Teenage pregnancy: problems of a young primigravida. My daughter is a minor and became pregnant by a minor. What to do? If a minor becomes pregnant

Trimming 26.02.2022

Responsibility of an adult for pregnancy over 16 years of age. shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to four years, or by forced labor for a term of up to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by imprisonment for a term of up to four years. for a term of up to four years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to ten years.

They can’t unless there is a statement against him to the police from a girl indicating that he committed sexual violence. The age of sexual consent in our country is 16 years old, after which people can not only copulate, but also get married. So I don’t see any problems at all - we submitted an application to the registry office, started working like Carlo’s dad, rented an apartment, gave birth to ten more children, who would then follow in the footsteps of their parents.

We dated for a long time, which means it’s time to legitimize our life together and raise a child. Of course, it’s scary that at first, young people will depend on their parents. But even in adulthood there are enough difficulties, you can’t live without them. It is important to help them, not to “break the woods” for either the parents or the children. In this situation, responsibility lies not only with the young, but also with their parents.

Regarding pregnancy, it is advisable to diagnose whether it exists at all. And then decide what and how. Abortion, giving birth, getting married, not getting married - side questions. a guy can persist in anything, but end up feeding his parents. It would be nice to consult with them. It’s another matter if they don’t love you - well, then in any case you need to give birth, because there are cases that after abortions, girls will never be able to have children. If young people love each other, then upon reaching the age of 18, you just need to get married, and another unit of society will appear in Russia.

Moreover, at the age of 17, getting pregnant in our time is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, because when a girl gives birth, she will probably already be 18.

Pregnancy of a minor

Data from psychological studies indicate a distorted formation of the maternal sphere, unformed motivation for motherhood and an infantile attitude towards pregnancy in teenage girls expecting a child. They are more susceptible to pressure in their decisions from their family and social environment. For example, Galin A.P. examined

A) . Therefore, those girls who would like to have an abortion are forced to give birth. But, not wanting to take on the role of a mother, they prefer to abandon the child.

Famous teenage parents and their children: In 1917, 17-year-old Kamala Nehru gave birth to a daughter, Indira (later Prime Minister of India). Anne Dunham became pregnant at 17, and at 18, she gave birth to the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, in 1961. Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., the famous rap artist known as "Lil' Wayne", had a daughter, Regina, with his now ex-wife Antonia "Toya Johnson when he was 15 and she was 14. Having a child did not stop him from achieving enormous popularity in the United States and earning a good fortune. A woman of any age can face a negative attitude towards her pregnancy from her relatives, but at a young age this reaction is especially pronounced and has its own specifics.

Parents of pregnant minors often experience: a feeling of guilt that they did not protect or look after their daughter; denial – they do not notice obvious signs of pregnancy for a long time; a feeling of increased responsibility for the decision made (they do not trust their daughter to decide the outcome of the pregnancy). 2157405-277971.jpg 32.25K 0 Number of downloads: If we return to the relationship with the child’s father, then the statistics of the reaction to the news of pregnancy in the group of young mothers is not particularly different from others age groups. The law provides for criminal liability for sexual intercourse committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen with a person known to be under the age of sixteen. In addition, criminal liability is provided for sexual crimes committed against persons under 18 years of age.> 5) for information purposes internal affairs bodies O
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Pregnancy of minors is a criminal offense

Pregnancy of a minor: legal capacity, marriage and rights in the field of medicine. A minor girl (D.) came to our human rights center “Pokrov” with a request for help.

Tikhoretsk Answers from lawyers (1) In this case, your young man does not bear criminal liability unless you declare, let’s say, that you had a relationship with him since he was 15 years old or earlier. Looking for an answer? It's easier to ask a lawyer!

Ask our lawyers a question - it’s much faster than looking for a solution.

Criminal liability from the age of 16 For example, on November 27 you turned 16 years old, were you caught for a crime on November 28, will criminal liability begin or only on the 29th? Lawyer's answer to the question: criminal liability from the age of 16 Article 87. Criminal liability of minors 1.

