Invasion of Persian troops into Hellas (Greece). Invasion of Persian troops into Hellas Invasion of Persian troops

Fruits and berries 30.07.2021
Fruits and berries

Lesson plan on the topic:

"Invasion of Persian troops in Hellas"

Lesson objectives:


    formation and development of skills that allow you to work with text, with historical map in class

    analyze historical source


    formation of generalization skills

    use of displayed information in various sign systems - table, map, audiovisual series


    development of cognitive activity

    ability to communicate in groups

Expected results:


    They will learn to determine the reasons for the victories of the Greeks, evaluate the results of wars, and characterize the personalities of Xerxes and Themistocles;

    Get the opportunity to learn to analyze opinions, events, draw your own conclusions, and defend your own point of view with reason.


    Cognitive: will complement and expand knowledge about the Greco-Persian wars (Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis), search for the necessary information;

    Communication: apply the rule of business cooperation, take part in collective discussion;

    Personal: will keep you motivated educational activities will show interest in new things educational material, evaluate their own educational activities.

Solvable educational problems : Why were the Greeks able to win the Greco-Persian wars?

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation for the lesson “Invasion of Persian troops in Hellas.”

Lesson progress:

I.Organizational moment.

II.Creating a problematic situation. Formulating the problem. Versions.

    What threat loomed over Greece at the beginning of the 5th century? BC? Prove that this threat was great. (Invasion of the Persians. Huge army.)

    Was there still a danger of invasion after the victory in the Battle of Marathon? Why? (The Persians wanted to take revenge, punish the Greeks for the victory at Marathon and enslave them.)

    What year was the Battle of Marathon?

    Was Persia still a strong power? Was Greece strong?

(Yes. Persia is a great power uniting many nations. Greece is divided)

    Judging by the strengths of the warring parties, what should be the results of the Greco-Persian wars? But the Greeks won.

Problem: Why were the Greeks able to win the Greco-Persian wars?

Any versions, guesses? Write them down in short phrases.

The teacher writes on the board:

The Greeks united;

New military tactics, the emergence of a fleet;

The Art of Generals;

Courage, heroism, etc.

III.Updating knowledge. Activity planning:

Conversation about the features of Greek democracy.

What do we need to know? (new events in the life of the Greeks, how they prepared for wars, results and significance)

Plan for learning new material.

1.Preparing Greece for a new war with the Persians.

2.Invasion of Xerxes’ troops into Greece.

3.Fight in Thermopylae Gorge.

4.Battle of Salamis.

Finding a solution to the problem.

Independent work with the textbook text. Study the actions of Themistocles.

Expressing opinions.

Many Greeks considered the defeat of the Persians at Marathon to be the end of the war, but the most far-sighted of them thought otherwise. To defend their independence, Greek cities needed to forget about internal strife, unite their forces and create one large powerful army. During these years, an intelligent and energetic citizen of Athens, Themistocles, emerged. He was a participant in the Battle of Marathon and well understood that the Persians would soon invade Greece again. Speaking at the People's Assembly, he said: “Our homeland - Hellas - is divided into dozens of states that often fight with each other. To defeat the Persians, the Greeks must forget mutual enmity and unite." Themistocles traveled to different cities in Greece, and eventually the military alliance he called for was created. The command of the united army was entrusted to the Spartans, since they had the best infantry. The creation of the fleet is associated with the name of Themistocles. Speaking at a public meeting, he said:

If the Persian king moves towards Hellas with his main forces, we will not be able to defeat him on land. Our salvation lies in the creation of a powerful fleet, because the Hellenes are better than other peoples at sailing ships and fighting at sea.

But where to get the money to build a fleet? - asked the Athenians.

“You all know,” answered Themistocles, “that in the south of Attica there are silver mines belonging to the Athenian state. Usually we divide the mined silver among all citizens. I propose to refuse this money and build warships with it.

The People's Assembly accepted Themistocles' proposal, and by the beginning new war with the Persians the Athenians had two hundred triremes. The trireme was a shallow-draft ship with three rows of oars. The sails played a supporting role: before the battle they were usually removed by the trireme, thanks to the coordinated actions of 180 oarsmen and a helmsman, it developed speed for those times (up to 18 km), was mobile, capable of making sharp turns, passing through narrow straits without running aground.

