Milk mushroom where to find. Dairy mushroom, medicinal properties, composition, application, recipes. Tibetan milk mushroom: useful properties. The use of milk fungus in folk medicine, contraindications

Fertility 11.10.2021

Kefir mushroom is an excellent healing agent used to treat a large number of diseases.

Its other name - milk mushroom is used more often in everyday life, and magnificent kefir is obtained from the mass itself.

Outwardly, this product resembles cauliflower inflorescences, painted with a snow-white color.

It is a combination of yeast, fungi and lactic bacteria, which, after fermentation, give a kefir product.

In order for the product to bring only benefits, you need to know how to use the mass, as well as how to store and care for it.

Initially, the milk mushroom was brought out by Tibetan healers, who began to use it for treatment various diseases.

For a long time, healers kept its original recipe a secret.

Outwardly, it looks like small rice grains collected in groups, it has a white tint, and as it grows, it becomes like a cauliflower.

Many people wonder where to buy a white rice-like product.

It can be purchased at a pharmacy, and in the future to grow at home. The embryos of the product will have a cost of 200 rubles.

Consider how to grow it from scratch:

  1. The product must be grown in a glass container with a plastic sieve, it is forbidden to use metal utensils.
  2. 2 tablespoons of the product should be poured with milk and placed in a dark place for a day - during this time the mushroom will ferment.
  3. The resulting liquid must be filtered through a sieve without hitting the mushroom itself.
  4. The Tibetan product is carefully removed from the container and transferred to another, re-filling with milk.

So there is a constant growth, fermentation of the product - as it grows, it increases in size.

Is it true that the fungus causes cancer: reviews of doctors

Opinions about the healing properties of milk fungus are often divided into two types: some people claim that it has an extremely beneficial effect on the body.

Others say in chorus that the Tibetan mushroom causes cancer.

Whether this is true or not, you can find out according to the opinions of doctors:

  • The polysaccharides in this culture help fight excess weight, the mushroom is also prescribed to people who are addicted to smoking.
  • Bacteria from sourdough increase the defenses of the immune system, it is she who develops protection against malignant cells.
  • The fungus is able to neutralize stomach enzymes that affect the accelerated growth of cancer cells.
  • Reducing the acidity of the stomach helps to eliminate discomfort.

In order to prevent cancerous tumors, doctors recommend using a sour-milk drink from a mushroom daily for half a glass.

Important! According to doctors, the fungus does not cause cancer if you follow the instructions for its use and storage.

This information was obtained as a result of scientific experiments, so you should not be afraid for your health.

The benefits and harms of kefir fungus

Each product created by man or nature has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Kefir fungus has a positive effect on human health, but in rare cases it can be harmful.

Note! For any disorders of the stomach, intestines, it is not recommended to use the mushroom inside.

Consider the benefits and harms of this product so that its use is not marked by sad consequences:

Beneficial features Harm
It has a choleretic effect, therefore it is sometimes able to dissolve stones in the gallbladder With intolerance to dairy products, the Tibetan mushroom will have adverse health effects
Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect helps with gastritis, ulcers and other stomach problems Before making kefir, you need to make sure that the medications you take are compatible with it.
Bifidobacteria help to restore the intestinal microflora The increased acidity of the stomach does not allow the use of daily kefir - in this case, it is necessary to take an infusion prepared for 12 hours
It is used as a prevention of beriberi, keeping the immune system in order. Do not drink kefir with alcoholic beverages
Fungus-based masks strengthen the hair structure, have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, making it supple and hydrated. At least 5 hours should elapse between taking the mushroom and medicines.

How to store and care

Experienced connoisseurs say that you can store the mushroom at home, while daily washing of mucus will be a mandatory provision. The best place for storage - refrigerator.

A few features of this procedure:

  1. If after washing the product there is no milk left, it can be placed in a clean jar and stored for two days in the refrigerator until the next filling.
  2. Minus temperature slows down the fermentation process, so it is better to put the jar closer to the refrigerator wall.
  3. Daily cleaning of the product will keep it beneficial features for a long time.
  4. Rinse the body only with cool water, the use of hot water is unacceptable.
  5. It is also impossible to cover the product tightly with a lid - it must breathe.

