Is the ashram of Shambhala sect alive and winning? (photo, video). Shambhala around the ashram Stories of former sectarians of the ashram of Shambhala

medicinal plants 15.11.2021
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Rudnev Konstantin

One of the most dangerous totalitarian sects in Russia, the Ashram of Shambhala, was created by a resident of Novosibirsk, Konstantin Rudnev, more than 20 years ago, in 1989. He initially involved a lot of girls in his group, making them concubines in the future. Moreover, speaking to his predominantly female flock, he carried such nonsense that only the insane could believe in such a thing.

As Rudnev told at meetings, he is a messenger from the planet Sirius. In 1967, he was planted as a newborn of one of the women. And the task set before the alien is to save the earth, which was supposedly doomed to perish.

The spiritual leader held various seminars, which brought people down. This is both the "geisha school" and the "esoteric foundations of business." Promising a quick result, Konstantin Rudnev did not hesitate to take huge amounts of money from his audience. Those who were led by the words of the swindler specifically copied their apartments, cars, houses to Rudnev. He knew how to inspire people with anything. And from the girls he made a personal harem. There will be dozens of hours of orgies on the video, which the operatives will later seize. Moreover, the children of sectarians watched everything that happened.

Members of the Shambhala Ashram sect

Law enforcement agencies have been trying to open criminal cases against the leader of the Shambhala Ashram since 1999. Even several times in the course of three years it was possible to get a warrant to search his cottages. But each time they found nothing that could be the reason for the arrest. On several occasions, packets of cocaine were found in the cottages. But it was not possible to prove that the drugs belonged to Rudnev.

In the early 2000s, Rudnev was able to open a large number of branches in Russia. Total number its participants, already at that time numbered more than 10 thousand people.

And then, representative offices of the Ashram of Shambhala appeared in Argentina and France. One of the main conditions for joining a sect was renunciation of one's relatives.

In 2008, during another search, they finally found what they were looking for in a cottage belonging to the leader of the Ashram of Shambhala. Firstly, the sectarians visited individuals who were on the federal wanted list for committing grave and especially grave crimes. Secondly, among the members of the sect there were people who were listed as missing. And thirdly, porn shootings were found, where Rudnev himself and his large flock, including minors, acted as heroes. And the drugs found in large quantities were again not attributed to the leader.

Arrest of Shambhala Ashram leader Konstantin Rudnev

During the investigation, it turned out that Konstantin has a large number of apartments and cottages throughout Russia, as well as abroad. All this property was purchased with the money of parishioners.

At the trial against Rudnev, no one began to testify. Which, in principle, did not come as a surprise. After all, he skillfully cleared the brains of his associates. Members of the sect said in court that no one kept them in the cottages by force. They themselves wanted to live this way and not otherwise.

After the arrest of Rudnev, the sect did not break up, but on the contrary, its members became more united. They also recruit Russian citizens into their ranks, and read Rudnev's letters at meetings, which he writes from prison, serving an eleven-year sentence.


    I almost got into this sect of Shambhala!

    Karma, however, judged that just such a ROLL, no matter what epithets were given and no matter how ridiculed, would become a herald of the spiritual. Well, who else in our time can claim that he is enlightened? And where is the evidence? There are those who try to make phenomena with the help of black magic. The roll does not produce phenomena; its adherents read information from the aura. According to occultism, they are adherents of the right path, i.e. white mages.
    - "Narrow is the gate and narrow is the path that leads to life" eternal, and therefore "there are few who find it."

  1. T D-na was a common religion of the ancient world. These teachings exist. But the documents are hidden so as not to fall into the hands of the ignorant for the misuse of occult powers, but will reappear in a more enlightened time. Never had a religious founder to invent new religion or discovered a new Truth. There were only transmitters. They were the authors of new forms and interpretations. But the Truths on which the teachings are based are as old as humanity itself. ROLL is Initiate in knowledge. In ancient times, these were mysteries, which were a discipline and an incentive for improvement.
    Unfortunately, specialists in occultism and theosophy were not invited to the trial. Blav really wanted her teaching not to end, otherwise, she said, I was born in this world in vain. Why Ross. Thesophist society is not interested in occult manifestations at this time? RULON and his adherents, the activities became known not to those of his genus. city, but also in other mountains. Russia. At the trial, he was characterized, presented as a charlatan posing as a saint. This is understandable. How can people with material views and without knowledge of the okk sciences judge his and his adepts' abilities and check every evidence? After all, D.B.'s assertion is based on knowledge of the facts. Gd speaks: only the Spirit can judge the spiritual. St. Paul said that the one who is spiritual should speak first. In Bl's time, with such questions and disputes, the Kings of the occult society were invited.

