A place worthy of a king. Is my life worthy of the King? Royal seats in other cathedrals

Growing 03.03.2022

To one of the eastern pillars in the cathedral or to the side wall in its interior; included a fenced seat behind a separate entrance and ended with a richly decorated wooden tent on carved columns, which was usually topped with an image of a crown or a double-headed eagle. The most famous such monument is in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (the so-called Monomakh throne).


Assumption Cathedral

The legend tells about the war between Vladimir Monomakh and Byzantium, as a result of which the emperor supposedly sent many dignitaries and the metropolitan to Russia with the throne (Royal seat), regalia and utensils. The ambassadors, arriving at the Grand Duke around 1116, presented him with gifts, and the Metropolitan crowned him king. Legend of the times Russian Empire said that the throne in the Assumption Cathedral is exactly the same throne on which Monomakh sat during this wedding. The Patriarch of Constantinople Joasaph in 1561 confirmed in writing the wedding of Vladimir. Karamzin says that there was an embassy, ​​but not from Constantine Monomakh, but from Alexei Komnenos. .

Today it is confirmed by documents that Tsar Ivan the Terrible established a royal seat (throne) in the Assumption Cathedral in 1551. It was located under a tented canopy. The patterned roof (canopy) stood on four pillars. The pillars of the canopy stood on the figures of four animals: a lion (fierce, skiment), uena(a rounded beast, without a neck wrap - that is, a hyena) and the other two were called oscrogans. They were supposed to denote the mysterious meaning of both the throne itself and especially the meaning of royal dignity and dignity. Next to the royal place there was an icon written by order of the king “Blessed is the army of the Heavenly King.”

  1. Council of Vladimir Monomakh “with his Princes”, at which he talks about the courage of his ancestors receiving tribute from Constantinople.
  2. Grand Duke Vladimir gathers “skilled” governors and appoints commanders to the troops.
  3. The troops of Grand Duke Vladimir are moving to Thrace.
  4. Voivodes near the Thracian city.
  5. The Grand Duke's commanders captured the Thracians.
  6. The troops return "with much wealth."
  7. The troops of Constantine Monomakh fight with enemies - “from the Persians and from Latin”.
  8. Constantine Monomakh convenes a council and appoints ambassadors to Kyiv.
  9. Konstantin Monomakh “gives honest gifts” - royal regalia - for transfer to Prince Vladimir.
  10. The ambassadors on the ship set off.
  11. Envoys from Constantinople arrive in Kyiv to Grand Duke Vladimir and bring “honest and many other gifts and ask him for peace.”
  12. Metropolitan Neophyte, who arrived from Constantinople, crowns Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich with the royal crown - the Monomakh cap.

According to researchers, the mentor of young Ivan IV, an outstanding figure of the Russian church of the 16th century, now glorified as a saint, Moscow Metropolitan Macarius, undoubtedly took part in the development of the plan for the throne. The throne was made in Russia, apparently by palace craftsmen.

A copy from the late 19th century is in the Historical Museum. It was made specifically for the Historical Museum and is interesting because it represents a reconstruction of a unique monument in its original form with the restoration of decorative details, gilding and polychrome paintings lost by the original.


B. A. Uspensky, a researcher of the sacred space of Moscow Rus', wrote: “At the same time, the “royal place” in the middle of the church, where the wedding takes place, correlates with the “royal doors” leading to the altar, in front of which the anointing takes place; It should be noted that the name “royal doors” in this period - unlike the earlier period - correlates with Christ as the King of glory. Thus, two kings - heavenly and earthly - are, as it were, spatially opposed in the temple; in other words, they are in a spatial distribution. It is no coincidence that since the time of John IV, the “royal place” in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral has been called the “throne” - the throne of the earthly king, located in the middle of the temple, obviously correlates, again, with the throne of the heavenly king, located in the altar.

Every Sunday the Russian Tsars stood there listening to the service. The presence of the Tsar in the “royal” place and the Metropolitan (then the Patriarch) in the altar served as an image of the “symphony of authorities” and “sacred destruction.” After the capital was moved to St. Petersburg, the anointing for the kingdom was still performed at this place. An attack on him was tantamount to desecration of the altar.