  • A minor child also has the right to express his opinion when deciding in the family any issue affecting his interests, as well as to be heard during any judicial or administrative proceedings.

– a minor, which means, in accordance with Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) – incompetent. Hello! Let your mother write an application for permission to marry to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and let her indicate in this application that she does not object to the marriage; after receiving permission, you can get married. The Family Code establishes the following Article 13 of the RF IC: “If there are good reasons, local government bodies at the place of residence of persons wishing to get married have the right to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen to marry. There are laws of the subjects that allow marriage in the presence of special circumstances with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

I myself have more than once coordinated the orders of the guardianship authorities for the marriage of 14-15 year olds when I worked in the legal department of the administration. a) Late detection of pregnancy and contacting a doctor. Therefore, those girls who would like to have an abortion are forced to give birth. What do teachers do when they find out that a minor is pregnant? If the mother tells them about it

that a child can be an obstacle to privacy. When my daughter was six months old, she began dating a young man, the relationship has lasted for 8 months. i.jpg 11.38K 0 Number of downloads:

In these situations, it is necessary to work with the pregnant woman’s social environment, since it is extremely difficult to cope without their support.

A) Late detection of pregnancy and contacting a doctor.

Therefore, those girls who would like to have an abortion are forced to give birth. Will a pregnant minor be jailed if there is no reconciliation between the parties? But, not wanting to take on the role of a mother, they prefer to abandon the child. It is important to identify the level of “psychological maturity, adulthood of the girl. Understand how ready she is personally to accept the role of a mother, at what stage of separation (separation) from her own mother she is. The younger the girl’s psychological age, the more attached she is to her mother, and the more emotionally dependent she is on receiving parental love and support, the more significant the role of her parents will be in making decisions and in subsequent care of the child.

c) Pressure from the family. If in previous types of situations the girls hid the pregnancy from their families, then in this case, the relatives know about the pregnancy and it is they who force the girl to take this step. Unmarried minor parents, in the event of the birth of a child and when their maternity and (or) paternity are established, have the right to independently exercise parental rights upon reaching the age of sixteen years. Until minor parents reach the age of sixteen, their child is assigned a guardian who will raise him or her together with the child’s minor parents. Disagreements arising between the child's guardian and minor parents are resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Minor parents have the right to live together with the child and participate in his upbringing.

Will a pregnant minor be jailed if there is no reconciliation between the parties?

Thus, D. will be able to appeal to the court on his own if the mother objects to her raising her child.

Legal assistance upon request is provided on a charitable basis

Unmarried minor parents, in the event of the birth of a child and when their maternity and (or) paternity are established, have the right to independently exercise parental rights upon reaching the age of sixteen years. Until the minor parents reach the age of sixteen, the child may be appointed a guardian who will raise him or her together with the child’s minor parents. Disagreements arising between the child's guardian and minor parents are resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authority. 4) in relation to persons who have committed socially dangerous acts (crimes);

Will a guy be jailed for getting a 15-year-old girl pregnant? What to do

If there are good reasons, local governments may, at the request of persons wishing to marry, allow them to marry upon reaching 16 years of age.

No need to panic. Is it possible to reconcile the parties if the victim is not in court? If pregnancy occurs and you are not yet 16 years old, there are several options for getting out of this situation:

Both minors themselves and their legal representatives (natural and adoptive parents, trustees, adoptive parents) have the right to request a reduction in the age of marriage. Let me give you an example of one story, the story of my friend. She was 18, the guy was 21. She was still in college.

He just returned from the army and got a job. From a medical point of view, it is definitely better to give birth. But parents can argue with this.

they were establishing paternity, the third one is now for alimony, he will file an application and your missus will have an article of the Criminal Code then. Don’t give advice on alimony and leave everything as it is, don’t touch the ***, it won’t stink

Thus, if you are sure that according to Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the girl will not have any problems, then feel free to go to court to collect alimony.

Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the injured minor is a particularly serious crime, keep this in mind. If there had been a composition, it would have been revealed when receiving a birth certificate and establishing paternity. Accordingly, since the girl became pregnant before reaching the age of 18, then accordingly there is no corpus delicti in relation to Art.

134 and 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Underage Pregnancy Law

Currently, according to Article 54 of the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens Russian Federation of November 22, 2011, a minor girl may decide to terminate her pregnancy without the permission of her parents or legal guardians upon reaching 15 years of age. That is, according to Russian legislation, girls can have an abortion without parental consent from the age of 15. If the girl is under 15 years old, she will have to obtain written permission from her parents for an abortion.

According to this article, marriages with people of non-marital age are determined by special legislative acts of regional local government bodies. Such laws are in force in the capital of our homeland, as well as in other Russian regions.

In our country, the number of marriages among teenagers has increased. More and more often, disputes arise on the topic of early marriages in society. Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation talks about marriages with. It is prohibited to use women's labor in heavy work and in work with hazardous working conditions, as well as in underground work, with the exception of some underground work (non-physical work or work on sanitary and consumer services). The list of heavy work and work with hazardous working conditions, in which the use of women’s labor is prohibited, is approved in the manner prescribed by law.

  • one of the spouses does not agree with the divorce (for example, the pregnant wife agrees, but the husband is against);
  • there is a dispute about children and common property;
  • the spouse avoids registering the divorce with the civil registry office.
  • In person to the civil registration department;
  • By mail. Documents are pre-certified. Papers are sent by registered mail with notification and list of investments. The date of receipt and, therefore, the countdown of the period is the number indicated in the returned counterfoil;
  • Through the State Services portal. This type of service is limited. Submission is possible in some cities of the country. Therefore, you should first clarify this possibility.

Anomalies of labor that are not amenable to conservative therapy, intrapartum fetal hypoxia, clinically narrow pelvis. The young age of a woman in labor should not be an obstacle to timely surgical delivery. Due to the high frequency of intrapartum fetal hypoxia, monitoring control (CTG) and prevention of hypoxia are necessary.

Features of the clinical course of pregnancy, birth of minor primiparas and the condition of newborns are associated with varying degrees of biological maturity of the body. The indicator of the latter is menstrual age (MA).

Minor primiparas with CF 1–2 years are leaders in the number of complications such as pathological attachment of the placenta and bleeding against the background of uterine hypotension. Probably, the cause of these complications may be insufficient pregravid preparation of the endometrium due to morphofunctional immaturity reproductive system against a background of high frequency gynecological diseases and the presence in some cases of a history of abortion.

Due to the high frequency of intrapartum fetal hypoxia, monitoring control (CTG) and prevention of hypoxia are necessary. In women giving birth with CF for 3 years, the structure of complications is as follows: Homeostatic reactions at a young age are unstable.

For an abortion by the hand

In Russia, out of 1000 pregnancies, 102 are pregnancies of teenagers from 12 to 17 years old. At the same time, few make it to childbirth: approximately 70% have an abortion, 14% lose a child through miscarriage. The majority—almost 70%—of pregnant teen girls are unmarried.

It is often the parents who initiate the abortion of a pregnant teenage daughter. Shocked by their daughter’s confession, the parents bring their daughter to the clinic almost by force. But, having quickly solved, as it seems to them, an immediate problem and eliminated the “shame of the family,” parents do not take into account the long-term problem: according to statistics, up to 70% of girls who have an abortion at a young age then cannot get pregnant. And this means there will be no grandchildren.

What to do if an unwanted event has already happened? How can a teenage girl tell her parents about him? How can parents survive the legitimate shock and act based not on emotions, and not on the short-term, but on the genuine, long-term interests of their daughter and the entire family?

