Celestial sphere. Points and lines of the celestial sphere Boundaries in the sky

Perennials 24.03.2023

Daily rotation of the celestial sphere Daily rotation of the celestial sphere is the apparent movement of the luminaries occurring due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Mundi axis The mundi axis is the axis around which the daily rotation of the celestial sphere occurs. The celestial poles (north and south) The celestial poles (north and south) are the points of intersection of the axis of the world and the celestial sphere.

Celestial Meridian The Celestial Meridian is a large circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the points zenith, nadir, celestial poles, north and south. Divides the celestial sphere into eastern and western halves. Declination circles Declination circles are arcs of circles connecting the poles of the world. Altitude circles Altitude circles are arcs of circles connecting the zenith and nadir points.

Elements of the celestial sphere Celestial sphere - The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of arbitrary radius with a center at the observation point. Plumb line A plumb line is a line passing through the observer and the center of the Earth. Zenith and Nadir Zenith and Nadir are points formed at the intersection of a plumb line and the celestial sphere. True (mathematical) horizon True (mathematical) horizon is a great circle of the celestial sphere perpendicular to a plumb line. Tangent to the surface of the Earth. Divides the celestial sphere into visible and hidden halves. The noon line The noon line is a line connecting the points south and north of the true horizon. Daily rotation of the celestial sphere Daily rotation of the celestial sphere is the apparent movement of the luminaries occurring due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Mundi axis The mundi axis is the axis around which the daily rotation of the celestial sphere occurs. The axis of the world is parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth and coincides with it only at the poles of the Earth. The celestial poles (north and south) The celestial poles (north and south) are the points of intersection of the axis of the world and the celestial sphere. Celestial equator The celestial equator is a large circle of the celestial sphere perpendicular to the axis of the world. Divides the celestial sphere into northern and southern halves. Crosses the true horizon at the east and west points. Celestial Meridian The Celestial Meridian is a large circle of the celestial sphere, passing through the points zenith, nadir, celestial poles, north and south. Divides the celestial sphere into eastern and western halves. Declination circles Declination circles are arcs of circles connecting the poles of the world. Altitude circles Altitude circles are arcs of circles connecting the zenith and nadir points. Ecliptic The ecliptic is a large circle of the celestial sphere along which the apparent annual movement of the Sun passes. Crosses the celestial equator at an angle of 23.50 at the points of spring and autumn equilibrium. Theorem about the height of the celestial pole - the height of the celestial pole is geographic latitude terrain.


The inclination of the world axis to the plumb line is 23°30ʹ
eye of the observer
plumb line
Z – zenith
Zʹ – nadir
noon line
N – north point
S – south point
E – point of east
W – west point
horizon plane
axis mundi
Р, Рʹ – poles of the world
celestial meridian


The inclination of the ecliptic to the celestial equator is 23°30ʹ
celestial equator
Q, Qʹ – plane
ecliptic –
line along
– spring point
– point of autumn
– summer point
– point of winter


Through the point
The sun goes out
southern hemisphere
celestial sphere in
northern (March 21).
Through the autumn point
The sun goes out
celestial hemisphere
spheres to the south
(September 21).

June 22
March 21, September 23
December 22

distanced from the points
at 90°.

Position of a point on the celestial sphere

Position of any point
on the globe
described by latitude φ
and longitude λ.
The position of the stars on
celestial sphere
described by declination δ
and right ascension α


For equatorial coordinates, the main planes
serve as the plane of the celestial equator and the plane of declination.
Right ascension α is counted from the spring point
equinox in the direction opposite to the diurnal
rotation of the celestial sphere. Right ascension is usually
counted in hours, minutes and seconds of time, but
sometimes in degrees.
Declination δ is expressed in degrees,
minutes and seconds.
The celestial equator divides the sky
sphere to the north and south
hemispheres. Declinations of stars
northern hemisphere can be from
0° to 90°, and the southern hemisphere - from
0° to – 90°.
The height of the celestial pole above the horizon
determined by geographic
latitude of observation location:
hP = φ


All the stars move across the sky,
making one revolution per day.
This is due to the rotation of the Earth.
Lower climax
There are stars
those coming in and
rising on this
latitude of the observation location,
as well as non-ascending and


A constellation is a section of the sky
sphere, the boundaries of which are defined
special decision
International Astronomical
union (MAS). Total in heaven
There are 88 constellations in the sphere. Borders between
these strictly defined areas
the sky is conditional, they have no
physical meaning.
The stars that make up the bucket
Ursa Major, in
space located
very far from each other and
no associated group
do not form




Big Dipper

Big Dog



The movement of the Earth around the Sun and
apparent annual motion of the Sun along the ecliptic

The apparent annual path of the Sun passes through thirteen constellations:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius, Pisces.
By ancient tradition only twelve of them are called zodiacal.
The constellation Ophiuchus is not considered a zodiac constellation.

