Depression do nothing. When you're depressed and don't want anything You don't want anything in the life of depression

Flowers 10.08.2021

The state of apathy, depression, when nothing pleases in life, and there is no strength for anything, massively affects people, and doctors are already sounding the alarm. It was previously believed that apathy is a temporary phenomenon, and it does not require special attention. However, now, more and more often, apathy turns into severe and protracted depression, which already needs to be treated in a hospital.

What is apathy in a person, and how does it appear, and why does it happen

The main reason for apathy is a banal lack of energy. AT modern world we have to be on the move all the time, run all the time, hurry, and we don’t have a second to rest. For some time, the body copes, a “second wind” may open, then a third, fourth, but the resources of the body are not unlimited. At some point, our body begins to rebel and turns on a defense mechanism called "apathy".

Apathy sets in, you don’t want to do anything, and you feel constant fatigue, when you don’t even have the strength or desire to turn your head. We know what to do when the battery in our phone is dead, but what to do when the battery is dead in the body? It's even more difficult when you don't want to do anything.

Apathy against the background of emotional burnout occurs in those who take their work too responsibly. These are doctors, rescuers, firefighters, police, etc. Giving all of themselves to work, saving people and not feeling the return, people burn out. Sometimes the impotence and inability to save the one who trusted you causes disappointment in your profession or in yourself. First, this manifests itself in rudeness, and then indifference to their work.

Apathy is a pretty serious condition. Starting with indifference and detachment, aversion to life may also appear. No one is immune from this disaster, and apathy can overtake a woman, a man, and a child.

The state of apathy, if you don’t want to do anything, is not easy laziness, with which it is often confused. At the heart of apathy are psychophysiological reasons. The causes of laziness are similar to the causes of apathy, but they are not so dangerous. With laziness, a person is in harmony with himself, and he is consciously lazy, not wanting to do anything. A lazy person causes irritation, and an apathetic one causes anxiety. Laziness is a permanent state of a person that lasts continuously for years, while apathy occurs in active and cheerful people, and is of a severe nature that requires the attention of a psychologist.

Weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, causes in women

Women are physically weaker than men, in addition, they are often more emotional and vulnerable. In this regard, the causes of apathy in women can be of various origins.

Hormones play a huge role in a woman's health. Pregnancy, menopause, PMS, cause a hormonal storm in the body, frequent mood swings, and at some point, this mood can freeze at its lowest point.

In the treatment of certain diseases, women undergo hormonal treatment. Hormonal imbalance in the body can cause a whole chain of failures that lead to apathy. Appetite is disturbed, as a rule, women begin to overeat, gain weight, and when looking in the mirror, experience severe stress. This stress is exacerbated if the treatment does not bring the desired effect. Disbelief in the future, lack of strength to fight on, leads to apathy and depression.

Unrequited love is a huge test for any person, but some women experience it more acutely. If a separation occurs, a woman feels abandoned, useless, and a wave of despair covers her. At first, this is an understandable desire to cry, and at such moments no one is eager to interrupt this flow. It is believed that in such cases it is necessary to let her cry, but without friendly support, the woman is exhausted from tears, and soon there is emptiness. Then there are no tears, but there are no other desires either.

Apathy in women can cause overwork. Especially often this occurs after the birth of a child, when chronic lack of sleep is replaced by constant fear for the child, and not very correct statements by relatives or the lack of help from a spouse cause a feeling of inferiority. A woman tells herself that she is a bad mother, a bad wife, and all her efforts lead to nothing. Why then all this? Why cook, clean, take care of yourself if no one cares about you. A bad mood is superimposed on physical fatigue, which eventually leads to apathy.

Unfulfilled dreams, shattered hopes, when everything goes upside down and a woman does not have time to comprehend what is happening around, she withdraws into herself and does not react to the outside world at all.

In fact, there are many reasons why apathy occurs. Death native person, stress, job loss, and when a series of unpleasant events does not stop, a kind of fuse works in the head, which turns off all feelings and emotions.

Causes of apathy in men

Apathy can arise against the background of dissatisfaction with oneself. Men often take on an unbearable burden. They plan everything clearly, but if the plan goes awry, irritation arises, accusing oneself of being unable to cope with the situation, and as a result, all desire to do something disappears.

The constant routine, repeated from day to day, has already received its name: "Groundhog Day". A person feels trapped and cannot escape from it. Each new day is similar to the previous one. Man does not see the future, he goes in circles, and there is no end to this. Everything loses its meaning, home-work, work-home, and all the colors in life have faded. A man automatically does all the movements, actions, and slowly loses control over himself. He does not remember what day it is, whether he put on shoes, or goes to work in slippers, he is seized by indifference to everything. One day, he simply won’t get up for work in the morning and will remain lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He ceases to be aware of himself as a living person, and this is not an exaggeration. With apathetic depression, devitalization of mental alienation appears, when a person loses awareness of his own "I". The instinct of self-preservation disappears, as does the desire to exist.

If a man is too responsible, he often takes on too much. He helps everyone, of course, everyone uses it with pleasure. Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, irregular nutrition and every second responsibility leads to chronic fatigue. The word “I want” is replaced by the word “necessary”, and so on endlessly. If you always follow the circumstances, ignoring your own needs, weakness, drowsiness along with insomnia, fatigue and apathy appear over time.

Often apathy in men can be the result of prolonged stress. Unloved work, bad relationships in the family, all this accumulates over the years, and gradually drains all the strength. For his own reasons, a man cannot or does not want to change the situation and continues to go with the flow as long as there is strength.

Apathy does not start suddenly, and the first signs of this disorder can be noticed long before the person simply refuses to move.

First of all, a man gives up his hobbies. If he used to go fishing, went to a bar with friends for the weekend, then with the onset of apathy, this becomes uninteresting to him. He moves away from friends and spends more and more time alone, just staring at the wall.

Then there is absent-mindedness, lethargy, memory loss and drowsiness. Others attribute this to laziness, and the alarm begins to sound only when a person stops taking care of himself, washing, eating and reacting to the environment.

This is a severe stage of apathy, and if this state continues for more than two weeks, it's time to get down to business. A person will not get out of this state on his own and will simply wither away.

How to deal with fatigue and apathy

Quite rarely, a person with apathy himself turns to doctors for help. I want to lie down and do nothing, not even breathe or blink. Everything has lost its meaning and absolute indifference to one's own condition does not allow a person to realize the need for treatment.

After all, many miss the first symptoms of apathy and attribute everything to simple fatigue. They hope to sleep off, go on vacation and everything will pass. Only it is not always possible to take a break on time, and at work they can be loaded with additional urgent work.

In such cases, it is important to listen to yourself and not be driven like a "draft horse". Sometimes, for the sake of your own health, you can put an ultimatum to the authorities. Of course it's not the best option, but the fact is that if apathy overtakes you, you may already lose your job. Only you will be sick, unhappy and useless. Yesterday's valuable employee will turn into a pale shadow of yesterday's workaholic.

Apathy is a problem modern society, in connection with which it is more reasonable to carry out the prevention of this disorder, and not bring it to a clinical state, which, according to the International Classification of Diseases, has an index of R45.3 "Demoralization and apathy".

Treatment of apathetic depression - the right approach is important

Apathetic depression is not always easy to treat. Often you need an integrated approach that combines psychotraining and restorative therapy of the body. By the time the relatives begin to sound the alarm, the patient is already exhausted both morally and physically, he simply does not have the strength, even for treatment. Weakness and prolonged fasting exhaust the body, and every movement is difficult.

In such cases, a vitamin complex is prescribed to improve the patient's physical condition, enhanced nutrition, and only then, psychotherapy sessions are prescribed.

In the case of a severe state of apathy, treatment often begins with hypnosis sessions. It is important to reach out to the patient, get him out of his stupor and give him the motivation to heal. In a state of hypnosis, a person is freed from his problems, and by examining all corners of a person’s memory, one can find what exactly caused the disorder and how to get out of it.

