How to eat bananas. How to properly peel bananas: interesting options. Proper etiquette for eating fruit

Berries 02.02.2022

Have you been invited to a restaurant or to a family dinner? Is there a party coming up with friends, a corporate event? Don't forget to take with you good manners and knowledge of etiquette. This article will talk about how to follow the rules etiquette should be consumed at the table fruits.

How not to get lost in fruit abundance

For example, as is apple? When you decide to taste this fruit, first take it in your left hand and remove the peel with a knife over a plate. Then cut in half and each half in half again. Holding the quarter with a fork, carefully cut out the core with a knife and place it on the cut peel. Quarters are eaten with a knife and fork. The same method should be used when consuming pears.

Bananas Serve with the ends cut off. Taking the banana by the stem with your left hand, peel it with your right. Banana pulp is eaten by cutting into thin slices.

Watermelon served cut into slices with crust. Place a piece of watermelon on a plate with the flesh facing towards you. They eat by cutting off small pieces and clearing them of seeds. They take the watermelon from a common plate with their hands.

melon, cut into small slices, place on a plate, crust side down. Holding it with a fork, cut the flesh in several places to the crust. Then cut off small pieces. The pulp can be cut off all at once.

Pineapple served peeled and cut into wedges. It is eaten with a knife and fork. By the way, when peeling a pineapple, there is no need to be greedy - cut off the peel until the brown spots disappear from the fruit, since a poorly peeled pineapple can burn your lips.

Orange take it in your left hand and cut off the peel from the side of the stalk over the plate. Make circular cuts with a knife, and the more cuts, the faster the orange will peel. Then separate the slices with a knife and fork.

But tangerines do not require any devices. Just clean it and put it in your mouth.

Large peaches take it in your left hand and cut it in a circle to the bone, then break it. The bone is removed with a knife. When eating, the fruit is gradually cut into pieces.

Grape eat with hands. True, sometimes he arrives at the banquet unwashed, but then a bowl of water must appear nearby on the table. And, of course... don’t forget to follow the ritual: first, a small bunch of grapes is cut off with special scissors, rinsed in water, dried with a napkin, and only then the berries are put into the mouth one by one.

Apricots And plums divide into halves by hand, remove the pit, place it on the edge of the plate, and eat the pulp with your hands. When the fruits are too juicy to avoid getting your hands dirty, it is better to use a fruit knife and fork. You need to carefully cut the fruit in half, remove the pit in the same way and eat using cutlery.

Cherry And cherries They take it from the common dish by the stems, put it on their plate and put one berry into their mouth with their hand. If the stems of cherries have been removed, the berries are served in bowls from which they are eaten with a spoon. In both cases, the bones are discreetly spit out onto a spoon and left on the edge of the plate.

Pomegranate They are rarely served at the table. It's not easy to deal with him. In addition, it has a very bright and caustic juice, which, once it gets on a tablecloth or clothes, is very difficult to wash off. So it’s better to enjoy it at home, in private, because not everyone manages to cope well with it in society. In a formal setting, the pomegranate is eaten with a spoon, separating the pulp from the seeds in the mouth, then the remainder is delicately spat into the spoon and placed on the edge of the plate.

Grapefruits usually served cut into halves, the pulp is sprinkled powdered sugar. Eat with a teaspoon (sometimes a special spoon with a pointed edge is served with grapefruits), carefully scooping out the pulp. For convenience, you can use a knife to separate the edible part from the peel and films.

Kiwi in restaurants they are peeled and served cut into pieces, which allows you to eat this overseas miracle with a fork. But most often kiwi is served cut into halves and eaten with a teaspoon, scooping out the pulp.

Persimmon If the fruits are very ripe, they are served after cutting the base so that the fruit “stands” on the plate. In this case, it is convenient to eat persimmons by scooping out the pulp with a spoon. The fruit is held with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. The peel is left on the plate, and the seeds are separated from the pulp in the mouth, carefully removed with a spoon and placed on the edge of the plate. Fruits with hard flesh are easier to eat using a knife and fork. If you are not sure that you can cope with any “treacherous”, from the point of view of etiquette, fruit, it is better to refuse it altogether and prefer something less labor-intensive. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to explain the reason for your refusal.

