How to fry chicken legs. How long to fry chicken legs in a frying pan and in the oven? Cooking chicken legs with gravy

Houseplants 28.03.2022

Homemade chicken drumsticks are not only tasty, but also a budget product. Due to their versatility and good compatibility with other ingredients, they can be prepared in many ways, but they are most delicious when fried. So, how can you fry chicken legs in a frying pan, and with what additives will they turn out the most delicious?

And below is the easiest way to prepare it.

To perform it you will need a minimum of ingredients:

  • the legs themselves;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • regular salt;
  • a mix of peppers and other “chicken” spices;
  • vegetable oil.

It is advisable to buy shanks at the market (they will be meatier and tastier), and for frying use a mixture of butter and vegetable oils.

Prepare the legs as follows:

  1. Wash the meat thoroughly and dry with disposable towels.
  2. Make the marinade by mixing eggs with a mixture of peppers and salt.
  3. Marinate the drumsticks in the mixture for at least 2 hours, but it is best to let them sit overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. Heat a mixture of butter and vegetable oils in a frying pan.
  5. Carefully roll the legs in breading and fry on one side without a lid until a nice thick crust forms. After this, turn them over to the other side, cover the pan and continue cooking over low heat for about half an hour.

The finished dish is served hot. It will be an excellent addition to mashed potatoes and vegetable salad.

With a crispy crust

For such a dish, you should choose drumsticks with thick skin, since it is the skin that is “responsible” for the formation of a crispy crust.

If the “spare parts” turn out to be from a young bird with delicate thin skin, then the food may turn out to be too dry and tough.

You will need:

  • the legs themselves;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • oil for frying.

It is best if the cooking pan has a thick bottom and walls. Heating in such a dish will be more uniform, and the dish will not burn.

It’s very easy to prepare chicken legs with a deliciously crispy crust as follows:

  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, brush with a mixture of peppers and regular salt.
  2. Heat a mixture of butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan; it is permissible to use melted oil.
  3. Fry the pieces on all sides until a light crust forms, cover them and continue processing for up to half an hour over low heat.
  4. After this, remove the lid, add heat and fry the legs until crispy.

And immediately send it to the table before it cools down!

How to fry with gravy

This dish goes well with any type of side dish, be it buckwheat porridge or small vermicelli. Preparing drumsticks is quick and easy.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken drumsticks - 5 – 6 pieces;
  • one and a half glasses of chicken broth;
  • onion;
  • regular salt, peppers, “chicken” spices.

There are no special secrets in how to fry chicken legs in a frying pan:

  1. Fry the washed legs in oil until an appetizing crust forms.
  2. Chop the onion into smaller pieces and add to the frying pan with the meat. Sprinkle everything with salt, add pepper and simmer a little until the vegetable becomes soft.
  3. Add warm broth, reduce heat, cover the food with a lid and simmer for up to 30 minutes.

When preparing the dish, you should use the drumsticks along with the skin, since it is thanks to it that the gravy will become thicker and richer.

Fried chicken legs in batter

And this is one of the most simple ways submissions. Despite its simplicity, the dish is eaten instantly.

To prepare you will need:

  • 5 – 6 chicken legs;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, any spices - to taste.

Prepare fried chicken legs in batter as follows:

  1. Wash the product thoroughly, make sure that there are no remaining feathers on it. Dry with napkins or paper towels.
  2. Place in a bowl, salt, pepper, add your favorite spices.
  3. While the legs are marinating, you need to prepare the batter. To do this, thoroughly mix milk, flour and vegetable oil, beat the egg into the mixture. Beat the resulting mass until smooth using a mixer to get rid of lumps.
  4. Dip the legs in batter and fry in a heated frying pan in oil until golden brown.
  5. After this, reduce the heat to low, cover the food with a lid and cook for half an hour.

Fragrant and delicious dish served hot.

In sour cream sauce

This dish turns out aromatic and tender, with distinct creamy notes. The sauce will be an excellent addition to any side dish, turning an ordinary dinner into a festive feast.

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 6 chicken drumsticks;
  • half a glass of high fat sour cream;
  • half a glass of warm water;
  • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, favorite spices - to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Prepare the drumsticks as follows:

  1. The meat is thoroughly washed, dried and fried in a frying pan using oil until golden brown.
  2. Prepare the sauce in a separate container: mix sour cream with water, spices, salt and pepper, add finely chopped garlic.
  3. The finished filling is added to the fried drumsticks, covered with a lid and simmered over low heat for no more than half an hour.

This dish goes well with creamy mashed potatoes.

With vegetables in tomato sauce

These drumsticks can be eaten as an independent dish; they do not require a side dish. You can add vegetables at your discretion, each time changing the recipe in accordance with your own taste preferences.

