How to cook pea puree step by step recipe. How to make delicious pea puree. The best pea puree recipes. How to cook pea puree in a saucepan

Berries 30.01.2024

Many housewives prefer not to prepare pea puree, citing the hassle and length of the process. Even today, when this task can be entrusted to a slow cooker, they do not include a healthy and satisfying dish in their family’s diet. In fact, it is not so difficult to bring the main component to the desired state; you just need to organize the process correctly. And it is not necessary to use modern household appliances for this; if you cook beans in a saucepan, the result can be no less tasty, satisfying and healthy. Well, if you know all the features of pre-soaking peas, then you won’t have to spend a lot of time at the stove.

Regardless of whether peas are cooked over an open fire, in the oven or in a slow cooker, you need to follow a number of simple rules. They will not only help optimize the process of creating a culinary masterpiece, but will also give the puree the necessary taste properties.

  1. It is best to use cookware with a non-stick coating. Beans can burn even at low temperatures, even if they are stirred regularly.
  2. Even if the product is planned to be cooked in a slow cooker or oven, the mass must be pre-soaked. If you spend on this simple manipulation 4 hours, the component will cook quickly and will not have time to swell much, maintaining the texture.
  3. In cases where you have to refuse soaking for some reason, you will have to cook the mixture for at least 3 hours. There is no way to reduce this time. Even in a multicooker, processing the component in this situation will take at least 3 hours, provided that the composition is regularly mixed and water is added.
  4. Vegetable oil and fried onions must be added to the ready-made pea puree, especially if the presence of additional components is not provided.
  5. The dish is much easier to cook from crushed rather than whole beans.
  6. After soaking the peas, they must be washed under running water, only in this case it will be tasty.

It is important to correctly determine how much water to add to the peas so that they do not burn or become too runny. A ratio of 1 to 3 (dry part to water) is usually recommended.

Recipes for making pea puree with and without soaking

Despite the apparent simplicity of the component, pea puree can take the form of not only an ordinary side dish, but also a self-sufficient dish. It goes well with different types meat, vegetables and even dairy products:

  • Preparation simple dish in a slow cooker. For a glass of peas we need 5 glasses of water, vegetable and butter, salt and black pepper. If you pre-soak the peas in 2 glasses of water, the puree will be ready very quickly. Grease the bowl of the device with butter, place the beans in it, and fill them with the remaining 3 glasses of water. Close the lid and cook the mixture in the “Porridge” or “Stew” mode for 30 minutes. Open the lid, mix the mixture, add salt and black pepper. Process the mixture for another 5 minutes, season with vegetable oil and serve.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to consume pea puree if its components are obviously not ready. It is because of this that many people develop flatulence, which becomes the reason for refusing the product in the future.

  • "Children's" option. For a glass of peas you need to take a medium carrot, a clove of garlic, 5 glasses of water, a little butter, parsley and salt. Soak the peas in 2 glasses of water and leave for 4 hours. Then drain the liquid, transfer the mass into a saucepan and fill with the remaining water. After boiling, add a little salt, reduce the heat to low and cook the mixture under a closed lid for about half an hour. Then remove the pan from the stove and cool the contents. Peel the carrots and garlic, put them in a blender along with parsley and butter, and chop. Spread the mixture into the pea puree, mix everything and quickly bring to a boil.

The baby puree recipe allows you to get a very healthy, tender and satisfying product, which was the basis for this name. But this does not mean that the finished dish cannot be consumed by adults. Quite the contrary, regular consumption of the product by all family members will strengthen their immunity and avoid seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Original recipes

If you want to cook something unusual that will not only be healthy, but also incredibly tasty, you should consider the following recipes:

  • With brisket. For a glass of peas, take 5 glasses of water, a small piece of smoked brisket (no more than 150 g), a couple of cloves of garlic, half a glass of meat broth, one onion, seasonings and vegetable oil. We cook peas in the most usual way, you can do it in a slow cooker. During this time, peel, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cut the brisket into small cubes. Mix the puree with the roast, broth and brisket.