Bon appetit!

The etiquette rules for eating fruit may seem confusing at first. But for those who want to understand the rules of etiquette, we have tried to systematize several basic rules that apply at the table in a formal setting.

Fruits can be served at the table in various forms: on a common dish, peeled and cut into pieces or simply washed, fresh or as part of some already prepared dish, in the form of candied fruits, in syrup or with cream in bowls. And it is this factor that influences which cutlery we grab.

Now we will try to highlight the rules of etiquette in some categories to make it easier to eat fruit in a formal setting at the table.

  1. Peeled fruit. In most cases, peeled and chopped fruit is served to the table already divided into portions for each guest, then you just have to pick up the fork and knife served for the fruit and, cutting it into small pieces, enjoy the taste. The fruit should be placed cut side down on a plate so that the juice that comes out of the fruit will gently drain to the bottom of the plate.
  2. Unpeeled fruit. Here, you should first pay attention to the type of fruit itself, whether it is customary to peel it and then eat it, or whether it is eaten directly from the peel. If you are not aware of such details, then the best option will place the fruit on a plate with the peel down and the cut part up, so that the skin of the fruit absorbs the juice that will form when cutting the fruit. The fruit in this form can be served with either a dessert spoon or a fruit knife and fork.

Note: a very good hint on how to properly eat fruit according to etiquette is the container in which the fruit is served.

Food is eaten from a bowl or bowl with a spoon, and from a flat plate with a fork and knife. If the fruit is served on a common platter and there is a dedicated cutlery nearby for transferring the fruit to your plate, then you have no choice but to use it. And fruits that are transferred by hand will be served to the table without such a device. Never select or taste fruits in order to put the best fruit on your plate. This is not cultural, since the hosts of the dinner tried to serve the best fruits to the table in advance.

But what to do with seeds and pits in fruit according to the rules of etiquette?

It all depends on the size. Stones like plums or apricots are taken with three fingers (thumb on one side, index finger on the other) and placed on the edge of the plate. In order to get rid of cherry pits, for example, use a fork. Gently push the bone with your tongue onto the edge of the tines of a fork and leave it in its intended place, this may be either the edge of a plate or a stand plate in a vase or bowl. And the last type, fruits with seeds that are too small to use a fork. They are carefully spat out into the hand, curled into a fist, and also placed on the edge of your plate. You can’t spit them out into a napkin and put them on the table.

We have looked at the basic rules for eating fruit, but there are still some nuances for eating each individual fruit, especially exotic ones, which rarely appear on the table in our latitudes.

In order to understand them, follow the links located at the bottom of the article:

It can be found on shelves all year round, and is inexpensive, tasty and healthy. It is used not only for snacks and as an additive to desserts, but also for cosmetic purposes, which few people know about. Let's take a closer look at the product.

Calories and nutritional value

Among athletes, banana is considered a complete snack, and all thanks to its increased nutritional value. 100 g of this product contains 96 kcal, and this is almost 7% of the daily norm. There are 21 g of carbohydrates alone, which is equal to almost 16.5% of the required dose for normal human activity.
In addition, the product is rich in proteins and dietary fiber, almost 70% of its composition is water, and even less than 1% fat. Due to this, the fruit satisfies the feeling of hunger and helps the body remain full of energy.

Vitamin and mineral composition

This product very useful due to the large number vitamins in the composition- these are A, C and group B. There are also such chemical elements , like iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium.

Important! It is worth remembering that all the usefulness of the fruit can be negated by a large amount of sugar in the composition (its glycemic index is more than 41) - therefore it is not recommended to consume more than three fruits per day.

What are the benefits of bananas?

In addition to the fact that a banana can saturate and provide energy, it is easily digestible and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. It contains pectin and fiber, which improve the digestive process.

In this fruit the amount vitamin C no less than in citrus fruits, so frequent use helps maintain immunity and fight diseases. It is also important to take it for the prevention of cancer.
By eating this fruit, you will ensure the beauty and health of your nails and hair. It will have a positive effect on vision and the cardiovascular system - vitamin A will take care of them.