From the Ashram Shambhala sect, whose branch was located near Novosibirsk, an underage Minsker born in 1991. As told "Belarusian News" Pavel Zolotukhin, head of the department of the Novosibirsk Department for Combating Organized Crime, the girl was in the sect for a year, was listed on the Belarusian wanted list as missing. Now the girl was taken away by relatives.

Talking about how a 17-year-old girl from Minsk got into the sect, Pavel Zolotukhin remarked: “ As we managed to find out, the girl came to Novosibirsk of her own free will. Information about Shambhala Ashram, according to her, she got from the Internet.

The sectarians were found at two addresses. “We were looking for a missing girl born in 1992, a resident of Berdsk, a satellite city of Novosibirsk, Elena Kuznetsova. There are witnesses who saw her in the area of ​​houses where the sectarians lived,- says Pavel Zolotukhin. - The girl was not there. But we found 15 other men and women.”

Sect leader Konstantin Rudnev

Law enforcement agencies of Novosibirsk detained Konstantin Rudnev, leader of the sect. They tried to prosecute Rudnev in 1998 and 2004, reports RIA News", but the members of the sect refused to testify against their "spiritual mentor", claiming that they joined this organization voluntarily.

This time, a lot of literature, all kinds of accessories for the ritual, 23 laptops, a large number of pills, presumably psychotropic, were seized. Rudnev himself has several cigarettes with marijuana. As P. Zolotukhin said, all these items will be evaluated as physical evidence.

At the same time, he emphasized: “It is fundamental that neither the Belarusian citizen, nor other people in the sect were forcibly kept. They were all there willingly. It cannot be said that these are representatives of asocial strata of society. I can only say that these are people who are well zombified.”

Six of them were wanted as missing. Of the remaining nine, also six people were previously on the All-Russian wanted list as missing: “As you can see, they left their families again. Among the sectarians there were those who were already sent home, and they again returned to the Shambhala Ashram. They're brainwashed well."

"Ashram Shambhala" - it is also the "Academy of Occult Sciences", "Siberian Association of Yogis" - appeared in 1989 in the wake of enthusiasm for Hindu theories. Now she has branches in many cities of Russia, in the ranks of the sect there are about 15 thousand people. Mostly girls. They were kidnapped or lured. After being treated with psychotropic substances, they were forced to give up their former life: forget their loved ones, give away all their savings and property. The beginners were shown the performances of those who had already reached the rank of "enlightened ones".

The leaders of the cult are Rudnev Konstantin Dmitrievich (the name in the sect is Sri Jnan Avatar Muni), who calls himself an enlightened teacher, a god; Shudnev Konstantin Leonidovich (name in the sect - Shiva Acharya), busy with organizational issues. The sect's guru is said to be 74 years old Avtandil Lomsadze. He permanently resides in St. Petersburg. As they wrote about him in posters when he visited Novosibirsk, this is “the most unique person of the world - the Great Teacher, Raja Yogi, the strongest telepath, miracle worker, omniscient and omnipotent healer Shri Guru Pfasky.

Initially, people are lured by lectures on the study of yoga, "eternal truths", on which promising adepts are selected, i.e. people with increased suggestibility, malleable psyche. Seminars, collective meditations, meetings with dance and yogic exercises are held. Reportedly "News", girls who fell into a sect became a kind of sex slave. Among the practices of the sect is the so-called Tantra Yoga, i.e. sexual magical practices.

They were completely cut off from the outside world. Communication with loved ones, Internet, TV, Cell phones, any literature, except for sectarian brochures - everything that could bring the victim out of hypnosis, was strictly prohibited in the Shambhala Ashram. To popularize the ideas of the sect, several brochures were published, including Rudnev's work "The Way of the Fool" (lovingly referred to among the adherents as "Rulonina").

Apparently, the people who were found in Novosibirsk are those from among the followers who are settled in the ashram, where supposedly there are "special" conditions for "spiritual growth." Here is what the Interfaith Christian Forum writes about the life of ordinary members of the ashram: “Sleep - 3 hours, meager vegetarian food, continuous work, frequent physical violence, sometimes in sadistic forms, for women - “tantra practices”. At this time, the "mentors" carefully monitor the adherents, not missing the slightest fault, give impromptu lectures (for "spiritual improvement"). Collective meditation is practiced - a curse on enemies, for example, on annoying neighbors, but especially on those who left the sect. Several people stand in a circle, imagining that the enemy is in the center, and pour out their anger on him, swearing, swearing at him, imagining that they are beating him. In a narrower circle, Rudnev teaches the need to get rid of the power of parents, who are suitable only to take money from them and bring it to the sect.

Let us note that for recent times this is the second precedent when Belarusians find themselves in sects abroad. The Penza hermits, who in November 2007 were among 35 people in anticipation of the end of the world in the village of Nikolsky, Penza region, are also well known. People were going to stay there until May, when, in their opinion, the end of the world was supposed to come. The hermits threatened to set themselves on fire if anyone tried to bring them out of the ground. The end of the world did not come, the cave was blown up, people were sent home. Some of the recluses even after a few months dreamed of returning to the cave.

