The most ancient beauty secrets of China that have survived to this day. Secrets of youth and beauty of Chinese women Beauty secrets of Taiwanese women

Fertility 23.01.2022

Chinese women, like all young ladies from Southeast Asia, have secured a reputation for themselves as women who know the secrets of youth and beauty. Indeed, when you start living in China, trying to determine a woman’s age turns into some kind of exciting game in which you will lose anyway. 20-year-olds look 13, 30-year-olds look 18, 40-year-olds... well, you guessed it.

How is the behavior of Chinese women different from ours, what do they do that allows them to maintain beauty and youth? I will share my observations.

Even in adulthood, Chinese women never stop wearing bright colors and cute things.

  • Chinese women spend very impressive sums on personal care products, the amount per month can reach up to $300, and sometimes more. Chinese cosmetics are not held in high esteem here; Japanese or Korean brands are preferred. Large shopping centers have a huge selection of luxury European brands, which are much more expensive in China than in Russia. Men treat such expenses very calmly, if not positively.
  • Since China is a culture focused primarily on long-term relationships and marriage, rather than sex, the Western concept of “sexuality” is replaced by “beauty.” Beauty is determined primarily by facial features: big eyes, high nose, small mouth and, of course, fair skin. “White color cancels three deformities,” says a Chinese proverb, and Chinese women go to great lengths to stay or become white-skinned. Numerous sun protection products, sun umbrellas, hats and radical dark plastic face masks a la welder - all this allows you not only to maintain a white complexion, but also to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. The fact that somewhere there are people who are willing to pay money to get a tan is simply beyond the imagination of Chinese ladies. Another method is bleaching agents, as well as cosmetic and foundation creams.

  • As for body proportions, Chinese women are no strangers to the international female entertainment “I’m losing weight.” At the same time, there is no shame in admitting that you love to eat. But from the point of view of Chinese women, everything that is not skinny is plump. For example, girls with the proportions of Charlize Theron would be considered large ladies in China.
  • But being chubby in China is not a problem at all - it’s even cute. It’s another matter if you call a Chinese woman “strong” - You risk making an enemy. At first I didn’t really understand why my friends called me chubby when, for example, I did strength exercises. To my indignant “WHY?” They carefully told me: “Well, we don’t want to call you “strong.” It turned out that the concept of “plump, plump” is feminine and sweet, almost a compliment. And telling a woman that she is strong is the same as calling her masculine.
  • A Chinese girl should be sweet, lovely - what we call mimimi, in English cute, and in Chinese - 可爱, which sounds like “kyai”. Such an eternal little princess girl. In the Chinese view, this is achieved by using a large number of pastel colors, a special color pink (at any age), rhinestones (at any age) and images of animals on clothes and accessories (at any age). From my point of view, the quintessence of the concept of Chineseness is Chinese phone cases. Women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s wear a similar riot of cuteness.

  • The daily routine is a sacred matter. People here get up early, go to bed early and always try to sleep during the day after lunch. All of China eats breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. When they arrange meetings, they do not set an exact time, but say “after lunch.”
  • On the subject of food. Every Chinese woman knows which foods are “good for women” and what time of year. Foods that are “good for women” usually affect beauty and fertility. For example, these are ginger, black sesame and jojoba. And they prefer unrefined black sugar (not brown, but black).
  • Chinese women have no passion for chocolate and sweets in general. For snacks, people here prefer something salty or spicy. In general, they eat a lot of vegetables and a variety of greens, which also contributes to a slim figure.
  • Chinese women love to take selfies and post their photos on Chinese social networks. Any Chinese phone model has a filter built into the camera that automatically corrects all imperfections, evens out skin color, enlarges and darkens eyes. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why Asian girls are famous for their attractiveness.

All girls in China know: to take a good selfie, you need to hold your smartphone slightly from above and tilt it a little.

  • Chinese women try to cover their tops. A girl can have whatever she wants short skirt or shorts, and they will not see anything reprehensible in this, while even a small cutout may be considered something out of the ordinary. Every self-respecting girl has a “qipao” - a traditional Chinese dress, completely closed, but seductively hugging her figure.

One restaurant in Jinan came up with a playful thing: it gives a 20% discount if the distance between the knee and the bottom edge of the beauty’s skirt is at least 8 cm. And if she dares to wear a skirt that is 33 cm above the knee, the discount will be as much as 90%.

