GOST for wastewater research. Concepts of wastewater, classification. wastewater discharges from centralized sewerage systems of settlements

Houseplants 21.10.2023
This standard provides guidance on the management of wastewater disposal systems and the assessment of wastewater disposal services.
This standard is applicable to wastewater disposal systems that are publicly or privately owned and operated. It does not favor any particular ownership or operation model.
This standard considers wastewater disposal systems as a whole and is applicable to systems at any level of development (e.g., outhouses, on-site systems, networks, wastewater treatment plants).
This standard regulates the following issues:
- defining a language that is common to different stakeholders;
- objectives of the wastewater disposal system;
- guidelines for the management of wastewater disposal systems;
- service evaluation criteria and associated examples of performance indicators without defining any target or threshold values.
This standard does not cover the following issues:
- methods of design and construction of wastewater disposal systems;
- regulation of the management structure and methodology for the implementation and management of wastewater disposal activities;
- regulation of the content of contracts or subcontracts;
- topics related to systems located inside buildings, between the discharge point and the collection point
Document name: GOST R ISO 24511-2009
Document type: standard
Document status: active
Russian name: Activities related to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal services. Guidelines for utility management and evaluation of wastewater disposal services
English name: Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services. Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
Date of text update: 19.03.2013
Date of introduction: 01.01.2011
Description update date: 19.03.2013
Number of pages in the main text of the document: 50 pcs.
Publication date: 21.01.2011
Last modified date: 09.04.2012
Located in:
OKS All-Russian classifier of standards
13.060 Water Quality (Including toxicity, biodegradability, control of pollution, related installations and equipment; Water testing standards should be subdivided according to water type)
13.060.30 Wastewater (Including wastewater disposal and treatment; Liquid waste see: 13.030.20 ; Drainage systems see: 91.140.80 ; Sewerage systems see: 93.030)
93.030 External sewerage systems (Removal and treatment of wastewater, see: 13.060.30; Internal drainage systems, see: 91.140.80)

Standardization. GOST 25150-82 - Sewerage. Terms and definitions. OKS: General provisions. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation, Dictionaries. GOST standards. Sewerage. Terms and definitions. class=text>

GOST 25150-82

Sewerage. Terms and definitions

GOST 25150-82
Group T00



Terms and definitions
Sewerage. Terms and definitions

Date of introduction 1983-07-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated February 24, 1982 N 805
REISSUE. November 1993

This standard establishes terms and definitions used in science, technology and industry in the field of sewerage.
The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.
There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited.
Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.
In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.
The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.





1. Sewerage

According to GOST 19185-73

2. Wastewater

According to GOST

3. Municipal wastewater

A mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater approved for admission to the city sewer system

4. Water feature

According to GOST 19179-73

5. Wastewater receiver

A body of water into which wastewater is discharged


6. Wastewater flow

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval for the calculation of networks and sewerage structures

7. Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

The ratio of the maximum or minimum flow to the average wastewater flow over a certain time interval

8. Standard for wastewater disposal

Volume of wastewater per time interval from one consumer or per unit of production

9. Estimated duration of rain

Duration of rain of a certain intensity and frequency for sewer network calculations

10. Frequency of one-time excess of the calculated rain intensity

A number expressing the probable occurrence in one year of rain with an intensity exceeding the calculated one

11. Drain module

According to GOST 19179-73

12. Salvo discharge of wastewater

Short-term entry into the sewer system of wastewater with a sharply increased flow rate and/or concentration of pollutants

13. Sewer network filling coefficient

The ratio of the depth of the water layer in a gravity pipeline or channel to its diameter or height at the design point of the sewer network


14. Sewer network

A system of pipelines, channels or trays and structures on them for collecting and disposing of wastewater

15. Sewer outlet

A pipeline that carries wastewater from buildings and structures into the sewer system

16. Storm water inlet

A structure on a sewer network designed to receive and drain rainwater

17. Storm drain

Construction on a sewer network for the discharge of excess rainwater into a wastewater receiver

18. Storm drain

Pipeline for draining rainwater from a storm drain to a wastewater receiver

19. Sewer

Pipeline of an external sewer network for collection and disposal of wastewater

20. Fast flow on the sewer

A straight section of a sewer, laid with a slope that creates increased speeds of movement of wastewater

21. Wastewater release

Pipeline discharging treated wastewater into a water body


22. Wastewater treatment

According to GOST 17.1.01-77

23. Mechanical wastewater treatment

Technological process of wastewater treatment by mechanical and physical methods

24. Biological wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment based on the ability biological organisms decompose pollutants

25. Chemical wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment using reagents

26. Deep wastewater treatment

Additional treatment of treated wastewater, ensuring further reduction of some residual pollutants contained in it

27. Wastewater disinfection

According to GOST

28. Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater

The amount of oxygen consumed for the biochemical oxidation of pollutants contained in wastewater in a certain time interval

29. Aerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the presence of atmospheric oxygen

30. Anaerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the absence of atmospheric oxygen

31. Sewage sludge

A collection of solid particles with wastewater filling their pores, obtained during the process of slurry separation

32. Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Conversion of organic compounds contained in wastewater into inorganic substances

