Silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous what. Colloidal silicon - nanosilicon. Possible harm to the body

Trimming 20.02.2022
Silicon dioxide colloidal

Latin name

Silicium dioxide colloidal

Pharmacological group


Nosological classification (ICD-10)

A04.9 Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified
A05 Other bacterial food poisoning
F10.3 Withdrawal state
K52.2 Allergic and nutritional gastroenteritis and colitis
L02 Skin abscess, boil and carbuncle
L03 Phlegmon
N61 Inflammatory diseases of the breast
T79.3 Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified
X40-X49 Accidental poisoning and exposure to toxic substances
Y57 Adverse reactions during therapeutic use of other and unspecified drugs and medications


A substance obtained from highly dispersed silica. A bluish-white powder, odorless and tasteless. When shaken with water, it forms a suspension.


Pharmacological action: adsorbing, regenerating.

It has a high sorption capacity for enzymes, antigens, antibodies, endogenous and exogenous toxins, tissue breakdown products and other protein substances, microorganisms, food allergens, medications, poisons, and water. When applied topically, it prevents the progression of necrotic changes, promotes the rejection of non-viable tissue and healing.


Acute intestinal infections, food toxic infections, allergic reactions, endogenous and exogenous intoxications, acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances; alcohol withdrawal syndrome; purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues (purulent wounds, phlegmon, abscess, mastitis).


For oral administration: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in the acute phase); for topical use: clean granulating and aseptic wounds.

Side effects

When taken orally - dyspepsia; when applied topically - the formation of a crust that prevents aeration of the wound surface (when applying excess quantities).


When taken orally, it reduces the effectiveness of drugs taken simultaneously orally (should be taken 1 hour before taking the drug).

Directions for use and doses

Inside, 1 hour before meals. Acute intestinal infections and toxic infections - 2-3 g 3 times a day. Severe diarrheal syndrome - on the first day, a single dose of 4-6 g, the average daily dose is 12 g. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. Acute oral drug poisoning, incl. potent, ethanol and toxic substances, depending on the severity of the condition, a single dose is determined at the rate of 0.1-0.15 mg/kg (on average 7-10 g) in 2-3 doses. In severe forms of poisoning - through a tube into the stomach after washing it, every 4-6 hours during the entire toxicogenic phase of poisoning. The maximum daily dose is 24 g. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - 2-4 g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days. Food and drug allergies - 2-3 g 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals and medications. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Locally, after pre-treatment of the wound, the drug is applied in a layer of 4-6 mm; the surface of the wound is covered with a dry aseptic bandage. Dressings are performed at intervals of 1-2 days.

Flow or fractional washings are carried out with a 1-3% aqueous suspension 1-6 times a day until washing water is obtained that is identical in color and consistency to the suspension used, and is completed by filling the cavity with an aqueous suspension of the drug.

Cornerstone of Health

  • general dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin, dry wrinkles around the eyes and in the corners of the lips
  • dermatitis, eczema, peeling of the skin of the hands and feet, loss of softness of the pads of the fingers and toes
  • dry, brittle, peeling nails
  • noticeable loss of skin turgor, initial stage of ptosis (drooping) of the face
  • fragility and hair loss, feeling that hair does not grow beyond a certain length
  • dry feet, frequent cracks in the skin of the heels
  • excessive joint mobility (or stiffness after an inflammatory disease)
  • disorders of capillary circulation, manifested in fragility and increased permeability of capillary walls (frequent infectious diseases, tendency to form hematomas - “bruises” - with mild bruises)
  • bone weakness (osteoporosis, increased risk of fractures)

Biological significance of silicon

Silicon is an element of the third period of the system of elements, which in biological significance corresponds to its participation in the formation of organs and influence on the spatial organization of tissues. This biological role is realized due to the activation of the enzyme proline hydroxylase by silicon, which stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and silicon also promotes the absorption of calcium by bone tissue, as evidenced by its presence in the tissues of growing bone around the area of ​​calcification. The biochemical significance of silicon lies in the fact that it is included as a structural component in the composition of glycosaminoglycans in connective tissue, which are present everywhere. Thus, although the highest concentrations of silicon are observed in the walls of the aorta, large arteries, lymph nodes, in the tissues of the trachea, ligaments, bones, skin, and hair, the influence of silicon is much broader. Since the intensity of metabolism in all organs depends on the strength and elasticity of the capillary walls, on the rate of renewal of the connective tissue of the walls, the influence of silicon ultimately extends to the entire body.