  • From the point of view of Chinese women, the second terrible enemy after the sun is cold in all its manifestations. Chinese women only drink hot water and in large quantities. They try not to shower or eat ice cream during menstruation. And really good Chinese ladies don’t eat ice cream at all. Never. For the same reason (fear of letting the cold in), after giving birth, as I was told, many Chinese women do not shower for a month, but wash only with water infused with ginger, because it warms well.
  • Well, perhaps the most interesting custom of Chinese women is zuo yue zi - 坐月子. The mother of a newborn child remains in bed almost all the time for a month after giving birth. She doesn’t go out anywhere, wrapped in the warmest clothes. The child is cared for either by her mother or her husband's relatives (mother and sister), or a special person is hired. It is believed that during childbirth a woman loses a huge amount of energy. But if she rests for a month, she will be able not only to recover, but also to cure the diseases that she suffered from before giving birth.

For the last couple of months I have been living in Shenzhen, this is a Chinese city on the border with Hong Kong. You can literally take the metro, get to the end, cross the border and find yourself in a former British colony. Some 1-2 hours, but it’s like different worlds. Few people here speak other languages, and there are so few foreigners that trying to ask a question leaves local girls in a stupor. Therefore, it turned out to be incredible to find out what cosmetics Chinese women use. challenging task. I unsuccessfully used all the usual journalistic techniques, and then I began to literally rush at people with questions. The answers of the girls caught and interrogated are in front of you. I feel like Korean cosmetics are very popular here. At least it predominates in the assortment of local stores. I will report on my beauty tests very soon.

Penny, 30, is the owner of the Princess Party cosmetics store.

I am from Taiwan and have been doing cosmetics business in Shenzhen for the past five years. My store offers Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese cosmetics. There are few European brands such as Chanel and Lancôme.

In China, it is believed that Korean girls pay a lot of attention to their appearance. They meticulously study ingredients, test products, and share their impressions. Therefore, if some cosmetics are popular with them, this is a kind of guarantee of safety for health.

Due to my job, I use a variety of products, and few stay on my shelf for a long time - there is so much in the world that is still worth trying. So on I spend about $1,500 a month on cosmetics. Yes, a lot, but this is a professional necessity, I must first test everything on myself before offering it to clients. Usually, I buy goods in Hong Kong or Taiwan.

It's hard for me to pick favorites, but if you ask me about the top Korean brands I trust, it's Whoo and Sulwhasoo.My recent love in the world of decorative cosmetics is 3CE (delivery available to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan – Cilantro). I use liquid foundation, powder, highlighter, blush and lipstick.

Korean brands place a big emphasis on packaging and cuteness of the product. Taiwanese ones look much simpler, but are often very effective. In China, one of the most popular neighbor brands is For Beloved One.

I can't live without face masks! (And judging by the assortment of local stores, the majority are Chinese - approx. Cilantro).

My mother is a cosmetologist, so since childhood I have known how to maintain beauty. When I got to college, I started reading beauty magazines and watching TV shows about makeup and hair. So I'm pretty knowledgeable about the topic. There are several Korean bloggers that I follow: @dumsluv , @metaphor_lim , @leesusu , @daddoa , lamuqe_magicup , @ponysmakeup. They have great videos.

I use dietary supplements - I drink enzymes in the morning, and collagen in the evening before bed.

I don't think salon skin care really suits me. Most often, I go for treatments if I want to relax, and then I just choose moisturizing. As it is, I’m quite happy with home care. Have I already mentioned that I love masks?

Kitty, business consultant, 30 years old.

In my free time from work, I read, swim, and play ping-pong. And I love watching NBA games. Go Lakers! My favorite is the six-foot shooting guard nicknamed “The Black Mamba,” Kobe Bryant. Firstly, because he never gives up, and secondly, he is just handsome!

I spend about 300 yuan ($47) per month on cosmetics. I usually buy everything in duty-free when I fly somewhere on vacation. Or I ask my friends to bring some from their trips.

I prefer Korean and European cosmetics. The first has a good reputation; as a rule, all beauty products from the land of morning freshness are natural. WesternThe brands I use were once recommended to me by friends. I liked the effect, I don’t see the point in trying something else and experimenting.

I don’t go to a cosmetologist, here in China most of them work illegally, so you can stumble upon an unprofessional.