Subsequently, at psychotherapy sessions, the patient, together with the psychologist, sorts out what was wrong. It is important to correctly measure your capabilities and strengths so as not to be upset because of failures and pipe dreams. You can get out of apathy this time, but you have to learn not to get into such situations again.

It is important to be aware of your “I”, which determines all our “wants” and not ours. Being kind and sympathetic is wonderful, but we must not forget about ourselves. If the inner "I" protests, a person comes into conflict with himself, and it is important to be aware of this.

When psychotraining does not bring results, the doctor may prescribe psychostimulants of nervous activity. It is better not to select medicines on your own, and amateur performance is not welcome here. Most over-the-counter drugs available in pharmacies have a sedative effect of varying degrees. These drugs can only harm the patient. In addition, drug therapy must necessarily be combined with psychotherapy.

Scientists write that it is enough for an adult to sleep 6 hours a day, but they forget to add that these are averages. Set aside as much time for your sleep as your body needs. Don't forget about exercise and proper nutrition. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body. The body will find the necessary resources in case of another trouble, but these resources must be protected and replenished in a timely manner.

Learn to be an optimist. It sounds strange, but optimism can be learned. There is a share of optimism in every person, and with regular training you can develop the ability to see the good and believe in miracles more. Treat everyday problems with irony and a share of humor, because these are trifles that are not worth your worries.

Most often, people who themselves allowed this to happen fall under the influence of apathy. They limited themselves to only work and duties, and completely abandoned entertainment. It is always a waste of time and money for entertainment, but they are necessary for a person. Let it be a trip to the zoo, to the cinema, or riding a bicycle, but the human brain needs a change of scenery and emotions. Otherwise, the repeating "Groundhog Day" image will come back again.

Apathy, low performance. Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Constant apathy: what to do if you don’t want anything

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Depression is considered a fairly serious psychological disorder that occurs for various reasons. However, many people who are faced with this are trying to find a way to get out of depression on their own. Often the resulting apathy, indifference to everything that happens takes place with little investment and the efforts of the person himself.

Before looking for options on how to defeat depression, despondency and melancholy, you should remember important rule- if independent attempts do not lead to a result, the condition worsens or despair appears about wasted strength, you should seek help from an experienced psychologist. At a professional level, a specialist will tell you how to behave, complement the treatment medications and teach how to get rid of depression at home.


How to relieve depression? This state is similar to prolonged indifference - the patient seems to be in a dream, in the process of recovery, both mood ups and downs can be observed. Perhaps the chosen method will not help the first time - but there is no need to fall into despair. A person is able to help himself with depression, you just need to understand that depression will try to absorb again, so you have to make some effort.

There are various methods of struggle, but whichever one is chosen, one should start with small steps, gradually approaching the goal. Get out by any means - every saving method helps to remain yourself and overcome difficulties, but this takes time.

Getting out of depression by looking for causes is the most correct and important step towards healing. Before looking for a way to quickly get rid of repressed emotions, ask yourself why such disorders happened to you, which led to the state when you don’t even want to raise your head from the pillow. Unfortunately, apathy and despondency arising from external factors are often confused with banal laziness. If depression has developed because of it, you should not be cured, but look for strength in yourself, coping with chores and responsibilities.

Many people attach too much importance to their own labor investments, they believe that they work more than a colleague, they put more effort into the house and family than the rest of the family. Gradually, resentment, laziness develops, a person ceases to want evening walks or simple conversations at the end of the day, and he thinks to himself that he has depression. In this case, psychologists recommend to look at things easier. No matter how simple and easy this advice may sound, but often we oppress ourselves, envying a neighbor, paying attention to other people's successes or making a whole scandal over a mere trifle. And then we suffer in search of a means of how to get out of depression.

What to do in depression? When conducting introspection, it is important to honestly answer yourself the question - what bad happened in your life? Why don't you want anything? After all, if you look back, there are people who have much more problems, while they do not despair and try to change their lives. Think it's useless? So says every depressed patient, exaggerating their own difficulties. If among the acquaintances there are no people who are faced with real troubles, they are easy to find on forums on the Internet. Just get acquainted with their fates, and the feeling that everything is bad will quickly leave you.

The second part of the self-analysis should be devoted to the reasons found - here one must ask the question, who is to blame for this? There are circumstances that do not depend on the patient, but there are situations in which he is the main character. For example, if an error occurred at work through your fault, then you need to undergo additional training, improve your skills, and no longer make mistakes. Coping with depression means taking a step forward by increasing the level of knowledge, both professional and psychological. Sitting idle and suffering will not lead to good results.

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without the intervention of specialists? After analyzing the causes and their perpetrators, the person himself will come to an answer. But in most cases, patients do without the help of psychologists.

Looking for a new look

How to get rid of depression forever? Having acquired a new image, almost all famous people, media people or just ordinary citizens of our and other countries have encountered a depressive mood. Go to the library, read stories on the Internet and recharge the mood of those who managed to set new, achievable goals, began to go towards them, forgetting about the frustration. Getting rid of depression is like losing weight - finding like-minded people who have faced the same problems, but successfully defeated them, it is easy to repeat the path to success.

At this stage, it is wrong to copy other people's goals - the new meaning should correspond to your desires. Overcome yourself, try to suppress despondency in yourself, replacing it with activity. At the same time, always remember that another equally simple person did it himself, you can do the same! Repeat to yourself like a prayer: "You are not defeated, new successes begin." Having clearly drawn a new image for yourself, a future self, you need to work daily to quickly begin to correspond to it.

love yourself

How to get out of depression on your own? Just learn to love yourself - you need to understand that we are not perfect. There is not a single person on Earth who has never known failure, has not been disgraced, has not made mistakes. It is important to stop self-flagellation, scolding yourself for the inability to achieve some sky-high success. This does not mean that you have to be lazy - everyone achieves certain goals, you need to rejoice and praise yourself at all the stages you have overcome. Having learned to love yourself, it is easier to move forward and, perhaps one day, achieve the desired goal, which drove you into depression.

A diary

What to do if you have depression? It helps a lot to keep a personal diary, in which it is necessary to record all negative as well as positive thoughts. These entries will correspond to attempts to get yourself out of depression. Every time you get in a bad mood, go back to reading what you have achieved, remember how good it was at the moment when you filled out the pages of the diary. Analyzing your own thoughts, it is easy to understand which path has already been completed, and how much remains to be done.

Physical and emotional changes

It is difficult to notice when depression begins, but it always operates on three interconnected levels - body, mind, spirit. Therefore, a combination of practices aimed at everything at once will be more effective. Self-analysis, journaling, self-discovery, and the other methods of dealing with depression described above act on the mind. It remains to involve the body and spirit - yoga, dancing, fitness and other sports areas help a lot in this.

Moving in a dance, riding a bicycle, standing in asanas or repeating a simple bunch on the step in the aerobic hall, a person receives positive emotions. The very interaction of the body and the spirit takes place, all the negativity spills out, suffering disappears, and a smile of itself appears on the face. After regular classes, the question “how to overcome depression and return to life” will disappear by itself. The main thing is to observe regularity. You should not break into an active life, otherwise the forces will quickly run out. It is enough to visit fitness or dance halls 2-3 times a week, where a positive atmosphere always reigns.


It is impossible to cope with depression on your own without changing the quality of life. Pay attention to how much you sleep - if the duration of sleep is less than the recommended norm, then no matter how hard you try, you still won’t get enough sleep, and accordingly you will perceive what is happening badly. It is necessary to reduce the load, alternate work and rest, use the weekend to relax. Perhaps you have long wanted to make a trip - put away all your business for later and go on a trip, even for a few days, but you will feel how your soul rejoices.

Herbal tea is recommended to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Also, one should not forget about appearance - a good-looking person who has made an effort to come in clean, ironed clothes, with makeup and styling (if we are talking about a woman), simply will not allow himself to become limp for every occasion.