Causes of silicon deficiency and its manifestations

Silicon is a widespread chemical element in nature, but difficult for animals to access. The reasons for its reduced content in the human body can be either insufficient intake from food or leaching from the body. Under normal conditions, silicon is contained in the form of silicic acids. The element is present in relatively large quantities in cereals. Its concentration in legumes can be considered insignificant. In the process of grinding grain and making semolina, as well as premium flour, the grains are thoroughly cleaned from the shell, which contains a large amount of silicon. The element is found in the peel of various fruits. But there is not much of it in peeled fruits and vegetables. There may be some difficulty here. The fact is that nitrates often accumulate in the peel of some fruits. Wild medicinal plants horsetail, knotweed, lungwort, and wheatgrass are rich in silicon. However, silicon is absorbed by the human body in small quantities (about 4%). At the same time, a lack of silicon can occur due to rapid growth or physical overload. Environmental causes of silicon deficiency also include excess aluminum in the body.

Volume: 500 ml – 6480

Instructions for use of the product
MesoSilica® - Meso-Silicon

Directions for use: For adults, prophylactically, 1-2 tablespoons per day on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is 1-3 months. If necessary, the product can be repeated. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Contraindications; individual intolerance to silicon.

One package of 500 ml of MesoSilica® is designed for a monthly course of use

Manufacturer: Purest Colloids Inc. recommends taking our colloids on an empty stomach immediately after waking up or before going to bed, holding the solution in the mouth for a couple of minutes to ensure effective absorption of the solution by the oral mucosa before it enters the stomach.

Portrait of silicon deficiency

The experience of homeopathic medicine distinguishes a special type of Silicea patient. Normally, “silicon people” are full of energy, sleep little without experiencing discomfort, and are constantly busy with something. They are sociable and cannot stand loneliness. Talkative - constantly moving from one topic to another, gesticulating energetically. When there is no interlocutor, they still do not stop singing their favorite tune. Dreamers tend to look at the world through the magnifying glass of their imagination. Katherine R. Coulter presents the Silicea type patient this way (Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines, Part 1 Psychophysical Analysis of Constitutional Types, Part 1 “Homeopathic Medicine”, Moscow, 1998): the patient “embodies the following qualities: rigidity, firmness and a tendency to chronic diseases on the physical and mental levels. The Silicea patient “...also exhibits fragility, which can be seen in easily broken bones, split hair, deformed and brittle fingernails; for teeth with poor enamel and easily splintered...” “The lack of self-healing and healing powers is most clearly visible in the example of a variety of skin diseases in this type: the endless suppuration of small wounds and infections, old wounds and cracks that never healed properly; past burns of places that never fully healed.” Similar mental and intellectual traits are characteristic of Silicea - the inability to complete work begun for the reason of constantly improving it (perfectionism). Following the traditions of Ayurveda, this person can be classified as a Vata type, being in a tamasic or sattvic state, respectively.

What to do?

Connective tissue deficiency, in addition to pronounced external manifestations in the deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, also worsens the condition of the joints, limits physical activity person and worsens general well-being. Therefore, the first step on the path to recovery is silicon preparations. Silica is a colloidal solution of nano-sized particles that spread through the bloodstream and eliminate silicon deficiency in all organs. Thus, the drug removes the cause of age-related changes in connective tissue and accelerates its recovery, actively promoting the production of collagen and elastane in all tissues of the body. The gradual return of much-needed silicon to the body can be noticed after 2-3 weeks of daily use due to external factors - the condition of the skin improves, within a month or two - the so-called “undercoat” is formed during seasonal hair loss, the condition of the nails noticeably improves and the skin of the hands softens and legs

This component is found in all parts of the body, providing an adsorbent and restorative effect. It also has a strong detoxification effect, which plays an important role in cases of poisoning and allergies.

Silicon oxide has a positive effect on a person, which helps to use it medicinal properties in the treatment of certain diseases. In the form of drugs it is used for poisoning food products, as well as water and poisons.

Penetrating into the stomach and intestines, it does not accumulate and is not absorbed, exerting a local effect while accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues. In this regard, the component in its pure form is not used in medicine. Silicon preparations are used for therapy and healing.

At pharmacies you can buy the most popular preparations with silicon dioxide in tablets and powders, such as “Polysorb”, “Oligo Silicon”, “Florasil”. In addition to these silicon-containing drugs, there are many others, but they are not known as such.

