How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur? Note to individual entrepreneurs. How can an individual entrepreneur apply for a consumer loan and what can it be spent on? What documents do individual entrepreneurs need to get a loan?

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Collecting a package of necessary documents is the first step in obtaining any loan. Depending on the chosen bank, their list may vary: some of them are required, others are required only when applying for a certain one. At the same time, the borrower’s chances of receiving a particular loan increase significantly if there are some certificates and references in the credit file. What documents need to be provided to obtain a loan, which of them are required and which are not, and how the packages of documents differ in different banks are described below.

Standard set of documents

Regardless of the chosen credit product the manager will provide the borrower with a list of what documents are needed to obtain a loan. The client undertakes to provide the original passport and photocopies of all its pages, which can be certified by the borrower himself, as well as the signature of the bank manager accepting the documents and the stamp of the credit institution. Additionally, you need to fill out a loan application and questionnaire. Some banks offer clients an application form that combines both forms.

List of standard documents for obtaining a loan

Most banks provide their clients with lists of which documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan and which documents are needed to obtain a mortgage. As a rule, you will need:

  1. A copy of the work book certified by the HR department or any other document that confirms the client’s employment - a certificate from the employer, a contract, an extract from the work book. Such documents must indicate the place of work, position and length of service. Each page of the document must be certified. Seafarers are required to provide a passport, contracts for the last few years and their official translation into Russian.
  2. Certificate of income. It can be issued using the standard 2-NDFL form or a form issued by the bank. It is certified by the seal of the employing organization and signed. It must contain information about the borrower’s income for the last six months at a minimum. If in addition wages If the bank client has a third-party source of income (from real estate rental, pension, etc.), then documents confirming it are provided - such documents can significantly increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
  3. Documents that confirm the existence of a deferment from military service - military ID, registration certificate and others. Required only if the borrower is under 27 years of age.

Many financial organizations In addition to the documents listed above, additional documents may be required. What additional documents are needed to obtain a loan are described below.

Additional documents required by the bank

The documents listed below can be prepared not only at the request of the credit institution, but also on the personal initiative of the borrower. Most of these papers can not only confirm the social status of the borrower, but also have a positive impact on the assessment of his solvency. Such documents can be provided to the bank when applying for a consumer loan, as well as any other loans and advances secured by property - real estate or vehicle. What additional documents are needed to obtain a loan?

  • Vehicle registration certificate or driver's license.
  • Pension fund insurance certificate.
  • International passport - if available.
  • All insurance policies - CASCO, OSAGO, compulsory medical insurance and others.
  • An original certificate confirming that the borrower is the owner of the property, or a copy thereof.
  • Bank account statements, any documents confirming the existence of these accounts or securities.
  • Photocopies of documents about the education received: certificates, diplomas, certificates.
  • Account statements, copies of previously executed loan agreements, certificates from credit institutions confirming the absence of debts.
  • Copies and originals of birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce.

A credit institution when applying for a consumer loan aimed at purchasing goods - for example, household appliances- may require the borrower to provide an invoice from the store; when applying for an education loan - an agreement concluded with educational institution, and a copy of his license certifying his right to conduct such activities.

Applying for a loan at Sberbank

To receive cash For a loan, a potential borrower can apply to one of the most popular banks - Sberbank. What documents are needed to obtain a loan there?

If the borrower has never used the services of this credit institution before, then the requirements imposed on him are many times stricter than for other clients, and the verification of the received documentation will be carried out many times more thoroughly.

Required documents

The loan officer must receive the following documents from the borrower:

  • Identity document - passport.
  • Work book, contract with the employer or any document confirming the presence of a permanent place of work.
  • The certificate and extract from the Unified State Register are provided by individual entrepreneurs.
  • Certificate 2-NDFL, tax returns stamped by the Federal Tax Service.
  • Documents confirming an additional source of income - for example, from renting out real estate or outside work. Notifying the bank about this will increase your chances of getting a loan.
  • Men under the age of 27 must provide a military ID in order to prevent delays in loan payments due to conscription.
  • Persons acting as guarantors must not have any debts to credit institutions. In addition, they are required to provide a similar package of documents to the bank manager.