Between us girls

It is no secret that it is the female half of the population who suffers from despondency. How to quickly get rid of depression for a girl? To begin with, it is recommended to cry, only not in the presence of the audience, but by yourself - to get out of depression, pulling yourself out of despondency after that will be much easier. Having thrown out emotions, one should proceed to active actions:

  • Assess the situation, reasons and set new goals.
  • Go to the store to update your wardrobe - shopping is the best antidepressant, and shopping removes all negativity.
  • Visit a beauty salon and change your hairstyle or manicure.
  • Talk to a loved one - who, if not a friend or mother, will be able to listen, regret and, if necessary, give advice? There is no need to postpone the conversation until later, believing that loved ones will not have time to listen to whining. Having poured out your soul in time, it will be easier to fight depression, because it will not have time to absorb you. A friend will be able to distract by inviting to a cafe or cinema - such outings cure no worse than medicines.

Is it possible for women to overcome depression at home, with depression at home? Of course, yes, using all of the above methods. Remember Bridget Jones - you wouldn’t wish the worst fate on your enemy, but she said to herself “you can” and received a bonus in return.


How to get out of depression on your own? Paying attention to any kind of creative activity, it is easy to become a fan of one of the directions. Drawing, knitting, sewing are good distractions - now hand-made in any manifestation is in fashion, so it will not be difficult to find yourself. Everyone can pull themselves out and help themselves. To make a unique thing, to be proud of yourself - won't it help to save yourself and change a dull mood to a positive one?

Group lessons

Getting out of depression with the participation of a support group and seminars held within their framework will happen faster and more efficiently, because at meetings it’s easy to get to know people whose stories you think: “you’re not so bad.” If you can’t get rid of depression on your own, but you don’t want to go to a psychologist, like-minded people will help you get out of a depressive state - they can handle it, you can do it.

What should not be done?

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without hurting yourself? There are several steps that you definitely should not use when depression takes away all the positive and core of life:

  • Trying to drink or eat experiences - having fallen into the clutches of another addiction, it is easy to become a hostage, and then self-help for depression will definitely not help.
  • Trying to take out anger by being rude or injuring someone - there are different ways to get out of depression, among them there is screaming and strength, but we are talking about screaming somewhere in nature, but by beating a punching bag or pillow.
  • Thoughtlessly absorbing antidepressants - we must remember that they help to remove symptoms, but they do not fight the causes and essence of the problem.


What is depression and how to deal with it? How to cure depression on your own? How to help? Such questions will not bother you until you diversify your life yourself, solve the problems that have arisen and rid yourself of thoughts on the topic “No one loves me”, “No one needs you” and others - this is an illusion created by you. No one will correct mistakes for you either, just as they will not set priorities, they will not reconsider goals. By changing yourself, you don’t have to wonder “how to deal with depression on your own.”

The surrounding world turns gray, nothing and no one pleases, you constantly want to sleep, complain, swear and drive everyone away from your life, while complaining about loneliness. We usually call this condition depression. However, more often it turns out that overwork or temporary sadness become the cause of a bad mood. Real depression is a really terrible “beast”, therefore, it is necessary to fight the conditions that can lead to it by any means. Which of them can cause it? Is it possible to identify its signs and how to get rid of depression? The author of the site, Alexander Dudkina, was sorted out, and our expert, psychologist, Gestalt therapist Tatyana Gavrilyak, helped her in this.

Experiencing temporary difficulties at work and in personal life and creativity, we say: "I have depression." This word has become so firmly established in our everyday life that it has become synonymous with any, relatively speaking, blues. On the one hand, this is convenient - there is an excuse for laziness, an opportunity to escape from solving problems, lie low and demand pity for yourself. What is the demand from a sick person? On the other hand, it is dangerous. A naive and careless attitude towards a serious illness will easily lead to the fact that you really lose sight of it if such an attack really happens. You can notice the state of loss of strength and irritability on your own, but it is not so easy to diagnose yourself. In addition, a stranger set of symptoms is hard to find. We usually call depression when we have:

  • persistent fatigue. Among people living in a modern rhythm, few people will not complain about overload at work and lack of time for rest;
  • sleep problems. Lack of sleep on weekdays and sluggish attempts to maintain the regime on weekends - this is "our everything";
  • inability to enjoy life or “negativity” (also a buzzword). Yes, in life there are enough reasons for sadness, it is difficult to constantly be on the rise;
  • critical attitude towards oneself and people. You might think that we are sure that everything should always move according to a predetermined plan.

All of the above is indeed characteristic of people suffering from depression, but if we determined it only by these signs, most of the population of megacities and many residents of smaller cities and villages would have to go to sanatorium treatment with antidepressants. Is it worth it?

Psychologist's comment:"Depression is like clinical disease characterized by a decrease in three types of activity that a person cannot control consciously. This is sex, sleep and appetite. If all these factors are present for a long time and are combined with a depressed state and a decrease in tone, depression can be suspected. It can also be against the background of a fairly high activity of a person, when he is ostentatiously having fun, forcing himself to do something, but this does not bring joy. Signs may include inappropriate reactions, unexpected gaiety for no reason, and sudden mood swings. Many refer to depression as a chronic dissatisfaction with life, a short-term decrease in activity, or the process of experiencing grief or loss. But all this does not apply to her and does not have the above signs.

According to experts, every person needs to be sad from time to time. So that negative emotions do not accumulate, they need to be given an outlet. Dosed negativity is even useful for peace of mind. However, normally, apathy should still be replaced by a rise in strength, if this does not happen, it is worth thinking about more serious attitude to the protracted blues.

There is no smoke without fire, of course. Maybe it’s not time for you to be treated yet, but if you are already asking yourself the question: “how to get rid of depression?”, It means that there are problems. To understand how serious, you can try to figure out if you had serious reasons to "infect" this mysterious ailment. In other words, where did what come from?

Psychologist's comment:“Depression is caused by exposure to stress. Sometimes internal factors: disruption of the hormonal system, mental disorders. Or external causes that create long-term discomfort. There can be many reasons, including chronic overwork, and psychological trauma, including old ones that have reappeared, and psychological burnout.”

If you caught yourself in time, realizing that overwork and a bleak outlook on life have become regular and you need to do something about it, then you are a real lucky one. It is believed that for the first six months a person himself is able to get out of this state, then everything is much more complicated and one cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

To the question “how to get rid of depression on your own?” there is no exact answer. But there are general rules with which you can independently get rid of increased fatigue, irritability, as well as loss of interest in everything that used to bring pleasure and joy.

1. Don't ask too much of yourself.

Becoming perfectionists, we begin to demand from ourselves sometimes something completely supernatural. Compiling a priori impossible lists of tasks and goals for the day, week and month, we drive ourselves into a corner. We get the feeling that we do not live up to the bar that we ourselves have set. Because of this, there is a breakdown, unwillingness to do anything (“I still can’t do anything”) and, as a result, an eternally sad, tortured, and sometimes absent look.

2. Get distracted.

Agree, it is much easier to think about something bad, to relive the same unpleasant situations in your head when you are not really busy with anything. Idleness is generally an ideal breeding ground for "reproduction of depressive bacteria." Communicate, do not be alone, do not isolate yourself, find a hobby to your liking - in general, gain positive impressions

3. Eat right.

In this case, we are not talking about some specialized diets that aim to miraculously relieve you of a depressed state in a week. We will talk about the need to eat foods rich in vitamins, as well as able to help your body produce serotonin - the well-known "happiness hormone". A wonderful and healthy alternative: green, juicy fruits, seafood, liver, oatmeal, prunes, dried apricots. Starting with proper nutrition, you will not only improve your body, but also strengthen the nervous system.

4. Go in for sports.

Strengthening muscles, making the body beautiful and embossed, physical education gives us self-confidence, increases vitality, brings pleasure due to the release of endorphin into the blood - another so-called hormone of joy. If you want to know how to get rid of anxiety, this method is for you. After intensive sports, anxious thoughts recede, making room for pleasant fatigue, a sense of satisfaction with yourself and your body, and a desire to move on.

