young marketing professionals (Kazykhanov R., Ufa), 1st place in All-Russian Olympiad UMO in strategic management (Galyautdinov R., Kazykhanov R., Krasnoyarsk), 3rd place in the All-Russian Olympiad UMO in Management (Galyautdinov R., Kazykhanov R., Krasnoyarsk), 1st place in the All-Russian Management Championship “Effective Manager” - 2009" (Galyautdinov R., Kazykhanov R., Krasnoyarsk). Participation in the Conference of Young Scientists of the Russian Economic Congress (Ganieva G.). Diplomas of the competition of teams of graduate students and students of economic faculties (institutes) of universities of the Republic of Belarus on the development of anti-crisis measures under the motto “Barrier to the Crisis” (Galyautdinov R., Kazykhanov R., Galiakberova I., Ufa), 2nd degree diploma of the All-Russian review competition scientific and technical creativity university students "Eureka-2009" (Galyautdinov R.), 2nd place in the city inter-university intellectual game competition "PolitProsvet - 2009" (Gerasimova D., Nuretdinov, Shirinkin S., Mutalova R., Galyautdinov R.). Participation in the All-Russian Olympics foreign language among students of the specialty " World economy"(Mukhametova E. Abdullina A., Tansykuzhina A., Bochkareva M. and Kuzminykh V.) (Ekaterinburg).

I place in the International Student Olympiad “Entrepreneurship and Management” in the category “Organization Management” - Kazykhanov R., victory at the stage business games, Galyautdinov R., diploma for a creative approach in developing solutions in the section “Regional Management”, Talipova A. (St. Petersburg). Diploma for best project, Kazykhanov R., Galiakberova I., 3rd place in the individual championship of the All-Russian Olympiad in Management, Kazykhanov R., (Vyatka). I place in the Republican Student Economic Olympiad in the category “Taxes” - Basharova Z. II place in the city Olympiad in a foreign language - Schroeder K.

II place in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Economics and Enterprise Management (by industry) using the business computer game “Business Course: Corporation Plus” (Moscow, Meleshchik G.A., Galiakberova I.V.). I place in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Management (Arkhangelsk, Kazykhanov R.). I place in the All-Russian student scientific and practical conference “Modern Concepts of Management” (Gatchina, Abzaltdinova A., Talipova A., Meleshchik G., Galiakberova I).

II, III places in the International Student Olympiad “Entrepreneurship and Management” (St. Petersburg, Meleshchik G., Galiakberova I.). 1st degree diploma in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Management (Veliky Novgorod, Meleshchik G., Piskunova L.). II, III places in the 2nd round of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Organizational Economics (Meleshchik G., Kazykhanov R., Novov A.). Diploma of the UNESCO Foundation for the Republic of Bashkortostan for the best student project (Kazykhanov R.).
II place in the Republican Student Economic Olympiad in the “Taxes” category - Basharova Z.

Since 2015, Ufa State University of Economics has been part of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University.

Institute of Economics and Service is modern structure, which trains qualified personnel at many levels. He studies such areas as: light industry, food industry, economics, tourism, ecology, design.

design. New technologies and teaching methods are actively being introduced into the learning process. Students have the opportunity to undergo internships at the best enterprises in the industries, take part in conferences, seminars, at the regional and international level.

The educational institution is constantly introducing the latest areas of specialist training, which in the coming years will become most in demand in the labor market. Special attention is paid to students who have limited basic capabilities due to health reasons.

In addition to basic education programs for bachelors and masters, the university provides retraining and improvement of personnel qualifications in a large list of additional education programs.

The university opens its doors for every student, giving them the opportunity to plunge into a real student life filled with adventures. And most importantly, upon completion of training, the university provides great prospects for further professional employment.

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