33. Equivalent number of inhabitants

Conditional number of inhabitants determining the volume or concentration of pollutants in wastewater

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval per unit surface or volume of a treatment facility

35. Wastewater pollutant load

The mass of wastewater pollutants in a time interval, related to a unit of surface or volume of a structure

36. Wastewater recycling

Return of treated water to wastewater treatment plant facilities for dilution or to maintain a certain wastewater flow rate in those facilities

37. Oxidative power of a wastewater treatment plant

The productivity of a treatment plant for biological wastewater treatment, expressed in the reduction of pollutants in terms of biological oxygen consumption per 1 m of facility volume per day

38. Rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Mass of organic substances oxidizing 1 g of ash-free substance of activated sludge in 1 hour

39. Residual contamination of wastewater

The mass of pollutants remaining in wastewater after its treatment

40. Wastewater treatment plant

A complex of buildings, structures and devices for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment

41. Wastewater homogenizer

A structure to equalize fluctuations in flow rate, pollutant concentration or temperature of wastewater

42. Wastewater settling tank

Structure for sedimentation of suspended substances in wastewater

43. Two-tier sump

A settling tank in which the processes of settling wastewater and fermentation of fallen sediment are combined and occur in structurally separate volumes

44. Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Construction for mechanical wastewater treatment by settling with anaerobic digestion of their sludge

45. Silt scraper

A device for removing sediment and silt that has settled to the bottom of the sump

46. ​​Raw sewage sludge

Sludge from primary settling tanks

47. Filter for wastewater treatment

A structure designed to remove suspended pollutants from wastewater by passing through filter material

48. Biological film

A film of bacteria and other organisms on the surface of a biological filter loading that oxidizes and mineralizes contaminants

49. Biological filter

A wastewater treatment plant that operates on the principle of passing it through a load containing biological film

50. Biological filter sprinkler

Device for uniform distribution of wastewater over the loading surface of a biological filter

51. Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment with air aeration

52. Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment using aeration with pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air

53. Wastewater aeration

54. Biological pond

Reservoir for biological wastewater treatment in natural conditions

55. Wastewater aeration intensity

Air consumption per unit area or volume of an aerated structure over a certain time interval

56. Pre-aerator

Construction of preliminary aeration of wastewater to increase the effect of its settling

57. Activated sludge

58. Age of activated sludge

Time interval during which complete renewal of activated sludge occurs in wastewater treatment facilities

59. Increase in activated sludge

Increase in the mass of activated sludge formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in the aeration tank

60. Dose of activated sludge

Concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tank

Volume of activated sludge containing one gram of dry matter after thirty minutes of settling

Mass of pollutants per kilogram of dry activated sludge residue per day

63. Recirculation of activated sludge

Return of activated sludge from the secondary settling tank to the aeration tank

64. Activated sludge recirculation coefficient

Ratio of the volume of return activated sludge to the average wastewater flow rate in the aeration tank

65. Regeneration of activated sludge

Restoring the sorption and oxidative capacity of return activated sludge through aeration

66. Activated sludge regenerator

Part of an aeration tank or an independent structure designed for the regeneration of activated sludge

67. Swelling of activated sludge

Floating of activated sludge to the surface of wastewater as a result of its fermentation

68. Sludge farm

A set of structures and devices for collecting, processing, neutralizing, removing and using sludge formed during wastewater treatment

69. Aerobic sludge stabilization

Mineralization of activated sludge by oxidation

70. Compaction of sewage sludge

Technological process for reducing the water content in sewage sludge to increase its density

71. Digestion of sewage sludge

Technological process of decomposition of organic substances of sewage sludge under anaerobic conditions

72. Sludge conditioning

Treatment of sludge before dewatering in order to improve its water-yielding properties

73. Digester for sewage sludge

Plant for anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, as well as highly concentrated wastewater at elevated temperatures

74. Silt water

Contaminated water released during fermentation, compaction and dewatering of sludge and sewage sludge

75. Sewage sludge dewatering

76. Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

77. Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Treatment of sewage sludge at high temperatures for its disinfection and dehydration

Sludge or activated sludge, dewatered to 60-85% moisture content


Wastewater aeration

Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Fast flow on the sewer

Silt water

Waste water

City wastewater

Activated sludge age

Swelling of activated sludge

Sewer outlet

Wastewater release

Storm water inlet

Dose of activated sludge

Wastewater residual contamination

Active sludge

Sludge scraper

Activated sludge index

Wastewater aeration intensity


Sewer collector

Sludge conditioning

Sewer network filling coefficient

Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

Activated sludge recycling rate

Storm drain

Storm drain

Sewage sludge digester

Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Drain module

Oxidation power of the treatment plant

Wastewater pollutant load

Sewage hydraulic load

Wastewater disposal standard

Sewage sludge dewatering

Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

Wastewater disinfection

Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Water object

Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Biological filter sprinkler

Sewage sludge

Raw sewage sludge

Two-tier settling tank

Sewage settling tank

Wastewater treatment

Biological wastewater treatment

Deep wastewater treatment

Mechanical wastewater treatment

Chemical wastewater treatment

Frequency of one-time exceedance of the calculated rain intensity

Biological film

Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater


Wastewater receiver

Increase in activated sludge

Estimated duration of rain

Wastewater treatment process anaerobic

Aerobic wastewater treatment process

Biological pond

Wastewater flow

Activated sludge regenerator

Activated sludge regeneration

Recirculation of activated sludge

Wastewater recycling

Sewage sludge digestion

Wastewater discharge in one burst

Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Sewer network

The rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Aerobic sludge stabilization