Zabelin writes about the Easter service:

The rite of viewing the king ended with the sovereign going out to Matins, always to the Assumption Cathedral. The sovereign himself and all the ranks to the last at this time were in golden robes. Anyone who did not have such clothes was not allowed into the cathedral. During Matins, after the praise stichera, the sovereign, according to custom, venerated the gospel and images and “kissed on the lips” with the patriarch and with the highest spiritual authorities, and bestowed upon others his hand, and also bestowed red eggs on both. The boyars and all the ranks who were in the cathedral also kissed the shrine, approached the patriarch, kissed his hand and received either gilded or red eggs: the highest - three, the middle - two, and the youngest - one egg. Having made Christ with the clergy, the sovereign marched to his royal place at the southern doors of the cathedral, where he shook hands and distributed eggs to the boyars and all ranks to the last. The sovereign distributed goose, chicken and wooden eggs, three, two and one at a time, depending on the nobility of the persons. These eggs were painted in gold with bright colors in a pattern, or with colored herbs, “and in the herbs there were birds and animals and people.”

In modern history

Royal seats in other cathedrals

Cathedral Photo Description and history
Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin This royal place has been lost. It was located on the eastern side of the southwestern pillar of the cathedral. It was made of wood, and was crowned with a tent with a cast copper gilded double-headed eagle.
Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg It was made of Finnish granite. At the end of the 19th century, next to it, under glass, hung a message from the Holy Synod on the assassination of Alexander II, and on the adjacent column was the 1815 manifesto on the Holy Alliance.
Peter and Paul Cathedral

The royal seat is designed in the form of a raised platform with two steps. Above it is a gilded wooden carved canopy with attributes of power: a crown, a scepter and a sword. Next to the royal place there was originally a place for the imperial family, which was later abolished. In the 1830s, the royal place was remodeled and it acquired modern look. The upholstery is made of cherry Livonian velvet, with a double-headed eagle embroidered on it with gold and silver threads. In its center there is a shield with the image of the coat of arms of Moscow (the horseman St. George the Victorious), and on the wings are the coats of arms of the regions and lands that were part of the Russian Empire.

See also



  • Sokolova I. M. Monomakh's throne. The royal place of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin: To the 450th anniversary of the monument / Rep. ed. T. V. Tolstaya, B. L. Fonkich. - M: Indrik, 2001. - 80, p. - 2,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85759-133-3
  • Snegirev I. M. Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. - M: Type. A. Semyon, 1856. - pp. 24-25.


  • Drawings of 12 bas-reliefs by artist Solntsev in The New York Public Library

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Royal Place” is in other dictionaries:

    Or the Monomakh throne is located in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral; It is unknown when and by whom it was made. Tradition has preserved the story of the war between Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh and the Greeks, as a result of which the Greek emperor allegedly sent many to Russia... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Prophecies about the pious, glorious Russian Tsar as God’s anointed, miraculously revealed by God, have existed since ancient times and have found their place since the establishment of royal power in Rus'. There are both foreign prophecies, for example Greek and Athos, and domestic ones - Russian, from pious Christians and God-bearing elders. There are also prophecies spoken in non-Orthodox circles, for example among Catholics, the prophecies of Nostradamus, or the famous “Fotima Apparition” of the Mother of God in Spain to children, namely Her “Sixth Revelation” about the Revival of a strong and spiritual Russia. There are also prophecies among spiritualists-mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, etc.

But we are interested in the prophecies of Russian compatriots related to the probable place and close time of the appearance of the Tsar. This is due to the fact that the prophecies of the impeccable authority of the saints, even centuries later, are perceived with greater confidence than the predictions of contemporaries. As the Lord Jesus Christ said, “there is no prophet in one’s own country.” Yes, it is psychologically difficult to perceive the harsh words-prophecies about apocalyptic sentiments at a time when modern comfortable and everyday life is established. Who would have thought two years ago that the Antichrist Ukrainian government would unleash a war against its people?

But this is exactly what the Odessa elder of the Holy Dormition Monastery predicted, Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko): “The war will begin a year after my death.” After his death, on December 18, 2012, 11 months later, the bloody and fratricidal Maidan began in Kyiv. This prophecy has come true! “The war will last two years,” the elder said. So, time is already running out. What's next? According to the elder’s prophecy, Ukraine will become part of Russia and this will be associated with the revival of the monarchy and the appearance of the anointed Russian Tsar.

