Kubgu Kuban State. Kuban State University (KubSU). Divisions in the structure of KubSU

Vegetables 05.04.2022

Year founded

Astapov, Mikhail Borisovich

Legal address

Coordinates: 45°01′10″ n. w. 39°01′51″ E. d. /  45.019444° s. w. 39.030833° E. d.(G) (O) (I)45.019444 , 39.030833

Multilevel education

(KubSU) - one of the largest universities of classical university education in Russia, a scientific center, a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. It harmoniously combines natural science and humanities specialties, of which there are currently 74. The university has licenses to train bachelors in 51 areas and masters in 34 areas. The number of specialties offered by Kuban State University is growing year by year: since 1995, from 2 to 5 new areas of study are introduced annually.

Kuban State University develops postgraduate education: the university’s postgraduate studies offer 60 specialties for study, doctoral studies - 18. Defenses of qualifying works for the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are held in 15 dissertation councils of the university, 13 of which are doctoral. The Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training offers training programs for specialists with higher education. The Institute has 6 educational centers and 3 advanced training faculties.

Kuban State University not only meets the region's personnel needs for highly qualified specialists, but also prepares graduates for work abroad. Throughout the year, teachers from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Greece, and France give lectures at Kuban State University. Students study on exchange and undergo internships at universities in Europe and America. The first agreement on a “double diploma” is also being implemented: students of the Faculty of Economics of KubSU and students of the Higher Technical and Economic School of Berlin will receive a diploma that is equally recognized in both Russia and Germany.

Every year, over three hundred students from America, Asia, and Europe study at the university. Of all the universities in the Southern Federal District, only Kuban State University studies in groups of students from countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and Austria. In total, the university has trained more than 1,000 foreign certified specialists.

Kuban State University is a partner of Oleg Deripaska’s charitable foundation “Volnoye Delo”.

Vladimir Andreevich Babeshko
Rector of KubSU from 1982 to 2008

In January 2006, the rector of the university, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Babeshko, was elected honorary senator of the Higher School of Technology and Economics in Berlin. The title of honorary professor of KubSU is held by famous scientists, political and public figures: ex-Prime Minister Russian Federation, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Academician E. M. Primakov, Deputy State Duma Russian academician M. Ch. Zalikhanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Russia in 2002-2005. Hans Friedrich von Ploetz, Rector of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov Academician V. A. Sadovnichy, RAS academicians G. I. Marchuk, B. F. Myasoedov, K. V. Frolov, writer V. I. Likhonosov, professor at the University of Tennessee (USA) R. Williams, ex -President of the Association of Colleges of the Midwest (USA) E. Hayford.

Scientific research

In terms of scientific development, KubSU occupies a leading position in the Southern Federal District. A feature of the research activities of Kuban State University is the promotion of fundamental science into applied research and the implementation of results into practice. The achievements of the scientific school of the rector of KubSU, Academician V. A. Babeshko, have been recognized in the country and abroad. In 2001, for the series of works “Dynamic contact problems of continuum mechanics”, three representatives of this school were awarded the State Prize of Russia.

Unique developments in the field of seismology have made it possible to create a well-founded theory for predicting seismicity and the occurrence of earthquakes, as well as to develop new effective methods search for minerals. Soil bioremediation technologies developed at Kuban University have found wide application, making it possible to restore the microbial biodiversity of contaminated soils in a short time. Laser crystals based on rare earth elements produced at the university are purchased by companies in the USA, Japan, France, and Germany. Scientists are also working in the current field of nanotechnology, which will make it possible to achieve a new level of miniaturization and high efficiency of telecommunication systems, computer equipment, electrical and chemical micromotors, etc.

