Fortune telling on beans training. Bean fortune-telling for Christmas: how to use beans to tell fortunes for family, work and life. Prediction on cards and beans

pruning 25.05.2022

The most ancient method of divination, which was considered the most popular among our ancestors, is divination on beans. It is worth noting that many esotericists and experienced fortune-tellers today tend to argue that this fortune-telling method is the most reliable and effective. This article will describe such fortune-telling with the interpretation of meanings.

A bit of history...

Not everyone knows, but beans have been guessing for more than one century. The most common bean from the garden was used by healers in the old days in a variety of fortune-telling and love spells. With their help, they could make invocations. Among other things, the bean was also used as a medicinal vegetable crop. With the help of beans, they were guessing at a person who was seriously ill. The beans could give an answer to whether this person would live.

Such fortune-telling for a simple person is not only the easiest, but also the most accessible. All you need is to purchase beans, which you don’t need to throw out after a fortune-telling session, just sew a bag for them and store them in a place accessible only to you.

Any divination is a sacrament. Therefore, rituals should always be carried out in complete solitude and no one needs to be invited, because this person may be skeptical of fortune-telling, and you will not get anything but irony. Yes, and the answers in a calm environment will be as truthful and clear as possible.

Fortune telling on 41 peas

To conduct fortune-telling on 41 beans, you need to prepare the appropriate number of peas. The beans are poured onto a flat surface and divided into approximately three identical piles. Further, from the first pile, peas begin to be laid, you need to do this only with your left hand.

All this must be done with the remaining two piles of the first row. All the beans that have been set aside must be added to three piles. Further, from each heap received, a pea is taken, which will become the basis of the heaps of the third row.

From the second row, without counting, you need to take a few peas and transfer them to the third row. After carrying out all the manipulations, it should turn out for each row of three heaps, that is, 9 heaps.

When you take the last pea in your hands, then you need to put it aside, since in the process of divination it will still be needed.

It's time to find out the meaning of fortune-telling on beans, because for all fortune-tellers, each pile means something:

  1. In the first row, the second pile is the head.
  2. In the first, the third is a hand.
  3. In the second, the second is the heart.
  4. In the third, the third is the leg.

It is worth noting that these four heaps, which have their own meaning, are considered the main ones. When you ask any question, you need to pay special attention to this. If the question is about love, then the answer is hidden in the second row of the second pile, that is, in the heart.

Head - this includes matters relating to the character, mind, as well as the abilities of a person.

The hand is well-being in the financial sector.

The heart, in addition to love, also speaks of such feelings as joy, sadness, longing and sadness.

Now you can safely start guessing.

Bean divination process

You need to concentrate as much as possible on the issue that interests you. At this moment, no one should distract you, you need to close your eyes and remove all sensations and thoughts.

Next, open your eyes and clearly say the question out loud, then count the number of beans in the pile to which the question was addressed. An even number of beans is considered a negative answer, and an odd number is a yes answer to your question.

However, the number of beans is not the whole answer, it all depends on the beans that are in the first row. If there is an odd number of beans in the third pile, then all is not lost. All possible obstacles are indicated by the first pile.

What if the answer is no?

No need to rush to get upset if the beans speak of the impossibility of achieving what you want. Remember that at the beginning of fortune-telling, you set aside one bean that can be put in any pile.

It turns out that, by guessing, you were not only able to look into your future, but also influence it. The most important thing is to believe that everything will work out, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Video on the topic of the article

Fortune telling on beans or beans is a typical Russian city fortune telling. In the villages, courtyard people, not peasants, guessed on beans. Fortune-telling on beans was also popular in Siberia, in the Cossack villages Cossack women went to fortune-tellers.

At all times, people wanted to look into the future. And if you do not look, then at least find out what to do in a problem situation, what solution will be right. In most cases, it was the resolution of the problem that was the subject of divination. And the problem was resolved without fail, the advice turned out to be correct. This is the uniqueness of "fortune-telling by desire."

