Essay on the topic of a teacher through the eyes of children. Essay "a metropolitan teacher through the eyes of a modern teacher." Nomination: Best city school sports club

Berries 25.04.2022

students of the MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

Essay written by students about school teacher physical culture




"The teacher through the eyes of children"

(this section contains essays from students in grades 5-10 of the branch of the MBOU “Novolyadinskaya Secondary School” in the village of Tulinovka)

With. Tulinovka

Tambov district, Tambov region

Metlina Ksenia, student of class 10B

A teacher through the eyes of children.

School is our second home. Do you agree with me? I don't know anyone who would be against this statement. Judge for yourself: in the morning we rush to class. (Maybe someone is “dragging,” but not in our school.) Spacious, bright, it is waiting for us, hospitably opening its doors.

Tall, fit, handsome - this is how a physical education teacher should be. Seeing the figure of Sergei Anatolyevich easily climbing the steps of the stairs, the kids greet him from different sides. We, high school students, join them. The teacher smiles welcomingly, answering our joyful cries. He quickly goes into the gym and begins to “conjure”: prepares balls, hoops, skittles - in a word, everything that is needed for the lesson. His lesson is something special. There is a warm-up, a game, passing some standards, and showing new techniques and exercises. And all this is so unobtrusive, so interesting, with humor, with jokes. Don’t think that Sergei Anatolyevich has no discipline in class. This is wrong. He is strict and demanding, but at the same time he understands perfectly well that we are still children, and we cannot be drilled like on a parade ground. Although, I must admit, sometimes you have to “drill.” This is when we have a formation and song review at our school. We love these competitions very much. Oh, both we and Sergei Anatolyevich have to sweat while we learn to walk to the drill song. But then the day of the review comes. Here we try not to lose face, not to let our teacher and class teachers down. And Sergei Anatolyevich is a jack of all trades! He manages to give us the latest instructions, install equipment, film and take photographs. Well, how can you not love him!

Look for people like our Sergei Anatolyevich! He infects with his energy. Girls and boys play. The girls are losing. Sergei Anatolyevich will not allow this! He takes the side of the loser, and rest assured: the game will improve! And the girls’ eyes will light up with the fire of gratitude and love for their teacher.

After lessons we don’t want to part with him. We have section classes. And again our tireless teacher shows how to serve the ball, how to receive it, how to throw it into the hoop. This includes preparation for competitions. Sergei Anatolyevich and I not only receive children from other schools, but also go “to visit” ourselves. Our teacher is an example for us. He is honest, attentive, collected, cheerful, ready to help at any moment.

Sergei Anatolyevich, one might say, spends his days and nights at school, because for him, as for us, it is his home. He doesn’t have time to escort us out of the hall when adults are already coming to him. They have their own sections. And the villagers also need Sergei Anatolyevich: he is either a judge, a player on one of the teams, or a consultant. This is what he looks like, our Sergei Anatolyevich. An irreplaceable person! Not a single holiday in our village is complete without it, especially if it is a sports festival; we cannot imagine a single hike without it.

It seems that this is understandable, because Sergei Anatolyevich is a hereditary teacher. He absorbed the love for the profession in his family, and took the baton from his father, who was also a physical education teacher. We love our teacher and are proud of him!

Kuleshov Alexander, 6th grade student

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

We are taught by different teachers, and they teach different subjects. Each of us has favorite subjects and favorite teachers. And sometimes we love a subject only because we like the teacher. For example, I really like physical education, and there’s nothing to say about the teacher. Sergey Anatolyevich Antyufeev is a physical education teacher.

He is very athletic, our teacher. Everyone loves to go to his lessons because he is very kind: he allows us to play football, volleyball, and basketball. But if someone decides to mess around in class, Sergei Anatolyevich will immediately find something to do. Our physical education teacher doesn't like lazy people. One day my friend and I were sitting on a bench and doing nothing. Sergei Anatolyevich came in and looked at us so much that we immediately found something to do. With one glance he can force us to do something that we didn’t really want.

Sergey Anatolyevich – the most best teacher. He never yells at us. But if we do something without following safety rules, we can get a severe reprimand from him.

We boys strive to be like our teacher. For us, Sergei Anatolyevich is the ideal not only of a teacher, but also of a man.