Kuban State University pays attention to the problems of the region: together with the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the program “Academic Applied Scientific Problems of the Krasnodar Territory” is being implemented; programs to assess the seismicity of the Krasnodar Territory and to reduce risks from natural phenomena are carried out on orders from the regional administration. KubSU is working to restore accurate data on the history of Kuban in the period after the October Revolution. To this end, the university has established close contacts with representatives of the Cossacks abroad, studies the literary heritage of that time, publishes materials that correctly reflect the course of history, while contributing to the revival of spirituality in the Kuban. University scientists conduct research in almost all significant areas of science. Technopark "University", presenting the scientific products of the university at many international and all-Russian exhibitions, received more than 70 medals of various denominations and about 100 diplomas.

Kuban State University has numerous scientific and educational connections with universities and research centers different countries peace. More than 50 agreements have been concluded with universities in Europe, America, and Asia. KubSU is a member of the European and Eurasian associations [ what?], cooperates with the Association of Colleges of the US Midwest, international foundations IREX, ACIE, Fulbright, DAAD, EAD, etc. Kuban State University is the only Russian university elected as a member of the Association of Institutes of Seismology of the USA (IRIS). In addition, KubSU is the basic Russian university for relations with scientific institutions of the Black Sea countries economic zone(BSEC).

A regional network academy CISCO was opened on the basis of the Internet Center (KubSU)


  • Institute of Primary and Secondary vocational education KubGU (INSPO KubGU)
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Mathematics (bachelor's degree)
    • Mathematics and Computer Science (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Pedagogical education in a double profile "Informatics" and "Mathematics" (bachelor's degree)
    • Fundamental mathematics and mechanics
  • Physico-technical
    • Physics (Bachelor's degree)
    • Radiophysics (bachelor's degree)
    • Electronics and nanoelectronics (bachelor's degree)
    • Biotechnical systems and technologies (bachelor's degree)
    • Radio engineering (bachelor's degree)
    • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (bachelor's degree)
    • Information systems and technologies (bachelor's degree)
  • Chemistry and high technology
    • Chemistry
    • Standardization and metrology
    • Product technology and catering organization
    • Technosphere safety
  • Biological
    • Biology (Bachelor's degree)
    • Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture (bachelor's degree)
  • Geographical
    • Geography (bachelor's degree)
    • Cartography and geoinformatics (bachelor's degree)
    • Ecology and environmental management (bachelor's degree)
    • Service (bachelor's degree)
    • Tourism (bachelor's degree)
    • Hotel Management (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Geological
    • Geology
    • Geological exploration technologies
  • Computer technologies and applied mathematics
    • Fundamental computer science and information Technology(bachelor's degree)
    • Applied mathematics and computer science (bachelor's degree)
    • Mathematical support and administration of information systems (bachelor's degree)
    • Applied Informatics (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Economic
    • Management (bachelor's degree)
    • Economics (bachelor's degree)
    • Commercial Business (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Innovation (bachelor's degree)
    • Business Informatics (Bachelor's Degree)
    • System Analysis and Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Quality Management (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Legal
    • Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree)
    • Law enforcement
  • Management and psychology
    • Psychology (Bachelor's degree)
    • Political Science (Bachelor's Degree)
    • State and municipal administration (bachelor's degree)
    • Human Resources Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Conflictology (bachelor's degree)
    • Social Work (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Organization of work with youth (bachelor's degree)
    • Documentation and archival science (bachelor's degree)
  • History, Sociology and International Relations
    • History (bachelor's degree)
    • Philosophy (bachelor's degree)
    • Sociology (bachelor's degree)
    • International Relations (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Regional Studies (bachelor's degree)
    • Theology (bachelor's degree)
    • Religious Studies (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Oriental studies, African studies (bachelor's degree)
  • Philological
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
    • Teacher Education (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Romano-Germanic philology
    • Translation and translation studies (specialty)
    • Linguistics (bachelor's degree)
    • Fundamental and applied linguistics (bachelor's degree)
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
  • Artistic and graphic
    • Teacher education
  • Architecture and design
    • Architecture (bachelor's degree)
    • Costume and Textile Art (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Design (bachelor's degree)
  • Journalism
    • Journalism (Bachelor's degree)
    • Publishing (bachelor's degree)
    • Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Pedagogy, psychology and communication studies
    • Pedagogy (bachelor's degree)
    • Technological Education (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Socio-economic education (bachelor's degree)