  • With cheese. For a glass of peas, take 5 glasses of water, half a glass of chicken or meat broth, one processed cheese(about 100 g), parsley, salt and black pepper. Cook the peas as usual, 10 minutes before turning off the product, add broth to it and mix well. Then remove the container from the heat and grind its contents using a blender or masher. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and chop the herbs. Add these components to the still hot product along with a small amount of vegetable oil, salt and pepper. To understand how much salt to put in, you need to try the mass, because... Due to the broth and cheese, its taste may change.

  • In Hungarian. For a glass of peas, take 5 glasses of water, 1 bell pepper, carrot, onion, butter and seasonings. After the pre-prepared peas boil, add salt, finely chopped onion, grated carrots, chopped bell pepper and seasonings. Cook until all components are ready, this takes about 30-40 minutes. Then add a little butter, grind the mixture with a masher or rub through a sieve (you can also use a blender), serve, sprinkled with herbs. Carrots and onions can be pre-fried in butter, then the dish will be more satisfying.

In addition, you can add to pea puree various types meat and other vegetables. The only thing you need to take into account is that it is better to cook all the components separately, then it will turn out delicious, and the impression of the whole dish will not be blurry. For this reason, complex versions of bean porridges are cooked in a saucepan rather than in a slow cooker.

Hearty, nutritious pea puree is an unusual side dish that goes well with a variety of meat dishes. When you get tired of potatoes, you can replace them with such an interesting dish. Adding a little more water to the pea puree makes a thick, flavorful soup for lunch.

Ingredients: cut glass of split peas, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fatty butter, 2 onions, table salt, large carrots.

  1. The bean components are washed and filled with water so that it is a couple of centimeters above the level of the peas. The container is left at room temperature for 2-3 hours. If the product will be soaked overnight, then it is sent to the refrigerator so as not to sour.
  2. Next, the peas are washed well, filled with fresh water and sent to cook for 70-80 minutes. Better water salt immediately. It may need to be topped up during the cooking process.
  3. At this time you need to do vegetables. They are cleaned, chopped randomly and fried in butter until lightly browned.
  4. Next, the frying along with all the oil from the frying pan and the cooked peas is placed in a blender bowl and pureed.

The thickness of the dish can be adjusted at your own discretion.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: a full glass of split peas, 2 times more filtered water, 70 g of salted butter, table salt.

  1. The peas are washed well and soaked for about 80-90 minutes in cool water. At the same time, it is left at room temperature.
  2. Next, you can drain the excess liquid and transfer the product to the bowl of the “smart pan”. The amount of filtered water specified in the recipe is poured on top.
  3. The program intended for extinguishing is activated for approximately 110-120 minutes.
  4. 10 minutes before the dish is ready, add salt and salted butter. You can add any seasonings to taste.

Pea puree in a slow cooker always turns out especially tasty and tender. It is served hot.

Pea puree without soaking

Ingredients: half a kilo of split peas, 3 g of baking soda, a whole carrot, 70 g of butter, onion, table salt, half a bunch of fresh herbs.

  1. First, the peas are washed a couple of times with running ice water, after which they are poured with boiling water and left for 12-14 minutes.
  2. Next, you can immediately transfer the product into a cast iron casserole and cook for half an hour over low heat with soda. The water in the container should be a couple of centimeters above the level of the peas.
  3. The liquid will boil away during the process and must be added to the previous level.
  4. Vegetables are peeled and finely chopped, after which they are well fried in vegetable oil.
  5. The resulting puree is combined with frying, and also salted and seasoned with butter. At the end, chopped greens are added to it.

If necessary, the mass can be pureed using a blender.

Recipe like in kindergarten

Ingredients: a cut glass of peas, a clove of garlic, 40 g of unsalted butter, large carrots, a bunch of various greens, salt, 5 tbsp. filtered water.

  1. First, the peas are washed and poured clean water(2 cups) and leave to soak for several hours. If the container will stand for longer than 4-5 hours, it must be put in the refrigerator so that the contents do not sour.
  2. Next, the bean components are washed again and filled with the remaining liquid specified in the recipe. After the water boils, the product is cooked for 35-45 minutes under a closed lid. The resulting mass is cooled.
  3. The carrots are peeled, the garlic is removed from the husks, and the greens are washed well. All these products, along with butter, go into a blender. Peas are also added to them.
  4. The mass is crushed and added to taste.