You should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 5 – 6 chicken legs;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • half a glass of water;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper, dry paprika and other spices - to taste.

Prepare legs with vegetables as follows:

  1. Prepare the product for frying: tar, remove remaining feathers, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  2. Then fry the legs over high heat in vegetable oil until a crust forms.
  3. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, fry with salt in a separate frying pan until they are slightly browned.
  4. After that vegetable mixture add to the chicken, pour in a mixture of tomato juice and water, pepper and add spices.
  5. Cover the dish with a lid and fry the chicken legs over low heat for at least half an hour.

Serve warm.

Chicken legs in a frying pan in mayonnaise

Here is a tasty and satisfying dish, for the preparation of which you should use only high-quality mayonnaise. This will help avoid any unpleasant aftertaste.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 6 – 7 chicken legs;
  • half a glass of mayonnaise;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a little dried garlic;
  • salt, pepper;
  • spice mixture.

Prepare the dish like this:

  1. Rinse the meat, marinate in a mixture of mayonnaise, salt, pepper, garlic and seasonings. Leave in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, optimally overnight.
  2. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the drumsticks until crust forms.
  3. After this, pour water into the legs, reduce the heat and simmer the dish under the lid for no more than half an hour.

Serve the finished dish hot in combination with vegetables and side dishes.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 5 – 6 chicken drumsticks;
  • 6 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • dry garlic, dry sweet paprika, black pepper - to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Prepare aromatic and tasty drumsticks as follows:

  1. Rinse the product and dry it.
  2. Prepare the marinade: mix honey, soy sauce and spices, pour the mixture over the drumsticks. Let it sit for at least half an hour.
  3. Heat a frying pan with a little oil and place the chicken legs in it.
  4. Fry the drumsticks until golden brown, reduce heat, cover and cook for another 25 minutes.

Don't worry that honey will make the dish sweet. Its role is to form a crispy, beautiful crust, as well as enhance the taste of soy sauce.

Delicious recipe with garlic

A simple and tasty dish that is prepared quickly and eaten even faster. To prepare it you will need a minimum of time and ingredients, and the result is excellent.

The following components will be needed:

  • 6 large chicken legs;
  • 4 – 5 heads of garlic;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Preparing drumsticks is very simple:

  1. Rinse the meat and dry with a paper towel.
  2. In a separate container, mix finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
  3. Rub the drumsticks thoroughly with the resulting mixture and place in the refrigerator to steep for at least half an hour.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the legs on both sides. After this, reduce the heat, cover the food with a lid and simmer for no more than half an hour until soft.

This dish goes well with tomato-cucumber salad and fried potatoes.

Thanks to their simplicity and mild taste, chicken drumsticks can be prepared using new ingredients every time, while achieving dishes that are different from each other. The main thing is not to overcook the meat in the pan, otherwise it will be tough and dry.

Chicken wings and/or chicken legs with a crispy crust are perfect for a themed party, New Year's or just a holiday table. This crispy breaded chicken meat does not require a side dish. Only an assortment of your favorite sauces and a plate of fresh or pickled vegetables and herbs will be a wonderful addition to them. They can be served as both cold and hot appetizers, depending on how your holiday menu is composed. My step-by-step photos and recipes will help you organize a party quickly and deliciously.


  • 10 pieces of chicken wings;
  • 10 pieces of chicken legs;
  • 4 large chicken eggs D-0;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour of any kind;
  • 300 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • 0.5 tbsp coarse salt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon black (ground) pepper;
  • 1/3 teaspoon thyme (dry or fresh);
  • 1/3 teaspoon rosemary (dry or fresh);
  • vegetable oil for deep frying;
  • sprigs of dill for decoration.

How to cook chicken legs with a crispy crust

Wash the chicken legs/wings and place them in one bowl. Sprinkle them with half a portion of all the dry spices and mix. Let them marinate for about 20 minutes.

Distribute flour, eggs and breadcrumbs into three different plates, as shown in the photo.

First, roll the legs in flour, then in the egg, and then roll in breadcrumbs. Bread the wings in the same way.

Fry the legs and wings in well-heated vegetable oil on all sides until golden brown. We start frying over high heat, as soon as the crust has “set”, lower the temperature and cook the legs and wings until cooked.

Immediately after deep frying, place the fried pieces on a plate covered with a disposable towel. This procedure must be done in order to remove excess oil. Only after this we beautifully lay out the finished breaded wings and legs on a dish and decorate with sprigs of dill.

Chicken legs cook very quickly in a frying pan. In addition, there are many ways to prepare this dish. Recipes for cooking chicken legs in a frying pan can be found in almost all cuisines of the world.