If you want strong bones, normal muscle tone, and a healthy liver and brain, you will need potassium and magnesium, of which there is enough in a banana.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the influence of the yellow fruit on nervous system- a person becomes calmer, more active and even happier due to the sweet taste and the presence of the amino acid tryptophan.

For men

This fruit is directly related to improvement male power . Moreover, magnesium not only increases potency, but also improves the quality of semen - the production of motile sperm is stimulated. Therefore, the product is recommended for use by those who want to become a parent as soon as possible.

The duration of erection also increases. Banana acts as an aphrodisiac - it increases libido and allows you to get aroused much faster.

For women

For women, fruit comes first increases sexual desire. But that's not all. Premenstrual and menstrual days will become easier to bear if you eat at least one fruit a day. Painful sensations will become dull, and the bleeding will become less profuse.

And, of course, beauty directly depends on diet. If it contains banana, then you don’t have to worry about problems with your skin, hair or nails. This product will replenish the amount of vitamin B in the body.

For children

A dessert and source of vitamins, banana is the number one fruit for children. Moreover, doctors allow it to be introduced into the baby’s diet almost from 6 months. Naturally, from 6 to 8 months, extremely small doses should be given; you can simply give the child to chew on it. A little banana can be added to the porridge if it is without sweeteners and the child refuses to eat it.

Important! This fruit should not be introduced first as complementary foods - otherwise the baby may refuse to eat other, unsweetened foods after it.

This product is very useful for the development of the baby’s body - vitamins and minerals are involved in the formation of muscles, bone tissue, brain and blood.
Another plus is that the fruit is soft and tender; even if you accidentally bite off and swallow a small piece, it's almost impossible to choke on it- it will just slide down your throat. It is also one of the most non-allergic products.

Can I have bananas?

Like any product, banana has its limitations. It will not be useful for everyone, and in rare cases it can even be harmful. Therefore, we will figure out when it should be removed from the diet.


You can eat bananas and even need them. It is this fruit that will help expectant mothers survive the not-so-pleasant state that accompanies pregnancy - toxicosis. Banana suppresses nausea and gives strength.

The fruit will also help heartburn- thanks to its delicate consistency, it lubricates the stomach, removing inflammation. And other troubles, such as constipation or heaviness in the stomach, will also quickly cease to bother you.

The constant desire to eat can lead to unwanted weight gain - and snacking on a banana can save you from this.
Iron, of which there is a lot, will increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the appearance of anemia in the fetus.

Nursing mothers

A woman whose child is on breastfeeding, should eat well. Therefore it is worth forget about Soviet diets, which provide a meager diet. This applies to cases where children do not have unexplained allergies to certain foods, including bananas. They help restore strength after childbirth and provide milk rich in beneficial elements.

In this case, the amino acid tryptophan helps mother and child sleep normally. It enhances the production of the joy hormone, and this is important for a sleep-deprived and tired mother. A banana can either strengthen or weaken the baby's stool, so it is better not to overdo it with the number of fruits - one per day will be the norm.

It is very rare to be allergic to a banana, but still, in the first months of a baby’s life, it is better to carefully monitor his reaction.

Losing weight

But for those who set themselves the goal of losing excess weight, it is better to avoid bananas. Or use them until 12 noon- so that sugar goes into creating energy, not fat reserves. It is also better to limit yourself to one fruit per day.
This product is perfect for those who cannot imagine life without sweets. It is best to add it to plain yoghurts, cottage cheese or oatmeal.

Did you know? Record amount eaten in one hourbananas- 81 pieces.

For diabetes

The American Diabetes Association allows people with the disease to consume these fruits. As for doctors from the CIS countries, opinions differ radically. Therefore it's better consult your doctor and clarify the amount of fruit allowed per day. You also need to understand that the type of diabetes can also influence the doctor’s decision - if the disease is complex, it is better to avoid bananas.

