Fortune telling on beans reviews. Fortune telling on beans: detailed instructions with an interpretation of the meanings. Interpretation of slides of beans

Berries 25.05.2022

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Fortune telling on beans is considered one of the oldest methods of divination, which was very popular with our ancestors. And until now, many experienced fortune-tellers and esotericists claim that this method is one of the most effective and reliable.

Some sources say that they began to guess in this way only in the 17th century, however, even then there was an old proverb that says: “I will solve someone else’s misfortune with beans, but I won’t put my mind to my own misfortune.” According to philologists, this proverb refers specifically to the method of divination, with which you can really find out the future.

Fortune telling on beans - ways

There are many different divinations that use peas or beans. We will consider only the most interesting, popular and reliable method that has been popular for many centuries.

Divination by 41 peas

For this rite of prediction, you will need 41 beans (peas, beans, and more). Lay the cooked beans out on a flat surface and divide them into three roughly equal portions. After that, with your left hand, begin to lay aside the peas from the first pile to the side.

First take 4 pieces, then 3, and then 2 and 1 pea, do this until only 4 beans remain in the slide. The last pea should be the first in a new pile in the next row.

You will need to carry out the same procedure with the remaining two piles from the first row. The beans set aside should be added to the first, second, and third piles. After taking one pea from each slide received, they should become the basis for the piles of the third row.

Now take a few beans from the second row (not counting), and transfer them to the third row. As a result, you should get nine piles - three for each row.
The last pea that you take in your hand, do not add to the heaps, but set it aside separately, you will still need it very much in the fortune-telling process.

This method can suggest the right decisions in difficult situations.

Divination interpretation:
When all the heaps are laid out, you can proceed to the interpretation of the entire completed rite. For experienced fortune tellers, each pile has its own meaning.

  • The second in the first row is the head.
  • The third in the first is the hand.
  • The second in the second is the heart.
  • The third in the third is the leg.
  • These four heaps are of particular importance and are considered the main piles, which should be paid special attention to when asking the next question. For example, if you ask a question about love and relationships, then the answer to it will be hidden in your heart, that is, in the second pile in the second row.
  • The heart is not only love, but also other feelings experienced by every person, this is longing, and sadness, and sadness, and joy, all other emotions.
  • Head - questions relating to the mind, character and abilities of a person.
  • Hand - financial well-being.
  • Leg - movement and everything connected with it.

Only after that you can proceed to the most interesting - fortune-telling.

Concentrate on the question you want answered. Close your eyes, get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and sensations, nothing should distract you at this moment.

Now open your eyes, say your question clearly out loud, and immediately count the number of beans in the pile to which the question refers. Usually, an even number initially carries an unfavorable connotation, therefore the answer to the question is no. An odd number of beans is a good omen, most likely the answer to your question is yes.

But the answer does not lie in the number of peas alone. The last word remains with the beans in the first row. First, look at the third pile - if there is an odd number, then all is not lost for you. The first pile will indicate possible obstacles.

If the answer is no

If everything indicates that you will not be able to achieve what you want, do not rush to despair, remember what you did from the very beginning - you set aside the 41st bean, which can be added to any of your piles. Thus, with the help of this fortune-telling, you got not only the opportunity to know your own future, but also a chance to influence it, change your destiny for the better. Does this method work? It works, most importantly, you must believe in its effectiveness, and everything will work out for you.

There are a great many ways of divination in the world. One of them is divination on beans. It was most common in Asian countries, and also met as one of the types of old Russian divination. If you are just starting to practice divination, this method is perfect for you - it is quite simple, does not require special training, and is also quite effective and reliable. It is also quite consistent with the mentality of the Russian people, much more than Tarot cards or ancient runes. It was on the beans that the Russian sorcerers predicted the princes success in the upcoming battles or a quick death.

Although the bean divination process is simple, it is necessary to maintain a certain spirit of mystery, and take it absolutely seriously in order to get the most accurate result. Having mastered the interpretation of beans, you can easily move on to more complex interpretations, as you will understand the basic principles and methods that are the same for many divination. After all, regardless of the methods of divination, certain forces affect our world, regardless of whether we recognize it or not.

bean divination technique

For this ceremony, you need to take 41 beans, but you can use beans with the same success. A prerequisite is the presence of beans in at least two colors. Traditionally, young people use pure white beans, without inclusions. Beans of various colors (except white) are suitable for middle-aged people, and such beans should also be used by people who have already outlined their life path in some way, for example, married or married. For fortune telling, older people are better off using black beans.

How is fortune telling carried out?