Seeing the zombification of Geyropa by the European happiness of the “glory of Bandera”, the anger and Russophobia of a significant part of the population of Ukraine, it is hard to believe, but the fact remains - prophecies come true!

Where and how should this happen?

I would like to draw your pious attention to the holy deacon Philip Eliseevich Gorbenko Lugansky(1858-1956). He had a prophecy about both the collapse of the Union and the colonization of Ukraine.

O. Philip tore the scarf into 3 parts with the words: “Girls, Soviet Union it won't." Everyone was surprised: “This can’t happen, how can this happen?!” And he says: “Yes, like this: part 1 - the Baltic states, part 2 - Russia, at first it will be difficult for her, but then it will be good, part 3 - Ukraine. My poor Ukraine, foreigners will enslave it and occupy all the factories.” This has obviously also come true!

But the future regarding us is connected with the unusual appearance of the Mother of God to the elder. In June (13, 14 and 15 - as commanded by Father Philip), the appearance of the Mother of God in the city of Lugansk is celebrated, who appeared to him three times in succession, one after another, marking the cross over the city with her procession. At the same time, She appeared every time different ages(40, 60 and 18 years old). In this regard, the “Lugansk” icon appeared, which is now hidden. It is unknown when this icon will be shown to the world. Something special must happen, but no one knows what exactly. Everyone continues to wait for Philip to give some kind of sign. But what is important to us is the prophecy that is associated with this miraculous phenomenon - the appearance of God’s anointed King.

The Mother of God predicted: “About this city I will say that by the end of the world it will be called Constantinople-Svyatograd of Lugansk, it is determined to be the city of My glory, the heavenly Constantinople. And many people will come here from all corners of the Earth through my providence, without knowing why. My help and blessing will then be with them on the Day of Judgment.” That is, Lugansk is the city of the Tsar, not the capital, but perhaps in this city there will be an appearance of the Tsar!

Let me remember another contemporary of ours, now alive Schema-Archbishop Alypiy (Pogrebnyak), Bishop of Krasno-Limansky (part of the Donetsk region, which is now under the control of Ukraine). The Bishop is known for the fact that in 1992 He was one of the two bishops of Ukraine who did not sign the agreement on the autonomy of the UOC-MP. After which he fell into disgrace and was in retirement for almost 20 years. During the bloody hostilities of the confrontation between Ukraine and Novorossiya, he was installed as the current bishop in the city of Krasny Liman, where he had previously created a powerful monastic community. Coincidence? Is this return a coincidence? A gigantic temple was built, clearly excessive for a small town, where there were already several temples, and there were already two temples on the territory of the monastery. To my question (this was around 2008, the temple was just under construction and the bishop was still retired), why such a larger temple, he answered firmly, openly and without doubt: “So that all the guests can fit in when the Tsar comes here to anoint him "

Even in the days of Vladyka’s youth, when he was a novice at the Holy Trinity Lavra, he had a miraculous meeting with the holy fool, who predicted prophecies related to his life: the Union will fall apart, he will stand at the origins of the revival of the Assumption Svyatogorsk Lavra. Two prophecies have already come true, the third remains! For his strong standing in faith, God will grant him a great gift - to anoint the King for the Kingdom!

The time is already close, as you know, in the summer of this year in the city of Krasny Liman there was an appearance of two angels. The video was filmed by Ukrainian ATO soldiers and is freely available on the Internet. Is this a coincidence? Why is this foreshadowing?

My vision of the King

In the middle of the day on June 9, 2015, I had a dream, or, more precisely, I had a vision about the future King, Anointed of God. I myself am not prone to any mystification or exalted feelings. And even at the miracles that parishioners tell me about, I try to look critically, looking for rational explanations. In the next few days I did not talk to anyone about these topics or think about them. It’s hard to even call it a vision or a dream, since the feeling and state was such that it was as if I had been transported into the future and was actually a participant in future events. Events have their own sequential course, but it was as if I was simultaneously in different periods of time. This can be figuratively compared to an icon with a life, on which there is an image of events of different times that are superimposed.

So I see the Tsar from behind, and at the same time I even experience or feel His emotions, feelings and thoughts. This is the first time in my life that I feel this way. At the same time, I had a clear conscious mind and free feelings and actions. This was clearly not a dream in which you unconsciously participate in events. When I wondered about what was happening, an understanding seemed to come to me - an explanation of all this, which I will present in square brackets. I will put my assumptions about what is happening in parentheses. Are these events real or symbolic, or both, judge for yourself. (The events took place on the territory of Novorossiya, possibly in Lugansk. Some time after this vision, I learned parallel prophecies about Lugansk related to Deacon Philip and the appearance of the Mother of God in the Svyatogorsk Lavra during the ATO events).