How to tell and how to accept

According to a psychologist at the Office of Crisis Situations for Pregnant Women Yulia Mytnitskaya, The first and most important thing in this situation for a girl is to accept her pregnancy as a fact and tell her parents about it. It happens that, struck by such news, a girl falls into a stupor, hides from everyone, and then suddenly, for quite some time, begins to act radically, trying to “get rid of the problem” on her own, after reading on the Internet or listening to her friends. This can be not only harmful, but deadly.

If a girl is afraid to tell her parents about everything, she can call a crisis center for pregnant women, which exists in many cities today. The center’s specialists will help her get her bearings and tell her, literally word by word, how to say “that” in her father’s house.

After a girl tells her parents about pregnancy, task No. 1 for her and her family is to try to understand each other’s feelings. Parents need to see behind their daughter’s “misdemeanor” her pain and fear. Indeed, although the reasons that lead to pregnancy of a teenage girl may be different (a girl can become a victim of sexual violence in the family or outside it, and there are also cases when teenage girls become pregnant on purpose, considering this an “initiation” in adult life), in most cases, finding out that you are pregnant at 13-14 years old is a huge stress. And the main thing for a pregnant girl is not to lose support, protection of her family, and not to lose contact with her parents. She can behave impudently, defiantly, or whatever she wants, but in her heart she is waiting for help.

But it is also important for a girl to understand that telling her parents about her pregnancy is no less stressful. For parents, this news poses a lot of problems, material and moral, which they, as adults, will have to solve. However, a considerable part of the responsibility for what happened to their daughter lies with the parents. According to psychologists, lack of contact with the mother is considered the main reason for the daughter’s early pregnancy. Often no one told the girl what was happening to her body at 13-14 years old, what new opportunities and risks appeared. She is defenseless in the face of her growing up, does not know about the intricacies of communication with the opposite sex, responsibility and consequences.

It is important to analyze your relationship with your child and try to protect him from irreparable decisions: succumbing to despair, a pregnant girl can run away from home or commit suicide.

Often the initiators of an abortion of a teenage girl are her parents. But according to statistics, up to 70% of girls who have an abortion at a young age then cannot get pregnant. And this means there will be no grandchildren

The whole family can participate in making decisions about the future child: parents and the future father have voting rights. But the final decision must be made by the pregnant girl. And it is important for her older loved ones to remember that early motherhood is better than late regrets about its absence.

Dad under 16

You should not push the topic of the wedding of your daughter and the child’s father against their will. Conflicts in a couple will not have a positive effect on either the course of pregnancy or the upbringing of the child.

If the future father is also a minor, his parents should find out about the fact of pregnancy. Even if their son is not ready for fatherhood, perhaps they themselves can help and support the mother of their future grandson. If the young father is ready to start a family, then meeting the parents is simply necessary.

If a minor father of a child raises the question of his paternity, he has the right to do so. But it’s not difficult to solve this issue today - there is a paternity test. A minor mother, regardless of age, can submit a joint application with the child’s father to establish paternity to the registry office. Here, even the consent of the girl’s parents (or her guardian) is not necessary. If the young father refuses to submit such an application, then the girl can go to court and demand that paternity be established. The only condition: she must be 14 years old. Until this age, such a claim can be brought by her parents or guardian.

If the young mother is a schoolgirl

It is advisable for parents to organize the young mother’s day so that she has time to care for the child, relax and have the opportunity to continue her education.

If the mother is studying at school, it is better to interrupt her studies for a while or switch to home schooling than to expose the girl to constant additional stress. And for those around you, especially students, it is wrong to constantly see a pregnant classmate. After all, this is not the norm for a girl to become pregnant at 13-15 years old.

Forms of support

Courses for pregnant women. Photo: Deacon Andrey Radkevich

You can offer your daughter a partner birth (when someone close to you is present during the birth). This is especially important if the baby's father is not involved in the pregnant woman's life. The birth partner can be a mother or an older friend who has given birth - the choice depends on the girl herself. But don't insist on this.