Students are provided with images of a trireme on the screen.

The following questions are suggested:

    What measures to prepare for a new war with the Persians were carried out at the suggestion of Themistocles?

    What is the essence of uniting the Greek city-states into a single army?

2.Invasion of Xerxes’ troops into Greece.

A new campaign against Greece was organized by Xerxes, who became king after the death of Darius. This happened 10 years after the Battle of Marathon. Xerxes had many ships and countless troops recruited from conquered peoples. A huge army of Persians set out from the city of Sardis and Asia Minor. It approached the Hellespont Strait. (which two parts of Eurasia are separated by the strait?). By order of Xerxes, a bridge more than a kilometer long was built. But a strong storm arose and destroyed the bridge. Xerxes was furious, he ordered the execution of the bridge builders, flogging the disobedient sea with whips and, as punishment, lowering iron chains into it. Other craftsmen built a new bridge. They placed 360 ships close to each other at anchors and tied them together for strength. The crossing to the European coast lasted seven days.

Then the army moved along the European coast, and a fleet walked along the coast (Persian ships were heavy and clumsy, adapted for sailing on the open sea). The army was followed by a convoy with food. Xerxes' army invaded northern Greece and began to occupy region after region. The Greeks did not dare to open battle. The only passage between northern and central Greece was Thermopylae. The narrow Thermopylae passage was convenient to defend: to the left of the Greeks almost sheer cliffs rose up, and to the right there was a cliff to the sea. The Greeks built defensive walls and towers. Xerxes was informed that the united Greek army had occupied the Thermopylae Gorge and blocked the Persians' further path. Students are given map No. 1 on the screen. The invasion of Xerxes’ troops into Greece.

Working with a historical map:

    Which two parts of Eurasia are separated by the Hellespont?

    Show the borders of the Persian state before the start of the war?

    List the Greek city-states that adopted active participation in the war with Persia?

Physical education.

Work in groups:

1 gr.: Battle of Thermopylae.

2 gr.: Salamis battle.

3. Battle in the Thermopylae Gorge (students’ story).

The Greek commanders sent a detachment to Thermopylae with only a few thousand soldiers. Commanded him Spartan king Leonid. He directed the actions of his warriors so skillfully that a huge army of Persians tried for four whole days to conquer the gorge, which was defended only by a small detachment. The Persian soldiers, gripped by fear, ceased to obey their commanders, and they were driven into the attack by blows of whips. Xerxes was furious: his vast army was being defeated.

Students are given fragments on the screen from Herodotus’s work “History” about the Battle of Thermopylae to analyze the historical source.

VII.212...The barbarians attacked in the belief that, given the small number of enemies, they would all be wounded and would not be able to resist, but the Hellenes fought in succession, except for the Phocians. The Phocians were sent to guard the mountain path.

213. Meanwhile, the Persian king did not know what to do. Then a certain Epialtes came to him and, for a reward, showed the Persians the path leading through the mountains to Thermopylae, and thereby destroyed the Hellenes who were there.

220. Leonidas sent his allies to save them from death. It is not appropriate for him and his Spartans to leave the place to protect which he was sent...

222...only the Thespians and Thebans remained with the Lacedaemonians. The Hellenes knew about the certain death that threatened them from the enemy who had bypassed the mountain. Therefore, they showed the greatest military valor and fought the enemy with desperate and insane courage.

To analyze a historical source, it is proposed to use a reminder for working with the text.

    Read the text

    Divide the text into parts and highlight the main idea in each

    Read the text a second time and check that all the main ideas are reflected in the outline

    Write the resulting plan in your notebook

Not a single Spartan survived. The Greeks remembered the feat of the Spartans for many centuries. At the site of the battle, they erected a monument, on the pedestal of which they placed the lines of their best poet, dedicated to the fallen heroes:

O traveler, tell the Spartans about our death:

True to our laws, we died here as bones.

The monument was crowned by the figure of a seated lion as a reminder of the Spartan king Leonidas, whose name means “like a lion.” The heroic death of the defenders of the Thermopylae Gorge in 480 BC. e. became a symbol of military courage in world history.