The borrower may, on his own initiative, present to the bank papers confirming his right to own real estate or any other property. Such certificates will confirm the client’s solvency and increase his chances of receiving a loan.

Obtaining a loan from Rosselkhozbank

A standard set of papers required to obtain a loan is available in each bank; Rosselkhozbank is no exception. What documents are needed to obtain a loan from this financial institution?

The loan agreement is drawn up after providing the following documents:

  1. Each person participating in the processing of a loan product fills out a questionnaire. The application form can either be taken from the institution or found on the official website of Rosselkhozbank.
  2. Identity document. In most cases a passport is required.
  3. An employment contract or book is a paper confirming the borrower’s employment. Such documents are certified no later than one month before the application is submitted.
  4. Certificate 2-NDFL or a similar form issued by the bank confirming the amount of the borrower’s income. If the loan is issued to a pensioner, then you must present a statement of pension accrual.
  5. Military ID.

Listed above are the documents needed to obtain a loan. Providing the full package to Rosselkhozbank will help you obtain a loan and increase your chances of receiving it.

Obtaining a loan from Sovcombank

One of the most successful banks today is Sovcombank. What documents are needed to obtain a loan there?

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A second document confirming the identity of the borrower. It can be any paper - driver's license, military ID, medical insurance.
  3. Tax certificate in form 2-NDFL or a special document issued by the bank.
  4. Employment contract or work book.

What documents are needed for a pensioner to receive a loan?

A pensioner receiving his pension from Sberbank, for example, when applying for a loan must provide only a passport, since all the necessary documents are already stored in the credit institution. If the pension is calculated by one bank, and the loan is issued in another, then it is necessary to take from Pension Fund certificate of pension amount.

Executing a loan agreement at a bank requires the provision of a certain package of papers. What documents are needed to obtain a loan, and in which specific banks - are described above.

In general, the documents that an individual entrepreneur must submit to receive a loan are similar to the documents that are prepared by a legal entity (LLC, CJSC).

At the same time, there are some differences. Note that the matter is complicated by the fact that individual entrepreneurs usually do not keep accounts. Accordingly, not obtained from financial statements The bank needs to obtain information in a different way, from other documents.

List of documents for consideration of an application for a loan for individual entrepreneurs

As a rule, the entrepreneur is asked to prepare the following basic papers:

  • Application on internal form.
  • Copy of passport.
  • Certificate of state registration.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP).
  • Certificate of registration with the social insurance fund and pension fund.

The papers listed above are almost always required - they confirm that such and such Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich is indeed an individual entrepreneur and a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Documents, relating to the business itself and turnover:

  • Various contracts, invoices regulating the main activities.
  • Licenses and permits for special types activities (if any).
  • Copies tax returns. Usually they require certification with a tax stamp.
  • Copies of payment orders for which payments were made to the tax service.
  • A copy of the cash book.

If collateral is provided, it is required confirm ownership of the collateral property and provide information about its value. Options:

  • Certificate of ownership of land, real estate.
  • Agreement for the purchase of special machinery and equipment.
  • Technical data sheets, warranty cards.
  • Waybills, invoices (if the collateral is goods in circulation).

Certificates required to obtain a loan:

  • Certificate of absence of encumbrance on the collateral (insurance against the possible assertion of rights to property by third parties).
  • From the bank where the current account is maintained: a certificate of turnover (extract), about maintaining file number 2 or its absence, about loan debt.
  • From the tax office: a certificate of debt to the state and extra-budgetary funds and a certificate of open current accounts.

Let us emphasize that this sample list. Some banks may require additional documents, while others, on the contrary, strive to simplify the procedure as much as possible and make the final package relatively small.

The good news is also the fact that banks do not always require all the papers at once. First, the borrower is checked for credit history, the fact of running the business and the duration of the business (this is one part of the package) and only then the turnover and financial indicators are analyzed (this is the second part).

Accordingly, if you work with an adequate bank, there is no reason to fear “I will collect a bunch of papers and then get a refusal, having spent a lot of time and effort.”

Please note: some documents must be ordered from the tax service or other government agencies in advance. The preparation time for the certificate you need can be 2-3 weeks, so to speed up the consideration of your application by the bank, it would be a good idea to take care of all the formalities as early as possible.