If you add more liquid from boiled peas to the puree, you can get a thick, nutritious stew, which is especially tasty to eat with garlic croutons or croutons.

With smoked meats

Ingredients: half a kilo of split peas, 70 g of smoked lard, a full glass of thick sour cream, half a kilo of smoked pork ribs, 60 g of Parmesan, salt, lemon, 5-6 fresh basil leaves. How to properly prepare pea puree with smoked meats is described below.

  1. The peas are filled with plenty of water and left for 3-4 hours, after which they are thoroughly washed.
  2. Smoked ribs need to be carefully inspected. If they have fat on them. And the ribs themselves are laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Immediately after this, the heating turns off.
  3. The ribs remain in the cooling oven while all other ingredients are prepared.
  4. The peas are sent to boil in salted boiling water.
  5. To prepare the sauce, combine sour cream, basil, coarsely grated cheese, a little fresh lemon juice. All these components are crushed in a blender until smooth.
  6. Cooked peas are ground through a sieve and mixed with a small amount of water. The housewife determines the required thickness independently.
  7. Pieces of lard and fat cut from the ribs are fried in a frying pan. The resulting mass is poured into puree.

The finished dish is served with ribs from the oven and a special sour cream sauce.

With chicken

Ingredients: 2 full faceted glasses of split peas, 2 onions, 4 glasses of filtered water, half a kilo of any chicken parts, 2 medium carrots, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The legumes are thoroughly washed until the water is clear. It is advisable to soak the peas in advance so that they can cook as quickly as possible in the future. Beans are boiled immediately in salted water (4 tbsp). Exact time Cooking will depend on the duration of pre-soaking and even the quality of the peas.
  2. The finished mass is pureed in a blender.
  3. Chicken pieces are fried with onions and carrots in a small amount of fat. They must be fully prepared. You can use any spices for vegetables and poultry.

Each serving of the dish is made from pea puree and a piece of fried chicken.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: half a kilo of split peas, 280 g of white onions, half a kilo fresh champignons, liter of water, salt, pepper.

  1. To make pea puree truly tasty, you must first rinse the legumes well, and then cook the product until tender in salted boiling water. All liquid should eventually evaporate completely.
  2. First, chopped onions are fried in a saucepan, then small pieces of champignons, salt and pepper are added to it to taste. Together the products cook for 8-9 minutes.
  3. The finished peas are pureed in a blender and then combined with fried mushrooms.

It is very tasty to serve such a treat with sauerkraut and an assortment of various pickled vegetables.

Delicate dish with cream

Ingredients: a full glass of dry peas, table salt to taste, spices, half a glass of heavy cream, a piece of butter.

  1. First, the peas are washed well and, if necessary, soaked in cool water. The whole process will take from 2 to 12 hours. If you decide to choose the maximum time for soaking the legumes, then it is better to leave them in water overnight. For this purpose, the container with peas is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  2. Next, the prepared product is poured into salted boiling water and cooked for about 3 hours. It should be completely boiled.
  3. Add butter to the resulting mixture, add salt and spices. If you don’t have fresh cream in the house, you can use a couple of spoons of dry cream instead. Then they are added to the puree at this stage.
  4. The mass is kneaded with a masher according to the principle of mashed potatoes. The dish is completely ready.

If fresh cream is used, then it is poured into the finished, slightly cooled treat.

Calorie content of pea puree

All those who want to enjoy the dish under discussion and at the same time watch their figure are probably interested in the exact calorie content of pea puree. Those losing weight will be pleased with this figure - only 126 kcal per 100 g of finished product. Of course, we are talking about puree, which is prepared with water and only with salt without any other additives.

If butter, any meat, cream, fried mushrooms are added to the dish, then its calorie content increases significantly. But adding fresh or pickled vegetables affects this indicator only minimally.

Even Lenten dishes can be tasty and nutritious, and an example of this is pea puree. But it will only be tasty if it is cooked correctly. By the way, the puree does not have to be lean; there are a lot of recipes where pork, beef, lard, smoked ribs or something else are added to the peas.

