Is it necessary to extinguish baking soda with vinegar? Why and how to extinguish soda with vinegar for baking: a recipe for extinguishing with boiling water, vinegar, citric acid, kefir. Learning to extinguish soda correctly

With your own hands 28.03.2022
With your own hands

When they read something new recipe Baking, first of all, pay attention to the composition of the products and what makes the dough fluffy. Most recipes use soda, slaked vinegar, yeast or baking powder for this. Using yeast requires time and serious skill, baking powder is not always available in kitchen supplies, and baking soda is always available. You just need to handle it correctly. The text of the recipe usually indicates soda, but it is the slaked product that is meant.

How do you get slaked soda?

Soda slaked with vinegar

Unlike regular crystalline soda sold in packaged form, slaked soda obtained directly during dough preparation by mixing the substance with acidic or liquid products and mixtures. As a result of extinguishing, the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the container is visually observed, accompanied by hissing sounds. This is what the chemical reaction to form carbon dioxide looks like.

Why do you extinguish soda?

There are opposing opinions on how to make soda slaked with vinegar, and whether it should be done at all. Scientists who pay attention primarily to the validity of the chemical process believe that during the quenching process all carbon dioxide is released into the air and does not bring any benefit to the test. Cooks regularly encounter the fact that baking soda does not want to dissolve on its own and then appears in chunks. finished test. Therefore, they take the opposite point of view and insist on including slaked soda in recipes.

In practice, the following processes occur.

1. Chemists have proven that to completely extinguish one teaspoon of soda, you need 16 of the same tablespoons of vinegar with a concentration of 9%, which is used in cooking.

3. Usually equal amounts of acetic acid and soda are mixed, that is, only partial dissolution of the substance occurs, and the rest remains incompletely quenched. This amount of vinegar is enough to pre-moisten and soften the soda, creating the most favorable conditions for its further quenching in the dough upon contact with other acid-containing products.

Alternative ways to extinguish soda

It is not necessary to use food vinegar for extinguishing. Successful substitutes will be lemon juice or citric acid, kefir or other acidic foods. As a last resort, if the dough already contains acid, ordinary soda, slaked, for example, with boiling water, will do. In this case, the cook is protected from pieces of soda in the finished baked goods, and the required amount of carbon dioxide is formed as a result of kneading the dough.

There is no single exact recipe for extinguishing soda; each housewife empirically selects the most successful combination, from her point of view. But under no circumstances should you use quicklime soda if there is no acid in any form in the dough.

You love homemade baking and are just learning all the intricacies of making muffins, cakes, pancakes and buns, then you urgently need to learn how to quench soda with vinegar - this will make your dough fluffy and tasty.

Perhaps you already know that soda gives the dough structure a fluffy, light, delicate and loose consistency, which greatly improves its quality when kneading and baking. Flour products rise, air bubbles appear in them, saturating the dough with oxygen and allowing it to “grow” and “breathe.”

However, along with all these delights and transformations, we get a strange soapy taste in flour products, which gives us the presence of soda in them. How to get rid of this unpleasant moment if the recipe requires adding soda? It can be “quenched”, that is, dissolved in an acidic environment, namely in vinegar, citric or other acid. For example, in a dairy. However, the most popular method is to extinguish soda with vinegar. The release of carbon dioxide that accompanies the reaction causes a very striking culinary and visual effect.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar: secret methods

Table vinegar comes in different concentrations; this should also be taken into account when you start doing something like extinguishing soda. We usually use 9% in our kitchen. vinegar, less often - 70% concentrated vinegar essence. Some housewives use apple cider vinegar - and this will also be correct. It’s just that if you take a concentrated essence, it is better to dilute it with water about 1:7.

How to extinguish baking soda? We take the amount of soda that we need (for example, 1 teaspoon) and dissolve it in 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar. To do this, it is better to use a small glass or bowl, since vinegar will pour out of a teaspoon or even a tablespoon and the reaction will not occur completely.

Accordingly, the desired effect will not work: the dough either will not rise as it should, or the taste of soda will remain in it. And after reading information about how to extinguish baking soda with vinegar, you will be forever disappointed in the baking process. Don't upset yourself, it's better to do the following.

  1. Pour the required amount of soda into the container, and then add vinegar there.
  2. Mix quickly and immediately add to the dough.
  3. The release of carbon dioxide (“hissing”) should not occur in air, but in a vessel with all the ingredients. Then the dough will be loose and fluffy.

That's why some cooks prefer to extinguish soda citric acid, and wonder why they would use anything else.

