What diseases and pests can kill Kalanchoe. White plaque on Kalanchoe: causes, treatment, prevention What kind of plaque on Kalanchoe leaves

Trees 11.10.2021

Kalanchoe diseases mainly arise as a result of improper care and the creation of such conditions under which the plant does not receive nutrients, has a lack of light and moisture. Also, the cause can be pests that deprive the flower of juices and lead to the death of all tissues.

The problem manifests itself primarily on the leaves - they can fall off, turn yellow, curl, become covered with dark or yellow spots. If the disease is started, the roots and stems suffer, there is no flowering and the appearance of children.

Main diseases and methods of struggle

Leaf diseases are the first thing you should pay attention to. The flower has soft, juicy foliage, so any disease can be seen on it at an early stage. It is also necessary to be wary if a flowering Kalanchoe does not have a budding phase, there are no new shoots or leaves, in general the plant looks unhealthy, lifeless, its stems soften.

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is a fungal disease caused by microscopic spores of the fungus Erysiphales. Mycelium appears on the leaves - a whitish small and thin fluff, which can also affect the ground lower parts of the plant: roots and trunk.

Outwardly it appears as a white coating. When the spores mature, drops of moisture are visible instead of a thin cobweb. Hence the name of the disease - powdery mildew.

The spores of the fungus are grouped into small spots, which over time can merge, infect petioles, shoots, leaves, fruits, buds and stalks. More often, the infection develops from the lower leaves, since the humidity is higher on the soil surface, sunlight does not penetrate there.

The mushroom picker (mycelium) feeds on the juice of the flower. The spores, which look like small brown balls, quickly spread to all parts of the plant. If fungicides are not applied in time, the plaque is not removed, it becomes like a dense dark brown film. It completely disrupts the nutrition of Kalanchoe, leads to the death of tissues and, ultimately, the death of the entire plant.

The conditions for development are dry air in the room, high temperature and fluctuations in humidity. Also, the cause may be an excess of nitrogen in the soil, a recent pruning of a flower. The disease can pass to other indoor plants with water during watering, as well as with gusts of wind if the flowers are on the veranda or balcony. Houseplants of the same species can become infected from diseased specimens.

Home treatment consists in the use of fungicides designed to kill the fungus on all parts of the plant:

  • But;
  • Tilith;
  • Topsin;
  • Fundazim;
  • Speed;
  • Fundazol;
  • Byleton;
  • Quadris.

Bio-fungicides containing live cultures of bacteria that suppress spore reproduction are also used. Such preparations are ecologically safer, they can be used in the budding and flowering phase and at rest of the plant. But they are less effective, require repeated use.

Natural fungicides include:

  • Planzier;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Pseudobacterin-2;
  • Gamair.

You can fight powdery mildew with folk remedies:

  • a mixture of soda ash and soap with soda, used for spraying;
  • wood ash mixed with boiling water and grated laundry soap;
  • fresh mullein and water;
  • grass fermented in water;
  • sour milk, kefir or yogurt.

A single spray is used only if a strong chemical fungicide is applied. With natural remedies and organics, the leaves and trunks of Kalanchoe must be processed until all the spores of the fungus are destroyed. This may require 2-3 or more applications with an interval of 5-7 days.


There are several types of leaf spot:

  1. White. Appears as small rounded brown spots. They grow over time. The central part is lighter, the edges become darker. At high humidity in the room, the spots rot, and at high temperatures they dry out, forming holes on the surface of the leaves.
  2. Brown. It often develops in late spring - early summer, manifests itself in spots of a light olive hue, barely noticeable. Over time, they turn yellow or turn brown, a grayish or brown coating with fungal spores forms on the underside of the foliage. Any wind or draft carries these spores to other houseplants. Spotting covers the leaves, shoots, trunk, causing their death, disrupting photosynthesis, due to which the flower lags behind in growth and does not bloom.
  3. Dry. Appears on the upper part of the leaves with dark spots of various shapes and sizes. Over time, the foliage falls off, turns yellow, in advanced cases, the spots can turn black, rot forms under them. The causative agent is the spores of the fungus Alternaria solani, the second name of this disease is Alternaria. It develops at high humidity and temperatures above +26 ° C. Spread by mycelium, which is carried by air currents. Infection can occur through planting material or soil.
  4. Black bacterial. Manifested by spots on the leaves, the appearance of which is caused by the vital activity of bacteria. In general, this variety does not harm plants, the greatest danger is leaf fall, but in any case it is necessary to fight. It develops under the action of the microorganism Xanthomonas vesicatoria. It often affects fragile flowers and planting material. Bacteria penetrate through microdamages on leaves and shoots, the optimal conditions for reproduction are high humidity and temperatures above +25 degrees.
  5. Mushroom black. This type of spotting is caused by spores of several types of fungi. The main symptom is dark brown spots on the leaves with a lighter middle or edging. The fabrics bulge. The disease covers shoots, stems, the plant weakens, leaf fall begins, there is no budding.

