Beauty in Chinese: lunar calendar and ancient traditions. How Asian beauties take care of their appearance Secrets of Chinese beauties

Berries 23.01.2022

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Chinese women, like all young ladies from Southeast Asia, have secured a reputation for themselves as women who know the secrets of youth and beauty. Indeed, when you start living in China, trying to determine a woman’s age turns into some kind of exciting game in which you will lose anyway. 20 year olds look 13, 30 year olds look 18, 40 year olds... well, you guessed it.

How is the behavior of Chinese women different from ours, what do they do that allows them to maintain beauty and youth? I will share my observations.

Even in adulthood, Chinese women never stop wearing bright colors and cute things.

  • Chinese women spend very impressive sums on personal care products, the amount per month can reach up to $300, and sometimes more. Chinese cosmetics are not held in high esteem here; Japanese or Korean brands are preferred. Large shopping centers have a huge selection of luxury European brands, which are much more expensive in China than in Russia. Men treat such expenses very calmly, if not positively.
  • Since China is a culture focused primarily on long-term relationships and marriage, rather than sex, the Western concept of “sexuality” is replaced by “beauty.” Beauty is determined primarily by facial features: big eyes, high nose, small mouth and, of course, fair skin. “White color cancels three deformities,” says a Chinese proverb, and Chinese women go to great lengths to stay or become white-skinned. Numerous sun protection products, sun umbrellas, hats and radical dark plastic face masks a la welder - all this allows you not only to maintain a white complexion, but also to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. The fact that somewhere there are people who are willing to pay money to get a tan is simply beyond the imagination of Chinese ladies. Another method is bleaching agents, as well as cosmetic and foundation creams.
  • As for body proportions, Chinese women are no strangers to the international female entertainment “I’m losing weight.” At the same time, there is no shame in admitting that you love to eat. But from the point of view of Chinese women, everything that is not skinny is plump. For example, girls with the proportions of Charlize Theron would be considered large ladies in China.
  • But being chubby in China is not a problem at all - it’s even cute. It’s another matter if you call a Chinese woman “strong” - You risk making an enemy. At first I didn’t really understand why my friends called me chubby when, for example, I did strength exercises. To my indignant “WHY?” They carefully told me: “Well, we don’t want to call you “strong.” It turned out that the concept of “plump, plump” is feminine and sweet, almost a compliment. And telling a woman that she is strong is the same as calling her masculine.
  • A Chinese girl should be sweet, lovely - what we call mimimi, in English cute, and in Chinese - 可爱, which sounds like “kyai”. Such an eternal little princess girl. In the Chinese view, this is achieved by using a large number of pastel colors, a special color pink (at any age), rhinestones (at any age) and images of animals on clothes and accessories (at any age). From my point of view, the quintessence of the concept of Chineseness is Chinese phone cases. Women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s wear a similar riot of cuteness.
  • The daily routine is a sacred matter. People here get up early, go to bed early and always try to sleep during the day after lunch. All of China eats breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. When they arrange meetings, they do not set an exact time, but say “after lunch.”
  • On the subject of food. Every Chinese woman knows which foods are “good for women” and what time of year. Foods that are “good for women” usually affect beauty and fertility. For example, these are ginger, black sesame and jojoba. And they prefer unrefined black sugar (not brown, but black).
  • Chinese women have no passion for chocolate and sweets in general. For snacks, people here prefer something salty or spicy. In general, they eat a lot of vegetables and a variety of greens, which also contributes to a slim figure.
  • Chinese women love to take selfies and post their photos on Chinese social networks. Any Chinese phone model has a filter built into the camera that automatically corrects all imperfections, evens out skin color, enlarges and darkens eyes. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why Asian girls are famous for their attractiveness.

All girls in China know: to take a good selfie, you need to hold your smartphone slightly from above and tilt it a little.

  • Chinese women try to cover their tops. A girl can have whatever she wants short skirt or shorts, and they will not see anything reprehensible in this, while even a small cutout may be considered something out of the ordinary. Every self-respecting girl has a “qipao” - a traditional Chinese dress, completely closed, but seductively hugging her figure.

