The evolution of sexual energy in three months of transformation. About this qi will rise without any effort

DIY 02.10.2021

I must consider the consequences of onanism from two points of view:

a) Consequences for the patient.

b) Consequences for the family and all mankind.


All of the above leads us to the conclusion that masturbation must to some extent affect individual parts of the human body and the entire body as a whole. The main question - what bad consequences does masturbation entail, is solved by various researchers contradictorily.

Tissot was the first to highlight this issue from a scientific point of view (1770), then Lalemand dealt with this issue in 1836 and wrote a special study “On Various Anomalies”. , comprehended the above work. It aroused great interest in itself in circles of scientists around the world and for a long time served as a guiding thread for resolving a number of seemingly insoluble questions. Lalemand concludes that masturbation gives amazing consequences: diseases of the spinal cord, spinal tabes, various kinds of brain diseases, progressive paralysis, insanity, etc. With the light hand of Lalemand, the so-called "literature of sex" began to multiply by leaps and bounds, and until now the sexual question "truth" is interpreted differently. Almost all researchers agree on one, that the abuse of onanism weakens the entire nervous system, but not in such a sharp form as Lalemand and Tissot draws.

The nervous system generally has the ability to increase and decrease memory, depending on mental labor, to multiply and weaken energy, to raise and lower the state of mind (mood). These phenomena, of course, can be caused by masturbation. Heredity plays an important role in the neurasthenic area, and, of course, heredity is also not excluded in masturbation. That is why we conclude that masturbation in exceptional cases can pass without a trace, but, as a general phenomenon, masturbation gives serious consequences of a very serious nature.

Many people have a bewildered question: why can masturbation cause any consequences of an unpleasant nature, since in its process it is so merged with sexual intercourse, that is. with aggregation. We will answer this by referring to the conclusions of the researchers Fürbinger and Kurshman, as eminent neuropathologists. Both of them point out that masturbation is harmful, firstly, because it starts too early and involves in long protracted processes, and secondly, it is very accessible. While a man must look for women to satisfy his sexual needs, the vice of onanism is available to him at any moment, and he indulges in it excessively without the participation of the opposite sex.

The influence that masturbation exerts on the nervous system is extremely dangerous, since the entire nervous system of a person is constantly inflamed from the possibility of frequent manipulations.

Erb further aggravates this concept by the fact that the subject who resorts to onanism also experiences a moral decline, because after satisfaction he feels that he has done something vicious. A struggle arises in the soul between duty, his moral state and physical need, that we call "remorse" affects the nervous system and, in betrothal to the physical act, causes an extremely depressed state of mind, and this latter again leads to excitement and repetition of masturbation.

As far as I know, a very small percentage of onanics suffer from moral experiences. For the majority, however, an unpleasant sensation arises, which passes quickly, a sensation in which the volitional instincts give way to the instincts of voluptuousness, and the person falls into the abyss. The naturalness of the approach to the possibility of satisfying oneself at any moment, of course, differs significantly from the act of copulation, in which the temperature of the bodies that accompanies pleasure guarantees a certain physical pleasure that causes the highest tension up to the resolution of the act.

The contradictions that have arisen in connection with the question of what harmful consequences come from onanism, after the foregoing, are quite obvious. Various doctors characterized the consequences of onanism, depending on certain results of it. Lomius considers lethargy, epilepsy, apoplexy, convulsions, blurred vision, and even blindness to be the result of onanism. And not only did he find "believers" among the public, but many doctors consider Lomius's view to be correct. However, a little time passed, and the doctors not only doubted Lomius's diagnoses, but little by little began to consider masturbation an almost harmless vice. And only after A thorough study of the question of the influence of sexual activity on the whole organism and on each organ separately, several medical congresses came to the unshakable conclusion that masturbation is harmful and its consequences are very, very serious.

Fournier argues that nature itself resolves this difficult question, how harmful masturbation is, and that nature does not need exaggerations on the part of doctors. The specificity of the influence of onanism depends, of course, on many reasons: on the frequency of abuse, on gender, temperament, nervous system and powers of perception.


Such eminent scientists as Kurshman and Furbinger establish that the consumption of semen is not of great importance for the body and does not weaken it, and that when considering the harm of onanism, ejaculation should not be taken into account as a very serious minus. This, however, is not the case. Masturbation, performed at any time and extracting the semen in unlimited quantities, gradually reduces the number of livestock (spermatozoa), there is a gradual depletion of the germ cells (sperm), and the seed itself becomes thinner. This fact alone proves that ejaculation is not completely indifferent to the human body. Some authorities join my opinion, agreeing with me that the loss of semen in a man causes weakness and breakdown after copulation, while a woman who shows significant activity during copulation gets tired for a short time, i.e. not for long. It can be concluded with certainty that during onanism the entire human body is subjected to significant changes. Masturbation affects the mental, mental and physical abilities of a person.


Lively rumors caused this question in special discussions among doctors. It will be interesting for readers to get acquainted with my point of view on this issue, which is the result of practice.

Both Kurshman and Furbinger believe that masturbation and similar sexual intercourse give exactly the same effects in both cases and that the loss of semen, as we have said above, in their opinion, is not harmful to the body.

However, such a high tension of the nervous system, both central and peripheral (partial), could be harmless if both acts - onanism and copulation were performed moderately. Excess is equally harmful in the first and in the second question. This is what Kurshman and Furbinger think, and therefore moderate onanism, as we can conclude from their conclusions, is not harmful.

Prof. Erb joins this opinion, and argues that natural and masturbatory sexual satisfaction gives the same results, and vice versa, according to Erb, nervous excitement from a relationship with a woman is much sharper than masturbation. I believe that there is a huge difference between masturbation and copulation: with masturbation, an excited fantasy is necessary, brain work is very intense, and therefore the entire nervous system is more suffering than during copulation.

The opinion of these authorities concerns only the moderation of onanism and the moderation of copulation. But I pose the question, what is excess in relation to sexual functions. This question is also asked by Prof. Koch, who asks: “Where is the beginning of excess?” I have already indicated above that there is almost no way to establish the moderation and excess of sexual excesses, since this depends on the individual characteristics of each subject. Here physique, lifestyle, temperament, sex, climate and a number of other phenomena play a role; what we will consider excessive for some is the most natural need of the organism of another person. One can only say that both sexual intercourse and masturbation depend on the individual abilities of each individual subject. During intercourse, fantasy occurs only depending on the action of the opposite sex. Here, a fantasy of a very real order, carnal, existing. Movements of the female body, hugs , mutual touch of bodies, visual impressions from observing certain parts of the body, kisses - all these are phenomena that cause external irritations. Thus, fantasy does not work very intensively during natural copulation, since all representations are caused by real facts. Added to this are the sensations of friction and movements of a tense member along the genital slit of a woman; these purely mechanical conditions lead to such a degree of orgasmus that ejaculation occurs without the participation of fantasy.

With masturbation, there is not enough object of the opposite sex and its absence is replaced by fantastic ideas. The object rubs its genitals with its hands, and due to the fact that sensitivity gradually decreases with the frequency of masturbation, fantasy comes to the rescue. The brain and the entire nervous system reach such an apogee of boiling that all the energy of a person is directed only to one thing, as if it were more natural and more realistic to imagine annoying images. What a terrible effect this must have on a child's brain, which is only in its developmental period. So, the question of whether onanism is harmful, if in its frequency it does not exceed the number of copulations, must be resolved in a positive direction, i.e. that onanism is more harmful than copulation.

The intensity of the fantasy associated with the increased work of the entire central nervous system is more significant during onanism than during normal sexual intercourse.

And so masturbation is definitely more bad influence on the whole organism and has a decomposing effect on it.

As for moderation, even within its limits, masturbation negatively affects the mental sphere and is much more harmful than copulation, even if it comes to ejaculation.

The frequency of onanism is one of the moments of its harm, surpassing copulation.

A person who has a sexual desire, along with this, all the urges for onanism appear. Prof. Koch gives statistics in which he observed the frequency of masturbation from 15-18-year-old students from 4-6 times a day. Prof. Kurshman notes that the very first appearance of sexual lust entails immediate satisfaction, since nothing interferes, and later on helps even the subject to find satisfaction.

Masturbation has a more harmful effect on the body than natural intercourse, also because it sets in much earlier, when the body and spirit of a person are still in the period of development. These moments are especially dangerous and heavy in their consequences for a person's life. Masturbation is more harmful than normal copulation in that it affects the character of a person. Furbinger establishes that the character of the onanist changes due to ignoring the opposite sex, i.e. physiological reduction, the significance of the opposite sex. And in the future, a habit sets in, which destroys all attempts to fight it, in other words, the habit becomes stronger and stronger, and the will falls, while the character of the onanist sharply decreases from these phenomena.

Masturbation is more harmful than normal intercourse also because it causes a feeling of remorse, a short-term feeling of dissatisfaction.

Erb points out that the constant struggle between excessive attraction and moral duty has a detrimental effect on the nervous system and turns most masturbators into neurasthenics.

Greisinger proves that the struggle and discord between shame, repentance and overwhelmed desires causes extreme suffering for onanists. Depressed mood, depression from the consciousness of a defeated struggle leads to more acute self-exercises in onanism. Each time, after an act of onanism, a certain reaction of a moral order sets in, but it quickly disappears. The nervous system is shaken more and more. That is why there are those serious consequences that masturbation entails.

While the act of intercourse only causes fatigue, masturbation entails a breakdown. People, after the act of copulation, most often fall into a deep pleasant sleep, meanwhile, after onanism, they feel depressed, overwhelmed and stay awake for a long time. Based on many medical studies and observations, it can be said with confidence that people, who are quite normal, not only do not find anything pleasant in fatigue after masturbation, but, on the contrary, feel a sharp depression in themselves. Natural ejaculation gives its physiological effects, ejaculation caused by onanism, from the point of view of medicine, indicates the loss of semen, which we also lose during wet dreams.

Women after sexual intercourse and after onanism are never so exhausted as men. All of the above convinces us that masturbation, in comparison with natural sexual intercourse, is undoubtedly more harmful to the body, despite the fact that the same effects (semen flow) follow in both processes. We further conclude that even moderate masturbation is more harmful than moderate intercourse. The spiritual strength of onanists suffers especially. As for the question of excessive sexual intercourse, there is no doubt that it is just as harmful as onanism, because it causes increased nervous activity, enormous sexual tension, and all this exposes the nervous system to spinal irritations.

Predisposition plays a very important role in all these cases. We often see how healthy people with a strong nervous system, under the influence of onanism, become weak-willed, depressed and destroyed. And vice versa, we sometimes see that thin and weak people, regardless of masturbation, retain their strength and appearance.

Masturbation affects the various organs of our body differently. In children, for example, the central nervous system is affected, which leads to convulsions, convulsions, hysteria, and even epilepsy. Others begin to suffer from damage to the abdominal regions, resulting in palpitations, shortness of breath and seizures. Some have diarrhoea, catarrh of the stomach, intestines, and generally acute gastrointestinal diseases. In other patients, vision becomes dull, photophobia (photophobia), eyelid cramps appear. In a word, onanism gives such a vivid picture of various diseases that we must further dwell on each form separately, without combining them into one group.

The consequences of onanism are divided into:

1. Damage to the central nervous system;

2. Damage to the organs of external senses;

3. The defeat of the psyche and mind;

4. Defeat of digestion;

5. Influence on blood circulation and respiration;

6. Influence on the muscular organization;

7. Influence of onanism on the genitals.

8. Masturbation and its effect on the body as a whole.


The nervous system connects all the organs of our body into one inseparable whole. Our mental faculties every minute come into contact with the nervous system, on which all our movements and sensations depend.

The nervous system is a very organized region in its structure, and every impression received from the outside is recorded through the nervous system in the brain.

After this, there is nothing surprising in the fact that our nervous system is affected under the influence of vice. That internal connection that exists between the genital organs and the nervous system, and, mainly, the spinal cord, should be affected before all organs. Modern medicine has called this case sexual neurasthenia.

The ancient Jewish code of laws, the Talmud, speaks of the influence of onanism on the nervous system. This wise book indicates that those who indulge in masturbation dry their brains, and that in such people one can overhear how “the brain in the skull is shaking.” The picture that we observe in masturbation is extremely changeable and diverse.

Sexual neurasthenia refers to that form of nervous weakness, which is found in the violation of sexual intercourse, caused by a lesion of the sexual property. In this case, of course, other diseases are also possible.

The diseases that occur during onanism are so diverse that a list of them and a clear summary is beyond the scope of this work, but, considering the need to teach every doctor at least some information about these diseases, I will dwell on them in a few words.

Three types of neurasthenia attract the attention of the famous psychiatrist Krafft-Ebing.

1. Local neurosis, which is expressed in frequent pollutions and early ejaculation.

2. Lumbar neurosis, accompanied by neuralgia of the lumbosacral nerve plexus and frequent day and night pollutions, with a sharp decrease in will.

3. Increase in neurasthenic symptoms. This phenomenon affects the cerebrospinal system to such an extent that it causes sexual anomalies, such as temporary aspermatism (lack of semen), in which sperm does not appear outside, spermation and other types. This scheme of Kraft-Ebing is not completely legitimized, indisputable and unshakable, but in general terms it gives the correct interpretation of the disease. Sexual excesses can lead to spinal neurasthenia without violating the correct functions of the genital organs. On the contrary, I have the courage to assert that the genital organs are not disturbed by anything. If we remember how, due to excessive sexual intercourse or onanism, our sexual excesses have been modified, then we will be convinced that patients who abuse sexual intercourse adjoin the third stage of the scheme established by Kraft-Ebing. From various kinds of sexual excesses, various neurasthenic consequences are obtained. Onanism causes cerebral neurasthenia, excessive intercourse causes spinal neurasthenia, interrupted copulation causes mental impotence.

There are, of course, deviations from the provisions I have cited. The cerebral phenomena of sexual neurasthenia entail headaches and put pressure on the brain. Pressure and pain are felt in the forehead or in the back of the skull. Right mental activity is naturally disturbed by all this, patients refuse their work; they are unable to read, write, or work, and their general mood is gloomy, but associated with insomnia, melancholy, a sense of fear, dullness of mental faculties, lack of energy and increased irritability. With all their desire, patients are deprived of the opportunity to pull themselves together and show self-control. Very often they lose their memory, and these patients show disturbances of various senses.

I have seen patients who are strongly irritated by the light, in such cases they seek solitude, avoid acquaintances and fall into the power of hypochondria and melancholy.

The book market is flooded with the most ridiculous popular literature, crude and ignorant in its content, in which the consequences of various diseases are unbelievably depicted, such as "spinal cord disease", "softening of the brain", "insanity", etc.

Spinal phenomena are associated with the brain and with other centers. Here, weakness, fatigue, the appearance of pain in the lumbar region and in the limbs come into the arena. Patients complain of crawling on the back, cold, heaviness in various members, pain and neuralgia. These purely individual sensations must be taken into account by the physician in the diagnosis and determined by examination. Trembling of the extremities, vibratory twitches, especially in the fingers, an increased knee jerk with a slight blow - all this indicates a serious disease, for the treatment of which the doctor must arm himself with knowledge and patience.

Excessive masturbation most often causes cerebral neurasthenia. Well-known prof. Levenfeld proves that masturbators engaged in prolonged mental labor most often suffer from cerebral neurasthenia and cerebral weakness, and, conversely, masturbators who indulge in physical labor are more likely to suffer from spinal cord disease.

Geslin explains neurasthenia in two ways: by fatigue of the centers of sexual activity, which occurs as a result of overstimulation, and by psychic influences, under which the patient constantly thinks about the consequences that may arise. This causes him suffering and fear, this develops in him a hatred of life, creates melancholy and depressed mood.

The whole life, thoughts and fantasy of these patients are occupied with ideas revolving only around sexual tendencies. Gessling notes that in many married people of this category, the fear of his wife, that he can fall into sexual relaxation and create an atmosphere of legalized adultery, is so great that the patient is looking for the most artificial ways to abolish this and, not finding it, falls into a depressed mood, which is serious. affects his nervous system.

Masturbation brings absolutely incalculable troubles to young men who have a predisposition to this act on the part of their parents. Such youths are subjected to cerebral neurasthenia, with all the consequences that follow from this, up to neurasthenic seizures. Furbinger says that he knew one young man, excellent heredity and flourishing health, which lost everything under the influence of onanism and reached complete exhaustion.

Many argued about how masturbation affects different sexes and in whom it causes more severe neurasthenia: in men or in women. Personally, I don't think there is much of a difference. Gessling says that men suffer comparatively less from emaciation than women, since they are more prone to natural sexual intercourse.

As for the opinion that the disappearance of an erection or eruption of the seed ends with masturbation, this is not entirely true. Masturbation, in contrast to normal copulation, does not need an erection, but only requires lust, desire.

Thus, from the foregoing, we conclude that onanism has an extremely sharp effect on the nervous system, the result of which is severe disturbances of the entire nervous system. Of course, there are cases of suicide, but I do not consider this a sufficiently striking factor, and those who claim that this is so, in my opinion, exaggerate somewhat.


The above opinion, that masturbation first of all affects vision, has not received sufficient interpretation in the previous part of this work. I consider it necessary to dwell on this point. It should, however, be borne in mind that not only the eye, but the sense of smell, the ear, and even speech undergo abnormal changes as a result of onanism. Tissot, and especially Koch, already in 82 pointed out the influence of onanism on vision.

Koch draws his conclusions from a number of observations of young men and women in whom eye diseases developed consistently and strongly and disappeared with the cessation of masturbation. The well-known ophthalmologists Morin, Galezovsky and Fitzgerald support their observations with a stunning list of victims of onanism. Prof. Koch makes a reference to his practice, which resulted in a number of patients suffering from subjective eye diseases, expressed in photophobia.