It is necessary to fight the disease with the help of complex measures. There is no cure for bacterial spot, the only possible way to help Kalanchoe is to remove dead parts of the plant and create favorable growth conditions. Fungal variants are fought with the help of fungicide preparations, which are used to spray and treat the top layer of soil and the edges of the pot. In any case, all damaged parts must be removed if the plant is severely affected by the disease, cut off the apical cutting or side shoot and propagate it by placing it in a new sterile pot and soil.


Such diseases develop with high humidity of the soil and air. Immoderate watering leads to them, swamping of the earth, when the roots and the lower part of the trunk, as well as the leaves in the lower part, are in conditions of constantly high humidity.

There are several types of rot:

  • root;
  • brown;
  • gray.

They are caused by various pathogens, affecting all the soft parts, to which Kalanchoe leaves belong. Symptoms - the leaves become soft, fall off, wet, as if transparent spots appear on them. Root rot develops in the soil and affects the roots.

On the surface of the spots, a gray or silvery fluffy coating may form, which dries out over time and forms a dense crust. Rot quickly spread to all parts of the plant.

For the purpose of treatment and prevention, complete disinfection of the soil, treatment with fungicides, obligatory thinning of foliage and removal of damaged parts are used. Avoid waterlogging the ground, especially if the room is cool. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only when the top layer of soil dries up, becomes light, cracks appear on it.

Kalanchoe pests and getting rid of them

No less dangerous for the plant are Kalanchoe pests, which cause irreparable damage. They not only deprive the flower of nutrition, drawing juices from its tissues, but can also cause complete death due to the death of leaves and roots.


Aphids on Kalanchoe lead to the development of such symptoms:

  • leaf curling;
  • small growths;
  • small punctures on the upper parts of the leaf blade;
  • the presence of colonies.

A greenish or white insect settles mainly on soft, fleshy leaves that can be easily bitten through and sucked out the juice.

To get rid of the pest, various folk remedies are used - soda, hydrogen peroxide, infusion on grass, wood ash, tobacco, celandine. If there are a lot of insects and they cover most of the leaves, you can bathe the plant under water, in which laundry soap shavings are mixed. The surface of the leaves can be lubricated with vegetable oil, which will be a mechanical barrier for the attachment of the pest on their surface.


This pest is dangerous for indoor plants in that it is covered with a kind of hard shields, which prevents it from dying during insecticide treatment. Adult individuals feed on plant sap, which stops the growth of Kalanchoe, causes yellowing of stems, leaves, and the cessation of the formation of new shoots. More often scale insects appear on garden crops, but sometimes indoor flowers attack. A sticky cloudy liquid remains on the surface of the leaves, which is the first symptom of infection.

In terms of combating this pest, kerosene, alcohol, and an insecticide solution are used. Large individuals are removed manually using a cotton swab or other improvised item. After removing all insects, the plant is treated with soapy water.


Externally, the plant, when affected by this pest, looks sick, and in places where the worm lives, cotton-like discharge remains. Kalanchoe does not grow, the shoots become deformed, the leaves fall off, the branches dry up. In addition, female mealybugs can release sticky moisture, which is a breeding ground for the development of soot fungus.

Insecticide chemicals are used:

  • Actellik;
  • Tsvetofos;
  • Decis;
  • Thiophos;
  • Fozalon.

Processing is repeated with an interval of 7 days 2 times. In order for the drug to get inside the protective layer of the pest, it is necessary to pour a few drops of dishwashing detergent into the solution.

Among folk remedies are used: a solution of green soap, garlic, olive oil, horsetail. It is also necessary to exclude the reasons why the pest appears - an excess of nitrogen in the soil, dry land, lack of disinfection of the pot and soil. For new houseplants, careful inspection and quarantine should be carried out if traces of pests are found on leaves and other parts.

How to revive Kalanchoe

To revive Kalanchoe, be sure to remove any damaged leaves, spray with a modern insecticide or fungicide depending on the cause.

If the plant is severely damaged, the lesion covers the stem, roots and most of the leaves, the only method of resuscitation is transplantation. For this, an apical or lateral cutting is used, the new earth must be disinfected, it is advisable to use a sterile pot. Neighboring flowers are subject to processing.

Prevention measures

To prevent diseases and pests from harming your Kalanchoe, follow the preventive measures:

  • strictly limit watering in winter and at low indoor temperatures;
  • inspect the leaves, especially from the back;
  • monitor the concentration of nitrogen in the soil - it should be less than potassium and phosphorus;
  • do not place the plant in direct sunlight;
  • twice a year, preventive treatment with fungicides and insecticides can be carried out;
  • any plant you bring home is best checked for pests and diseases.

Kalanchoe is a fairly hardy crop, but it can also be affected by insects and diseases. The main thing is to help the flower heal in time.

Favorite Kalanchoe no longer pleases with a healthy look and flowering? Your pet is sick.

The cause of the disease of the flower may be inappropriate conditions for it or improper care. If any home plant is kept in an unfavorable environment for a long time, then even such a strong and hardy plant as Kalanchoe can get sick.