One restaurant in Jinan came up with a playful thing: it gives a 20% discount if the distance between the knee and the bottom edge of the beauty’s skirt is at least 8 cm. And if she dares to wear a skirt that is 33 cm above the knee, the discount will be as much as 90%.

  • From the point of view of Chinese women, the second terrible enemy after the sun is cold in all its manifestations. Chinese women drink only hot water and in large quantities. They try not to shower or eat ice cream during menstruation. And really good Chinese ladies don’t eat ice cream at all. Never. For the same reason (fear of letting the cold in), after giving birth, as I was told, many Chinese women do not shower for a month, but wash only with water infused with ginger, because it warms well.
  • Well, perhaps the most interesting custom of Chinese women is zuo yue zi - 坐月子. The mother of a newborn child remains in bed almost all the time for a month after giving birth. She doesn’t go out anywhere, wrapped in the warmest clothes. The child is cared for either by her mother or her husband's relatives (mother and sister), or a special person is hired. It is believed that during childbirth a woman loses a huge amount of energy. But if she rests for a month, she will be able not only to recover, but also to cure the diseases that she suffered from before giving birth.

And finally: The beauty of Chinese women is greatly enhanced by the fact that they feel attractive and feminine. Primarily because of the attitude of men towards them. I have been to many places, but perhaps I have never seen such a caring and even reverent attitude of men towards women as in China.

How does the lifestyle of Chinese women differ from ours, what actions do they take to achieve such amazing results in the struggle to preserve beauty and youth? We will share our observations with you.

- Correct mode day is very important for the Chinese. They wake up early, go to bed early, and religiously try to take an afternoon nap. All Chinese have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. When making an appointment, they do not say the exact time, but say “after lunch.”

Speaking of food. Every Chinese woman has information about products that are beneficial for women, as well as at what time of year they should be consumed. Food "good for women", usually affects beauty and fertility. In particular, these are ginger, black sesame and jojoba. They also prefer unrefined black sugar (not to be confused with brown)

Chinese women do not have a love for chocolate and, in general, for sweets. They prefer salty or spicy snacks. They also eat a huge amount of vegetables, herbs and fruits, which has an excellent effect on their figure.

Chinese women spare no expense on personal care products, monthly expenses can reach $300 or more. Chinese cosmetics are not popular among them, but Japanese and Korean brands can often be found on the dressing table of any self-respecting Chinese woman. The huge stores have a large assortment of luxury European brands, the prices of which in China are much higher than in Russia. Men do not forbid their wives to invest fortunes in cosmetics, but on the contrary, they even welcome this zeal.

Due to the fact that Chinese culture prioritizes long-term relationships and marriage, rather than sex, the Western cult of sexuality is changed to “beauty.” Beautiful, according to the Chinese, is a face that has large eyes, a high nose, a miniature mouth and, of course, fair skin. “White color cancels three deformities”- this is the Chinese proverb. And what methods do Chinese girls resort to in order to maintain their complexion or acquire a light tone? A huge number of things protect the delicate skin of Chinese women from the sun's rays: zones, wide-brimmed hats, and even plastic masks, like welding masks - all these items make it possible to remain white-skinned. The fact that women in other countries pay exorbitant amounts of money to acquire dark skin color bewilders Chinese young ladies.

Chinese girls have a mania for taking selfies and posting their photos on social networks. In any Chinese phone model there is filter built into the camera, which smooths out all the imperfections in appearance. And this is one of the reasons why Asian girls are recognized as so beautiful.

All girls in China know that in order to take a great selfie, you need to hold the phone slightly above eye level.

Chinese girls' tops are usually closed. She can have an extreme length skirt or shorts; this is not considered vulgar, but even a miniature neckline is considered inappropriate. Every Chinese fashionista has a “qipao” - national Chinese clothing, completely closed, but seductively hugging the figure.

Even a cafe in Jinan came up with a funny promotion: they give a 20% discount if the interval between the knee and the hem of a fashionista’s skirt is at least 8 cm. And the risky decision to wear a skirt 33 cm above the knee provides a discount of as much as 90%.