Zodiac constellations

Coordinates of the Sun on December 22 α =
18 h; δ =-23°27´
What constellation is it in on this day?
2. Determine the coordinates of Sirius (α
Canis Major) the brightest and most
close to Earth.
3. τ Cetus is most similar to the Sun.
4. ß Orion (Rigel) the most distant

In which constellations are the stars whose coordinates are: 1. α = 4 h 33 ´; δ =+16°25´ 2. α = 16 h 26 ´ ; δ =-26°19´ 3. α = 20 h

40´; δ = + 45°06´

Planetary nebula
M57 in the constellation Lyra -
remnant from a supernova explosion.

Located in the constellation Andromeda
the famous nebula M31 –
large galaxy closest to ours.
The number of stars is about 300 billion.
The distance is more than 2 million light years.

Located in the constellation Orion
gas nebula M42.

In the constellation Taurus
there is a famous
star cluster
Pleiades (M45).

Planetary orbits
lie approximately
in one plane,
therefore, when observing
from Earth it seems that
all the planets are moving
according to zodiac constellations.
The speeds of the planets are different,
therefore in the sky of the Earth
planets sometimes move
backwards and describe the loops.

Apparent motion of Mars
among the stars
from June to December 2003,
during a period of great conflict.
The track of Uranus is visible nearby.


1. How does the geocentric system of the world differ from
2. What is parsec?
3. What is 1 parsec equal to?
4. At what distance from the Earth is
Mercury, Saturn?

1. Glowing gas (plasma) balls similar to the Sun
2. Constellation April
3. Constellation between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor
4. Star Vega in the constellation...
4. Constellation similar to the letter M
6. Constellation of July


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Astronomy is the science of the Universe, studying the structure, origin and development of celestial bodies and systems.

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1. Aristotle in the 4th century. BC e. believed that the Earth was in the center of the world, and the Sun, Moon, and stars were attached to transparent crystal spheres and revolved around it. Observing eclipses of the Moon, he concluded that the Earth has a spherical shape. The earthly world, according to Aristotle, consists of earth, air, water and fire. The heavenly world consists of a special substance - plenea, a kind of ether.

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2. In the II century. n. e. The Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, based on the ideas of Aristotle and other scientists, created a geocentric system of the world. According to Ptolemy's theory, the number of celestial spheres is 55. The geocentric system of the world could not explain the movement of the planets and a number of other observed phenomena.

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3. N. Copernicus in 1543 published the book “On the Revolution of the Heavenly Circles,” in which he showed that the movement of celestial bodies can be easily explained on the basis of the heliocentric system of the world, according to which the Sun is at the center of the world. Copernicus and his students made calculations of the future positions of celestial bodies, which turned out to be quite accurate. The teachings of Copernicus were rejected Catholic Church, who saw in it a contradiction with the Bible, which stated that man is at the center of the Universe.

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4. Giordano Bruno added a number of new ideas to the teachings of Copernicus. According to Bruno, there are many solar-like systems in the Universe. Planets revolve around stars. Stars are born and die, so life in the Universe is endless. Giordano Bruno was declared a heretic, hid for several years, and the Inquisition lured him to Italy by deception. Giordano Bruno was demanded to renounce his views, but he continued to insist on the justice of his ideas and on February 17, 1600 he was executed in Rome. This execution not only did not stop the spread of Bruno's ideas, but, on the contrary, aroused great public interest in them.

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5. In 1557, the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe discovered errors in Copernicus' calculations. In 1577 he calculated the positions of comets. The results he obtained also contradicted Ptolemy’s theory, according to which comets appear in the empty space between the Moon and the Earth. Tycho Brahe created a planetary system and compiled a large catalog of fixed stars. To help with the calculations, he invited Johannes Kepler and set him the task of determining the trajectory of the planets.

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6. After the death of Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler continued to work on analyzing the huge amount of observational results that Brahe left him. In 1619, he published a work in which three famous laws (Kepler's laws) were formulated.

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7. On November 10, 1619, in Bavaria, Rene Descartes decided to create analytical geometry and use mathematical methods in philosophy. He expressed the main principle of his philosophy with the following well-known aphorism: “I think, therefore I exist.” Any expressed ideas, according to Descartes, are true if they are clear and definite. He viewed the entire Universe as a mechanism. God created matter and endowed it with movement, after which the world began to develop according to the laws of mechanics. From a world consisting of material particles, Descartes created the Copernican Universe as we observe it. So, by the middle of the 16th century. The universe has gone from closed to open, mostly empty, in which particles move and collide, and between two collisions they move at a constant speed.