First you need to mix the beans (all 41) and randomly distribute them into three parts. Next, you need to take the first part, count 4 beans from it and put them aside. Continue this action until the last 4, 3, 2 or 1 beans remain from the first part. They are what interests us. We put them in front of us in a pile, which will become the far right in the first row. Do the same with the second and third parts. The second will become, respectively, the middle in the first row, the third - the far left. Thus, the first row will be completed.

Next, we take the beans set aside and do the same manipulations with them, that is, we divide them into three parts, count 4 beans each, and from the rest we form heaps drawn up in a line. Note that the lines are again drawn from right to left.

From the beans remaining from the second manipulation, we form the third line (row). We simply break them into three parts and put them in piles.

There is a belief that if after that there were 3 beans in the first row in all three piles, then fortune-telling must be completed immediately - this is a sign that both God and the devil protect this person, and one should not find out their plans for him.
If this did not happen, you can proceed to deciphering fortune-telling.

Deciphering the values

So, after the layout, we have three lines of three piles in each - a total of 9 piles.

The middle pile in the first row is the "head". It symbolizes the true feelings and thoughts of the person who was thought of.

The right pile of the first line is the “hand”. This is the property that a person owns, she predicts wealth and poverty.

The middle pile of the second line is the “heart”, it will tell you whether the person will be happy or not.

The right pile of the third line is the “leg”. She will show not only the upcoming road and journey, but also the receipt of news and gifts.

The listed piles are the main ones, therefore, starting fortune-telling, you should guess one of them, the one that will most closely match the question you want to answer.


To begin with, you can conduct a general interpretation of the resulting alignment. It consists in the following - if the number of beans in the main piles (“head”, “heart”, “hand” and “leg”) turned out to be equal, then something prevents the fulfillment of the desired. It is expressed like this: "Sad head, sad heart, empty hand, standing feet." If the number of beans is not equal, then the fortuneteller will be lucky. It sounds like: "Cheerful head, joyful heart, full arm, walking legs."

The first piles of each of the three lines symbolize obstacles. That is, if you made a “head”, and the first pile in the first line has an even number of beans, then your wish will not come true, if it is odd, the wish will come true very likely.

For all major piles, except for the "hand", an odd number of beans portends a good outcome. The third place in the first row, that is, the “hand”, should have the largest possible number of beans - if there are 4 of them, then the fortuneteller will have great wealth, if 3 is good prosperity, 2 and 1, respectively, portend poverty.

The interpretation of the hidden should be as follows. Suppose the return of a loved one is predicted. Accordingly, the “leg” was chosen from the main heaps, as the closest in value to the question. We look at the third line. If there is an odd number of beans in the third pile corresponding to the "leg", then the beloved will return. In this case, for example, in the first pile of the same line denoting obstacles, there are 2 or 4 beans. From this it is concluded that the beloved wants to return, but certain obstacles prevent him.

To finally understand what awaits the fortuneteller, you need to pay attention to the middle pile of the same row. If there is an odd number of beans in it, the beloved will still return, if it is even, he will not return or will return under great compulsion. The old Russian fortune-tellers called this a special term - “zakolodilo”.

If you want to find out the attitude of another person towards you, then you need to think of a “head”, that is, the second pile of the first row. If there is an even number of beans in it, then the intended person does not think about you, although there is little hope. Pay attention to the first pile of this row, “obstacles”, if there is an even number in it, then the person is absolutely indifferent to you. If odd - you have a chance, and, perhaps, after some effort on your part, he will notice you.

It is also necessary to remember that it is not necessary to ask the same question several times, this spoils the divination.

Do not forget that divination is a sacrament, a ritual. So take it as seriously as possible. Guessing is best either alone or together with the one you are guessing to. A large crowd may not take your divination seriously, perhaps even with a mockery, and thereby destroy the necessary atmosphere. Left alone with the fortuneteller, you can concentrate, calm down and most accurately and fully interpret the answers to your questions.

Since there are a great many ways of divination on beans, it is better to dwell on any one, for example, on the one described above. Choose the method that is most understandable to you, to which your soul is drawn. Then you can not only tune in a certain way, but also not confuse the beans themselves.

The questions you want to ask are best prepared in advance. During fortune-telling, you can be embarrassed, confused, fussed and thereby bring down the mood, and also ask not at all what you really wanted.

And, most importantly, with all the serious attitude to fortune-telling, one should not turn it into a panacea or blindly rely on it. Just listen to the signs that fate gives you, and make your right and informed choice.

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The most ancient method of divination, which was considered the most popular among our ancestors, is divination on beans. It is worth noting that many esotericists and experienced fortune-tellers today tend to argue that this fortune-telling method is the most reliable and effective. This article will describe such fortune-telling with the interpretation of meanings.