4. Battle of Salamis (students’ story).

Having captured Thermopylae, the Persian army rushed deep into Greece. The Greek commanders understood that the city would not be able to withstand a long siege by a powerful army. Therefore, by decision of the People's Assembly, the inhabitants of the city were transported to the island of Salamis under the protection of the Greek fleet. When the Persians entered Athens, the city was empty. Then Xerxes' soldiers put him to the fire. The Greeks did not consider themselves defeated. Their army and navy were preserved. Themistocles believed that first of all it was necessary to destroy the strong Persian fleet. Therefore, the battle had to take place at sea in the narrow Strait of Salamis. There was enough space for light and fast Greek triremes, but the bulky Persian ships could not move freely there. The naval victory of the Greeks was to decide the fate of the entire war.

However, the Greeks doubted that Themistocles was right. Then Themistocles decided to resort to cunning. He secretly sent a scout warrior to the Persian camp. He was supposed to tell Xerxes supposedly true information that the Greek fleet was going to leave the island of Salamis. The Persian king believed the report and ordered to block the path of the Greek ships. The exits from the Strait of Salamis were closed by Persian ships. The battle in the Strait of Salamis became inevitable.

The presentation and plan of the battle is presented on the slide.

Realizing that he had been defeated, Xerxes feared that the Greeks would cut off his path back to Persia. In Greece he left only a few detachments led by experienced commanders. The vicinity of the city of Plataea was chosen as the site of the battle. The Greek army was commanded by the outstanding Spartan military leader Pausanias. The Battle of Plataea ended the war between the Greeks and the Persians on the Balkan Peninsula. Victory in the wars did not go to the Greeks by chance. The unity of the Greek city-states helped defeat a terrible enemy who far outnumbered them in strength.

IV.Reinforcing new material:

Exercise:Students fill out the time line.

Expressing a solution to a problem.

What conclusion can we draw about the problem? Have we solved the problem of the lesson? Which versions have been confirmed?

5.Instruction homework : paragraph 35, answer the questions.

6 .Creative task: Imagine yourself as an Athenian craftsman turned trireme oarsman or warrior. Describe how the night before the Battle of Salamis went. What role did your ship play in the battle? Pupils do work in groups. After preparation, children “defend” their work.

7. Reflection of activity: summing up, voicing and giving reasons for assessments.

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Invasion of Persian troops in Hellas

Plan: 1. Preparing the Hellenes for a new war. 2. Persian invasion of Hellas. 3. Battle in the Fermopylae Gorge. 4. Battle of Salamis.

Themistocles, years of life 524-459. BC e., - an Athenian statesman and military leader, supported the idea of ​​​​creating a large navy, which allowed Athens to turn into a powerful maritime power. 1. Preparation of the Hellenes for a new war.

Themistocles urged the Athenians to immediately build ships. He persuaded his fellow citizens not to divide all the silver produced by the Athenian state among themselves, but to give it to the construction of ships. The Athenians built 200 triremes in a short time. A trireme is a shallow-draft ship with three rows of oars.

The trireme was a shallow-draft ship with three rows of oars. The sails played a supporting role: they were removed before the battle. Thanks to 180 oarsmen, the trireme could reach speeds of up to 80 km. per hour

Thirty Hellenic states, thanks to the efforts of Themistocles, created a military alliance to fight the Persians.

2. Persian invasion of Hellas. After the death of Darius, his son Xerxes became the head of the Persian state.

In 480 BC. Xerxes led his troops to Hellas. Most of his troops consisted of conquered peoples. Look at the map and determine into which two parts the strait divides Eurasia.

A huge Persian army set out from the city of Sardis and Asia Minor. It approached the Hellespont Strait (Dardanelles). By order of Xerxes, a bridge more than a kilometer long was built, but a storm destroyed the bridge. For this, Xerxes ordered the builders to be executed and the sea to be whipped. And a new bridge was built.

360 ships were anchored close to each other and tied together. The crossing to the European coast lasted seven days.