Courses for pregnant women can be a big help for a girl. At them she will not only learn about the psychophysiology of pregnancy, childbirth, and child care, but will also be in an environment of “like-minded people,” people with similar interests. Such an environment for a girl under stress can become positive. The courses include psychologists who can tell you about the specifics of your situation and get advice.

It is important for the parents of a teenage girl not only to take on part of the worries about her, but also to help their daughter grow up

Every woman initially has a maternal instinct. And if pregnancy occurred before his awakening, he must be awakened by using various options: courses on preparation for childbirth, communication with mothers who are in a state of desired pregnancy or have babies, a trip to children's stores with baby vests and rattles.

And very important: it is important for the parents of a teenage girl not only to take on part of the worries about her, but also to help their daughter grow up, analyze mistakes, learn to overcome difficulties and make independent decisions.

What if you were kicked out of your home?

Sometimes parents, outraged by their daughter's pregnancy and her refusal to have an abortion, simply drive her out of the house. In this case, the expectant mother has several options.

If she is registered in her parents’ apartment, then by law no one has the right to kick her out. Therefore, in this case, you can safely go to the local police officer or call the police - the competent authorities will quickly cool the hot heads of the parents. Guardianship authorities that protect the rights of minors may also be interested in this situation. This is a legal way to return to the apartment.

You can give your parents time to calm down and come to their senses. Most likely, they will very quickly regret their hasty decision and will do their best to look for their expelled daughter. In the meantime, you can go to relatives or friends with whom you can “stay” for a while. There is absolutely no need to tell them about your pregnancy. The main thing is not to turn off the phone in the heat of despair so that parents can call and call back.

Hello!!! I want to ask, what will happen to me? I'm 18 full years, a 15-year-old girl got pregnant from me, but she already has a child, but not from me, and is under guardianship. Can we sign without the permission of the guardian, and how can we avoid being jailed?


In order to avoid criminal liability, you need to marry a minor.

According to Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has reached the age of eighteen and who has for the first time committed sexual intercourse with a person who has not reached the age of sixteen and puberty, is released from punishment by the court if it is established that this person and the crime he committed have ceased to be socially dangerous due to the married to the victim.

Important! If the age difference between the victim and the defendant is less than four years, the latter will not be punished with imprisonment for the act committed.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are valid reasons, local government bodies at the place of residence of persons wishing to get married have the right, at the request of these persons, to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen to marry. The procedure and conditions under which marriage, as an exception and taking into account special circumstances, may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen years, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Reducing the marriageable age for persons entering into marriage is referred by law to the competence of local government bodies at the place of residence of persons entering into marriage. The possibility of reducing the age of marriage by more than two years is provided to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by relevant laws.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the consent of third parties, including parents (adoptive parents, trustees), for marriage. Therefore, their consent or, conversely, objections to lowering the age of marriage have no legal significance, including for local governments. Self-government bodies may lower the age of marriage, taking into account the interests of minors who have reached the age of sixteen, and contrary to the opinion of their legal representatives. But since the minor has not reached the age of sixteen, regional legislation may provide for obtaining the consent of legal representatives. If the girl is about to turn 16 years old, wait and then the consent of the trustees will definitely not be required.

One day, our editorial office received a letter from girls who found themselves in a difficult life situation. We decided to publish the answer on the pages of our online magazine.

Hello, I have a question: my friend was friends with a guy for several months, and she became pregnant by him.

Everything seems fine, but she is 15 years old, and he is already 19 years old. She is very afraid of her parents, loves her boyfriend and doesn’t know what to do.

Her parents are very strict and they certainly won’t understand her, and her boyfriend will most likely be sent to prison.

Tell me - what should she do? She's worried. D.

The situation is not easy. The main thing now is to remain calm and prepare for a frank conversation with all participants in the events. First you need to make a decision with your boyfriend, then talk to your parents, and then talk to his parents.