Outwardly, the eyes of onaks do not show signs of damage in all respects: normal pupils, a certain visual acuity, tension and sensation of light, the optic nerve and retina are in order, but nevertheless, the eyes of onaks are so afraid of light that gradually all eye functions are weakened, the apple gets the appearance of some kind of matte cast and the patients begin to feel dizzy. Usually in patients this manifests itself in both eyes at the same time, and these phenomena are accompanied by characteristic symptoms, such as phosphorization of the pupil, the appearance of some kind of snow flakes, circles, dots, insects before the eyes; patients go through such a state all the time, as if from the darkness they fall into a bright light, reading becomes completely impossible. Morin relates that an American woman who had masturbated for many years brought her eyesight to such a low state that she could not bear the glare of extraneous eyes.

In patients this reaction lasts between a month and several years, but I know of a patient who suffered eye damage from onanism for 20 years. Patients complained of pain in the sacral region, but I did not have any definite data for the fact that they had tassel dorsalis, on the contrary, at the same time I noticed all the signs of neurasthenia in them, such as insomnia and strongly pronounced nocturnal emissions.

The age of patients suffering from visual impairment falls, for the most part, on people from 15-30 years old, while most patients have been engaged in masturbation for years, several times a day. I knew one patient who had been masturbating for 23 years, and the other two men I had used extensively for decades and, as I later learned, both of them married and continued to masturbate.

The cause of visual impairment must be sought in the brain, since the optic nerves, according to oculists, are not affected.

Old maids and women in general are very susceptible to rapid eye disease from masturbation, and for the most part it appears in the form of dry catarrh of the connective membrane of the eyes. For my colleagues, I report the appearance of the following symptoms: reddening of the connective sheath, without discharge of pus or any other secret, pressure in the region of the pupil and a burning sensation. I knew one 24-year-old patient who had been masturbating since the age of 15 every day, 4 times a day. He confessed to me that he always feels a little intoxicated, as if from morphine, and despite all the desire to stop masturbation, he cannot do this, because without it he feels oppressed and lonely. Soon this patient developed all the signs in the eyes that I have described above.

Foerster, Landesberg, and I observed a patient who developed catarrh of the connective sheath, so easily cured at a young age if it comes from other causes than masturbation, and so difficult to treat with masturbation.

Cramps of the eyelids, redness of the optic nerve, as a result of onanism, prof. Morin observed in very many patients, especially in women. Foerster cites cases of the appearance of basic disease in women, under the influence of an early-developed defect, as well as a complete greening of the cataract, and Gutchinson observed internal bleeding of the eye that arose on the basis of onanism.

Thus, it is possible to establish with certainty the duration and frequency of masturbation in patients as soon as they develop light diseases. While ophthalmologists struggle with these phenomena for a long time, among ononics these phenomena cease immediately as soon as the patients stop masturbating.

Daniel Benwer (famous Hamburg ophthalmologist) reports a case of hypersensitivity of the retina as a result of masturbation. This specialist had a 29-year-old patient who reacted to light so much that he had to wear dark glasses. This patient was a public teacher, with his vicious lasciviousness he brought himself to the point that he had to give up teaching at school. Benver made an examination of the eyes with a mirror and found that all the optic nerves, sheath, etc., were in perfect order. I recommend in these cases to resort to electrification, sodium bromide and arsenic. These remedies give very positive results in the treatment of eyes in onanics.

As soon as excessive eye sensitivity, photophobia, eyelid cramps, dilation and immobility of the pupil appear, the doctor is advised to suspect masturbation. Prof. Furbinger considers it a completely diagnostic (defining) sign of onanism - an increased knee jerk and trembling of the eyelids.

Friedrich Hoffmann observed in a patient who often resorted to masturbation, in the 23rd year of his life, severe dizziness and dilated pupils. The same physician reports stunning cases of blindness in patients engaged in masturbation. However, a number of oculists reject this conclusion and look for the causes of blindness in another, since studies with a mirror did not give positive results.

Hearing loss as a result of onanism. Here the phenomena are not as sharp as in eye diseases, but nevertheless we find materials from a number of specialists in ear diseases that convince us that masturbation undoubtedly affects hearing.

Bonafond observed in patients sharp phenomena in the ears, such as soreness, ringing, colic, while anatomically the ear did not change at all. The same is stated by Weber Lill, who observed not only during onanism, but even during too violent copulations, especially in women, phenomena unfavorable for the ear.

If in general the patient is subject to inflammation of the middle ear, then in onaniki this disease proceeds extremely unfavorably. Symptoms associated with ear disease are detected in the soreness of the spinal column, in the region of the thoracic and nervous lumbar vertebrae. Doctors tried to resort to local treatment, but this did not give any effect, since the main causal cause of the disease, i.e., was not eliminated. masturbation.

Weber Lile argues that some women who suffer from hearing loss refuse marriage, fearing that their disease will worsen (probably depending on copulation). The most characteristic should be considered that with all ear diseases, patients do not have anatomical hearing damage, meanwhile, there is tinnitus, pain and increased auditory sensitivity.


Above, we indicated how adversely masturbation affects the central nervous system and from this, not only physically, but also spiritually, a person’s life decreases. Psychiatrists for recent times received a huge amount of material for observing how the mental state of people changes depending on sexual needs. Scientifically, this was clarified by Kraft-Ebing, Mol and other scientists who gave brilliant analyzes of sexual psychopathy.

Prolonged masturbation deals a heavy blow to a person's mental faculties. Cerebral neurasthenia, which is a consequence of sexual excesses, affects mainly the spiritual emotions of a person. If we trace what happens in the soul of a person during the act of onanism and after that, we will notice that the very process, which causes more and more excitement, increases the erection, spiritual and mental exaltation to the utmost pathos. At the moment of a gradual increase in sexual voluptuous experiences, the state of mind of the onanist dictates to him ecstasy, elevated words, poetic analogies, delusional phrases, and as soon as the moment of satisfaction comes, as soon as the erection falls, the pathos of a person falls along with it, his exaltation and ecstasy. At the moment of voluptuousness, blood circulation accelerates, the whole body is intensely warmed, blood rushes to the head so that the person experiencing this state seems to lose his mind, his eyes close, and sometimes it comes to convulsions, to convulsions, as a result of erotic ecstasy.

The shock of the entire nervous system entails a complete exhaustion of the brain. This indicates that such a process cannot but cause an extreme shock to the will and feelings of a person. It is not difficult to imagine what happens to a subject who indulges in this kind of manipulation for years several times a day.

To Dr. Tissot, one patient reports the following: “I have lost my power of imagination, my cheerfulness is waning every day, and all my feelings are fading away. I look at my surroundings like a dream, like visions. I extract incredible efforts from my devastated soul in order to find in myself the potential for these lines.

Above, when describing cerebral neurasthenia, I already had a chance to talk about the devastation that occurs in the brain of a person, and how this affects his memory: heaviness in the head, severe dizziness, weakening of the nervous system, loss of memory - all this accompanies the patient, which has signs of cerebral neurasthenia, and it comes to the fact that patients are forced to refuse to perform their duties. This circumstance alone, i.e. the consciousness of a person that he has turned himself off from life and duties entails dangerous mental consequences.

Such patients are helpless at the slightest difficulty, cowardly, indecisive, distracted, shy, timid, they avoid society and seek solitude. They are always in the grip of anxiety, fear and nightmares. In many patients, insomnia is added to all these phenomena, and then they are infinitely miserable. They indulge in their state of mind, lonely, gloomy and depressed.

Patients, going to bed, are tormented by thoughts all night, their conscience is wounded, self-flagellation arises - a process that torments them even more. Patients do not know sleep, become hypochondriacs, and in the course of time they develop abnormal morbid tendencies, entailing a series of phenomena indicating that cerebral neurasthenia passes into psychosis.

From this we draw the unmistakable conclusion that since young people develop melancholy, hypochondria, then the presence of onanism should be suspected here. However, the assertions that this vice entails progressive paralysis and insanity are completely untrue. Never before has madness been the result of onanism, let alone progressive paralysis. Kurshman quite correctly believes that masturbation can serve as a predisposing reason for mental illness.

There are a number of authorities, like Ellinger, Hagenbach and others, who consider masturbation to be the direct cause of mental illness. Eringer, for example, claims that masturbation in sixty-three cases gave serious symptoms of mental disorders; Fleming, Frederick and Morel are of the same opinion. Prof. Esquirol suggests that most of the mental illness observed in the aristocratic strata of society is the result of onanism. He writes the following: “Onanism is a deadly evil of people, it is the cause of madness, especially among the propertied class. Hagenbach found 69 cases of insanity (out of 800) where masturbation could be the cause; however, several of them undoubtedly entailed mental illness.

In fact, those who see masturbation as the only cause of this or that mental illness are often mistaken. Masturbation is rather a symptom of a detected psychosis and an accidental stimulus to the acceleration of the course of the disease, the predisposition of which is determined by heredity, neuropathic constitution, nervous diseases, etc. phenomena. Where onanism seems to be the causative agent of mental anomalies, in reality it only contributes to the detection of mental illness, exciting and weakening the central nervous system. The soil favorable to mental disorders is created directly by masturbation and is expressed in spinal and sexual neurosis, in relaxation, shaking, irritation of the spinal cord, attacks of neuralgia, as well as in mild disorders of the body such as hypochondria, excessive excitability, depression, disbelief in oneself, and etc. The general depression, low tone, torments of conscience, which have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and on the whole soul of a person, are especially serious.

Speaking of various types mental illnesses that are caused by masturbation, but which in essence only masturbation accompanies, all scientists believe that masturbation is not the real cause of insanity. The phenomena they indicate, such as hallucinations of hearing, continuous deception of external senses, weakness of the will, hopelessness, are not characteristic symptoms of this disease; all these signs are observed in other types of mental illness.

The famous English psychiatrist, Dr. Skye, held the view that there is special kind"masturbatory madness", accompanied by a wandering look, general weakness, oppression, awkwardness, suicidal tendencies, etc.

Another doctor, the Englishman Spitske, gives a completely different picture of the phenomena of a mental order during onanism; he claims that patients develop general drowsiness, the gloom of thoughts is suddenly replaced by elation, general enlightenment; discouragement is in direct proportion to the frequency of masturbation. The disease manifests itself at the age of 13-20 years; before the age of 13, mental illness is extremely rare, and in this case we are dealing with ordinary stupidity, epilepsy and extreme excitement.

Kraft-Ebing is of the opinion that onanistic psychosis does not exist, but he argues that onanism can contribute to the manifestation of hypochondria, melancholy, hysteria and epilepsy, in other words, onanism can cause those hidden ailments that are firmly embedded in the mental body of every person.

There is even an opinion that masturbation entails idiocy, but this is not true. There was no case when onanism would be the only cause of idiocy; psychiatric science establishes the opposite phenomenon, that idiocy causes a tendency to onanism. The question of epilepsy, that functional neurosis, which is expressed in the form of seizures, remains open. As a doctor, I must confirm that the causes of epilepsy have not yet been established. Attempts that are made by doctors in explaining the origin of epilepsy are untenable, they are only moments predisposing to this disease.

Predisposition must be understood here as heredity, i.e., that any of the relatives of the sick person has ever suffered from epilepsy. This, however, is absolutely not required for the occurrence of a serious illness. If the patient is subject to predisposition, then the neuropsychic shock of the central and peripheral nervous systems contributes to the appearance of a complete picture of epilepsy.

In the old days, doctors defined copulation as temporary epilepsy, and with good reason. Tissot, Hoffmann and Galer note cases of epileptic seizures after each act of onanism. Zimmerman describes cases of epileptic seizures in a 23-year-old boy after onanistic exercises and nocturnal emissions. When the patient succeeded in mastering his impulses, the epileptic fits ceased, but resumed with even greater force, as soon as he fell into his vice again. Prof. Morel describes the same case, in which he indicates that the epileptic seizures completely disappeared from the patient and that he managed to cure the patient of onanistic inclinations. Such a favorable outcome completely restored the mental faculties of the patient, who returned to his normal activities immediately.

Often we observe epileptic seizures after the act of copulation among animals, mainly dogs. Everything that we have given here in connection with epilepsy and onanism is almost completely applicable to the definition of the connection between hysteria and onanism. Hysteria is also a predisposing symptom, but by no means can this phenomenon be taken into account as the immediate cause of the disease. Hysteria, on the other hand, is exclusively associated only with mental processes and has the same unclear etiology as epilepsy. We know cases when hysteria appears in people who are mentally very excited, regardless of whether this excitement is single or repeated for a long time. Onanistic excitations are strong mental and physical irritations that can bring the central nervous system out of its usual normal state of equilibrium. This, of course, is aggravated if the subject has a predisposition to illness. A perverted upbringing, which entails excessive mental stress, certainly sets the stage for hysteria.

Sexual processes for the development of hysteria do not pass without a trace; this statement is confirmed by countless observations in medical practice. In women, hysteria is closely associated with sexual affects that occur after nymphomania and other sexual excesses, and after onanism, hysterical seizures are observed in women. Tissot and Foder give many authoritative facts in support of this opinion; thus, it is safe to assume that masturbation is a factor that reveals hysteria, but does not generate it.

Furbinger proves quite rightly that insanity is not a direct consequence of onanism or excessive sexual excesses. He categorically does not allow that sexual neurasthenia could result in a severe form of psychopathy. In contrast to this opinion, such solid authorities as Griesinger and Ellinger prove that masturbation is a serious cause of insanity.

Our conclusion boils down to the unanimous diagnosis of eminent scientists and observers that masturbation causes great harm to mental abilities, reason, weakening memory in the first case, and hindering the development of thinking in the second. Masturbation can also cause mild psychosis (malancholia, hysteria, mysticism), but always in the presence of heredity. Onanism never leads to severe psychoses and cannot cause either insanity, or suicide, or progressive paralysis.

In the statistics of psychiatric hospitals, we find the following figures for onanics: in Sweden, the mentally ill turned out to be 3.7%, in England - 1.1%.

Short-term onanism, which inevitably arises as a transitional form to sexual intercourse in almost all people, does not affect mental abilities in any way. The longer and longer masturbation lasts, the more dangerous it is for a person and his intellectual activity.

Just as psychosexual perversions can cause masturbation, masturbation is a predisposing cause of the mentioned sexual psychoses. It is physiologically difficult to establish boundaries between normal and excessive. We pointed out even higher that this depends on the subjective, individual characteristics of a person. By nymphomania and satyriasis, we define the acute sexual state of a man or woman, in which the most indifferent ideas entail voluptuous sensations, and this sexual lust is so strong that the patient tries at all costs to be satisfied.In their sexual excitement, patients reach hallucinations, insanity, and can often be dangerous to public morals.Nymphomaniacs and satyriasis are not difficult to recognize, since they lose their self-control so much that they do not try to clothe their pernicious passion They are seized with a wave of their dirty desires and lose all concept of shame, there are times when they indulge in their vice even in the presence of strangers.

Deslyand explains all these anomalies by a false upbringing. He knew a child-girl who could not be weaned from onanism either by requests, or exhortations, or threats, or even corporal punishment; she indulged in this vice shamelessly in front of everyone, even at the dinner table, at the sight Afterwards, marriage did not save this woman from vice, and she continued to masturbate until her death.

The root of sexual vices hidden in the body awakens in a person onanistic inclinations, later on - perversions, and over time leads to sexual psychosis. As a curiosity, I will talk about a case of kleptomania as a consequence of onanism. Dr. Zippe in 1878 had the case of a 32-year-old patient, a baker by profession, who had masturbated for 19 years. When he saw a beautiful woman, he became so excited that his self-control left him; the heart began to beat strongly, the penis came into tension and in order to satisfy his passion, he had to touch some object of this woman's toilet, and he stole her handkerchief or something else, and after that satisfaction came . Mental delusion can lead to mutilation of the genitals, which is certainly a consequence of onanism.

We know many cases, disgusting in their savagery, which evoke feelings of disgust in us.

Chopard describes a case when a 15-year-old youth reached such perfection in vice that indulging in onanism eight times a day, he did not extract the seed. Subsequently, he began to irritate the urethra with various objects, but when this also ceased to work, he began to cut his penis with a knife, and the voluptuous feeling paralyzed the pain so much that at that time he was satisfied.

Very often we meet with the facts of damage to the urethra, the mucous membrane of the bladder, the uterine cervix and even the uterus itself. These mutilations of the genital organs give the patients a pure voluptuousness and in the end force them to turn to surgeons.

If these operations are performed without anesthesia, they are very painful and for a certain time wean the patient from this vice.


The harmful effect of onanism on the digestive organs is manifested exclusively through sexual neurasthenia. These phenomena, of course, are not as frequent as damage to the nervous system. In neurasthenics engaged in masturbation, digestion is difficult due to the so-called nervous dyspepsia, which is expressed in pain in the stomach immediately after eating, as well as in belching, vomiting, especially after mental unrest. These phenomena are accompanied by loss of appetite, ejaculation and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Less commonly, masturbators develop nervous gastric diseases, complicated by vomiting, perstaltic bowel movement, constipation and bloating.

A thorough study of patients showed that gastric diseases occur as a result of an excited mental state, as well as under the influence of onanistic seizures. The central nervous system governs all abnormal phenomena that cause pain in the stomach, and, as it turns out, this phenomenon is not of a nervous order, but has all the symptoms of a disease of the gastric nerves. In such patients, a headache, heaviness in the head, a violation in the field of sexual administration and an unbalanced state of mind are noticed.