To properly care for the product, it is enough to follow a simple procedure every day: carefully remove the product from the jar, rinse and pour milk again.

Important! If the mushroom has acquired a brown tint, it means that it has lost its beneficial properties.

Compliance with the instructions for use will help protect the body from undesirable consequences. Proper storage and care will allow the fungus to live longer.

Contraindications for use

Despite the enormous benefits of the product for the human body, the Tibetan mushroom also has contraindications for use.

The most important of these is a history of diabetes.

Here are a few more prohibitions to use:

  • The presence of a fungal infection.
  • Exacerbation of problems with the intestines and stomach.
  • Individual intolerance to dairy products.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Observing all the rules of reception, storage and care, you can restore health and increase the body's defenses.

Useful video

Kefir (milk, Tibetan) mushroom is an amazing substance (bacterium) that allows you to get homemade, tasty kefir from milk.

At first glance, milk mushroom is very similar to home-made cottage cheese, it is just as granular, but it is absolutely impossible to eat it. With it, you can only prepare homemade kefir, which is very tasty, healthy, has a number of advantages, but also has contraindications for use.

Naturally, such a useful fungus (bacteria) has more healing properties than contraindications.

Dairy fungus is useful for both adults and children, as well as for the elderly. By using kefir made on milk fungus, people increase their working capacity, improve their mood, increase immunity, etc. Speaking briefly about the milk fungus, it is able to heal and rejuvenate the body at any age.

Of course, this healthy drinking mushroom requires a little attention. It must be washed after each preparation of kefir (and we do it daily), always filling it with fresh milk. The requirements are simple and clear.

Milk mushroom kefir, recipe

Milk - 900 ml.

Kefir mushroom - 3 tbsp. topless

For 1 tbsp. kefir milk fungus requires 250-300 ml. milk. Therefore, calculate the amount of fungus and milk needed relative to how much kefir you and your family drink.

It is enough for someone to cook kefir for 2 tbsp. (600 ml of milk), someone immediately makes kefir for 1.5-2 liters. milk.

Clean, washed kefir mushroom, which gave up water well (you can just press the kefir mushroom with your fingers so that the excess water is glass), put it in a jar and fill it with fresh milk in relation to - 1 tbsp. kefir mushroom + 300 ml. milk.

We use milk either at room temperature or directly from the refrigerator.

You can use any milk, store-bought or homemade from a cow. Many people make kefir with goat's milk. Important! To make it natural, therefore, if you use store-bought milk, the main thing is not to get powdered!

From above, the jar can be covered with gauze or not covered at all. Kefir mushroom must breathe!

Let's prepare kefir during the day. In the warm (hot) season, kefir mushroom is ready in 15-17 hours.

When kefir is ready, the mass in the jar becomes like curdled milk, yellow whey separates.

It remains just to mix the healing drink and strain through a sieve (preferably nylon).

Do not use metal sieves that are subject to oxidation for wiping, as the benefits of kefir will immediately disappear. It is important!

We drink strained kefir or use it to make pancakes and other pastries.

We wash the kefir mushroom under running water until clean, let it drain and pour milk again.

We do this every day (if you drink kefir in the morning), or we cook kefir from the evening until the next evening. As you prefer.

If you don’t need kefir temporarily, just rinse the kefir mushroom, fill it with boiled cool water and put the jar in the refrigerator without closing the lid. So the mushroom is stored for a long time, from time to time it can be washed and stored again in water.

Delicious, homemade milk mushroom kefir will appeal to the whole family, and you will no longer buy it in the store.

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Tibetan milk mushroom effectively treats about a hundred of the most common diseases, promotes weight loss and finds its application in the field of cosmetology and cooking. Other names for the Tibetan milk mushroom are "millet of the prophet", "grains of Allah", "kefir fungus", "water kefir", "Indian yogi mushroom", "Thai mushroom" and "milk rice".

Tibetan milk mushroom is a slimy film that is formed as a result of a symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria and yeast fungi. Outwardly, it resembles boiled yellowish-white rice grains. As it grows, it begins to resemble cauliflower inflorescences. To date, kefir, obtained with the help of Tibetan milk fungus, is recognized by scientists as the only strong, and most importantly, safe and harmless natural antibiotic.