A bit of history...

Not everyone knows, but beans have been guessing for more than one century. The most common bean from the garden was used by healers in the old days in a variety of fortune-telling and love spells. With their help, they could make invocations. Among other things, the bean was also used as a medicinal vegetable crop. With the help of beans, they were guessing at a person who was seriously ill. The beans could give an answer to whether this person would live.

Such fortune-telling for a simple person is not only the easiest, but also the most accessible. All you need is to purchase beans, which you don’t need to throw out after a fortune-telling session, just sew a bag for them and store them in a place accessible only to you.

Any divination is a sacrament. Therefore, rituals should always be carried out in complete solitude and no one needs to be invited, because this person may be skeptical of fortune-telling, and you will not get anything but irony. Yes, and the answers in a calm environment will be as truthful and clear as possible.

Fortune telling on 41 peas

To conduct fortune-telling on 41 beans, you need to prepare the appropriate number of peas. The beans are poured onto a flat surface and divided into approximately three identical piles. Further, from the first pile, peas begin to be laid, you need to do this only with your left hand.

All this must be done with the remaining two piles of the first row. All the beans that have been set aside must be added to three piles. Further, from each heap received, a pea is taken, which will become the basis of the heaps of the third row.

From the second row, without counting, you need to take a few peas and transfer them to the third row. After carrying out all the manipulations, it should turn out for each row of three heaps, that is, 9 heaps.

When you take the last pea in your hands, then you need to put it aside, since in the process of divination it will still be needed.

It's time to find out the meaning of fortune-telling on beans, because for all fortune-tellers, each pile means something:

  1. In the first row, the second pile is the head.
  2. In the first, the third is a hand.
  3. In the second, the second is the heart.
  4. In the third, the third is the leg.

It is worth noting that these four heaps, which have their own meaning, are considered the main ones. When you ask any question, you need to pay special attention to this. If the question is about love, then the answer is hidden in the second row of the second pile, that is, in the heart.

Head - this includes matters relating to the character, mind, as well as the abilities of a person.

The hand is well-being in the financial sector.

The heart, in addition to love, also speaks of such feelings as joy, sadness, longing and sadness.

Now you can safely start guessing.

Bean divination process

You need to concentrate as much as possible on the issue that interests you. At this moment, no one should distract you, you need to close your eyes and remove all sensations and thoughts.

Next, open your eyes and clearly say the question out loud, then count the number of beans in the pile to which the question was addressed. An even number of beans is considered a negative answer, and an odd number is a yes answer to your question.

However, the number of beans is not the whole answer, it all depends on the beans that are in the first row. If there is an odd number of beans in the third pile, then all is not lost. All possible obstacles are indicated by the first pile.

What if the answer is no?

No need to rush to get upset if the beans speak of the impossibility of achieving what you want. Remember that at the beginning of fortune-telling, you set aside one bean that can be put in any pile.

It turns out that, by guessing, you were not only able to look into your future, but also influence it. The most important thing is to believe that everything will work out, and the result will not keep you waiting.

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in ancient Asia. They represent a multitude and variety of options when unfolding.

If initially their number is unknown, then they will be distributed during fortune telling in a random and unpredictable way. In this case, forty-one beans are required.

The properties of the beans themselves are not used, only their number is important. Therefore, they can, of course, be replaced by any similar material, but not too large, so that it is large enough in quantity, and not too small, so that it is clearly visible and convenient to take with your hands.

As a substitute, peas, beans, raisins, coins, small pebbles are quite suitable.

It is most convenient to lay out beans or other similar counting material on a table or other flat horizontal surface.

Divination takes place in two stages.

Firstly, it is necessary to decompose the beans (or other selected material), and secondly, to interpret what happened.

All beans must be divided into nine cells arranged in three lines (respectively, 3 cells in each).

That is, we get a square of three by three cells.

In order to keep your attention on the issue of interest as much as possible, during unfolding it is recommended to constantly pronounce the words: "Desire, hope, fulfillment."

Before proceeding with the action, it is necessary to mentally formulate a question, the answer to which must be obtained in fortune-telling, focus on it and begin to lay out the beans. Fortune telling on beans

How to decompose beans

The unfolding takes place as follows.

1) A certain number of beans, in this case 41 pieces, are picked up and divided randomly into three parts.

2) One of the parts is taken and, discarding four pieces, leaving a quantity less than four.

3) The resulting portion is placed on the table at the top left - this is the first cell in the top line.

Also, another cell is formed from the adjacent part of the part. All balances from the recalculation are added up in one place. The third cell is filled from the last part in exactly the same way.