The general condition of the patient depends mainly on the mood, and the mood of the spirit changes depending on the gastrointestinal phenomena. In some patients, stomach pains come on immediately after eating digestible food, even in small quantities, such as from a few spoons of soup, from two or three sips of broth; in other cases, the masturbator easily digests a large meal of hard-to-digest dishes. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis that could determine the origin of gastrointestinal diseases. It depends mainly on how the patient's stomach is generally adapted to the digestion of coarse food. Most often, we notice complications in the stomach in patients of the prosperous class, who are accustomed to pampered food, all sorts of delicacies, such as caviar, salmon, sardines, etc., as well as to alcoholic beverages, cognac, etc. Nervous diseases of the stomach are also joined by catarrh of the stomach. In young men of both sexes, at a time when the body needs an influx of nutrients and the need for food is increased, masturbation causes increased appetite.

At first, it seems that the body intensively replenishes the departed energy, due to the long process of onanism, by demanding large doses of food. Over time, with prolonged masturbation, a completely different picture is revealed: patients have thinness, pallor, and all those nutritional disorders that lead to nervous cachexia are noticed. All this is accompanied by a breakdown, weakness, swelling of the intestines, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea. Women are especially predisposed to this. I have observed in patients diarrhea of ​​an undeniably onanistic origin; one 20-year-old patient had attacks of diarrhea as soon as she got into bed and warmed her genitals. 5-6 times during the night she had these urges, and according to the diagnosis of doctors, and my personal observation, this woman suffered from sexual neurasthenia.

It was possible to establish that diarrhea followed shortly after the death of her husband and, as it turned out later, from onanistic manipulations, to which this widow often resorted. I advised the patient to get married as soon as possible, and when she soon carried out her intention, she was completely freed from all stomach pains. Here are the facts that convince us of the influence of sexual neurasthenia on the digestive processes. Prof. Preyer cites a number of cases of gastric diseases that have arisen in connection with a disorder of the sexual sphere. Hoffmann tells about a man who had diarrhea after an act of onanism, and Fournier comments on another case of a young man with severe abdominal colic and diarrhea caused by onanica, and when the patient was given dietary food (a small amount of red wine, meat food, etc.) All these symptoms immediately disappeared. In general, indigestion in masturbators is not so rare. It must be admitted, however, that Fournier somewhat exaggerates these phenomena. According to the general conclusion of doctors, sexual neurasthenia, which arose on the basis of onanism, entails disturbances in mental and spiritual activity and, in very rare cases, indigestion.


Not only doctors, but also most people know about the existence of a connection between respiratory organs(throat) with sexual functions. It is known, for example, how in the period of manhood the voice of young men changes, which then goes down, then rises, acquiring a shade of hoarseness or sonority. There are also cases when in ancient times they resorted to castration of singers, in order to preserve the voice, mainly in boys. In Italy, back in the 20th century, the testicles of boys were cut out when they entered the Italian church choir. Medicine knows cases when women undergoing a castration operation changed their voice, which acquired a masculine shade, more coarse, while in adult men this operation caused just the opposite phenomenon. The effect of masturbation on the lungs is insignificant, and if there are still reverse cases in medicine, then this refers to the period when masturbation has not yet been sufficiently studied by researchers.

Plyaters describes a case when a man who remarried, during intercourse with his wife and during ordinary sexual arousal, had asthma attacks. This subject died during violent copulation. Plyaters does not say anything about the true cause of the patient's death, that is, about a disease of the lungs or heart.

However, it must be said that the latest authors - modern researchers - are of the same opinion that masturbation has an extremely unfavorable effect on the lungs. Fournier, for example, testifies that onanists, for the most part, suffer from underdevelopment of the chest, difficulty breathing, lung damage and chronic catarrh. Fournier considers this fact so convincing that it does not need to be supported by other observations.

Even Riebing, this "innovator" in the field of investigating the causality of onanism, reports that diseases of the heart and lungs are undoubtedly the consequences of onanism.

Peyer cites a number of cases of asthmatic patients due to sexual excesses, i.e. there is a so-called sexual asthma. I admit that the process was aggravated by the phenomena of sexual neurasthenia, the bronchial state of the respiratory tract, and more often by asthmatic processes.

If we are talking about the direct and immediate effect of onanism on the respiratory tract, then I must point out that there is no direct effect of onanism on the respiratory and circulatory organs.

Onanism has a more detrimental effect on the circulatory organs. This time, sexual neurasthenia takes precedence. To be convinced of the influence of onanism on the activity of the heart, it is enough to follow the phenomena that arise during copulation. Excitation multiplies the number of heartbeats, breathing spirals, the face is filled with blood. This creates an excessive acceleration of blood circulation and brings the subject to the extreme limit of tension. Here is the question whether excessive onanism in the presence of a predisposition, such as arteriosclerosis and other causes, can lead to apoplexy or the occurrence of an aneurysm. In science we find cases when the excessive excitement of one man with a young girl led to death, due to an insignificant aortic aneurysm.Palpitations, attacks of pain in the chest region, increased cardiac activity, paroxysmal increased heart rate - can certainly develop in the form of heart neuroses in masturbators.

The fact that such phenomena on the part of the heart are still dependent on a strong nervous influence convinces us that onanists suffering from cardiac neuroses are also subject to other nervous diseases. The latter conclusion gives us an undoubted right to suspect sexual neurasthenia in the patient.


Following this, the question arises about the possibility of the influence of onanism on the muscular system, i.e. about possible consequences from onanism, such as complete paralysis and even partial paralysis. We must here, with regard to the influence of onanism on the muscular system, completely repeat what we have said about the relationship between onanism and the respiratory organs, i.e., that influence is exaggerated. In 1857, the famous French scientist Bourbon chose this issue as the topic of his dissertation. A number of his conclusions and observations boiled down to the fact that small rushes of blood should have an undoubted effect on the brain and, mainly, the spinal cord.

These phenomena give rise to partial shocks, which, in turn, lead to paraplegia.

I consider this incredible, since I do not know, either in my practice or in the practice of other scientists, cases of paralysis in a patient, contractures and other "shock" consequences from onanism.

In my opinion, onanism weakens the muscular system, which is why after each act of masturbation, along with a decrease in mental activity and slight physical fatigue, there is a weakening of the gait, fatigue, and sometimes pain in the limbs. Patients often complain of a feeling of heaviness in all members. I consider this kind of phenomenon to be symptomatic for diagnosticians as well, but as a doctor I cannot admit the dependence of paralysis on masturbation.


I have to divide this part into two groups:

1. Organic lesions and -

2. Lesions are functional.

Organic lesions are less important than the latter. According to the observations of doctors, from frequent masturbation, as well as from frequent perverted copulations, the genitals in men and women increase, especially in the former, when the size and size of the penis reaches extraordinary sizes. In boys and adult men, the penis and scrotum simultaneously increase, and in girls and women, large and small shameful lips and, mainly, the clitoris. This also occurs due to constriction from frequent flushes of blood. We find materials in studies on masturbation in which we can deduct that in prostitutes the clitoris reached a length of 6-8 centimeters, at which it swells strongly, turns purple-red, folds form near it and appearance it resembles the shape of the male penis. In medicine, we know cases when such phenomena gave us reason to consider such women as hermaphrodites. Their shameful lips lengthened, signs of edema appeared, they sagged and thickened. The external opening in these cases opens, and the expansion of the canal extends almost to the neck of the bladder.

If it can be argued that masturbators, as a result of their pernicious passion, enlarged the genitals, then it cannot be concluded from this that masturbation is the cause here. In the vast majority of cases, the genitals of onanists are no different from the genitals of all people.

Eczema, rashes appear on the genitals, arising from rubbing and scratching them. These are, however, rare phenomena and they appear mainly in girls and women. In practice, I usually did not have to observe this. Masturbation, performed by hand or in other ways, entails other consequences than rubbing the thighs, introducing foreign bodies into the genital slit, etc. Tardieu points out that some girls inserted various objects into their vaginas and developed the elasticity of the genital organs to such an extent that in later they succeeded without violating the hymen. With onanism, by rubbing the thighs, the foreskin develops less in relation to the size of the clitoris than when masturbating with a hand, and the clitoris does not lengthen as much, a characteristic feature is its elasticity and elongation, in the form of a pestle.

The effect of masturbation on internal female organs, especially on the cervix and its appendages, is also small. Most girls and adult girls are not so often prone to diseases of the genital organs, despite frequent masturbation. Experiments show that diseases of the genital parts in women arise mainly after marriage, and most often diseases occur as a result of gonorrhea in their husbands. However, it should be remembered that since there is some kind of anomaly in the uterus itself, then onanism, which sharply increases sexual activity and irritates the genitals, has an extremely unfavorable effect on the general sexual sphere.

Masturbation certainly affects the early development of sexual functions, that is. early maturation of sexual desire, and in connection with this causes premature erections and ejaculation. That's all I can say about the organic violation of the genital organs in masturbation.

Functional damage to the genital organs and urinary tract, no doubt, entirely dependent on sexual neurasthenia. I divide them into two groups:

a) on neuroses of genitourinary origin and - on

b) functional disorders.

a) neuroses.

First of all, in case of urinary diseases, the bladder is affected, i.e. there are nerve pains in the bladder.

The disease consists of suffering that appears in the area of ​​the pubic bone, occurring during or after urination. In addition, neurosis entails an increased urge to urinate, and at the same time urine comes out in drops, and in color and composition it is completely normal. This can be explained by the abnormal innervation of the muscles that block the bladder. Etoile reports cases of the appearance of bloody oochi after onanism and even its retention.

Even more terrible are the consequences when the so-called "urinary incontinence" appears in patients. This disease can last from the earliest years to the age of 30, and it occurs mainly in girls, as a result of onanism. I observed a 12-year-old patient, who urinated under herself every night. Her appearance, physique, melancholy appearance, and other signs led me to the idea that the girl indulged in masturbation. From the inquiries of others, I learned that my suspicions were quite reasonable, since the father overtook the girl during masturbation. Through long-term treatments, I managed to achieve very real results.

Sexual neuroses are often expressed in neuralgia of the testicles of the surrounding parts, and least of all - of the urinary tract. Among my patients, I knew one student who suffered from severe neuralgic pains in the region of the testicles, which soon spread to the spermatic cord and caused attacks of sexual neurasthenia as a result. I resorted to treatment with faradic current, and this gave favorable results. In other patients, I have observed increased sensitivity of the head of the penis. The least of all I have noticed in patients is the so-called "dance of the testicles", which occurs due to muscle twitching.

b) Functional disorders.

This phenomenon occurs in both men and women, moreover, in men it causes semen and impotence, and in women - infertility.

White sputum is undoubtedly the result of prolonged onanism. It is known that in young people leading a normal lifestyle (abstinence), wet dreams appear in a dream that occur without the participation of the will of a person. Pollutions are physiological and painful, but it is impossible to establish a boundary between them.

Pollutions arising in the state of wakefulness should be attributed to pollutions of painful phenomena, i.e. to periodic, too frequent eruptions of the seed during erection of the penis and voluptuous sexual sensations.

Semyonation, i.e. the outpouring of semen, which, in contrast to wet dreams, does not entail an erection, and is also free from voluptuousness, occurs mainly during urination and stool.

It can be said with full confidence that frequent wet dreams prevail over spermatorrhea. This is explained by the fact that the public considers wet dreams to be a safe phenomenon and is afraid of the ejaculation that occurs during bowel movements.

Increased walking, excessive tension, even touching the genitals can serve as an impetus for the appearance of sperm, which is reminiscent of the beginning of sexual excesses and onanism. Sperm is a cloudy gelatinous liquid with a specific odor, and if viewed under a microscope, it consists of billions of spermatozoa. With the progressive development of the disease, especially when wet dreams appear due to onanism, the semen becomes watery, more transparent, thinner, and the number of spermatozoa in it decreases. I must say that not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively they change.

The disease referred to here is due to the patient's neurasthenic tendencies, and is chiefly seen in the wealthy class, who do not overburden their mental functions with work and are able to indulge in sexual pleasures uncontrollably. It is this social position that multiplies the number of masturbators; it is quite natural that we find this disease predominantly in men of mature age, especially in the 20th year of life.

Sexual impotence (impotence) in men indicates onanism; by impotence we mean the inability to perform the act of copulation with the opposite sex, i.e. complete weakening of sexual activity during intercourse. Impotence is different in form: nervous and mental.

Nervous impotence is the most common form among patients. This impotence, since it is associated with sexual neurasthenia, is temporary, just like weakness, insomnia, palpitations. This typical picture of field neurasthenia is extremely varied and extremely variable. The only question left unexplained is why, with sexual neurasthenia, some have only seminal flow, others have nervous impotence, and others have both.

There is an opinion that onanism subsequently gives only seminal flow and that sexual impotence is caused by sexual excesses. Practitioners have observed that both of these vices result in joint symptoms, seminal bleeding and impotence, and sometimes (but this is less common) one of these phenomena. Onanism, along with sexual excesses, gives the same picture of seminiferous or impotence, which we observe in systematic (interrupted) copulations.

In patients, this disease appears in the following order: first sedation, and then - impotence. Furbinger reports that, according to his observations, about 30% of patients suffering from nervous impotence owe their illness exclusively to onanism.

So, we give a description of these diseases according to the following statistics:

1. Absolute impotence,

2. Relative and -

3. Temporary.

Absolute impotence is characterized by a complete inability to have sexual intercourse with a woman, despite the conditions conducive to this.

Relative impotence occurs when the ability to copulate is lost under the influence of the mood of the spirit and environmental conditions.

Temporary impotence cannot be characterized by any well-established symptoms, it appears rarely, for a short time and is soon replaced by full sexual energy.

The father of a large family - my patient - 40 years old, suffered from dyspepsia and cardiac neurosis. He complained to me that for 8-14 days he was not able to copulate with his wife, and he acquired this disease due to interrupted copulation, which he resorted to quite often in his married life. The first two phenomena (absolute and relative impotence) are the mildest forms of the disease, and they are accompanied by the disappearance of erection in men, without which the act of copulation is unthinkable. Very often, just before the introduction of a penis into the female sexual sphere, a sudden lethargy of the penis occurs, but there are cases when this lethargy occurs after its introduction.

Nervous impotence is accompanied mainly by the eruption of the seed, which occurs at the very beginning or even before the beginning of the act. Kraft-Ebing believes that an early form of impotence appears in persons who suffer from sexual neurasthenia. At this point, I draw the special attention of practicing doctors. - They have every reason to believe that if a patient has an early eruption of the seed, then there is sexual neurasthenia here, which will either lead to impotence or reward the patient with impotence.

Nervous impotence is the result of early ejaculation. This kind of form of impotence is the most common. Furbinger considers these sufferings to be very severe, approaching the forms of daytime emissions. I disagree with him in this view, as practice has shown me that there is a significant difference between them: daytime emissions, accompanied by only a slight sexual arousal and an attempt to copulate, accompanied by a slight erection and early ejaculation, but at the same time it gives everything effects that take place during copulation.

Nervous impotence also occurs as a result of a violation of a man's ability to erections - the most frequent form and, in practical terms, important. The penis cannot come into a state of great tension, and if he succeeds, then only for a few seconds. This phenomenon indicates that a person suffers from a decline in energy, a decrease in mental activity and relevance in all life issues. On the contrary, energetic people, possessed by a large will with sufficiently developed mental faculties, are prone to quick erections for a rather long period; with old age, all sexual functions die out: sexual lust, orgasmus and eruption of the seed. There is a picture similar to the above form of impotence. Nervous impotence causes in most patients local disorders of the genital area: either increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, or loss of its sensitivity.

Mental impotence is less often a consequence of masturbation, more often it is observed with "interrupted copulation", which has been practiced by patients for years.

Mental impotence often occurs in newlyweds and newlyweds, especially in the first time after the wedding. Patients at the same time are terribly depressed, oppressed, as their honeymoon is disturbed. I will allow myself to cite the mental state of an impotent described by Reti. "Two mutually loving people got married. The wife, possessing great beauty, grace, tenderness, in love to the point of self-forgetfulness, was ready to give herself to her beloved husband with fullness characteristic only of women, but at the decisive moment, despite the most ardent lustful urges, to his horror, he was deprived of the opportunity to cause an erection. The woman is amazed, depressed by the unexpected impotence of her beloved, and the latter, like a serious sinner, is humiliated and disgraced ... Every movement of his wife seems to him contempt, boundless mockery, and if she is so chaste that she does not understand the meaning of impotence, then the husband nevertheless experiencing a terrible feeling of depression and emptiness."

Suffering, internal division, fear of the future make a person an insignificant creature, this is aggravated by the fact that such phenomena were not observed before marriage. In most cases, such patients are young people in love who, during the time of their marriage, are obsessed with a certainty, bordering on psychosis, that they will not succeed in possessing a future wife.

How can this be explained? There is one mental explanation: lack of confidence in one's sexual power.

A tense idea of ​​future lust entails such a sharp increase in sexual excitability that the normal course of the reflex process changes, and just before the act of copulation, sexual tension falls. Most of the first couples, if they have previously engaged in masturbation, go to the marriage bed with a sense of horror and uncertainty about the positivity of the act. Here we observe all the symptoms of psychic impotence.

If mental impotence develops after marriage, then there are signs of previous onanism and "interrupted copulation" practiced for years. Young people are sometimes haunted by the obsessive thought that they will never cope with the necessary act, and this uncertainty entails phenomena of a purely nervous nature, bordering almost on auto-suggestion, they actually do not succeed in capturing a woman.

The weakening of sexual activity is revealed especially when the "early masturbator" begins to gradually refrain from his vice in order to prepare himself for normal sexual intercourse. Here we observe the premature eruption of the seed. These phenomena, however, disappear fairly quickly and without a trace, if only one who masturbates with sufficient willpower and determination leaves his vice.