Divination technique

Three types of completely different peoples, such, it would seem, are different - divination on yarrow stalks, divination on Siamsi sticks, divination on beans. Upon closer examination, these fortune-tellings have one basis - to catch the factor of chance, to be included in this factor, if everything on this planet is subject to one law. That at the same time, fate affects both the beans and the person, you just need to be able to grab it and read it. But let's leave that to the discretion of the attentive reader.

For divination, they take 40 beans and one piece of bread, a cracker the size of a bean. Such a ritual was adopted in Siberia. "Bread is the head of everything." You need to tune in psychologically, the fortuneteller and the client. The fortuneteller usually whispers something, asks 41 beans to help solve the problem. You can make a wish, but the beans will say first of all - the current position and state of the asker, and then “it will come true - it will not come true”. In most cases, the questioner makes his own decision based on the hint.

The beans are poured out on the table and randomly divided into three piles - fortune-telling has begun. They begin to work with the first pile on the left, take 4 beans from it, over and over again, until 1, 2 or 3 beans remain in the pile. Also with the second, central pile ... and finally with the third - the first line "Head" was laid out. The selected beans are again divided into three arbitrary piles and the second line "Heart" is laid out in the same way. When laying out the third line of "Legs", 1, 2, 3 or 4 beans may remain. Horizontally - the lines "head", "heart", "legs", vertically - orders, the left order shows external circumstances, the right order shows a person, his intentions. In the center - "head" and "heart". Upper right - "hand", shows material wealth, the more beans there, the better.

Divination decoding

Now you can make predictions and advice. An equal number in orders shows difficulty in business, stagnation, unequal - movement, development.

If there are more beans in the left orders and fewer in the right orders, external forces favor, the path flows from left to right.

If there are more beans in the intentions than in the outside world, you are dependent on circumstances, some kind of obstacle or difficulty.

Here you need to look at the middle order - the “head” has three beans - you are doing well, you are acting wisely, the “heart” contains one or three beans - well, joy will come (3), you remain faithful to your actions (1).

The lower line of the “legs” shows your physical abilities for deeds and the favor of fortune. Four beans at the feet - it's bogged down, movement is difficult, two beans show the path - everything will be easy. Better movement from left to right - fortune favors. It’s also good when there is room to move if the order is not filled to capacity (4).


Two examples: 1 - a good omen (the head is occupied with one thought, there is joy in the heart, movement from the legs from left to right from the outside to you)

2 - difficulty in business (head at a crossroads, heart with one goal, legs go to you from left to right, the new order is busy, full, which means you have not yet freed yourself from old problems to solve new ones)

There can be many interpretations of the prediction even for one combination. It all depends on the fortuneteller and on. But in any case - divination, divination on beans gives advice on solving the problem and leaves freedom of action. The bean spread shows external conditions and helps to understand internal urges.

There is an opinion that divination on beans was brought by the troops of Genghis Khan, who in turn took it from the Chinese.

Fortune telling on beans is an ancient way to find out the answers to questions of interest, to open the curtain of the future, to study the mistakes of the past. The ritual is easy to perform at home, it does not require specific knowledge or skills. Anyone can learn to predict by following the instructions.

Guessing beans on your own is easy. To do this, use beans or peas.

There are different options for fortune telling, in general they are similar, but each has its own characteristics.

When teaching, consider:

  1. Divination on beans can only be performed by a woman. The historical homeland of divination is Western Russia. According to local customs, magic is the lot of women. For a man, this is an offensive taboo.
  2. Room. The room for divination on peas should be clean and tidy. Thoroughly wash the floors, brush the carpet, wipe off the dust, take out the trash. Fill the room with fresh air. Leave windows open.
  3. Pay attention to the calendar. It is strictly forbidden to guess on the fruits of beans on Orthodox holidays. Time of day, phases of the moon do not play a role.
  4. Do not use technology when divining. Turn off electrical appliances in the house. The exception is the refrigerator. In the evening or at night, do not turn on artificial light. You can use a candle flame.
  5. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics. It should cover the elbows, knees, décolleté. Rinse off makeup. Remove hair from the face, it is better to collect it in a braid or a bun.
  6. Nobody should interfere. Choose a secluded spot. Stay alone with your thoughts. Equalize your breathing. Concentrate on the object of bean divination.
  7. Sincerely believe beans.