Kolanchoe is sick for the following reasons:

  • Lack of lighting. Kalanchoe becomes elongated, turns yellow.
  • Sunburn or very dense planting. In this case, spotting appears.
  • Nutritional deficiency. The flower stops growing and may shed its leaves.
  • Excess macronutrients. When Kalanchoe receives more nitrogen than it needs, its leaves begin to curl.
  • Excess moisture. Leads to acidification of the soil and rotting of the roots.
  • Excess sunlight. The plant is completely yellow.
  • The appearance of dry leaves may indicate that Kalanchoe has not been watered for a long time, the soil is not properly selected, or pests have appeared.

Kalanchoe diseases and their treatment

Consider the most common Kalanchoe diseases and tell you how to deal with them.

late blight

A fungal disease, sometimes called late blight rot. It appears as brown plaque or brown spots on leaves and stems. The cause of the development of the disease can be the lack of ventilation and waterlogged substrate. For a speedy recovery, treat the flower with a fungicide, reduce watering. For prevention, regularly ventilate the room and feed the plant, water it only when the top layer of the substrate dries.

powdery mildew

Signs of powdery mildew on Kalanchoe - white powdery coating on the leaves. In the initial stages, it can be confused with dust. If you do not take action, the stems and peduncles will turn white. The leaves wither and fall off. New ones grow small, deformed. Reasons for the appearance:

  • Increased air humidity combined with low temperature (+15.5 - 20 0С).
  • Excess nitrogen in the substrate.
  • Irregular watering. Kalanchoe is watered often and excessively or very rarely, but plentifully.
  • Condensed landings.

To get rid of the fungus, you first need to establish agricultural technology:

  • Water only after the top layer of soil has dried.
  • Until we treat the plant, avoid spraying.
  • Move the diseased flower to a sunny place.
  • Cut off old leaves.
  • During the fight against the disease, do not feed.
  • After recovery, do not apply nitrogen for some time.

Direct treatment:

  1. Remove diseased, damaged leaves from Kalanchoe. You can cut off damaged shoots.
  2. Change the topsoil in the pot.
  3. Carry out plant treatment medicinal product. We spray so abundantly that the solution drips from the leaves. Additionally, you need to moisten the soil with the preparation, process the pot and pallet.

Treatment can be carried out with folk remedies (potassium permanganate, soap-lime solution, etc.), but they are suitable as a prophylaxis or treatment for a newly diseased plant. If the fungus settled on Kalanchoe more than five days ago, only fungicides can save it. Their choice in stores is quite large. Spraying, depending on the preparation, is done 1-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Gray rot

There is a gray sticky coating on the leaves, which later turns into gruel. To fight, replace the soil, treat with a fungicide. For prevention purposes, observe the watering and ventilation regime, observe the optimum temperature.

stem rot

If the stem of Kalanchoe darkens and dries, then it is likely that Kalanchoe has become ill with stem rot. In the initial stages, a dark black spot appears on the stem, which grows into a large watery spot. The causes of the disease also lie in improper watering and high humidity. Stem rot is treated only in the initial stages with systemic fungicides. In case of severe damage, the plant must be thrown away along with the pot and tray.

leaf spot

Small spots in the form of rings appear on Kalanchoe. Affected leaves become coarser over time, acquire irregular shape, lose color. The disease is incurable. The only method of struggle is the removal and destruction of diseased leaves.

Pests of home Kalanchoe and methods of getting rid of them



Insects, outwardly similar to small light brown growths on stems and foliage, no more than two millimeters in size. Due to the wax shell, they are very resistant to insecticides, so treatments are combined with the mechanical removal of insects from the flower. Heavily infected leaves are easier to remove entirely.



The most dangerous pest. Activates in the spring. If the aphids are not destroyed in time, they will definitely move to neighboring plants. These are small black or green insects. Settle on the underside of the leaves. They feed on plant sap. Parts of Kalanchoe where aphids live are covered with a sticky coating that makes it difficult for the plant to breathe. Kalanchoe leaves become lifeless, turn yellow, wither.

To get rid of aphids, remove the affected parts of the plant and treat it with insecticides. With a small infection, a strong solution of laundry soap will help.

Basic rules for caring for Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant, but compliance with agrotechnical measures and conditions of detention will save it from diseases and allow it to live in your home for a long time.

Care basics:

  • Water after the topsoil dries out. The frequency depends on the dryness of the air, the size of the plant, the material of the pot.
  • Kalanchoe does not like high humidity, it is not necessary to spray it.
  • Be sure to transship once every two years.
  • The optimum temperature is +15 - 35 0С. Below +5 0C, Kalanchoe will die.
  • Choose a bright place for the plant, without access to direct sunlight. South and southeast windows are ideal.
  • Top dressing for succulents and cacti is also suitable for your Kalanchoe.
  • To preserve the decorative effect, the bush needs to be formed, the plant tolerates pruning well.

The main criterion for proper care is the appearance of the plant. Dense, evenly colored leaves, slightly shiny. Uniform growth, strong shoots, regular and abundant flowering.

Preventive measures

Prevention of Kalanchoe diseases:

  • Avoid drafts.
  • Observe the optimum humidity.
  • Save the plant from sudden changes in temperature.
  • Feed regularly.
  • Choose a sunny southeast window for the flower.

Simple care, a little attention and, among other indoor plants, a beautiful home doctor will live on your windowsill.

By providing him with the necessary care, you will achieve both proper development and flowering.