Relative or temporary impotence in no way excludes the ability to reproduce offspring. Furbinger believes that mental or nervous impotence does not interfere with fertilization. The assertion that fertilization is impossible without sexual power is absolutely wrong; in fact, the essence of the prolongation of the human race is not hidden in arousal, but in the release of healthy fertilizing sperm, i.e., in a condition feasible by the percentage of people suffering from temporary impotence as a consequence of masturbation.

Since ancient times, diseases of the genital area in men, in the form of ejaculation or impotence, are explained as the consequences of onanism. Until now, it has not occurred to anyone that similar phenomena are observed in women. If we can argue about functional disorders of the female sexual areas that occur in exactly the same way as in men, then in women it is still necessary to distinguish between two types of sexual disorder, namely: 1) vaginismus, 2) infertility, both phenomena are the consequences of onanism. a consequence of masturbation, we have already indicated in previous chapters, it is only important to establish here that masturbation is a consequence of vaginismus, which is expressed in a greatly increased sensitivity of the hymen, with which the entrance to the vagina is so acute that copulation becomes unthinkable.This phenomenon gives rise to the suspicion of a predisposition hysterical women to sexual neurasthenia.Excessive sensitivity of the nerves of the genital area corresponds to the muscles that They also contract convulsively, at the most superficial touch to the genitals. Often these sensations are caused by a man with an inept approach to the act of copulation, ignorance of the anatomical devices of the female genital organs.

Prof. Kish reports such a case: a young woman suffering from vaginismus experienced such pain when a male organ touched her that she could not allow her husband to copulate. This led to further divorce. More than a year later, this lady came to me as a patient, remarried, who turned out to have a complete relapse of the experienced anomaly. Kish found clear signs of vaginismus in her, a disease that arose under the influence of prolonged masturbation even before marriage.

In my practice, there were other cases of vaginismus; I was able to cure these phenomena by abstaining from masturbation.

Infertility, as a consequence of onanism, is a highly controversial issue. In any case, if the influence of onanism can affect infertility in women, then this influence is not direct, i.e. in other words, masturbation may contribute to infertility, but it is not the direct cause of it. Aran used one patient in whom, due to onanism, the uterus and its appendages were poorly developed, and Cambel, on the basis of his practice, reports the case of the absolute cessation of menstruation in a young woman who indulged in masturbation.

Insufficient development of the sexual parts can, due to the abuse of onanism, be attributed to mutually dependent forms, but one should not conclude that onanism leads directly to infertility. After all, we know cases when the development of the genital organs suffers from the rudiments of infertility, that is, predisposition, and if, under these conditions, the state of the sexual sphere is aggravated by masturbation, then, of course, infertility can come faster.

The connection between onanism and cohabitation exists and is expressed in the following: the act of copulation in normal and healthy people should not cause either a breakdown or a depressed mood, this, of course, does not apply to nervous people, in whom these two phenomena, plus fatigue, arise directly after sexual intercourse. And in this case, one can unmistakably suspect sexual neurasthenia. We observe the same thing in persons subjected to seeding as a result of masturbation, and we see exactly the same picture when copulating with old masturbators. Mental weakness, general fatigue occurs in them immediately after sexual intercourse.


If we have concluded that masturbation affects individual organs of our body, if the consequences of masturbation affect the individual both mentally and physically, then we will unmistakably conclude that masturbation has a general effect on the entire human body. And here we are not talking about a breakdown or malnutrition, but about general depression, fatigue and complete disorganization of the organic state of a person, depending on the duration of this person's occupation with masturbation.

Personally, I am sure that the majority of young men, pale and thin, owe the state of their body to their debilitating vice. If any of the doctors does not share my point of view, then I attribute this to the insufficient study of onanism in the medical literature in general. In this case, I apply the method not so much medical as psychological: if the patient suffers from consumption, anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, general decline in strength, and, moreover, masturbates, then this defect contributes to an even more significant decrease in strength and disruption of the state of the body. I knew people with a very strong physique, in which masturbation undermined their general state of health, and if they point out to me that there are cases when masturbation did not affect the human body in any way, then I will attribute this to exceptional and unlikely cases.

Traces of onanism on human health remain in the form of a nervous disorder of the digestive organs, or other phenomena that entail complete decadence and strength and mood. One way or another, the consequences of onanism are felt, and no criticism of this view will convince me otherwise.

At the same time, there is a gait disorder, limited mobility, running and weakening of the muscular system. If, when observing young men with pale faces, suffering from apathy and fatigue, we cannot recognize the true cause of their condition, then, without any doubt, the cause lies in sexual excesses, regardless of whether it was natural copulation or onanism.

Onaniki also often suffer from insomnia, and if they manage to fall asleep for a while, then their sleep is sensitive, anxious, restless. All these phenomena drive them to the doctor, but they leave him for the most part disappointed. The doctor determines the disease of the stomach, nervousness, anemia, and often he does not recognize the true cause of the disease, while the patient hides: a sense of shame, awkwardness take possession of him. Complete mental discord, dissatisfaction begins, and the patient falls into despair. I am writing these lines so that the doctor in all the cases I have indicated will look for the main cause of the disease. The phenomena I have listed are so symptomatic that an unmistakable diagnosis can bring salvation to the patient.

I would like to finish this chapter with a few words about the consequences of onanism.

Let us assume the case when a person engaged in masturbation is endowed with excellent physical health, full mental flowering and does not suffer from his vice in any way, moreover, he enjoys absolutely hygienic living conditions. Nevertheless, I have no reason to believe that serious consequences will not arise from onanism under the indicated conditions. Undoubtedly, there will be a process of gradual weakening, both physical and moral, the degree of resistance to the will will decrease, and the patient will become a slave to his vice.

I think that we will be close to the truth if we point out that humanity usually begins its sexual activity with onanism, and if this vice, which began from a young age, did not stop in time, then it entails a chronic, I would say, epidemic continuation of masturbation. Here I turn to the characterization of the following stages of the consequences of the disease:

1. The stage of the physical and mental immoral state of the patient.

2. Stage of nervous diseases and -

3. Stage of offensive psychoses.

It should only be clear to the reader that I am not establishing here the stages that are obligatory for every onanist, I am only pointing out the progress of the disease and the consequences that may arise in patients with the unceasing development of the defect.

In the first stage, i.e. in the physical and mental immoral state of the patient, we notice a dull look, lifeless eyes, apathy, fatigue, pallor of the face, anemia. Under sunken eyes - blue circles. Movements are lethargic, apathetic, in a word, a person changes dramatically in appearance, which takes on the appearance of an "older person". To this physical lowness, mental faculties are also added: mental abilities are dulled, memory weakens, absent-mindedness appears, and faith in oneself is lost. irritability, solitude, a purely feeling of loneliness - all this completely destroys the personality, plunging a person into horror.Requires proper education in order to return the patient to a normal state, arousing in him those vital forces that provide support and faith in his future.

At this time, it is necessary to stop the disease in the most decisive way, until the entire central nervous system of the patient is affected.

When an internal disease appears in an onanist, a disease of the central nervous system, then we have here the second stage of the disease.

This second stage leads first of all to a weakening of the muscles, and it is not difficult to imagine the state of a person in whom, in addition to the general disorder of the whole organism and oppression of the spirit, there is also disorder of the muscles. Dizziness appears, light phenomena appear before the eyes, the entire nervous system is tense, the abdominal organs are subject to changes and contractions incomprehensible to the patient. The heart works intermittently, the pulse quickens, breathing is difficult (although no pathological phenomena are observed in the circulatory organs and respiratory tract). If the patient experiences a period of growth, then the process of chlorosis occurs simultaneously. Appetite disappears, and the patient, regardless of the degree of his intelligence and development, turns into a stupid, little thinking person.

If we add to this the painful loss of semen, vaginismus in a woman and sexual impotence in men, then it will not be difficult to imagine the patient and his state of mind. The first period of the disease does not violate the almost normal functions of the genital area; however, in the second period, the patient has a difficult process: the erection slows down and the patient has to resort to the help of fantasy in order to achieve sexual arousal. In these people, after sexual arousal and the onset of an erection, ejaculation immediately appears. Gradually, this leads to the fact that even in the absence of an erection, ejaculation appears in persons of the second stage, which becomes all the more painful and painful, since it mostly appears in society, in the presence of many people and comes so quickly that the patient does not have time to bow and retire.

Involuntary ejaculation, which usually occurs only at night, has a destructive effect on the psyche and physical condition of a person. This functional disorder leads to neuralgia in the genital area, thighs and lumbar vertebrae. The picture is complemented by damage to the urinary tract, incontinence or retention of urine, pain and pain during urination.

The physical development of the disease in females entails anemia, pale infirmity and a general breakdown. Diseases of the ovaries in young girls also occur to some extent due to frequent masturbation. To be more convincing that this is so, I will point out the case when, after marriage, these pains completely ceased in many girls.

Mental development is expressed in them in the weakening of memory, stupidity, forgetfulness, increased susceptibility, which easily excites fantasy, and so on. Here are two stages that appear in patients in extremely diverse ways. During this second period, there are cases of a sudden cessation of onanism, which is difficult to explain from a medical point of view: is this the result of internal work on oneself or a consequence of any other reasons or, finally, that the patient’s physical and mental state does not give him opportunity to continue masturbation.

The third stage - the stage of offensive psychoses - is expressed in the weakening of all mental abilities that suppress the brain activity of a person and deprive him of self-control. In these cases, patients develop mild psychoses: the noblest inclinations disappear, pangs of conscience arise, the process of spiritual oppression continues, and if, in addition, the patient is possessed by a nervous predisposition, then he comes to the deepest inner tragedy.

Lowering the moral qualities of a person, i.e. his moral principles and the violation of character are the undoubted consequences of onanism; first of all, it is necessary to develop in a person the concept of good and evil, of sincerity and truth. In a word, it is necessary to raise the moral state of a person to such a height that would allow him to look at his vice as an immoral act, the mind must raise its voice and force a person to work on himself.

Under other conditions, the masturbator becomes spineless, his actions are completely arbitrary, he is not responsible for his actions, he shows stupidity, and all his topics revolve exclusively around questions of sex.


Masturbation cannot help but affect the family and even all of humanity. In our social system, when a person lives not only his personal life, his inclinations to good or bad habits cannot but influence the environment. However, I believe that the question of the immediate danger to the family is somewhat exaggerated. Indirect dangers to others should also fade into the background. The well-known researcher Peter Frank testifies that onanists burden the whole of humanity with their existence, that they cannot give anything to either society or the environment in which they move, and therefore, in some cases, they should even be feared. Frank built his conclusions in such a way that he wanted to involve the state in the fight against this evil. I believe that he exaggerated too much the importance of masturbators for the environment and I think that logically I will open my thought correctly: for if we assume that masturbators are so dangerous for the family and others, then with the observations that we have, we must consider that one subject is dangerous for another, and that we are gradually in the sphere of mutual dangerous clashes of people and passions. The position defended by Frank is not humane, and I would say anti-social, since, on the one hand, it can lead to the complete contempt of onanists who would have to be looked at as lepers. Tissot testifies that masturbators lose the concept of natural pleasures during intercourse (he observed this phenomenon more often among women). According to Rousseau, the natural pleasures of love cause complete indifference among masturbators, and they prefer to the very bed of marriage to indulge in this korok, rather than live the normal act of copulation.

Consequently, Tissot came to the conclusion that masturbation keeps many in the position of perpetual bachelors. This opinion is supported by Prof. Alibert, who reports a case of such a great predilection in a patient for onanism, that natural intercourse disgusted him, and women never aroused this man.

I personally attribute this phenomenon rather to perversions of the sexual state and, perhaps, to the attraction of the sexes of the same name, but I can in no way agree with the conclusions of Tissot and Alibert.

In addition, I doubt that masturbation could give the same experience as natural copulation, because the instant gratification that immediately occurs with masturbation cannot be compared with the act of pleasure that a person receives from normal copulation. The duration of the process of onanism, i.e. moment of onset of ejaculation, I strongly deny. Only in people with great will, who know how to regulate the process of ejaculation, I allow in extremely rare cases a long process of manipulation without an immediate onset of ejaculation. I apply this to people who have mental abilities, i.e. reason prevails over everything else, and these subjects should be rewarded with great talent and good imagination. Nature indicates the absolutely correct paths that humanity should follow in sexual relations, while masturbation is an unnatural act and harms society by the very fact that it undermines the physical and mental functions of a person as a member of society and family Our youth would certainly be stronger, more spiritual and stronger if they were delivered from this vice.

From this point of view, masturbation even poses a danger, and I understand why Burdak claims that masturbation is a "crime of the human race", and in the opinion of another scientist, "neither war, nor smallpox, nor plague, nor other disasters can give humanity such unfortunate consequences, like onanism, which is a devastating fact for mankind. The epidemic nature of such a phenomenon is threatening for mankind. So does Paris.

Roleder G. Masturbation

She caught the old man’s goldfish and tells him in a human voice: “Until then, old man, as long as you have desires, I will fulfill them all, and as soon as there are no desires, I will let you go and you will become Free”... From folklore

We live in a strange time when science has become a slave to the unbridled passions of people. And under the influence of the so-called "scientific" propaganda, the ideas of the masses of people regarding what is good and what is bad are literally turned upside down. For example, a few decades ago, no one had any doubt that smoking is bad habit. Now more than half of the population smokes. Moreover, already at the conferences of the International Health Association, serious statements by scientists began to appear that smoking can be useful, at least in small quantities - no more than a pack of cigarettes a day!!!

If people still have some doubts about drug addiction, alcohol and smoking, then with regard to sexual pleasures, the means mass media with the support of "scientific authorities" from the numerous Vasyukinsk State Medical Academies and their ordinary students, who found refuge in various medical institutions, issued an unequivocal verdict: " A normal person cannot live without a regular sexual life, this is the most important component of human life.".

In support of this, they will give you hundreds of "evidence" and research results, as well as backing it up with modern "scientific" theories.

Popular science should always be questioned by any sane person. Just as doubts arise about statements regarding the quality of some Chinese or Vietnamese consumer goods, with which all markets are inundated. Quality items are always more expensive and you need to look for them. In the same way, in modern real science there is a commensurate number of respected scientists whose works confirm the inestimable benefits of sexual abstinence.
Here is an excerpt from one of the typical articles ( Dr. R. W. Bennard, Health Research Center, California), titled "The Physiological Value of Abstinence": “At present, not only among the mass population, but also among doctors, views have taken root that ideas about the physiological value of sexual abstinence belong to the dark times of religious prejudice and scientific ignorance and are incompatible with the conclusions of physiological science. Some pseudo-sexologists have taken advantage of this idea for their commercial interests and have created in the minds of the masses of people a phobia of sexual abstinence, which has come to be regarded as the cause of nervous and mental illnesses and as an undeniable danger to health. Such views lead doctors and psychoanalysts to see in abstinence the cause of nervous diseases among young people and advise young people to associate with prostitutes, considering the risk of contracting venereal diseases as a lesser evil than the damage allegedly caused by sexual abstinence.
However, a close examination of the facts below will convince any open reader that the views mentioned above are false, and that abstinence itself can never cause harm, but is always beneficial, and that when a person who does not live a systematic sexual life has problems, it is not to blame. in abstinence, but in alternative ways of expressing sexual desire, excessive nocturnal ejaculation, etc. In view of the fact that the seed is rich in lecithin, cholesterol, phosphorus and other components of the nervous and brain tissues, it is clear that it is intemperance, or the loss of these valuable nutrients for the nervous system, that entails exhaustion and, as a result, disruption of the functioning of the nervous system. and the brain, and by no means genuine abstinence, in contrast to the unscientific views of psychoanalysts.

We have seen that the internal secretions secreted by the gonads lay the foundation for physical and mental vitality, and that the sex hormones are present in the external and internal secretions of the gonads. Many of the effects exerted by such hormones, as we have seen, appear as physiological manifestations of the effects produced by the secondary absorption (resorption) of retained semen. Saving semen means saving sex hormones and increasing vitality, while losing semen means losing hormones and decreasing vitality. A chronic lack of such hormones leads to the appearance of symptoms of aging, which Voronov and Steinakh sought to overcome by increasing the amount of sex hormones in the blood.
The seed is a viscous protein-like liquid, alkaline, very rich in calcium and phosphorus, as well as lecithin, cholesterol, albumin, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, etc. During the ejaculation of a healthy man, about 226 million spermatozoa are emitted, which contain a lot of phosphorized fats (lecithin), cholesterol (the progenitor of sex hormones), nucleoproteins and iron. A drop of semen is considered equal in value to sixty drops of blood., from which it extracts some of its most important components responsible for the vitality of the organism.
Dr. Frederick McCann remarks in this connection: From the above, it should be recognized that the seminal fluid really has the potential to justify the views ancient authors regarding its life-giving properties".
The seed consists of substances of high physiological value, especially nutrients for the brain and nervous system. If the resorption of semen through the walls of the female reproductive tract has a life-giving effect on the female organism, the same must be true of the male body in which it is formed and stored. Conversely, the loss of semen must deprive the body of vitality and valuable substances necessary for nourishing the nervous tissue, such as lecithin, which has been used with great success to cure neurasthenia resulting from sexual excesses.
Here are some of the many physiological evidences that demonstrate the value of abstinence:
1. There is a marked similarity in chemical composition between the seed and the central nervous system. Both are particularly rich in lecithin, cholesterol, and phosphorus-containing complexes, which indicates that the ejaculations of the seed take substances from the body necessary for the nourishment of nerve tissues.
2. Excessive conscious loss of semen (through masturbation, intercourse, coitus interruption and contraceptives) is debilitating and harmful to the body and brain.
3. Excessive involuntary loss of semen (through nocturnal or diurnal ejaculation, spermatorrhea, etc.) weakens the nervous system and can cause neurasthenia.
4. Observations of the immediate effects of sexual intercourse indicate that it temporarily exhausts the nervous system, and if repeated too often, leads to chronic nervous weaknesses (sexual neurasthenia).
5. Abstinence is good for the brain (for the preserved lecithin from the semen withheld is the real food for the brain). Thus, some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led a life of abstinence. Among them: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer and others.
6. Recent physiological evidence pointing to the fact that seminal fluid contains substances of great physiological value (e.g. Poel's Spermin - a nerve stimulant, cholesterol, vitamin E, male sex hormones, etc.) supports the view that abstinence is beneficial for good health.
7. Leading physiologists, urologists, genitourinary specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists confirm the physiological value of sexual abstinence. Among such authorities: Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

Professor von Gruber Munich, an eminent sex therapist, says that it is absurd to think of semen as a harmful, unnecessary secretion like urine that needs to be regularly excreted from the body. Sperm is a vital fluid that is not only reused by the body during sexual abstinence, but through this reabsorption, has a positive effect on physiological health, as confirmed by great geniuses who have practiced total abstinence for most of their lives.
Dr. Bernard S. Talmy, an eminent American gynecologist, holds the same point of view, and believes that sperm, in the absence of exciting factors, is completely absorbed through the seminal vesicles, thereby making abstinence easy and habitual over time.