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8. In 1632, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei published the book “Dialogue on the two most important systems of the world - Ptolemaic and Copernican.” In this book, Copernicus's heliocentric system clearly defeated Ptolemy's geocentric system. Galileo himself was a supporter of the heliocentric system, since his observations of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter using the telescope he created showed the presence of satellites of Jupiter, the existence of phases of Venus similar to the lunar ones, and the fact that the Sun rotates around an axis. All his observations showed that the Earth does not have any special advantages, but behaves in the same way as other planets. Galileo was summoned to the Inquisition, where, under pain of torture and execution, he renounced the “heresy”, strict supervision was established over him, and he could no longer engage in research. (In 1982, Pope John Paul admitted the church's mistake and cleared Galileo of all charges.)

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9. The final triumph of the heliocentric system came after I. Newton’s discovery of the law of universal gravitation. Based on this law, it was possible to derive Kepler's laws and give an accurate description of the movement of celestial bodies.

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10. But, despite the harmony and argumentation of Newton’s theory, there was a phenomenon that confirmed doubts about the daily rotation of the Earth. If the Earth rotated, the position of the stars would have to change. However, there seemed to be no change. The first experimental proof of the Earth's motion around the Sun was made in 1725 by the English astronomer James Bradley. He discovered the displacement of stars. Stars shift from their average position by 20" in the direction of the Earth's velocity vector (the phenomenon of light aberration). In 1837, Russian astronomer V.Ya. Struve measured the annual parallax of the star Vega, which made it possible to determine the Earth's rotation speed. Currently, no one has The fact of the Earth's rotation around its own axis and its rotation around the Sun is doubtful. On the basis of these facts, many phenomena occurring on Earth are explained.

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11. The most active development of astronomy occurred in the twentieth century. This was facilitated by the creation of high-resolution optical and radio telescopes, as well as the possibility of research from artificial Earth satellites, which made it possible to conduct observations outside the atmosphere. It was in the twentieth century. the world of galaxies was discovered. The study of the spectra of galaxies allowed E. Hubble (1929) to detect the general expansion of the Universe predicted by A.A. Friedman (1922) based on A. Einstein’s theory of gravity. New types of cosmic bodies were discovered: radio galaxies, quasars, pulsars, etc. The foundations of the theory of stellar evolution and cosmogony were also developed solar system. The largest achievement of astrophysics of the twentieth century. became relativistic cosmology - the theory of the evolution of the Universe as a whole.

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Otto Yulievich Schmidt (1891 - 1956) - Russian scientist, statesman, one of the organizers of the development of the Northern Sea Route. He was the organizer and leader of many expeditions to the North Pole, in particular, expeditions on the Sedov (1929 - 1930), Sibiryakov (1932), Chelyuskin (1933 - 1934), an air expedition to organize the drifting station SP-1 "(1937). He developed a cosmogonic hypothesis for the formation of solar system bodies as a result of condensation of a circumsolar gas-dust cloud. Works on higher algebra (group theory). In 1935 O.Yu. Schmidt was elected academician from 1935 to 1942. was vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1937 he was awarded the title Hero Soviet Union. In 1932 - 1939 was the head of the Main Northern Sea Route. The enormous merit of O.Yu. Schmidt was the creation of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, of which he was the founder and editor-in-chief from 1924 to 1942.

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Fred Hoyle (b. 1915) - English astrophysicist. Works on stellar and planetary cosmogony, theories internal structure and evolution of stars, cosmology. Hoyle is the author of many science fiction works.

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Astrometry is the science of measuring space and time. Theoretical astronomy provides methods for determining the orbits of celestial bodies from their apparent positions, and methods for calculating ephemeris from the known elements of their orbits. Celestial mechanics - studies the laws of motion of celestial bodies under the influence of the forces of universal gravity, determines the masses and shape of celestial bodies and the stability of their systems. Astrophysics - studies the structure, physical properties And chemical composition celestial objects. Stellar astronomy - studies the patterns of spatial distribution and movement of stars, stellar systems and interstellar matter. Cosmogony - examines questions of the origin and evolution of celestial bodies. Cosmology - studies the general laws of the structure and development of the Universe.

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On a dark night we can see about 2500 stars in the sky, which differ in brightness and color. It seems they are attached to the celestial sphere and revolve around the Earth with it. To navigate among them, the sky was divided into 88 constellations. In the 2nd century BC. Hipparchus divided stars according to their brightness into stellar magnitudes, he classified the brightest as stars of the first magnitude, and the faintest, barely visible with the naked eye, as stars of the sixth magnitude. A special place among the constellations is occupied by 12 zodiacal ones, through which the annual path of the Sun passes - the ecliptic.