The benefits of silicon

The daily consumption of this component is several times higher than its intake into the body along with water and food. Silicon oxide is excreted in large quantities in small patients during the active formation of the skeletal system, and in adult patients - with increased physical exercise. Its deficiency occurs in absolutely every second person, which is accompanied by certain reactions.

Signs of Deficiency

The following phenomena indicate a silicon deficiency:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. Decrease in the body's defenses.
  3. Increased cholesterol.
  4. Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Deterioration of hair and nails.

Even with a good intake of a component in the body, not all of it can be absorbed. This is due to the increased concentration of glucose and carbohydrates. This leads to the fact that healthy eating affects the balance of beneficial components in the body.

Exposure of patients to various external and internal stimuli leads to suppression of metabolic processes, leading to various problems. The use of complex vitamins and biological supplements, the list of which also includes microelements, will help correct this.

Beneficial effects of silicon

Silicon oxide is needed for healthy bones, joints, as well as skin, hair and nails. With sufficient intake into the body, it prevents the occurrence of such a serious pathological disease as Alzheimer's disease.

Other beneficial effects:

  1. Fabrics become more elastic.
  2. Blood pressure stabilizes.
  3. Calcium is better absorbed.
  4. Immunity increases.
  5. Metabolism accelerates.

Useful components of liquid silicon are widely used in cosmetology. Most women resort to anti-aging procedures using it.

It helps tone the epidermis, returning it to a healthy appearance. In pharmacies, silicon tablets are sold freely; it is included in some drugs that will be discussed later.

Medicines containing silicon

Medicines containing silicon, as a rule, contain other useful microelements. Typically these are zinc and calcium. These drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but be sure to read the instructions before use.

You will also need to visit a medical specialist who will tell you in detail how to properly use and combine medications. Colloidal silicon dioxide is often found in the production of tablets and powders, for example, in the following preparations:

  1. "Polysorb".
  2. "Florasil".
  3. "Oligo Silicon".


Enterosorbent is prescribed to people for various poisonings to eliminate toxins from the body. The drug is available in powder form, which has an increased detoxification effect. When the prepared suspension penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, colloidal silicon dioxide adsorbs toxic components, binding them and removing it naturally.

According to the instructions for use, "Polysorb" eliminates not only pathogens, but also allergens, as well as antigens, poisons, salts of heavy metals, alcohols, drugs, excess bilirubin, cholesterol, and fat complexes.

Along with toxic components, the Polysorb suspension absorbs vitamins and minerals from the intestinal walls, therefore, if it is necessary to use medications for a long time, the patient must additionally consume multivitamin complexes and calcium.

"Oligo Silicon"

A medicine for healing bones and joints, as well as tendons and cartilage. The medication is also used for preventive purposes to prevent osteoporosis through the absorption of calcium, improve and rejuvenate the skin, hair and nails.

According to reviews of tablets with silicon, they improve appearance skin, as well as hair and nails, since the largest amount of silicon is found in the epidermis and hair follicles. To keep the skin smooth and elastic, and the nail plate not to flake or break, you need a sufficient supply of this substance in the body.

Vital for maintaining normal bone structure, as well as for bone mineralization, prevents osteoporosis. "Oligo Silicon" is important for the proper and rapid recovery of bone fractures, as well as torn and damaged tendons and ligaments.

The medicine stabilizes metabolic processes, silicon oxide takes part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves absorption by the body by more than seventy percent chemical elements.


At the moment, many doctors agree that in most situations, the causes of the occurrence and exacerbation of psoriasis are considered to be a deficiency of silicon in the body. Various ointments, as well as physical therapy procedures, help reduce inflammation and improve the patient’s condition as a whole, but they do not fundamentally solve the problem.

"Florasil" is silicon in tablets, which helps with disorders of silicon metabolism in the body, anemia, joint damage, as well as tuberculosis, psoriasis and eczema.

According to reviews from medical specialists, a sufficient intake of silicon dioxide has only a beneficial effect on the body. Taking medications helps stabilize your well-being at any age. When you are bothered by unpleasant symptoms characteristic of a deficiency of this substance, you need to visit a doctor who will recommend good medications to restore the balance of beneficial components.