I’m not a big expert on beauty trends, sometimes I catch my eye on something on the Internet, or friends tell me something. But I myself am unlikely to specifically read bloggers’ advice or buy glossy magazines for such information.

On Kitty's shelf:

Dior mascara; Sisiley eye cream; Advanced Night Repair serum, Estee Lauder; Dior Addict eau de toilette.

Laneige Face Set. Korean cosmetics, based on water obtained from snow from the peaks of the Himalayas (well, that’s what it says on the official website, but go check it out). The brand is popular and well-proven, but judging by the reviews, the products are not suitable for everyone.Their famous product Water Sleeping Mask (70ml) in the Hong Kong cosmetics hypermarket Sasa costs about $20. Delivery is available to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Mist Cushion Hera. This is a 5 in 1 multi-cream: sunscreen, moisturizing, whitening, cooling plus foundation. A Korean brand that is very popular in China and has long conquered the world. Now, for example, you can buy the Seoulista collection - all products are decorated with drawings by the design duo Mirko Fontana and Diego Martinez. Worth the product$35-37.

Shampoo and hair conditioner Ryo. Another Korean brand that... Laneige and Hera is owned by the 70-year-old corporation Amore Pacific. What it contains is a mystery, because all the ingredients are in Korean. And on the Ryo website, most of the information is presented in entertaining pictures, which Google’s website translator cannot cope with.A set of two products is about $10.

Litchi, 20 years old

I met Lichi (pictured left) and Rini (right) at Sasa. At that moment, I was already desperate to find at least someone who could answer my questions about how Chinese women take care of themselves, so I literally attacked the girls. At first, out of embarrassment, they mumbled “timbudon” - “I don’t understand” - and disappeared behind the remedies for blackheads. Then they ran circles around me for a while and finally said that they would try to answer my questions on WeChat (this is a popular messenger here, also known as a social network). During this time, they collected several different face masks into their baskets. The girls' English is not very good; we only managed to find out that Lichi is from Guangzhou and lives and works in Shenzhen. If she has one day off, she goes to the gym. And if there are two, she rushes at full speed to her hometown, where her boyfriend is waiting for her.

“My parents trust Amway, so all my facial products are from this brand. I use cleanser, toner and moisturizer. I like the effect and it’s enough.

My friends often order Korean and Japanese cosmetics, I also tried them a couple of times, but it seems to me that Western skincare products are much better.

My girlfriends really praise the Taiwanese masks with hyaluronic acid Dr. Morita. And they are very inexpensive - $1-2 per package.”

Luda, sales manager, Chinese teacher, 28 years old.

I use different brands, including Chinese ones, which are sold in supermarkets. They are, as a rule, slightly cheaper than European and Korean ones.

Most often I order cosmetics on the Internet or my mother and sister bring them, for example, from Korea. In general, Korean and Japanese cosmetics are very popular in China. Their products suit our skin much more than European ones. The Japanese one seems to me to be of better quality, but this is a purely subjective feeling.

Currently I have Clinique cleanser and makeup remover oil plus Medicated Sekkisei Kose lotion (Japanese product, $36 at Sasa - Cilantro).For hydration I use Laneige.For hair - the Shanghai brand Bee&Flower, popular since 1980. Shampoo and conditioner will cost about $10.

I don't go to cosmetologists. It seems to me that procedures are necessary for adult women, and at my age you can do without them.

At university, I experimented with homemade masks. We sell pearl powder in our pharmacies. It can be dissolved in milk, water or mixed with a banana and applied as a scrub, left for 10 minutes, then rinsed off. It has a whitening effect.

I work a lot, so I just don't have time for serious care. IN lately I only have enough strength to wash my face before going to bed.

Photo: Harper's Bazaar China, Cilantro

Guessing the age of Chinese women is a thankless task, especially if they still make extra efforts to maintain youth not only of their souls, but also of their bodies. Like women all over the world, Chinese beauties consume countless amounts of beauty products, spend hours in spas and even eat swallow's nests - in general, they do everything to defeat the eternal enemy of beauty - age. The newspaper decided to figure out what the secret of youth is?