Professor Alfred Fournier, a famous physiologist, ridicules the idea of ​​"the dangers of abstinence for the young man", and that during his many years of medical practice, he never encountered any of these cases. Professor Montegazza, on the other hand, is convinced of the positive effects of chastity on both the body and the brain. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, cites the example of many famous athletes Ancient Greece(like Astylos, Dopompos and others mentioned by Plato) who practiced total abstinence during their training, which contributed to their unusually high energy levels. Professor Furbringer, a flamboyant German researcher, writes: "Sexual abstinence, contrary to the opinion of modern medicine, is not harmful to health". He writes that problems for bachelors arise not at all because of abstinence, but because of masturbation and other forms of satisfaction of lust. Krafft Ebing, a sex specialist, considers the "diseases of continence" a myth. Gynecologist, Loewenfeld, considers it quite possible healthy person live in complete abstinence without any side effects. Professor, endocrinologist F.G. Lydston University of Illinois: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the retention of semen in the testicles often has a positive effect on physical and mental energies.. Chassaignac claims that the healthier a person is, the easier it is for him to practice complete abstinence; only pathologically ill people with an unhealthy nervous system find it difficult to abstinence. famous explorer, acton, writes that the common misconception about abstinence as the cause of genital atrophy and impotence is a serious mistake.
Convincing evidence for the benefits of abstinence comes from research on sexual orgasm. Havelock Ellis, in his "Studies in the Psychology of Sex", refers to studies Dr. F. B. Robinson. He notes that when a stallion is first allowed near a mare, after a short vigorous copulation, the stallion often loses consciousness, the cause of which Robinson sees as the cerebral anemia thus produced. He mentions one case when, after copulation, the stallion fell dead. Young bulls also often lose consciousness after the first connection with a cow, and it is very common to see a young bull so exhausted that he crawls into a quiet corner and lies there for several hours. However, dogs do not faint during copulation because they have longer intercourse, and dogs do not have any seminal vesicles. As for the boar, the orgasm in these animals is so strong that it seems as if the animal is experiencing a strong pain shock, from which, after copulation, it cannot move away for several hours. Havelock Ellis writes: "By understanding how much detumescence has an effect (cessation of erection after ejaculation and orgasm, approx.), we can explain the occurrence of serious consequences after copulation. Young bulls and stallions faint after the first copulation; boars can be seriously injured after copulation; stallions, as mentioned, even died.In humans (males), the time of detumescence lasts somewhat longer, but numerous accidents after sexual intercourse are known, which are the result of vascular and muscle spasms involved in the process of detumescence. people after the first copulation in their lives. Epilepsy was rare. Sometimes there were lesions of various organs, even rupture of the spleen. In mature men, after intercourse, brain bleeding occurred as a result of the inability to resist high blood pressure. In older men, intercourse often caused death, there are many examples of old men dying after intercourse with their young wives or prostitutes."

The famous Russian general Skobelev died while cohabiting with a young girl, possibly a prostitute. Researcher Robinson draws attention to the case of a judge who died shortly after having an affair with a girl in a brothel, and to the case of a man in his seventies who died after having intercourse with a prostitute. Such sad cases usually occur with older men as a result of sexual intercourse with young girls.
Acton, a famous medical researcher, writes that in some people, orgasm is accompanied by processes that resemble a mild form of epilepsy. After sexual intercourse, the nervous system becomes exhausted for a while. This has also been observed while observing the rabbits, who, after each copulation, fell into a fit of mild epilepsy, rolled their eyes. Animals often made several spasmodic convulsions with their hind limbs, suffocated for some time, until the nervous system was restored. Acton mentions deaths that have occurred in brothels as a result of the adverse effects of orgasm on the nervous system and on the body in general, especially in sensitive people. Geddes and Thomson, in their book, The Development of Sex, addresses the fact that some spider species die after fertilization of a female. The same cases occur in some types of insects.
After sexual intercourse, any living creature lowers the threshold of resistance to diseases for a while, fatigue and a decrease in energy occur. "Reproduction (reproduction) is the beginning of death."
The loss of lecithin and phosphorus with each loss of semen in any case leads to a temporary deficiency of these substances in the body, as a result of which the nervous system and brain suffer first of all. Psychiatric hospitals are overflowing with patients affected by excessive sexual activity. The lack of lecithin is very detrimental to the brain, measurements showed its deficiency in all mentally unhealthy people.

The greatest geniuses of antiquity and modernity reached the peak of their creativity precisely during forced abstinence. An example is Dante, who wrote The Divine Comedy while in exile, Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in prison. Milton wrote Paradise Lost while blind and unable to have sex. Newton kept his mind alive until the age of 80 thanks to abstinence, the same can be said about L. Da Vinci, Michelangelo and many other great geniuses.
“After every loss of sperm, you lose all the best in the body, every drop of sperm lost will be compensated from your blood. Sperm must be re-absorbed by the body and become the material for the formation of healthy muscles, joints, bones and brain. By throwing away your sperm, you are throwing away your life.».
“When you see such phenomena as paralysis, apoplexy, rheumatism, diseases of the brain, a tired, exhausted face, stooped shoulders, when young people turn into old men ahead of time, you can be sure that this is the result of excessive loss of semen and the harmful effects of orgasm, sexual abuse relations."
“You will observe these consequences all around you. The consequences will be denied, all diseases of the body will be explained by any other causes, but we assure you that nothing is so debilitating as excessive sexual activity, and any sexual intercourse is an excess if it does not carry the goal of conceiving children.
"The consequences for disobedience to this law are a shortening of life and an increase in disease, examples of which can be seen everywhere." According to Acton, sexual orgasm resembles an epileptic seizure both in its manifestations and in its effects. Mental weakness and physical exhaustion are always companions of sexual orgasm. Acton says that only very healthy sexually mature men can endure a moderate sexual life without consequences. In young people, all vital forces must be preserved for growth and development.

Dr. Ryan writes that sexual intercourse can be compared with an electric shock; both the mind and the body are under its influence, the influence is so great that a person does not hear or see anything for several seconds, and some people even lose their lives after sexual intercourse. That is why sexual intercourse is dangerous after severe wounds, bleeding, etc. Here is how it describes Rouband effects of sexual orgasm, comparing it with a mild epileptic seizure: “The circulation is accelerated, the beating of the arteries is increased, the venous blood, blocked by muscular contractions, increases the general temperature of the body, and this temporary stagnation, especially in the brain, as a result of contraction of the muscles of the neck and sometimes throwing the head back, causes a sharp accumulation of blood in the brain tissue, in this while the perception of the surrounding world is lost, the ability to think is suspended. The eyes take on a characteristic haggard, inflamed appearance. Often the eyes are spasmodically closed during orgasm to avoid contact with light. Respiration is quickened, sometimes interrupted, and may be stopped altogether by spasmodic contractions of the larynx, and the air, compressed for a while, is finally emitted in the form of groans or snatches of words. The jaws, strongly compressed, often injure the partner's teeth, lips, or even shoulders. This insane state lasts for a very short period, but this time is enough to exhaust the forces of the body, especially the person.
Professor Lidstone believes that the consequences of sexual excesses are similar to the consequences of masturbation, in both cases there is a change in the composition of the blood and general metabolism, as a result of the loss of lecithin, cholesterol, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It is now widely believed that, unlike masturbation, sexual intercourse is harmless under any conditions and in any quantities. However Leadston strongly opposed to this assertion. He believes that the Sexual excesses are the most common cause of many diseases modern society . Moreover, according to the professor, sexual excesses adversely affect not only the male, but also the female body.

This is how he describes the consequences of sexual excesses Tissot: “Sexual excesses disrupt the activity of almost all organs ... Digestion and sweating are disturbed. There are rheumatic pains, characteristic weakness in the back (violation of posture), underdevelopment of the genital organs, loss of appetite, headache, etc. In a word, nothing shortens life so much as the abuse of sexual pleasures.
Dr. Talmy states that frequent intercourse leads to anemia, asthenia of muscles and nerves, indigestion, malnutrition, mental exhaustion. People who are excessively fond of sexual pleasures can be recognized by their pale, elongated, flabby faces, which are sometimes tense in a special way. These people are depressed and usually completely unsuited for any laborious long-term physical or mental work. Professor von Grubber, believes that frequent loss of seminal fluid leads to a "reduction in the specific internal secretion of the testicles", which would otherwise enter the bloodstream. Depression, fatigue and general exhaustion, feeling of pressure in the head, insomnia, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes, fear of bright light, trembling, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, memory loss, neurasthenia, inability to mentally and physically work, reduced digestion efficiency, - these are, according to the professor, the consequences of sexual excesses for a man.

What is excess? Any sexual intercourse that does not carry the goal of conceiving children is, in fact, an excess.
The man is sexually perverted. He is the only animal that supports prostitution, the only animal that is demoralized by all forms of sexual perversion, the only animal whose man (male) attacks women (female), the only animal where a woman's desire is not law, the only one who does not use his sexual energy in harmony, as nature intended.

Of all mammals, only civilized man suffers from a self-invented cult of sexual satisfaction, unhealthy sexual excesses. Wild animals mate only at certain times of the year, and only for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act always, and in most cases without the purpose of conception. On the other hand, as noted Havelock Ellis, the more primitive human races, leading a more natural way of life, are much more chaste and do not suffer from sexual excesses. This should suggest that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural, and that the overexertion of sexual activity among them is not at all due to a natural instinct, but due to artificially imposed social incentives, as well as due to a high-protein diet (along with lack of physical movement), tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, movies, conversations, etc. This may well be the explanation why civilized people have inferior offspring much more often than primitive peoples (savages) and animals.

The ancient Spartans were a people with a high level of sexual ethics, who practiced abstaining from sexual excesses. Men and women lived apart, even when they were married.
In order to preserve the chastity that Lykergus (Sparta's legislator) considered essential to the energy of the Spartan race, he (Lykergus) forbade the consumption of meat and other stimulating foods, and instituted a vegetarian diet. Alcohol was also banned. Lykergus also forbade eating at home, so that the people of Sparta would eat only at the collective public tables, thus controlling their diet, he was able to control their ethics. The people of Sparta became famous throughout the world for their morality, courage, physical and mental development. Vedic view
I would like to warn the reader who is not experienced in the intricacies of modern science that for any scientific arguments one can always find other scientific arguments that refute them.
“Logic does not lead to any conclusions,” says the Mahabharata.
Numerous sayings Srila Prabhupada on the subject of sexual abstinence one to one match with Professor Bennard's statements above, saying that semen withheld enriches brain tissues. In Sanskrit it is called urdhva-reta, or "raise the seed up". The Shastras state that brahmacharya(period of apprenticeship) gives good health, strong memory, vitality, clear mind, will power, ability to convince others, etc.Dhvanvantari, an incarnation of Krishna, in which He gave Ayurveda (the science of Vedic medicine) to humanity by teaching it to His disciples, said that brahmacharya is the best medicine.
“I tell you, brahmacharya is truly a gem. This is the most effective medicine. It is the nectar that destroys all disease, decay and death. To achieve peace, effulgence, memory, knowledge, wealth and self-realization, one should observe brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is the greatest dharma, the greatest knowledge, the greatest power.”

From the above, it becomes clear why illicit sex is a sin. And not only extramarital affairs and abortions, but also the use of any contraceptives and pregnancy prevention measures. In addition to the psychological and social consequences that we have already discussed and will continue to talk about, sex is so destructive to the body that the only thing that justifies it and turns it into a real sacrifice for Krishna is the desire to give birth and raise good devotee children who can develop love of Godhead and go back to Goloka-Vrndavana. Thus, illicit sex, like alcohol, smoking or drugs, destroys the human body, which is designed for the highest goal - self-realization. Therefore, this is the same sin, or, in another language, a violation of the laws of nature or God, for which we will have to bear natural reactions both in this life and in the next. The names of Vedic sages such as Narada Muni, Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami or prominent personalities of the relatively recent past (the same Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Seraphim of Sarov, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, etc.) give us a little idea of what is prepared by nature as the norm of the intellectual abilities of the average man, and how far, due to their addictions, most of us are separated from them.
Physiology female body naturally different from men. Here, the Ayurvedic "seed" corresponds to the follicular tissues of the ovaries, which are ejected from the body with each menstrual cycle, so it is impossible to talk about any "retention of the seed" here. This, by the way, is consistent with the well-known statistics confirming that the most striking manifestations of intelligence are found in men than in women (in the Kali Yuga, REVERSED).
In Vedic times the practice brahmacharyas was the norm for all people, and therefore such "bright manifestations of intelligence" among men were found at every turn. This allows us to understand the physiological background of the Vedic statement that "women are generally less intelligent than men." So the problem today is not so much with women as with men. But, despite the differences in the physiology and psychology of men and women, Ayurveda equally speaks of the beneficial practice of celibacy for women (we can’t even talk about the dangers of many contraceptives). It also has a beneficial effect on health, but psychological factors carry even more weight - so much so that chastity is the basic dharma for a woman.
Note that the principle of celibacy, or sexual abstinence, works only in conjunction with a versatile positive spiritual practice. Those potential physiological and psychological disorders on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, which modern medicine speaks of, may well take place in the life of a person who does not have a higher taste for spiritual life. Along with this, as Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, “having acquired the highest taste, a person easily leaves the lowest”. In this way the devotee simply gets rid of lust itself and thus automatically solves the problem of how to satisfy it. That is brahmacharya- this is not just celibacy, it is "activity on a spiritual platform."

The Shiva Samhita says:
“When the seed leaves the body, death approaches; the preservation of the seed preserves and prolongs life by supporting the body. Therefore, the seed must be carefully preserved. There is no doubt that the people who keep the seed live healthy life and that those who waste the seed die before their time, knowing this, the yogi should always preserve the seed and maintain strict celibacy.
Celibacy is a powerful weapon for waging war against inner demons - lust, anger, greed, etc. It gives unfading joy, continuous and undying bliss. It gives tremendous energy, clarity of mind, gigantic willpower, clear understanding, vivid memory and great inquisitiveness. Through celibacy alone, you can develop physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Celibacy is the basis of the perfection of the body. In order to have a perfect body, one must observe absolute celibacy. This is very, very important. During yoga practice, the seed turns into ojas-shakti. A yoga practitioner will have a perfect body. In all his movements there will be grace and charm. He will live as long as he wants. It was no coincidence that Lord Krishna persuaded Arjuna to become a yogi!
Those who are celibate often complain of the psychological fatigue associated with abstinence. This is just a delusion of consciousness. Sometimes you get a false feeling of hunger, but when you sit down to dinner, it turns out that you do not want to eat. Similarly, there is false mental fatigue. If you are celibate, you have tremendous mental strength and energy. You may not feel it all the time, but when the opportunity presents itself, you will show it, as a wrestler shows all his strength in the sports arena, although in ordinary life he does not think about it.
Being celibate greatly increases mental energy and strength. Such strength far exceeds physical strength. Remember Mahatma Gandhi. Physically, he was weak, but, mind you, he had great inner strength. He acquired it through constant and persistent observance of the principles of non-violence, honesty and celibacy. He influenced the world with his inner strength. Through abstinence, the mind becomes sharp and clear. Strength and endurance come.
The one who observes celibacy will easily cope with any disease. When an ordinary person takes a month to recover, a brahmacari will be perfectly fine in a week. Celibacy gives strength, inner health, peace of mind and longevity. It tones the nerves and mind, helps to preserve physical and mental energy, gives vigor and vitality, as well as strength to withstand any difficulties of everyday life. A person who observes absolute celibacy can move mountains, he can command nature and its elements, just as Jnanadeva did.
Awaken hidden reserves in yourself, reveal your potential by being celibate. Know God and rise above the suffering of worldly life with its cycle of death, birth and sorrow.

Below is a list eight "thresholds" that prevent movement along the river of absolute celibacy. You must be careful and circumvent these thresholds with extreme caution and great diligence:
1. Looking at members of the opposite sex.
2. Desire to touch, hug or be near members of the opposite sex.
3. Flirting, fun with erotic overtones.
4. Praises to her or him, made in the circle of your friends.
5. Conversations with him or her face to face.
6. Lustful thoughts about a man or woman.
7. Strong desire to have sexual intercourse with a man or woman.
8. Sexual pleasures.

Although the first seven phenomena do not lead to a serious loss of semen, nevertheless it separates from the blood and tries to escape as soon as the opportunity presents itself, in sleep or at other times. The first seven points deal with the mental enjoyment of man.