But if it starts to hurt, its leaves become stained, or you find small insects on it, urgent action must be taken.

leaf diseases

Yellowing leaves

Why Kalanchoe turns yellow and what to do with it? This usually happens after flowering. The stem is stretched and exposed from below.

This is a sign of exhaustion. Need new soil and intensive top dressing.

Transplant the plant to a new substrate. After transplanting, feed it with Zircon solution.

Why is Kalanchoe often leaves turn yellow and dry from the tips? This is primarily due to the lack of boron and you need to feed the flower with a fertilizer with a high content of this substance.

Leaf curl

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? In Kalanchoe, the leaves are curled, most likely due to damage to the root system.

The reason for this is excess water. Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots.

Damage must be cut out, the healthy part should be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then treat the sections with charcoal powder and plant the surviving part in fresh soil.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl?

If leaves curl up and at the same time they change color to burgundy, which means that the plant is in a too lit place, direct rays fall on it for a long time during the day.

In this case, shade the flower and spray it during the day.

Leaves are falling

Why does Kalanchoe shed its leaves? At kalanchoe fall off leaves from behind incorrect content in winter. This happens when the flower is kept in a stuffy room, next to heating radiators.

If you notice this, move it to a colder room. It is desirable that the temperature in it be no higher than 15 degrees. In this case, the winter will pass without loss.

So why leaves are falling Kalanchoe and what to do? Another reason for this may be coolness, not combined with humidity - appears on the leaves mold or black spots. It's a fungus. Fungicides will help to destroy it.

Why does Kalanchoe wither?

What to do, if kalanchoe fades? Why does the plant have soft leaves? The reason depends on the age of the plant.

If it is young, then such signs indicate a lack of water. But it doesn't have to be about quantity.

If the root is rotten, then moisture does not enter the leaves, but accumulates in the soil.

This can also happen with irregular watering.

If the earth dries out too much, and then it is watered abundantly, then the plant may also wither.

Watering should be carried out when dry, and not when dry.

In an adult Kalanchoe, the leaves wither due to aging. Rejuvenate him. Take cuttings and replant.

Black spots on leaves

If the leaves of Kalanchoe turn black, this indicates the presence of a fungus. This comes from an excess of moisture, the soil does not dry out and its aeration is disturbed.

Change the soil, increase its friability by adding sand. Adjust watering in the future and then the leaves of Kalanchoe will not turn black.

Brown spots on leaves

Dry brown crusts on the leaves is kalanchoe disease called dropsy. It arises from temperature changes combined with waterlogging.

Move Kalanchoe to a warmer and drier place, reduce the amount of water in watering. Make sure that cold air does not get on it, for example, when ventilating.

White bloom on leaves

Kalanchoe covered white bloom because water for irrigation too hard. It contains salts and impurities of lime.

It needs to be softened: defended, filtered. The best remedy is freezing and then thawing.

To soften once a month you can contribute to it citric acid on the tip of a knife per liter. You can add three percent vinegar - 1 teaspoon per liter. The liquid with acid is defended for two days so that all the salts settle, then it is drained and used for irrigation.

The leaves have fallen

Mainly Kalanchoe drops the leaves because of the plant freezes. Often this happens when overflowing in a cold room. Transfer Kalanchoe to a warm, dry room.

If it doesn't recover, change the soil. At the same time, plant the plant in almost dry soil and water only after 1-2 days, when the excess moisture is gone.

Kalanchoe grows up and does not bloom

A feature of Kalanchoe is abundant flowering in the first year of life. So why then the flower grows up and does not bloom? After the primary flowering, it falls into a dormant phase.

Starts stretch up and not bloom, accumulate leaves. To make him pick up new buds, you need to form a bush.

Cut off the tops and root them. You will receive new plants, and old specimens will begin to accumulate strength for budding.

What to do, if kalanchoe stretched out? For such shoots, remove a couple of top leaves. After that, new shoots will grow on them.

Do this until your flower becomes a lush, rounded bush.

To stimulate flowering, they also reduce daylight hours to 12 hours. Put Kalanchoe in a dark place at 7 pm, and at 7 am again put it in the light.

Why does Kalanchoe have small leaves?

Leaves shrink and become dull due to lack of light. Kalanchoe needs bright light as long as possible during the day.

This is especially necessary during the period of budding and flowering, since at this time he needs a lot of strength. Feed every 14 days.

gnawed leaves

Why does Kalanchoe have gnawed leaves? Sometimes holes appear on the leaves, as if someone had chewed out pieces. These are burns that occur when spraying in direct sunlight.

The drops act like lenses and the sun burns through the delicate skin. These areas turn into small holes.


Leaf diseases and pests of Kalanchoe:


Flowering Kalanchoe leaf diseases and treatment

Late blight rot

Brown spots indicate infection with it. The reason is excessive watering, poor ventilation.

In addition, this may happen due to the difference in soil and air temperatures of more than 8 degrees.

To avoid this disease, you need to plant Kalanchoe in a loose substrate, for good ventilation of the roots.

If disease develops, stop watering.