Fear will lead to failure. Without confidence in the results, divination loses its power.

How to decompose beans

The ritual takes place in 2 stages - the laying out of fruits, the interpretation of divination on beans.

The elements are distributed into 9 equal piles, following the technique:

  1. Randomly divide the peas into 3 parts.
  2. Take the first pile. Counting by 4, remove material until less than 4 remains.
  3. Place the remaining divination elements on the top left side - the first cell of the top line. Do the second and third in the same way.
  4. Collect the remaining beans after counting, repeat the procedure, forming the middle line.
  5. The bottom line is formed from the remnants of the recalculation of the first two, dividing them into three piles in random order.

You should get a 3 by 3 square for fortune telling, in each cell of which the number of peas does not exceed 4.

Types of predictions and their instructions

Fortune telling with beans will help you deal with questions of interest about the past, present, and future. For each situation, a convenient prediction method is selected.

Well no

This is a bean divination method that allows you to find out the answer to simple questions.

Before guessing on beans, formulate a question, the answer to which can only be “yes” or “no”.

Prepare a bag of natural fabric, fill with beans. The number of peas should equal the age of the fortune teller.

Tie the knot with silk ribbon. Ask a question out loud. During this time, shake the bag to mix the contents.

Repeat the action 4 times. Cut the silk thread with a sharp knife. Put your hand in the bag, scoop up a handful of beans. Recount them. If the number of fruits is even, the answer to the question is yes. If it's odd, "no".

Features of fortune-telling "yes" - "no":

  • a ceremony with beans can be performed no more than 5 times a day;
  • it is forbidden to ask the question again - either accept the predetermined future, or try to prevent such an outcome. Fortune telling on beans or peas is a transmitter of information about the turns of Fate, and not a means of influencing what is happening;
  • ask a question about a real, concrete situation without using abstract concepts.

Divination for 41

Fortune telling on 41 beans allows you to accurately answer questions of interest.

This is the most reliable and reliable way.

Prepare 41 beans, place in a small bag of natural material. Tie with natural silk cord.

Shake vigorously 4 times while saying the question of interest. In order for the beans to give an accurate forecast, formulate the request when fortune-telling clearly, describe in detail every little thing.

Pour the grains on a flat surface, distribute into 3 parts equal in volume. From any pile, build a straight line.

Take the beans with your right hand and draw a line from right to left. The number of fruits in the strip should be completely divisible by 4. Return the excess to its original position.

Do the same manipulation with the remaining parts. Then lay out the extra beans to the lines according to the fortune-telling scheme:

  • beans from the second part are completed to the first line;
  • fruits from the third pile are added to the second line, and fruits from the first pile are added to the third.

You get a system of a vertical row of heaps and horizontal lines.

Each component of the alignment is responsible for different aspects. A row of piles of beans will give an answer to the question about the intellectual abilities of a person, analysis, complex riddles, active thinking, choice, finding a way out of the situation.

The first line is responsible for relationships with people. It will help to deal with matters of the heart, friendly. It will push you to solve your personal problems. Helps to deal with raging feelings.

The second line of divination is material. She will answer questions related to business, investments, promotions, career advancement, problems with partners, bank transfers, money fraud.

The third line is responsible for the changes associated with the change of residence. It will help prevent failure when moving, on a business trip, on vacation. She will warn of possible difficulties when changing educational institutions, places of work, fields of activity.

To decipher the meaning of fortune-telling on 41 beans, you need to count the peas in the row of interest. An even number is a yes answer. In the case of divination for health and well-being - a sign of improvement, the patient will recover.

An odd number of peas indicates a negative outcome. Expect a deterioration in well-being, difficulties on the personal front, in business, financial transactions.

By name or date of birth

Mix different varieties of beans by eye. Write down your last name, first name, patronymic on a piece of paper. Count the vowels and consonants.

Before divination, count the beans by the number of vowels, form the first hill to your right. By the number of consonants - the second, from the left. Briefly describe the problem in writing.