Notable alumni


See also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Kuban State University" is in other dictionaries:

    Kuban State University- Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 149. Psychology, social work, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. With... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - (KGUFKST) Year of foundation 1969 ... Wikipedia

    - (Kuban State Technological University, Kuban State Technical University). Founded in 1918 in Yekaterinodar, initially in the form of the North Caucasus Polytechnic Institute. Many famous scientists stood at its origins: a physicist, the discoverer of electronic... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (KubSTU) Year of foundation 1918 Rector ... Wikipedia

    - (KubSAU) Motto of Tradition. Fundamentality. Innovation Year of foundation 1922 ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia also has articles about other organizations with the abbreviation KSMU. Kuban State medical university(KubSMU) Year of foundation 1920 Rector ... Wikipedia

Year founded

Astapov, Mikhail Borisovich

Legal address

Coordinates: 45°01′10″ n. w. 39°01′51″ E. d. /  45.019444° s. w. 39.030833° E. d.(G) (O) (I)45.019444 , 39.030833

Multilevel education

(KubSU) - one of the largest universities of classical university education in Russia, a scientific center, a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. It harmoniously combines natural science and humanities specialties, of which there are currently 74. The university has licenses to train bachelors in 51 areas and masters in 34 areas. The number of specialties offered by Kuban State University is growing year by year: since 1995, from 2 to 5 new areas of study are introduced annually.

Kuban State University develops postgraduate education: the university’s postgraduate studies offer 60 specialties for study, doctoral studies - 18. Defenses of qualifying works for the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are held in 15 dissertation councils of the university, 13 of which are doctoral. The Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training offers training programs for specialists with higher education. The Institute has 6 educational centers and 3 advanced training faculties.

Kuban State University not only meets the region's personnel needs for highly qualified specialists, but also prepares graduates for work abroad. Throughout the year, teachers from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Greece, and France give lectures at Kuban State University. Students study on exchange and undergo internships at universities in Europe and America. The first agreement on a “double diploma” is also being implemented: students of the Faculty of Economics of KubSU and students of the Higher Technical and Economic School of Berlin will receive a diploma that is equally recognized in both Russia and Germany.

Every year, over three hundred students from America, Asia, and Europe study at the university. Of all the universities in the Southern Federal District, only Kuban State University studies in groups of students from countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and Austria. In total, the university has trained more than 1,000 foreign certified specialists.

Kuban State University is a partner of Oleg Deripaska’s charitable foundation “Volnoye Delo”.

Vladimir Andreevich Babeshko
Rector of KubSU from 1982 to 2008

In January 2006, the rector of the university, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Babeshko, was elected honorary senator of the Higher School of Technology and Economics in Berlin. The title of honorary professor of KubSU is held by famous scientists, political and public figures: ex-Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Academician E. M. Primakov, Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Academician M. Ch. Zalikhanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany in Russia in 2002-2005. Hans Friedrich von Ploetz, Rector of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov Academician V. A. Sadovnichy, RAS academicians G. I. Marchuk, B. F. Myasoedov, K. V. Frolov, writer V. I. Likhonosov, professor at the University of Tennessee (USA) R. Williams, ex -President of the Association of Colleges of the Midwest (USA) E. Hayford.

Scientific research

In terms of scientific development, KubSU occupies a leading position in the Southern Federal District. A feature of the research activities of Kuban State University is the promotion of fundamental science into applied research and the implementation of results into practice. The achievements of the scientific school of the rector of KubSU, Academician V. A. Babeshko, have been recognized in the country and abroad. In 2001, for the series of works “Dynamic contact problems of continuum mechanics”, three representatives of this school were awarded the State Prize of Russia.