Psychological side of the issue

When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, he, as a rule, is left alone with the problem, with all his experiences, thoughts and desire to fix everything. Sometimes the fear appears out of nowhere that someone will find out, a loved one will suffer, and not only parents, but also friends, acquaintances, neighbors will judge... And most importantly, it’s scary that this happened...

Conversation "alone with yourself"

In order to understand and take a “sober” look at the current situation, you should very honestly answer several questions to yourself.

  1. Am I ready to become a mother, or somewhere deep down in my soul sometimes I quietly but persistently “hear” my voice, and it keeps telling me that I don’t need a child?
  2. Am I too afraid of my parents to tell them that I'm expecting a child?
  3. I love mine young man, but there are times when I clearly feel that he is afraid and worried (in the current situation), more for himself than for me?
  4. Before, when we were just dating, I didn’t think about marrying him?
  5. Was the thought of marriage more mine than his? Or him, but not because he loves too much, but because he was scared?
  6. Will I be able to resist my parents and not follow their lead after I tell them that I am pregnant and getting married?

If you answered at least one of the points in such a way that you yourself felt not very pleasant, then you should not “press” this feeling within yourself.

You need to think and find the reason why you feel negative now. Imagine this happening to your friend. How do you see the situation now?

Conversation with a guy

The news may shock the guy. You need to talk to him confidentially and gently. You need to meet in a calm environment where no one can disturb you.

Let me give you an example of one story, the story of my friend. She was 18, the guy was 21. She was still in college. He just returned from the army and got a job.

His parents were already planning to build a bathhouse with his salary. And then - pregnancy...

His parents locked him at home and didn’t let him go anywhere, causing scandals.

The girl told her mother about the pregnancy, and her mother supported her.

But with the guy it was more difficult. He couldn't make a decision. His parents put pressure on him and prevented him from talking on the phone.

The girl told him: “Come to me and we’ll just talk.”

The girl pulled him into her territory and calmly said: “Do what you want, but I will give birth. If necessary, I will raise the child myself, I don’t demand anything from you, but I won’t go for an abortion.”

And the guy finally decided to get married.

His parents first proposed a modest wedding and stalled for a long time. And then the future mother-in-law said: “As you wish, my daughter will go to the registry office in a white dress, and let the groom come at least in a tracksuit.” What can I say: it was a beautiful wedding.

The girl took it academic leave for a year, then completed my studies by correspondence.

They still live together, the boy already goes to school. She communicates normally with her mother-in-law, evenly, and generally has excellent relations with her father-in-law. The bathhouse was never really built...

Legal side of the issue

Will a guy get jailed for getting a girl pregnant?

There is an article in the Criminal Code that states: sexual intercourse by an adult with a person known to be under 16 years of age is punishable by imprisonment for 4 years, with a person under 14 years of age - up to 7 years.

Article text (click to enlarge):

It is worth paying attention to the note:

“But, if this is the first time, then as provided for in part one of this article, the person who committed the violation is exempt from punishment in the courtroom, if this person and the crime he committed are not dangerous to others and a marriage is planned in the future.”

Conclusion: If there is a trial, the father of the unborn baby will not be imprisoned.

At the same time, the very fact of the trial is an extreme moment. A trial may occur if the police receive a statement from the parents.

Will they be allowed to register a marriage?

The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes general rule: The age of marriage is 18 years. At the same time, there is a possibility of lowering the marriageable age.

If there are good reasons, local governments may, at the request of persons wishing to marry, allow them to marry upon reaching 16 years of age.

The Family Code does not contain a list of specific valid reasons. Traditionally these include:

  1. bride's pregnancy,
  2. birth of a child,
  3. actual marital relations.

Valid reasons are determined by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. The question of lowering the marriageable age can only be raised in relation to minors who have reached 16 years of age.

Both minors themselves and their legal representatives (natural and adoptive parents, trustees, adoptive parents) have the right to request a reduction in the age of marriage.