People gathered in a rather large living room of some administrative building, where these events took place (people did not immediately go there, but sequentially, one by one). This living room had several exits (most likely three), where the Tsar later entered. This is a simple person who does not stand out particularly, but a bright patriot of Holy Rus' [he himself did not know that he was the chosen one until the last minute of the ceremony, when he was proclaimed Tsar]. And all the others did not know who the King was (each had his own assumptions, just as the Chosen One himself assumed this about someone), but everyone was sacredly ready (to meet the King). There are different people who came here, there are not many of them. [They felt a call in their souls that they needed to come here. A number of circumstances will develop in such a way that they will undoubtedly come, drawn by spiritual impulse]. They were not coordinated and did not know each other, except those who arrived here in small groups (2-3 hours). There was a philosopher (academician), a historian, a rich oligarch, representatives of the press - five people, military men, a doctor, priests, His future servants.

He was present there, waiting for the King, but an invisible man (perhaps an angel) took Him by the hand and said: “Let's go. Listen. Be strong." [This was not told to him right away, so that due to his weakness there would be no delay. Until the moment of grace descending on his reign, the devil was looking for this man to kill. And many times he had deaths, but the devil did not fully know that He was the anointed one]. They led us into this room (it somewhat resembled a home church), there was an altar (throne) in one part of it, on which there was a tabernacle in the typical form of a temple, a cross, a gospel, a lit lamp and, most importantly, an oil pan with myrrh (as for anointing in service time), a bottle of oil and a vessel (metal jug) with holy water. The throne was covered with green satin with ornaments (typically church like on chasubles). There were two priests there, but not in vestments. They took him and brought him to the throne (most likely, the Chosen One himself was a priest, since he was wearing long clothes like a cassock and had a beard). The two priests [they did not know each other before, but were united in the royal spirit] had small black beards. Everyone (like everyone who got here) took the necessary accessory for this mission [it is such a course of events that everyone took a separate thing, and not one person all at once, is connected with the unity of the people and so that the devil does not interfere and does not guess about this before the fact], they took ointment and oil for anointing. They poured it on the throne (on some kind of matter) and began to mix this liquid. The chosen one, being in front of the throne, even wanted to taste it, what it was and why (the realization had not yet come to him). Then another clergyman came up (he was a bishop, an old man with a long gray beard and hair in liturgical vestments), collected the mixed mixture in an oil pan and lifted it up in prayer.

The Bishop poured myrrh on His head: “God has chosen you, be faithful to Him in your Service.” A clear light (ray) from the sky illuminated the Chosen One, the power of God embraced Him. Then they poured holy water on Him from a metal jug, as a result of which His long hair began to become curly and lighter, and He began to see the world differently, more deeply.

The priests began to dry him with towels. He knelt down. On the floor was a small pad in maroon velvet for the knees. And another small pillow, on which the Chosen One bowed his head on the throne, from which even a stain from the world remained on it. And only when they brought the crown, and he was already in the spiritual and grace-filled power of the Tsar (since all this action was performed unusually “spontaneously”, there was no special crown. These were ordinary crowns like for a wedding, but converted into a royal crown).

Only then did the Chosen One realize that He was the King. The doubt lasted for a split second that it was not him, that he was not worthy, that this was impossible, but God’s reinforcing Power abided in Him because of his obedience and submission to God and this chosen mission. This is his first prayer to God. Closing his eyes, he leaned on the pillow, as he was still on his knees: “Lord, rule this people Himself, complete Your rule.”

(Approximately like this). Having stood up, He was still in a kind of spiritual stupor, not yet fully realizing everything. For this event, the Tsar’s royal clothes were miraculously sewn, so that the tailor, not knowing the Tsar’s size and not seeing Him, sewed everything according to the size of Him and his Queen. These are very white, beautiful clothes, reminiscent of long Russian caftans (somewhat similar to the Budenovsky overcoat with red fasteners on the chest or the clothes of the hussars) with hanging sleeves, like the Russian boyars. The fabric of this royal clothing is thick (it seems that this event clearly took place not in the summer, but in the fall or early spring).