Unique developments in the field of seismology have made it possible to create a well-founded theory for predicting seismicity and the occurrence of earthquakes, as well as to develop new effective methods for searching for minerals. Soil bioremediation technologies developed at Kuban University have found wide application, making it possible to restore the microbial biodiversity of contaminated soils in a short time. Laser crystals based on rare earth elements produced at the university are purchased by companies in the USA, Japan, France, and Germany. Scientists are also working in the current field of nanotechnology, which will make it possible to achieve a new level of miniaturization and high efficiency of telecommunication systems, computer equipment, electrical and chemical micromotors, etc.

Kuban State University pays attention to the problems of the region: together with the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the program “Academic Applied Scientific Problems of the Krasnodar Territory” is being implemented; programs to assess the seismicity of the Krasnodar Territory and to reduce risks from natural phenomena are carried out on orders from the regional administration. KubSU is working to restore accurate data on the history of Kuban in the period after the October Revolution. To this end, the university has established close contacts with representatives of the Cossacks abroad, studies the literary heritage of that time, publishes materials that correctly reflect the course of history, while contributing to the revival of spirituality in the Kuban. University scientists conduct research in almost all significant areas of science. Technopark "University", presenting the scientific products of the university at many international and all-Russian exhibitions, received more than 70 medals of various denominations and about 100 diplomas.

Kuban State University has numerous scientific and educational connections with universities and research centers around the world. More than 50 agreements have been concluded with universities in Europe, America, and Asia. KubSU is a member of the European and Eurasian associations [ what?], cooperates with the Association of Colleges of the US Midwest, international foundations IREX, ACIE, Fulbright, DAAD, EAD, etc. Kuban State University is the only Russian university elected as a member of the Association of Institutes of Seismology of the USA (IRIS). In addition, KubSU is the basic Russian university for relations with scientific institutions of the countries of the Black Sea Economic Zone (BSEC).

A regional network academy CISCO was opened on the basis of the Internet Center (KubSU)


  • Institute of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education of KubSU (INSPO KubSU)
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Mathematics (bachelor's degree)
    • Mathematics and Computer Science (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Pedagogical education in a double profile "Informatics" and "Mathematics" (bachelor's degree)
    • Fundamental mathematics and mechanics
  • Physico-technical
    • Physics (Bachelor's degree)
    • Radiophysics (bachelor's degree)
    • Electronics and nanoelectronics (bachelor's degree)
    • Biotechnical systems and technologies (bachelor's degree)
    • Radio engineering (bachelor's degree)
    • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (bachelor's degree)
    • Information systems and technologies (bachelor's degree)
  • Chemistry and high technology
    • Chemistry
    • Standardization and metrology
    • Product technology and catering organization
    • Technosphere safety
  • Biological
    • Biology (Bachelor's degree)
    • Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture (bachelor's degree)
  • Geographical
    • Geography (bachelor's degree)
    • Cartography and geoinformatics (bachelor's degree)
    • Ecology and environmental management (bachelor's degree)
    • Service (bachelor's degree)
    • Tourism (bachelor's degree)
    • Hotel Management (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Geological
    • Geology
    • Geological exploration technologies
  • Computer technologies and applied mathematics
    • Fundamental computer science and information technology (bachelor's degree)
    • Applied mathematics and computer science (bachelor's degree)
    • Mathematical support and administration of information systems (bachelor's degree)
    • Applied Informatics (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Economic
    • Management (bachelor's degree)
    • Economics (bachelor's degree)
    • Commercial Business (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Innovation (bachelor's degree)
    • Business Informatics (Bachelor's Degree)
    • System Analysis and Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Quality Management (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Legal
    • Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree)
    • Law enforcement
  • Management and psychology
    • Psychology (Bachelor's degree)
    • Political Science (Bachelor's Degree)
    • State and municipal administration (bachelor's degree)
    • Human Resources Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Conflictology (bachelor's degree)
    • Social Work (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Organization of work with youth (bachelor's degree)
    • Documentation and archival science (bachelor's degree)
  • History, Sociology and International Relations
    • History (bachelor's degree)
    • Philosophy (bachelor's degree)
    • Sociology (bachelor's degree)
    • International Relations (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Regional Studies (bachelor's degree)
    • Theology (bachelor's degree)
    • Religious Studies (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Oriental studies, African studies (bachelor's degree)
  • Philological
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
    • Teacher Education (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Romano-Germanic philology
    • Translation and translation studies (specialty)
    • Linguistics (bachelor's degree)
    • Fundamental and applied linguistics (bachelor's degree)
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
  • Artistic and graphic
    • Teacher education
  • Architecture and design
    • Architecture (bachelor's degree)
    • Costume and Textile Art (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Design (bachelor's degree)
  • Journalism
    • Journalism (Bachelor's degree)
    • Publishing (bachelor's degree)
    • Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Pedagogy, psychology and communication studies
    • Pedagogy (bachelor's degree)
    • Technological Education (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Socio-economic education (bachelor's degree)