Secret 1. No tanning

Sun - main enemy Chinese women. They fight it in all possible ways: from umbrellas and sleeves to sunscreen. White skin in China is still considered a sign of wealth and higher social class. What kind of tricks do Chinese women have to go to in order to become a little whiter? And protection from sun rays is the bare minimum. But it is precisely this that is the most basic way to prevent skin aging.

Secret 2. Water all around

The Chinese constantly drink... Water. And women are no exception. A water container has been a must-have item since childhood. Access to ordinary boiled water is a prerequisite for minimal living comfort: boilers are installed in many public places, from universities to train stations.

However, in addition to consuming water internally, on the hand Chinese beauties Climate features also play a role. It is not surprising that, which are famous for the exceptional external characteristics of their inhabitants, they are also characterized by high humidity. And if the concentration of water vapor is insufficient, then they resort to technical means - air humidifiers can be found in offices and even in cars.

Secret 3. Tea

Chinese women drink quite a lot, but they prefer certain types and, of course, do not add sugar or milk to it. Believed to be beneficial for beauty and health oolongs, puerhs and red teas with the addition of goji berries, astragalus flowers (黄芪) and jasmine. But they also remember that it is worth knowing when to stop and not overusing tea. Also, teas with tea leaves are not recommended to be consumed during menstruation.

Secret 4. Bad habits

Chinese women are much less likely to smoke and abuse alcohol. In general, in Chinese culture, smoking and alcohol are the prerogative of men. And even those who, while studying at university, use a cigarette as a way of demonstrating their freedom, quite quickly give up bad habit- leather is more expensive.

Secret 5. Daily routine

In China, in general, following a daily routine is one of the characteristic features. This is especially noticeable in relation to meals: war is war, and lunch is on schedule. However, following a daily routine also extends to sleep: go to bed before midnight and get up early. After lunch, they also try to take a nap, often right at their workplace (students often come to the library to sleep).

Secret 6. “Women’s” health

In China, in general, sexual health is given great importance. This is probably why a good half of China offers solutions to health problems in the field of gynecology and andrology. Pregnancy and recovery after childbirth are considered a particularly important period in a woman’s life.

Zuo Yuezi(坐月子), the tradition of resting after the birth of a child, according to Chinese women, is key point to preserve health and youth. It is believed that if a woman falls ill with anything during this recovery period, there is a high probability that the disease will become chronic. Therefore, for 1-2 months after giving birth, Chinese women do not leave home, follow a special diet and do nothing. Household chores and care for the child and young mother are transferred to the shoulders of the mother-in-law, mother or special assistant - Yuesao (月嫂).

Secret 7. The main thing is calm

The absence of pronounced facial expressions also helps to preserve youthful skin: less work of the facial muscles means fewer facial wrinkles. Poker face- an integral element of Chinese body culture and an effective replacement for Botox (the effect of which is to block the facial muscles).

Secret 8. No dessert

Desserts in traditional Chinese cuisine are quite specific dishes that are very different from our idea of ​​sweets. Their flavor is not a result of the addition of white sugar, so it is not as pronounced. Of course, now the dessert market in China is growing by leaps and bounds, but even foreign manufacturers have to adapt to Chinese tastes and reduce the amount of sugar in their products.

Another fundamental difference is the culture of sweet consumption itself. If in European culture dessert is the final chord of lunch or dinner, then in China sweets are eaten separately, outside of meals. For example, afternoon tea (下午茶) is especially popular now, when dessert is consumed with tea or coffee in the afternoon, but an hour or two before dinner.

Secret 9. Chicken skin, feet and swallow's nests

In China, there is a whole women's cuisine - a set of certain dishes that are considered useful for “women’s” health, beauty and preservation of youth. One category of such dishes contains collagen: poultry skin, chicken feet, turtle jelly (龟苓膏). Another - promotes overall health female body: various vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, eggplants), sea grass, mushrooms and all possible plants (hawthorn, Chinese date, lily and others).

Secret 10. Self-improvement

Beauty in China is not just about appearance. Since in Chinese culture the cultivation of body and spirit is inseparable, a woman’s external attractiveness is only one of the manifestations of her beauty. Passion for music, dance, poetry, tea culture (茶道) or the art of composing flower arrangements(花道) - all this contributes to the development of internal harmony and, of course, prolongs youth.

Photo 55壁纸网 was used for the title illustration.