Repeat the distribution into slides for vowels and consonants. They are in the shape of a square. Each peak will reveal all aspects of the proposed event:

  1. The upper left corner is responsible for the success or failure of plans.
  2. The upper right advises whether to start implementing the idea.
  3. The lower left corner will warn you about the consequences of the planned actions.
  4. The lower right corner will lift the veil of secrecy about the near future.

Count the beans in each hill. An even number in fortune-telling promises problems, negative moments, an odd number - a successful outcome of events.

If light grains predominate, don't lose hope. The chance of success is high. Dark tones indicate failure.

The predominance of young, smooth beans portends good health, the retreat of old diseases, many wrinkled fruits - health problems.

Divination by date of birth is carried out using an astrological circle.

For astrological divination, prepare beans, a blank sheet of paper, and a pencil. Write down the date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

Sum the numbers that make up the date of birth. Count the appropriate number of beans. Divide the beans into 8 pieces. The first pile contains an amount equal to the number of the first digit of the birthday, the second - the second, the third - the first digit of the month.

On a piece of paper, draw a circle divided into 8 equal parts. Number them by signing the value:

  1. Love experiences.
  2. Financial well-being.
  3. The reliability of a love union.
  4. Relationships with friends.
  5. Trips abroad.
  6. Movement within the country.
  7. Possible diseases.
  8. Good health.

Distribute the heaps for fortune telling according to the numbering. If the number of beans is even, expect things to get worse in this area. If odd - things will go uphill.

Rules for interpreting results

The main attention in interpreting the results of divination on beans is given to the number of grains. Even indicates bad news, deterioration in well-being, financial problems, personal experiences.

Odd is a good sign. It testifies to successful accomplishments, getting rid of negativity, good health, happiness in family life.

When laying out and counting the beans for the divination ritual, they can only be touched with the right hand.

When the color or freshness of the fruit is important for interpretation, it is recommended to close your eyes so that the calculation is honest and the concentration is maximum.

Fortune telling on beans in the old days was used by girls in order to find out what awaits them in the future. Today, there are very few people who are well versed in such methods, so if you can improve your divination skills, you will master a unique skill.

There are a large number of different ways of divination - according to a book, on Tarot cards, on paper, on wax, because people are always interested in what awaits them in the future.

How to guess on beans? There are several options. If you are a beginner, then use this simple ritual to get started. If you are guessing for a man, then take 37 fruits, if for a woman - 31.

Before you start the ritual, be sure to collect your thoughts, clear your head of unnecessary information and clearly formulate the necessary question.

Remember, it should not be ambiguous or vague. The clearer the wording is, the more correct you will get the prediction.

All prepared fruits must be decomposed into three piles. If the object of fortune-telling is a man, 12 fruits are placed in each pile, if a woman - 10. You should have one grain left. It lies between all the heaps.

For example: Tatyana Anatolyevna Shpak (7 + 11 + 4).

Now write down on paper the question that interests you.

For example: Will I be married to Roman?

Your task is to count the number of vowels in the question. (There are 14 in the example). Now, from the first slide, take out as many grains as there are letters in your name. From the second pile, as many as the letters in your patronymic, and from the third - the last name. Put all the attributes that you have collected in a separate pile.

Now from it you need to get such a number of fruits that is equal to the number of vowels in your question. If there is nothing left of the pile, then your wish will not come true. Also, a negative result is indicated by an odd number of remaining beans. If there are 2, 4, 6 (any even number) grains left, then the wish will come true.

Divination with beans for experienced fortune tellers

In order to perform this ritual and receive a clear prophecy, you need to prepare 41 beans. Lay all pre-cooked fruits on the surface and divide them into three slides. It is not necessary to lay them out into equal parts, this can be done approximately (by eye). Now, with your left hand, set aside 4 grains from the first pile. Then set aside 3, 2, 1 fruit.

Repeat the manipulations until 4 beans remain in the slide. The last fruit will be the first in the new slide of the next row. Similar manipulations must be carried out with the next two slides. Those fruits that you have already put aside must be added to the second and third hills.

Now take one grain from each pile received. They will become the basis for the slides in the third row. Next, you need to get a few beans from the second row, you can not count them and put them in the 3rd row. As a result, you should get 9 slides. Three in each row. The last pea is set aside. You will need it later.