Antyufeyeva Anastasia, 9G grade student

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

I was born into a family of teachers: my mother is a teacher. primary classes, father is a physical education teacher, grandmother is a former chemistry teacher and school director, grandfather is a former physical education teacher. However, as is known, it does not happen former teachers, so representatives of the older generation often try to teach me. But this is at home, and at school I am a student of my dad, Sergei Anatolyevich Antyufeev.

My dad is a kind, cheerful, creative person, and also very caring. By the way, he is exactly the same at school. Everyone respects and loves him precisely for these qualities. I know firsthand how difficult it is for teachers. After all, dad, in addition to lessons, teaches sections. It helps inexperienced people master the basics of sports. He also has interesting work: In his free time, he makes videos. But he is not going to give up anything. He enjoys working with us in class and seeing how much pleasure his work brings to people. Dad always clearly explains and shows some techniques and exercises; he does not refuse to help anyone. Always shows understanding. He manages to pay attention to everyone and sort out everyone’s mistakes. After physical education lessons we are always in a good mood. No matter how difficult the load, he manages to create an atmosphere in which we relax. He knows how to organize a team, even if the guys are not very friendly. I think Sergei Anatolyevich manages to instill a love for his subject.

I know our physical education teacher better than other students (after all, he is my dad!) That is why my admiration for him is many times greater than that of others.

Popova Lyubov, 9G grade student

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

Physical education is the basis of health. Every lesson is beneficial for us. We do exercises, jump rope, run, play volleyball, basketball. And all this under the leadership of Sergei Anatolyevich Antyufeev, our physical education teacher. All the children at school know him as a kind, sympathetic person who always goes above and beyond for his students.

I first recognized him in first grade, and I immediately liked him. To interest each child, he conducted his activities in the form of a game, so we enjoyed doing different physical exercise, and the lessons were fun and interesting.

Now everything has changed a little - we have grown up, but our teacher has remained the same. He doesn't know how to be strict. Sometimes, of course, he may scold him for the matter, but then he quickly returns to his usual state. I admire the way he conducts his classes. There is discipline in his lessons, but at the same time he can joke with us. Sergei Anatolyevich tries to find an approach to every child, will support anyone in sports endeavors, and will help those who are lagging behind.

His teaching methods mark him as an intelligent and experienced teacher. Sergei Anatolyevich raised many healthy, athletic students. Even former students of the school speak warmly of him.

There are many sports cups and awards at the school stand, and all this is the merit of our wonderful teacher, Sergei Anatolyevich. This person is doing something important and necessary thing: develops in us willpower and desire for our goal.

Gavrikov Sergey, student of 6D class

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

We have a physical education lesson today. This is a joy for us, because we will play different games. We love coming to the gym. Our Sergei Anatolyevich Antyufeev, a physical education teacher, meets us there.

He is a kind and sympathetic person. We go to competitions with him. And recently at a volleyball competition we lost all three games and were very upset. We boarded the bus upset, but Sergei Anatolyevich supported us. He said: “Nothing! This is just the beginning! Next time we will definitely win!” And we believe him, because our teacher is a sincere person. He understands us perfectly.

And he also has a good sense of humor. Girls are crybabies. Something doesn’t work out or you fall and immediately burst into tears. Sergei Anatolyevich has more than just kind words in stock. He laughs: “Don’t cry, I’ll give you some candy!” The mood immediately lifts. Our teacher can reconcile those who have quarreled, can listen, and advise something. If we talk about his merits, then there are many of them: he is kind, strong in spirit, brave, sympathetic, no one has ever seen him angry or angry. This is all important for a teacher.

Our school rests on people like Sergei Anatolyevich! And it also holds on because it has good, smart teachers. We love them very much.

Victoria Grigorova, 11th grade student

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

Attention to the health of children and adolescents is now very great. It is influenced by many different factors, including school lessons. Of course, lessons alone will not play a decisive role in this matter, but I think it depends on the physical education teacher whether the student will be interested in playing sports or not. Our teacher, Sergei Anatolyevich, successfully achieves this. As in any profession, school teacher should feel like a sought-after, respected person. Only in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support can a person’s abilities fully develop. No one in our school will doubt that Sergei Anatolyevich is an excellent teacher.