Wastewater treatment plant

Sewage sludge compaction

Wastewater homogenizer

Biological filter

Wastewater filter

Sludge farm

Number of inhabitants equivalent

GOST 25150-82

Group T00



Terms and definitions

Sewerage. Terms and definitions

Date of introduction 1983-07-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated February 24, 1982 N 805

REISSUE. November 1993

This standard establishes terms and definitions used in science, technology and industry in the field of sewerage.

The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited.

Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.





1. Sewerage

2. Wastewater

3. Municipal wastewater

A mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater approved for admission to the city sewer system

4. Water feature

5. Wastewater receiver

A body of water into which wastewater is discharged


6. Wastewater flow

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval for the calculation of networks and sewerage structures

7. Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

The ratio of the maximum or minimum flow to the average wastewater flow over a certain time interval

8. Standard for wastewater disposal

Volume of wastewater per time interval from one consumer or per unit of production

9. Estimated duration of rain

Duration of rain of a certain intensity and frequency for sewer network calculations

10. Frequency of one-time excess of the calculated rain intensity

A number expressing the probable occurrence in one year of rain with an intensity exceeding the calculated one

11. Drain module

12. Salvo discharge of wastewater

Short-term entry into the sewer system of wastewater with a sharply increased flow rate and/or concentration of pollutants

13. Sewer network filling coefficient

The ratio of the depth of the water layer in a gravity pipeline or channel to its diameter or height at the design point of the sewer network


14. Sewer network

A system of pipelines, channels or trays and structures on them for collecting and disposing of wastewater

15. Sewer outlet

A pipeline that carries wastewater from buildings and structures into the sewer system

16. Storm water inlet

A structure on a sewer network designed to receive and drain rainwater

17. Storm drain

Construction on a sewer network for the discharge of excess rainwater into a wastewater receiver

18. Storm drain

Pipeline for draining rainwater from a storm drain to a wastewater receiver

19. Sewer

Pipeline of an external sewer network for collection and disposal of wastewater

20. Fast flow on the sewer

A straight section of a sewer, laid with a slope that creates increased speeds of movement of wastewater

21. Wastewater release

Pipeline discharging treated wastewater into a water body


22. Wastewater treatment

According to GOST 17.1.01-77

23. Mechanical wastewater treatment

Technological process of wastewater treatment by mechanical and physical methods

24. Biological wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment based on the ability of biological organisms to decompose pollutants

25. Chemical wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment using reagents

26. Deep wastewater treatment

Additional treatment of treated wastewater, ensuring further reduction of some residual pollutants contained in it

27. Wastewater disinfection

28. Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater

The amount of oxygen consumed for the biochemical oxidation of pollutants contained in wastewater in a certain time interval

29. Aerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the presence of atmospheric oxygen

30. Anaerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the absence of atmospheric oxygen

31. Sewage sludge

A collection of solid particles with wastewater filling their pores, obtained during the process of slurry separation

32. Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Conversion of organic compounds contained in wastewater into inorganic substances

33. Equivalent number of inhabitants

Conditional number of inhabitants determining the volume or concentration of pollutants in wastewater

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval per unit surface or volume of a treatment facility

35. Wastewater pollutant load

The mass of wastewater pollutants in a time interval, related to a unit of surface or volume of a structure

36. Wastewater recycling

Return of treated water to wastewater treatment plant facilities for dilution or to maintain a certain wastewater flow rate in those facilities

37. Oxidative power of a wastewater treatment plant

The productivity of a treatment plant for biological wastewater treatment, expressed in the reduction of pollutants in terms of biological oxygen consumption per 1 m of facility volume per day

38. Rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Mass of organic substances oxidizing 1 g of ash-free substance of activated sludge in 1 hour

39. Residual contamination of wastewater

The mass of pollutants remaining in wastewater after its treatment

40. Wastewater treatment plant

A complex of buildings, structures and devices for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment

41. Wastewater homogenizer

A structure to equalize fluctuations in flow rate, pollutant concentration or temperature of wastewater

42. Wastewater settling tank

Structure for sedimentation of suspended substances in wastewater

43. Two-tier sump

A settling tank in which the processes of settling wastewater and fermentation of fallen sediment are combined and occur in structurally separate volumes

44. Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Construction for mechanical wastewater treatment by settling with anaerobic digestion of their sludge

45. Silt scraper

A device for removing sediment and silt that has settled to the bottom of the sump

46. ​​Raw sewage sludge

Sludge from primary settling tanks

47. Filter for wastewater treatment

A structure designed to remove suspended pollutants from wastewater by passing through filter material

48. Biological film

A film of bacteria and other organisms on the surface of a biological filter loading that oxidizes and mineralizes contaminants