Feedback on silicon-containing drugs is generally positive. Patients often report that they received good results using this medicine for allergies, psoriasis, and eczema. With constant use, patients noted that after some time the signs of the disease became less noticeable, since they quickly eliminated the symptoms of intoxication.

In addition, from patient reviews it is known that among the popular products one can also highlight “Active Silicon” - tablets, the instructions of which contain information about indications for use and possible side effects. It has a low cost and is produced in convenient blisters of 40 and 80 pieces.

Colloidal silicon dioxide is a drug (tablets) that belongs to the category of sex hormones and modulators of the reproductive system. Important Features medicine from the instructions for use:

  • Sold only with a doctor's prescription
  • During pregnancy: contraindicated
  • When breastfeeding: contraindicated
  • For liver dysfunction: with caution
  • If renal function is impaired: with caution
  • In old age: with caution


Chemical name

Silicon(IV) oxide

Chemical properties

Silicon dioxide, what is it? According to Wikipedia, tetravalent silicon oxide is a component of almost all rocks. This chemical compound appears as colorless crystals with a fairly high melting point. Silicon Dioxide Formula: SiO2. The chemical formula of silica is the same as that of Silicon Dioxide. Melting point is about 1600 degrees Celsius.

The substance belongs to the group of acid oxides, is a dielectric, and has several polymorphic modifications of crystals. Under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, the substance turns into coesite and stishovite, has various modifications and forms, quartz, opal, authigenic quartz, chalcedony; amorphous Silicon dioxide is quartz glass.

Applications of Silica

Due to the variety of forms, the substance is used in various fields. The mineral is used in the production of glass, abrasives, concrete and ceramic products; as a filler during rubber production to produce silicon; in the production of refractory materials; in chromatography. Quartz crystals are used for the production of lighters, ultrasonic devices, and in radio engineering. Some algae contribute to the accumulation of silica in the biosphere and perform a biochemical function. The compound is also used as an emulsifier in food industry(E551), added to toothpaste. Used as an insulator in the production of fiber-optic cables, used as a heating element in electronic cigarettes; in jewelry and so on. The use of Silicon Dioxide in medicine is widespread as an excipient, food additive or in the form of an enterosorbent.

Silicon dioxide: harm and benefit

The substance cannot cause any particular harm to the body, since upon penetration into the gastrointestinal tract it is not absorbed through the walls of the stomach and is excreted unchanged. The food additive E 551 is present in many food products, sugar, milk powder and warblers, chips, crackers, alcoholic drinks and confectionery products. With the correct use of medications, there is also no harm from colloidal silicon dioxide.

Pharmacological action

Adsorbing, regenerating.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Silica has a fairly high absorption capacity. The substance binds and removes from the body various enzymes, antibodies, antigens, toxins, tissue decay products, microorganisms and food allergens. The substance is actively used to evacuate certain medications, water and poisons. After penetration into the digestive tract, the drug is not subject to systemic absorption and does not accumulate in the body.

When used topically, the substance prevents necrotic changes in tissue and promotes wound healing.

Indications for use

Colloidal silicon dioxide is used in medicine:

  • at intestinal infections, food toxic infections, allergies;
  • with exogenous and endogenous intoxication;
  • as part of the complex treatment of acute poisoning;
  • with alcohol withdrawal;
  • in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, abscesses, purulent wounds, phlegmon, mastitis.


The substance is contraindicated for systemic use for gastric and duodenal ulcers during exacerbation; with gastric erosion and intestinal obstruction. The medicine is not applied to granulating and clean aseptic wounds.

Side effects

Silica when taken orally can cause indigestion and constipation. When exposed locally, it forms a crust that prevents normal aeration of the wound surface.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The substance is taken orally in accordance with the instructions that come with the drug.


In case of overdose, patients may experience constipation and indigestion. There are no reports of cases of overdose of the substance.


The drug, when taken orally, has the ability to reduce the effectiveness of drugs taken orally at the same time. You should maintain a gap of one hour between taking other medications.

When combining Silicon Dioxide preparations with acetylsalicylic acid, platelet disaggregation processes are enhanced.

When taking the drug, nicotinic acid and atoxil simultaneously, the level of HDL cholesterol increases.

When carrying out intracorporeal sorption detoxification, it is recommended to combine the drug with bifuran, furatsilin, chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter release.

During pregnancy and lactation

The medicine can be prescribed during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Drugs containing (Analogs)

Aerosil, Polysorb MP, Atoxil, Silix, Maxisorb.

Video on the topic

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