How to formalize the refusal of a radio point in an apartment. How to turn off the radio in an apartment. Make an appointment with management

Medicinal plants 09.03.2022
Medicinal plants

Today, wired radio is no longer as popular as it was several decades ago. Therefore, many decide to give up the radio point in order not to pay a subscription fee every month. In addition, the radio point in the apartment looks unaesthetic and disrupts the design of the room.

However, Emergency Situations Ministry employees do not advise doing this, since the main function of this system is to notify city residents about emergency situations. The radio transmits messages instantly and works under any conditions, including a power outage.

Therefore, before abandoning the radio point, think carefully about this decision. Moreover, the payment for the service is low. If you still decide to remove the wired radio, choose one of the available methods. Let's find out how to turn off the radio point in the apartment.

The role of the radio point

With a wired radio you can not only listen to programs and news. A radio point in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large Russian cities is installed to centrally notify residents of emergency situations that pose a threat to life. These are disasters and natural disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, military actions and other similar events or incidents.

Therefore, every residential property in major cities, including in MSC and St. Petersburg, is equipped with radio points and is necessarily connected to the wired warning and radio broadcasting network. If there is no such connection, this is a gross violation of construction norms and rules.

Today, only the state radio point is capable of guaranteed operation during a total power outage. This network operates autonomously and without electricity. At the same time, she is the most in a fast way dissemination of information in extreme conditions and ensures high quality data transmission.

In 2018, the monthly payment for a radio point in Moscow is 88.5 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 72.33 rubles. If you decide to refuse to pay for this service and turn off the radio, we offer options on how to do this.

Three ways to turn off the radio

  1. Contacting the Housing Office is an effective but time-consuming method. In this case, a queue and red tape await you. Therefore, experts advise using more immediate and affordable options;
  2. Contact the provider or company that provides this service. In many Russian cities this is Rostelecom; in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can contact the RSVO authorities (Russian Broadcasting and Warning Networks);
  3. Through public services and the MFC - modern and affordable way to receive various services. And using the “My Documents” website, you can disconnect from the radio point in your apartment via the Internet without leaving your home.

Through Housing Office and RSVO or Rostelecom

When turning off the radio, write a corresponding statement indicating the date from which you want to turn off the service. Be sure to take your passport with you. It is important that the application is submitted only by the owner of the residential premises.

Those. Tenants and other persons living in an apartment without ownership rights will not be able to do this. Therefore, even if the Housing Office contains information about the owners, take, just in case, a document confirming ownership.

At the branch you receive a receipt and pay the state fee for disconnection, which is 60 rubles. Then, from the Housing Office, the application and other papers are sent to RSVO or Rostelecom. You can speed up the procedure by contacting these organizations directly.

To provide disconnection services, you must pay a state fee of 60 rubles. In addition, there should be no debts on the radio station's subscription fee. Therefore, take both the receipt for payment of the state duty and the receipt for payment of utilities for the previous month.

Be sure to keep a copy of the application with an acceptance mark and a receipt indicating the paid state fee. Note that members of the HOA or residents of the house can write a collective request to completely disconnect the house from the radio and notification. But in this case there must be the consent of each owner. And what to do if you are unhappy with the management company of the house, see.

Through MFC and My Documents

To disconnect from the radio through the MFC, make an appointment for a specific time or go through the electronic queue directly at the department. Pre-pay the state fee at any bank. When using multifunctional centers, you must provide the following documents:

  • Passport of the owner and applicant;
  • Completed application to disconnect the point (download it on the Internet and fill it out in advance or receive it on site at the branch);
  • Document of ownership;
  • Receipt or check for payment of state duty.

Cohabitants and tenants will be denied services. Only the owner of the apartment can turn off the radio.

Submit the collected papers to the MFC. The cancellation of payments for the radio point and the recalculation of utility bills will occur in the next reporting period. Physically, the radio point will be removed in the next 30 working days. In this case, the point is removed directly at the entrance in the electrical panel. The socket inside the apartment is removed by the resident.

You can also cancel the service through the My Documents website. This is the easiest and most accessible method. The advantage of this solution is that you can turn off the radio without leaving your home.

To do this, download and fill out the application, pay the state fee via online banking. Scan or photograph your passport, application and receipt and submit via the website. IN personal account you will be able to track the status of the application and will be notified when a technician arrives to turn off the radio point.

During the Soviet era, the radio point was an integral part of not only the interior, but also the life of every citizen of a large country. It was the only source of information, news and entertainment. Residents of Russia happily took the time to listen to the radio.