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So the traditional Russian New Year holidays have been left behind, pre-holiday chores have already been forgotten, diets have been abandoned, and even one’s own oath promises to start new life. However, there is still a reason to pull yourself together, seriously think about a healthy lifestyle and start counting down the New Year. So what if not from the first of January? On the night of January 30-31 there will be New Year By Eastern calendar, and this is a great reason for renewal and a great opportunity to remember Chinese beauty traditions.

Moreover, the symbol of this year will be a noble and hardworking animal - the Horse, which, unlike the slowly slipping Snake, will definitely appreciate all your efforts. Even those that are aimed exclusively at personal needs, at the aspirations of the soul and body.

Beauty in Chinese: honoring traditions and the Lunar calendar

On New Year's Eve, which is about to arrive according to the lunar calendar, it makes sense to remember the Chinese beauty traditions followed by moon-faced girls from the Celestial Empire. And even learn something from wise eastern women who were lucky to live surrounded by the numerical superiority of men. In China, unlike Russia, according to statistics, for every 10 girls there are not 9, but at least 11 boys. But such enviable statistics for us Russians do not at all relax the female half of China. Chinese women are accustomed to taking care of themselves from an early age (although beauty in Chinese is undoubtedly a little-studied area for us).

The Chinese beauty industry responds very quickly to the needs of foreign, including Russian, tourists. Therefore, even in small border cities like Suifenhe or Heihe, Russian women can receive a range of modern cosmetic procedures. The most advanced wealthy Chinese women also actively use the latest in beautiful business. But the majority of women in this amazing country still trust Chinese beauty traditions.

The moon is waning - acne disappears

When choosing a cosmetic procedure, Chinese women are often guided not by fashion trends, but, as when celebrating the New Year, by the Lunar calendar. They definitely won't get their hair cut on the waning moon. Because they firmly believe that a haircut created during the waning of the moon will not only not be successful, but will also bring health problems and may even deprive them of their income. Cutting your hair, creating a new hairstyle and, moreover, a new image can only be done on the waxing moon.

But they will sign up for procedures to cleanse their skin of annoying pimples and scars during the waning moon. Chinese beauty is complete trust in the forces of nature. It is believed that during the waning moon it is beneficial to remove excess hair and rough calluses, warts and moles so that they never return. During this period, it is generally customary to get rid of everything unnecessary and boring - just to be sure.

According to Chinese traditions, during the waning moon it is useful to take cleansing teas and go on a diet in order to achieve maximum effect. And there is certainly no point in starting to restrict yourself in nutrition during the waxing moon - at this time, no restrictions will help you lose weight. On the day of the new moon, according to Eastern traditions, it is better not to plan any cosmetic procedures or serious matters in general - they are unlikely to end successfully and be beneficial. Even the number of contacts during a full moon is better to minimize to avoid conflict situations.

And the waxing moon promotes renewal and healing, so it is at this time in the Celestial Empire that it is customary to begin rejuvenating cosmetic courses, apply skin-moisturizing masks, and prescribe plastic surgeries.

Chinese beauty: tradition is more important than fashion

Besides Lunar calendar, Chinese women also follow other ancient traditions passed down from generation to generation. In fact, they pay no more attention to their appearance than Russian or American women. However, among Chinese women, overweight people with bad skin and hunched backs are much less common.

It’s not worth saying that all Chinese women are perfect, but in fact problems of excess weight, posture, and acne do not bother them so often. Perhaps precisely because they value centuries-old Chinese traditions and do not strive to try all the new products in the beauty industry. We should also adopt some Eastern traditions in our pursuit of perfection.

Seven main commandments of beauty in Chinese

1. Moderate nutrition

Firstly, in China, gluttony is not honored, and few of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire allow themselves to overeat in the evenings all year long, so that later, in preparation for the New Year holiday, they exhaust themselves with a strict (and irreparably damaging to the body) express diet. Moderation in food, the presence of cereals in the daily diet, most often rice, as well as a variety of vegetables, help keep weight under control. The reasons for this general reticence may lie in the country's overpopulation, past food shortages and low standard of living. But, despite the fact that the incomes of the Chinese are becoming higher every year, moderation in nutrition still remains one of the observed Chinese traditions.

2. The face is a mirror of health

The second commandment of beauty in Chinese, which you should certainly pay attention to, is careful attention to your own body.