Well, sectarians give their flock attention and the illusion of love, which everyone lacks. Sectarians pay attention to people in a vulnerable position, that is, to those who suffer from illnesses, their own or loved ones, experience loneliness, go through a difficult moment in life. One of the trump cards of the sectarians is the ability to convince potential members of the sect that they are accepted as they are. On the initial stage criticism, claims against a person are not allowed.

As they wrote "Belarusian News" earlier, in our time of scientific and technological progress, a person is in a state of unsatisfied spiritual thirst. The number of sects is increasing because there is a demand for spiritual development in society. And, according to the psychotherapist Andrey Metelsky, “the more educated a person is, the sooner he has a chance to get into a sect, such a paradox.”

Esoteric sect Ashram Shambhala collapsed!
Ashram of Shambhala (other names: "Belovodye", Path to "Belovodye", International Academy "The Way to Happiness", International "Academy of Happiness", "Esoteric Ashram of Shambhala", "Russian Tantric School", Sotidanandana Yoga Center, "School of Geishas ”, “Olirna”, etc.) is an occult religious sect created in 1989 in Novosibirsk by Konstantin Rudnev.

From 1990 to 2010, branches of the sect operated on the territory of 18 subjects Russian Federation(including in Moscow and St. Petersburg), as well as in other countries on the territory of the former USSR. The total number of members, according to various estimates, ranged from 15 to 20 thousand people. The age of the adepts ranged from 17 to 30 years.

Law enforcement agencies define the Ashram of Shambhala as one of the most odious totalitarian sects operating in Russia, similar in mode of action to Aum Shinrikyo. The number of the organization in 1999 was 10,000 members.

The founder and leader of the Shambhala Ashram is Konstantin Dmitrievich Rudnev, a graduate of the Engineering College (born August 4, 1967, in Novosibirsk), also known under the pseudonyms “Roll”, “Sotilian Sikorsky”, “Shri Jnan Avatar Muni”, “Altai Kagan Bogomud”, "Great Shaman of Altai Bogomud Altai Kagan". Back in 1986, while serving in the army, Rulon tried to convince the command of the military unit to convert the unit into a monastery on the model of Shaolin, where there would be a strict rejection of bad habits, and the officers would be mentors and train the soldiers in martial arts. Then Rudnev was sent for treatment to the Samara psychiatric clinic, where he stayed until 1989. After that, he returned to Novosibirsk and, with the help of Elena Zakharova, who later became the second person in the sect, founded the health-improving company Caravan, which conducted paid seminars on non-traditional methods of treatment in an oriental wrapper, where they taught yoga, the teachings of Shambhala, and healing. Reiki", "astral karate" and "corruption removal". Later, the company changed its name and signs several times. Rudnev also declared himself the "Second Messiah", "prophet" and "embryo that fell to earth through a UFO", as well as "an alien from Sirius"

Rudnev's doctrine is very syncretic, and is a mixture of occultism, New Age, the Living Ethics of the Roerichs, the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, Reiki, astral karate, karma yoga and contacting. In the teachings of Ashram Shambhala, there are elements of esotericism, oriental cults and religions, pagan cults , shamanism and yoga. There was also propaganda of racial hygiene

The ideological basis of the teachings of the group is the autobiographical book by K. D. Rudnev “The Way of the Fool”, written by him under the pseudonyms “Roll” and “Sotilian Sikorisky”. In the teachings presented in the book, in a scandalously obscene form, the ideas of creating a family, the birth and upbringing of children, education and work are ridiculed, the subordination of adepts (“sadhaks”) to the leader of the group is praised. Promiscuous sex and constant "sexual practices" ("tantra practices") are promoted, which should be done exclusively with young and beautiful girls.

In religious studies and psychological and psychiatric aspects, the Ashram of Shambhala is characterized as an asocial new religious movement and cult that uses techniques and techniques aimed at forming members of the psychological dependence on the group and leader.

A. L. Dvorkin defines Rudnev as an odious “pseudo-tantric guru”, and his organization as “an occult totalitarian sect” and especially notes that “Rudnev’s sect can rightfully be spoken of as a perfect totalitarian sect.”

According to law enforcement agencies,

To completely suppress the will in the sect, mental and psychological violence was used in the form of special methods of aggressive external influence on the psyche, with the goal of putting the will of the involved persons under the control of the leader of the sect, as well as group drug use, rape. As a result, several adepts developed severe mental illness.