Grandma's recipe: citric acid for slaking soda

We usually use citric acid or regular lemons if vinegar is not available. However, some chefs (especially those who are closely “friends” with chemistry) believe that The release of carbon dioxide should occur directly in the container with the dough.

Accordingly, vinegar cannot be used for these purposes at all, since it has a pungent odor and a pronounced sour taste. Lemons and citric acid are another matter. Try the 1910 recipe for baking soda, which uses a 1:1 ratio of baking soda to citric acid. Please note that both ingredients are diluted with water (not boiling water) in the same ratio.

  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in ¼ glass of water;
  • Dilute 1 spoon of citric acid in ¼ glass of water.

It's like two-two: kneading pancake dough, dissolve soda and acid, pour into the dough, mix and you can start baking. And you don’t have to think about what kind of vinegar to extinguish the soda, how much to use, how to dilute it with water and whether to dilute it at all. This recipe has been used by our great-great-grandmothers for the last 100 years. So it works. It's worth trying and using in your kitchen.

Slaked soda with boiling water is used not only in cooking, but also for health purposes. It is one of the main components in a number of techniques traditional medicine. Sodium bicarbonate is a white powdery substance that is odorless, but has a specific taste. Tea soda powder has a lot of beneficial properties for the human body.

Soda is increasingly popularized as a cure for many diseases, including serious pathologies. Considering hundreds positive feedback followers of alternative medicine, the effectiveness of this remedy is obvious. But, despite this, there is heated debate around sodium bicarbonate: for some, treatment with soda is just another fiction, and for others, it is one of the ways to save the doomed who have lost faith in traditional treatment, for example, of cancer.

People often don’t understand why they need to extinguish baking soda with boiling water. When used correctly, sodium bicarbonate is a unique alkaline agent that has healing properties. When mixed with boiling water, a chemical reaction occurs in the form of hissing and foaming of the combined products; it is at this moment that carbon dioxide is actively released from the soda mixture.

In addition to water, the following is used to extinguish soda:

  • apple cider vinegar (or other fruit cider vinegar);
  • citric acid (or freshly squeezed lemon juice);
  • fermented milk products(kefir or others);
  • jams/preserves/natural juice from sour berries/fruits.

However, if a person has gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis or an ulcer, then in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to extinguish the soda with ordinary boiling water.

Soda diluted in this way is a weak alkaline solution, i.e. without aggressive influence. For full medicinal potential, sodium bicarbonate must be extinguished without fail, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be fully achieved.

According to doctors, the main cause of many diseases is acid-base imbalance. The creators of alternative treatment methods assure that soda slaked with boiling water, when taken orally, helps not only restore it, but also cleanse the body of toxins, as well as thin and renew the blood structure.

The benefits of slaked soda with boiling water

Baking soda can be used for treatment and... The essence of the techniques is its regular use as solutions for internal use and rinsing, compresses (lotions), baths, mixtures and enemas. Soda slaked in hot water has beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the human condition.

It should be noted that this is not the entire list of beneficial qualities of baking soda for internal use.

The table shows the composition of baking soda according to GOST.

When used externally, it is also necessary to extinguish soda with boiling water. External use is recommended for:

  • elimination of allergic manifestations on the skin after insect bites;
  • inhalations for colds (dry cough) and other bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • relieving eye inflammation (conjunctivitis);
  • normalization of the activity of the lymphatic and nervous systems;
  • whitening teeth and cleaning them from plaque;
  • elimination of inflammation and healing of burns;
  • relieving swelling of the legs;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • treatment of fungal infections of the feet and hands;
  • softening of keratinized skin (feet, elbows);
  • therapy of mycotic skin diseases;
  • antiseptic and antifungal effects;
  • cleansing the dermis of the face and scalp.

Only properly slaked soda with boiling water will allow you to get the most positive healing effect. It is through hot water The powder dissolves completely and acquires beneficial properties for humans.

How to extinguish soda with boiling water?

First of all, you need to boil water, and only then add it to the soda. Chemical changes in the structure of a substance occur exclusively after its interaction with boiling water.

  • Pour the substance into a glass, pour boiling water over it and stir thoroughly.
  • After chemical reaction Allow the solution to cool to room temperature and use directly for its intended purpose.

Each individual case requires its own recipes and dosages for preparation. For example, to prevent most diseases, the solution is made as follows:

  • 1/3 tsp. baking soda for 200-250 ml of water (you can use milk instead of water);
  • drink the solution in one gulp on an empty stomach 3 times a day;
  • from the 7th to the 10th day, increase the dose of soda by a third;
  • On the 20th day, increase the amount of soda to the maximum - 1 tsp. soda for the original volume of water.