Today, small businesses are becoming more and more active in the country. But not everyone has initial capital.

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That is why the only way out in this situation is to take the required amount from the bank on credit. The optimal choice in this case is Sberbank - the conditions for providing credit loans from this bank are quite flexible, there are special offers for small and medium-sized businesses.

Purpose of a bank loan

The most important thing to do before applying for a loan is to decide on its purpose. Sberbank offers a loan program called “Business Start”.

It provides two ways to start a business:

  • lending according to a standard business plan (this requires the approval of the Bank’s Partner or the franchisor company);
  • registration of the client as an individual entrepreneur or creation of a limited liability company.

Both options have both their pros and cons. In the first case, having spent a bank loan to open a business, the risks are minimal - the probability of payback is quite high. Since a typical business project has already been “tested”, all the nuances are taken into account and calculated down to the smallest detail.

You can also use a bank loan to open your own enterprise, which is absolutely unique. This path is somewhat risky, but you don’t have to spend a fairly significant amount of money to purchase a franchise of a well-known brand. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and submit it to the credit commission. Only after she is convinced of its profitability and payback can the loan application be approved.

Loan programs from Sberbank are distinguished by their diversity. So an individual entrepreneur can take out a loan to purchase vehicles (leasing). There are two programs of this type: “Lite” (makes the initial costs minimal), “Standard” (allows you to make the monthly payment as low as possible).

IP requirements and conditions

The conditions for providing an individual entrepreneur loan vary depending on many factors, as well as the program chosen by the businessman. One of the most optimal programs applicable to individual entrepreneurs is “Business Start”.

With its help, you can take out loans to run a business on the following conditions:

  • provides start-up capital in the amount of 80% from the required amount;
  • the maximum possible loan amount is 7 million rub.;
  • Duration of loan provision – no more 5 years;
  • no additional collateral required;
  • is provided only for opening a business under a well-known brand (franchise), or according to a standard project (developed by a Bank Partner).

Compared to the conditions of other banks, Sberbank’s credit programs are quite flexible for individual entrepreneurs.

But Sberbank is quite serious financial structure. Therefore, it strives to reduce the likelihood of any risks and losses to a minimum. That is why there are certain requirements for individual entrepreneurs. And only if they are fulfilled is it possible to issue a loan secured by real estate or in the presence of a guarantor.

Particular attention is paid to the following points:

  • The age of the borrower who is an individual entrepreneur must not be less than 21 years old and no more 60 years old at the time of the last payment. Deviations from these rules are possible; each case is considered by the bank in a special manner.
  • The borrower himself must have in his hands the original certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • A tax registration certificate is required.
  • More 12 months An individual entrepreneur must exist as a small or medium-sized business.
  • Successful activities must be carried out at least 6 months. Otherwise, the probability of loan approval tends to 0%.
  • It is desirable to have guarantors or liquid assets.

If the borrower meets all the bank’s requirements, then his application will most likely be approved. There are also significant differences in lending conditions depending on which business model is chosen by the individual entrepreneur.

If the business model of the franchisor company is chosen, the loan is provided on the following terms:

  • loan duration is 42 months;
  • interest rate – 18.5% ;
  • the amount of the down payment is no more than 20% ;
  • repayment of the principal debt begins only upon expiration 6 months;
  • The bank does not charge a commission for issuing a loan (which distinguishes Sberbank from other banks);
  • the loan is secured by collateral in the form of property purchased as part of the loan, or by a guarantee from an individual;
  • property is subject to compulsory insurance.

Sberbank willingly provides credit loans for the opening of Harat`s pubs (the business model of the Harat`s franchisor company).

Credit is provided on the following terms:

  • the interest rate is 18.5% ;
  • The loan amount may vary within from 3 million rubles up to 7 million rubles;
  • The loan term can reach 60 months;
  • The amount of the down payment must be at least 40% ;
  • delaying the start of repayment of the principal debt is very beneficial – 12 months.

A typical business plan for a Partner company is less profitable, but also has some advantages.