49. Biological filter

A wastewater treatment plant that operates on the principle of passing it through a load containing biological film

50. Biological filter sprinkler

Device for uniform distribution of wastewater over the loading surface of a biological filter

51. Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment with air aeration

52. Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment using aeration with pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air

53. Wastewater aeration

54. Biological pond

Reservoir for biological wastewater treatment in natural conditions

55. Wastewater aeration intensity

Air consumption per unit area or volume of an aerated structure over a certain time interval

56. Pre-aerator

Construction of preliminary aeration of wastewater to increase the effect of its settling

57. Activated sludge

58. Age of activated sludge

Time interval during which complete renewal of activated sludge occurs in wastewater treatment facilities

59. Increase in activated sludge

Increase in the mass of activated sludge formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in the aeration tank

60. Dose of activated sludge

Concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tank

Volume of activated sludge containing one gram of dry matter after thirty minutes of settling

Mass of pollutants per kilogram of dry activated sludge residue per day

63. Recirculation of activated sludge

Return of activated sludge from the secondary settling tank to the aeration tank

64. Activated sludge recirculation coefficient

Ratio of the volume of return activated sludge to the average wastewater flow rate in the aeration tank

65. Regeneration of activated sludge

Restoring the sorption and oxidative capacity of return activated sludge through aeration

66. Activated sludge regenerator

Part of an aeration tank or an independent structure designed for the regeneration of activated sludge

67. Swelling of activated sludge

Floating of activated sludge to the surface of wastewater as a result of its fermentation

68. Sludge farm

A set of structures and devices for collecting, processing, neutralizing, removing and using sludge formed during wastewater treatment

69. Aerobic sludge stabilization

Mineralization of activated sludge by oxidation

70. Compaction of sewage sludge

Technological process for reducing the water content in sewage sludge to increase its density

71. Digestion of sewage sludge

Technological process of decomposition of organic substances of sewage sludge under anaerobic conditions

72. Sludge conditioning

Treatment of sludge before dewatering in order to improve its water-yielding properties

73. Digester for sewage sludge

Plant for anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, as well as highly concentrated wastewater at elevated temperatures

74. Silt water

Contaminated water released during fermentation, compaction and dewatering of sludge and sewage sludge

75. Sewage sludge dewatering

76. Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

77. Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Treatment of sewage sludge at high temperatures for its disinfection and dehydration

Sludge or activated sludge, dewatered to 60-85% moisture content


Wastewater aeration

Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Fast flow on the sewer

Silt water

Waste water

City wastewater

Activated sludge age

Swelling of activated sludge

Sewer outlet

Wastewater release

Storm water inlet

Dose of activated sludge

Wastewater residual contamination

Active sludge

Sludge scraper

Activated sludge index

Wastewater aeration intensity


Sewer collector

Sludge conditioning

Sewer network filling coefficient

Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

Activated sludge recycling rate

Storm drain

Storm drain

Sewage sludge digester

Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Drain module

Oxidation power of the treatment plant

Wastewater pollutant load

Sewage hydraulic load

Wastewater disposal standard

Sewage sludge dewatering

Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

Wastewater disinfection

Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Water object

Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Biological filter sprinkler

Sewage sludge

Raw sewage sludge

Two-tier settling tank

Sewage settling tank

Wastewater treatment

Biological wastewater treatment

Deep wastewater treatment

Mechanical wastewater treatment

Chemical wastewater treatment

Frequency of one-time exceedance of the calculated rain intensity

Biological film

Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater


Wastewater receiver

Increase in activated sludge

Estimated duration of rain

Wastewater treatment process anaerobic

Aerobic wastewater treatment process

Biological pond

Wastewater flow

Activated sludge regenerator

Activated sludge regeneration

Recirculation of activated sludge

Wastewater recycling

Sewage sludge digestion

Wastewater discharge in one burst

Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Sewer network

The rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Aerobic sludge stabilization

Wastewater treatment plant

Sewage sludge compaction

Wastewater homogenizer

Biological filter

Wastewater filter

Sludge farm

Number of inhabitants equivalent

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1994


Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies, Moscow region, Leninsky district, pos. Razvilka, Russia

by law Russian Federation“On Technical Regulation” involves the development of a significant number of general and special technical regulations. In accordance with it, draft Federal laws “General Technological Regulations” are being developed. Water disposal" and "Special technological regulations. On public sewerage". They should use concepts with terms and definitions, both existing ones, including standardized ones, and newly developed ones. These concepts, terms and definitions should be based on existing classifications in science and technology, as well as new ones that take into account the needs of the development of science and production.

A concept is defined by a term and its corresponding definition. The development of terms and definitions is carried out in the areas of standardization and legislation, in scientific and technical documentation, research developments and publications.

The definitions of the same terms used in standards and legislation, as a rule, do not correspond with each other. This is explained by the fact that standardization and legislation have different tasks, and therefore, concepts with the same terms in terms of definitions not only can, but should also differ significantly from each other. The main goal of standardization of scientific and technical terminology is to establish a clearly understood and consistent terminology in all types of documentation and literature included in the scope of standardization work or using the results of this work.