Soda solution must be used only in accordance with the recommendations and rules:

  1. Wait for the reaction - the soda must hiss intensely (this indicates the correctness of the actions and suitability of the product).
  2. Drink the solution exclusively on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.
  3. The course of treatment should be started according to the indicated dosages.

Treatment prescriptions are selected individually, because... it all depends on the stage and course of the disease.

To minimize the specific taste of sodium, honey can be added to the solution.


It is very important before internal use of soda slaked with boiling water to carefully study the contraindications in order to prevent unpleasant consequences. Incorrect actions can lead to side effects:

  1. Increased acidity in the stomach.
  2. Deterioration of general condition.
  3. Burns of the mucous organs of the respiratory tract.
  4. Excessive gas formation and bloating;
  5. Metabolic disorders;
  6. Allergic reaction;
  7. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Like any drug that affects the human body, sodium bicarbonate has limitations for external and internal use. For example, it is prohibited to use tea soda during pregnancy and breastfeeding or while taking medications that reduce acidity and thin the blood. And also when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • ulcers and gastritis;
  • low/high acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alkalization of the body;
  • tendency to edema;
  • oncology stage 3-4.

The use of soda slaked in boiling water provides benefits to the body only if the recommended dosages are observed. Excessive proportions can provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Since the use of sodium bicarbonate as a medicine is unsafe, it is recommended to undergo examination before starting therapy. It is also necessary to consult with your doctor about individual contraindications.

Many housewives know that for fluffy baked goods you need to use soda and vinegar. What does slaked soda do? Due to the chemical reaction between these two substances, carbon dioxide is formed, which seems to “loose” the dough, making it fluffy and porous, so it is important not to make a mistake with the amount of soda. Excess can simply tear the final product, making it loose: the dough will rise quickly, but just as quickly it will fall and become gummy.

However, you may not always have vinegar on hand, so you will have to look for a way to replace it. How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? You can use many different products: lemon juice or ascorbic acid, which is familiar to many. By the way, the most delicious pancakes are made from dough in which soda is quenched with plain boiled water.

Why do you need baking soda at all?

Soda is a universal product. It is used for baking, for cleaning surfaces from dirt, and for sterilizing jars. Of course, many people successfully replace baking soda and vinegar with baking powder, but many prefer to cook the old fashioned way - it’s much more interesting. And the result in the end is much better.

However, you should not use baking soda alone, as it gives the dish a soapy taste. It must be extinguished in an acidic environment; most often the “accompaniment” is 9% vinegar.

It tastes quite sharp, so it is best used for savory baked goods, such as pies with meat fillings. For sweet options, apple cider vinegar is often used; it has a milder taste and does not spoil the finished dish.

Making cakes or muffins

For a delicious dessert, you must use baking soda and vinegar. But there are a number of rules here. For example, you cannot immediately extinguish pure soda: it is mixed with flour, vinegar is diluted with water, and then everything is combined together. Gradually, the soda reacts with vinegar and flour, creating a dough that has a beautiful texture.

However, you don’t always need to use 9% vinegar, and you can also do without apple cider vinegar. To do this, you need to make sure that the dough already contains oxidizing elements. For example, kefir or lemon juice.

Citric acid. How to use?

How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? The most common option is to use citric acid. In terms of its properties, this substance has much in common with vinegar, but is a milder analogue. That is, you can use it for sweet pastries, pancakes, and children's desserts.

How to extinguish soda with citric acid? It is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of ingredients. For example, for one teaspoon of baking soda there are one and a half teaspoons of citric acid.

Another great way is to dissolve the soda directly in the dough. This option provides excellent results - you get fluffy baked goods. To do this, take 5 g of soda, 3 g of citric acid and 12 g of flour. By combining these three components, you can get the baking powder familiar to many.

How can you extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? It can be replaced in the recipe with the well-known ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid tablets, which are familiar to many, need to be crushed into powder, and only then added to soda. You can dilute ascorbic acid slightly with water so that it reacts faster with the other ingredients.

Lemon is a natural acid for baking

How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? An excellent option that is an analogue of citric acid is regular lemon juice.

For 250 g of wheat flour you usually need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice.

You can extinguish soda with lemon in the same way as with vinegar. By the way, not many people know that putting soda on a spoon, pouring acid on top, and only then sending the whole mass into the dough is a bad idea. All processes for the formation of carbon dioxide take place outside the dough, so it will not be so fluffy.