Organization leadership

Konstantin Rudnev (“Roll”, “Sotilian Sikorsky”, “Shri Jnan Avatar Muni”, “Altai Kagan Bogomud”, “Great Shaman of Altai Bogomud Altai Kagan”, “Embryo that fell to earth through a UFO”, “Savior of Mankind”, “ A stranger from Sirius") - the leader of the sect
Elena Zakharova ("Selena", "Shri Subi Lakshmi Devi") - "Chief Priestess" and the right hand of Rulon
Pavel Khandozhko (“Shri Ganesha”) is the “chief mentor”, a former surgeon from the Pskov region, who was engaged in conducting seminars on “tantra” in the sect (“to do tantra” - in the jargon of the sect means “to have sex”). In 2004, he was put on the wanted list on suspicion of HIV infection of several dozen people throughout Russia.
Vera Brilina is the head of the cell in Arkhangelsk.
Nikolai Kornienkov - former head of the Voronezh cell.

Inner life of the organization
To join a sect, a neophyte was required to pay a fee in the amount of 4-5 thousand rubles, as well as fully pay for the education itself. Then the newly-appeared adept (in the jargon of the sect - "sadhaka") was brought in a roundabout way to one of the "ashrams", which is an ordinary city apartment or a village house. All ordinary members of the "Shambhala Ashram" were accommodated by 16-20 people in small rooms (in one case 3 by 5 square meters), where they had to live, eat and work. Moreover, the junior "mentors" lived in a room for 2-3 people, and the senior "mentor" had a separate room.

The sect had a very strict daily routine. At 6 o'clock in the morning (in some at 6:50) - a general rise with an hour "warm-up" to the music. The warm-up included monotonous push-ups in the lying position, squats, abdominal exercises, alternating with exhausting dances (the so-called "dynamic meditation"). During the day, such a “warm-up” was repeated every hour, including at night.

Adepts were required to make and sign envelopes, compose poems and songs, reprint the texts of books, rewrite the lectures of Rudnev and his inner circle on paper, rewrite music and video cassettes, and also make various “magic” items for sale to the outside world. Failure to comply with strictly established norms entailed punishment: hunger from 1 to several days with continued work, performing from 200 to 500 push-ups in a lying position, the same number of squats in addition to warm-ups, cleaning the toilet, boycott and loneliness. When the adept refused to carry out the punishment, the sect leadership resorted to accepting collective responsibility, forcing all other ordinary members to do push-ups in the presence of a stubborn one until he took pity on his suffering comrades and agreed to obey.

Food intake was carried out only 2 times a day in the morning and evening, at the hours set by the leadership of the sect. Adepts ate from a common cauldron with food that was a gruel of peeling vegetables, grass, leaves, pearl barley or millet. food, mutual feeding of neighbors on the table. According to eyewitnesses, followers of Rudnev from chronic malnutrition and lack of sleep fell into a bestial state, becoming greedy for any food and ready to take an extra piece from a neighbor. When the adepts began to lose their hair and teeth from exhaustion, then the leaders of the sect told them that:

"You are reborn as a man of the sixth race, who does not need teeth, for he feeds on divine energy."

At the same time, the leadership of the sect ate rice, mushrooms and various salads. According to other sources, the daily norm for an ordinary adept was 1 glass of cereal and 2 tablespoons of oil, half a glass of germinated wheat. Sometimes, instead of the latter, a piece of bread was given out. Also, the leaders of the sect fed the adherents with scraps from their table.

The lights out began at 3-4 am (in some cells at 0 am) and only a few hours were allotted for sleep. The members of the "Ashram of Shambhala" were sleeping, with windows open all year round, whoever had anything, including the bare floor. To subdue the adherents, the leadership of the sect arranged nightly rises with rehearsals of an accelerated end, after which everyone, on command, went to bed in a matter of seconds.

Sometimes ("once a week or two") in the early hours of the day, in the late evening or dark night, the inhabitants of the Ashram of Shambhala were allowed to take group walks. The adepts who went out into the street were divided into subgroups and, under the guidance of the "mentor", went to their destination. They returned the same way.

Rudnev and his male accomplices constantly organized group orgies in the sect with the participation of young girls. If then a child was born to such a girl, he was handed over to an orphanage.

The adherents were subjected to mockery - they dipped their heads into the toilet with feces, burned their skin with cigarettes, cut their bodies. Particularly guilty were subjected to torture in the form of sexual humiliation: gang rape, public masturbation, homosexual and lesbian sexual acts. Adepts were also forced to copulate with animals, such as dogs. All this was called "tantric rituals for initiates" and was recorded on a video camera.