Chicken is the most common and affordable poultry meat. And the taste and appearance of the dish depend on what spices are used in cooking.

It is very important to choose quality products. Chicken should be fresh, even in color and not falling off the bone. It should not have an unpleasant odor. The abundance of mucus indicates that the terms and conditions of storage have been violated. In order for the chicken drumsticks in the frying pan to turn out tasty and have an attractive appearance, it is best to buy a refrigerated product. It is best to chop off the joint with a kitchen hammer.

Chicken legs in a frying pan should have an appetizing crust; for this they must be completely dry. In order to ensure that there is no liquid in the tissues, after defrosting, the product must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, allowed to drain and dried thoroughly with a linen napkin.

It is very important to understand how to properly salt chicken. To ensure that the meat is salted evenly, it is best to rub it with coarse salt a few hours before frying. If you remove the skin, the salting process will go faster. In this case, there is no need to add salt to the spices.

The composition of the marinade depends on how you fry it (in spices or not). Many people don't like a lot of spices and seasonings. And some even prefer the natural taste of chicken.

The traditional seasoning for chicken is garlic. However, if you cook chicken legs in a frying pan in batter, the pieces of garlic will most likely burn and worsen the taste and appearance of the dish. Therefore, you should use garlic and fresh herbs to marinade chicken legs in a frying pan only in case of medium frying.

If frying occurs in batter, then it is best to use only very finely ground black or white pepper. But it is better to shake off this mixture before cooking it in batter. Once in the oil, the excess pepper will begin to burn and it will turn dark and bitter. The taste of the chicken depends on how you fry the chicken and in what oil. Strictly speaking, frying in batter is a rather harmful way of cooking chicken.

How to properly cook fried chicken legs?

After the bird is prepared, you can proceed directly to preparing the dish.

To fry chicken legs, it is best to use a thick-bottomed container. Cast iron frying pans with a lid are excellent for this purpose. They will fry the drumsticks in breadcrumbs evenly, and when using the lid, seasonings and garlic will not burn.

Old cast iron skillets are especially good. But for frying in batter, aluminum cookware is best suited. The best option is a tall frying pan with a handle.

If for some reason you have to use freezing, then defrosting is best done naturally, without using a microwave oven. To defrost, you must use a colander with a tray into which the liquid released during defrosting can freely drain.

Recipe "Chinese Chicken"

This dish is a favorite among kids and is great for the holidays. The prepared shins are removed from the skin and dried thoroughly. After this they are marinated in soy sauce.

You need to add to it:

  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed in a garlic press;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of mild ketchup.

Chicken should be kept in soy sauce and seasonings for at least 2-3 hours. After this, the legs are laid out in a cast iron frying pan for frying the tobacco chicken. Fry for 15 minutes over medium heat. After this, the lid is removed, the legs are carefully turned over and fried again under the lid for 15 minutes. It will be very tasty if you sprinkle the finished dish with sesame seeds. Everyone usually likes the dish. When asked how to cook chicken legs, family members have one answer.

Crispy Chicken Recipe

In fast food restaurants, crispy-skinned chicken is prepared in special fryers where the frying process occurs under pressure. At home, a similar effect can be achieved in a slow cooker with a special program or in a deep fryer. If you don’t have such equipment at home, you can cook crispy chicken in a tall aluminum frying pan or saucepan.

Before cooking, well-dried chicken pieces must be rubbed with coarse salt and a mixture of ground peppers. It is preferable to do this a few hours before cooking. Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Pour breadcrumbs into a shallow plate. It is best to work with kitchen tongs.

This will ensure even distribution of the breading. Chicken fried in breadcrumbs should be evenly coated. Otherwise, during the frying process, juice will be released abundantly, which will ruin the deep frying. You need to fry for at least 15 minutes over medium heat. To determine readiness, you need to prick it with a toothpick. If light juice comes out, the dish is not ready.

Recipe "Classic"

The previous recipes take time to prepare, but chicken cooks very quickly this way.

First, the prepared drumsticks are placed in the marinade:

  • 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • ready-made spices for frying in breadcrumbs.

It is necessary to ensure that the marinade is distributed evenly over the surface. You can use your hands to place the excess under the skin. The legs are placed tightly in a “jack” shape in a cast iron frying pan. The less free space left on the pan, the better. There is no need to lubricate it with oil. Cover the dish with a lid and fry over medium heat for 25-30 minutes. It turns out very tasty and juicy.

Whatever one may say, most often modern housewives cook chicken as a meat product: fillet, legs, brisket, wings, as well as offal.

When they get tired of fried or baked meat, they immediately look for a recipe for stewing chicken legs in a frying pan with vegetables or in some sauce.