Composition and properties of milk fungus.
Kefir, obtained by fermentation of the Tibetan milk fungus, is many times superior in quality to any dairy product. The composition of such kefir includes lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, enzymes, vitamins, easily digestible proteins, fats, antibiotics, polysaccharides and other substances, thanks to which it has medicinal and dietary properties.

Medicinal properties of the Tibetan milk mushroom.

  • improving memory and attention;
  • strengthening the immune system and increasing the tone of the body;
  • removal of slags, toxins, salt deposits;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • help with all types of allergies;
  • help in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • treatment of hypertension of any origin;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including dysbacteriosis and ulcers;
  • preventing the growth of cancer cells;
  • treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder (removes stones and sand);
  • effective help in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • effectively copes with infectious diseases;
  • helps with diabetes, only in this case it cannot be taken together with insulin;
  • promotes the resorption of benign formations (fibromas, cysts, polyps, fibroids, etc.);
  • has choleretic and antispasmodic effects;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • reduces side effect drugs, promotes the removal of used antibiotics from the body;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the joints;
  • relieves atherosclerosis;
  • is an excellent means of preventing cancer;
  • eliminates constipation.
The use of milk fungus in cosmetology.
An infusion or kefir, obtained from the Tibetan milk mushroom, is an excellent cosmetic product that improves skin condition: wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes whiter, age spots are eliminated. To do this, the infusion of Tibetan milk fungus can be added to the water when taking a bath, and also used instead of the usual cleanser. Owners of problematic skin can apply gauze soaked in kefir to areas of acne for twenty minutes. This procedure should be repeated for a week, after which the skin condition will noticeably improve. It is very important that kefir is non-peroxide, otherwise skin irritation is possible.

In addition, the use of kefir helps to strengthen hair, preventing hair loss, and also has a stimulating effect on the growth of healthy hair. To do this, after each washing on the scalp, apply a glass of Tibetan milk fungus kefir and rub it into the skin with massaging movements for about 5-10 minutes, then wash your hair with a neutral shampoo. This procedure can also be done in the form of a mask, increasing the time of keeping kefir on the head up to two hours. At the same time, wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel.

The use of Tibetan milk fungus for weight loss.
Also, the Tibetan milk mushroom helps to get rid of extra pounds, while the process of losing weight is safe and easy through the normalization of metabolism. In addition, due to its properties, the infusion of the Tibetan milk fungus promotes the breakdown of fats not to fatty acids that accumulate in the liver and are again converted into fats, but to simpler compounds, which later are removed from the body on their own.

An exemplary menu for a fasting day on Tibetan milk mushroom kefir:
breakfast: a small apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
second breakfast: a couple of fruits and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
lunch: a glass of Tibetan kefir with a slice of black bread, you can do without it.
dinner: fruit salad seasoned with Tibetan kefir (apples and pears can be used as fruits).
at night: Tibetan kefir with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

Such a diet promotes stable weight loss (4 kg per month). In addition to fighting extra pounds This diet restores the intestinal microflora, normalizes hormonal levels and restores metabolism. The use of milk fungus eliminates the causes of various diseases, and not their symptoms and external signs.

How to cook Tibetan milk mushroom:
For sourdough, you need a teaspoon of Tibetan kombucha per 200 ml of milk at room temperature. This ratio is calculated per person. The washed fungus must be transferred to a clean glass jar (dishes should not be washed with detergents). The fungus is poured with boiled milk (preferably cow's or goat's) with a temperature of at least 17 ° C and left for a day in a warm, dark place, while the lid should not be completely closed. It will take twenty to twenty-four hours for the milk to fully ferment. A sign of mushroom readiness is the formation of a thick layer on top of the jar. The resulting kefir is filtered through gauze, or only a non-metal sieve, since in contact with metal, the fungus may lose its properties or die. As soon as the infusion is separated from the mushroom, the mushroom should be washed under warm (not hot!) Water to remove milk residues. And then the process starts again, the mushroom is placed in a jar and filled with milk. It is better if this process is carried out at the same time, in the evening.

After the growth of the fungus, large parts of it should be sifted out, as they become empty and lose their properties.