>Could you tell us about your experience with abstaining from sex?

(Bazhenov Alexey):
For the past 6 years I have been hatha yoga. It was the loss of the seed that prompted me to do this. I read the book "Taoist Yoga", after that it became clear to me that without special exercise the seed is simply impossible to keep. I think that no one will be able to object to me on this obvious fact. If someone nevertheless says that I am wrong, then I will give the following arguments:
1. The ancients said that there is nothing more difficult in this world than to keep a seed in oneself for as long as a person wishes.
2. Difficulty in the following: the seed is excreted by the body constantly, whether we want it or not, therefore when it becomes a lot, it is reset either up or down out . This happens in several ways, during sleep, when there is a non-voluntary erection (usually at midnight during deep sleep, when there are no dreams), during non-deep sleep (when you have a sexual dream), or when you go to the toilet, in the wrong way or even in the right way (almost every time this happens to everyone), while exercising (rarely).
3. Only an advanced yogi can give up sleep, so draw your own conclusion.
4. If the sadhak manages to hold the seed, even if for three months, then his gray hair will turn black, wrinkles will disappear, even teeth will grow again, then miracles simply begin. But not a drop can be lost, then it will happen.
Last year I lived in the Himalayas for several months, there in the ashram of Sivananda Swami. In Hrishikesh, I read many books on yoga, talked with some yogis, it turned out that the problem of semen loss exists even among fairly advanced yogis. Moreover, raising the seed up is singled out as a special direction in yoga, it is called Urdhvareta yoga, it includes a certain set of asanas, kriyas and mudras. These are rather difficult things to do, but very effective.. All these tricks help to keep the seed, but the longer you do it, the harder it becomes, sometimes it is simply unbearable that many sadhaks have mental deviations, therefore this yoga is not recommended for Kali Yuga even to the most determined sadhaks . Yogis recognize involuntary loss of semen as a normal function, this is not considered a fall, but the less often it happens, the better it is. After a long search and practical experience, I realized that purely mechanically, the seed can be preserved only with the help of Vajroli Mudra, 100% guarantee even during deep sadhak sleep SAVE YOUR SEED FROM AGNI (AGNI IS A SPECIAL FIRE THAT PULLS OUT THE SEED, IT CAN BE EXTINGUISHED and meditation). The meaning is the following WHEN AGNI DOWNS INTO THE MULADHARA CHAKRA (sex chakra), INEVITABLY THE SEED FROM IT RUN DOWN, FOR EVERYONE RUNS FROM THE FIRE / HERE, EVERYONE RUNS FROM THE FIRE, HE IS DEATH /, at this time, anyone regains consciousness, even if he was in a deep sleep, and nothing can change. Vajroli mudra allows you to close the gate of death (this is the place, after passing which, the seed will become completely lost) and most importantly drives the agni away so that the seed returns safely and the sadhak go to bed again . To master this mudra, a teacher is needed, otherwise the entire urinary system of the body can be damaged. I was not recommended to practice urdhvareta yoga and this mudra too, because you still need to move it up, and for this you need to do a lot of asanas and sit all day in meditation, and God forbid, get angry, envy, regret and show other negative emotions, otherwise the seed will become dirty and defiled, our mentality greatly affects the quality of shukra, such a seed cannot be lifted up. To clear it again you have to do asanas and it takes time to meditate, but the seed goes on being released. And if there is a lot of it, the sadhaka begins to overcome a strong sexual desire, and so strong that the sadhaka simply cannot leave the thought of sex for a minute, and he cannot find peace anywhere, just hell begins, SOME GO CRAZY / practices are from Shiva, Satan, and not from God - in a real righteous man, the seed naturally transforms like in the Golden Age, something knowledgeable yoga people try to create directions, enrich the teachings of yoga, perhaps, but the foundation is from Shiva, "teachers of teachers". My opinion is to study and double-check everything. Meditation? Good activity is needed - to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and not to consider the world an illusion and go away from it into a dream - meditation. ENERGY TO SPEND, TO BE ACTIVE IN THIS WORLD - that's what you need. I know from experience that if physical exercises, sports, then it is easier not to lose the seed. and if you sit all the time - problems. This is even recommended to teenagers in a book for boys in adolescence. And do not eat much, asceticism in nutrition, and of course only living food and a little (gluttony => fornication, do not feed Agni).
Shiva teaches immobility - the mind, to sit in an asana, not to breathe in pranayama (to bring the breath that sustains life to a complete stop) - but it is necessary on the contrary - to turn the planet into flowering gardens, to create without destroying, to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, Satya Yuga, NEED ACTIVITY NOT PASSIVITY. THE SUN WOULD TAKE AND WOULD GO INTO THE CAVE TO DO MEDITATIONS, SIT IN ASANA, AND WOULD LEFT US WITHOUT LIGHT AND HEAT - BUT IT DOES NOT DO THIS, IT IS CONSTANTLY WORKING FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD AND NOT ITSELF (unlike Yogis). Yogis LEAVING FROM THE WORLD, WITHDRAWING FEELINGS FROM OBJECTS, HIDING THEM IN THE SHELL, MOVING INSIDE, CONSIDERING THE WORLD IS AN ILLUSION, ETC. THEIR FOUNDATION IS FROM SHIVA, IT SHOULD BE CLEARED OF HIS LIES, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CHECKED. Shiva’s task is to bring yoga to Kaul-Yoga+Bhog, engaged in debauchery not to lose the seed, from this he becomes even more sophisticated and enjoyment is even stronger, the addict is ready, Shiva Cupid, Kama-Vev, his task is to bring the whole Kali-yugu to bring TO COMPLETE DEGRADATION AND TO MAKE THE KINGDOM OF HELL - GROUP ORGIES, ETC. LUNAR CULT WITHOUT MASK/
. In the Himalayas, you can cope with this, for example, lie all day in the icy Ganges, or perform some other austerity, only with acute pain you can beat these thoughts out of yourself and purify the seed /THUS SHIVA TEACHES - MAKE FLESH, DO SADISM, I LIKE, KILL FLESH/
. Yes, and God forbid, there will be a woman nearby, a misunderstanding may happen. That's why in the west, practicing urdhvareta yoga is just a big stupidity. Of course, the results of complete celibacy are tempting - 12 years of complete celibacy (i.e. not a drop of semen to pass down) and all 8 maha-siddhas are at your feet.
>Often I have observed thatyogis do a headstand. Does it really help in directing the seed to the brain?
(Bazhenov Alexey):
Undoubtedly, this asana does this, however minimal effect will be obtained if you stand for more than 10-15 minutes every day, but in order to avoid the harmful consequences of this asana, it is done in combination with other asanas, which takes another 15-20 minutes and that 30-40 minutes a day will be spent on this matter. There are many other asanas that are equally powerful in terms of raising the semen. But they are more complex and again take time. Moreover, in urdhvareta yoga there are two tasks 1 - save the seed and 2 - lift it up this asana raises but does not preserve the semen. (This asana dramatically improves memory is a useful addition. Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that in order for there to be at least the slightest chance to save (not to mention raising it) the seed for at least two months (!) You need to do yoga exercises every day for at least 3 hours, plus follow so many rules of behavior ( how to walk, look, defecate...) plus, if you do not know Vajroli-wise, you need to sleep in the cold at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, and preferably 5. I think that not everyone can stand it, psychologically and physically.
>Then what yoga exercises do you recommend to control sexual energy?
(Bazhenov Alexey):
So the bottom line is simple when you read japa do it while in one of the classic sitting asanas (padma, siddha, swastika or vajra) will do, in Turkish or semi-lotus. The point is that according to the yoga shastra, seed / lie, agni/rises up through the sushumna - this is a channel inside the spine / as they say in Dattatreya-yoga-shastra sushumna - this is mahapathi-ovfifyf - the great path of cremation, self-destruction, self-immolation / , so the back should be straight as much as possible during the day . This greatly simplifies the process. When you sit in the asana, this creates pressure on the Muladhara chakra and, as it were, squeezes the seed upward. And it literally starts flowing upwards. You should feel the following: after some stay in the asana, the genitals will come into a slight excitement, but after a couple of minutes this will pass, then you should feel a heat at the base of the spine / this is kundalini, agni "at the bottom" of our microcosm, raising it to the head, yogis destroy themselves, burn in mystical fire, Shiva is the destroyer of the worlds and came to destroy all life and he raises fire from the bottom - kundalini / it will feel higher and higher until it finally hits the back of the head, all the while you will be hot / raising fire is not a seed, these yogis compete in drying sheets in the mountains, melting ice floes - they are doing nonsense, it would be better if they did something useful, these egoists /and you will start to sweat, it's good just prana clears all clogged channels, especially sushumna. In this state, a very large amount of semen goes up. If you practice this, then over time, after some stay in the asana, you will feel great joy and happiness, if you open your eyes at this moment, you will see as if everything around is doused with milk or with closed eyes between the eyebrows a bright light /fire reached?/. This will be brahma-sukhi, this is due to the fact that all the prana flows in the body are balanced and the mind is focused on one object. The threshold of duality in this state is very low, the body is almost not felt. This can be achieved in a couple of months if you practice at the same time, perhaps immediately.
> What yoga system do you recommend?
(Subal das):
I asked this question to Prahladananda Swami, and he advised Iyengar yoga, which he himself has been practicing for a long time. There is even a good Iyengar yoga center in Moscow (313 83 89), run by Iyengar's student Elena Ulmasbayeva. Iyengar yoga is hatha yoga for kshatriyas and one of the most respected directions in the world. In Russian, several books by Iyengar "Yoga deepika" in the English edition "LIght on Yoga" and "Pranayama", and his daughter Gita "Yoga for Women" English title "Yoga gem for women" were published. There is also a good book Yoga for Women by Mehra.

"Abandon all reasoning about sex; practice special exercises. To be able to make love and not emit is the secret of semen preservation. Increasing the amount of semen and helping it is the way of vitality."

Council of the Mysterious Maiden to the Yellow Emperor,

2nd century BC e.

In earlier centuries, the emperor of China would invariably invite sages, usually Taoists, to his court to seek their advice regarding his sex life. As the story goes, before accepting the advice of any of the sages, the emperor required proof of his sexual abilities from any prospective teacher. He did this by offering the would-be adviser a full glass of wine and requiring the sage to dip his penis into it. If he was a true master of sex, he could swallow the wine with his penis and then release it back into the glass. This was taken as absolute proof that the sage could also absorb female sexual fluids, her Yin essence, and therefore knew the secrets of Immortality.

This practice of absorbing liquid into the penis is very real; it can still be seen on the streets of India today. An enterprising yogi from Bombay secretly sucked vegetable oil into his penis and then publicly lit it while urinating, proclaiming that it was divine fire. This is striking, but not very inspiring as a model for the transformation of sexual energy. This yogic suction technique is taken by many people to be the true practice of seminal fluid retention.

Retraction of any liquid into the urethra of the penis is carried out by creating a vacuum in the bladder with the help of some physical exercises. This is a dangerous practice because a man's prostate or bladder can easily become infected with infused fluids, especially female sexual fluids drawn in during lovemaking from extremely infected areas of the vagina. Yogis themselves tend to become ill as a result of this practice, and therefore all methods of semen preservation have gained a reputation in some circles as unhealthy and leading to impotence and prostate disease.

I warn my students never to suck up female fluids. The Taoist method of semen preservation that I teach is directed towards one goal - the transformation of sexual energy, or ching, into the highest levels of body, mind and spirit. Only the sperm semen is preserved, so that its essence is not lost outside the body. The method is useless if the ching is not extracted from the seed, pushed up and circulated throughout the body. There is no need to draw female sexual fluids into your body; the head of the cavernous bodies of the penis is specially adapted to absorb the powerful female essence directly through the skin.

But this Taoist method carries out a much more powerful exchange at the level of subtle energy. This is why I teach all my students to circulate their chi in the Microcosmic Orbit as a prerequisite for understanding the cultivation of ching from the gross physical level of sperm to the refined subtle energy of shen, or spiritual essence. When a person opens his Microcosmic Orbit, this is already a small enlightenment. The mind begins to realize that it has control over its own subtle energy. Eventually, you will come to know that the whole mind is the movement of subtle energy.

Learn to Circulate Your Chi in the Microcosmic Orbit

All of the qi cultivation methods detailed in this book, from the testicular breathing method to the big draw method to the valley orgasm, involve drawing the sexual energy stored in the testicles up the spine and into the brain. Once the brain is full, this energy will travel down the front of the body to the throat, heart, and navel. The brain and pituitary gland will distribute this powerful energy to all the places where it is needed and where it will satisfy such needs as fighting diseases, answering questions from a child, painting or making love.

This is what distinguishes sexual ching from other types of chi with special functions, such as liver chi. Sexual energy is an extremely versatile entity and can be transformed to carry out very many functions. This is one of the reasons why it is so nourishing for our spiritual being. It can easily absorb it, as if it were baby food.

Diagram 23

Learn to move your chi through the Microcosmic Orbit to master

the art of semen preservation and the transformation of sexual energy

It will be much easier for you to improve your energy if you first understand the basic ways in which energy circulates in the body. The human nervous system is very complex, and it is able to direct energy where it is needed. But the ancient Taoist teachers discovered that there are two energy channels that carry particularly strong currents.

One of the channels is called the "Functional Channel" (Action Channel) or "Yin Channel". It starts at the base of the body halfway between the testicles and the anus at a point called the perineum. It travels up the front of the body, passing through the penis, stomach organs, heart, throat, and ending at the tip of the tongue. The second channel, called the Poison Channel or the Yang Channel, starts at the same place. It flows from the perineum up to the coccyx and then up through the spine to the brain and back down to the palate.

The tongue is like a switch that connects these two streams - when it touches the palate just behind the front teeth, the energy can flow in circles up the spine and back down the front of the body. These two channels form a single circuit through which energy can circulate. This life current flows past the major organs and nervous systems of the body, giving the cells the juice they need to grow, heal, and function.

This circulation of energy, known as the Microcosmic Orbit, is the basis of acupuncture. Western medical research has already found acupuncture to be clinically effective, although scientists admit they cannot fully explain why the system works. On the other hand, the Taoists have been studying subtle energy nodal points in the body for thousands of years and have become convinced in detail of the importance of each channel.

It is this energy circuit of the body that also carries the sexual current from the testicles and circulates vitality throughout the body. This flow has a huge impact on your health as it switches your glands to secrete stimulating sex hormones that regulate body chemistry and ultimately affect your ability to do everything you do. It has a particularly strong effect on the quality of your lovemaking, because on a biological level, sex is mostly a matter of hormonal balance.

The sexual energy that moves in the Microcosmic Orbit is the original energy. Human life begins with the penetration of the sperm into the egg. This is the initial act of kung fu in the struggle between yin and yang. Sexual Kung Fu is a re-creation of this act within the male body. Only instead of creating a fetus growing in the female womb from a fertilized egg, spermatic energy penetrates into the higher energy centers in the body of a man and gives birth to a man on a spiritual level.

She is pulled up the Microcosmic Orbit where she literally rebirths a man," new life"- confidence in managing powerful flows of creative energy and satisfaction from a feeling of deep harmony. Wherever you "make love" with a woman or with life in general, energy flows through your Microcosmic Orbit. This is a feeling of intense family connection with everything around, centered in warmth the stream of life.

Significance of the Microcosmic Orbit

By opening this Microcosmic Orbit and keeping it clear of physical and mental blockages, large amounts of sexual energy can be pumped up the spine. If this channel is blocked by some tension or constriction, then during sexual arousal during lovemaking, the hot spermatic energy will seek another, easier, way out and will exit through the penis.

Then the sexual energy will be lost until the body goes through the long and physically tiring process of producing more sperm. Because of this eruption of sperm, some of the magnetic male attraction is lost. There are a number of methods of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra Yoga that create a very powerful flow of spermatic energy up the spine to the head using mantras, breathing techniques, yogic postures and locks.

Keeping the Microcosmic Orbit working is an important step in sealing this energy within the body so that it circulates and revitalizes all parts of the mind and body. Otherwise, when there is intense pressure in the head, most of it will flow out of the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth and be lost. It's like trying to heat up a room with body heat when all the windows are open - you'll be charged a very high fuel bill. You will use up a lot of sperm energy that is irreplaceable for immediate practical use, such as sharing it with your lover.

The easiest way to open the Microcosmic Orbit is to simply sit in meditation for a few minutes each morning and relax. Allow your energy to automatically complete this circle by allowing your mind to flow with it. Begin with the eyes and mentally circulate with the energy as it travels down the front through your tongue, throat, chest and navel and then up through your tailbone and spine to your head.

At first, nothing will seem to be happening, but eventually the flow will begin to be felt as heat in some places along this circular contour. The key to this is to simply relax and try to direct your mind directly to the part of the circuit that is being focused on. This is different from imagining in your head what that body part looks like or feels like. Don't use your mind as if it were a picture on a TV screen. Experience, feel the actual flow of qi. Relax and allow your mind to flow along with the qi in your physical body along the natural channel to any desired point, such as the navel, perineum, etc.*

* That is, move the concentration of consciousness in the body along the desired trajectory. - Approx. ed.

Those who are interested in fully mastering this method of relaxing and opening the Microcosmic Orbit may refer to my first book, Tao - Awakening the Light. The best lover is a completely relaxed person who understands what is happening inside him. A man who masters this easy way of passing energy along the Microcosmic Orbit of the body will find the distribution of his sexual energy a simple natural matter.

Practice shows that the techniques of Sexual Kung Fu presented in this book were mastered more quickly and effectively by those students who first studied the Microcosmic Orbit and opened its two channels for energy flows. Therefore, the study of the Microcosmic Orbit is highly recommended to all those students of Sexual Kung Fu who aspire to the true mastery of the techniques presented here. Without an initial knowledge of the Microcosmic Orbit, progress to higher levels of sexual energy transformation is very difficult.