You can replace part of the soil with a new one. It is also necessary to treat with fungicides ("Profit Gold", "Ridomil")

Gray rot

With it, weeping spots appear on the leaves and stem, covered with a gray coating. Like other diseases, gray rot develops with an excess of moisture in the soil and air, poor ventilation, and lack of light.

It will help to get rid of this treatment with systemic fungicides ("Fundazol", "Rovral")

powdery mildew

The disease manifests itself in the form of white, powdery spots that look like mold on the leaves.

As a result, the leaves die.

The reason for the development of this disease is low humidity and high air temperature.

Under such conditions, the elasticity of the leaves suffers, and they become vulnerable to the fungus.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the rules of watering. Spraying "Topaz", "Fundazol" will help.

Kalanchoe pests


One of the most dangerous enemies. These are small greenish-black sucking insects that cover the leaves first from the underside. Gradually, the entire plant is covered with a pest. The leaves begin to lighten, become sticky.

This is because the aphid releases a toxic substance. The breathing of the leaves is disturbed, the plant may die. Aphids also climb into flower buds, they do not bloom and fall off.

Aphid infestation is also dangerous because it carries hundreds of viruses. And its secretions are a breeding ground for the fungus.

Leaves affected by aphids are cut and burned. Healthier parts are treated with an insecticide. A good auxiliary tool is laundry soap. Surfaces are washed with its solution before being treated with poison.

But it will not be possible to destroy aphids at once. Processing is carried out 4 times with an interval of a week.


Why do they turn yellow and the lower leaves of Kalanchoe blooming fall off? This insect is about 2 millimeters in size, its body is covered with a brown shell - scab.

This coating protects the scale insect from poisons, so it is difficult to deal with it.

Why Kalanchoe dry and fall leaves? This happens because the scale insect settles on the underside of the leaves. Thus, they contribute to the violation of their nutrition.

A plaque appears from colonies of insects. Plus, soot fungus starts in the secretions of the thyroid gland. This worsens the condition of the plant.

Prevent infection shield can be airing the room and spraying m (shield does not like moisture). If the pest does appear, collect it, wash all surfaces with a solution of laundry soap.

Before that, wipe them with vodka or alcohol, so the shield will be washed off more easily. Special poisons from this pest are not produced, so use any.

What to do if Kalanchoe still dies? There are folk remedies against this pest. This is an infusion of garlic - 6 cloves per glass of water, infused for 3-4 hours and filtered.


Mealybug- a sucking insect of white color. It can be seen with the naked eye.

When asked why the leaves of Kalanchoe dry, you can answer that plant attacked by a bug. It covers the leaves with a wax coating, the entire aerial part, multiplies at a tremendous speed. A sooty fungus settles on the secretions of mealybugs. Kalanchoe, affected by a mealybug, dries up and does not develop.

Cleanliness is the prevention against the mealybug. Wash Kalanchoe and spray regularly, remove dried leaves.

If you notice the appearance of a pest, take immediate action.

Wash off the worms with soapy water with a cotton swab. Then three times with an interval of 10 days, spray the plant with an infusion of tobacco, garlic, or treat with an alcohol tincture of calendula.

If kalanchoe dry leaves, then the plant is severely affected by worms, carry out 3 treatments with the same interval with Aktara, Tanrek, Fitoverm, Mospilan

How to revive Kalanchoe?

If your pet is badly damaged and in this form is no longer pleasing to the eye, you need to restore it. There are several ways:

Choose the best place for its existence, follow the recommendations for care, avoid damage by insects, and it will thank you for a long and very decorative flowering.

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Kalanchoe is not only beautiful indoor plant. Parts of it can be used to treat certain diseases, such as Kalanchoe staghorn. However, the flower itself can get sick if you do not follow the rules for caring for it.

Why does Kalanchoe turn yellow, dry and wither leaves

All diseases of the succulent are easy to notice by its appearance. If the leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow, begin to dry out, curl and fall off, then the plant is missing something.

A healthy plant can not only please the eye, but also benefit

Violation of the conditions of maintenance and care of the plant

The main causes of problems with the foliage of a plant are violations of the rules for caring for it. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • yellowing of the leaves, drying of the tips and strong upward growth indicate a lack of light. It is recommended to rearrange the pot to a lighter place, but not in the sun;
  • the constant fall of the leaves is due to the stale air. It is better to ventilate the room more often;
  • dark spots on the leaves often result from sunburn. When such a sign appears, it is required to remove the pot to another place;
  • lack of nutrients, especially after flowering, can also cause yellow foliage to fall on the plant;
  • twisting of leaf plates occurs with an excess amount of nitrogen or peat in the soil. You will need to transplant the crop into a more suitable soil;
  • soft leaves and their fall occurs when excessive watering or rotting of the root system. You can cope by reducing watering or curing the root system;
  • lack of irrigation can also cause the shoots to fall off, the succulent can dry out, so you should regularly care for the plant;
  • Excess sunlight can also cause the entire flower to turn yellow.

These are the main reasons that are associated with a violation of the rules of care and causing diseases of Kalanchoe leaves. However, various pests and diseases can affect the plant. To get rid of them, you will need to take more serious measures.