If you do not wash the mushroom daily and do not fill it with milk, it will turn brown and stop growing. A healthy mushroom is 0.1 mm to 3 cm in size, white in color and smells like sour milk.

If you leave the house for a long time for any reason, you need to pour the mushroom with milk and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave it in a cool place (you can in the refrigerator). Upon returning, the kefir that turned out to be impossible to drink, it must be drained and the fungus fermented again, and then everything according to the above instructions.

A course of treatment.
For general health improvement of the body, you should drink Tibetan milk fungus kefir daily once a day, in the evening, half an hour before bedtime, 200 g, and also in the morning, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is twenty days. Then you should take a ten-day break. After that, the course can be repeated. The duration of treatment is 1 year. During a break in treatment, the fungus must be looked after very carefully. The resulting kefir can be used in cooking to make cheese.

It should be noted that when taking kefir during the first two weeks, there may be an increase in gas formation, frequent stools, and darkening of urine. In the case of kidney stones, discomfort may appear in this area, the liver area and under the ribs. Do not worry, after a while these unpleasant sensations will pass by themselves, and they will be replaced by an improvement in the general condition, a surge of strength and energy.


  • milk protein intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • persons suffering from bronchial asthma;
  • simultaneous use of insulin in diabetes and treatment with kefir;
  • taking medications (when treating with kefir, you should take a three-hour break between taking medications and kefir).
In addition, during the period of treatment with kefir, one should refrain from taking alcohol, alcohol infusions and eating fatty foods. Children under three years of age should not drink this drink.

Personally, I like kefir made from milk mushroom the most. In terms of taste, it is much better than a store-bought product and even surpasses homemade kefir made from dry starters. And in terms of the content of useful substances, it generally has no equal among fermented milk products. The cost of "mushroom" kefir does not exceed the cost of milk: there is no need to spend money on expensive starter cultures, and even more so to overpay for a promoted brand, buying a product with a lot of harmful additives. There is only one drawback in the preparation of such an extremely healthy kefir: milk mushroom loves daily gentle care. However, subject to simple rules, it is quite capable of delighting you with a fresh, tasty product for many years.

Milk mushroom, often called kefir or Tibetan, looks like the surface of cauliflower or dense granular cottage cheese. It consists of a large number of white grains, the diameter of which is initial stage development does not exceed 6 mm. At its core, it is a colony of lactic acid bacteria and yeast fungi, during the life of which ordinary milk turns into a healing drink.

Regularly using kefir from the Tibetan mushroom, you can:

  • get rid of allergies;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize metabolism and lose weight;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • increase sexual activity;
  • promote wound healing;
  • improve sleep and brain function;
  • strengthen hair and smooth out wrinkles.

Possessing anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects, milk fungus kefir is able to cure more than 20 diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, ulcers, cholecystitis, tuberculosis, heart disease and even cancer. The unique drink is rich in vitamins, microelements, polysaccharides, lactobacilli and enzymes. You can even use it for children from three years old, and the only contraindication is lactose intolerance.

In order for kefir to be as useful as possible, the Tibetan mushroom must be looked after daily. There is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, but it should be done regularly, without gaps. Pour a kefir mushroom about 5 cm in size with a glass of boiled milk at room temperature. The fatter the original product is, the faster the mushroom will begin to grow. With proper care in a month, he will already be able to occupy a third of a three-liter jar, so periodically it should be thinned out, distributing pieces to friends and acquaintances.

You can store kefir mushroom in a kitchen cabinet or on a table, away from direct sunlight. At a temperature of 18-24 ºС, after 16-20 hours, milk will turn sour under the influence of mushroom microflora, acquiring healing properties. The drink should be filtered through a sieve, and the Tibetan mushroom should be washed under cool running water. After that, you can fill it with a new portion of milk, and ready-made kefir can be used as a medicine or just a delicious product. If necessary, the drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Attention! Kefir must be filtered through a plastic sieve. After contact with iron, milk fungus can get sick or even die.