Firstly, such a dish is healthier than fried, and, secondly, it turns out juicy, slightly browned and very appetizing; you can’t think of a better treat for a banquet or family dinner.

How to stew chicken legs in a frying pan with garlic

Chicken legs are good because they cook quickly and do not require complicated preparation. They are always juicy and not too greasy.

Even children can be treated to stewed chicken legs, but it is better not to spoil them with meat fried in a frying pan in a large amount of oil. And adults should not get carried away with such a product - it is too fatty and high in calories.


  • Chicken legs - 4 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Allspice peas - 3 peas;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - used for frying;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Chili (powder) - 1/4 tsp.

Chicken legs stewed in a pan with garlic

  1. We rinse the chicken drumsticks under running water, dry them with paper towels and divide them in half (you can leave them whole). Be sure to remove the skin.
  2. Fry the legs in a frying pan with oil over high heat for three minutes. During this time, they will be covered with a crust, which will protect the meat from losing its juiciness.
  3. Chop the garlic cloves and onion. Reduce heat to medium and add chopped onion and garlic.
  4. Fry the onion until transparent over medium heat, then turn the heat to low.
  5. Add bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and pepper the dish, pour water into the meat so that it covers a quarter of it. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat until cooked.

If you don’t know how long to simmer chicken legs in a frying pan, always rely on the time indicated in the recipe. In this recipe, the cooking time for chicken legs is 40 minutes.

Serve stewed chicken legs with baked, boiled or mashed potatoes, buckwheat, rice, pasta or fresh vegetable salad.

Stewed chicken legs with sweet peppers


  • - 8 pcs. + -
  • - 1 pc. + -
  • - 1 pc. + -
  • - 4 slices + -
  • - 1 pc. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • Favorite seasonings- to taste + -

How to stew chicken legs in a frying pan with vegetables

It is better to stew the chicken according to this recipe in a deep cast-iron frying pan, as our grandmothers and mothers did, but if there is none, then any frying pan with a thick bottom will do.

This recipe involves stewing chicken legs with vegetables - sweet colored peppers and carrots. Such a simple combination gives the dish not only a tasteful piquancy, but also an external one.

  • We wash the chicken legs in water, dry them with paper napkins, cut them (optional) into medium pieces or in half and peel them. Rub the meat with salt and seasonings.
  • Cut the onion into medium cubes and finely chop the garlic cloves.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the chopped onion and garlic over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Add peeled carrots, grated on a medium grater, to the frying pan, then add chopped pepper, seeded and cut into strips. Simmer the food for 5 minutes.

  • Place the prepared drumsticks on top and fill them with water. There should be enough liquid to cover the meat by three quarters. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the chicken for half an hour, remembering to turn the legs over to the other side after a quarter of an hour.

Serve the finished chicken legs with your favorite side dish. Potatoes in any form, fresh vegetables, light salads and cereals go well with juicy, slightly browned meat.

You can do without a side dish at all. Since in this recipe the chicken is stewed with vegetables, you don’t have to serve anything in addition to the meat except herbs, sauce or fine French wine. We serve the dish to the table immediately after preparation and expect well-deserved praise from family members!

Stewed chicken legs in a frying pan: recipe with sour cream

If you like meat in sauce, we suggest cooking chicken legs in sour cream or sour cream sauce. Thanks to sour cream, the meat becomes even more tender, and together with seasonings it acquires a rich, pleasant aroma.

To please your loved ones with a new culinary masterpiece, you need very few products and a minimum of effort. But no family member will refuse such a hot snack with meat, rest assured.


  • Chicken legs - 6 pcs.;
  • Medium-sized onions - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream (10% fat) - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch (or to taste);
  • Spices (any) - to taste.

How to stew chicken legs in sour cream sauce

  1. Wash, dry and remove the skin from the chicken legs. Rub them well with salt and your favorite seasonings, for example, Caucasian spices or Provençal herbs. We add everything solely to taste.
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil, turn the heat to low, and fry the meat for 3 minutes on each side (so that it loses its raw pink color), along with finely chopped onion.
  3. Prepare sour cream sauce: mix 1 tsp. seasonings with sour cream and a quarter glass of water.
  4. Pour the sauce over the meat and simmer covered for 30-40 minutes.

Immediately serve hot, aromatic chicken legs in delicious sauce to the table, along with your favorite side dish: boiled rice, buckwheat porridge, pasta, potatoes or vegetable salad. This dish is ideal when you are short on time on weekdays or in case of unexpected guests.

Now you know how to stew chicken legs in a frying pan in sauce or your own juice.

It is best to cook chilled legs, but if you bought frozen ones, defrost them first under natural conditions, and only then start cooking.