In the jargon of the organization, non-members were called "mice", in relation to them theft, deceit and violence were allowed.
Affiliated organizations and events

Academy "The Way to Happiness"
Academy of Occult Sciences
Altai Ashram of Shambhala
Center "Belovodie"
"Women's School of Business"
"Women's University "Living Sun""
"Women's business magic"
"Gold is young"
International Academy of Happiness
Society "Olirna"
"The Way to Belovodie"
"Rajneesh Center"
"Russian Tantric School"
"Russian Esoteric Center"
"Siberian Association of Yogis"
Sotidanandana Yoga Center
"Toltecclub - SOMETHING"
Yoga Federation of Russia (Novosibirsk)
School "Avicena"
"School of Spiritual Healing of Guru Sotidanandana Academy"
"Esoteric School of Agartha"
"Esoteric foundations of business" seminar
"Esoteric Ashram of Shambhala"
"Geisha School"
"School of Yoga"
"School of Goddesses"
"School of Cleopatra"
Everest HQ

On February 16, 2012, in the Novosibirsk Palace of Culture of Railway Workers, an adherent of the "Ashram of Shambhala" - Tatyana Bakhareva (Svetlova) (known in the sect by the name "Isis-Argonia") held a "concert-meditation" called "The Universe 2012"

Printed publications
Printed publications completely lack imprint data (editor, printing house, city, order, circulation, etc.).

"Rainbow Lotus"
"Newspaper for Fools"
Business organization
The "Ashram of Shambhala" included several correspondence schools - the "UFO" school ("contact" with extraterrestrial civilizations), the "Atlantis" school ("connection" to knowledge ancient civilization people), the School of "Business - Magic" ("gaining a flair" in business), the school "Shamanism" ("teaching" shamanism), the school "Spiritual Healing" ("acquisition" of occult abilities), the school "Spiritual Aikido" ("teaching "management of internal energy"), the school "Toltec magic" ("mastering" the magic of the Toltecs), the school "Pharaoh" ("teaching" divination, teleportation, "awakening" kundalini), the school "Shambhala" ("teaching" connection with the Universe, with egregor), the Nagual school (“training” in self-healing), the Zorba Buddha school (“training” in “creating” objects, “training” in hesychasm) - conducting seminars, and offering various literature from “necessary” (cost (as of 2001 year) from 60 to 150 rubles) to "recommended" (cost (for 2001) from 50 to 800 rubles), as well as "magic" items (cost (for 2001) from 50 to 1500 rubles)

Created by Rudnev - "God-wise Altai Kagan" International Academy"The Way to Happiness" held seminars - School "Family Happiness", School " Russian paganism”, School “Siberian Shamanism”, School “Spiritual Healing”, School “Business Magic. Way to material well-being”, School of “Tantric Raja Yoga”, School of “Astroplanetary Karate. Methods of psycho-energetic protection”, School “Orphics. Art magic. Development of your personality. At the same time, in comparison with the Shambhala Ashram, “payment” for “training” and for materials was collected in the form of “donations” and in USD. - from 15.8 to 25 USD Various "magic" items forged under Altai shamanism were also offered - khomuz (from the usual one for 150 USD to Khomuz Bogomudra Altai Kagan for 1000 USD), shaman costume (from the usual one for 1000 USD to the shaman costume of Bogomudra Altai Kagan worth 10,000 USD), shaman hat (from 150 USD for a regular one to 1,500 USD for a shaman hat of Bogomudr Altai Kagan), shaman tambourine and kamla (from ordinary ones for 400 USD to Bogomudr Altai Kagan for 10,000 USD), shaman boots (regular - 150 USD, and Bogomudra Altai Kagan - 1200 USD). In total, in order to collect all the "equipment" of the Roll, it was necessary to pay about 26,000 USD. Audio recordings on cassettes and CDs were also offered separately - the "Magic Music of Shambhala" series (price from 2.3 to 2.8 USD per piece) and the "Music of Wish Fulfillment" series (price from 35 USD to $45)
Criminal prosecution
In 1999, the Prosecutor's Office of the Novosibirsk Region opened a criminal case against Rudnev under Art. 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of an association that infringes on the personality and rights of citizens”). During the investigation, it was found that extortion, seduction of minors, sexual violence, sadistic orgies, perversions (for example, copulation with animals) and abuse took place in the sect, including the production and sale of pornographic videos abroad. It also became known that the top of the sect owns a dozen apartments in comfortable areas of Novosibirsk, rewritten in the name of Roll by his adherents. However, the main defendant disappeared for 5 years and the investigation was suspended. In 2000, the investigation was resumed, but only on the fact of tax evasion and illegal business activities.

In April 2004, a man from Bryansk turned to law enforcement agencies looking for his daughter, who had fallen into the Rudnev sect. In September, Rudnev was detained at his dacha in the company of 8 underage girls. A written obligation was taken from him to appear for interrogations at the prosecutor's office. According to, Rulon earned about $10 million from the sale of adherents' property, occult and pornographic videos, lectures and seminars.