Dairy mushroom is a living creature and rather capricious, therefore, when manipulating it, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Store the Tibetan mushroom in glass or ceramic dishes: it does not tolerate iron and aluminum pans.
  2. The storage container should be well washed with soda (without the use of household chemicals) and sterilized.
  3. You can only fill the Tibetan mushroom with cool milk, since too cold or hot liquid can injure the body of the mushroom.
  4. Only cold water is needed for rinsing.
  5. The container in which the mushroom is stored must not be tightly closed with a lid. Like any living being, it needs oxygen. It is best to cover the jar with a clean cloth or gauze so that dust, crumbs and harmful microorganisms do not get into the liquid.

For the preparation of a healing drink, homemade goat or cow's milk is best suited. You can also ferment a store-bought pasteurized product. But long-term storage milk and a drink restored from milk powder should not be used.

Important! For medicinal purposes, kefir should be consumed in a glass 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals. After 20 days of admission, it is recommended to take a break for one and a half weeks, after which treatment can be continued. The full course of treatment is 1 year.

Diseases and their treatment

A healthy milk mushroom has a pure white color and a pleasant sour-milk aroma. If it turned beige, yellow, brown, and also changed the smell, then it's time to start treatment.

Often, a change in the color of a Tibetan mushroom is provoked not by diseases, but by domestic causes associated with improper care.

Cause of problemsCorrective action
Too high room temperaturePut the jar for a while in a room with a low temperature (10-14 ºС). In this case, rinsing with running water and soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of water) is recommended. When the state of the fungus returns to normal, you can return it to its usual place.
Contact with metal objectsUse only plastic, glass and ceramic objects
Contact with too cold/hot liquidMilk and rinse water should be cool or at room temperature
Insufficient rinsingRinse the mushroom under running water until the remains of the previous leaven are washed off.
The fermentation process ends too soon or too lateDo not let the fermented milk drink sour and do not drain the kefir if it has not yet thickened enough
Proportion violationThe basic proportion is 1 tablespoon of mushroom per 250 ml of milk. If it has grown greatly, remove old grains from it: they no longer bring benefits, but take up volume

If the fungus is cared for correctly, and it is still sick, then the reason is the growth of pathogenic flora, and treatment is indispensable. The most common diseases are:

  1. Oxidation: The milk begins to turn into kefir too quickly, and the drink takes on an unpleasant sour taste, separating into whey and dense casein flakes. The best remedy from this disease - increased hygiene measures. Thoroughly wash and sterilize milk mushroom containers and utensils with which it comes into contact. It is advisable to wash it 2-3 times a day with cool water and soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and keep it in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 12 ºС.
  2. Sliming: milk does not turn sour for a very long time, remaining insipid, and the grains outside and inside are covered with mucus, becoming soft and flabby. Most of the diseased grains should be removed, and the rest of the fungus should be washed in a 5% solution of boric or salicylic acid and dried well.

The first kefir obtained from a recovered fungus is best drained. If you see that the color has fully recovered, you can use it normally in the future.

Long-term storage of milk fungus

Tibetan mushroom resembles a pet. He needs daily care, and if you are going on vacation, the question immediately arises: where to attach a pet for this time? You can leave kefir mushroom without fresh milk only for 48 hours. If you stay away longer, he will simply die.

You can save the product during your long absence in the refrigerator, in a three-liter jar, filling it with water and milk in a 1: 1 ratio. It can stay in the vegetable compartment for up to 5 days, but the kefir formed in the jar cannot be drunk: it is better to use it for cosmetic purposes. The mushroom can be kept in the refrigerator without milk by rinsing it and putting it in a clean jar. However, "dry" storage weakens its healing properties, and you can keep it in this form for no more than 12 days.

If you are going to be away for a few weeks, or just want to save the Tibetan mushroom for your next long-term treatment, you can freeze it. As in the case of the refrigerator, in the freezer it can be stored in milk and without it. Place a tablespoon-sized piece in a clean plastic container and pour milk over it. When dry freezing, the washed mushroom must first be dried on a paper towel or gauze for 1-2 hours. Then wrap it in cling film or an airtight container and place it in the freezer.

You can store Tibetan mushroom in the freezer for up to a year. After defrosting, it must be washed, poured with milk and further looked after as usual. The first 3-4 servings of kefir are best used externally, as face or hair masks. When the drink from the Tibetan mushroom acquires the usual taste and aroma, it can be eaten.