If you want to please your husband with a delicious dinner and you have a couple of hours for this, then perhaps you won’t find a better recipe with photos for cooking fried chicken legs in a frying pan. Just don’t be afraid that you will have to stand at the stove all this time. Quite the contrary, because to fry such delicious ones, you will need only 10-15 minutes, and the rest of the time we will only need to ensure that the meat is well marinated in an appetizing, moderately hot and spicy dressing.
Such legs always come out with an excellent crust, and are also very juicy and tender. This is achieved thanks to the marinating process, when the meat becomes soft in a couple of hours, and, of course, heat treatment technology. The fact is that the meat needs to be fried over high heat for the first 3-4 minutes - this way we ensure that a golden brown crust forms on the legs, and then under the lid on moderate heat we continue to cook them until done - so the meat inside becomes soft and juicy .
As a side dish for these legs, you can cook vegetables or simply, or you can make mashed potatoes or boil pasta. This is such a versatile dish that it can be prepared simply for dinner or served even on a holiday table as a hot appetizer.
The taste of this meat depends entirely on the marinade, so it is important to choose the right main ingredients for it. I offer you the basic composition, and you can vary the components at your discretion. To make fried chicken legs in a frying pan more piquant, be sure to add garlic and pepper to the dressing, as well as mustard and soy sauce.

- chicken meat (thighs or drumsticks) – 4 pcs.,
- vegetable oil (for frying) – 4 tbsp.

Meat dressing:
- mustard (Dijon) – 1 tsp,
- soy sauce – 2 tbsp.,
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.,
- ground pepper - a pinch,
- kitchen salt – 0.5 tsp,
- garlic (fresh) – 2-3 cloves.

In a pan of cooked chicken legs, people often talk about marinades and seasonings, but they rarely mention the technological process itself. But if you simply put chicken in heated fat, you will end up with meat hopelessly stuck to the bottom and a sour, unappetizing porridge on top. Most often, legs, wings, etc. There you can adjust the degree of roasting of the meat - using foil or a cooking sleeve. It’s also easy to make chicken in pots - but then it doesn’t turn out tasty. Moreover, not all housewives have this same fireproof dish, and not even an oven. A frying pan and a stove remain the most affordable kitchen equipment. And here we will look at how to fry chicken legs correctly.

To add flavor to fresh meat, you must first marinate it. Each recipe has a different way of seasoning the chicken. Some people recommend removing the skin from the paws, but the fried, crispy skin with spices still tastes better. Before frying the legs, rub them with salt, pepper and herbs. It would be nice to smell rosemary among them. To allow the flavor to penetrate inside the chicken, use a sharp knife to make a deep cut in the thigh area. There are also fans of liquid marinades. Lemon juice and vegetable oil are the easiest. White wine with a drop of balsamic vinegar will give the dish a Tuscan flavor, and soy sauce will give it a Thai twist.

Marinades and rubs are all good... But still, how to fry chicken legs in a frying pan? We need to achieve two mutually exclusive results: a pinkish crust, as when cooking over high heat, and evenly and deeply cooked pulp, which is only possible with long simmering under the lid. Therefore, we will achieve our goal by adjusting the heat level under the frying pan. First, pour a little vegetable oil and heat it until a bluish haze appears. If you place chicken in a frying pan that is not hot enough, the meat will immediately stick to the bottom. To avoid splashes, the legs removed from the liquid marinade should be dried with a paper towel.

When a crispy crust appears on one side and the other, reduce the heat and cover the vessel with a flat lid. Some recipes, when looking at the legs, advise pressing them down with pressure so that the meat is well baked. Cook like this for 10 minutes for each side. If you do not pour out the liquid. If you just rubbed your paws with spices, squeeze two cloves of garlic into a cup through a press and pour boiling water in there to completely cover the spice. Pour this fragrant liquid (or marinade) into the chicken and put the lid back on. Reduce the heat to low and simmer (without pressure) for about 15 minutes.

There is another way to fry chicken legs in a frying pan so that they do not burn. This is breading. It can be very different - from ordinary breadcrumbs or flour with spices to complex dough. The chicken itself can be pre-boiled for half an hour. Thus, you will get the first (based on the broth) and the second. This simple breading method will protect your meat from burning. Pour three heaped spoons of flour into a deep plate. Add salt, pepper, a pinch of sweet paprika, and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Stir the mixture until smooth. Roll your paws thoroughly in it. Do not throw away the remaining breading - you can use it to make very

What could be easier than cooking delicious and satisfying chicken legs in a frying pan? This dish is distinguished not only by its simplicity, but also by the availability of products. At the same time, it is almost impossible to spoil it. That’s why it’s worth learning how to fry drumsticks in a frying pan appetizingly and quickly enough. Such recipes will be a real help in preparing delicious dinners and lunches for novice cooks. However, the solutions proposed here will also appeal to experienced housewives who are constantly looking for new variations in cooking chicken.