A marriage license for a minor aged 16 to 18 years is issued only by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (district, city administration) at the place of registration of the marriage.

The refusal of a local government body to issue a marriage license can be appealed to a court in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation “On appealing to the court of actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens.”

Registration of marriage of persons will be carried out on a general basis. A person who has reached the age of 16 and whose marriageable age has been lowered acquires full civil capacity from the moment of marriage.

If the marriage is later dissolved before reaching the age of 18, the acquired legal capacity will remain. A minor who has been declared fully capable does not acquire marital capacity after a divorce.

A different procedure applies for teenagers under 16 years of age. Guardianship and trusteeship authorities can give permission for marriage only as an exception and in the presence of special circumstances: the birth of a minor child or her pregnancy.

The practical side of the issue

No need to panic. If pregnancy occurs and you are not yet 16 years old, there are several options for getting out of this situation:

  1. go to the gynecology and registry office,
  2. wait until you reach the required age and go to the registry office,
  3. have an abortion.

The first way

If you want to start a family, you need to go to the gynecologist, get a pregnancy certificate and go to the registry office.

Take future witnesses (friends, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, acquaintances) with you in case the parents write a statement and bring the case to court.

Don't be afraid of anything!

Result: you will be happy, but your parents will still accept it and everything will eventually be the same.

The second way

If the period is short, and there are only a couple of months left before your birthday, it makes sense to simply wait until you reach the “right” age.

Thus, all questions will disappear by themselves, and if you want to get married, problems and permissions will not be required.

Result: you will avoid problems, questions and other nonsense.

The third way

This solution is not desirable, but is very popular and is used in 60% of cases. This is an abortion.

Abortion is far from best advice. Unfortunately, nothing can be returned back. You may have to regret this ill-considered step more than once, although today it seems the best, correct and quick exit from the current situation.

Result: It may happen that you will never... (hear – never!) be able to have your child again. And you will want it!

Always do and act in any situation only as your mind tells you, not your heart, but your mind and only your personal desire. Believe me, everyone else (parents, acquaintances, friends, neighbors) will sooner or later take for granted what you now decide. Not in a week or a year, but they will accept it.

Conversation with parents

Some parents accept the very fact of the birth of a grandson, and some insist on an abortion.

On the one hand, raising a child takes a lot of money, time and effort. On the other hand, abortion can ruin your health and lead to problems with conception in the future.

From a medical point of view, it is definitely better to give birth. But parents can argue with this.

In this situation, they are not yet psychologically ready for the roles of grandparents. They may not even want to change their lives and plunge into new worries. And they will have to change their usual way of life, because a young mother needs help both financially and in everyday life. They will also have to resolve the issue of their daughter’s education.

Remember, my dear reader, the choice is yours.

Even if a young man leaves you alone with a child now or in the future, you can always build a family with another man. And you can find a man who will take care of both you and your child. Don't even worry about it.

I say this based on personal experience. I divorced my first husband when I was 24 years old and my son was almost 5 years old. And now I live with a wonderful man who accepted my son as his own and found a common language with him.

It is much more terrible to correct the consequences of an abortion and undergo treatment for infertility. Quite a lot married couples broke up due to the fact that the woman could not get pregnant.

One day we received an angry letter from a mother on our website, whose daughter showed her our article.

Dear stranger... because a woman cannot give such advice, but previously they would have been punished with an article. Tell me where to turn for my underage daughter who, having read your article) decided that sex is wonderful and she should give birth... unlike the opinion of her parents... Then answer me who will support her and the child and please continue to sign such “writing” so that you then they didn’t look through the court!

As you can see, mothers of pregnant girls also need psychological help and support. You can’t turn back what happened; you need to solve the current life problem.

The girl can receive the status of a single mother and receive all the usual benefits. At the same time, benefits for single mothers are greater than for ordinary women.

In various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are provided for the purpose of social support for single mothers. This question needs to be clarified with your subject.