5. Understand the reasons.

Some are able to cope with the apathy that has appeared only by understanding the origins of its occurrence. This is exactly what you are asked to do. Analyze the situation, understand what exactly is oppressing you, at what point did this irritation, indifference, depressed state appear. Looking at the situation from a different angle, rethinking it, you will be able to free yourself from negative emotions that do not allow you to live in peace.

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The world around seems gray and bleak, losing colors, constantly wanting to lie down and sleep for twenty hours a day, complain to someone about fate, but at the same time drive everyone away, remaining in peace and quiet. Loneliness puts pressure on the temples, but society only brings disappointment, and relatives and friends do not understand at all what you are talking about, which makes it even worse. Nothing pleases you anymore, neither your favorite classical jazz, nor old films, nor the best books written by mankind, walks in the park turn into uniform torment, and there is no question of going to work at all, because there are all these nasty colleagues and a tyrant boss , sympathetically, but hypocritically, serving napkins.

It is in such cases that you should boldly say to yourself: “I have depression! What to do, how to cope with an apathetic and dangerous state? Only by realizing the existence of a problem and accepting it as part of yourself, you can try to overcome all the troubles and return to your usual, happy life.

Overcame depression: what to do and how to cope

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If everything that used to bring joy and pleasure does not evoke any emotions, and the world seems gray and monotonous, when pitch darkness, emptiness and melancholy falls on your soul, most likely you have depression, and far from know what to do in such situations. all. In our country, especially among men, it is not customary to discuss psychological problems with someone, and even more so, to bring them to public judgment, but ignoring the problem will definitely not solve it, therefore, with rather low statistical indicators, the real number of people suffering from depressive disorders reaches three to five percent. So what to do if depression crept up unnoticed, how to recognize that it is she and what steps to take to stop the problem on your own?

Psychologists believe that the clinical picture of classic depression is accompanied by a mandatory decrease in the three main types of activity that are not consciously controlled. This is our sleep, sexual desire, and also appetite. If all of them, for a sufficiently long period, are in a depressed state, especially against the background of general apathy, a significant decrease in tone, despondency and depression, then we can say with confidence about the presence of the disease.

Causes of depression: why me?

In order to understand where the ears grow from, it makes sense to find out for what reasons alarming symptoms may appear, why depression appears in some with “enviable” regularity, while others, having simply been sad for a couple of days, regain their lost joy, the will to live, striving for victory and achievement. There can be many reasons and catalysts, therefore it is important to correctly recognize them and assess the extent, since a long, protracted depression without the intervention of a specialist can end in tragedy.

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  • Sudden, sudden loss of loved ones or relatives.
  • The death of a pet can play a huge role in the development of a depressive disorder.
  • Dismissal from work and the inability to find something equivalent, in terms of the value of the activity and payment.
  • Loss of important relationships, divorce.
  • Situations associated with an immediate threat to life.
  • Change of social circle, moving to another city, change of place of residence and habitat.
  • Postpartum depression, which, contrary to misconceptions, can occur after the birth of a baby, both in a woman and in a man.
  • Unsuccessful relationships in the family or team, regular conflicts, quarrels, swearing.
  • Excessive fatigue, in the presence of sleep disturbances, nightmares, insomnia and other troubles.
  • Destruction of hopes, dreams and plans, various disappointments in people and life, betrayal of loved ones.
  • Signs of depressive disorders

    Before you start figuring out what to do if you have depression, you should make sure that it really is happening. Often people perceive chronic fatigue, stress and dissatisfaction with life in this way. The process of experiencing loss or grief, as well as a short-term decrease in the level of activity, is also perceived by many as manifestations of depression. Therefore, before thinking about what to do if depression does not allow you to live normally, you should figure out what symptoms it can cause.

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  • A significant decrease in mood over a fairly long time. If you are bored, dreary and sad for more than seven to ten days, this is an occasion to seriously think about it. When such a state lasts for two weeks, then most likely you will not have to look for other options.
  • decline vital activity, unwillingness to work, and just go out into the street. Some patients simply do not want to get out of bed and open windows.
  • Disorders of appetite that are not inherent in you, from a complete refusal of food to regular overeating.
  • Insomnia, nightmares and other sleep disorders.
  • Constant feeling unwell, for example, something hurts, but what exactly is not clear, lethargy and a feeling of fever, when all physiological indications are normal. There may be discomfort in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pressure surges, pain without cause in the chest or abdomen.
  • If you are sure that you have apathy and depression and have absolutely no idea what to do, and there is nowhere to get the strength to fight, then it most likely makes sense to run to a specialist.
  • A significant decrease in libido or potency, unwillingness to have physical contact with a partner.
  • Severe mental, verbal, and motor functions, which may be accompanied by a state of some stupor, "freezes".
  • It is important to understand that in the early stages, the question of what to do if depression has begun is quite appropriate, since a person can cope on his own, with the participation of relatives and friends. A variety of folk remedies, herbs, physical education and family support. When overwork or stress, the signs of which can be recognized and diagnosed on your own, develops into severe depression, you will have to ask a specialist what to do.

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    Many people today are wondering what to do when depression and apathy literally do not allow them to live normally, work, raise children and do their usual things. Experts say unequivocally that it is possible to cope on your own, that is, on your own, only in the very early stages, when a person slowly “floats” into a depressive disorder, as if on a boat. When everything goes too far, then a special treatment, both medical and psychotherapeutic, is prescribed, and in ninety-five cases there is a clearly positive development trend, followed by a complete recovery.

    Independent steps: what to do if you get depressed

    As soon as you feel that you are starting to fall into a depressive disorder, noticing strange symptoms and signs, you should immediately take steps to stop them, even if you just want to lock the doors, collapse on the sofa and lie down without even turning on the TV. These efforts will certainly be rewarded, and you may not have to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist for professional help.

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    Proper diet

    In order to regain a good mood and psycho-emotional health, it is necessary to ensure the correct and healthy eating. Contrary to stereotypes, overeating with sweets and goodies will not lead to anything good, and pleasure hormones splashed into the blood in an insignificant amount will pour out extra centimeters on the stomach and hips, weight and can even lead to obesity. Eat more vegetables and fruits, nuts, seaweed, hard cheese, sea fish and lean meat.

    Enough sleep for rest

    The main trump card of depression is lack of sleep, as the body simply does not have time to rest for those twenty minutes that you closed your eyes during the night. You can’t go to bed after midnight, get aroma lamps to improve the quality of sleep, buy a new mattress, turn off the TV an hour before bedtime, dim the lights, give up gadgets and devices in bed. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to lie in bed during the day, you need to get up no later than eight, cook breakfast, take water procedures, and go to bed no earlier than nine in the evening.

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    Physical form plays a huge role in psycho-emotional health. Modern, sedentary residents of large cities suffer from depression much more often than hard-working villagers, for whom physical work- this is the norm. If there is nowhere to apply yourself in this regard, you just need to go in for sports or physical education, you can apply oriental practices, for example, Chinese wu-shu gymnastics, aikido, yoga, they will put in order not only the body, but also the soul.

    Conquer your fears and concerns

    In the predominant number of cases, depression does not come just like that, for its occurrence there are necessarily reasons and prerequisites. Your task is to focus and find these causes in yourself, as well as ruthlessly destroy them in order to completely get rid of the problem. These reasons can slowly corrode from the inside, preventing you from living in peace, enjoying, breathing air. “Saying” the problem out loud helps many, others write it on paper, keep a diary, the main thing is to understand that it’s not such a good reason to stop fighting and give up, because there are always alternative ways and solutions to issues.

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    Smile is the new motto

    Today, many psychologists argue that thoughts are indeed material. With the help of them, you can influence a person's life, through his psyche. So why not use such methods and help yourself get out of a deep and hopeless psychological hole, where we most often drive ourselves. Even if it takes a lot of effort at first, just smile at people, try to see only the good in them, and don’t even think about the bad. If you were rude in a store, bus or pushed into the subway, just smile back, otherwise you yourself help someone, for example, to drag an old woman with a heavy bag. A positive attitude to life always bears fruit, and your mood will rise, you don’t even have time to notice.