Chicken legs with garlic

Chicken legs in a frying pan turn out very tasty. Sometimes it’s quite possible to afford fried meat that won’t take you much time and effort to prepare.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.

Number of servings – 3.


To make delicious legs in a frying pan, you need to use this simple set of products:

  • chicken drumsticks – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • spices for chicken - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water – 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

You don’t know how to fry legs in a frying pan deliciously and at the same time as quickly as possible? Then the presented photo recipe is for you.

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients according to the recipe.

  1. To prevent the meat from becoming too fatty, simmer the drumsticks first. To do this, pour olive oil into a frying pan and add drinking water(best filtered or boiled, but already cooled).

  1. Add the chicken to the mixture. Sprinkle the chicken legs in the pan with chicken seasoning and salt.

Note! If you were unable to purchase a special seasoning for chicken, you can make your own mixture from sweet ground paprika, curry, dried basil, oregano, thyme and other spices that are organically combined with dietary chicken meat.

  1. Set heat to medium. Peel the garlic. Grind it - finely chop it or pass it through a press. Send to the chicken. Cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the meat until the liquid evaporates. During this time (that is, approximately 20 minutes), turn the legs over a couple of times.

  1. All that remains is to fry the drumstick in a frying pan according to this recipe. In this case, the heating should be increased a little. Bring the meat until golden brown on both sides.

Ready! This is how you can quickly and easily make chicken legs in a frying pan using a recipe with a photo.

Fried chicken legs with onions and carrots

Below is another delicious recipe for fried legs in a frying pan, which will be very satisfying and easy.

Cooking time – 45 minutes.

Number of servings – 5.


If you decide to fry the legs in a frying pan according to the recipe presented here, you need to use the following ingredients according to the list:

  • chicken drumsticks – 5-6 pcs.;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • large carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • spices for chicken - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground pepper – ¼ tsp;
  • sugar – 1 pinch;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Drinking water and oil - as needed.

Cooking method

It’s incredibly easy to cook delicious fried chicken legs in a frying pan according to the recipe with onions and carrots. But the finished dish can be garnished with pasta, a variety of cereals, potatoes and other vegetables.

  1. Prepare everything you need according to the recipe.

  1. First of all, prepare the meat. Rinse it in running water. Dry a little with napkins. Transfer to an empty container. Sprinkle with salt. Season with ground pepper. Mix well and leave for 10 minutes.

  1. Heat a frying pan (it is best to use a non-stick one). Pour in refined oil. Heat it up. Place chicken pieces.

  1. Meanwhile, peel the onion. Cut it arbitrarily: you can do this into small cubes and half rings.

  1. Since this recipe for chicken legs in a frying pan involves adding carrots, you need to prepare this vegetable as well. Rinse thoroughly. Coarsely grate.

  1. After the chicken pieces have fried for 10 minutes, add the onion to the pan. Fry until the vegetable is transparent and soft.

  1. Add chicken spices. Add grated carrots. Mix everything well. Close the lid and leave for 6-7 minutes.

  1. Pour in drinking water. Add a pinch granulated sugar. Mix. Cover the dish with a lid and fry until the carrots are ready.

Note! Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking, evaluate the taste of the meat. If you think there is not enough salt, add more to your taste.

All! You can garnish the fried drumsticks in a frying pan according to the recipe with the photo and serve. It's very tasty and filling!

Chicken legs in honey-soy sauce

Don't know how to cook legs in a frying pan? a quick fix? Fry them in a dressing of honey and soy sauce. It's fantastically delicious!

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Number of servings – 8.


This time we will need:

  • chicken drumsticks – 8 pcs.;
  • liquid honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • soy sauce – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • table mustard – 2 tsp;
  • ketchup – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt - optional.

Cooking method

The most delicious chicken drumstick is fried in a frying pan according to the recipe with honey and soy sauce. Try it!

  1. Immediately prepare the sauce for the meat. It's very simple. Pour soy sauce into a bowl.

  1. Add honey to it.

  1. Add ketchup or tomato paste to the mixture.

  1. Dilute the sauce with table mustard.

  1. Peel the garlic. Pass the slices through a special press directly into the composition. Thoroughly mix the dressing in which the chicken legs will be cooked in a frying pan according to the recipe with the photo.

  1. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place meat in it. Following the step-by-step recipe for cooking chicken legs in a frying pan in sauce, fry the drumsticks on both sides until golden brown.