A Chinese woman should be pretty and charming - what we call cuteness. Chinese girls achieve this effect by using pastel colors, in particular pink, rhinestones and animal prints on clothes, and all this is acceptable at any age. According to Chinese women, advanced age is not an obstacle to wearing bright colors and fashionable things.

A little about the parameters of the figure: Chinese women have a feminine hobby "I'm losing weight". However, in China it is quite normal to say you love food. But in the minds of Chinese girls, everything that is not skinny is plump. For example, girls with the parameters of Charlize Theron would be perceived in China as curvy young ladies.

But being chubby in this charming country is not a problem - it's even cute. But God forbid you call a Chinese woman “strong” - you run the risk of making an enemy. Telling a Chinese girl that she is strong is tantamount to calling her masculine.

Cold, according to Chinese women, causes enormous damage to health. Chinese women use exclusively warm water and in huge volumes. During menstruation, do not shower or eat ice cream. And very pedantic women do not eat ice cream at all. Due to the fear of letting the cold in, many Chinese women do not shower for about a month after giving birth. For washing they use water infused with ginger, it warms perfectly.

And now the most amazing foundation in China is zuo yue zi - 坐月子. A woman who has given birth to a baby spends virtually all her time in bed for several weeks after giving birth. She is wrapped in numerous blankets. The baby is looked after either by relatives or a nanny. It is generally accepted that during childbirth a woman loses a lot of energy. However, through 30 days of bed rest, all the energy will return to her. Moreover, all diseases that trouble a woman before childbirth will go away.

Chinese women are women who are confident in their attractiveness. This is because Chinese men treat them with tenderness, affection and care. This makes the fair sex happy. And a happy woman cannot be ugly!

You may have noticed that Chinese women, even in old age, look quite fresh: velvety skin, chic shiny hair.

You wonder How do Chinese beauties manage to maintain their beauty? over time?

It's all about a healthy lifestyle, which parents teach their children from early childhood.

The Chinese have always been very careful about their health and appearance.

They are sure that there is a close relationship between the soul and the body.

From an interview with the actress

Most effective advice self-care services that you have ever received?

Be attentive to your inner world.

Our body, physical shell, is a temple. If we fill it with junk food, bad thoughts and feelings, the body will respond in kind.

Chinese women are confident: if you want to look young and beautiful, take care not only of your loved ones, but also of your loved one.

Healthy eating and self care– the main components of female youth and beauty!

To preserve your youth, use the beauty recipes of Chinese beauties!

Secrets of a healthy lifestyle for Chinese women

  • Girls, having barely learned to take their first steps, begin to study health-improving gymnastics;
  • During your period women do not eat cold foods or drink cold water. The temperature of food and water should not be lower than our body temperature. Also during this period they are careful of drafts.
  • Chinese women do every day self-massage for different parts of the body. For example, to keep their breasts healthy, they do the following: fold their hands over the right breast - the right one is on top and the left one is below, and massage the breasts clockwise 36 times. The same is done with the left breast.
  • For maintaining smooth and youthful skin Chinese ladies eat as much food as possible acidic foods, for example, lemons and sour apples.
  • After 35 years included in the diet soy products– soy sauce, tofu and soy meat, which contain iron, calcium and vitamin E, which are necessary for the skin;
  • To preserve youth, face and neck masks are regularly made, as well as hair masks;
  • They mostly eat cereal dishes from rice, buckwheat, oats, rye and wheat, since cereals contain a lot of amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Cereals promote good bowel function and provide a lot of energy;
  • Chinese women too eat a lot of fruit, boiled and raw vegetables, herbs, nuts, mustard, seafood and dairy foods;
  • Chinese women don't carry weights(unlike us). That is why they practically do not suffer from varicose veins;
  • Instead of meat, so beloved by Russians, the Chinese prefer to eat fatty fish, beans and peas. Please note - there are few overweight people in China;
  • Waking up Women in China don't jump out of bed. First, they warm up their palms by rubbing them together, and then, touching their foreheads, perform a series of washing movements. Thanks to this, they calmly greet their new day, because these manipulations are good calm the nervous system.