In China, since ancient times it has been believed that external beauty is just an indicator of the internal health of the body. And, worrying about the beauty of the face, there, first of all, they care about the condition internal organs. “Remove what pollutes the heart, and it will become pure,” said one of the Chinese sages. In order for your face to be clean, it is necessary that there is also no “dirt” or disease inside the body.

Chinese traditions allow you to maintain health with simple and affordable means: proper nutrition and sports exercises. Physical education in China to this day is widespread, and joint morning qigong exercises or an evening wushu class somewhere on the embankment is quite a common occurrence.

Chinese women mainly use natural cosmetics to maintain healthy facial skin. Chinese beauty means using organic products. Particular attention should be paid to fabric-based face and neck masks made in China. Masks are made based on green tea, ginseng, sheep placenta, algae, as well as regular cucumbers or chamomile. The latest generation of Chinese masks often contain collagen (entire series with collagen are produced), shark protein and other, even the most exotic ingredients. However, we should not forget that some of these components stimulate hair growth, so it is better to use such masks not constantly, but periodically. In addition to fabric masks, Chinese film masks are common for cleansing the skin of the face or certain areas of it (patch masks for the nose, refreshing masks for the eyelids).

3. White skin is held in high esteem

It is unlikely that true Chinese women will begin to visit a solarium on the eve of the New Year or actively expose their faces to the rays of the sun. Being tanned is not accepted there. On the contrary, whiteness of skin, according to Chinese traditions, was considered an indicator of wealth, and, accordingly, beauty.

To whiten naturally non-snow-white skin, Chinese women use masks, including fabric-based ones, with various whitening compounds. Pearl powder, tomatoes, cereals, herbs - many recipes for whitening and reducing pigmentation are already known to us.

4. Hair is taught obedience by rinsing.

Chinese beauty requires attention to yourself and systematic care. Let me disagree with the common statement that nature has blessed Chinese women with beautiful shiny hair. If you take a closer look at the hairstyles of ordinary representatives of this ancient country, you will notice that their hair is very coarse, straight and often has a strange ashy shade. At the same time, they are very naughty.

Chinese women pay special attention to taming and softening hair. Herbs help make hair manageable - added to shampoo or in the form of a home-made decoction for rinsing based on them. And various oils and prepared masks add shine to the hair.

And among Chinese youth, oriented towards Western fashion, hair bleaching, highlighting and coloring are now especially popular.

5. Drinking culture:

Green tea…

We are not actually talking about lower alcohol consumption by Eastern women compared to European ones. Chinese women also drink alcohol, especially during the New Year holidays, and the official New Year holidays, when the whole country is on vacation, last a week. We are talking about the culture of drinking tea - green, the healthiest, every day. According to Chinese traditions, it is not customary to dilute the tea leaves with boiling water many times; they also treat tea bags with great restraint. Chinese women drink green tea every day, and in considerable quantities. Sugar, honey, jam and other sweeteners are rarely added to hot (not to be confused with strong) drinks. Tea is drunk in its natural form, and not necessarily hot. Today everyone has heard about the benefits of green tea, let us remind you once again that drinking such tea regularly is a good Eastern tradition that should be adopted from Chinese women.

AND herbal teas

... Now, when there are only a few days left before the arrival of the year of the blue wooden Horse, Chinese women, in addition to their usual varieties of tea, also take various herbal infusions. Most often - cleansing, freeing the body from all the excess that has accumulated over the year.

It is worth recalling that beauty in Chinese is an area that has not yet been sufficiently explored by us. It is difficult to understand all the variety of herbal infusions offered in tea shops in China. Herbal infusions can be found here in different types. They are taken orally in the form of decoctions, powders, phytogranules, and even in the form of droppers. Cleansing, dietary, medicinal preparations - Russian tourists should not thoughtlessly buy everything, relying only on the vague explanations of the seller in broken Russian and the instructions that are not always included (but almost always illiterate).

6. Herbal baths

All kinds of herbal preparations are actively used by Chinese women externally. Following Chinese traditions, before the New Year holidays they usually take baths with medicinal herbs, as well as baths with green tea, lemon, milk, coconut, flowers and much more. Such baths not only cleanse the skin well, but also give a festive mood to everyone who happens to take them.