How to extinguish soda correctly?

To properly prepare the dough, you need to separate the baking soda and lemon juice. They are mixed with the rest of the ingredients separately. What does it look like? Soda crystals are mixed with dry ingredients, such as flour, granulated sugar. Lemon juice is mixed with liquid ingredients, these can be eggs, water, milk, and so on. A similar method is used when using diluted citric acid or vinegar.

Soda and dairy products

Kefir is another great option for extinguishing soda other than vinegar. Another catalyst can be sour cream. The acid contained in fermented milk products also reacts well with soda.

To do this, you do not need to specially quench the soda; it is simply added to the dough, and during the kneading process both products react. A remarkable fact: if you use fermented milk products to prepare the dough, the dough becomes more porous.

Slaked soda with boiling water: recipe

In order to get something tasty choux pastry, boiling water is often used. It is this simple ingredient that extinguishes soda. To do this, just use half a glass of water per teaspoon of soda. The latter is placed in a glass, poured with boiling water, and then poured into the dough. Everything must be done as quickly as possible so that the dough does not curl and become porous.

What can you cook this way? Pancakes! To prepare one of the options for this baking you need to take:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 80 ml odorless vegetable oil;
  • 10 g soda;
  • 200 ml boiling water;
  • 30 g granulated sugar;
  • salt - about 10 g;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • berries for serving - to taste;
  • 600 ml milk.

To begin, break both eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt, add milk and beat everything with a mixer. It is worth noting that the amount of sugar can be changed to your taste: those who like a sweeter option can add it; for savory pancakes, this amount of granulated sugar is enough.

Add flour to the liquid mixture and mix as thoroughly as possible. Quench the soda with boiling water and add to the rest of the ingredients. Then add vegetable oil and mix. To prevent the dough from curdling, mix it thoroughly and quickly.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and bake thin pancakes frying them on both sides. The pancake dough should be liquid, but quite viscous, like liquid sour cream. The finished dish is decorated with berries to your liking. Sour cream can also be an excellent addition to pancakes.

When is it not necessary to extinguish soda?

Are there situations when extinguishing soda is not necessary at all? Yes. These include preparing preparations for winter period. Many housewives treat jars with baking soda before rolling up vegetables.

In this case, simply sprinkle the jars and then rinse thoroughly with boiling water. This combination perfectly corrodes and cleanses all contaminants. True, after this you still need to sterilize all the jars.

Without carbon dioxide, it is difficult to obtain baked goods that are truly porous in structure, which is why many housewives actively use baking soda.

Remember that using only this ingredient will add an unpleasant soapy taste and bitterness to your baked goods. It is for this reason that vinegar is traditionally used to extinguish soda, which helps to obtain delicious baked goods with an ideal dough structure.

We have already learned how to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar: citric acid is used, both in the form of crystals and in the form of lemon juice. It can also be replaced with ascorbic acid. An excellent option if you have nothing is boiling water.

By following these simple rules, you can always prepare delicious baked goods.

Properly prepared white powder, available to every housewife, will be an excellent ingredient for preparing fluffy and very tasty baked goods. It is this that can replace baking powder, giving the flour mass a light and porous structure.

Properly extinguishing baking soda means using the correct proportions, as well as adhering to certain rules for the procedure. This will avoid spoiled products, appearance and the taste of which kills any desire to feast on, and receive stunning masterpieces curvaceous. If you don’t know how to extinguish soda and what substances can be used for this, be sure to check out the recipes I offer.

Absolutely every woman knows perfectly well that sodium bicarbonate is an excellent leavening agent for dough and can be used in baking. Have you ever thought that expensive baking mixtures contain sodium bicarbonate, as well as additional components, which are chemical additives? Knowing how to extinguish soda, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and do not harm your own health by eliminating the use of components harmful to the body.

When preparing cakes, pancakes, as well as pies and even pastries, you should use baking soda, but not in its pure form. In these cases it should be extinguished. Many people think that this allows you to remove the taste of soda in baked goods, and this procedure is not at all necessary. But this opinion is partly erroneous. The soapy and unpleasant aftertaste is indeed eliminated, but it should also be remembered that it is the interaction of sodium bicarbonate and the acidic environment that makes baked goods incredibly tasty, light and airy.

If you quench soda correctly, a decomposition reaction will occur, breaking up the substance into components such as:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • water;
  • salt.

The appearance of gas allows the dough to loosen and acquire the qualities necessary for baking. Thanks to the chemical reaction leading to its production, the dough becomes more elastic, airy-soft and very tasty.