What benefits can you count on:

  1. a one-time benefit for women registered at a medical institution before 12 weeks of pregnancy,
  2. maternity benefit,
  3. lump sum benefit for the birth of a child,
  4. monthly allowance for the period of parental leave when the child reaches the age of one and a half years,
  5. monthly child benefit.

If the child’s father does not support the child with money, then the girl can demand alimony from him through the court. The girl can represent the interests of the child in court herself, or maybe through one of the parents.

Moreover, if paternity is recognized voluntarily or in court, then the benefits provided for single mothers are not paid.

I wish you good luck, happiness and other things, as they usually wish... And most importantly, I advise you to think about what is really important to you, and not to others. Once again - good luck!

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1 answer. Moscow Viewed 438 times. Asked 2013-07-21 06:33:07 +0400 in the topic “Criminal Law” If the guy is 18 years old and the girl is 17, then will the guy be prosecuted for seducing minors? - If the guy is 18 years old and the girl is 17, then Will the guy be prosecuted for seducing minors? further

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 1720 times. Asked 2012-06-09 15:43:49 +0400 in the topic “Criminal Law” Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor - Responsibility of an adult for cohabitation with a minor.

Marriage of minors: what does the law allow?

In Russia, the age of marriage is set at 18 years. However, the law allows for the possibility of marriage at 16 years of age or even earlier. According to Art. 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, if there are valid reasons, local government bodies at the place of residence of persons wishing to get married have the right, at the request of these persons, to allow persons who have reached the age of sixteen to marry. The procedure and conditions under which marriage, as an exception and taking into account special circumstances, may be permitted before reaching the age of sixteen years, may be established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Underage Pregnancy Law

Currently, according to Article 54 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated November 22, 2011, a minor girl can decide to terminate her pregnancy without the permission of her parents or legal guardians upon reaching 15 years of age. That is, according to Russian legislation, girls can have an abortion without parental consent from the age of 15. If the girl is under 15 years old, she will have to obtain written permission from her parents for an abortion.

Code of Labor Laws (LC RF) dated

It is prohibited to use women's labor in heavy work and in work with hazardous working conditions, as well as in underground work, with the exception of some underground work (non-physical work or work on sanitary and consumer services).

The list of heavy work and work with hazardous working conditions, in which the use of women’s labor is prohibited, is approved in the manner prescribed by law.

New law will allow minors to have abortions without parental consent

At a meeting on Tuesday, the Riigikogu Social Affairs Committee decided to initiate a bill that would abolish restrictions on abortion of minors, since, in the opinion of the Chancellor of Justice, they are contrary to the Constitution.

According to the current Law on Termination of Pregnancy and Sterilization, a pregnant minor cannot have an abortion without the consent of her parents or guardians.

About minor marriages

In our country, the number of marriages among teenagers has increased. More and more often, disputes arise on the topic of early marriages in society. Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation talks about marriages with.

According to this article, marriages with people of non-marital age are determined by special legislative acts of regional local government bodies. Such laws are in force in the capital of our homeland, as well as in other Russian regions.

Rights of a pregnant minor

Today early pregnancy is no longer uncommon, so the state is trying to take all measures to educate the younger generation and to help underage girls who have become mothers. There are a number of laws for this. Knowing the rights of a pregnant minor is very important. So, what is help for moms, and how can you get it? Teenage pregnancy - why it is dangerous, read further in the article.

Should a medical institution inform the prosecutor's office about pregnant minors?

“The health care institution “Enskaya Hospital” appealed to the court with a statement to recognize the prosecutor’s presentation as illegal. The statement states that on December 13, 2011, the Ensky District Prosecutor's Office issued a complaint to the hospital about violation of the requirements of the law on the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors. The medical institution was accused of failure to fulfill the obligation to inform the prosecutor's office about the termination of pregnancy in minors under 18 years of age, as well as of helping to avoid criminal liability for persons who committed crimes against sexual integrity.

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