In addition to the baths themselves, herbal baths for hands and feet are also widespread in China. They are usually offered in combination with a manicure or pedicure (Russian tourists know this service better under the simple name “heel cleaning”). A herbal bath that steams and relaxes the limbs, then a massage and the actual manicure-pedicure... After such bliss, anyone, not just an oriental woman, will feel completely ready for long New Year's celebrations.

7. Massage is an integral part of Chinese beauty

Massage is an integral part of China's health culture. Relaxing, rejuvenating, anti-cellulite, weight loss, healing, toning... Individual parts of the body and all in turn, acupressure and meridian... Traditional manual massage can be performed not by one master, but by two at the same time. An unforgettable experience from this four-hand massage is guaranteed.

In addition to the well-known types of massage, in China they also use those that not every patient is able to decide on. For example, exotic Gua Sha - scraping the body with special scrapers made from buffalo bones. According to Chinese traditions, scrapers are treated with an infusion of Tibetan herbs, the composition of which is not disclosed. The procedure itself does not look very aesthetically pleasing and even somewhat aggressive: buffalo bones do not spare the patients’ backs. After scraping the body for half an hour, bruises may remain on it. But the effect, especially from several procedures, exceeds expectations. Gua Sha promotes powerful detoxification of the body, lymphatic drainage, improved metabolism, etc.

Painless, but also with noticeable consequences, such types of Chinese massage as fire and cupping are also performed. Chinese women consider them very effective, capable of not only healing and rejuvenating the body, but also redistributing vital energy. And to celebrate the New Year, the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, they will be beautiful, healthy and, after all the procedures completed, probably peaceful. And the Horse, as you know, welcomes people who are peace-loving, calm and have a positive attitude towards life. And this, perhaps, is something we should also learn from – both from the Chinese women and from the symbol of the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Chinese women, even in old age, not to mention young women, look fresh and young: velvety skin, healthy white teeth, gorgeous shiny hair...

However, they are not particularly fond of cosmetics. How do Chinese beauties manage to maintain their beauty for a long time?

Yes, Chinese women stay young and fresh not thanks to cosmetics.
Their main trump card is a healthy lifestyle, which Chinese parents teach their children to from early childhood.

Secrets healthy image life of Chinese women:

1. Girls, having barely learned to take their first steps, begin to engage in recreational gymnastics;

2. During menstruation, women do not eat cold foods or drink cold water. The temperature of food and water should not be lower than our body temperature. In addition, during menstruation, Chinese women avoid drafts and do not swim in cold waters. This is how they protect themselves from various diseases genitourinary system;

3. Chinese women do self-massage daily. For example, to keep their breasts healthy, they do the following: fold their hands over the right breast - the right one is on top and the left one is below, and massage the breasts clockwise 36 times. The same is done with the left breast. Each area of ​​the body has its own self-massage exercises;

4. To maintain smooth and youthful skin, Chinese ladies:

They eat more acidic foods, leaning on sour apples and lemons. After 35 years, they include soy products in their diet - soy sauce, tofu and soy meat, which contain iron, calcium and vitamin E, so necessary for the skin;

They regularly make masks, for example, this one: mix egg white, a tablespoon of honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tsp. lemon juice. This composition is applied to the face before bed, and after half an hour is washed off with warm water.

5. The Chinese love to eat mainly cereal dishes made from rice, buckwheat, oats, rye and wheat, since cereals contain a lot of amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Cereals promote good intestinal function and provide a lot of energy;

6. Chinese women also eat a lot of fruits, cooked and raw vegetables, herbs, nuts, mustard, seafood and dairy foods;

7. Chinese women, unlike us, who are always loaded with string bags, do not carry heavy things. That is why they practically do not suffer from varicose veins;

8. Instead of meat, so beloved by Russians, the Chinese prefer to eat fatty fish, beans and peas. Please note - there are few overweight people in China;

9. Ladies take good care of their hair, regularly making masks. Here is one of them: before going to bed, grind a handful of peas, pour warm water over it to thicken, and leave overnight. In the morning, apply the mask to damp hair for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water;

10. When waking up, women in China do not jump out of bed. First, they warm up their palms by rubbing them together, and then, touching their foreheads, perform a series of washing movements. Thanks to this, they calmly greet their new day, because these manipulations calm the nervous system well.

Chinese women are sure: if you want to look young and beautiful, take care not only of your loved ones, but also of yourself. Healthy eating and self-care are the main components of female youth and beauty!