The result of a fungal infection

The main diseases of the succulent and home therapy

Kalanchoe, like any plant, is susceptible to various diseases. It is important to identify the disease in time and start treatment so that the flower does not die.

late blight

The disease actively affects garden and garden plants, but indoor flowers are also not immune from such a problem. It is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, which gradually turn black. After some time, the disease spreads to all branches and stem, they become soft and rot.

Note! Late blight very quickly affects the entire flower. With a disease of the root system, Kalanchoe can be easily removed from the pot.

Incorrect and irregular watering, stagnation of moisture in the pot, unsuitable and too dense soil provoke the appearance of late blight. Often a similar disease is caused by irrigation with rainwater.

It is possible to cope with the disease. To do this, all affected leaves are removed, the sections are treated with activated charcoal. It is best to transplant the plant into a new pot, having previously irrigated it with a solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per 5 liters of water). Specific antifungal agents will help well.

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe

Powdery mildew often appears on flowers located next to each other in a warm and humid environment. A plaque on the leaves is noticeable on Kalanchoe. When the temperature drops, the fungus will die, but the plant will not be cured. The leaves will gradually curl and fall off, and the succulent will bloom poorly and little.

For your information! Infection often occurs from one flower to another with the help of water and wind. Therefore, care must be taken when spraying plants.

Many are interested in what to do if there is a white coating on the leaves on Kalanchoe. Treatment consists in complete control of watering, irrigation is carried out only under the root, moisture should not get on the leaf blades and stem. The pot is moved to another place, providing Kalanchoe with more air and space. Be sure to treat with specific fungicides to kill the fungus.

Powdery mildew on succulents occurs due to waterlogging

stem rot

The cause of this disease is a sharp drop in air temperature. When the plant is affected, blackening of the stem and leaves, softness and decay of all parts are noted.

The main treatment is to create optimal conditions for Kalanchoe for growth and development. The normal temperature for a flower is 15-20 ° C in winter.

It is worth remembering that at low temperatures there should not be frequent watering in order to avoid rotting of the root system.

Gray rot

A similar disease affects indoor flowers quite often. The fungus quickly spreads to all parts of the plant. On the leaves, the presence of white dust, located in small piles, is noticeable. There are brown spots on the stem. There is a death of all parts of the plant located above the site of damage.

Gray rot often appears with irregular and improper watering. Permanent stagnation of moisture provokes the development of the disease. It is imperative to remove fallen leaves from the pot to prevent fungal diseases.

Treatment is carried out with special fungicidal preparations, treating the plant twice with a break of 2 weeks. Solutions are prepared according to the instructions.

Gray rot is capable of ruining a flower in a matter of days

ring spot

The disease is manifested by the formation of small spots on the leaf blades. At the first stage, they turned yellow, gradually turning brown. The disease develops for a very long time. Spots first small size, but gradually they merge into one big one. The leaves may turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

Important! Ring spot is provoked by a fungus. It is recommended to carefully control the watering of Kalanchoe, pour water only under the root and make sure that it does not stagnate.

In most cases, Kalanchoe disease is provoked by fungi that are very fond of high humidity. Therefore, it is important to irrigate the flower regularly, but make sure that there is no excess moisture.

Kalanchoe pests

In addition to improper care and disease, Kalanchoe can be affected by harmful insects. They are also often carriers of fungi, viruses, and bacteria. It is imperative to fight them. In most cases, special insecticides help.


Refers to dangerous pests. It is quite difficult to see on the plant due to its too small size. The defeat of the mealybug is manifested as follows:

  • the presence of small insects in the buds;
  • leaf fall;
  • the presence on the stem, branches, leaves of sticky plaque - a waste product of the pest;
  • with a serious lesion, a black coating is noticeable on parts of the flower.

To get rid of the pest, solutions of spark or actar preparations are used. However, if the plant is severely damaged, the remedies will not help, it is recommended to destroy the flower.


The defeat of the scale insect can be seen visually if you carefully examine the flower. The signs are:

  • the presence of brown swellings on the leaves and stem;
  • leaf blades begin to dry out and fall off.

If signs are found, they are treated with chemical preparations of aktara and a spark. Before the procedure, insects are carefully removed from the plant. A cotton pad is moistened with alcohol or soapy water and brown growths are carefully removed from parts of Kalanchoe.

Note! If necessary, spraying with solutions is carried out again.

The shield is easy to see on the stem


Aphids are considered the most dangerous pest for indoor flowers. It quickly spreads and multiplies, after a short time it affects the entire plant and can move on to others. The presence of the following signs is characteristic of the defeat of aphids:

  • on parts of Kalanchoe, the presence of many microscopic insects is noticeable. They can be transparent or green;
  • on the surface of the culture, the presence of a sticky coating with a yellowish tint is felt;
  • small dots appear on the plant, and then holes that the aphid gnaws.

Getting rid of insects is required very quickly. Otherwise, it will not work to save Kalanchoe. To begin with, you can try treating the plant with a soapy solution. It is easy to make: 100 g of laundry soap chips are mixed in 1 liter of water. The agent is sprayed with the affected culture.

Note! To prepare a destructive solution, you can also use garlic, onion peel, calendula, mint - this smell is not liked by a harmful insect.