On November 8, 2005, the activities of the local cell of the sect were suppressed in Voronezh. During the operational activities of the FSB in the basement of one of the cottages, 6 people were found with signs of a mental disorder and in a state of drug intoxication. Most of the adherents turned out to be minors and from various regions of Russia. After a conversation with law enforcement officers, except for the head of the cell, the remaining 5 people were released.

At the end of October 2008, officers of the Organized Crime Control Department for the Novosibirsk Region conducted searches in two country houses in the village of Plotnikovo and the village of Novy, owned by Konstantin Rudnev. During the search, 6 people who were on the criminal wanted list were detained, and marijuana, various psychotropic drugs, mushrooms, herbs, 23 laptops with pornographic videos, documents and literature of the sect, as well as many items for perverted sex - dildos, whips - were seized. ritual items and identity cards of citizens missing from the address during the search. it was found that members of the sect conducted group practices that had a strong sexual overtones. The cost of the seminars was 3500-5000 rubles per person (700-1000 rubles for one day). The places of practice were several family centers, a club for preparing pregnant women for childbirth, a municipal institution additional education for children and youths and a sports house. Also nearby in the yard of a cottage in Plotnikovo were found cars Hammer and Land Cruise 2000 - both 2008 release.

In September 2011, the Center for Combating Extremism of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ryazan Region discovered and returned home two previously missing 18 summer teen who fell under the influence of the Ashram of Shambhala. During operational activities, it was established that the missing may be in Novosibirsk. Currently they are undergoing rehabilitation measures. According to law enforcement agencies, the sect is actively recruiting adherents in the Ryazan region

2011 lawsuit
In early October 2010, employees of the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor's Office, the territorial departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region arrested K. D. Rudnev. As part of the initiated criminal case, Rudnev and the most active members of the group were charged with creating a religious association that infringes on the personality and rights of citizens (part 1 of article 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), rape (part 1 of article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), violent acts of sexual nature (Part 1, Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), illegal possession and sale of narcotic drugs (Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). 15 former members of the organization who filed lawsuits against Rudnev for a total of 18 million rubles were recognized as victims

On June 24, 2011, the investigating authorities handed over the materials of the criminal case of K. D. Rudnev to the court. The Central District Court of Novosibirsk granted the prosecutor's request to extend Rudnev's detention until July 8.

On July 18, 2011, the first hearing in the Rudnev case was held at the Novosibirsk District Court, at which the indictment was read out. Rudnev did not recognize the charges against him, his lawyers intend to seek a full acquittal. According to prosecutor Vera Vasilkova, if Rudnev's guilt is proven, he faces a prison term of more than 10 years. At the first meeting, the prosecutor began to read out the indictment.

On July 20, 2011, the second court session took place in which the prosecutor continued to read out the indictment. The prosecutor told journalists that they would examine the case materials and interrogate witnesses later. The lawyer said that this year it is unlikely that the case will be considered in its entirety, because it consists of 44 volumes; in addition, many witnesses live in other cities.

On August 4, 2011, the third court session was held (at the first two, the prosecutor read out the accusatory part and the defendant Rudnev was given the floor) during which, due to the failure of any of the 15 summoned witnesses, the court proceeded to read out the case materials (3 out of 44 volumes were read out ). Rudnev's lawyer Alexander Nezhinsky filed a petition for the inadmissibility of a number of evidence, in particular, the search protocol, as he considered that they were obtained in violation of the law, but the court has not yet allowed the petitions and scheduled the next hearing for August 8, 2011.

On August 8, 2011, the Novosibirsk District Court interrogated the first victim, who came to the meeting from another city and on whose testimony the arguments of the prosecutor's office are largely based.

On November 9, 2011, the victim from the Shambhala Ashram sect, for unknown reasons, did not appear at the meeting of the Novosibirsk District Court, which is why the next meeting was scheduled for November 29, 2011

On November 30, 2011, at a regular meeting of the Novosibirsk District Court against the leader of the sect, the main witness testified, who spoke about the circumstances of the rape and confirmed her earlier testimony.

Konstantin Rudnev filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity against the electronic newspaper Pravda.Ru and Alexander Dvorkin demanding to recover 500 thousand rubles from the publication and 1 million rubles from Dvorkin and refute the allegations published on October 7, 2010 in the article “The organizer of occult orgies is going to prison” . On March 26, 2012, the Basmanny Court of Moscow dismissed the claim.

In early July 2012, the Novosibirsk District Court interrogated two more witnesses, one of them was the mother of a girl who Rudnev involved in a sect in the 80s at the age of 18. Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky Court Natalya Yuzzhalina: “She ran away from the sect, and she was beaten. After she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and the girl was treated in the hospital. She left home in 1997 and is still on the federal wanted list."