The subtleties of preparing delicious pea puree

The most important rule A good pea puree is the absence of lumps, and in order to avoid them, you need to cook the beans for a sufficient amount of time. Let's look at the features and secrets of preparing this uncomplicated, simple dish:

  • Pea puree is most often made from yellow split peas, but if you start cooking it as dry and hard as it was in the bag, this process will take a very long time. Therefore, in order to reduce cooking time, the beans need to be soaked. If in cold water– then it’s better for a few hours or overnight, if in boiling water – then 1-1.5 hours will be enough.
  • Instead of soaking, pea grains can be roasted in a dry frying pan. In this case, they will also acquire an additional aroma.
  • Peas tend to escape from the pan after boiling, so it is better not to cover them with a lid at first. When a foam cap appears on the water, remove it, reduce the heat of the burner and cover the pan.
  • Don't forget to stir the beans as they cook and taste them. When the grains are boiled, they begin to stick to the bottom of the dish. You need to stir the puree every 5 minutes - this will prevent it from burning and allow it to cook evenly.
  • If there is little water left in the pan, but the grains have not had time to boil, do not be afraid to add boiling water little by little. Peas are boiled in a ratio of 1:4, and it is better not to pour all the water at once. Fill the cereal with half the norm, and add the other half gradually during the cooking process.

Instructions for preparing pea puree in a saucepan

To prepare tasty and tender pea puree with a uniform consistency, yellow waxy peas are ideal, which, moreover, are very good for health. To make puree from grains, you need to do the following:

  • Place the pea beans in a deep saucepan and add 2 times more water than peas. So leave the pan overnight. If time is pressing and you need to cook the puree on the same day, pour boiling water over the grains and keep covered for 2 hours.
  • After the time has passed, drain the water and, if necessary, pour the peas into the container where you will cook them. Fill with water again, preferably with boiling water immediately. Take water at a ratio of 1:3.
  • Place the grains on the stove and watch when they boil. Skim off the foam, reduce heat and cook the peas for 2-3 hours. Don't add salt right away. When you see that the beans are almost cooked, add salt.
  • As soon as you realize that the pores have reached the desired consistency, remove the pan from the heat and leave it covered for another 30-40 minutes.
  • It happens that the peas themselves boil down to a uniform consistency, and sometimes small lumps still remain in them. To make the dish especially tender, mash the peas with a mashed potato maker or beat with a mixer.

How to make pea puree even tastier

Many foods go well with peas. These include vegetables, meat ingredients, and all sorts of spices; there are even recipes where fish or shrimp are added to the dish. Pea puree can be made tastier and more aromatic with the help of some tricks:

  • Roasting the grains in a pan just before cooking will add a richer flavor to your puree. You can simply roast the beans in a dry frying pan, but it is better to fry them in unrefined sunflower or olive oil. Please note that there is no need to soak the peas before the procedure. You should also constantly stir the grains in the oil, ensuring that they fry evenly. You won’t spend a lot of time on this manipulation; 5-10 minutes will be enough for you.
  • Oil, even in large quantities, will not be superfluous in pea puree. Moreover, here you can experiment with different options: sunflower, olive, butter, corn, various combinations thereof.
  • A variety of herbs, spices, and fresh herbs go well with peas. Try adding chopped parsley, dill or basil, or you can complement the taste with fresh rosemary or thyme. If you don't have fresh herbs on hand, use a mixture of dried herbs or vegetables.
  • The taste and smell of pea puree will perfectly highlight the delicate aroma of garlic, but you should not add it in large quantities. 1-2 small cloves will be enough, and you need to throw them into the dish as a last resort, after you remove the pan from the stove.
  • You can add vegetables to pea puree. The most popular ensemble is carrots and onions. By the way, they add not only smell to the dish, but also a slightly sweetish taste. Carrots and onions must be pre-fried until completely soft and golden brown. Frying carrots and onions in pea puree harmonizes especially well with the aroma of fresh dill.
  • Some chefs are moving away from traditional recipes and put in boiled peas and other vegetables - sweet bell pepper, fresh or sun-dried tomatoes, pumpkin.
  • Well, what definitely cannot spoil pea puree is meat. Anyone will do its variety: beef or pork, poultry or rabbit. Mashed potatoes with smoked pork ribs, brisket or lard are incredibly tasty.