In the huge living room, where He entered, there was a long oak table, around it there were oak chairs, and in the middle of the table there were two throne-chairs with a high back. He saw opposite him the holy Tsar Nicholas II (a slight, benevolent smile on his face), congratulating him and handing over the kingdom to Him. Many people present saw him. The retinue of Nicholas II and His family also observed this entire event from the spiritual world, as if participating in this legitimate transfer of power.

When He sat down on the throne-chair, they announced: your queen. She came out from the right door, deftly ran up to Him to hug and kiss Him. But this was not his wife (she was a head taller than Him, with painted lips, with a sweet and hypocritical appearance, aesthetically well-groomed, in clothes similar to the clothes of the King). She couldn't touch Him. The spiritual power that was in the soul of the King stopped her. Immediately the press began to take photographs. At this time, there was a strong struggle-temptation, depressive pressure-suffocation in my soul: “But maybe this is so necessary for the sake of the Kingdom? Or maybe it’s better this way?...” But the Tsar sharply rejected this and shouted in his soul: “This is a LIE. How can truth and the kingdom be built on a lie?” In a voice before the people: “This is not the queen. Where is my wife? Why are you doing this to me?” The liar queen disappeared, those who slipped her in almost died of fear, numbness seized them. (What this means, I still don’t understand, but probably the devil wanted to destroy the Chosen One of God, because the “queen” was slipped from the oligarch. Perhaps this is a symbolic image).

From that moment (after this temptation) the King had a great gift to see a person and the circumstances around him (he felt this property and accepted and realized the power), to command with power and authority, so that those who listened and saw Him felt awe and fear, His words penetrated the soul.

His wife came in from the left door of this living room wearing a long blue dress with flowers. A fragile blonde, frightened, because her husband is the Tsar. Suddenly she found herself dressed in the same clothes as the Tsar, and a crown on her head, and she sat down with confidence on the left side of his throne. The invisible man (angel) told Him: “You will win all battles, and no one will stand against You.”

Under His rule by God's providence, people's destinies and circumstances were coordinated in such a way that if He spoke about someone and ordered something to be done, then everything worked out even before it was voiced. When he commanded, even by a miracle of God it was always fulfilled. He brought many people to God and many Gentiles were baptized. People from other countries will come to him for faith. The people in the kingdom felt reverence and fear for Him, even the corrupt and formerly bad ones changed. It was as if a harmonious tact emanated from the Tsar, an attitude of goodness for the entire state. The officials were afraid not to obey, because the king could instantly appear anywhere. God gave the King another opportunity and power to rule the Kingdom - he could be in several places at the same time. (This is difficult to understand, perhaps instantaneous movement in space. There are known cases of such simultaneous presence of saints in different places, for example, St. John of Shanghai. Such cases are known from the lives of many Catholic saints).

I saw that He instantly appeared on the battlefield (when and where this will be, I do not know, but, most likely, at the end of His reign) and mourned the dead. They cry bitterly, covering their faces with both hands, asking God for their resurrection. He had a black cap on his head, like a Russian priestly skufiya.

When I woke up, tears were streaming from my eyes, but I was not in the state of normal crying. Delight and fear, reverence and doubt whether I had fallen into delusion, deep shock and joy about the future, everything was mixed up in my soul. He called his mother and told her about this vision. The dream is quickly forgotten, but the vision is still clearly retained in consciousness. It turned out that on this day a religious procession from the Crimea to the city of Smolensk with an icon of the Royal Martyrs and the Holy Cross had just arrived in the city of Kamens-Shakhtinsky. I bowed reverently. This is hardly a coincidence. There is still in my soul deep respect, reverence, fear, faith, hope and love for the Anointed King of God.

I don’t pretend to be recognized (this is a matter of testing our faith). But what was revealed to me, I told you, and you judge for yourself. But I am unequivocally sure that God is faithful to His words of prophecy, which were spoken before to the saints. And they will certainly come true, and God gives us sinners and weak prophecies reinforcement until the time of their fulfillment.


1. The appearance of the King will definitely be the greatest and most unusual miracle of God, an intervention in human history. But everything has a logical sequence and it will be a clergyman!

2. The prophecies of impeccable spiritual authorities speak of the imminent fulfillment of this. We will witness this phenomenon, as some of the predictions have already come true!