The main thing is to eat fruit evenly so that there are no unnecessary spikes in blood sugar throughout the day. It is better to eat one fruit, and not as part of desserts, yoghurts or cottage cheese.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Choosing a tasty and ripe fruit is not so difficult if you follow these rules:

  1. We pay attention to the shape of the fruit - it should be streamlined, in no case ribbed. Usually these fruits are without dents or protruding parts.
  2. Matte, smooth and yellow peel without darkening, cracks, or dents.
  3. The color should be uniform - yellow. A green tint indicates that the fruit is unripe, but if it sits in the sun for a while, it will be ready to eat. Darkening yellow indicates that the fruit has been lying on the counter for a long time. The taste of this fruit is not very pleasant.
  4. The smaller the fruit, the better - in the homeland of this fruit, only dwarf bananas are generally eaten, and large ones are used as animal feed.
  5. The grayish color of the fruit indicates frostbite - this is not worth taking. But black dots are not scary, but it is still better to eat the fruit on the day of purchase.

How to store at home

Bananas are perfectly stored in a room or kitchen on a windowsill or in a vase. They are thermophilic and in the sun they can even be filled with vitamin D. But there are certain standards at which the fruit is best stored:

  • temperature up to 13 °C;
  • indoor humidity not lower than 90%;
  • The fruit will be preserved better in a bunch.

Unripe fruits can be stored in such conditions for about a month.

You should not store fruits in the refrigerator - this will not preserve them better, but will only darken and lose their taste.

Features and rules of use

Banana is one of the products that do not need instructions for use. But there are some rules that should be followed.

Did you know? Banana is a berry. It grows on grass stems up to 10 m high.

Should bananas be washed before eating?

You cannot know under what conditions fruits were transported from hot countries - where they lay, whether dust and dirt fell on them. So take a minute and wash the skin of the fruit. This will protect you from unwanted bacteria that may get on the pulp.

How much can you eat per day

You can safely afford to eat up to 3 bananas per day. This will be especially useful for athletes, active people, and those who need to fuel their brain with energy. Children should not eat more than one fruit. It is also necessary to limit the amount for those who:

  • losing weight;
  • eats other fruits and does not move much;
  • has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In these cases, you should not eat more than one fruit so as not to harm the body.

When is the best time to eat bananas: morning or evening

Nutritionists recommend eating any fruit, including bananas. before lunch. Then the body will be filled with energy and will be in good shape, so it will become easier to work. And at night you don’t need extra strength, and the extra weight won’t be a pleasant bonus.

What can be done and where to add

Bananas work best in smoothies, milkshakes and desserts. This fruit is compatible with others, moreover, mixes from it will always be tasty. If you blend banana, strawberries and plain yogurt in a blender, you get a delicious snack. With dairy products, this fruit is always a winner.

Banana will be a good filling for cakes and other desserts. You can bake it in a pie, fry it for pancakes, or simply put it on a peanut butter sandwich.

Semolina or other porridge will become sweeter and tastier from this fruit - children will love it.

How can it be used for cosmetic purposes?

This fruit is ideal for cosmetic procedures - it is easy to mash and add anywhere. It will nourish the skin with beneficial substances, moisturize and soothe it. Organic acids will help normalize oily skin and get rid of acne.

Before using the mask:

  • make sure that the skin does not show an allergic reaction - spread the mixture on your wrist and hold for five minutes;
  • take only ripe fruits and mash them not with a fork, but with a blender - without lumps, the mixture will lie better on the skin;
  • On sensitive skin, do not keep the mask on for more than 10 minutes.

Refreshing mask

Half a banana mixed with a teaspoon lemon juice. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse off cold water. Instead of lemon can also be used orange. If you then wipe your face with chamomile, the pleasant sensation on your face will not leave you until the end of the day.

Toning and nourishing mask

Take half a banana, two teaspoons of milk and one yolk. Mix until a thick paste forms and apply for 15 minutes. Will complement the tonic effect of such a mask mineral water- unlike flow-through, it will not dry out the skin. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream or kefir.

You can also mix half the fruit with oatmeal and lemon juice - this mask soothes inflammation, tones and nourishes the skin.