3. Battle in the Thermopylae Gorge. The only route leading from Northern Greece to Central Greece was the narrow Thermopylae Passage. It was easy to defend: almost sheer cliffs rose up to the left of the Greeks, and to the right there was a cliff to the sea. The Greeks built defensive walls and towers.

The united army under the command of the Spartan king Leonidas was held back by the Persian troops for three days, but on the third day the traitor showed how to go along the mountain paths to the rear of the Greeks. Leonidas ordered everyone to retreat, while he himself remained with three hundred Spartans to cover the retreat of the Greek troops.

“O stranger, tell the Spartans about our death: true to our laws, we died here as bones.”

4. Battle of Salamis.

By decision of the national assembly, the inhabitants of Athens moved to the island of Salamis under the protection of the fleet. Men capable of carrying weapons entered the ships.

Monument on the island of Salamis.

Independent work. Read the article, look at the map of the Battle of Salamis. Make a battle plan. Prepare a story about the battle.

Consolidation of the studied material. We continue the table “Greco-Persian Wars”. What were the consequences of the Greek victories over the Persians? D.Z. paragraph – 35 answer the questions at the end of the paragraph.

What was decisive in the Greek victory over the invincible Persian army?

1. The march of the army of King Xerxes. It took 10 years before the Persians could begin a new campaign against Greece. It was headed by King Xerxes, who replaced Darius.

In 480 BC. e. Xerxes' army moved to Hellas by land, and a huge fleet accompanied it along the seashore. To cross to the European shore, it was necessary to build a bridge across the Hellespont Strait. The army was so large that, according to Herodotus, “the march of the royal army lasted seven days and seven nights without rest.” Now that the Persians were threatening Greek independence,
Many policies acted against them. The supreme command was entrusted to Sparta.

2. Battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks decided to repel the Persians at the Thermopylae Pass, through which they could penetrate into Central Greece. The mountains in this place come close to the sea, and the narrow passage is easy to defend. It was defended by several thousand Greeks, including a detachment of 300 Spartans. The army was commanded by the Spartan king Leonidas. There were many times more Persians. Xerxes sent a messenger to Leonidas, ordering him to convey two words: “Lay down your arms!” Leonid also answered with two words: “Come and take it.”

The bloody battle lasted two days. The Persians couldn't

break through, but a traitor was found who led them along mountain paths, and the enemies ended up behind Greek lines. When Leonidas found out about this, he ordered all allies to retreat, while he himself remained with the Spartans and volunteers.

They fought with insane courage and all died in a fierce battle, fighting to the last. And the Persian soldiers were driven forward by the commanders of the detachments with blows of whips.

On the mound, which was poured over the mass grave, they placed a statue of a lion (Leonidas means “lion” in Greek) and made the inscription: “Traveler, inform Lacedaemon1 that we lie here, having honestly fulfilled the law.”

"Lakedaemon is another name for Laconia.

3. Battle of Salamis. Once in Central Greece, the Persian army moved towards Athens. Residents with luggage abandoned their houses and loaded onto ships. Women, children and old people were sent to neighboring islands. All the men were preparing for battle.

Themistocles wanted to force the Persian fleet to engage in battle at the narrowest point of the Strait of Salamis. To do this, it was necessary to deceive the Persians, make them believe that the Greek fleet was frightened by the approach of the enemy and was fleeing. This trick was a success. Themistocles sent his faithful slave to Xerxes to inform the king that the Greeks were planning to flee. Xerxes believed and ordered his ships to take the exits from the strait on the night before the battle, secretly from the Greeks.

At dawn, the Greeks began to retreat, but as soon as they disappeared from sight of the Persians, Themistocles ordered the ships to form a battle formation. Convinced that the Greeks had fled, the Persians entered the strait.

The Athenian ships quickly attacked the advanced enemy ships. They rammed some, broke the oars of others. Light Greek triremes easily bypassed heavy enemy ships.

The Persians fought for glory, booty, rewards from the king, the Greeks - for freedom. They saw columns of black smoke rising above the burning houses and temples of Athens - these were Persian troops plundering and burning their hometown. Nearby, on the island of Salamis, their relatives were. The Greeks had to either die or become slaves. This increased their strength; no one thought about the danger.