    Terrible depression: what to do, emergency psychological help

    When independent steps bear fruit and depression recedes, it's wonderful. So, you paid attention to the problem in time and stopped its symptoms. But what to do if severe depression only gets worse, and there is no relief at all, when crawling to the gym and back, this is already a real hellish work, and going to work completely scares you like hellish torment? If something like this happens, you should immediately contact a specialist so as not to miss the moment when you can still fix it.

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    At the first visit, a psychotherapist or psychologist conducts a special type of psychodiagnostics, after which special methods and measures of psychological assistance to the patient will be determined. It is not easy to get rid of depression on your own, because of a special defense mechanism that does not allow us to fully understand our own condition, which a professional and experienced doctor can easily do. Traditionally, all kinds and types of depressive disorders are treated with medications:

    Photo from the site:

    All of them are focused on stopping personal problems, improving mood and vitality, as well as the concentration of the hormone of joy in the blood - serotonin. Some drugs block attacks of aggression and mild excitability nervous system. Psychotherapy, hypnosis, suggestion, as well as many other sedative procedures are used. A specialist can prescribe you swimming and massages, acupuncture, relaxing spa treatments and wellness baths. All this is aimed at identifying and eliminating, first of all, the main causes of depression, and only then at the destruction of its symptoms.

    "I don't want anything": how to get rid of depression

    The surrounding world turns gray, nothing and no one pleases, you constantly want to sleep, complain, swear and drive everyone away from your life, while complaining about loneliness. We usually call this condition depression. However, more often it turns out that overwork or temporary sadness become the cause of a bad mood. Real depression is a really terrible “beast”, therefore, it is necessary to fight the conditions that can lead to it by any means. Which of them can cause it? Is it possible to identify its signs and how to get rid of depression? The author of, Alexandra Dudkina, was sorted out, and our expert, psychologist, Gestalt therapist Tatyana Gavrilyak, helped her in this.

    Experiencing temporary difficulties at work and in personal life and creativity, we say: "I have depression." This word has become so firmly established in our everyday life that it has become synonymous with any, relatively speaking, blues. On the one hand, this is convenient - there is an excuse for laziness, an opportunity to escape from solving problems, lie low and demand pity for yourself. What is the demand from a sick person? On the other hand, it is dangerous. A naive and careless attitude towards a serious illness will easily lead to the fact that you really lose sight of it if such an attack really happens. You can notice the state of loss of strength and irritability on your own, but it is not so easy to diagnose yourself. In addition, a stranger set of symptoms is hard to find. We usually call depression when we have:

    • persistent fatigue. Among people living in a modern rhythm, few people will not complain about overload at work and lack of time for rest;
    • sleep problems. Lack of sleep on weekdays and sluggish attempts to maintain the regime on weekends - this is "our everything";
    • inability to enjoy life or “negativity” (also a buzzword). Yes, in life there are enough reasons for sadness, it is difficult to constantly be on the rise;
    • critical attitude towards oneself and people. You might think that we are sure that everything should always move according to a predetermined plan.
    • All of the above is indeed characteristic of people suffering from depression, but if we determined it only by these signs, most of the population of megacities and many residents of smaller cities and villages would have to go to sanatorium treatment with antidepressants. Is it worth it?

      Psychologist's comment:“Depression as a clinical illness is characterized by a decrease in three activities that a person cannot consciously control. This is sex, sleep and appetite. If all these factors are present for a long time and are combined with a depressed state and a decrease in tone, depression can be suspected. It can also be against the background of a fairly high activity of a person, when he is ostentatiously having fun, forcing himself to do something, but this does not bring joy. Signs may include inappropriate reactions, unexpected gaiety for no reason, and sudden mood swings. Many refer to depression as a chronic dissatisfaction with life, a short-term decrease in activity, or the process of experiencing grief or loss. But all this does not apply to her and does not have the above signs.

      According to experts, every person needs to be sad from time to time. So that negative emotions do not accumulate, they need to be given an outlet. Dosed negativity is even useful for peace of mind. However, normally, apathy should still be replaced by a rise in strength, if this does not happen, it is worth thinking about a more serious attitude to the protracted blues.

      There is no smoke without fire, of course. Maybe it’s not time for you to be treated yet, but if you are already asking yourself the question: “how to get rid of depression?”, It means that there are problems. To understand how serious, you can try to figure out if you had serious reasons to "infect" this mysterious ailment. In other words, where did what come from?

      Psychologist's comment:“Depression is caused by exposure to stress. Sometimes internal factors: disruption of the hormonal system, mental disorders. Or external causes that create long-term discomfort. There can be many reasons, including chronic overwork, and psychological trauma, including old ones that have reappeared, and psychological burnout.”

      If you caught yourself in time, realizing that overwork and a bleak outlook on life have become regular and you need to do something about it, then you are a real lucky one. It is believed that for the first six months a person himself is able to get out of this state, then everything is much more complicated and one cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist.

      To the question “how to get rid of depression on your own?” there is no exact answer. But there are general rules with which you can independently get rid of increased fatigue, irritability, as well as loss of interest in everything that used to bring pleasure and joy.

      1. Don't ask too much of yourself.

      Becoming perfectionists, we begin to demand from ourselves sometimes something completely supernatural. Compiling a priori impossible lists of tasks and goals for the day, week and month, we drive ourselves into a corner. We get the feeling that we do not live up to the bar that we ourselves have set. Because of this, there is a breakdown, unwillingness to do anything (“I still can’t do anything”) and, as a result, an eternally sad, tortured, and sometimes absent look.

      Agree, it is much easier to think about something bad, to relive the same unpleasant situations in your head when you are not really busy with anything. Idleness is generally an ideal breeding ground for "reproduction of depressive bacteria." Communicate, do not be alone, do not isolate yourself, find a hobby to your liking - in general, gain positive impressions

      In this case, we are not talking about some specialized diets that aim to miraculously relieve you of a depressed state in a week. We will talk about the need to eat foods rich in vitamins, as well as able to help your body produce serotonin - the well-known "happiness hormone". A wonderful and healthy alternative: green salad, juicy fruits, seafood, liver, oatmeal, prunes, dried apricots. Starting with proper nutrition, you will not only improve your body, but also strengthen the nervous system.

      Strengthening muscles, making the body beautiful and embossed, physical education gives us self-confidence, increases vitality, brings pleasure due to the release of endorphin into the blood - another so-called hormone of joy. If you want to know how to get rid of anxiety, this method is for you. After intensive sports, anxious thoughts recede, making room for pleasant fatigue, a sense of satisfaction with yourself and your body, and a desire to move on.

      Some are able to cope with the apathy that has appeared only by understanding the origins of its occurrence. This is exactly what you are asked to do. Analyze the situation, understand what exactly is oppressing you, at what point did this irritation, indifference, depressed state appear. Looking at the situation from a different angle, rethinking it, you will be able to free yourself from negative emotions that do not allow you to live in peace.

      Psychologist's comment:“With depression, it is important to eliminate the stressor. If this is not possible, it is necessary to arrange a stronger stress, for example, to jump with a parachute. This will help change the hormonal background and temporarily improve the condition so that there is strength for treatment and work on oneself. Really help physical activity, preferably static or monotonous. It can be yoga, Pilates, long quiet walking. But intense sports are more likely to worsen the condition. It is also important not to be alone for a long time, not to isolate, but at the same time not to burden yourself with communication with a large number of people at the same time.

      The well-known phrase says: "The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves." To "drowning" in a depressive state, this fully applies. "Things of the soul" are treated in the same way as problems with physical health: proper nutrition, careful attitude to your body, emotions, self-care and awareness of the reasons. Be attentive to yourself, do not rely on "maybe" and in no case close your eyes to your problems - their solution today may save you from serious worries tomorrow.