If a standardized concept is aimed at its use in science and technology, namely: in the design, construction and operation of structures, in scientific research and forecasts, in technical literature, etc., then the concepts used in legislative acts with the exception of special technical regulations, as a rule, have a legal purpose and are intended for use in legal practice and are often aimed, for example, at establishing taxable objects.

So according to Art. 1 Water Codec of the Russian Federation " waste water - waters discharged into water bodies after their use or drained from a contaminated area" This concept does not specify the type “ use" wastewater (WW), and the main emphasis is on " reset" SW into SW receivers, which only consider water bodies: surface or underground. Therefore, it cannot be applied in cases of using other types of wastewater receivers, for example: when discharging wastewater into other sewage systems, as well as when recycling wastewater, including their use in agricultural irrigation fields or post-treatment in filtration fields, etc. This concept is not also applies to wastewater at the stages of their formation, transportation, purification and use.

However, due to the fact that both wastewater discharges and runoff from contaminated areas are accompanied by the introduction of pollutants into water bodies, the concept used in the Water Code clearly defines wastewater discharge as an object of taxation, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”, implying “payment for environmental use and compensation for damage to the environment.”

According to GOST " waste water - water discharged after use in human household and industrial activities" The term is based on the principle of covering all types of pollutants generated as a result of human activity. This concept specifies the types of “ use"SV, like " in everyday and industrial human activities" However, there is no type of use - " in economic» human activity. Distinctive feature " allotted “can be understood quite broadly, for example, as discharged from: sanitary fixtures (kitchen sinks, bathtubs, washbasins, toilets, etc.), sewerage buildings, areas and settlements, various industries, including irrigated and drained lands, etc. This the attribute allows the concept of “wastewater” to be used at any stage from its formation to discharge or use, including collection, transportation, purification, composition control, etc.

Therefore, of the two concepts considered, the second one is preferable for use in science and technology - standardized, rather than legislative. At the same time, there can be no talk of any primacy of the concept used in the legislative act over the standardized concept or scientific and technical one. It should be noted that legislative definitions of concepts very often use legal terms and phrases that do not allow for specific interpretation, for example: “other structures”, “other objects”, “unless otherwise established by law”, “other activities”, “other purposes” etc.

However, the definition of “wastewater” according to GOST for use in modern conditions needs adjustment.

Firstly, in terms of accounting “ economically-everyday activities... of a person.” Human life is inextricably linked with economic activity or management household, aimed at satisfying household or economic needs not related to human physiology: cooking, laundry, washing apartments, shoes, pets, etc., as well as activities not related to the production of commercial products. For example, if the waste water discharged from toilets and showers are classified as household waste, then the waste water discharged during laundry, shoe washing and animal washing are classified as household waste water. From the point of view of sewerage, this division is arbitrary, since in sewerage systems these types of wastewater are practically always present as a mixture of household and household wastewater. In addition, the phrase “domestic” is widely and lawfully used in legislative acts, sanitary rules and scientific and technical documents, for example: “drinking and domestic water supply” “domestic water use”, and special technical regulations include the concept “ domestic wastewater".

Secondly, in terms of accounting “ surface runoff from the territories of settlements and production facilities", since it does not follow from the definition that the SW generated "… V …human production activity", include rain SW from the territories of settlements and industrial facilities, especially with an incomplete separate sewerage system. In case of an incomplete separate sewerage system, a rainwater sewerage system is not provided; surface runoff, which in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 is surface sewerage, is discharged through open channels, trays, ditches and ditches, and also in some cases in the form of unorganized flow into depressions terrain: ravines, beams, etc.

Taking into account the above considerations, the concept under discussion will take next view: « waste water - water discharged after use in human household and industrial activities, including surface runoff from the territories of settlements and production facilities.” This concept covers all types of SWs that are formed or can be formed as a result of everyday, economic and industrial activities of humans and at the same time is a generic concept for other related types of SWs.

In the main document regulating the design, construction and, to some extent, operation of sewerage systems of settlements and production facilities, SNiP 2.04.03-85 there is no clear classification of SVs and the corresponding terminology. It uses such concepts as: “household”, “industrial”, “surface” and “urban” SVs. But there are no “household”, “rain”, “melt” and “watering” SWs. Although terms such as: “ rainwater"(clause 1.1), " rainwater drainage"(clause 1.2), " melt water"(clause 2.27), as well as " mode watering and washing the territory"(clause 3.23) , which is subject to mandatory accounting when determining the volume of water disposal in sewer system projects.

The figure shows the proposed classification of the main types of wastewater, which includes at the second level three types of wastewater, namely: “domestic” (household and household wastewater), “industrial” and “surface” (rain, melt and water-washing wastewater, consisting of in turn, from watering and washing SVs).

In accordance with the proposed classification of the main types of wastewater, sewerage systems can be named according to the type of wastewater discharged: “household”, “industrial” and “rainwater”, as well as combined ones - “industrial-rainwater” or “industrial-household-household”.