King Xerxes himself provided involuntary help to the Greeks. He was so confident in the victory of his fleet that he decided to watch the battle from a high coastal hill. But the Persian ships could not withstand the blow of the Athenians and began to retreat, colliding with each other.

The king was the first to realize that his fleet was being defeated. In grief and anger he left the hill. The Persians saw that the royal banner that was flying over the hill had disappeared, and were completely at a loss. The Persians lost more than two hundred ships in this battle. Xerxes left part of the army to winter in Greece, but he himself retreated to Asia Minor.

4. Battles of Plataea and Mycale.

The glorious victory at Salamis and the retreat of the Persians inspired the Greeks. Now it was possible to think about expelling all Persian forces from Greece. The ranks of the Greek army gathered warriors from more than forty city states.

In 479 BC. e. The battle of Plataea (a town in Boeotia) took place. The battle was stubborn and bloody. But the Greek hoplites were better trained, had more advanced weapons, and fought for freedom. And they won.

The Battle of Plataea is no less important in its results than the Battle of Salamis. The Persian army suffered greatly in the battle. Her retreat from Greece began.

According to legend, on the same day the Persian fleet was defeated in a naval battle at Cape Mycale (in Asia Minor).

The battles of Plataea and Mycale end the first period of the Greco-Persian Wars. Military operations are transferred to Asia Minor. Here, too, the gradual liberation of Greek cities begins.

5. Results of the Greco-Persian battles. The war continued for a long time, but with interruptions. Finally, in 449 BC. e. peace was made. Under its terms, the king recognized the independence of all Greek cities of Asia Minor. The Persian fleet was prohibited from sailing in the Aegean Sea. Athens emerged from the war as the strongest maritime state in Greece.

Description of the Battle of Salamis

participant in the battle of Aeschylus in the tragedy "The Persians"

(The story is told from the perspective of the messenger sent by Xerxes to his mother)

The entire fleet was in a hurry, and at the same time a loud cry was heard: “Forward, sons of Hellas! Save your homeland, save your wives, your children, your father’s temples, the tombs of your ancestors: the battle now is for everything!” Persian cries also rushed towards them... At first the Persian army stood firm. When the ships crowded together in the strait, they could not give help to each other, and with their copper noses they struck their own - then they all died. And the Hellenes skillfully struck them all around... And the ships sank.

How could the Persians - participants in the battles with the Greeks - explain their defeat?

1. How did the campaign of Xerxes change the life of the Greek city-states? 2. How did the ancient Greeks understand the words “honestly fulfill the law”?

3. What are the reasons for the victory of the Greeks in the Battle of Salamis?

4. Indicate the significance of the battles of Salamis, Plataea and Mycale.

5. How do the battles of Salamis, Mycale differ from Thermopylae and Plataea?

1. What was A.V. Suvorov right when he argued: “Fight not with numbers, but with skill”? To what extent does this apply to the Greco-Persian Wars? 2. What actions of the Greeks would you call a feat in the name of freedom? Tell us about them.

LET'S SUM UP __________________________

1. Explain why the Greeks did not have a navy before the Greco-Persian Wars. 2. Did the Battle of Marathon put an end to the aggressive plans of the Persians? Why? 3. How did Themistocles convince the Greeks to build a navy? 4. What helped the small army of the Greeks defeat the Persians? 5. Arrange the events of the Greco-Persian Wars in chronological order: the Battle of Salamis, the Battle of Marathon, the battles of Plataea and Mycale, the Battle of Thermopylae.

Preparing for war

In 490 BC. The famous Battle of Marathon took place, as a result of which the Persians were expelled from the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, and the myth of their invincibility was dispelled. However, immediately after the troops returned to their homeland, the Persian king Darius began preparing for a new campaign, gathering a huge army.

Many residents of Hellas (as the Greeks themselves called their country) were sure that they should not expect a new attack.