      What to do if you can't find a job for a long time?

      The situation when a young person who seems to have a profession in demand, cannot find a job for a long time, unfortunately, is not uncommon. At the same time, there is a feeling that, they say, no one understands me and no one needs me. This state of affairs, of course, cannot suit and satisfy: each of us wants to feel needed and significant. Lack of work for a long time undermines faith in their own prospects. It seems that nothing good will happen in life. In addition, it is much harder for a man to experience a situation when he cannot find a job. If a woman has the opportunity to hide behind the upbringing of children, focus on the family and hope for a spouse, then the stronger sex does not have such an advantage. A man wants to feel needed in the profession, only then he is truly happy. This article discusses the feelings of a person who cannot professionally realize himself for a significant time, and suggests ways to solve the problem. What can you do when you are haunted by only failures?

      It is not always possible to find a job as easily and simply as it seems. Sometimes weeks and months pass and the situation does not change. It seems that you did not graduate from the institute yesterday and have quite acceptable knowledge, but for some reason employers are in no hurry to notice you. Of course, this situation is depressing and makes you suffer. Thoughts begin to appear that, they say, since they don’t take me to the desired position, it means that I am not capable of anything. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions, do not torment yourself in vain. Perhaps you yourself are not very actively looking for a job? In any case, it is necessary to show perseverance and interest. When a person prefers to close himself in his problem, luck also turns away. Often a person who cannot find a job develops depression, but he has no idea how to get out of it. Such a decisive step requires self-confidence and a bold look into the future.

      By itself, the document on graduation does not say anything. There are many people who have successfully completed their studies, but have not been able to settle in life. To do this, you need to have a mobile mind and high aspirations, and most importantly, to clearly understand where to move on. Refuse to think that supposedly they are not interested in me. It is important to have a specific goal in front of you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Life often gives us opportunities, but do we use them correctly? Someone runs away as soon as he sees a tempting offer, others consider themselves unworthy to respond to an interesting job advertisement. Some people do not need a diploma at all in order to realize their potential, for this you need to have creative thinking and be always ready to show your best side. How many are capable of it? Hardly. Most of us miss our chances, and this is repeated many times.

      The presence of a diploma is not an indicator, but only an opportunity, an additional step towards one's own development. The document cannot serve as a guarantee of success, it would be too simple. Currently, professionals are required who can do something beyond the proposed position, intellectually developed and competent.

      When you can't find a job you like for a long time, the most terrible doubts begin to creep into your head. Rarely does anyone at this moment not give up, their faith in themselves does not break, the desire to continue doing something does not fade away. Often even depression occurs, it seems that luck has completely turned away. Gradually, a feeling of emptiness and uselessness is formed. These feelings are quite natural and natural. Indeed, how can one feel if, for example, I am not invited to work anywhere, although appropriate efforts are being made. Over time, a person begins to doubt that he will succeed at all. But it's easier to tell myself that I'm not good at anything. It is important to continue to act with all your might. If necessary, hit the same point many times, someday you will definitely be lucky. You need to try to overcome the imaginary feeling of worthlessness in yourself. Remember that you are valuable in yourself and as a specialist. No need to give up ahead of time, continue to fight for your place in the sun. There is an opinion: if they are not interested in me, then I do not declare myself loudly enough.

      Seeming hopelessness

      How to cope with depression and find a way out of a predicament? When a feeling of hopelessness seizes you, all the forces go somewhere, you don’t want to do anything. I must say that the easiest way is to hide from all the problems behind the mask of a loser and then do nothing. This is done not only by weak people, but also by those who, for some reason, are disappointed in themselves. A strong focus on the lack of work makes it difficult to find one. The more we immerse ourselves in experiences, the more disappointed we are in the available prospects. Some people, starting to look for a job and not getting an instant result, immediately become discouraged. They don't want to do anything extra to get noticed. Only action can change our lives for the better. It is worth remembering this when you plan to bring something new into your life. If you argue in such a way that they won’t take me anywhere, you shouldn’t even hope for changes. A lot depends directly on the mood of a person, including success.

      This type of activity has already been successfully tested by many people. Perhaps this perspective will suit you. If you have been suffering from the fact that you cannot find a job for a long time, know that there is a way out. To do this, you just need to better assess your capabilities, practice a little and believe in your own prospects. Only he wins in a difficult struggle who is ready to go to the end and take active steps. When a person lies passively on the couch and suffers from his own seeming professional unsuitability, he will never be able to find something to his liking. There is no need to think that they will not accept me, because I do not have the appropriate education or experience. Fate favors the enterprising and the brave.

      Freelancing is a great solution for those who want to work from home and value their own independence. Today, there are many areas of activity that you can do while being in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere: design, writing articles, developing websites. Of course, this is not suitable for all people. The work of a freelancer implies perseverance, focus on results, the ability to take responsibility, efforts applied alone. If a person wants to discover new facets and perspectives in himself, then he may well choose freelancing as his main and profitable occupation. You will have to make a significant effort, but they are worth it. This type of employment can be both a temporary solution and a permanent one.

      Continuous movement

      Activity is the key to success in any business. Be extremely open to new information, then significant changes will soon occur in your life. If you have chosen a certain path for yourself, do not back down. Results will definitely appear, you just need to act and not lose your presence of mind. Anyone who argues that, they say, they are not interested in me, it is unlikely that I will be useful, will not achieve visible changes for the better. Belief in yourself and your own abilities is half the battle. Be ready at some point to accept the challenge of fate and prove to others what you are capable of.

      Thus, the problem of finding a job is always relevant. If you still can't find something to your liking, then it's time to put aside doubts and take action.

      Fighting depression: what to do if you don't feel like doing anything

      Depression and apathy interfere with living a normal life and require deep analysis. Let's take the main steps in solving this problem.

      Behind the unwillingness to do something lies not just fatigue, but a deep internal conflict.

      Depression begins with dissatisfaction with some area of ​​life, often several, in extreme cases even all. You are not happy about the weekend coming up, or another piece of cake, or a date invitation.

      Apathy- this is the desire to do nothing, but "nothing" does not mean "nothing at all." This means that pain in one place blocks all other areas of life.

      You need to figure out how to act so that depression goes away, and apathy is replaced by a desire to do something and do it 100%.

      1. Determine in what aspect it “hurts”: emotional (concerns the emotions experienced), social (if we are talking about relationships with someone), physical (fatigue, discomfort in the body, illness), material (financial issues, unmet basic needs ). Try the elimination method. The body feels good, so it's in the head. There are no problems in the family, in the environment too, then the problem is in me? Now you have a direction in which to move on.

      2. Go deep and think about what is all the same. There is no unreasonable apathy. Even if it concerns a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, one should understand why it “hurts” there. Answer yourself the questions: “Why don’t you want to? Why apathy? Find the factor, trigger, circumstance that provoked this state.

      Someone's remark, conflict (hidden or open), failure, unjustified expectations, resentment. If you take the time to identify the root of the problem, then everything will go much faster. This step is the most important, so give it your attention and time.

      3. Now imagine what can change your attitude towards this problem. From small changes to critical measures. Change feng shui in the workplace or work at all? But don't do anything just yet. Keep visualizing.

      Imagine when you feel good. Like this? Where are you, what are you doing, who is around you? What is not there? Is depression there, or does it not belong there? Probably not. You are active, cheerful and, most importantly, effective there - you are doing something. Okay, that's where we need to be.

      4. Now, since you understand that you want at least something, do it control exercise. Sit alone and... do nothing. Generally. Don't pick up your phone, don't turn on the TV, don't get comfortable. Don't do anything at all. We guarantee that in a minute and a half, in the worst case, two, you will get up and go to do something. And with a 99% chance you will do what you want.

      Do not read this article skeptically, but do it step by step. Most likely, you want changes and big ones. But do not rush, think it over at least until the next morning, but rather discuss it with a person whose opinion is important to you.

      We hope that your apathy will go away quickly and forever!