Provided under the following conditions:

  • The loan amount varies between from 100 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles.;
  • maximum loan term – 42 months;
  • the amount of the down payment must be at least 20% from the amount required to open a business;

There are three options for securing a loan:

  • The bank's Partner guarantees for the borrower;
  • the loan is secured by the purchased property;
  • guarantees for the borrower individual.
  • Property serving as collateral must be insured.

How to get a loan from Sberbank as an individual entrepreneur?

To take out a loan from Sberbank, you must first contact the nearest bank branch. Bank employees will advise the potential borrower, tell them about their requirements and conditions of loan programs, and also familiarize them with the list of required documents.


First of all, the borrower needs to collect a complete list of documents required for submitting an application and processing a loan. You must provide original documents; copies will be made of them directly at the bank.

To get a loan from Sberbank for an individual entrepreneur, the borrower needs to collect the following package of documents:

  • a form containing all the necessary data;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (if the borrower is an individual entrepreneur);
  • a document confirming the settled relationship between the borrower and the military commissariat to which he is assigned (military ID, registration certificate). The possibility of conscription for military service should be completely excluded;
  • a full range of financial documents for individual entrepreneurs.

Quite often, the bank requires some additional package of documents from the guarantor:

  • a questionnaire filled out with reliable data;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming temporary registration (if any);
  • military ID or other document confirming the impossibility of conscription for military service;
  • 2NDFL certificate or bank form confirming income for the last three full months (only if the guarantor is an employee).

The bank has the right to require the following documents (they are required in certain cases):

  • a document confirming the franchisor’s approval of the list of assets to be acquired;
  • a document confirming the franchisor’s consent to interact with the individual entrepreneur.

These documents are required only if a business is organized according to any model provided by the franchisor.

An individual entrepreneur must also provide:

  • certificate of registration with the tax authority (issued tax service RF);
  • if the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur requires a license, it must also be provided in the original;
  • original certificate of registration in the state register of individual entrepreneurs (USRIP).

Amount limits

A program from Sberbank called “Business Start” involves a limit on the maximum loan amount issued to individual entrepreneurs. It depends on the chosen business model.

There are three in total for this program:

  1. business model from the franchisor company;
  2. business model of the franchisor company Harat`s;
  3. standard business plan provided by the bank's Partner company.

If an individual entrepreneur has chosen the first option (a business model from the franchisor), then the amount of the loan may vary within about t 100 thousand rub. up to 3 million rubles inclusive.

When a borrower wants to open an Irish-style pub (Harat`s franchisor), the loan amount can range from 3 million rubles up to 7 million rubles.

According to the standard business plan of a Bank Partner company, the loan amount is from 100 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles

Not only the size of the loan amount differs, but also the conditions under which this amount is provided.


Loan terms vary for different loan programs.

This is influenced by several factors:

  • features of the loan program itself;
  • the amount borrowed;
  • borrower's credit history;
  • the purposes for which the loan was taken.

The longest loan period is provided by Sberbank under the Business Start program for opening a business under the Harat`s franchise - 60 months(which is 5 years). The interest rate is only 18.5%. In addition, this franchise has a grace period of 12 months. The terms provided under other business plans are slightly different.

The maximum loan period for starting a business under the Bank Partner company program is 42 months.

Moreover, the minimum annual interest rate will be 20%.
If a loan is taken out by an individual entrepreneur to open a business under the franchise of a well-known brand, then the loan term will also be 42 months. But the annual interest is slightly lower - the minimum interest rate for this loan program will be approximately 18.5%.

What are the chances?

At Sberbank, a specialized unit called the credit committee reviews loan applications. The package of documents required for consideration is prepared by a credit expert, after which it is transferred to this department of the bank.

The credit committee reviews applications manually and takes into account all factors that may affect the success of the business being opened.

Based on the conclusions drawn, a positive or negative decision is already made.

The decision of the credit committee is most influenced by the following points:

  • credit history (if there are debts to Sberbank or other banks, the likelihood of approval of the application is zero);
  • the entrepreneur’s employment status and the amount of permanent income;
  • the presence of any real estate or other property, the value of which is quite high;
  • presence of a guarantor;
  • the credibility of the business project.

Also, in addition to these factors, there are others that do not depend on the individual entrepreneur. They are a consequence of processes occurring within the bank itself.