Of course, good physical fitness, fitness, and the ability to organize a lesson so that students do not get injured are especially important for a physical education teacher. Children come to school with different levels of training and sports skills, and the lesson must be conducted in such a way that everyone is busy, enthusiastic and receives the necessary load. Sergey Anatolyevich has extensive knowledge of what exercises are allowed to be performed during various diseases How to get everyone interested in sports so that no one is left behind.

Organizational skills are also necessary for a physical education teacher. After all, assembling and preparing a team for competitions is a huge job; it takes more than one month. Maintaining interest and not letting one lose heart after a failure is something not everyone can do. Only a person who sincerely loves his work, strives for results together with his students and believes in them, will earn respect and enjoy authority among both children and adults. All this can be safely said about our teacher, Sergei Anatolyevich Antyufeev.

Victoria Davydenko, 11th grade student

branch of MBOU "Novolyadinskaya Secondary School" in the village. Tulinovka

A teacher through the eyes of children.

School is a second home, and teachers are a second family. At school, children are taught not only the basics of science, but also moral rules, preparing us for later life. That is why it is very important that the teacher is well-educated and humane, because he must be an example to his students in everything.

The physical education teacher is, of course, no exception. Movement is life, therefore the task of a physical education lesson is to instill a love for an active lifestyle and the development of physical capabilities. It is important, in my opinion, that a physical education teacher be athletic and present personal example children. The first task of the teacher is to understand the abilities of each child and strive to develop them. A physical education teacher must be demanding and lenient at the same time. The harmonious development of the child in all areas of physical education is the correct task of the teacher.

Antyufeev Sergey Anatolievich, our physical education teacher is an example for us. He was able to interest us in a game like volleyball. Sergei Anatolievich plays in a rural team and, looking at him, we strive to develop our skills. Thanks to this teacher, I have been playing volleyball for 3 years, I love this sport and have achieved some success in it. Sergei Anatolievich tries to teach us everything, to convey his experience to the fullest. He worries about us when we compete, not only as a coach and teacher, but also as a simple good man capable of friendly support.

In addition to volleyball, we are developing in other directions. We play basketball and football, do gymnastics and athletics. Outdoor lessons are fun. In the warm season, we run and jump, and sometimes play various games. In winter we go skiing.

We were lucky with our physical education teacher. He was able to instill in us a love for an active lifestyle, because he has those qualities that a good teacher should have: love for children and his profession, the ability to captivate, as well as an individual approach to each child. The physical education lesson is always interesting and useful, becoming a favorite lesson. Sergey Anatolyevich is one of my favorite teachers.

Marina Ivanova
Essay “The world of modern children through the eyes of a teacher”

“Little children have a lot in common with intellectuals.

Their noise is annoying, their silence is suspicious!

IN modern world where high technology reigns, there is a small island called "Kindergarten"! IN kindergarten, work: kind and creative personalities who educate modern children.

A modern child in my eyes...

This is a technologically advanced person who spends part of his free time on a computer, phone or tablet. He is well informed, watches TV series and remembers well the events that happened to the characters.

What kind of world does he live in? modern child?

As was said above, high technologies now reign, and it is simply impossible to protect a child from them. He is completely surrounded by various technologies, and naturally he has no choice but to sit near the TV and play on the tablet. It’s difficult to capture his attention, but if you try really hard, you can and should distract him. "Einstein" from "virtual life".

The adult is largely to blame for this; he does not notice what he himself is making of a child. "dependent" from playing on the tablet and watching cartoons. Of course, a tablet is an irreplaceable piece of equipment; I just gave it to a child and that’s it. (child) doesn't bother anyone. But a child needs to develop, communicate with a living person, receive information from an adult that is accessible for his age. He needs to read fairy tales, learn poetry, because ask any child what fairy tales he knows, most will tell you that they don’t read either fairy tales or poems, for which he will tell you the plot of some action movie.

Modern the child develops little in mental and speech areas. There are a lot now children with mental retardation and speech development. Such children's speech is quiet, passive, monosyllabic, the child cannot form sentences. Such a child cannot concentrate on any activity, is absent-minded, impatient, he needs to constantly be on the move, he can listen to a fairy tale and play at the same time. Some children show aggression both towards peers and towards adults, trying to retire to a secluded place and play with themselves. It is very difficult for him to make friends with other children.