Rejuvenating mask

Take the pulp of half the fruit, two tablespoons of yogurt without filler and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to clean skin of the face and neck. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with day cream.

If you use this mask several times a week, the skin will tighten and will not be bothered by dehydration.

Contraindications and harm

Gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus in most cases, they require exclusion of the product from the diet. But the doctor decides that. Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis can also become contraindications to consuming the fruit.

So, we found out that banana is good for both children and adults. This is one of the few fruits that rarely causes allergies, so it can also be given to infants as a sweet addition to cereals. And if you enjoy it in the morning, you will have enough strength and energy not only for work, but also for sports activities.

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24 times already

Eating fruits and berries is undoubtedly a pleasant process. At home no one thinks about the rules of etiquette and how to eat fruit. If at home you can put a banana skin or a peach pit in a fruit bowl, then in a restaurant or at a party you should behave appropriately, that is, follow the rules of fruit and berry etiquette.

How to eat fruit correctly?

Pears and apples are usually on the table in a common vase. Take the fruit with your left hand and remove the skin with your right hand using a knife. By the way, you need to start peeling an apple or pear from the stem and in a spiral. Push the cut skin to the edge of the plate and place the peeled fruit in the middle. Now carefully dry your left hand with a napkin, take a fork into it and cut the fruit into two halves with a knife. Remove the core of the fruit using a knife, holding it with a fork, and place it on the peel scraps. If you are at an official reception or in a restaurant, then you need to eat apple or pear slices with a fork.

Peaches also need to be peeled, but only the part where it can be easily removed. Push the cut skin to the edge of the plate and place the fruit in the middle. To remove the pit, the fruit is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle. After breaking the peach into two parts and removing the pit, place it on a plate and cut it into pieces, putting it in your mouth. The apricot does not need to be cut into pieces, since its halves are much smaller than those of a peach.

As for grapes, they are eaten with their hands - they hold the brush with their left hand, and with their right they tear off the berries one by one. According to table etiquette, grapes should be eaten whole, that is, with seeds and skins. If you are served grapes in a bowl, you need to eat them with a spoon. In this case, it is permissible to spit out the bones onto the edge of the spoon, and then transfer them to a special plate.

For some reason, many of us are afraid of not being able to peel an orange. Take the orange in your left hand, cut a circle in the peduncle area and make circular cuts vertically. Moreover, the circular cuts should not reach the stalk. Now place the fruit on a plate and open the skin along the cuts to the stalk to make a kind of flower with a whole fruit inside. Then, using a knife and fork, cut off the orange slice and remove the seeds by cutting it in half. You need to eat orange slices with a fork. But eating tangerine does not require any equipment.

Use a knife and fork to eat the pineapple. As a rule, this exotic fruit is served sliced ​​or in bowls, so you need to consume it with a small spoon (dessert spoon, tea spoon).

After the main courses of the festive meal comes the turn of desserts and sweet pastries. In polite society the art of aesthetically pleasing food is very useful. There are some nuances here, but the fruit table etiquette is not very complicated. The hostess will need tips on how to decorate it in an original way, and the guests will need rules that will help them look elegant without disturbing the beauty of the party.

Rules for serving a fruit table

Serving and elegantly serving fruit is truly creative. Etiquette makes them part of the dessert table. The waiter or hostess brings them before the sweet dishes. A common table can be served with whole fruits in vases or deep dishes.

Variety of fruit desserts

  • Whole berries, fruits;
  • Dried fruits, candied fruits;
  • In syrup or compote;
  • With cream;
  • Peeled or cut into slices;
  • Fruit carving (these are skillfully carved figures for the festive table as a decoration for dishes).

Each type of fruit dessert requires special treatment and etiquette.

How to serve fruit etiquette

Beautiful presentation of fresh fruit according to etiquette is not only aesthetics. created for the convenience of guests. Bright fruits always look appetizing, there is huge scope for imagination. A bunch of grapes, rosy apples, ripe plums without processing they already look like decoration. Fruit carving will make the decoration of desserts a real work of art.