However, thanks technical progress a lot has changed. Today, finding fans of wired radio broadcasting is not easy. It has been replaced by television, the Internet, and satellite broadcasting. Modern gadgets allow you to stay informed around the clock and the need to have a radio point at home completely disappears. Moreover, this is an additional line in the communal apartment, for which you have to pay, although in fact the service is not used or the residents have turned off or thrown away the receiver.

Is there any benefit from a radio point?

All old residential buildings in Russia are connected to the system of Russian broadcasting and warning networks, so even when the receiver is not in the apartment, money is written off. At the same time, in new buildings, the installation of a radio point is sometimes not provided for in the design.

In 2016, the chairman of the Moscow City Duma Security Commission announced her desire to raise the issue of obliging developers to install radio points in every apartment, but since then no resolutions or bills have been issued on this.

There is an objective reason why citizens may need wired radio broadcasting - this is the only way to notify about emergency situations: natural disasters, catastrophes, terrorist attacks, etc., if other methods of communication fail. That is, the main purpose of wired radio broadcasting is security. On the RSVO website, the organization’s management posted a recommendation for restoring the radio point if it was disabled or missing initially.

Conditions of refusal

In Moscow alone, about a million residents pay for an unnecessary service. Some of them do not suspect that unnecessary stitching can be removed from the fat. It's not free, but the savings are tenfold. To turn off a radio point in Moscow through State Services you will need to pay 60 rubles, in the regions - 100 rubles. It will cost more to refuse the service for legal entities.

Also, in order to disable the radio point in St. Petersburg through State Services, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • copies of the passport pages – the first one and the one with the registration stamp;
  • statement;
  • receipt for payment of services for the current month;
  • a certificate stating that the apartment has no debts for housing and communal services.

If the registration and the address at which the tenant intends to decontaminate the radio point do not match, you will need to present a document allowing you to dispose of the property.

Then you need to deliver the prepared documents to RSVO or Rostelecom in any general way. One of them is the use of the State Services portal “My Documents”.

Clue! You can download the application on the official RSVO portal ( in the “Services” section - “Disconnection of the radio point.” All that remains is to enter your own data into the template.

Disconnection through State Services

The first thing you need to do to turn off a radio point in St. Petersburg through State Services is to fill out an application. This does not present any difficulty. It is enough just to indicate the owner of the property everywhere.

Important! Through the “My Documents” service (www.moidokumenty.rf), refusal of the service is available only to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other localities you will need to contact the MFC in person.

  • You can pay the receipt without leaving your home if you are connected to the Internet banking of any Russian bank, or in a Sberbank terminal. You will need a payer code when paying in the terminal with 60 rubles or 100 rubles bills (you can find the payer by TIN);
  • scan the receipt and application; an alternative option is to photograph the documents so that you can clearly see what is written;
  • open the “My Documents” website and select the “Electronic Reception” section there;
  • fill in the fields that open by entering the details of the apartment owner;
  • in the “Message text” column you need to indicate that you want to disable the service and again indicate the specific address;
  • You must attach payment receipts and a completed application.

Then you need to click “Send” and wait for a response.

A few days after the application is reviewed, a message will appear in your personal account stating that the service employees have forwarded the application to the company responsible for turning on and off radio points in apartments.

In some manuals on portals they write that after this a master will come and this is indeed true, with one caveat - he will come in accordance with the work schedule, no one will send a specialist for 60 rubles.

You need to wait for a specialist to arrive at the entrance and ask to disconnect the apartment from wired radio broadcasting.

After some time, a letter will be sent to your home address with a stamp from the Russian Broadcasting and Warning Network. Thus, the organization will officially notify the homeowner that he is disconnected from wired broadcasting. In the same envelope they will send a notice to IRCO, housing cooperative or housing cooperative that the service has been disconnected.

Since it is impossible to say for sure whether the RSVO sends a copy on its own, it is therefore recommended to visit the house management company yourself and show them the document, or again use the “My Documents” service, where you can upload a copy or photo of the notice. After which payment for the service will disappear from the budget.

How to refuse a collective antenna?

If the subscriber does not want to use the GSKT (collective antenna), he must contact the service organization with a statement of the established form, on the basis of which the corresponding subscriber connection from the GSKT will be disconnected. Disabling a subscription is free of charge. Based on the document on disconnection from the collective antenna received from the service organization, the housing organization recalculates the subscription fee.

The procedure for disabling collective TV antenna according to statements from individuals:

  • it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the EIRC indicating that there is no debt in payment for the collective antenna;
  • call Mostelecom at 981-66-88 and leave a request to disconnect the antenna;
  • when the master arrives, show him a certificate from the EIRC;
  • the technician turns off the antenna and issues a certificate stating that the antenna is turned off;
  • With a certificate about the disconnected antenna, you need to go to the EIRC again.