Modern a child lives in a world that is rapidly growing and changing, which requires a lot of effort from the child to assimilate it. Of course, the child is not ready for such rapid changes, and in his mind there are shifts in the understanding of good and bad; the public availability of information in the media and on the Internet is largely to blame.

It will help to cope with such a flow of information and set priorities correctly. preschool teacher, since the teacher, as an adult, has life experience.

The time a child spends in preschool affects his development, both mental and speech, and social adaptation. Not only teachers play with the child, but also specialists in different directions. His stay in the garden distracts him from harmful household items, he becomes sociable, learns to think, makes contact with an adult, shares his impressions of a day spent in the garden with his parents, and he begins to understand that a computer cannot replace live communication.

Modern Children are neither difficult nor easy. They are ordinary children who, like a hundred years ago, need the warmth of their families and the communication of their peers.

Publications on the topic:

The use of modern educational technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist with parents in a preschool educational institution“How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this is decisive.

The use of modern ICT tools in the work of a preschool educational psychologist The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. Continuous growth psychological.

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“The Educator Through the Eyes of a Contemporary” Essay The love I gave to my children makes me stronger. Everything is in it... Little man... What is he like? Is it a frozen sculpture?

Essay “Individual image of a professional teacher”“Education is not the sum of events and techniques, but the wise communication of an adult with the living soul of a child.” V. Sukhomlinsky Every day, from year to year.

Essay “Portrait of a preschool teacher” Introduction Preschool childhood is a unique period of personality development. Unlike subsequent age stages, this age serves.

Zurmaeva Elena Yurievna
teacher of history and social studies, qualification category I
MBOU "Khuzhir Secondary School"

“Teaching is a delicate job.
He is a sculptor, he is an artist, he is a creator.
Shouldn't make a single mistake,
After all, man is the crown of labor.”

Changes taking place in the country and society place new demands on the modern teacher. What is he like, a modern teacher? It is perhaps difficult to answer this question unambiguously.

This is a person who is able to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, develop in students the desire for a creative perception of knowledge, teach them to think independently, and encourage their individual inclinations and talents.
A modern teacher combines love for his work and for his students; he knows how to not only teach children, but is also able to learn from his students.

A modern teacher must identify the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of every child, to encourage children to receive joy from acquired knowledge, so that, upon graduating from school, they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are ready to participate in solving current and future problems of our society A modern teacher is a professional.

The distinctive features of a modern teacher, a master teacher, are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and a high work culture.

For modern teacher It is very important to never stop there, but to move forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for limitless creativity.

“Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to only what they think they can do. You can achieve so much more. You just have to believe in what you are doing” (Mary Kay Ash).

For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of satisfaction and recognition.
A modern teacher, in my opinion, is a young, energetic, self-sufficient and confident person in himself and in the future.

This is a personality, because only a personality can educate another personality - the personality of a modern schoolchild, which is the main task of a modern school. Even K.D. Ushinsky wrote that “only personality can act on the development and definition of personality, only character can character be formed.” The influence of the teacher’s personality is the life-giving force thanks to which everything good and useful grows in the souls of students.

A teacher should be characterized by honesty, prudence, tact, openness, responsibility, hard work, perseverance, determination, initiative, self-respect, pride, and the desire for self-improvement. However, all these qualities must be combined with love for children, which often borders on dedication, and sometimes even self-sacrifice. Love for children necessarily presupposes tolerance and respect for them, tact, emotional culture of the teacher and responsiveness. It is all this that underlies professional skill, the basis of pedagogical intuition that a modern teacher should have.

Humor is a saving, all-powerful and intelligent means of any rich personality. A warm smile, soft remarks, a gentle voice, a friendly gesture. This is the main weapon of a modern teacher, because in an atmosphere of excessive pathos, boredom and hostility, students feel uncomfortable. Let's remember the words of “that same Munchausen”: “A serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with this expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!” What else can you add?

A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher is interesting to the child.

A modern teacher must learn to be happy. After all, an unhappy teacher will never raise a happy student. More than two thousand years ago, Socrates said: “There is a sun in every person, just let it shine.” And the teacher can give a piece of his warmth and love to his students.