Interestingly, freezing not only perfectly preserves the product, but also has a positive effect on its condition, killing pathogenic microflora: mucus disappears from the grains, they become more fragrant and elastic.

So provide the fungus proper care quite easy. The main thing is not to forget that he is a living being, which means that he needs regular feeding and care. By providing your pet with proper care, you can enjoy the healing gifts of this representative of the flora for a very long time.

Dairy or Tibetan mushroom, from which housewives prepare healthy kefir, was first grown by the monks of Tibet. As it is also called, kefir mushroom looks like boiled rice. At first, they have a diameter of 5-6 mm, and as the rice grains ripen, the fungi reach 5 centimeters. If you add sourdough to milk, the bacteria will begin to multiply intensively, thanks to which the grains grow and the sour milk acquires a pronounced kefir taste. Tibetan milk mushroom (kefir fungus) has the following instructions for use. Use on health.

The mushroom contains useful for humans:

  • lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • acetic acid bacteria;
  • milk yeast.

The drink obtained by this technology is the result of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation.

In addition to bacteria, it also contains:

  • alcohol;
  • easily digestible proteins;
  • enzymes, etc.

In addition, the fungal drink is rich in vitamins A, group B, carotenoids, vitamins D and PP.

Let's look at kefir fungus: how to use it, its benefits and harms.

Positive properties

Milk fungus - benefits and harms. The fungus also has contraindications: let's look at everything in order and talk about its beneficial properties.

Benefits of kefir fungus:

  1. Restores intestinal microflora. Kefirchik is useful for the normalization of metabolism.
  2. Restoration of microflora helps to increase immunity.
  3. The product has a choleretic effect.
  4. The drink helps cleanse blood vessels, removes bad cholesterol, and fights free radicals.

Useful drink for the prevention of serious diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  • diabetes;
  • frequent respiratory diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and pancreas;
  • kidneys;
  • tumor processes;
  • all types of allergies.

In addition, the drink helps to rejuvenate the body, increases libido and improves memory.

The product has a wound healing effect:

  1. With boils and scratches, it is enough to put a napkin soaked in it on the affected area.
  2. With herpes, a compress with kefir relieves itching and burning.
  3. Useful foot baths from a fermented product.

Attention: Kefir can be used to prepare dishes that use ordinary kefir in the recipe: cheesecakes, pies, salads, and even for okroshka.

You can also use the drink for cosmetic purposes - for masks (especially for these purposes, the liquid left over from storing the fungus is suitable). With bran or oatmeal, you get an excellent pilling. You can even give the product to pets - their immunity increases, the fragility of wool decreases.


However, the product also has contraindications, in the presence of which its use is not recommended.

You can not drink a drink to people:

  1. Those who are allergic to edible dairy products.
  2. Undergoing drug therapy, as it reduces the effectiveness of drugs.
    - If there is such a need, then you need to make sure that at least three hours pass between taking the medicine and the drink.
  3. Suffering from high stomach acid.
  4. You can not combine kefir with the use of alcohol.

Growing methods

The question of how to grow an Indian mushroom is very relevant. The product name is figurative. This is not a mushroom with mycelium in the usual sense, although it is also a living organism. The substance consists of different bacteria that feed on milk. These microorganisms in the process of evolutionary development were able to achieve a certain balance in which they can coexist together. In any violation of this balance, the fungus dies.

How to grow sourdough fungus? Without having at least a small particle of the product, it is impossible to grow it. Sourdough on kefir fungi for cultivation is sold in stores or pharmacies. More often, people who have it share the product with others.

Indian milk fungus instructions on how to grow:

  1. It is necessary to take fat milk (3.5%) and place it there.
  2. In a week or two, the fungus will mature.
  3. Do not put the starter in water and it is not recommended to store it for a long time in diluted milk.

Cooking kefir

Tibetan mushroom kefir is easy to make.
For cooking, a glass jar is taken - remember, in no case does the sourdough tolerate contact with metal. Before dressing, the sourdough must be washed under running water, otherwise a bitter aftertaste will appear. Water should be at room temperature.