Many people may already have "open" channels and just need to be told how their energy flows so they can take advantage of it. Others achieve this by simply being very relaxed and living close to nature. The benefits of mastering the Microcosmic Orbit extend far beyond facilitating the flow of sexual energy and include preventing aging and healing many ailments, from high blood pressure, insomnia and headaches to arthritis.

Mastering the Microcosmic Orbit also prepares serious students to use other energy-storing techniques, such as Iron Shirt Qigong I, II, III, a method of packing chi energy into vital organs AND storing it there, to complement sexual kung fu. Another powerful technique is Tai Chi Qigong, a compressed form of Tai Chi Chuan that circulates Chi energy between the body, mind, and spirit and strengthens the muscles, tendons, and bones. . - K .: "Sofia", 1997. - Approx. ed.).

Diagram 24

valley orgasm

Let qi accumulate in the main energy centers.

If the polarities with your beloved are balanced,

qi will rise without any effort

Let's deal with the first technique of semen preservation during lovemaking. Even if you don't sit every day and control the circulation of energy in the Microcosmic Orbit, just knowing that it exists in your body and automatically functions during this practice should help you master the methods of Taoist love more quickly. You can even master it by making love; all it takes is attention. The less "automatic" and more conscious you become of the functioning of the subtle chi energy in your body, mind, and spirit, the greater will be your freedom for yourself and for creative love.

External lock:

three finger method

The three-finger method of seminal fluid preservation has been practiced in China for over five thousand years. It is so easy and simple that everyone can quickly learn it and use it effectively. In this method, pressure from the fingertips is prevented from escaping the vital fluid. It takes a little more coordination than it takes to step on a garden hose to stop the flow of water.

The Three Finger Method essentially involves the following: A few seconds before the moment of ejaculation, press on the midpoint between the anus and the scrotum with the longest three fingers of your right hand. This will seal the seminal fluid and a lot of energy inside the body.


1. Locate the point: Apply pressure to the point midway between the anus and scrotum. This point, which is located in the lowest part of the torso, is the "door" through which energy enters and leaves the body.

2. Apply pressure: Apply pressure not too hard and not too light. The correct pressing force can be determined experimentally. Generally speaking, the stronger the fingertips are, the less force is required to stop the flow of fluid.

Diagram 25

External Locking Method: A few seconds before the start

ejaculation, press on the midpoint between the anus and

scrotum with the longest three fingers of the right hand

3. Use of three fingers: The duct through which the seminal fluid passes tends to elude the fingers. Two fingers cannot hold the tube in place and close it at the same time. We use the second and fourth fingers to press on both sides of the urethra and hold it in place. Then the middle finger presses directly on the urethra itself, which does not escape him because it is "pinned" on both sides by the other two fingers. The fingers should be slightly curved. The middle finger is bent a little more than the other two, in order to create a rigid, even wall through which liquid cannot pass.

4. Timing: As soon as you feel the inevitability of ejaculation, use your fingers for external locking. If you wait too long, no power can stop the flow. When you feel that ejaculation is coming, use your fingers. Locking must be done before, during and after the convulsions corresponding to ejaculation. Close the duct until you are sure that the pulsation has completely stopped.

The main result of seminal closure is that most of the fluid flows back into the reservoir it came from. No harm is done to the organs of the body, since the tissues in this area are very elastic and easily accept the returning fluid when you reverse its flow.

It may seem that the semen reservoir cannot contain liquid above the maximum level. This would be the case if the male reproductive system were just a hose and tank. But it's not. When the liquid reaches the top level, several things happen.

First, sperm production automatically decreases. This saves energy and materials needed to produce nutrient-rich sperm. Second, there is a natural tendency for the body to spontaneously reabsorb these fluids. Thirdly, the Taoists perfected a system for "evaporating" the seminal energy up to the higher vital centers, thereby reducing the pressure in the lower seminal ducts and in the prostate gland. This includes the transformation of liquid semen into higher energy states. It is like boiling water turning into steam, the properties of which allow the moisture to move towards the heavens while retaining the essence of the water. The liquid ching is similarly transformed into another, more mobile, energetic form that retains the creative essence of the ching.

Don't forget that the power of the seed is more than bare chemical analysis can explain. Any scientist can "cook" together the ingredients of sperm. But to breathe into them the power to reproduce life is a much more difficult task. What we are looking for in sperm is the life we ​​want to preserve and transform.

This method is mainly intended for beginners and more advanced Sexual Kung Fu practitioners, those who have not yet mastered the big draw method for semen retention, but still wish to continue making love without losing their semen. In short, this method is an external prop that you can throw away when you carefully study the internal practices. After the first few times you use this method, you may experience some discomfort. This is normal and should not cause more anxiety than the fatigue of muscles that have not worked for a long time after a good job.

Timing and security issues

1. Don't overdo it at first. For the first few weeks, use this powerful practice no more than once every two to three days. The older and the weaker should use this method no more than twice a week at the very beginning of its practice.

2. After using the method, the vital heat may increase so much that you may begin to feel thirsty. Just drink more water.

3. After practicing external locking for one to three months, and in some cases even earlier, sexual urge will increase markedly. Erections will become more frequent. Increase your sexual activity at a moderate pace. Do not abuse your newly acquired power.

4. Practice requires a well-defined pressure with the fingertips. If you're too weak to do this, do a few fingertip push-ups every day. Use five fingers for this, then four, then three, and increase the number of push-ups as your strength develops.

5. Since a small amount of semen will remain in the urethra, some semen may leak out when the erection of the penis weakens. Therefore, when using this method for birth control, you must remove your penis from the vagina until the erection decreases. If you enter a woman for subsequent intercourse, you must first urinate to prevent pregnancy. To be 100% sure, use this method in combination with a sperm-killing foam or other contraceptive of your choice.

6. At first, you may experience mild fatigue after sexual activity. The vital resources of the body, however, will increase rapidly, so that all fatigue will disappear despite a slight loss of energy.

7. In this method, a certain amount of vital energy is lost. Losses can be avoided by using the more advanced internal locking method described later in this chapter. The energy loss is usually between forty and sixty percent of the seed's energy. However, it is much more preferable than indiscriminate ejaculation of seminal fluid. External locking markedly increases strength and puberty. This is a great beginner method and a good prelude to the internal locking method.

Subsequent perineal massage

After using the external lock, you should massage two key body acupuncture points. The first of these points is called the Huiyin, or perineum. It is located halfway between the anus and the scrotum. You pressed on this point to lock the seed. The second point is called Changqiang and is located in the middle between the coccyx and the anus.

Diagram 26

Gently massage the perineal and coccyx areas

to facilitate reabsorption of the seed

fluids and to prevent accumulation

excess energy in the prostate

Huiyin: This is the starting point from which the path of energy begins up the front of the torso. It is located at the lowest point of the body. The Huiyin point connects the highest point of the Baihui body on the crown of the head with the lowest point of the Yongquan on the sole of the foot.

Through the Baihui point (crown of the head), the energy of heaven is drawn into the body. Through the Yongquan point (the sole of the foot), the energy of the earth is absorbed by the body. The Huiyin (perineum) point is thus the central point between the top of the head and the sole. It is an important connection point at the crossroads of energy transmission paths.

Through the Huiyin point (perineum), the Yin energy, the energy of the earth, enters the torso. Through this door, the energy of the testicles also enters and leaves the body. In other words, when the Huiyin door is closed, it conserves life energy. But when ejaculation opens the Huiyin point, life energy can spill out with dire consequences. Slowly flowing blood accumulates and stagnates in the perineum. When the blood stays here due to the weak flow of Qi and the effect of gravity, many health problems arise. This can lead to hemorrhoids. When qi constantly flows out through the lower energy door of the body, the veins swell with blood.

Changqiang: The point is located between the tip of the coccyx and the anus. Through this point the energy flows up to the head. From the head, the energy will diverge further throughout the body.

There are many important nerve endings in the Changqiang area. This point is the beginning of the second main route of "electrical" energy in the body, known as the "Control Channel". This channel goes from Changqiang to Baihui and further to the palate.

Vigorously massage the areas of the Huiyin and Changqiang points, making 27 to 81 circular movements at these points through a double-folded silk cloth. Massage with three middle fingers. The use of silk fabric will prevent irritation in these sensitive areas. At the same time, the energy flow also increases due to electrification by friction.

Massage helps relieve muscle tension and facilitates reabsorption of seminal fluid. It is essential for preventing prostate problems and, more importantly, it stimulates the flow of energy upward to the Baihui point on the crown of the head.

Realize the amount of energy generated

The power that you begin to accumulate in saving the seed is enormous. She can break a massive bone. For this reason, the sutures on the skull of advanced adepts often come apart. This force can break through the plates of the skull, increasing its volume and opening direct access to higher energies.

The practice here advocated may enable the individual to regain some of the child's great capacity for learning and regeneration. Only people with spread cranial plates are both advanced adepts and children. Meditative practices set forth in the books and courses of the Taoist esoteric yoga centers allow a person to copy another aspect of the child's life process. They allow a person to direct energy through the channels that are used by the fetus in the uterus for "electric" breathing. The fetus uses energy much more efficiently than humans at any stage of their existence.

The degree of perfection of what goes on in the womb renders all other human actions comparatively ineffective. The process of meditation acts to renew those sources of creative energy that gush forth as we undergo the metamorphosis of development from a single microscopic particle to a human being consisting of quadrillions of cells.

After practicing for one to three months of retaining the seminal fluid, the beginner may experience some sensation of pressure in the head. For some, this sensation will be very unpleasant; for others, it can be not only tolerable, but also quite pleasant. This feeling of pressure is due to the unusual intensity of the upsurge of vital energy to the top of the head. This is a sign of progress: the body has significantly exceeded its normal needs for vitality.

One who is born to practice esoteric love enjoys this intensity of life. This sensation is an early sign of the development of higher body chemistry. This phenomenon has been popularized by Hindu yogic teachings in the West as the power of kundalini. With this body chemistry, energy that would normally be lost is conserved and transformed into higher states of health and consciousness. The gradual increase in this vital force does not pose any danger to your health. However, if the energy builds up very quickly, or if the growth is uncomfortable, it can be released or directed to other parts of the body. Physical work, foot massage, and a heavy grain or meat diet can also help ground this energy.

If you don't want to do the high pressure relief exercise in chapter 6, or if you don't feel like going any further down this path, you can just ejaculate once or twice to release excess energy during this time. Then once again carefully accumulate the seed to improve your health and pleasure, until the pressure rises to too high a level. Again, if you feel like it, you can ejaculate. Even such a practice with ejaculation from time to time for three months will lead to a significant reduction in energy losses during a normal lifestyle. If you handle the semen regularly in this way, without going to higher levels of practice, then you will enjoy your great advantages over your former way of life.

Subsequent periodic movement of sexual energy into the head

Periodically moving sexual energy upwards is the most important practice after external locking. The three finger method prevents a lot of energy from escaping, but it does not by itself drive the energy upward. Therefore, for this important movement of energy, the development of special equipment is required.

This method moves the sexual energy from the lower centers to the energy reservoirs in the head. When the head is fully loaded with energy, high quality energy overflows and spreads throughout the body. This method is similar to the testicular breathing method (Chapter 5), with the difference that in this case there are reservoirs of ching-chi accumulated during lovemaking, located in the lower part of the body. Because the energy has already been withdrawn from the testicles and warmed up (though in the process of cooling down) after lovemaking, this movement of energy into the head is more intense than during testicular breathing.

Basic Technique: After intercourse with an external lock, wash and massage the Huiyin and Changqiang points through a silk cloth or just with your fingers if there is no cloth. Then take a lying pose on the right side. Draw energy from the penis, testicles, and the Hui-yin up to the head. The tongue should be pressed against the palate, as in all other exercises in which energy is transferred.

Draw the energy upward from the sexual organs, as is done with testicular breathing. Inhale not very hard. As you exhale, fix the energy at the highest point to which it has risen. During the exhalation, do not allow the energy to fall below this highest point. Then again draw the energy up from the three lower centers until the next exhalation.

To understand this process, you must imagine the process of filling a very long straw with water. The bottom of the straw is in your penis and testicles, and the top is at the top of your head. The straw is too long to fill in one breath, so you must inhale and then close the end as you exhale. Otherwise, the liquid will run away and you will have to start over. Fix the energy at the level to which it was drawn out, and then exhale; then inhale the liquid even higher. You will feel cold energy (or warm if you are still sexually aroused) leaving your groin and moving down your spine.

Continue driving the energy higher and higher up the spine to the head and the Baihui point. It may take one to two months for the energy to enter the coccyx, but if she has passed this difficult milestone, she will make a sharp jump to the middle of her back. Then she will jump to the back of the neck, and from there to the Baihui point.

After a few weeks or months of practice (depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the frequency of practice), the head reservoir will fill up and the energy will run down the front of the body with relative ease. It passes through a point between the eyebrows, then down through the palate to the tip of the tongue. It continues its way through the throat, chest and navel. Collect energy at the navel, and when the qi fills the navel region (cauldron), it will overflow into the sex center, rejuvenate the genitals and complete the circle at the Huiyin point.

This technique cannot be understood immediately. While you may feel lukewarmness (retained semen) in your lower body after a few days or weeks, it may take several months for it to be fully conveyed down your back and into your head. Don't let this discourage you: if you are persistent, the energy will surely flow. You will open an extremely important route for the passage of vitality to all parts of the body.

When you complete this circle, you will feel a cold energy flow, Yin energy, circulating along the entire length of the route. This is a very important achievement that marks the completion of a pivotal step in improving your energy and health.

Summary of External Locking Method

A. During lovemaking

1. When you feel that ejaculation is coming, use three fingers to stop the flow of seminal fluid.

B. After making love

1. Rinse and gently massage the Huiyin (perineum) and Changqiang (coccyx) areas through a double-folded silk cloth.

2. Lying on your right side, draw energy up to your head from your penis, testicles, and Hui-yin. When the head is filled with energy, let it flow down to the palate, throat, heart center and solar plexus and collect it at the navel. By returning the energy to the original area, eventually complete the full circulation of sexual energy to strengthen your sexual organs.

Internal locking: pulling nectar up towards the golden flower

More than any other part of this book, this method requires careful study. He explains in detail the essence of the practice of semen conservation, energy transformation and the exchange of male and female energies. It is good if, at the beginning of the study of this technique, you will adhere strictly to my descriptions. Once you've mastered the basics, you'll be able to experiment and make changes that work for you. You will find that certain techniques are consistently effective for you. All people are different, so use what is best for you. Don't forget that semen preservation is not an end in itself, but only a means to an end. We save the seed to accumulate energy so that we can enjoy love and life more deeply.

Real esoteric methods are not complicated. If only geniuses could use them, there would probably be no great practice. The simplicity of esoteric love is itself the true secret. I explain everything in such detail so as not to waste time on questions and so that there is no risk of being misunderstood. But once you have learned the method, it is simple. For the sake of brevity, I will refer to the practice of "pulling the nectar up towards the golden flower" simply as the "big draw." This shortened term is used by my English-speaking students instead of the older Chinese name. He describes the process more concisely.

For the sake of clarity, I've broken down the big draw method into its component parts. When practiced correctly, it is a single action performed jointly by your body, mind and soul. If you feel that these three aspects of your personality are not well integrated, work on mastering the big draw on the physical level and meditate on the Microcosmic Orbit daily to distribute your energy more evenly. You will probably go through an unpleasant period in your practice if you have many blocks and impurities that your newly rising chi will try to clear out. As you continue to practice, you will feel the qi of your physical body become more integrated with the subtle sex essence and spirit of your personality. You will know this by the fact that your life will begin to flow more evenly and with more love.

Secret steps to prevent ejaculation in the big draw

In order to resist the strong urge to ejaculate, you must block the nerve impulse that causes ejaculation. The main technique for interrupting this impulse is to forcefully pull the muscles of the lower torso, teeth and fists quickly. You perform this blockage after completing the first cycle of penile insertions.

Step 1: Stop inserting the penis, squeeze the urogenital diaphragm tightly, and step back.

As a beginner penis insertion technique, I suggested three slow shallow insertions followed by one deep insertion to the bottom of the vagina. The more sensitive areas of the vagina are located over the top two inches. This area is densely laced with nerve endings and corresponds to the first two inches of the male penis. Deeper the network of nerve endings becomes more sparse.

Diagram 27

big draw

When ejaculation approaches, step back

to the level of penetration into the vagina

to a depth of one inch, or to the G-spot

As the penis sinks into the vagina, it is covered more and more tightly. In terms of our "struggle of the sexes" metaphor, frequently diving deep into the vagina is like pushing deep into the enemy's territory again. There, the enemy surrounding you will overcome you. Retreat after deep penetration is unreliable. It takes great discipline and little movement to make this retreat successful.

With practice, you will get first to six, and then to nine superficial insertions of the penis, alternating with one deep insertion. If you are new to the practice of semen retention, or if you have met a new or exciting partner, you may find it difficult to complete 81 shallow (and 9 deep) insertions without rest.

When you first feel ejaculation approaching, no matter how many insertions you have made, stop these insertions and squeeze the urogenital diaphragm tightly. When you stop inserting the penis, do not withdraw it completely. Step back to the level of penetration into the vagina to a depth of one inch. Stay there until you regain control. The insertion of the penis itself produces a large amount of "electricity".

An even greater amount of "electromagnetic" energy is produced during intercourse due to the faster than usual movement of hundreds of millions of spermatozoa. As energy builds up in the genital area, the local nerves send an excitation signal up the spine to the brain, which gives the command to "shoot." In this sense, even a genital orgasm happens in your head. You are simply training your mind to have a higher, more mentally and spiritually integrated orgasm.