The formula for success of a modern teacher can be represented as follows: love for children + inspiration + competence. And then recognition will come in the eyes of students, parents, colleagues and others.

At all times, the teacher has been and remains the most respected person. He is an example for everyone, a standard of good manners and education.

If every student feels warm and comfortable next to the teacher, if he is helped and supported, rejoices at success, welcomes initiative and truthfulness, heals the soul and warms the heart - the student will be glad to communicate with such a teacher.

on the topic: "Teacher as a person"

We said in childhood: “A teacher is a second mother”... Our associations with school, with learning, largely depend on the first teacher. The image of the first teacher is perceived differently by everyone, since everyone’s first teachers were different. Some people still remember their fear of a teacher because that teacher was too strict or too demanding of discipline. And someone remembers their first teacher with a smile on their face, because this person only has good memories of their first teacher. Perhaps because the teacher was very positive and never raised his voice at the children. And some people do not remember their first teacher, perhaps because their first teachers did nothing to create a friendly class or simply give knowledge to children. Perhaps there was nothing noticeable in their activities that could remain in the memory of the students. teacher student school class

I think the teacher plays a significant role in laying down the fundamental character traits in us. For example, sociability is a character trait that manifests itself as a result of classmates working with each other. Even our attitude towards learning depends on how the teacher himself relates to this subject. If a teacher loves his subject, it means that it is in his interests to show originality in relation to his subject, and as a result of this, students show interest in this subject. In my opinion, a person who is engaged in teaching can be different in life, but when he comes to school or university, he should forget about all his problems and everything that is outside the educational institution. Crossing the threshold of an educational institution, this person must change for a while and show maximum patience. One of the main keys to a teacher's success is calmness. If the teacher is calm, then, firstly, it is good for him - he saves his nerves, and, secondly, it is good for the students - they are not aggressive. When a teacher quietly and calmly conducts a lesson, it forces the students to listen and thus they do not make noise in the class. The teacher, to some extent, must be a robot, because it is undesirable for him to show sympathy for a particular student. I think a teacher should not have favorites and non-favorites. This affects relationships among classmates. Let's say one student is jealous of another student because one of them is the teacher's favorite.

Students respect teachers who show respect for students themselves. Teachers who have extensive experience and are professionals in their field are perceived by students as great personalities.

Teaching is one of the most difficult professions. A teacher becomes a person when he realizes the full significance of his profession and, most importantly, when he truly begins to love his subject and his students.


Students... Teachers... Once upon a time, while studying at an institute in Leningrad, she wanted (or did it seem to me?) to give all the heat of her heart, all the beauty, depth, sublimity, greatness of literature to those who would come after, all the romanticism of her soul, everything happiness of life, being...

It was... Many years have passed since then. She became a real teacher. Each teacher has a different attitude towards students. What could be said about her?

There are many of them (or few?), and each is something very personal, different, unpredictable. Or maybe it is a large mass, a block without will and feeling, an iceberg that grows, remaining hidden under water?

No, probably not. What are literary concerts for then? Why the drama club, the endless arguments in class?
I used to think that she loved us more than her children. And for what? For some reason this was always not understood. Children, small, strangers, each of them is the source of future life, the thought of each is the fate of the planet. The little teacher who came home late at night to make sure each of “her children” had a good time.

When she was just starting to teach us, I, it seems, peered into her face, trying to understand who she would be for me... I, apparently, have changed a lot since then, and now it’s strange to me why she loved us so much. Our “cool mom”, what’s her name?

someone once called...

It was like that before. And now? Maybe we've grown up, or maybe she's just taking too long to teach us? Her hair was dark brown, almost black. And somehow suddenly we discovered that she had turned grey, haggard, and shrunk. She continues to lead her cross, not allowing the thought that anyone is unworthy of such hard work, such dedication. In each of us, a particle of it is an inextinguishable particle of a truly great life.

I keep remembering the words that she recently said at Marina Tsvetaeva’s evening, after several guys, having listened to the sad story of her life, suddenly burst out laughing: “Still, among them there are several people who need it. If it weren't for them, we would all have left school a long time ago. This is the only thing that supports teachers.” In these words, Tatyana Alekseevna is all my favorite Teacher.