On August 17, 2012, Rudnev's defense filed a petition with the Novosibirsk District Court to invite the psychiatrist expert Shpitalsky from the V.P. Also, Rudnev's lawyer A. Nezhinsky expressed the opinion that "the interrogation will last for another two or three months," and also that the verdict will be pronounced in late 2012 - early 2013. According to N.Yuzzhalina, Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Oktyabrskogo Court, secret witnesses will be questioned through a microphone and with a change of voice during August.

On November 7, 2012, Rudnev's defense petitioned the court to conduct a new examination, since the conclusions of the first examination are one of the main evidence of Rudnev's guilt.

On December 26, 2012, the Novosibirsk District Court began interrogating the defendant himself, Konstantin Rudnev. During the court session, Rudnev's detention was extended until March 27, 2013. Earlier, the court completed the interrogation of 50 witnesses and 30 victims from different regions of Russia, although about 140 people were previously declared. On February 7, 2013, the Novosibirsk District Court sentenced the founder of a religious sect, Konstantin Rudnev, to 11 years in prison.
Other facts

In his youth, K. Rudnev was fond of yoga and Eastern philosophy. In addition, books by K. Castaneda, V. Averyanov are popular in the group.
In addition to the books "Way of the Fool", the leaders used video and audio materials, sets of "magic" items. The sect sold a large number of "magical items" - "bells of happiness", "unmistakable writing pens", "Shambhala self-writing pens", "indispensable nickel", "magic comb", "beauty pencil", "pendulums for treasure hunters". At the same time, the price of an "unchangeable nickel" at the end of the 90s was from 500 rubles apiece.
In the group, greetings are exclamations of “Gyych Om!” and Namaste.
During sexual intercourse, the adept had to simultaneously and in deep pleasure make the sounds “A-A-A”, “O-O-O”, “M-M-M”, which supposedly should have meant an abbreviation similar to Aum ( Ohm).
After his arrest in 2004, Rudnev was sent for a medical examination, declared mentally insane and sent for treatment to a psychiatric hospital in Novosibirsk, from which he soon escaped.
On the video materials confiscated by the FSB officers, a completely naked Rudnev lay down on the floor and told his followers to kick him on various parts body, and also pour salt on an open wound of the back.
Women were lured into the sect with promises to “liberate their hidden sexual energy"and learn to" seduce a partner. After paying a certain amount of money, "Lakshmi" (as the sect called "geishas") took a short course of lectures "on good and evil", as well as on the "power of femininity" and "liberation of the chakras". As a final "exam" of the "school", women were invited to engage in group sex and copulation with animals, which was called "tantra yoga" in the sect's jargon. Those who best mastered "tantra yoga" were expected to travel to Altai and meet with a high-ranking "priestess of the ashram" Amrita and the eternal search for "Shambhala".

Based on internet data!

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Join the group - Dobrinsky Temple

Tatiana Zverintseva, January 18, 2014

On January 16, a former member of the Shambhala Ashram sect sued half a million rubles from the leader of the organization, Konstantin Rudnev, who is now serving an 11-year sentence for rape and other crimes. The total amount of compensation reached 4.2 million rubles. Konstantin Rudnev, who called himself the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and an alien from Sirius, led the sect for more than 20 years. It included up to 30 thousand people. Rudnev gave the greatest preference to young women with whom he had tantric sex. "" studied the history of "Ashram of Shambhala".


The mother and grandmother of Kostya Rudnev said that in childhood he was weak, he was constantly offended by classmates. Peers of the future "alien from Sirius" hung Kostya upside down in the school toilet; abused in other ways. Once Zoya Rudneva bought her son a book on yoga, which was almost never heard of in the USSR. According to the mother, she hoped that the exercises would help the boy become strong and improve communication with classmates. In a way, her hopes were justified. However, clearly not in the form she expected.

After school, Rudnev graduated from the engineering college, then he was taken into the army. By that time, he was already deeply interested not only in yoga, but also in Eastern philosophy. In the army, the recruit began to offer the command to create a monastery on the basis of the military unit, modeled on Shaolin. The command tolerated these oddities. But after Rudnev unreasonably opened fire from a machine gun during the guard, he was sent to the Samara psychiatric hospital.

In 1989, Rudnev was discharged and returned to his native Novosibirsk, where he met Elena Zakharova. A friend supported his undertakings in the study of Eastern practices. Together they founded a firm and began to organize paid yoga seminars. Rudnev's brother Sergey helped the couple for some time, but pretty soon he gave up this occupation, accusing the relative of deceiving clients. Sergei claims that in response, the brother did not even try to convince him that he himself believes in his teaching. Allegedly, he stated that the deception would not be revealed, because "no one understands anything anyway."