When it comes to skin care, we girls who are well-read and follow trends immediately turn our attention to the East. The fact is that it is Eastern women, like no one else, who know a lot about care and how to maintain youthful skin for many years. Today the site invites you to Ancient China - the homeland of the most feminine, fair-faced and gentle women. Let's reveal their beauty secrets!

Despite existing prejudices that China- these are only fakes, fake and low-quality products, as well as a country where there are 2 people per square meter (a joke, of course), first of all, this is a country of advanced technologies that is developing by leaps and bounds, treading the path for humanity into the future. As for the beauty industry, it is progressing so actively and producing more and more new innovations that, honestly, it’s scary to even make predictions about how Chinese companies will surprise us in the near future! That is why we suggest not to get ahead of ourselves and thoroughly study the ancient beauty secrets of Chinese women, which, by the way, many of them still use to this day.

What are they famous for? chinese women? Of course, with her ideal, porcelain-like skin, which even with age remains so smooth and soft that sometimes, looking at a photo of an older Chinese woman, it is difficult to even guess how old she really is. For (this is why all their cosmetics must contain SPF) and the absence of wrinkles, the fight against which they begin almost at the age of 20. Based on this, and beauty secrets their goal is to prolong the youth of the skin and make it impeccably snow-white.

Wei Brian served as a consultant for this material.- creator of the cosmetic brand Wei Beauty, based on the 5,000-year-old beauty secrets of Chinese women.

Herbs give beauty and youth

Chinese medicine is based on the healing properties of herbs and plants, which have also been and are used in cosmetology. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Ancient China cared for the skin using herbal elixirs, decoctions and masks.

« Bei Qi, Huang Qi and Goji berries are the plants most commonly used in skin care in ancient times,” says Brian. “Bei Qi root was used to lighten the skin, its brother Huang Qi ideally refreshed aging skin, and Goji Berries served as an excellent anti-age remedy.”, - the expert clarifies.

Drink the right tea

As you know, in China (both ancient and modern) there is a real cult of tea. Healing herbal and berry teas have a unique cleansing effect on the entire body and on the skin in particular. For thousands of years, the Chinese have been treated with such teas, and also maintained their youth and beauty.

"There are many herbal teas and ingredients that were used in ancient Chinese medicine,” says Brian. “Such teas were prescribed exclusively for certain symptoms, problems and conditions. For example, Goji and Ju Hua (chrysanthemum) have been used to detox the body as well as boost immunity.”

For beginners, tea from Goji berries- the most universal way to tidy up not only your figure, but also your skin (really cleanses!). Just pour hot water over the berries, let the drink brew for 10 minutes and drink, and then be sure to eat all the berries. Goji- a source of antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, vitamin C and carotenoids - this is a real health cocktail for your skin!

Jade roller

Using a jade roller for facial massage improves blood circulation in the skin and promotes the removal of toxins.

“In ancient times, there were two basic gadgets: a jade roller for massaging acupuncture points and a special flat jade stone, which was used to relieve tension in the facial muscles, release your Qi and improve blood circulation.”, explains the expert. Today, such jade rollers are sold on the Internet - they can be bought in specialized online stores and even ordered from China.

How to carry out the procedure? Start with a detox mask, then once your skin is deeply cleansed, apply a moisturizing serum. Armed with a roller, move it up and down your face for 10 minutes, working on each area of ​​the skin.

Asian girls seem to know a secret eternal youth. After all, looking at many oriental beauties, it is easy to confuse a student and a mature lady with two children. But the secret of Chinese women is not in magic, but in the simple ability to take care of themselves.

Chinese skin care

Skin is exactly what always reveals a woman’s age. In adolescence it is acne and oily shine, in adulthood it is wrinkles and age spots. Most Chinese women are not familiar with all these problems.

Local girls have very unusual rules for caring for their face and body skin. They pay attention not only to which salon to choose, but also when to go to it. They are guided by the Lunar calendar. It is believed that you should sign up for facial cleansing only when the moon is waning. The same applies to body hair removal, pedicures and mole removal. Many people at this time decide to get rid of extra pounds. But on the day of the new moon, it makes no sense to start a new diet or even plan some kind of salon procedure.