  1. Pour in the sauce. Mix the meat well so that the dressing thoroughly coats each piece.

Note! If you think that the meat will not be salted due to the sauce, you can add salt, but not more than 1/3 tsp.

  1. Fry chicken legs delicious recipe in a frying pan in honey-soy sauce for about 15 minutes, turning the meat periodically.

That's it! Bon appetit!

Video recipes

If you don’t know how to fry chicken legs in a frying pan, then use ready-made ideas. The proposed video recipes will certainly please you with their simplicity and excellent taste:

Deliciously fried chicken legs with a golden crispy crust are a favorite delicacy for many, which can quickly be prepared for any side dish at home, so in this article we will look at how long and how to properly fry chicken legs (drumsticks) so that they turn out tasty and satisfying. golden crust.

How long does it take to fry chicken legs (drums) in a frying pan?

The frying time for chicken legs, like chicken meat, is not long and primarily depends on the chosen marinade and at what heat they will be fried. Let's take a closer look at how long to fry chicken drumsticks in a frying pan:

  • How long to fry chicken legs in a frying pan? The average time for frying chicken legs in a frying pan is 20 minutes until fully cooked (first fry on high heat on all sides for 10 minutes until an even golden crust forms, then fry the legs over medium heat for another 10 minutes until fully cooked).

Note: larger chicken legs need to be fried longer, and the type of chicken also affects the cooking speed (country chicken, which needs to be fried longer, or broiler chicken, which fries faster).

Having found out how many minutes to fry chicken legs in a frying pan, we will next consider the sequence of their preparation in order to know how to cook chicken legs in a frying pan with a golden crust.

How to fry chicken legs (drums) with a golden crust in a frying pan?

  • Ingredients: chicken legs, salt, ground black pepper, garlic, sunflower oil.
  • Total cooking time: 50 minutes preparation time: 30 minutes, frying time: 20 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 249 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: meat dish. Number of servings: 2.

Below we will look at a fairly simple recipe for frying chicken drumsticks, without batter with a minimum of spices and various additives, and the fried legs will turn out tasty and aromatic:

  • If the chicken legs were frozen, defrost them in advance by moving them from the freezer to the general section of the refrigerator 10-12 hours in advance (overnight).
  • We wash the thawed drumsticks in cold water, then wipe off excess moisture with a paper napkin.
  • Rub the chicken legs with salt, black pepper and garlic squeezed through a press, and leave in this form for 30-40 minutes so that they marinate before frying.
  • Heat a frying pan over high heat and add sunflower or olive oil to it so that it covers the bottom of the frying pan.
  • Place the prepared chicken drumsticks into the frying pan (the oil should be hot) and fry for 5 minutes on each side until crispy and golden brown (10-12 minutes in total).
  • Next, reduce the heat by half and, without covering the pan, fry the legs for another 10 minutes (turning every 2-3 minutes) until fully cooked. It is important not to cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a crispy crust.

Note: you can check the readiness of fried chicken legs by piercing them with a knife or fork to the bone; if the meat is white and clear juice comes out without any trace of blood, then the meat is completely ready.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how delicious it is to fry chicken legs in a frying pan with a crispy golden crust, you can quickly cook them for dinner with any side dish in a regular frying pan. Your reviews and useful tips How and how much to fry chicken drumsticks in a frying pan with a golden crust, leave it in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Rub the legs with salt and spices and stuff them with garlic. Place the legs on a hot frying pan, poured with oil. Fry for 10 minutes on each side over medium heat without a lid, then another 10-12 minutes over low heat under a lid, turning regularly.

How to fry legs in a frying pan

Products for frying legs
Chicken legs– 6 large or 8 small
Spices – oregano, turmeric, basil, savory, curry to taste
Garlic – 5 cloves
Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons

How to fry chicken legs in a frying pan
If frozen, defrost the legs, trim off excess fat to taste, remove skin, and wash. Peel the garlic and cut into petals. Make cuts in the legs and stuff the legs with garlic. Rub the legs with a mixture of salt and spices. Leave the chicken to marinate for 1 hour.
Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add oil, and add the chicken legs. Fry the legs for 5 minutes, then turn over, fry for 10 minutes, turn over, fry for another 10 minutes. Then cover the legs with a lid and, if the legs are small, simmer for another 10 minutes. Simmer large chicken legs for 15 minutes.

How to fry chicken legs in canned tomatoes
According to Italian culinary traditions, fried legs are cooked in large quantities tomato sauce. For the sauce you need 1 can of canned tomatoes, a clove of garlic, a little fresh basil, salt and pepper to taste. Fry the garlic in olive oil, add the tomatoes and basil and bring to a boil. Then put the legs in the sauce and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, covered.