Several interesting recipes for making pea puree

Pea puree can be made original, unusual and incredibly tasty. We have selected several recipes for you with an interesting combination of products:

  • Add grated carrots to the prepared pea puree. onions, previously thoroughly fried in a large amount of unrefined sunflower oil. Or replace sunflower oil with olive oil - then you will get a slightly different taste.
  • Fry the pea beans in oil, then boil until tender. Season with fried carrots and red onions, add chopped fresh dill and a couple of cloves of crushed garlic.
  • Fry the onion and pieces in a frying pan lard. The ideal option is lard with a slot. Stir this into the pea puree and serve with crispy croutons.
  • Fry the onion and sun-dried tomatoes cut into pieces in vegetable oil. At the end of frying, throw in 2 cloves of chopped garlic and lightly sugar the food. Separately chop the parsley and dill. Add all this to the pea puree.
  • Cut about 300 g of beef into pieces and fry with carrots and onions in a frying pan. Serve with pea puree and fresh basil.
  • When serving, place smoked pork ribs and separately fried onion half rings into plates with pea puree.

Lenten pea puree will perfectly satisfy hunger, diversify the menu and fill the body with useful microelements. To enrich the taste, in addition to split peas, potatoes, onions, and carrots are added to the dish. Vegetables are boiled until soft, then pureed in a blender. Season with your favorite spices and decorate with red paprika powder and herbs. It turns out very tasty and colorful.

Peculiarities lean pea puree recipe

Peas can be taken whole or split. In the first case, the time it stays in cold water increases. It will take 4-6 hours for the seeds to swell. Half an hour is enough for split peas.

Lean pea soup made from green pea puree has an interesting taste. And pureed soups are made from dry peas.

For variety, add a bouquet of your favorite spices to the dish:

  • turmeric;
  • paprika;
  • ground black pepper;
  • pepper mixture;
  • ginger;
  • garlic.


Boil peas for 40 minutes. Then add fried onion half rings and chopped garlic.

In which they put fresh onions or frying onions and carrots after pureeing.

Adjust the thickness of the dish with boiled water or broth. If after using the blender the puree becomes too thick, add water or broth and cook until it boils. The same trick is suitable for adjusting the consistency of lean pea puree soup according to a proven recipe.

The addition of garlic and fresh or frozen herbs gives the dish a spicy, pungent taste.

To make it even more satisfying, you can add potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbage to the dish during the cooking process. In summer, zucchini will do just fine. A vegetable story is coming out for a good lunch during Lent. And the technology is simple: put everything in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes under the lid.

Vegetable oil is taken without odor and placed at the end along with fried onions or at the beginning with fried carrots. You can simply pour oil into the pan while cooking the porridge.

How to prepare delicious lean pea puree - proven recipe with photos

The option with vegetables is very rich in taste. The combination of potatoes, carrots, onions and peas is classic. The dish is prepared in two steps: peel it, put it in a pan and add water. After half an hour, puree and season with spices. It couldn't be easier. Even an inexperienced housewife can cope.

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Fill the peas with plenty of water and leave to soak overnight or for 6-8 hours. The peas will swell and increase in volume, which means they are ready for cooking. After soaking, wash the peas and add two glasses of water. Please note that the proportion of peas and water is 1:2. We start cooking over low heat.

Cook the peas for 1-1.5 hours until all the water has evaporated, the peas become soft and completely boiled. At the end of cooking, add salt and stir to achieve the desired taste.

Blend the finished peas with a blender until puree is formed. If you don’t have a blender, then use a simple and ordinary potato masher.

Finely chop the onions, not too little, so that the puree with onions becomes even tastier. Pea puree can be served not only with fried onions; someone else fries carrots, and you decide according to your preferences. But mashed peas with fried onions are a classic serving option.

Fry onions in vegetable oil, pour 2-3 tablespoons. l., no more. Fry until golden brown so that the onion becomes very aromatic and fragrant.

Place the hot pea puree on a plate and add the fried onions on top. It turns out very tasty and beautiful. For those who wish, the puree can be additionally peppered.

For a budget lunch, pea puree will be the best option, although for those who love this dish it’s not about the money at all. It's just very tasty and always healthy. Bon Appetite!

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