I thought completely differently Themistocles, an Athenian politician who for a long time held the position of archon and was the de facto ruler of Athens. Themistocles traveled a lot throughout Greece, trying to create an alliance between cities to fight a dangerous enemy. He managed to unite 30 cities, including Athens and Sparta. In addition, Themistocles insisted that in order to strengthen military power it was necessary to create a navy. Funds from the sale of silver mined in Attica were used to build the fleet. Previously, these incomes were distributed among the citizens of Athens. But Themistocles managed to convince people that it was better to invest money in building a fleet. His efforts were crowned with complete success. By the beginning of the new military campaign, Athens had a powerful fleet of 180 ships.

§2. Persian invasion

In 480 BC. The Persian king Xerxes, the son of Darius, gathered a huge army and fleet and marched against the Greeks. It was decided to cross the Hellespont to Europe. By order of the king, bridges were built, but at that time a storm broke out. High waves demolished the erected structure. This event angered Xerxes, and he ordered the heads of the people responsible for the construction of the bridges to be cut off, and the sea to be whipped. Then new bridges were built. After which the crossing began, which lasted 7 days and nights.

Xerxes' hordes quickly conquered Thrace and Macedonia and invaded northern Greece.

Most of the cities surrendered without a fight - the way to the south was open. It was decided to give battle to the Persians in the narrow Thermopylae Gorge, a small passage between the mountains and the sea that connected Northern and Central Greece.

Command was given to the Spartan king Leonidas, who had 7 thousand people at his disposal, including 300 Spartans. For several days the Greeks held off the Persian attacks. Until a local resident showed the invaders a workaround through which they managed to transfer troops, going to the rear of the Greeks. Having learned about this, Leonidas ordered a retreat, and he himself, along with 300 Spartans, remained to cover the retreat. All the warriors, along with their king, fell in battle. This event went down in history as an example of selfless courage and patriotism. Subsequently, a statue of a lion was installed in the gorge, on the pedestal it was written: “Traveler, go tell our citizens in Lacedaemon that, keeping their covenants, here we died with bones.”

Defeat of the Persians

Having won a victory at Thermopylae, the Persians headed towards Athens, plundering and destroying cities along the way. In the face of the impending threat, the People's Assembly decided to transport all women, old people and children to the island of Salamis, located near Attica. All men capable of holding weapons joined the army or navy. The Persians entered deserted Athens, killed several hundred old people who refused to leave their homes, ravaged and burned the city. Soon the Persian fleet approached the shores of Attica. Not far away, in the strait between Salamis and Attica, there was a Greek fleet consisting of 380 triremes, ships with three rows of oars on each side. They accommodated 180 oarsmen and about 30 warriors. They were opposed by a Persian fleet of 700 ships. In the morning the battle began. Greek triremes, lighter and more maneuverable, pressed the Persian fleet, ramming their ships, breaking their oars, and pushing them aground.

As a result, a significant part of the Persian fleet was lost. The remaining ships were forced to retreat.

After the defeat at Salamis, Xerxes with the remnants of the fleet was forced to leave Greece. The experienced military leader Mardonius remained at the head of the Persian land army. He continued south, aiming to invade the Peloponnese. In 479 BC. The united army of the Greeks, led by the Spartan aristocrat Pausanias, finally defeated the Persian army at the Battle of Plataea. Mardonius died, and the army fled from Greece.

During the next 30 years of war, the Persians did not even think about invading Europe. Now the battles were for control of the Aegean Sea and the coast of Asia Minor. As a result, in 449 BC. peace was concluded, cementing the victory of the Greeks. According to the agreement, the Persian king agreed not to send a fleet into the Aegean Sea and liberated Greek cities in Asia Minor. The Greeks promised not to invade Persian territory. The main reason for the victory of the Greeks in the war should be considered their desire for freedom, unity and courage. Unlike the Persian army, which consisted of representatives of different tribes who were forcibly drafted into the army and therefore did not want to fight, the Greek army was united by the idea of ​​defending their homeland.

Lesson summary

Let's summarize the lesson:

1) After the Battle of Marathon, the Greeks began to prepare for war: they built a fleet and united in an alliance;

2) in 480 BC. Persian troops invaded Greece;

3) the major battles of this war were: the Battle of Thermopylae Gorge, the Naval Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea;

4) the result of the Greco-Persian wars was the unconditional victory of the Greeks.

At the Theater of Dionysus