If your partner wraps her body around you and tries to take you deeper into herself, back off to the point where she can no longer follow you. As she lowers her arched back, follow her down, staying near the entrance to her vagina. Teach a woman to rest when you need to regain your composure: never forget that she will be your best ally if you acquire her loving cooperation.

Step 2. Holding your breath, do nine quick, hard muscle contractions.

After inhaling through the nose, quickly make nine very strong contractions of the entire muscles of the lower body, teeth and fists. This is a variation of what you practiced as a 36 rep power lock exercise. In that exercise, you did one long contraction of the muscles for every deep breath. In the big draw, you perform nine quick muscle contractions for each breath. These contractions are very difficult and require so much force that there is too little energy left in the nerves to trigger ejaculation. Do up to six sets of nine contractions until the craving for ejaculation leaves you.

In this method, your aroused sexual energy tends to leave the nerves and take up residence in the contracting muscles. The inhalation after nine contractions must be rapid so that the nerve impulses are interrupted as often as possible. Repeating the nine squeezes six times should substantially reduce the urge to ejaculate.

You can do less than six sets of compressions if it allows you to regain control of yourself. Since you are lying in the arms of a woman and your penis is in her vagina, your semen will be more uncontrollable than a kicking wild horse that has been spurred. The redundant nine contractions of the big draw are needed at first to keep the semen under your control. Over time, you will be able to eliminate the annoying bucking caused by the spurs and enjoy a smooth and energetic riding experience.

In preparation for the release of seminal fluid, your gonads expand. The big draw contraction reduces their size, literally squeezing the energy out of them and reducing the "sex-electrical" tension. The shorter the time interval between compressions, the greater the muscle strength is used to hold the seed. With more time between pulls, the muscles have less strength. The inhalation must also be fast enough to prevent the energy from slipping back into the genital area. Holding the breath during all nine contractions weakens the nerve impulse directed to ejaculation.

Your goal is to change the direction of the flow of seminal fluid. Physically speaking, the speed of your spermatic energy moving up the spine should be increased. Acceleration takes place only during the contraction process itself, and not when the muscles are already in a contracted state. Thus, in order to drive seminal fluid deep into the body and to cope with the urge to expend one's semen, many separate contractions are required.

Step 3. Squeeze your buttocks tightly.

Squeeze your buttocks tightly. The importance of this action cannot be overestimated. The driving force of the largest muscle in the body must be turned to your advantage. Push both halves towards each other with enough force to actually lift your entire body.

Maintaining good buttock tone is crucial to overall health. When this muscle is sluggish, energy flows continuously from your body. When it is strong, one of the two main energy leakage points in the lower body is blocked. Another leak in the lower body occurs through the penis during ejaculation.

A person can endure pain more easily if he strains his muscles very much. Just as a strong contraction of the muscles weakens the nerve impulse called "pain", so the nerve impulse that should cause ejaculation weakens. In both cases, the muscles absorb energy: this affects the passage of the nerve signal. Tension in some key muscle groups draws energy away from the genital area. Pulling the buttocks is especially useful for interrupting the neural circuit between the brain and the genitals at the base of the back. Squeeze your buttocks until they are hard as a rock; the signal to ejaculate will be intercepted and never delivered to its intended destination.

Step 4 Grit your teeth tightly.

Grit your teeth and firmly press your tongue against the palate. Violent pulling of the teeth interrupts the nerve current in the region of the head and neck. It also helps to firmly squeeze the buttocks. These two muscle contractions must be simultaneous so that they can reinforce each other and ensure complete locking. As you grit your teeth, push the seminal fluid further and further into the body. The greatest extraction of liquid occurs towards the end of the count: during the seventh, eighth and ninth pulls, you move the liquid the farthest forward. Be unwaveringly persistent in your desire to keep the liquid from coming back. The pulls from first to ninth should become progressively stronger.

As your sexual interaction continues, your pleasure will become more intense. When you reach the highest level of pleasure, you must constantly keep the urogenital diaphragm in tension. This will help prevent semen from escaping halfway through the door. Stop the sperm behind the dam. If it spills over her, attempts to stop her or use her energy will be futile. You must stop ejaculation before the sperm has begun its movement inside the body.

Step 5. Draw a wave of energy from the genitals to the head.

The big draw can be thought of as an internal wave starting at the constriction of the head of the penis and moving through the perineum and buttocks up the spine to the head. In this way, the energy, moving on the crest of a wave of conscious muscle contractions, will be brought to the head.

If you find it difficult to draw the energy directly to the head, you can draw it to the navel first. After it has accumulated there for a while, bring the energy back down to the Hui-yin point and then up the spine to the head. This will help it flow more easily, especially if you keep the seed carefully.

Diagram 28

big draw

Relaxation after the big draw expands the constricted blood vessels in the penis. It is at this moment, when you are not making any effort, that you absorb the most Yin energy. During the big draw, the energy of the woman enters the lower body of the man. During relaxation, the energy rises up to the higher centers. This phenomenon is especially noticeable when you practice the power constipation exercise.

At first, repeating the big draw may seem very difficult and detrimental to lovemaking, but with practice it will become easier. Hold the rebellious seed that breaks through the lower body door and dispels your powers. Your ability to use willpower to control the consumption of semen will become stronger each time. The more your willpower grows to prevent the loss of your sex essence, the greater your willpower in life becomes. At work, at play, in family relationships, your will to love and spiritual growth will bloom with renewed vigor, surprising you again and again every day.

Step 6. If the erection has stopped, start the insertion and gentle suction.

After the first round of insertions and strong compression, you may occasionally contract the muscles of the glans in the vagina while inserting the penis. The head of the penis is like a child gently sucking milk from its mother's breast. You begin, thus, to slightly pull the Yin energy from the woman. The big draw becomes more effective when the penis is already filled with yin energy as a result of gentle sucking.

Distinguish clearly the difference between a gentle suction and a big draw. Gentle suction accompanies regular insertion of the penis. Only the muscles of the head of the penis, testicles and urogenital diaphragm contract: the rest of the muscles remain relaxed and do not draw energy. In this technique, we do not pull the energy far. We prevent our energy from slowly moving forward into a woman. We also fill the penis itself with energy, which we will then transfer to the head with the big draw.

Big draw for women

Women should also practice the big draw, using the vagina to draw the yang energy from the man's penis. A detailed description of this method for women will be given in the next book of the author, "Cultivation of female sexual energy." Until detailed explanations are available, women can simply adapt the principles of Seed Kung Fu and do the big draw on their ovaries. Women often have a good intuitive understanding of the process; hence their superiority in sex. But there are always higher levels of love. I strongly advise women to suppress their genital orgasms. This will significantly reduce the loss of their energy during sexual intercourse. They can also gradually reach the "higher" orgasm, as the "mysterious gate" leading to the Tao. By this method of "pair cultivation" a man and a woman can reach the Tao together.

Big draw and masturbation

The big draw works well for the single man who either cannot find a female partner or wishes to remain single. Men who have a woman may also prefer training alone at first. I actually recommend this for most men because it's much easier to block the urge to ejaculate when you're not being stimulated by a woman's warmth and touch. The big draw for single men is performed in exactly the same way as described for couples, only instead of inserting the penis into the woman's vagina, the man stimulates his head with stroking and massaging.

This is different from masturbation, which ends with ejaculation. You must interrupt the urge to ejaculate before ejaculation by using quick, hard squeezes and big draw pulls. This can be done in any position - standing, sitting or lying down - but standing may be preferable at first because you are firmly on the ground and connected to its cooling yin energy.

A good reason to practice the big draw alone is so that you can clearly see yourself mastering the first level of the method, the physical control of ejaculation.

When you get your penis aroused, massage it until you feel the first signs of an urge to ejaculate, and then do a big draw before the semen starts to move. You must perform alternate contractions and stretches until you see that your penis has become flaccid. The stiffness of your penis becomes a barometer of your ability to perform the big draw. The more quickly you can soften the erection, the closer you are to mastering the method. Eventually you will be able to command it to come down with your mind alone, pulling the energy out of your penis and bringing it into your head without any muscular effort.

This method can be extremely helpful for any man who feels sexually frustrated. You simply make love internally, between the yin and yang poles of your body, imagining that you are pulling ching chi up for lovemaking at your highest center, at the crown of your head. If, however, you lose your seed during masturbation, it will be useless and it will be even worse than losing your seed in a woman who gains at least something from it by giving you her sweet Yin essence in return.

Even if you keep your seed, masturbation only offers you very dry yang energy, which can be very hot and intense, but unbalanced unless you have learned the higher levels of meditation to develop the male yin energy pole. This is why masturbation should only be used for training purposes; you should not allow yourself to be strongly attached to it, because this hinders your maturation. This training phase can last for some men from one to two years. It depends on how often you practice the big draw and other pelvic exercises and on having the right partner.

Morning erection gives powerful qi

Another case in which all men can use the big draw alone is when they have powerful erections that they have at night or in the morning in bed. This is a very powerful and pure ching chi produced after your body and mind have been recharged from sleep. Some Taoists believe that this is the most powerful qi available to a man. It is not diluted with any other physical toxins, and your own mind is so relaxed and free from external tension that it is able to absorb energy more easily than at other times.

Lying on your right side in bed, you can do the big draw until the erection stops. This may require more muscle contractions as more sexual energy builds up in the sperm palace. If this procedure creates too much energy in the head, be sure to bring it down to your navel, focusing your mind here and spiraling the energy into small circles three inches in diameter. Do this first clockwise (imagining a watch on your navel with the dial facing out) and then counterclockwise. This balances and centers excess energy. If that's not enough, do the high pressure relief exercise as well.

Excess energy in the head must be dumped

During a strong contraction, energy is forcibly drawn upward from the lower torso. At the same time, energy is drawn down from the head. Thus, a huge pressure accumulates in the middle part of the body. This high-pressure energy must be released: it cannot be brought out through the anus or penis because you have locked them up.

It rises to the ears and eyes, and some of it flows out through these openings. When energy passes through these organs, it strengthens them, gives them new strength. If the eyes are open at this time and somehow rotate in the sockets, then more restorative energy flows to them.

The energy that you have begun to generate by saving the seed is enormous. It has the ability to break thick bone. For this reason, in advanced students, the plates at the top of the skull are often "relaxed". Energy can flow through them, increasing the capacity of the skull and opening direct access to higher energies.

The practices promoted in this book can enable a man to regain some of the child's amazing ability to learn and regenerate. Only people with "relaxed" skull plates are both advanced learners and children.

After one to three months of practicing semen retention, the beginner may experience a slight sensation of pressure in the head. For some, this sensation can be very unpleasant; for others it will be not only tolerable, but pleasurable. This feeling of pressure corresponds to the rise of vital energy to the top of the head, rushing there with extraordinary intensity. This is a sign of progress: the body has far exceeded its usual reserves of vitality.

Those born to practice esoteric love will enjoy this intensity of life. This sensation is an early sign of the development of higher body chemistry. With this body chemistry, energy that would normally be lost is conserved and transformed into higher states of health and consciousness. The gradual increase in this vital force does not pose any danger to your health. However, if the energy builds up very quickly, or if the growth is uncomfortable, then it can be released, directed to other parts of the body, used to energize meditation, or creatively used in other areas of your life and work.

Automatic mental control of ejaculation

According to Taoist tradition, at the dawn of human development, our ancestors had the ability to instinctively control sexual relationships. They could control emotions, ejaculation, sexual relations at will. But gradually our ancestors lost this ability. Due to excessive sex, excessive pleasure, excessive drinking and excessive thinking, they gradually lost this ability. This ability of the brain can be restored by training it to automatically stop the leakage of sexual energy. The key to this is to practice the big draw repeatedly until you can do it automatically. Then the nectar of your sex essence will flow continuously to the crown of your head, to the golden flower. In automatic mental control, the key element is the pineal gland, which connects the sex organs to the brain.

The greatest purpose of this lock is that after practicing it for six to twenty-one months, or after ten thousand big draws, you will be able to use only the power of thought to draw energy upward at any time and in any place, whether standing, sitting or talking. If you can draw up the energy and close the door of leaks continuously for a week, then you are starting to take control. From now on, concentrate your attention on the crown (pineal gland) and try to simply think of the energy moving upwards without using any great forces; eventually the door will close automatically and for as long as you wish. When you focus your mind on the top of your head, it will pull the energy up towards your head.

Some people may draw energy too often or in the wrong way, feeling that the energy is being held in the heart. To release this, drink tea with honey or brush the energy down the front of the body towards the navel with your hand, where it is safer to store it. If the energy is stuck in the heart, just breathe normally and use the mind to heal it. Start circulating your qi from the perineum. Inhale and mentally move from the Huiyin point (gate of death and life) up to the crown of the head (pineal gland) and down to the third eye (Yintang point) between the eyebrows. Stop for a while. Then go further down, and as you pass through the heart, try to think of the energy flowing down like a waterfall and entering the navel. Nine to thirty-six repetitions of this will gradually remove the energy stuck there from the heart.

You will eventually reach a state where you can control your sexual urges at will at any time. Even during a nocturnal erection, you can draw energy up - the erection will subside, and the mind and genitals will work together. You can control your sex just like you control the voluntary muscles in your arm. The degree of understanding that is necessary to reach this stage depends on the individual. Some do it quickly, some very slowly. The key is practice. After some practice, you will eventually gain more confidence and be able to control your sexual organs or open and close the door of the immortals (the gates of death and life) at will.

It should be remembered:

1. When you truly master the use of the mind to control the urge to ejaculate, on the second or third day after that, you may feel some pain at the Huiyin point or in the penis. That's the way it should be. The mind tells the muscles to contract and drives the fluid to the back, and it takes a lot of muscle effort to maintain this flow. Naturally, you experience muscle soreness in this area. Just rub the Huiyin point and try to relax the muscles. After a while, you won't feel anything like that anymore.

2. Some people who have accumulated a lot of energy in this way may feel hot, some may experience an annoying feeling of nausea or headache, because the sexual energy accumulates in excess in the upper chest. This is a mild case of "Kundalini Syndrome". The methods already mentioned can solve this problem: tea with honey or rubbing the chest with your hand. To burn energy, you may need to use running or other intense exercise. Energy should not be placed in the body in any unnatural way. The use of the Microcosmic Orbit is the most important safe means for evenly distributing sexual energy throughout the body.

3. In the final stages of automatic mental control of sexual energy, there is no need to clench your teeth, anus and buttocks. The whole body remains relaxed, and you do not squeeze the buttocks, but only the anterior part of the urogenital diaphragm and the perineum.

4. In order to more easily achieve the ultimate goal of automatic internal locking, remember that you can perform internal locking anytime you want, whether you are driving, sitting, drinking coffee or working. Practice contraction of the urogenital diaphragm, contraction in front, not in the buttocks. Do this until you can completely control the erection or the urge to ejaculate with a single flash of your thought.

Modern doctors (sexologists, psychoanalysts, etc.) actively promote active sex. At least the regularity of sexual life is considered one of the factors healthy lifestyle life. The irregularity of sex, by modern standards, leads to neurosis, increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

In the writings of ancient physicians - everything is exactly the opposite. Not being able to study the composition of semen in detail, they nevertheless strongly recommended sexual abstinence to men. And they argued that such a lifestyle preserves health, prolongs life and most beneficially affects mental health. By the way, some modern doctors also join their opinion. What are their arguments in favor of sexual abstinence?

The composition of sperm is unique

There is some illogicality in the statements of modern psychologists. They actively emphasize the usefulness of male sperm for the female body and at the same time strongly recommend that men regularly lose it. Sacrifice for women? Judging by the composition of the sperm - yes. Judge for yourself:

Sperm contains a huge amount of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, protein, iron, vitamin E, and other substances that are very necessary for the body. Receiving all this, women, naturally, improve their health. What about men? Dr. Frederick McCann equates one ounce of semen to 60 ounces of blood, that is, 1698 grams (more than one and a half liters) of blood. It is impossible, of course, to say that the "price" of a male orgasm is equal to one and a half liters of blood - such straightforwardness is still unacceptable. And yet, in these figures, you will agree, there is an impressive moment. Is not it?

What are the dangers of sperm loss

Under attack the brain and nerves. Sperm contains a lot of substances necessary for nourishing the brain tissue and the nervous system. Lecithin, for example, actively treats some nervous diseases. It is logical to assume that the immoderate loss of this substance eventually leads to nervous exhaustion. And also - to the loss of sharpness of thinking. Moreover, this happens on a completely physiological basis, due to the loss of the most valuable substances in the composition of the sperm.

By the way, many great thinkers practiced sexual abstinence: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nietzsche, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Wagner, Spencer and others.

Early old age. The works of Professor Brown Saquard and Professor Steinak convincingly prove the rejuvenating effect of the male seed. None of the modern scientists argues with this fact. True, this is served under the prism of the usefulness of sperm for the female body. And about, to put it mildly, the uselessness of sperm loss for a man is hushed up.

Shocking facts about the male orgasm

Stallion Orgasm: when a stallion is first allowed near a mare, after intercourse, he often loses consciousness. Sometimes it dies. Scientists explain this by the loss, along with sperm, of substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

young bulls after the first sexual intercourse, they often crawl into a corner and spend several hours there in a semi-conscious state.

Hogs (male pigs) experience such a strong orgasm that it seems as if the animal is experiencing a strong pain shock, from which, after copulation, it cannot move away for several hours.

Youths after the first intercourse, they sometimes lose consciousness, experience a gag reflex, painful urge to urinate.

Death by sex. In the annals of history, there are many deaths of older men during orgasm. Can't handle the brain.

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