If the “white powder” does not interact with the acidic environment, you will not get the desired effect. In this regard, I recommend that you read the information on how to extinguish soda, what products are needed for this and how important it is to maintain the proportions.

How to extinguish soda?

Everyone knows that you can extinguish baking soda using lemon, as well as vinegar. But you will be surprised - these are not all the ingredients that can be used to “start a reaction.”

In addition to vinegar and lemon, you can use products such as:

  • Kefir;
  • Sour cream;
  • Citric acid.

You can also use other ingredients containing acid, including honey, which contains an increased level of acidity (in this case, baking soda is added to the flour, and honey is combined with the liquid components and added to the dry composition, after which a reaction will occur).

When using vinegar, it is better to give preference to the apple or grape version, which are softer than the table product. They also do not have an overly pungent odor and are endowed with a more pleasant taste.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar?

There are several methods for extinguishing soda with vinegar. We suggest considering each of them, which will allow you to choose the most suitable option for baking.

Grandmother's technique

Personally, I consider it outdated:

  • The powder is placed on a spoon or other small container, then vinegar is added.
  • When the reaction is complete, the finished substance should be added to the flour mixture. As a result of this, the carbon dioxide that should “work out” in the baked goods and fluff it flies into the air, but an insignificant result can still be obtained.
  • The proportions of the components are determined “by eye”.
  • If some part of the soda “did not react” due to insufficient addition of an acidic medium, then in the dough, under the influence of other acidic components, it will certainly complete the process.

Slightly improved grandmother's technique:

  • Baking soda is placed into the combined liquid ingredients;
  • Vinegar is added in small drops.
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed and after the reaction is completed, added to the flour mass.

In this case, a large volume of carbon dioxide will remain in the dough.

Modern version

It is better to extinguish soda with vinegar using this step-by-step recipe:

  • add bicarbonate to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly;
  • combine vinegar with liquid ingredients (eggs, sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • combine the two compositions and knead the dough.

In this case, the reaction of the powder will take place directly in the flour mass and carbon dioxide will remain in the dough.


It is important to follow the proportions indicated in a specific recipe. If there are no specific instructions, then in most cases use:

  • soda in the amount of 1 tsp. (taken without a slide);
  • vinegar (volume depends on the type used) - 1/2 part of the volume of soda used (9% substance).

If balsamic vinegar (grape vinegar) or essence (70 percent product) is used, then the proportions will be completely different. When using balsamic type, you should adhere to the following proportions:

  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 4 teaspoons (in most cases, this liquid is within the 6 percent mark).

How to extinguish soda with citric acid

If you don’t have vinegar on hand, you can extinguish soda with citric acid. By baking without vinegar, you can avoid a sour and harsh aftertaste. For the test you will need to prepare the composition according to the following recipe:

  • filtered water - 60 ml;
  • baking soda - 12 gr.;
  • citric acid - 12 gr. (connects with the previously mentioned volume of liquid).

The prepared liquid compositions should be combined, then added to the dough and mixed thoroughly.

Instead of loose crystalline powder, you can use lemon juice. To do this, take the required amount of baking soda, squeeze out the lemon, and combine these substances. The amount of ingredients is used in proportions of 1:2.

How to extinguish soda with kefir or sour cream?

When planning to make cookies or a pie, you should also know how to extinguish soda.

You can achieve the effect of incredible airiness and fluffiness very easily if the dough is prepared with dairy products (sour cream, kefir). To do this, just add sodium bicarbonate directly to the dough, where the reaction will occur when the acidic ingredients “collide.” But how to extinguish soda with kefir if such an ingredient is not in the dough? It's very simple:

  • take kefir – 1 tbsp;
  • add the required volume of soda (1 tsp);
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • combine the mixture with the dough.

In the same way, you can extinguish soda with sour cream.

Is it possible to extinguish soda with water?

Sometimes it is prohibited to use citric acid and vinegar in a nutritional diet due to health reasons. If you are faced with just such a situation, then you can extinguish the soda with water that is intended for drinking. It is important to use boiling water, since only in this case a reaction similar to interaction with vinegar will occur.

As you can see, getting fluffy baked goods is not at all difficult. To do this, it is not necessary to use expensive baking powder and yeast, working with which takes a huge amount of time. Try the above-mentioned recipes and working with the dough will give you incredible pleasure, because the prepared masterpieces will captivate everyone and will be eaten instantly!

The video shows an NTV report on how best to extinguish soda.

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