Another traditional Chinese belief looks more rational. Even in Ancient China, it was believed that our external beauty is a reflection of what is inside us. And here we are not even talking about spirituality, everything is much simpler. “We are what we eat.” If we talk about the face, then you should pay attention to the same acne. Most of them are signals that something is wrong with the body. Dirt comes out of it this way. Therefore, you need to work on the cause of acne, and not just mask it. Chinese women are not afraid to consult a doctor with such problems and prefer to treat rashes with professional medications.

In addition to the absence of acne (unless you eat a ton of spicy food), Chinese women are distinguished by one more feature - an even white complexion. Local girls do not damage their skin in the solarium and avoid tanning. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the whiter the skin, the richer its owner. It was mostly peasant women working outdoors who sunbathed. By taking care of themselves, girls, on the contrary, whiten their skin, making it almost snow-white. A variety of ingredients are used here, from ordinary tomatoes to pearl powder.

Original SPA treatments

Girls pay no less attention to body care. The most common and simple procedure is a herbal bath. Girls use a variety of mixtures, adding flowers to the bath. Baths with green tea and milk are also popular. This procedure can not only improve the condition of the skin of the whole body, but also lift the mood of the young lady.

In addition to regular baths, hand and foot baths are also popular. As a rule, salons offer such procedures in conjunction with a pedicure or manicure. This process allows you not only to decorate your nails, but also to fully relax.

Another really cool procedure that will appeal not only to Chinese women, but also to visitors is gua shi. This is a type of massage. The meaning of the process is that everything unnecessary is scraped off the girl’s body. This procedure has been around for many years. For the first time, they began to take care of the body in this way during the reign of Huang Di. During this procedure, massage therapists work with jade and bone spatulas, kneading the body and scraping off all the bad things from it. By pressing on certain points of the body, they get rid of not only dead cells, but also negative energy. There is another type of this massage. They make it jade. And this stone, as you know, has a very good effect on human health, and allows you to restore or strengthen the immune system. You can do this massage yourself. This procedure was used by the famous Empress Xixi in Ancient China. Many argue that this is what allowed her to remain young and beautiful for so long.

By the way, all these “secrets of Chinese empresses” are now very popular. This is often called a set of salon treatments, which include many hours of massages, baths, combined pedicure and manicure sessions, and so on.

Daily care

But, as you know, regular care for the body, face and hair is much more important than one-time care procedures. After all, it is on this that ultimately depends appearance girls.

The simplest rules, which are probably known all over the world (but are not actually used everywhere) - proper nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids and sleeping patterns.

Chinese women try to drink a lot of water and tea. Green and herbal teas cleanse the body and make the skin healthier and cleaner. The same goes for water. Girls prefer light food, choosing cereals, fish, and fruits. The girls’ diet also includes special “female products”. For example, this includes dishes made from ingredients containing collagen (this could be chicken skin or legs, or turtle jelly), as well as simple products that contain vitamins and minerals needed female body. For example, vegetables, sea grass and unusual Chinese plants like the Chinese date or hawthorn. Thanks to this diet, there are very few overweight people in China, including girls.

Chinese women, in general, take much more care of themselves than women from other countries. They often pamper themselves with self-massage. For example, in order for the breasts to remain firm and beautiful at any age, they massage them. To do this, you need to place your left hand on your chest from below and your right hand from above, and make 36 massage circular movements. You need to move clockwise. Other parts of the body can also be massaged to maintain tone, and each of them has its own rules.

Also, girls do not try to put everything on their fragile shoulders at once. For example, they do not carry string bags with groceries, which allows them not to think about varicose veins and other problems familiar to Russian young ladies. Chinese women also have a special period in their lives when they forget about work and other matters. This is the time when a woman becomes a mother, and in China itself it is known as Yuezi. The girls themselves claim that it is precisely due to the opportunity to fully recover and have a good rest after the birth of a baby that they look younger in adulthood. New mothers spend a month or two at home, practically without leaving its walls. All this time they adhere to a special diet and relax. It would seem that this is the most difficult period in a woman’s life, but in China, mothers-in-law or specially hired assistants (ai) make life much easier for mothers. Nannies take care of the baby, husband and keep the house in order. It turns out that after Yuezi, the girl can return to a full life with restored health and beauty.

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