3. This will definitely happen during the period of military world events, most likely, at the metaphysical point of contact between good and evil - Novorossiya. For war tests to the extreme and exposes the inner moral essence of a person.

Many may have a natural question: do these prophecies about the Tsar have anything to do with the current President of the Russian Federation? Isn't there an ideological background here, directed against the current government? Is there a contradiction in this? After all, there is a fairly active spiritual patriotic group that is of the opinion that our current President V.V. Putin and there is the Tsar promised to Russia! Perhaps this is so, or perhaps not... Only one thing is certain and without a doubt - he is led by God, as Elder Eli said more than once.

I remember an incident from the life of a saint Ambrose of Milan. A pagan fireman, covered in soot, entered the church, and suddenly a two-year-old child shouted to the whole church: “Ambrose Bishop!” Or let us remember the cruel persecutor Saul, who became the Apostle Paul! With God everything is possible!

I want to leave this question open, leave room for faith and reasoning. There are conflicting opinions on this matter. But I want to get ahead of everyone and assure: everything will be harmoniously arranged, without contradictions, for the glory of God and Russia and the salvation of the people! I want to express only the facts: no one has yet sat on the throne in the throne room in the Kremlin. In a recent interview with American correspondent V.V. Putin, when asked if he was a tsar, answered “no.”

He will appear in the blink of an eye on the throne, miraculously, at a crowded event in the Kremlin, and everyone will see Him. The words of the gospel, spoken with authority and power, will penetrate the soul and leave all doubt about who He is. Hordes of demons who came out of Hell before the 1917 revolution. (remember the vision, like, to the saint John of Kronstadt. He saw hordes of demons emerging from the abyss, shouting: “Our time! our business!”), at this time they will run to the other side of the world to prepare for war.

There is a time for everything: “Even the Tsar will not know about this until the last minute...”

Our business is a deeply moral life, active social participation in society. God grants helping, instructing grace through the king, the Anointed of God, but there is no need to idealize. This will never replace our daily personal moral choice, participation, work and repentance before the Lord.

Archpriest Oleg Trofimov, Doctor of Theology, Master of Religious Studies and Philosophical Sciences

Is my life worthy of God?

Breathe in.

Every selfish impulse within me tends to suppress this question, but it inevitably comes to mind when I read the New Testament, especially verses like Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 1:27; Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:12, 4:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:5,11 and Revelation 3:4.

“Walk with dignity”- this phrase seems to be an excellent slogan for the Christian life. And yet, is my life worthy of the King? What does it mean? How do I find out?

Thanks to Colossians 1:9-14, I am not left with any misconceptions or doubts about this.

“Therefore, from the day we heard about this, we have not ceased to pray for you and ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that they act worthy of God, pleasing Him in everything.” (Colossians 1:9-10)

Criterion 1: Am I producing godly fruit?

“...bearing fruit in every good work...” (Colossians 1:10)

When the moment comes to know and follow God's will, we tend to rethink issues such as Who?, Where? And When?, instead of a question What is God's will? Following God's will is a call to bear the fruit of the Kingdom in every good deed.

That is, in every good deed for which we are called. In fact, it is a “spiritual question, how to determine which of the ten thousand possible good deeds are included in our number of ‘all good works’.”

It would be a mistake to think that God has called us to take care of every need that comes our way, especially in this digital age. We may not be called to do every work, but we are certainly called to be fruitful in what we do. And as soon as we determine for ourselves exactly what these works are and what they should be, we will begin to perform them with great zeal, serving not people, but God.

In other words, if we are not producing kingdom fruit for the King, we should admit that our lives are moving against His will and pray for redirection.

Criterion 2: Am I growing in the knowledge of God?

“...and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:10)

Our King is so majestic and delightful, His heart is full of revelations for us, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we remain sensitive to hearing His Word. And this is especially true of His wonderful Son, the King of kings, Jesus Christ. We want to know more and more about Him - more about His life, His deeds, His words.

Nothing goes so much against the will of the King as ignoring His Majesty because our consciousness has become lazy and our hearts have settled on the illusion of a king created by our own consciousness - a king with the same preferences and values ​​as ourselves. This is called treason. To imagine God, the great Being, in our own image is the same as forgetting God altogether:

“You did this, and I was silent; you thought that I was the same as you. I will expose you and bring [your sins] before your eyes. Understand this, you who forget God, lest I take away, and there will be no deliverer.” (Psalm 49:21-22)

The living God is so different from us that we need to have revelation from Him, humility within us, and illumination by the Spirit to see His special beauty in the pages of Scripture. But if we are not growing in our knowledge of the incomprehensible works of God, He calls us right now to repent and pray that He will reveal Himself to us through His Word - as He really is, and not as we imagine.