General rules for serving fruit:

  • Be sure to wash all fruit. Allow the berries to take their original form and dry before serving.
  • According to etiquette, napkins should be paper. Traces of bright juice are too visible on the linen ones.
  • An individual fruit plate, knife, and fork are served on the dessert table.
  • Heat-treated fruits, especially large ones cut or baked whole, fruit compotes must be served with a dessert-sized spoon.
  • Bananas, if they are not part of the table decoration, cut off the top.
  • Cheese, crackers or dry biscuits are perfect additions to the table.
  • Secure canapés with fruit slices using skewers and place them on a common plate. It will be convenient for guests to take them with their hands.
  • The slice is beautifully served as a dish on a common table. The decoration of the fruit plate will be apples or carving.

Proper etiquette for eating fruit

Fruit etiquette requires individual handling of each type of fruit dessert. Compotes, salads, berries with cream are eaten with a dessert spoon or a teaspoon. Usually they are served to each guest in bowls or cups. Guests hand over a bowl of whole or sliced ​​fruit to their neighbors.


Few people have thought about the proper etiquette for eating a banana. First, transfer it from a common plate to an individual dessert plate. Peeling a banana correctly, as required by etiquette, is quite simple. If the fruit is whole, cut off the tip with a fruit knife and make a cut along the entire length. Carefully remove the peel. The pulp is cut into small pieces and eaten with a fork. If no utensils are provided, you can eat a peeled banana with a dessert spoon or break it off a little at a time.


How to eat correctly orange, tangerine, lemon according to etiquette? The cut fruits are transferred using a common utensil onto your own plate and eaten with a fork and knife. Peel tangerines, divide them into slices, and eat them with your hands. Remove the top of the orange with a knife, make several cuts along it, and remove the peel. You can immediately cut the fruit into slices. Eat with a fork and knife.

Pulp from half grapefruit removed with a fruity, sharp spoon. The tart fruit can be sprinkled with sugar.

To chopped lemon A small two-pronged fork is included, with which the slice is placed on the edge of the plate or in the tea.

Apples and pears

The whole fruit is transferred to a plate by hand, if desired, the peel is removed with a knife, then divided into slices, and the core with seeds is cut out. After eating an apple or pear, according to etiquette, it is correct to use a fork and knife.

Exotic fruits

  • Avocado, kiwi and mango According to etiquette, it is correct to divide it in half with a knife and eat it with a spoon as a dessert.
  • Pineapple and pomegranate are not served whole. Pineapple freed from the core, cut into rings or slices. The fruit is then eaten with cutlery. Pomegranate They bring it to guests in halves. You need to eat it with a spoon.
  • How persimmon Is eating etiquette correct? Place the fruit on a plate, core side down, cut in half, then eat with a teaspoon. It is allowed to cut the dense pulp with a knife.
  • Etiquette allows kumquat eat with your hands or use cutlery at the guest's request.

Apricots, plums, peaches

Carefully cut the fruit lengthwise, divide it in half with your hands, and remove the pit. Then the fruit is placed on a plate and eaten with a fork and knife. The skin can be left on the edge of the dish.


The currants are held by the branches and the required portion of berries is separated with the teeth. Whole cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries served with cuttings. It is eaten with one hand at a time. Large bones are placed on the edge of the plate.

Small berries (lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries) can be seen on the table in bowls as part of the dessert. They use a spoon to eat.

Watermelon and melon

The watermelon slice is quite large and is served on a dinner plate. Use a knife to separate a small piece and remove the seeds with a fork. It is more convenient to separate the tender melon pulp with a dessert spoon, but if it is dense, you can use sharp cutlery.


A small bunch of grapes is separated from a bunch of grapes on a common table using special scissors. When the berries are on the plate, you can tear them off by the cuttings and eat them with your hands. It is unacceptable to spit out the bones.

Fruit etiquette becomes intuitive with experience. A special approach to each dish should not be intimidating. Enjoying berries or fruits aesthetically is very simple.


You can watch how to eat watermelon, grapefruit, nectarine, grapes, strawberries and other berries in this video.

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