Notable alumni


See also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Wine alcohol substitutes
  • Turgenev, Alexander Ivanovich

See what "Kuban State University" is in other dictionaries:

    Kuban State University- Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 149. Psychology, social work, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. With ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism- (KGUFKST) Year of foundation 1969 ... Wikipedia

    KUBAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY- (Kuban State Technological University, Kuban State Technical University). Founded in 1918 in Yekaterinodar, initially in the form of the North Caucasus Polytechnic Institute. Many famous scientists stood at its origins: a physicist, the discoverer of electronic... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Kuban State Technological University- (KubSTU) Year of foundation 1918 Rector ... Wikipedia

    Kuban State Agrarian University- (KubSAU) Motto of Tradition. Fundamentality. Innovation Year of foundation 1922 ... Wikipedia

    Kuban State Medical University- Wikipedia has articles about other organizations with the abbreviation KSMU. Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU) Founded 1920 Rector ... Wikipedia

Today KubSU is a university of classical university education. It harmoniously combines natural and humanitarian areas of training.

Kuban State University is one of the leading universities in the south of Russia, founded in 1920. Over the years of its existence, the university has been renamed many times. It received its current name on February 18, 1970.

Kuban State University is a university with a rich ninety-five-year history, well-established traditions and generally recognized achievements. Its high status, confirmed by numerous awards, and its established image as a leading center of education, science and culture in Kuban have earned the university fame and recognition not only in Russia but also abroad. Today, about 30 thousand students study at KubSU, including representatives of 55 countries.

In 2009, according to the rating of the independent rating agency "ReitOR", Kuban State University was among best universities peace. KubSU took 314th place in the world, becoming 10th among Russian universities and ahead of all educational institutions in the Southern Federal District.

The structure of the university includes the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Geography
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of Architecture and Design
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations
  • Faculty of Computer Technologies and Applied Mathematics
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies
  • Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Management and Psychology
  • Faculty of Physics and Technology
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies
  • Faculty of Art and Graphics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law

The structure of the university also includes the following institutes:

  • Institute of Secondary Vocational Education
  • Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists

In addition, KubSU has branches in Armavir, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Tikhoretsk and Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

Kuban State University, KubSU is a recognized large educational and scientific complex in Krasnodar. Awarded by the Russian-Swiss Business Club with a gold medal for an impeccable business reputation, entered the top hundred best universities in the Russian Federation and awarded the gold medal “European Quality”. A feature of the research activities of KubSU is the promotion of fundamental science into applied research and the implementation of results into practice. In addition, the state university pays attention to the problems of the region. The University Technopark, created at the university, presents scientific products at international and all-Russian exhibitions. The university has numerous scientific and educational connections with universities and research centers around the world. KubSU opened on September 5, 1920.

Structure of Kuban State University


Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Faculty of Journalism
Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations
Faculty of Computer Technologies and Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies
Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology
Faculty of Management and Psychology
Faculty of Physics and Technology
Faculty of Philology
Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies
Faculty of Art and Graphics
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Law

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