To get the cells of the third (bottom) line, all the remains are mixed and arbitrarily divided into three piles without recalculation, which are placed under the cells of the middle horizontal row. The result should be a square of nine cells, each of which contains several beans (from 1 to 4).

How to interpret the schedule?

Now that the square is formed, it is necessary to interpret the meaning of the layout.

Cells have a specific name and are responsible for specific cases, events, feelings.

1. The middle part of the top line is called the "head". It is related to everything that concerns thoughts, ideas, conjectures, as well as aspirations, cheerful mood, joy.

2. The rightmost cell in the top row is the "hand", it contains wealth and poverty, as well as everything related to possession.

3. The most central part (second in the middle row) is called the “heart”. It contains feelings and emotions, especially sadness and joy.

4. The rightmost cell in the bottom row is called "foot on the march". She is responsible for hiking, moving and any movement, movement. This can also be interpreted as travel, the arrivals and departures of other persons, the receipt of various types of letters, parcels, all kinds of messages. Fortune telling on beans

Now we need to evaluate which parts - "head", "hand", "heart" or "leg" - the question is most relevant to.

In addition, be sure to pay attention to the first cells (on the left) of the layout. They mean that everything will be fine and it will turn out easily, without difficulties and problems, if the number is odd; or slowly, for a long time, with difficulty, if there is an even number at the beginning of the line.

Here is such a simple fortune-telling with the help of ordinary improvised means will help answer exciting questions.

In the world there are a huge number of ways of divination. The simplest and most accessible of them is divination on beans. It originated in Asian countries and became most widespread there. If this is your first experience in divination, then beans are the best for you. Divination does not require a lot of time, preparation and money. With this method of divination, the result obtained, as a rule, is reliable and accurate.

He closer to Russian, since it uses beans, and not ancient inscriptions, runes or tarot cards. This method of fortune-telling was used by the Magi, predicting success or failure in battles to the princes. The process of fortune-telling requires you to take the process seriously and maintain the spirit of the sacrament. Having met these requirements, you will get the most accurate and truthful result. But on the basis of this method, you can easily master the basic methods and understand the principles that are identical for almost all divination.

Preparation for the ritual

For divination, you will need 41 beans. If you do not have beans, then simple beans or pebbles may well replace them. However, do not forget that the beans must be of two or more colors. Based on their traditions, people of different ages use different colors of beans. For example, young people use absolutely white beans, middle-aged people use everything except white. Do not use white beans and people who have decided on their life path (married, married). Finally, older people need to use black beans for divination.

Stages of divination kumalak ashu

To start the ritual take 41 beans.

The value of the heaps

After the manipulations we have three lines of three piles in each.

  1. "Head" - the middle pile in the first row. Responsible for the thoughts and feelings of the person you have guessed.
  2. "Heart" - the middle pile in the second line. Will tell you about whether the hidden person will be joyful or vice versa.
  3. "Hand" - the right handful in the first line. It symbolizes property and is able to predict poverty or wealth.
  4. "Leg" - the right handful in the third line. She will talk about receiving gifts or news, and also indicate a journey or a road.

These heaps are the most significant, so when divining, you should choose one of them, depending on the question you are interested in.

Ways of Interpretation

They begin the interpretation by looking at the four main heaps. If they turned out to have the same amount of beans or beans, then something or someone is preventing the fulfillment of the desired. If their number in the main piles is not the same, then the fortuneteller should expect happiness.

After a superficial interpretation, the analysis can be carried out in more detail and detail. First of all, you should pay attention to the pile you have previously selected. If there is an odd number of beans in it, then most likely your wish will come true, if it is even, you should not hope in vain. An odd number of beans for all the main piles will give you a good result. The exception is the hand pile. The more beans it contains, the richer the person will be.

Further interpretation is carried out on the basis of their hidden. For example, if you want to know how this or that person treats you, then choose a bunch of "head". An even number of beans in it will mean that the person you are thinking of does not think about you at all. Also pay attention to adjacent heaps. If the first of them has an odd number, then the person is not indifferent to you, if it is even, you are indifferent to him.

Remember not to ask the same question multiple times.

Any divination is a ritual, so it provides for maximum concentration and seriousness. Do not guess if a whole crowd has gathered around you. This will disrupt the process itself and spoil the atmosphere necessary for divination. Perform this ritual alone or with the person to whom you are guessing.

You don't have to do a few guesses.. Stop your choice on one of them, but carry out the ritual correctly and seriously. This will help you achieve the most accurate results. Prepare in advance the questions you want answered.

Never treat the results of fortune-telling as a sentence. You and only you are responsible for your destiny, and fortune-telling will help you listen to the signs of fate and take them into account when choosing the right decision.

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