      How to understand that it is depression and where to look for help

      What to do with depression? How do you even understand that you have depression, and not a trivial depressed mood? Where can I get the strength to cope with this disease? Who to contact for help? If you are always in a bad mood, how to properly convey to relatives that you need their support? How to behave with others? What should you do when depression has taken you into its arms? Read the answers to these and some other questions in this article.

      How to understand that it is depression?

      Read the list of symptoms below and decide if you can say something similar about yourself.

      • Nothing pleases me.
      • Life seems to me hopeless and aimless.
      • I am oppressed by thoughts about the present and the future.
      • When I pass by a mirror, I try not to look into it, because I don’t want to see my reflection.
      • I don't want to get up in the morning, I don't want to do anything.
      • Nobody understands me, which is natural, because I am an empty place.
      • I have no strength for anything, I can not even do simple work.
      • When I am entrusted with a responsible task, I am worried about the result, even if I have no reasons for obvious concern.
      • I am tormented by a feeling of fear and emptiness.
      • I don't even want to do things that previously brought me pleasure.
      • I often feel anxious, sad and discouraged, feel guilty and useless to my family and society as a whole.
      • I suffer from headaches and strange sensations in my body.
      • My appetite and sleep have changed. When I go to bed, I can't fall asleep for a long time. I overeat or, conversely, I eat too little.
      • When I start working, it is difficult for me to focus on something specific. I can make frequent mistakes in familiar activities, so I began to skip work (study) frequently, telling my superiors that I was sick.
      • It was like all the energy had been sucked out of me.
      • Sometimes I think about death and hurting myself.
      • I am annoyed by everything.
      • I do not see a way out of this situation, and I do not understand what to do with my condition.

      So, the main symptoms of depression are: complete absence vitality, decrease or increase in appetite, insomnia or prolonged sleepless sleep, loss of strength, decreased concentration of attention, sexual disorders (decreased desire), feelings of inferiority, thoughts of suicide. In addition, there is psychomotor agitation (nervousness, vanity, randomness of actions and desires, the need to run away, leave somewhere) or severe lethargy.

      If you are familiar with this condition, then you may suspect that you have depression. But remember that dealing with depression on your own is quite difficult, not to mention self-diagnosing. What to do? Contact a psychotherapist for help!

      In order for a specialist to be able to confirm that you have clinical depression, he must record a depressive episode, and the duration of symptoms must be at least two weeks.

      At the same time, the symptoms that you notice in yourself should not be just characteristic features of your personality (a certain type of temperament, character traits), but should cause a severe subjective reaction and social maladaptation (unwillingness to go to work, see people, etc.).

      Why did this happen to me?

      Despite the fact that people suffering from depression need the help of specialists, without the desire of the person himself to do what will help him get out of this state, without setting for positive changes, something really worthwhile is unlikely to come out. As you know, understanding the causes of the problem is an effective step towards healing. Consider the main causes leading to depression.

      Biological and chemical

      People who are prone to depression have an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain (chemicals that transmit electrical impulses from a nerve cell between neurons). Changes in these substances lead to the onset of depression. In addition, some drugs are also capable of provoking this depressed state of the individual.

      Crisis situations such as financial troubles, divorce, death of a loved one, loss of property or job, serious illness, change of place of residence - can lead to severe depressive disorders.

      If there are or have been people in your family who suffer from depression, then there is some possibility that your genes may set a certain algorithm for your reaction to stressful situations. Not all, but some types of depression may well be predetermined by heredity.

      People suffering from severe physical and mental illnesses are at risk. Their physical or mental illness provokes the development of depression.

      If you are characterized by negative stereotypes of thinking (you expect only the worst from the world, you often look for a catch in the actions of people around you, life in general is seen as gray for you), or if you have a low level of self-esteem, then you may also be prone to depression.

      Other features of thinking that can lead to depression include perfectionism: “I must do my best to be the best”, “I am satisfied with only a great result.” “Black and white” thinking: “If I can only do something halfway, then I can’t do anything,” “I can’t be called a lucky person if I tied.” Globalization of problems: “If my boss yelled at me today, it means that tomorrow he will fire me”, “If my son did not get an A in the exam, then he will not be able to study at the university”, “A passing car splashed me, the world is so unfair to me".

      Women suffer from depression more often than men. This state of affairs is explained not only by the increased emotionality, vulnerability and sensitivity of the beautiful half of humanity, but also by hormonal changes and disorders occurring in female body during menopause, childbirth and pregnancy.

      In addition, the onset and development of depression is influenced by stress, which begins against the backdrop of so many responsibilities and concerns of women.

      Repressed feelings that you find unacceptable, shameful, or wrong are fertile ground for depression to develop. Such feelings can be associated with the presence of guilt or shame, with a sense of one's own ugliness, loneliness, worthlessness, uselessness and misunderstanding on the part of others. Or with negative past experiences: sexual, physical or emotional abuse, overbearing and overly demanding parents, the loss of a loved one, or a painful breakup.

      If all these feelings are too powerful and overwhelming, then they become unbearable for you. And then it may seem to you that it will be easier to “hide” them in your subconscious mind than to start doing at least something to get rid of their burden.

      We got acquainted with the main manifestations of depression and the causes of its occurrence. And now you may ask: “What to do next? In what cases it is necessary to contact a specialist. If you really have depression, and not its imaginary analogue, then it is simply vital for you to seek help from a psychiatrist.

      The support of loved ones is also important, but we advise you not to overdo it with complaints directed to your family members. Of course, if you are concerned not only with your peace of mind, but also with the condition of your loved ones. Only a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist can provide you with effective help, as well as yourself.

      “I think you are in a bad mood. What now, on every occasion, to run to the doctor for treatment”, “Pull yourself together, it’s sickening to look at you, you whine and whine”, “You have nothing more to do, how to drag around hospitals, you could cope with your condition yourself”, “When Will you stop moping, is it scary to look at you? From one look at you, your cheekbones are reduced, as if you had eaten a lemon, ”- this, unfortunately, can be heard all the time.

      That is why many people do not seek help from a doctor, considering such an act shameful. They prefer to do nothing at all, letting everything take its course, which is a big mistake.

      As we have already said, it is quite difficult to cope with depression on your own, and therefore phrases like: “It is impossible to listen to you, only groans and complaints. When will you take control of yourself? It’s time to start doing at least something,” are completely useless. In addition, if depression remains untreated, then this leads to rather sad consequences: loss of work, friends, family destruction, suicidal attempts.

      You should contact a specialist if you are unable to cope with depression on your own within two months. For example, taking light sedatives, as well as in case of an irresistible desire to commit suicide. Bad mood lasts from several minutes to several hours. If such a condition drags on for weeks and months, then in this case we can talk about the disease.

      Without qualified medical care, you can easily cross the line from where you can’t get out.

      "How will I be treated?" - you ask. Treatment is carried out with the help of medical methods (psychotropic drugs - antidepressants). They are prescribed by a psychiatrist. And non-drug methods (psychotherapy). This is done by a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist. If a person has a mild form of depressive states, psychotherapy alone can be dispensed with.

      Speaking about depressive states and their forms, it is impossible not to mention that such states are divided into two types: endogenous (mental disorders) and reactive (reaction to negative events in life). In the first case, the treatment is exclusively medical. In the second, in addition to drugs, psychotherapeutic effects are used. It is quite possible to cope with the disease, and the sooner you turn to specialists, the better for you and for your loved ones.

    Modern research suggests that depression (symptoms) is similar to some cardiovascular diseases and is becoming an increasingly common ailment of the present time. It should be noted that this is an extremely popular disorder today, which affects millions of people around the globe. According to studies by a huge number of scientists, about 20% of the population of all developed countries suffer from this disease. And many do not understand how to live if you do not want to live?

    What it is?