With a serious degree of illness, only chemical preparations, such as sparks, tanreka, will help. It is permissible to carry out the treatment with boric acid.


Ticks on Kalanchoe can be recognized by the presence of cobwebs on reverse side sheet plate. Insects are very fond of warm and dry air. It is quite difficult to consider them.

The leaves of Kalanchoe begin to twist, then turn yellow and fall off.

You can deal with a harmful insect in similar ways using chemical insecticides. Prepare solutions following the instructions.

Aphids on Kalanchoe - a common occurrence

How to reanimate Kalanchoe after an illness

After eliminating the cause of the disease, it is necessary to follow some rules in order for the plant to recover and begin to develop again. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • watering is carried out no more than 1 time in 3 days, make sure that the moisture does not stagnate;
  • during the recovery period, it is better to do without spraying;
  • provide a suitable temperature so that Kalanchoe does not overheat and does not freeze.

Important! If signs of disease or damage by harmful insects reappear, then additional treatments are carried out with drugs. It is allowed to carefully replace all the soil and the pot.

An infected plant can still be saved if immediate action is taken.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Preventive actions are to follow the proper care of Kalanchoe.

Proper plant care

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious flower. Therefore, its content will not cause difficulties even for beginners, it requires:

  • regular watering;
  • lack of stagnant moisture;
  • periodic pruning of shoots and lower leaves;
  • compliance with the temperature regime;
  • proper lighting;
  • transplant every couple of years;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • selection of suitable soil;
  • periodic top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

Following a few simple rules will help you avoid various diseases and pest infestation.

Kalanchoe - beautiful and useful plant. It is unpretentious, but if the rules of care are not followed, the development of serious diseases or damage by harmful insects is not excluded. When signs of illness appear, it is recommended to treat the flower with specific means and provide it with suitable conditions for growth and development.

Kalanchoe is a calm flower that responds well to care. But he is also prone to diseases that can be simply “viewed”. If you are a novice florist, then do not wait until deterioration appearance Kalanchoe will grow, diagnose and start treatment. How exactly the flower is sick, how it is expressed, and how to help the plant, we will tell you point by point.

Symptoms and Causes

According to the symptoms, you can determine what kind of ailment struck the flower. The signs are usually bright, it is difficult to confuse the disease if the symptoms are pronounced. In search of the cause of diseases, be guided by the following list.

  • Brown spots. This is late blight. This disease affects the flower with improperly organized ventilation, and excess moisture in the soil can also be the cause of the disease. At the beginning of the disease, brown stains appear on the leaves, gradually the leaves of Kalanchoe bend upwards.
  • White plaque. Such a sign is highly likely to indicate powdery mildew. This, alas, is a common diagnosis for Kalanchoe, a fungal disease most often occurs due to too humid air in the room. At first, it resembles a layer of dust, and if the grower does not examine Kalanchoe well, then he may not attach importance to the raid. But over time, the "dust" begins to become like flour. Because of this disease, the plant sheds leaves and wilts.
  • Gray rot. If the leaves curl up and rot, and the plant becomes soft, then this is gray rot. It leads to the fact that mold appears on the leaves. Such rot is gray in color, which explains the name.
  • Stem rot. When the trunks of Kalanchoe dry and darken, then this is stem rot. First, a small black dot appears on the trunk, then it grows to such a size that the entire trunk blackens. This happens when the temperature drops sharply. If just such a phenomenon occurred in winter, the plant is threatened with death.
  • Round small spots. Probably, we are talking about the ring spot. And this, unfortunately, is a sentence for the plant. It dries up and dies, so do not wait for an hour of complete withering, get rid of the diseased flower as quickly as possible.

But not only diseases attack Kalanchoe. The leaves turn yellow and curl and from the attack of pests. If the tops of the plant are covered with black mold, and wax secretions appear on the leaves and stem, this is a mealybug. If the flower almost dried up in a short time, and its leaves are constantly twisting, this is probably a scab. The leaves turn yellow from the tick, and if the Kalanchoe first turns yellow, and then throws off the leaves, it is probably necessary to fight it.

To prevent the flower from wilting, inspect it every day.

Common diseases

Now let's talk in more detail about the diseases that are most often diagnosed in this culture.

Late blight is the ailment that leads to ugly brown spots on the flower. If you literally exhausted the flower with increased watering, or if it clearly lacks ventilation, it is very likely to get late blight. When a flower begins to hurt, dark spots dot almost every leaf. If nothing is done, the sheets will massively begin to bend up and fall off. The plant needs to be saved, for this, buy the appropriate fungicide.

But besides medicine, The flower also needs optimal care. So that diseases do not pursue Kalanchoe in the future, start watering it correctly and, as necessary, apply fertilizer to the soil.

Another common diagnosis is powdery mildew. This is a common fungal disease that occurs due to excess moisture in the room. The disease provokes the dropping of foliage, followed by the death of the plant. Therefore, at the first suspicion of powdery mildew, start treating the flower. The disease is infectious, it will quickly move to other greens in the house, therefore the first measure is to isolate the diseased plant. Therapy is the use of fungicides.

There are several other Kalanchoe diseases that also need to be mentioned.