It should be noted that the name “rain sewer system”, intended for the removal of surface SW from the territories of settlements and production facilities, corresponds to its name according to quantitative and qualitative criteria. The capacity of this system is determined by the flow of rain SW, taking into account the melting regime of snow and ice. High-quality composition thawed and water-washing SW is identical to rain SW, since in the process of drainage (runoff) of surface SW from hard surfaces, they are contaminated with the same substances, namely: suspended substances of predominantly mineral origin, petroleum products, asphalt and rubber crumbs, etc.

The table shows related concepts, terms and definitions of the main types of wastewater: standardized, used in draft technical regulations, as well as proposed ones, including definitions of thawed and water-washing wastewater. Based on the analysis of existing terms and definitions, the following should be concluded:

· the terms “storm water” or “storm waste water”, “urban” and “industrial waste water” are incorrect. In accordance with ST SEV 2263-80, downpour is a type of rain (“torrential rain”), which is characterized by a short duration and “... relatively high and sharply changing intensity...”. According to GOST, one standardized term should be used - “ rainwater - water formed from atmospheric precipitation, which has not yet received soluble substances from the surface layer of the earth" Regulated by the standard “... definitions can, if necessary, be changed by introducing derived features into them, revealing the meanings of the terms used in them, indicating the objects included in the scope of the defined concept. Changes must not violate the scope and content of the concepts defined in this standard...." It follows from this that the use of such terms as “storm water”, “storm waste water” is unacceptable, in contrast to “rain waste water”, “storm water inlet”, etc. In relation to the sewerage of populated areas, which include not only cities, but also other populated areas, including urban-type settlements, the term “settlement wastewater” compared to the term “urban wastewater” has a greater coverage of populated areas and is therefore more promising in use. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation” does not provide for “industrial” activities and therefore, in the production process, industrial SVs can be formed, but not “industrial” ones;

· the definition of “storm wastewater” includes “irrigation water”, which has nothing to do with rainwater wastewater, other than what is discharged using a rainwater sewerage system;

· the definitions use unfortunate terms and phrases: “other activities”, “other purposes”, which are subject to exclusion from the definitions, as well as “drainage water”, “drainage and industrial wastewater”, “life and household activities”, etc. Drainage SVs are a related type of production SVs. Household activities are one of the components of human life;

· in a number of definitions of draft technical regulations, three variants of the same distinctive feature (participle in different times): “forming”, “formed” and “formed”;

· in a number of related definitions, instead of the generic concept of “wastewater”, the concept of “water” is used;

· in addition, a significant number of other terms and phrases are used, including synonyms that are not defining in the concepts of related types of wastewater, namely: “sewage system”, “sewage system”, “municipal sewerage system”, “city sewerage”, “residential and public buildings”, “community facilities”, “technological processes”, “subscriber”, etc.;

· there are no concepts: “rain”, “melt” and “watering” SWs.

Unlike the concepts standardized and used in draft technical regulations, in the proposed concepts the definitions are drawn up using a unified approach, which is as follows:

· the first level concept of “wastewater” includes the generic concept of “water”;

· all definitions of related concepts (second and third levels) include the generic concept “wastewater”;

· all definitions include the specific distinctive feature “disposable”, which also defines the concept of “sewage” as “disposal of wastewater”;

· in the definitions of concepts, three types of human activity are used: “domestic”, “economic” and “industrial”, as well as two types of territories from which surface waste water is allocated: the territory of settlements and the territory of industrial activity objects.

The proposed definitions of the main concepts of SV, in accordance with the presented classification, are included in the section “Terms and definitions for the protection of surface and groundwater» organization standard STO Gazprom 2-1.19–. The terms established in the standard are required for use in all types of documentation and literature structural divisions, organizations and subsidiaries.

Rice. 1: Classification of main types of wastewater

Table 1. Terms and definitions of main types of wastewater

Existing definition


Proposed definition


Water discharged after use in domestic and industrial human activities

Water discharged after use in human household and industrial activities, including surface runoff from settlements and production facilities

Water sent to sewerage systems or water bodies using special structures and devices after their use for industrial, municipal and other purposes, including storm and drainage water

Domestic wastewater

Wastewater from residential and public buildings, municipal facilities, characterized by similar composition and properties

Wastewater discharged after use in human household and economic activities

Wastewater generated as a result of human life and household activities, characterized by similar composition and properties

Industrial wastewater

All types of wastewater generated in technological processes objects of economic and other activities, except for domestic and storm water wastewater

Wastewater discharged after use in the production process of products, performance of work (services), including surface runoff from the territories of production facilities

Water generated in technological processes of production and provision of services, as well as at other facilities of the subscriber’s economic activity, with the exception of drainage and surface wastewater

Surface wastewater

Rain, melt, and irrigation water generated in the territories of settlements, economic and other activities

Wastewater discharged from the territories of settlements and production facilities during rainfall, melting of snow and ice, as well as during irrigation and washing


Storm wastewater - rain, melt, and irrigation water entering drainage systems from the territories of settlements, economic and other activities.