Interpretation of slides of beans

When you have exactly 9 heaps in front of you, you can begin to interpret the ritual performed. Each slide has its own meaning. They are counted from left to right. Of all 9 slides, the most important 4 are:

  • the second in the first row is responsible for questions that relate to a person’s capabilities, his character, mind;
  • the third in the first row is responsible for financial well-being, profit;
  • the second in the second row can tell about the feelings that a person experiences. This is love, joy, sadness, resentment, happiness, and so on;
  • the third in the third row is responsible for everything related to movement.

Divination Kulymak Ashu 41 beans

This is a well-known divination on beans and stones, borrowed from the Turkic peoples. Currently, people from different countries use it. An old alignment that solves issues from their first appearance. The history of divination goes back to the times of the Mongol-Tatar conquests and describes only the use of beans or stones.

Meanings and interpretations

The ritual begins with a common mound, an amount of 41 beans. Then, in order, divide into three heaps arbitrarily, let's call them ABC. Then 4 beans should be taken from each in several passes, until there are 4 or less than 4 in mounds A, B and C. We decompose this remainder into three points in the first row (1,2,3). The taken beans will have to be collected together, also divided and arbitrarily, into three piles. Again, we subtract 4 from each, so many times that again 4 or less than 4 remain. We also lay out in the second row (points 4,5,6). We repeat the manipulation for the third time and lay it out in the third row (points 7,8,9). We remove the excess.

We should get nine dots, in three rows horizontally and vertically. Perhaps some point will be without beans, somewhere there will be 1, somewhere 2, 3 or 4. But the pattern must be saved, exactly in three rows up and down, even with empty windows.

First row (top)

Responsible for the level of consciousness. The central point will be the 2nd point, which is the mind: the ability to analyze, the ability to learn, reaction, dexterity, mood swings and character traits. This is the head, it tends to have different abilities. 3rd - these are hands, they can be rich or poor, have their own property or not. The sum of the points should not exceed the number 8.

Second row (middle)

The central 5th point is called the heart and refers to the state of the soul. She is responsible for all sorrows, joys and experiences, including love and various emotions. The 3rd and 4th points are health and disease. The sum of all is not more than 12.

Third row (bottom)

It is a human movement, it is also called legs. The main point will be the 9th, she talks about trips, travel, moving, as well as receiving news in any form. The sum should not exceed 12. In this case, the 7th and 8th points will indicate personal well-being.

Kulymak ashu is also considered from the position of vertical rows.

  • The left column (no more than 12) is the feminine principle, respectively, and the desired question itself.
  • The middle one (the maximum quantity is the same) is the connecting link.
  • The right one (the conditions are the same) is the masculine principle and the answer to the question posed.

As mentioned above, an odd number promises the best and personifies light and masculinity. While an even number will be dark, feminine. It predicts problems, interference, not insurance against a bad outcome.

This truthful fortune-telling can be interpreted endlessly, there are not so many options for numbers, but their meaning is very interesting. The main thing is the correct calculation. The sum will show you the past, future and present, tell you about your desires and thoughts.

For example, the case when three triples fall out in the horizontal top row will be a guarantee of the fulfillment of desires and absolute success in business. And the same even results, on the contrary, do not bode well. Reviews about this divination are the most favorable, because it reflects all aspects of human life.

How to guess on beans to get an answer to any question

To begin with, concentrate and think about what question you would like to receive an answer to. First of all, say the question of interest with your eyes closed. After that, open your eyes and ask again what you are interested in, only now hearing.

Since you know which of the slides is responsible for what, count the number of fruits in the pile that answers your question. If there is an even number of beans, then most likely the answer to your question is unsatisfactory. If there is an odd number of grains, then the answer is undoubtedly yes.

If you received a negative answer, then do not despair. See how many fruits are in the third slide, which is in the selected row. If there is an odd number of grains, then you will have the opportunity to change everything.

If you want to know if there will be difficulties on the way to the goal, then focus on the first slide in this row. An even number of fruits indicates that you will have big obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

Some fortune tellers believe that with the help of this rite you can not only find out your future, but also change it. To do this, you can use the bean, which is set aside. So, if you received a negative answer to your question, then you can add one more fruit to the hill of glasses. As a result, you will attract a positive outcome of events.