  • Stem rot. You can trust the folk method, wipe off the stem plaque, and then disinfect this place with potassium permanganate (instead of potassium permanganate, some flower growers use ash). It is important to bring the temperature regime back to normal.
  • Gray rot. It is also treated with fungicides. But even after their application, the plant needs resuscitation: soil replacement will be required, ensuring the correct light regime.

While discovering Kalanchoe disease, examine other flowers in the room. Perhaps it will be possible to find the source of mass infection, if it turns out that other flowers are under threat.


One of the main enemies of Kalanchoe is aphids. She begins to express herself violently in the spring. And if the flower is not helped in time during the attack of aphids, then it will not spare him and those plants that are located next to Kalanchoe. Even a beginner will not find it difficult to identify aphids: on the stems of a flower, on its leaves, black or green small insects will be noticeable.

Because it is recommended to burn the diseased parts of the flower, and treat the remaining whole ones with an insecticide. This should be done once a week for about a month. From available means, potassium soap is actively used - 20 g of the product is diluted in a liter of water. The soil is wrapped in a plastic film, then the flower is washed with a solution.

No less dangerous for Kalanchoe is the scale insect. This insect is small, mobile, its body is equipped with a wax shield. Due to the attack of the scale insect, the culture cannot develop normally, it “misses” flowering, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Both aphids and scale insects usually sit on the lower part of the leaf.

If you regularly spray Kalanchoe, then the scale insect is unlikely to linger on it, since it does not tolerate water procedures. But if you still find pests, then they will have to be collected.

How to save a flower?

Soap solution is the most popular folk remedy which is used in many cases. This treatment can really help. Alcohol wiping is also used: about three times a week, wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. You can replace alcohol with garlic infusion: five young cloves are rubbed, then diluted in a glass of water. Two hours of infusion in a dark place, filtering, and the infusion for spraying is ready. The shield can be removed from the sheet with a toothbrush.

In general, the scheme of what to do to treat a flower looks like this:

  • he should organize proper care;
  • if pests attacked the flower, they must be eliminated in any suitable way, without wasting time;
  • perform pinching;
  • observe the optimal indicators of humidity, light and temperature conditions;
  • feed the plant.

These manipulations help Kalanchoe recover. On average, top dressing is carried out once a month. Very often, fertilizer for succulents is used for this purpose, but complex additives can also be used (they give good, lush flowering). Fertilizer should be applied as carefully as possible. If you overdo it with top dressing, then the plant will not tolerate the abundant growth of green mass, and it will not come to flowers at all.

Pinching a flower helps not only to heal it, but also prevents it from drying out. You can pinch off anything, the main thing is that the tool is processed and the procedure is carried out carefully, without haste. If it was not possible to carefully pinch off, sprinkle the wound with ashes or charcoal.

It will not work to get rid of diseases without emergency measures, but even if you have cured Kalanchoe, special attention will have to be paid to its rehabilitation. It consists in maintaining an optimal complex of care.

Proper plant care

You can grow a beautiful flower at home if you follow all the principles of proper care. And they are not so few.

  • Watering. The plant is naturally able to absorb and retain moisture well, because it is afraid of overflow, and not lack of water. Moreover, a slight drought is even useful for him. If the weather is hot, then, of course, you do not need to torment the plant, water it as needed. But in winter, try to protect Kalanchoe from overflows. Well, if the flowerpot has drainage, it helps to keep the soil in excellent condition. The flower is watered not only from above, water is also poured into the pan.
  • Lighting. Many "neighbors" of Kalanchoe do not tolerate direct UV rays, but this plant withstands them well. But this is in the warm season. In winter, the plant goes into a kind of hibernation, so most often it is transferred to a darkened window. In order for the plant to flower, you will have to reduce the length of daylight hours, no matter how strange it sounds. Kalanchoe prefers to bloom in winter.
  • Temperature. In warm weather, the culture will be comfortable if the temperature in the house is from 18 to 28 degrees. In winter, it also tolerates coolness - from plus 10 to 16 degrees. The plant perfectly takes root on the insulated loggia and balcony.
  • Transfer. It is necessary for the plant for comfort. The root system of Kalanchoe grows quite quickly, therefore, in the second half of spring, during the period of active growth of the flower, do not forget to transplant it. For this purpose, a new flowerpot is used, much larger than the previous container. But the composition of the soil remains the same. Remove the flower from the pot carefully so that the earthen ball is not damaged.
  • Pruning. During flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out only in case of disease of the culture. Diseased areas should be carefully cut off at the junction with healthy ones. Flowering usually weakens Kalanchoe, so do not forget to organize calm periods for the flower, for which you should cut off all the flower stalks, put the flowerpot in a cool, shady place, and do not water it for about a month and a half.
  • Humidity. There is a lot of controversy about this: some claim that their flowers are absolutely indifferent to such an indicator as air humidity, while other flower growers convince that Kalanchoe cannot tolerate low humidity and dies. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Therefore, do not forget about regular light spraying, which will definitely not damage the flower. After the procedure, the leaves of the plant can be wiped with a sponge - this can be compared with SPA procedures, the flower will be grateful for such care, and will respond with health and beautiful flowering.

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