Take milk of different fat content - the taste of the resulting drink depends on it. After several experiments, you can choose the most suitable fat content to your liking. Milk does not need to be boiled or subjected to other heat treatment. For the same reason, baked milk is not recommended. With lactose intolerance, you can replace goat.

A portion of the mushroom is poured with milk in the ratio:

  • for 2 tsp - 250 ml;
  • for 4 tsp - 500 ml;
  • for 7-8 tsp - 1 liter.

The jar must be covered with a cloth folded in several layers. This is necessary so that the drink can breathe and dust does not get into it. No need to use a lid - the product releases CO2 and the jar can simply explode.

The drink should be infused for 24 hours at room temperature in a place where directed sunlight does not fall (you can put it on the table in the shade). The longer the fungus is infused, the stronger the milk ferments: that is, it becomes more sour. The deadline for which you can allow overexposure is 5 hours. Fermented milk should not be drunk.

Overdosing milk for up to two days, for example, is possible only in one case - if you have little sourdough and a lot of milk. In this case, it is recommended to taste the drink.
If the fungus is not kept, then you can get a less thick drink and with a more delicate taste. It is recommended to give such milk of 12-hour sourdough to infants, babies under three years old can be given a drink of 15-hour sourdough, for a 7-year-old child - 18-hour, and up to 12 years - 20-hour.

After a day, the resulting kefir must be drained through a plastic sieve. The size of the holes should be such that the drink drains and the grains linger in the sieve. If necessary, a wooden stirrer can speed up the draining process.

Kefir should be drunk immediately or can be stored for no more than half a day in the refrigerator (this may kill some of the beneficial bacteria). The mushroom needs to be washed well again.

How to save the fungus

How to care for the fungus: its effectiveness depends on it. To store the fungus, milk must be changed every day. Only in case of departure, it is allowed to dilute it up to 50%, so as not to change it for two days. If a longer absence is planned, then it is better to deposit it. Without proper care, he will die.

If the starter has grown, you can separate the excess, rinse and dry. You need to dry for 2-3 days until it turns into a powder. You can store dry fungus in a container covered with gauze for up to three months. Dry fungus will recover with milk for about two weeks.

How to use

You need to start drinking the resulting kefir little by little: no more than half a glass a day. Over time, the amount of drink can be increased, but you do not need to drink more than one liter per day. It is not recommended to drink kefir later than 40 minutes before bedtime.

For the first 2 weeks, it is better for beginners to drink in the evening. The drink may have a relaxing effect, this is normal. After 2 weeks, you can start drinking the drink at any time of the day - all processes in the intestines are already normal during this time. You need to drink kefir from kefir fungus for 20 days, and then rest for 10 days. After a couple of weeks, you will feel an improvement in your general condition.

During the rest period, do not forget to take care of the mushroom and change the milk in it every day, which can then be used for external purposes.

Diet for weight loss

If you set a goal to lose weight, you need to drink fermented milk every day half an hour after eating, also arrange several times a week fasting days with this menu:

  1. 1st breakfast - an apple and a glass of yogurt.
  2. 2nd breakfast - pear, apple and a glass of yogurt.
  3. Lunch - kefir and a slice of black bread.
  4. Dinner - fruit salad with kefir instead of dressing.
  5. An hour before falling asleep - a glass of drink with a spoonful of honey.

Weight loss on such a diet will be dynamic: about 4 kg per month. In combination with the usual daily intake of the drink, the weight returns to normal fairly quickly.

Mushroom got sick

If the fungus began to change its color to a darker one or began to turn yellow, then it is sick. It is absolutely impossible to drink kefir from such a fungus.

What causes fungus to go bad?

  • too much sourdough - it needs to be cleaned periodically: throw away old clots;
  • if it is under-fermented or over-fermented too often in a row;
  • if it is not washed;
  • if washed with cold water;
  • if the room is too hot, you need to rinse the mushroom 3-4 r. per day (you can add a little soda to the water);
  • if the room is cold, the fungus may become moldy;
  • if metal utensils are used.
  • if the fungus is mucus, it should be washed 3-4 times a day with soda.

If the storage conditions of the fungus are normalized, then it recovers.


Thus, to make healthy and tasty kefir at home, you can take Tibetan kefir fungus and, using the above instructions, prepare a delicious refreshing drink.

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