    Depression is usually understood as a serious illness that radically changes a person's ability to work in the direction of reducing it, brings severe suffering not only to the patient, but also to people around him. It should be noted that modern citizens know very little about some of the typical manifestations of this disease and its consequences, therefore, qualified assistance is provided to numerous patients only when the disease takes on a severe, protracted character and is practically untreatable.

    Why does it occur?

    Many prefer not to go to the doctor at all. In almost all modern developed countries, health services are sounding the alarm because of the current situation. The governments of these countries are making tremendous efforts to promote information about overcoming depression, methods of its treatment and how to live if you do not want to live.

    It should be noted that 80% of all patients initially seek qualified help from general practitioners, which is fundamentally wrong. In such cases, an adequate diagnosis is established only in 5%. However, quality medical care is received by a much smaller number of patients. Do not forget that the disease can go to a deep level and develop into serious mental disorders of a person. Today, at an ordinary appointment in a polyclinic, a therapist cannot always distinguish between a physiological ailment and a somatic disease. Of course, in the future, this inevitably leads to a false diagnosis.

    So, patients can be prescribed symptomatic therapy, that is, treatment for noise and pain in the heart or general malaise. Of course, there is no improvement. At the same time, the patient spontaneously has thoughts about a dangerous and unknown disease to science. It does not take long to think to understand that unfounded suspicions only increase the general manifestations of depression and lead to oppression of consciousness. Patients spend a huge amount of time on all sorts of clinical and laboratory research. Of course, this leads nowhere. How to get rid of depression in this case? In the hands of professionals who can really help, desperate patients fall too late. Self-treatment is by no means recommended!

    The main types of depression

    There are many reasons for depression. Often, such conditions occur against the background of prolonged stress or severe traumatic situations, but in practice there are cases when depression occurs for no apparent reason. It should be noted that such a disease may be accompanied by certain somatic ailments. In this case, doctors treat exclusively these diseases, without paying any attention to the suppressed emotions of a person. In addition, it is significantly more difficult to make a correct diagnosis. However, with timely detection and adequate treatment of depression, many patients notice a rapid improvement in both their mental health and physical well-being. So how do you get rid of depression?

    Just don't "load"

    Such conditions manifest themselves in the form of single, completely different in severity, episodes of the disease. There may be multiple exacerbations. So, how to live if you don't want to live?

    In a certain number of patients, depression is more likely to be chronic. What does it mean? Depression continues permanently for a huge number of years without reaching any peak. Borderline mental disorders are to blame for everything.

    Sometimes a depressive state is limited to manifestations only at the physiological level, and there are no vivid emotional manifestations. It is noteworthy that clinical and laboratory examinations may well not reveal any organic changes. To treat such manifestations, a good practicing psychologist is needed.

    Basic states

    How often do we attribute to ourselves depressive disorders, which in fact do not exist! One has only to be a little upset, and thoughts immediately come that depression has begun.

    In fact, numerous modern psychologists often talk about the so-called seasonal depression. What is meant by this term? In fact, this is a significant decrease in the general mood and ability to work at the due time of the year. To date, winter, autumn and spring depressions are known. As you can see, the summer period proceeds without depressive disorders. But not everything is so simple: if depression is observed, treatment must be started at any time of the year.

    Term from the medical reference book

    So the situation is rather complicated. In medical terminology, depression is not just a very bad mood, as is commonly believed. In general, this is a rather serious disease that has certain clinical manifestations. That is, the indicated ailment can attack at any time of the year. But if only that were all! Often the disease begins with seasonal depression, which is part of a group of diseases called affective disorders. What does this mean? Immediate treatment of mental disorders! Depression is primarily a change in mood and behavior, but the symptoms can vary.

    What to do?

    In fact, depression is a very common mental disorder. It should be noted that with a mild form of the disease, a general decrease in the level of mood is felt, a loss of interest in things for which a person previously experienced a genuine passion. Feels incredibly tired and general weakness.

    Many people in this state are able to mobilize, concentrate and, with the support of relatives, independently get out of a difficult psychological situation. Of course, such cases are quite rare. If you think you have depression, treatment should begin immediately. In the middle stage of depression, sleep patterns and eating patterns change. What does it mean? There are either too long or too short hours of sleep, severe appetite disturbances up to a complete refusal of food or to severe overeating.


    Agree, many of us have experienced a similar state more than once. Symptoms of depression are probably known to everyone. Depression, tension and constant excitement accompany a person when he starts something new. In this case, a slight depression and even a slight malaise, characterized by clinical symptoms, may well visit any of us, as they say, in a standard manner.

    Every day

    Feelings are indispensable in everyday life. If you think that you have depression - the symptoms to help you! Study them well for yourself. Psychiatrists and psychologists recommend resting more often and being distracted from everything that is happening by any available means and means. If you do not want to live at all, then you should resort to the help of specialists.

    Major depressive disorder often causes a person to lose self-control. In some particularly severe cases, depression, the symptoms of which become noticeable even to others, can lead to suicide. People with a constantly oppressed psyche, who are in a borderline state, often open their veins, drink, eat and lose huge cash fighting in the streets or walking in dangerous places. Living human relationships are replaced by the use of psychotropic and intoxicating substances. This includes alcohol, drugs, etc. In such cases, long-term therapy is urgently needed, in special cases combined with drug treatment.

    What to do?

    Psychological and psychotherapeutic help should not be neglected. It is noteworthy that only a competent specialist will help to understand the causes of depression, find a way out of an impasse and overcome all difficulties. You just need to overcome yourself and take the first step!

    Remember that our health does not consist in constantly ignoring a “lingering” disease, but in adequately assessing the internal state of depression, recognizing the causes of difficulties and being able to go through them, not past them. Take care of yourself!

    What do you need to know?

    Depression is understood in our time not as the weakness or laziness of a certain individual, but as a disease that needs to be overcome. It is worth emphasizing once again that in the vast majority of cases, qualified professional help is still needed, since there are very neglected case histories. It is noteworthy that the most modern methods of therapy can effectively treat this disease. In the most severe cases, medications, such as antidepressants, are used. It is extremely important to find the true cause of this condition, since simply treating the symptoms will not lead to anything. But how to live if you don't want to live?

    At the very beginning of the disease, an individual may complain only of certain symptoms, say, fatigue, unexplained headaches and muscle pains, constant irritation, etc. Later it turns out that the person has completely lost interest in reality and is simply not interested in life.

    Internal conflict

    It must be remembered that some groups of people are prone to depression. This includes, for example, women in the postpartum period, patients who have had a stroke or who suffer from multiple sclerosis.


    The symptoms of depression are different for everyone. The way out of this ailment depends on the degree of depression of the state. There is, for example, hereditary depression, which occurs literally “out of nowhere” in adolescence, the treatment of which may require drug therapy and supervision by a qualified psychiatrist.

    But there are conditions that develop sequentially, as reactions to psychological trauma (for example, divorce, dismissal, death of a loved one, etc.) or appear as a result of mental exhaustion. In these cases, the universal “treatment” algorithm is excellent, which is effective regardless of what a person has experienced in his life. The exception is the death of a close relative: most often therapy and medicines are needed here.

    What do you need?

    The first and, probably, the most important thing is a passionate desire to get out of depression. Remember the cartoon about Munchausen, who pulled himself out of the abyss by his hair. Depression is a swamp from which you need to drag yourself. If it doesn’t work, find a specialist who will definitely help.

    Secondly, you need to get out of depression with your feet. Yes, yes, in the literal sense of the word. Constantly walk, travel, force yourself to get out of bed early in the morning, chat with friends, walk on the street or outside the city. Start, in the end, run, go to the pool or fitness.

    The thing is that during physical exertion, endorphins enter the blood in large quantities, that is, biologically active substances that greatly contribute to improving mood. Try to be in the company of positive-minded friends more often. Do not play the role of a victim, do not complain and do not involve others in your "swamp".

    Thirdly, a thorough and productive analysis of everything that happened is necessary. Try to answer the following questions for yourself: what exactly happened? What has this situation taught me? What needs to be done next? What do I need to do to avoid falling into it again? Good luck!

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