Fortune telling on beans or beans - VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, this divination on beans or beans is an effective way that helps not only find out what awaits you, but also help change upcoming events.

Fortune telling on beans came to us from our ancestors. It has been used by girls for many centuries in order to find out what awaits them in the future. Today, there are very few people who are well versed in such methods, so if you can improve your divination skills, you will master a unique skill.

In the article:

Fortune telling on beans - a simple ritual

There are a large number of different ways of divination - because people are always interested in what awaits them in the future.

How to guess on beans? There are several options. If you are a beginner, then use this simple ritual to get started. If you are guessing for a man, then take 37 fruits, if for a woman - 31. Before you start the ritual, be sure to collect your thoughts, clear your head of unnecessary information and clearly formulate the necessary question. Remember, it should not be ambiguous or vague. The clearer the wording is, the more correct you will get the prediction.

All prepared fruits must be decomposed into three piles. If the object of fortune-telling is a man, 12 fruits are placed in each pile, if a woman - 10. You should have one grain left. It lies between all the heaps.

For example: Tatyana Anatolyevna Shpak (7 + 11 + 4).

Now write down on paper the question that interests you.

For example: Will I be married to Roman?

Your task is to count the number of vowels in the question. (There are 14 in the example). Now, from the first slide, take out as many grains as there are letters in your name. From the second pile, as many as the letters in your patronymic, and from the third - the last name. Put all the attributes that you have collected in a separate pile.

Now from it you need to get such a number of fruits that is equal to the number of vowels in your question. If there is nothing left of the pile, then your wish will not come true. Also, a negative result is indicated by an odd number of remaining beans. If there are 2, 4, 6 (any even number) grains left, then the wish will come true.

Divination with beans for experienced fortune tellers

In order to perform this ritual and receive a clear prophecy, you need to prepare 41 beans. Lay all pre-cooked fruits on the surface and divide them into three slides. It is not necessary to lay them out into equal parts, this can be done approximately (by eye). Now, with your left hand, set aside 4 grains from the first pile. Then set aside 3, 2, 1 fruit.

Repeat the manipulations until 4 beans remain in the slide. The last fruit will be the first in the new slide of the next row. Similar manipulations must be carried out with the next two slides. Those fruits that you have already put aside must be added to the second and third hills.

Now take one grain from each pile received. They will become the basis for the slides in the third row. Next, you need to get a few beans from the second row, you can not count them and put them in the 3rd row. As a result, you should get 9 slides. Three in each row. The last pea is set aside. You will need it later.

Interpretation of slides of beans

When you have exactly 9 heaps in front of you, you can begin to interpret the ritual performed. Each slide has its own meaning. They are counted from left to right. Of all 9 slides, the most important 4 are:

  • the second in the first row is responsible for questions that relate to a person’s capabilities, his character, mind;
  • the third in the first row is responsible for financial well-being, profit;
  • the second in the second row can tell about the feelings that a person experiences. This is love, joy, sadness, resentment, happiness, and so on;
  • the third in the third row is responsible for everything related to movement.

How to guess on beans to get an answer to any question?

First, concentrate and think about what you would like to receive. First of all, say the question of interest with your eyes closed. After that, open your eyes and ask again what you are interested in, only now hearing.

Since you know which of the slides is responsible for what, count the number of fruits in the pile that answers your question. If there is an even number of beans, then most likely the answer to your question is unsatisfactory. If there is an odd number of grains, then the answer is undoubtedly yes.

If you received a negative answer, then do not despair. See how many fruits are in the third slide, which is in the selected row. If there is an odd number of grains, then you will have the opportunity to change everything. If you want to know if there will be difficulties on the way to the goal, then focus on the first slide in this row. An even number of fruits indicates that you will have big obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

Some fortune tellers believe that with the help of this rite you can not only find out your future, but also change it. To do this, you can use the bean, which is set aside. So, if you received a negative answer to your question, then you can add one more fruit to the hill of glasses. As a result, you will attract a positive outcome of events.

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