The issues of disconnection from the collective antenna are also dealt with by the NCC (national cable network).

The material was prepared jointly with experts Association of Real Estate Service Companies (AKON) and Housing and Communal Services Development Association.

How can I refuse to pay for a radio point if I don’t use it?

If your home is managed by a management company (payments are made through the MFC):

In this case, you can also issue a waiver of wired radio broadcasting communication services at the MFC (multifunctional center), the State Information System of your area, if charges for “radio and notification” services are made through the Unified Payment Document (UPD). The MFC independently generates a package of documents and sends it to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Broadcasting and Warning Networks" (RSVO).

If your house is managed by a housing cooperative, HOA (payments are made directly):

You can refuse wired broadcasting services by personally contacting the Russian Broadcasting and Warning Networks office. Address in Moscow: st. Usievicha, 18, bldg. A

Here you will receive an application form and a receipt for payment for turning off the radio point. The cost of the service is 60 rubles. You can pay for the receipt for turning off the radio point at any banking institution or at the post offices of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".

After paying the receipt for turning off the radio point, the applicant must present the following documents to the population reception window of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO:

1. Filled in in the prescribed form application to turn off the radio point.

2. Passport

3. A certificate from the MFC, GU IS of your area, housing complex or housing cooperative about the absence of debt in payment for wired radio broadcasting communication services.

4. Receipt for payment for turning off radio points. You can download the receipt and application on the website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO.

Charging for wired radio broadcasting communication services ceases from the date of receipt of the application to turn off the radio point by the operator of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO.

The total tariff for utilities in the Russian Federation has increased in price by an average of 4% since July 1Total tariffs for utilities - water, electricity, heat and gas - in Russia have increased by 4% on average since July 1, 2016, but, according to experts interviewed by RIA Novosti, in some regions these figures can be much higher. For example, in Moscow we are talking about 7.5%, but there are also a number of places where the payment has remained virtually unchanged.

Where can I go to cancel services I don’t use?

For those services that you can refuse, you need to contact the organization that provides these services with a written statement. In most cases, this will be either your management organization, or an HOA or housing cooperative. But there may also be a special, separate organization (as a rule, this applies to electricity supply, gas supply, as well as television, radio and intercom).

Information about service providers can be obtained from the person managing your apartment building (management organization, HOA or housing cooperative).

The argument when submitting an application is simple: you must say that you have no need to use this service. Next, a representative of the organization will have to come to you to ensure or confirm that it is technically impossible for you to use this service.

Which services in a payment plan can you refuse at all, and which ones cannot?

First of all, it should be noted that in an effort to save money, one should not cross the safety line, namely, take uncoordinated actions that could harm other residents of the house or even lead to emergency situations.

In general, you can refuse only those utilities for which you can verify the absence of the fact of their use, for example, through meters, and, at the same time, the rights and legitimate interests of other residents in this house will not be violated.

So, you don’t have to pay for cold and hot water, electricity supply, gas supply, if you install meters and do not consume these services. If there are meters for water and without its consumption, there will be no charge for drainage waste water. You can also install a heat energy meter and, by turning off the batteries, avoid paying for heating.

It is theoretically also possible to refuse hot water supply, for example, by installing a water heater. But the problem is that in relation to water supply, gas supply, heating and sewerage it is very difficult (in many cases impossible) to ensure the cessation of the provision of public services in a separate apartment (weld a pipe, install a plug, etc.). And if this is technically possible, then other residents of the house may suffer, which is unacceptable. But if there are no technical restrictions, then you can refuse these services.

But, for example, from handling solid municipal waste you cannot refuse, since it is impossible to check whether you will throw garbage into a common container/garbage chute or not. Therefore, everyone must pay based on the number of people registered in this apartment.

The same situation with housing services: maintenance and repair of residential premises, maintenance of local areas, current repairs common property, cleaning of entrances - you must pay for all these services!

Prices for such housing services are set by management companies (or at a general meeting of the HOA) in agreement with the homeowners. It will not be possible to completely abandon them, but you can raise the issue of revising the calculations and the list of these services at the next meeting of owners.

Do not forget that the list and frequency of work and services for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment building, as well as the procedure for changing such a list, in accordance with Article 162 of the Housing Code Russian Federation, must be specified in the management agreement for an apartment building.

Modern apartment owners have a lot of ways to pay for housing and communal services: some prefer government service websites, others sign up for an auto payment service at a bank, but no one has canceled paper receipts either. The RIA Real Estate website has prepared an infographic that will help you study the housing and communal services payment receipt in detail, understand what we pay for, and track how tariffs have changed over the past 16 years.