Criterion 3: Am I living a life of joy and patience?

“...strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, with all patience and forbearance with joy.” (Colossians 1:11)

The King's children cannot be easily irritated. We don't jump to conclusions. We read with compassion, we listen with attention, and we do all this with inner strength that expresses itself outwardly in patience. “Patience is evidence of inner strength,” writes Piper. - impatient people are weak.”

This suggests an unpleasant conclusion. It is the will of the King that our inner strength be manifested in our outer patience. Patient people are strong, having as their goal the honor and glorification of the King.

And of course, God-centered patience requires inner strength, not just external circumstances. To endure patiently means not to be caught off guard when life hurts. Our King is sovereign, but His sovereignty over us does not free us from pain.

The king's call for patience is beyond the so-called "prosperity gospel," which Pastor Matt Chandler summed up in one word: garbage. Chandler, a brain cancer survivor: “People get very angry when they hear that God was involved in my illness because they have been taught that God's purpose in the universe is to make us better, to make me better, to make you better - which He doesn't have for us. prepared no struggle, no pain. But the Bible says: ‘Being strong with all power according to His glorious might, with all patience and forbearance with joy.’

A life worthy of the King requires calmness, because life will not go as we plan for ourselves, but it will go as the King planned. Therefore we can be calm.

If the battles and wounds in your life have left you restless and you feel your spiritual zeal waning, then you are not living according to the will of God. In this case, He calls us to turn from the path our lives have taken and return to His path. He calls us to pray for patience and endurance.

Criterion 4: Is my heart filled with joyful gratitude?

“...with joy, giving thanks...” (Colossians 1:11-12)

On the one hand, ingratitude to God opens up soul-destroying idolatry:

“But how, having come to know God, they did not glorify Him as God and did not give thanks, but became futile in their speculations, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Romans 1:21)

“But fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints. Also, foul language and idle talk and ridicule are not becoming for you, but, on the contrary, thanksgiving; for know that no fornicator, or unclean person, or covetous person, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5:3-5)

On the other hand, real sincere joy in Christ and gratitude to the Father is a barometer of the health of our heart. It shows our relationship with God in the most intimate light.

This story from the past describes our lives because the only way we can shape our lives, thoughts and behavior in accordance with the will of the King is to be grateful for what the King has done for us in the past and is going to do for us in the future .

Any other detail of Christian life can find its place in ours if it fits into this eternal history.

King of Light, Children of Light

To be inscribed into the sovereign bloodline of the King is an amazing grace, and surely being adopted into the royal family is the greatest calling. To be a child of the King means to belong to “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own inheritance, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”(1 Peter 2:9). We are children of God who “shine like lights in the world”(Philippians 2:15). “For you are all sons of light and sons of day: we are not [sons of] night nor darkness.”(1 Thessalonians 5:5). “You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light.”(Ephesians 5:8).

We are delivered from darkness so that glory may shine. And in the interval between the past grace and the future, we must act as children of the King, as light among the darkness of this world.

And this is exactly what it means to walk the paths, worthy Tsar. John Flavel once remarked that “under dignity does not mean "dignity", deserved, and piety that defines a Christian” (from the book Works of John Flavel). Or as J.I. said. Packer: “Losing sight of the fact that God is a King and He wants His dear children to live a life worthy of their Father is no excuse for weak faith.”. Understanding that we have already been justified by the King and accepted into His family should change our lives.

So, what does it ultimately mean to “live worthy of the King”?

Jesus calls us to live in such a way that we are worthy of the Royal Family - as children of light - so that the enemies and rebels defeated by the King can see in us the greatest and undeniable glory of the King. Our worthy behavior, our attitude towards others, our words and our deeds - all this indicates that we are worthy of the King. And this, in the end, is the meaning of our calling to live for King Jesus.

Author - Tony Reinke/ © 2016 Desiring God Foundation. Website: desiringGod.org
Translation - Alesya Abramovich and Anna Ivashchenko For