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Constellations are a set of bright stars connected into shapes named after characters from ancient myths and legends, animals or objects.

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The stars of the constellations are designated by letters of the Greek alphabet. α is the brightest star in the constellation; β - less bright; γ - less bright than β; δ, ε, ζ, etc. In some constellations the most bright stars have proper names, for example, Vega (α-star in the constellation Lyra), Deneb (α-star in the constellation Cygnus).

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Celestial sphere. An imaginary sphere of large radius, the center of which is the observer.

On the celestial sphere we see objects as luminous points. We only see the Sun and Moon as disks.

Blank No. 1. We work with this blank, mark the main points, lines and circles on it.

As a result, we get such a celestial sphere with the parameters marked on it.

Basic lines, circles and points of the celestial sphere (know and be able to show). Observer vertical (plumb line). Zenit, nadir. True (mathematical) horizon. Axis of the world. Poles of the world. Celestial meridian. Celestial equator. Almucantarat. Vernal equinox point.

Celestial coordinate systems are used to determine the position of luminaries on the celestial sphere. Horizontal coordinate system - indicates the position of the luminary relative to the true horizon. Azimuth is part of the arc from the point of south to the vertical of the luminary. Denoted by the letter A, measured in degrees (from 0 to 360), counted clockwise. The height of a luminary is the angle (part of an arc) between the plane of the true horizon and a straight line drawn from the center of the celestial sphere to the luminary. Denoted by the letter h, measured in degrees (from 0 to 90).

On blank No. 2 we will construct the azimuth and altitude of the star.

Celestial coordinate systems are used to determine the position of luminaries on the celestial sphere. Equatorial coordinate system - indicates the position of the star relative to the celestial equator. Declination is the angular distance from the star to the celestial equator. It is counted along a circle drawn through the star and the poles of the world. It is considered positive for luminaries located north of the celestial equator, and negative for luminaries located south of the celestial equator.

Celestial coordinate systems are used to determine the position of luminaries on the celestial sphere. Equatorial coordinate system - indicates the position of the star relative to the celestial equator. Right ascension is measured along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox. Right ascension is counted in the direction opposite to the rotation of the celestial sphere. In astronomy, right ascension is expressed not in degrees, but in hours.

Celestial sphere

When we observe the sky, all astronomical objects appear to be located on a dome-shaped surface, in the center of which the observer is located.

This imaginary dome forms the upper half of an imaginary sphere called the "celestial sphere."

Elements of the celestial sphere

P – north celestial pole

True horizon

N – north point

S – south point

Celestial meridian

R ' – south celestial pole

Noon Line

Z’ - nadir

The celestial sphere plays a fundamental role in indicating the position of astronomical objects.

Horizontal coordinates

In a horizontal coordinate system, the position of an object is determined relative to the horizon and relative to the direction south (S).

Vertical – circle of height

Horizontal coordinates

The position of the star M is determined by its height h (angular distance from the horizon along the great circle - vertical) and azimuth A (angular distance measured to the west from the point south to the vertical).

Height varies: from 0 ° up to +90 ° (above the horizon) from 0 ° up to -90 ° (below the horizon)

Azimuth changes: from 0 ° up to 360 °

Climaxes of celestial bodies

Moving around the axis of the world, the luminaries describe daily parallels.

The culmination is the passage of the luminary through the celestial meridian.

Climaxes of celestial bodies

During the day there are two climaxes: upper and lower

The non-setting luminary has both culminations above the horizon. The non-rising star has both culminations below the horizon.

But for some astronomy problems, the coordinate system must be independent of the observer’s position and time of day. Such a system is called “equatorial”.

Equatorial coordinates

Due to the rotation of the Earth, stars constantly move relative to the horizon and cardinal points, and their coordinates in the horizontal system change.

Celestial equator


α – right ascension

Vernal equinox point

Declension circle

Equatorial coordinates

Ecliptic - the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere.

Equatorial coordinates

The "declination" of a star is measured by its angular distance north or south of the celestial equator.

"Right ascension" is measured from the vernal equinox to the star's declination circle.

"Right Ascension" varies from 0 ° up to 360 ° or from 0 to 24 hours.


The Earth's rotation axis is tilted approximately 23.5° relative to the perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.

The intersection of this plane with the celestial sphere gives a circle - the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun over a year.


Every year in June, the Sun rises high in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, where the days become long and the nights short.

Having moved to the opposite side orbits in December, in our north the days become short and the nights long.


The Sun travels through the entire ecliptic in a year, moving 1 ° , having visited each of the 12 zodiac constellations for a month.

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