Calories in fried chicken legs– 200 kcal/100 grams of meat. The calorie content of chicken legs can be reduced to 160 kcal by removing the skin from the legs.

If, after frying chicken legs, a gelatinous mass forms on the entire surface of the frying pan, and this mass is quite difficult to separate from the chicken, keep in mind that this is carrageenan. It is added to meat to reduce the cost of meat, but its amount can reach up to half the weight of the edible part of a chicken leg. Before sale, the legs are saturated with cheap carrageenan in the form of a gel (which is almost impossible to recognize) in order to sell at a higher price - when frying, it melts, and when cooled, it forms a gelatinous mass. It has not been established exactly whether carrageenan is harmful to the body or not, but it is obvious that for the price of the legs it is better to buy only the legs, without carrageenan.

Chicken legs are good for health. Chicken leg meat is considered dietary product. It contains the necessary vitamins A, C, E (immune processes in the body) and B vitamins (metabolism), as well as folic acid and iron ( circulatory system) zinc (vision), phosphorus (for healthy teeth and bones), potassium and sodium (water and acid-base balance).

3. Fried chicken legs can be served with any side dish - pasta, rice, vegetables or buckwheat.

4. The readiness of chicken legs can be determined by piercing the meat with a knife and lightly pressing on it. If the juice released is clear, then the dish is ready. If the juice has a reddish tint, it means the meat inside is still raw.

Shelf life of fried chicken legs– 3 days in the refrigerator, 15 hours at room temperature.

Cost of chicken legs in Moscow stores - from 170 rubles. per 1 kilogram (as of June 2016).

Weight chicken leg - from 90 (chicken leg) to 150 grams (mature chicken leg). When frying, the weight of the chicken leg decreases by about 40-50 grams.

How long to fry chicken legs
How to fry chicken legs. What kind of heat should you use to fry chicken legs? Fried legs in a frying pan.

How and how long to fry chicken legs (drumsticks)?

Deliciously fried chicken legs with a golden crispy crust are a favorite delicacy for many, which can quickly be prepared for any side dish at home, so in this article we will look at how long and how to properly fry chicken legs (drumsticks) so that they turn out tasty and satisfying. golden crust.

How long does it take to fry chicken legs (drums) in a frying pan?

The frying time for chicken legs, like chicken meat, is not long and primarily depends on the chosen marinade and at what heat they will be fried. Let's take a closer look at how long to fry chicken drumsticks in a frying pan:

  • How long to fry chicken legs in a frying pan? The average time for frying chicken legs in a frying pan is 20 minutes until fully cooked (first fry on high heat on all sides for 10 minutes until an even golden crust forms, then fry the legs over medium heat for another 10 minutes until fully cooked).

Note: larger chicken legs need to be fried longer, and the type of chicken also affects the cooking speed (country chicken, which needs to be fried longer, or broiler chicken, which fries faster).

Having found out how many minutes to fry chicken legs in a frying pan, we will next consider the sequence of their preparation in order to know how to cook chicken legs in a frying pan with a golden crust.

How to fry chicken legs (drums) with a golden crust in a frying pan?

Below we will look at a fairly simple recipe for frying chicken drumsticks, without batter with a minimum of spices and various additives, and the fried legs will turn out tasty and aromatic:

  • If the chicken legs were frozen, defrost them in advance by moving them from the freezer to the general section of the refrigerator 10-12 hours in advance (overnight).
  • We wash the thawed drumsticks in cold water, then dab them from excess moisture with a paper napkin.
  • Rub the chicken legs with salt, black pepper and garlic squeezed through a press, and leave in this form for 30-40 minutes so that they marinate before frying.
  • Heat a frying pan over high heat and add sunflower or olive oil to it so that it covers the bottom of the frying pan.
  • Place the prepared chicken drumsticks into the frying pan (the oil should be hot) and fry for 5 minutes on each side until crispy and golden brown (10-12 minutes in total).
  • Next, reduce the heat by half and, without covering the pan, fry the legs for another 10 minutes (turning every 2-3 minutes) until fully cooked. It is important not to cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a crispy crust.

Note: you can check the readiness of fried chicken legs by piercing them with a knife or fork to the bone; if the meat is white and clear juice comes out without any trace of blood, then the meat is completely ready.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to deliciously fry chicken legs in a frying pan with a crispy golden crust, you can quickly cook them for dinner with any side dish in a regular frying pan. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how and how much to fry chicken drumsticks in a frying pan with a golden crust in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

How and how long to fry chicken legs (drumsticks)?
How to properly fry chicken legs (drums) in a frying pan? Let's find out how and how long to fry chicken legs so that they turn out juicy and with a golden crust.

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