Reasons for refusing a loan for individual entrepreneurs

Sberbank may refuse to lend if the client seems unreliable to the credit commission for any reason. This may happen due to the fact that a sufficiently serious economic justification for the liquidity of the business for the opening or expansion of which a loan is taken has not been provided. That is why you should pay the closest attention to the presentation of the business plan itself.

It is important to know that Sberbank is somewhat biased towards individual entrepreneurs.

And there are serious reasons for this - gray accounting and many other features that accompany the activities of businessmen. Therefore, if the bank refuses to issue a loan to an individual entrepreneur, it’s worth a try. Since Sberbank is reluctant to issue loans to entrepreneurs reporting under the simplified tax system and UTII.

Not every bank is ready to provide a loan to a private borrower employed as an individual entrepreneur. To obtain the required amount, a businessman should understand the specifics of drawing up a consumer lending agreement for an individual.

Can an individual entrepreneur take out a loan as a private borrower?

For the majority of businessmen registered as individual entrepreneurs, such activity is their main employment and place of work that generates income.

By contacting the bank as an individual, an individual entrepreneur can count on receiving the required amount subject to the following conditions:

  • the selected loan program provides the possibility of issuing sum of money private businessmen;
  • the potential borrower has a positive experience of receiving funds from banks and other financial organizations;
  • the activity has been carried out for a long time - in their requirements for clients, credit institutions almost always indicate that 6, 12 or even more months must pass from the moment of registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Additionally, some banks set a condition according to which the borrower cannot spend the funds received on commercial needs, only on personal ones.

Loan for an individual entrepreneur or for a private person - which is better?

If a private businessman chooses between applying for a loan for an individual entrepreneur or for an individual, then it is worth considering that:

  • It will be possible to receive a consumer loan in excess of 1 million rubles only if the obligations are secured with real estate;
  • the procedure for issuing a sum of money to a private person is simpler and faster;
  • For corporate lending, collateral is required in most cases;
  • rates on consumer loans are higher than on business loans;
  • For commercial lending, it is necessary to provide a complete package of documents.

However, not all banks issue loans to corporate clients; many work only in the consumer sector.

Options for obtaining a loan

An individual entrepreneur as a private borrower can borrow the required amount from the bank:

  • secured by real estate - for the entire period of lending, the property will be a guarantor of fulfillment of obligations, and if payment deadlines are violated, it can be sold in order to pay off the debt;
  • without collateral - no security is required, just providing the requested documents.

Depending on the conditions of a particular bank, you can receive the requested funds either without proof of employment and income, or with the provision of a full package of documents.

It is best to provide the credit institution with the maximum amount of information - the likelihood of approval of such an application is higher. The interest rate also depends on the quality and quantity of documents provided - the more doubts the bank has about the potential borrower, the higher it is.

Documents for registration of individual entrepreneur consumer loan

The full package of documents that a private businessman can provide to increase the likelihood of receiving a positive decision includes:

  • passport - required, must be valid at the time of application;
  • the second document - this could be SNILS, driver’s license, foreign passport, etc.;
  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur - confirms that the borrower is actually engaged in private practice and allows you to determine the start date of activity;
  • OGRNIP - a document confirming the entry of data about the entrepreneur into a unified register with the assignment of a unique number;
  • declaration and other financial statements- depending on the taxation system used, one or another set of documents is submitted to the inspectorate; if there is no profit or suspension of activities in any period, the balance will be zero;
  • other information confirming financial situation- property documents, certificate of deposit, lease agreement for a house or apartment, etc.

The bank has the right to request the provision additional documents and information, and check the data provided.

Consumer credit insurance

If a private businessman applies to a bank for a loan as an individual. person, then insurance in case of death, loss of health or loss of work is issued only with his consent. Refusal to take out a policy does not affect the likelihood of approval. The bank may increase the client's interest rate if the borrower does not enter into an insurance agreement. But an analysis of current credit programs of financial organizations showed that this right does not apply to consumer loans.

An insurance contract in case of job loss cannot be concluded with a private person employed as an individual entrepreneur - in all companies this case is an exception. If the policy is issued, then upon termination of activity by a private businessman insurance payment will not be paid.