Wastewater discharged from the territories of settlements and production facilities during rainfall

Melt wastewater

Wastewater discharged from the territories of settlements and production facilities when snow and ice melt

Irrigation wastewater

Wastewater discharged from the territories of settlements and production facilities during irrigation and washing

Settlements wastewater

Domestic wastewater or a mixture of household wastewater with industrial wastewater from economic and other activities

Domestic wastewater discharged from settlements or its mixture with industrial and (or) surface wastewater

Domestic, surface, drainage and industrial wastewater discharged into municipal wastewater systems

Municipal wastewater is a mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater that is admitted to the municipal sewer system


About technical regulation. Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001.

General technological regulations. Drainage. Law of the Russian Federation. Project no.

Special technological regulations. About public sewerage. Law of the Russian Federation. Project.

Water Code of the Russian Federation. Law of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2006.

About protection environment. Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001.

GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Use and protection of water. Basic terms and definitions. - Enter. 07/01/78. - M.: Standards Publishing House.

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for protection surface waters. - M.: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 20 p.

SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures. - M.: CITP Gosstroy USSR, 19s.

GOST Sewerage. Terms and definitions. - Enter. 07/01/83. - M.: Publishing house of standards. - 9 s.

ST SEV 2063-80. Water management. Hydrology of land. Terms and definitions.

GOST Water and water treatment. Terms and definitions. - Enter. 01/01/2004. - M.: IPK Standards Publishing House.

STO Gazprom 2-1.. Environmental protection. Terms and definitions. - M.: Gazprom", 20 p.

GOST 25150-82

Group T00



Terms and definitions

Sewerage. Terms and definitions

Date of introduction 1983-07-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated February 24, 1982 N 805

REISSUE. November 1993

This standard establishes terms and definitions used in science, technology and industry in the field of sewerage.

The terms established by the standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited.

Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.





1. Sewerage

2. Wastewater

3. Municipal wastewater

A mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater approved for admission to the city sewer system

4. Water feature

5. Wastewater receiver

A body of water into which wastewater is discharged


6. Wastewater flow

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval for the calculation of networks and sewerage structures

7. Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

The ratio of the maximum or minimum flow to the average wastewater flow over a certain time interval

8. Standard for wastewater disposal

Volume of wastewater per time interval from one consumer or per unit of production

9. Estimated duration of rain

Duration of rain of a certain intensity and frequency for sewer network calculations

10. Frequency of one-time excess of the calculated rain intensity

A number expressing the probable occurrence in one year of rain with an intensity exceeding the calculated one

11. Drain module

12. Salvo discharge of wastewater

Short-term entry into the sewer system of wastewater with a sharply increased flow rate and/or concentration of pollutants

13. Sewer network filling coefficient

The ratio of the depth of the water layer in a gravity pipeline or channel to its diameter or height at the design point of the sewer network


14. Sewer network

A system of pipelines, channels or trays and structures on them for collecting and disposing of wastewater

15. Sewer outlet

A pipeline that carries wastewater from buildings and structures into the sewer system

16. Storm water inlet

A structure on a sewer network designed to receive and drain rainwater

17. Storm drain

Construction on a sewer network for the discharge of excess rainwater into a wastewater receiver

18. Storm drain

Pipeline for draining rainwater from a storm drain to a wastewater receiver

19. Sewer

Pipeline of an external sewer network for collection and disposal of wastewater

20. Fast flow on the sewer

A straight section of a sewer, laid with a slope that creates increased speeds of movement of wastewater

21. Wastewater release

Pipeline discharging treated wastewater into a water body


22. Wastewater treatment

According to GOST 17.1.01-77

23. Mechanical wastewater treatment

Technological process of wastewater treatment by mechanical and physical methods

24. Biological wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment based on the ability of biological organisms to decompose pollutants

25. Chemical wastewater treatment

Technological processes for wastewater treatment using reagents

26. Deep wastewater treatment

Additional treatment of treated wastewater, ensuring further reduction of some residual pollutants contained in it

27. Wastewater disinfection

28. Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater

The amount of oxygen consumed for the biochemical oxidation of pollutants contained in wastewater in a certain time interval

29. Aerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the presence of atmospheric oxygen

30. Anaerobic wastewater treatment process

The process of destruction of organic substances by microorganisms in the absence of atmospheric oxygen

31. Sewage sludge

A collection of solid particles with wastewater filling their pores, obtained during the process of slurry separation

32. Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Conversion of organic compounds contained in wastewater into inorganic substances

33. Equivalent number of inhabitants

Conditional number of inhabitants determining the volume or concentration of pollutants in wastewater

The volume of wastewater flowing in a time interval per unit surface or volume of a treatment facility

35. Wastewater pollutant load

The mass of wastewater pollutants in a time interval, related to a unit of surface or volume of a structure

36. Wastewater recycling

Return of treated water to wastewater treatment plant facilities for dilution or to maintain a certain wastewater flow rate in those facilities

37. Oxidative power of a wastewater treatment plant

The productivity of a treatment plant for biological wastewater treatment, expressed in the reduction of pollutants in terms of biological oxygen consumption per 1 m of facility volume per day

38. Rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Mass of organic substances oxidizing 1 g of ash-free substance of activated sludge in 1 hour

39. Residual contamination of wastewater

The mass of pollutants remaining in wastewater after its treatment

40. Wastewater treatment plant

A complex of buildings, structures and devices for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment

41. Wastewater homogenizer

A structure to equalize fluctuations in flow rate, pollutant concentration or temperature of wastewater

42. Wastewater settling tank

Structure for sedimentation of suspended substances in wastewater

43. Two-tier sump

A settling tank in which the processes of settling wastewater and fermentation of fallen sediment are combined and occur in structurally separate volumes

44. Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Construction for mechanical wastewater treatment by settling with anaerobic digestion of their sludge

45. Silt scraper

A device for removing sediment and silt that has settled to the bottom of the sump

46. ​​Raw sewage sludge

Sludge from primary settling tanks

47. Filter for wastewater treatment

A structure designed to remove suspended pollutants from wastewater by passing through filter material

48. Biological film

A film of bacteria and other organisms on the surface of a biological filter loading that oxidizes and mineralizes contaminants

49. Biological filter

A wastewater treatment plant that operates on the principle of passing it through a load containing biological film

50. Biological filter sprinkler

Device for uniform distribution of wastewater over the loading surface of a biological filter

51. Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment with air aeration

52. Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Plant for biological wastewater treatment using aeration with pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air

53. Wastewater aeration

54. Biological pond

Reservoir for biological wastewater treatment in natural conditions

55. Wastewater aeration intensity

Air consumption per unit area or volume of an aerated structure over a certain time interval

56. Pre-aerator

Construction of preliminary aeration of wastewater to increase the effect of its settling

57. Activated sludge

58. Age of activated sludge

Time interval during which complete renewal of activated sludge occurs in wastewater treatment facilities

59. Increase in activated sludge

Increase in the mass of activated sludge formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in the aeration tank

60. Dose of activated sludge

Concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tank

Volume of activated sludge containing one gram of dry matter after thirty minutes of settling

Mass of pollutants per kilogram of dry activated sludge residue per day

63. Recirculation of activated sludge

Return of activated sludge from the secondary settling tank to the aeration tank

64. Activated sludge recirculation coefficient

Ratio of the volume of return activated sludge to the average wastewater flow rate in the aeration tank

65. Regeneration of activated sludge

Restoring the sorption and oxidative capacity of return activated sludge through aeration

66. Activated sludge regenerator

Part of an aeration tank or an independent structure designed for the regeneration of activated sludge

67. Swelling of activated sludge

Floating of activated sludge to the surface of wastewater as a result of its fermentation

68. Sludge farm

A set of structures and devices for collecting, processing, neutralizing, removing and using sludge formed during wastewater treatment

69. Aerobic sludge stabilization

Mineralization of activated sludge by oxidation

70. Compaction of sewage sludge

Technological process for reducing the water content in sewage sludge to increase its density

71. Digestion of sewage sludge

Technological process of decomposition of organic substances of sewage sludge under anaerobic conditions

72. Sludge conditioning

Treatment of sludge before dewatering in order to improve its water-yielding properties

73. Digester for sewage sludge

Plant for anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, as well as highly concentrated wastewater at elevated temperatures

74. Silt water

Contaminated water released during fermentation, compaction and dewatering of sludge and sewage sludge

75. Sewage sludge dewatering

76. Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

77. Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Treatment of sewage sludge at high temperatures for its disinfection and dehydration

Sludge or activated sludge, dewatered to 60-85% moisture content


Wastewater aeration

Aerotank for wastewater treatment

Fast flow on the sewer

Silt water

Waste water

City wastewater

Activated sludge age

Swelling of activated sludge

Sewer outlet

Wastewater release

Storm water inlet

Dose of activated sludge

Wastewater residual contamination

Active sludge

Sludge scraper

Activated sludge index

Wastewater aeration intensity


Sewer collector

Sludge conditioning

Sewer network filling coefficient

Wastewater flow unevenness coefficient

Activated sludge recycling rate

Storm drain

Storm drain

Sewage sludge digester

Mineralization of pollutants in wastewater

Drain module

Oxidation power of the treatment plant

Wastewater pollutant load

Sewage hydraulic load

Wastewater disposal standard

Sewage sludge dewatering

Mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge

Wastewater disinfection

Thermal treatment of sewage sludge

Water object

Oxytank for wastewater treatment

Biological filter sprinkler

Sewage sludge

Raw sewage sludge

Two-tier settling tank

Sewage settling tank

Wastewater treatment

Biological wastewater treatment

Deep wastewater treatment

Mechanical wastewater treatment

Chemical wastewater treatment

Frequency of one-time exceedance of the calculated rain intensity

Biological film

Biochemical oxygen consumption in wastewater


Wastewater receiver

Increase in activated sludge

Estimated duration of rain

Wastewater treatment process anaerobic

Aerobic wastewater treatment process

Biological pond

Wastewater flow

Activated sludge regenerator

Activated sludge regeneration

Recirculation of activated sludge

Wastewater recycling

Sewage sludge digestion

Wastewater discharge in one burst

Septic tank for wastewater treatment

Sewer network

The rate of oxidation of pollutants by activated sludge

Aerobic sludge stabilization

Wastewater treatment plant

Sewage sludge compaction

Wastewater homogenizer

Biological filter

Wastewater filter

Sludge farm

Number of inhabitants equivalent

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1994

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