If provided as security real estate, then its insurance is mandatory - this point is fixed at the legislative level. At the same time, most banks offer to take out personal insurance along with property insurance. The client can refuse it, but then the interest rate on the loan will most likely be increased. On average, without protection of life and health, it increases by 2–3 points.

How to increase the likelihood of receiving the required amount

The credit institution independently makes a decision on issuing the requested funds. But there are several ways that can affect the final conclusion on an application from a borrower working as an individual entrepreneur:

  • contact the bank where the applicant is served as a corporate client - if the entrepreneur has a current account, the credit institution will be able to track turnover and evaluate movements;
  • provide the maximum number of documents - the more information about the borrower the lender has, the higher the likelihood of approval of the application;
  • when applying for hired employment, provide information about the main employer - if an individual entrepreneur is an additional activity, then when applying as an employee there will be a greater chance of being issued.

Initially, it is better to contact a bank that has already had lending experience - financial institutions are more loyal to repeated applications.

Banks offering individual entrepreneur loans to individuals

It is most profitable to take out a loan secured by real estate. In this direction, the optimal conditions are offered by:

  • - it is possible at a rate from 11.25% to 21%, it is necessary to justify the income (indirect evidence is accepted);
  • - offers to register up to 10 million rubles at a rate of 13.5%–14%, the individual entrepreneur must exist for at least 2 years;
  • Absolut Bank - up to 15 million rubles at 13.9%, can be applied for from 21 years of age.

Without personal insurance, 3 points will be added to the rate at Tinkoff Bank and Promsvyazbank, and 4 points at Absolut Bank.

If there is no opportunity or desire to leave a deposit, then you should contact:

  • - you can borrow up to 3 million rubles at 13.5%;
  • SKB-Bank - offers up to 1.3 million rubles at rates from 11.9% to 22.9%;
  • - available for request up to 750 thousand rubles at 14.9%–46.2%.

In all of these credit institutions, proof of income is required; alternative options for justifying your financial situation are possible.

B and individual entrepreneurs are credited on personal terms after agreement.

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In any business, sooner or later there comes a stage when significant financial investments are required for its development.

For example, to purchase expensive equipment, purchase a batch of goods, open a new store, etc.

If an entrepreneur or organization does not have the required amount, then they have to contact the bank to obtain a loan.

At the same time, loans are more often offered to existing entrepreneurs and organizations that need money to develop a business that is already generating income.

The conditions for granting a loan in each bank are individual. Typically, you are required to provide an application and a package of documents confirming the cost-effectiveness, solvency and positive credit history of the borrower.

Also, in addition to bank lending, in some cases an entrepreneur or the management of an organization can receive financial assistance from the state in the form of targeted grants, interest-free subsidies, etc.

Frequently asked questions about loans for business development

What are the interest rates on loans for business development?

Some time ago, applying for and obtaining a business loan was a rather complicated procedure. And the proposals themselves were not particularly encouraging. In particular, the overpayment was quite large.

However, today you can find many offers that are very interesting both in terms of interest rates and terms of provision.

For example, if it is necessary to replenish working capital, the following programs deserve attention:

  • « Revolving loan (Otkritie Bank)- the ability to replenish working capital. The loan is provided either in the form of a credit line or in full one-time. The minimum size is 500 thousand, and the maximum is 60 million rubles. The rate depends on the chosen currency: from 10.5% in rubles, from 8.5% in dollars and from 7.5% in euros. The debt must be repaid within 3 years.
  • "Working capital" (Metcombank)- in this case we are talking about a loan issued at 11.5% only in rubles. Its maximum size is 25 million, and its minimum is 300 thousand. The loan term is 36 months.

To purchase a property You can take advantage of the offer of LOCKO-Bank, which is called: “Targeted loan for the purchase of real estate.” The maximum amount offered by the lender is 30,000,000 rubles. Rate - from 11.9% per annum.

To purchase the necessary equipment or commercial vehicles You can take advantage of offers from Zenit Bank.

Under the “Loan for Equipment and Transport” program, it is possible to receive funds in the amount of up to 75 million rubles. At the client's request, a non-renewable credit line is opened. For the use of funds, the company pays from 13% to 17% per annum. The collateral for the loan, which must be repaid no later than after 60 months, is the purchased property

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