The content of the courses had little in common with classical oriental teachings. Rudnev actually created his own syncretic religion, in which elements of Eastern teachings were intertwined with Western occultism like astrology and popular superstitions- at the courses they sold “irreplaceable nickels”. Christian features were also present in the teaching: Rudnev frightened his followers with Armageddon, allegedly scheduled for the year 2000, and called himself the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Rudnev did not disdain frankly childish inventions - in particular, he called himself "an alien from Sirius." And in his program work "The Way of the Fool" Rudnev complained about classmates who offended him in childhood, and expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that his mother did not protect him. According to the "alien", for this alone, the mother deserves incredible hatred. The "Guru" concluded: "It is she and the accursed society that have made me a fool, and now they are making me suffer." From his point of view, the birth of children is an activity worthy only of "sows", and education is, by definition, an abuse of a free person. At the same time, he argued that a child is born "unspoiled", and then society inspires him with the wrong guidelines. The guru himself, however, did not want to become a father - followers who accidentally became pregnant went for an abortion.

Despite the absurdity, Rudnev's teaching quickly gained some popularity among young people between the ages of 15 and 30, seeking to rebel against their parents. Rudnev's organization, called the Ashram of Shambhala, became more and more like a sect. The first followers began to give Rudnev their apartments and village houses. In these premises, the so-called "ashrams" were arranged - hostels for followers.

Shambhala Ashram leaders printed advertisements in newspapers, sent sales letters, and asked supporters to bring friends to class. They distributed numerous books of their own composition, video and audio cassettes with lectures. Those who wished could come to courses and seminars that take on a variety of forms (from “oriental dance lessons” to “tea parties” and “psychological trainings”). In the mid-1990s, these classes became fashionable in Novosibirsk, no one thought bad about the Ashram Shambhala. Parents of some adherents admitted in an interview that at first they even liked the new hobby of children. Teens got addicted healthy eating, were engaged exercise and read books. Soon, similar courses began to be held in other cities of Russia, branches of the sect opened in 18 regions (including Moscow and St. Petersburg), as well as in the near abroad.

Those who attended courses and trainings were called "disciples" at "Ashram Shambhala", but not all of them had the opportunity to move to the next level - to become a "sadhak". The candidate for "sadhaka" was told that he had great potential, which should be developed in the "ashram". They assured him that they were doing him a favor, and for some time they made him nervous - supposedly the candidacy had not yet been finally approved. Finally, the future sectarian was allowed to pay a certain amount for training and was told the place and time of the meeting (sometimes not in his hometown).

From the meeting place, the newly-minted "sadhak" was taken away with transfers, sometimes blindfolded. Upon arrival at the "ashram", the applicant was taken away money, food and personal hygiene items. The money went to the general cash desk, and food and hygiene items were divided among all the "sadhaks" and high-ranking "mentors". Then the recruits were brutally and humiliatingly reprimanded, convincing them that their entire previous life was of no value. After that, the candidate had to renounce his parents.

"Sadhaks" settled 15-20 people in one room (at the same time, the younger "mentors" lived two or three people in a room, and the older ones - one at a time). They were engaged in monotonous work: glued envelopes for advertising letters, made "magic items" for sale. Every hour, the "sadhaks" did physical exercises for 15 minutes (not counting additional exercises for the delinquent). They were allowed to sleep three to four hours a day. The sectarians were fed twice a day with a meager gruel, and they were forced not only to eat, but to play various games at the same time (“feed the neighbor”, “eat with your back to the plate”, “eat with your bare hands”). Some former cultists suggest that drugs were added to their food; at least one girl who escaped from the "ashram" in a deranged state did die soon after in the hospital from an overdose. The “sadhaks” were rarely taken out for walks and only at night, and the main goal of the starving people was to search under their feet for at least something edible.

Most of the sectarians were girls. They were forced to do bright make-up, dress in skimpy outfits, and practice “tantric sex” with Rudnev and “mentors” (celibate acted for male “sadhaks” in the sect). Girls were instilled with an aversion to the ideas of family, marriage and motherhood; they were convinced that their husbands would beat and humiliate them. At the same time, judging by the videos of the sect, Rudnev himself raised his hand to the concubines.

Rudnev was very fond of posing in front of the camera. The "great teacher" insisted that almost every step he took was recorded on film. At the same time, the leader of the sect rarely managed to look impressive. On one of the recordings, Rudnev tortures a cat - puts it on a hot stove and “erases” it in a basin, and then declares with an important look: “This is how everyone should teach cats.”

The pursuit

Law enforcement agencies first became interested in Ashram Shambhala in 1999. A case was initiated under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “creation of a religious or public association whose activities are associated with violence against citizens or other harm to their health” and “illegal production and circulation of pornographic materials or objects”. Rudnev underwent a psychiatric examination, doctors found that he was suffering from a mental disorder that did not exclude sanity. He himself claimed that the Shambhala Ashram was not a sect, but a parody of a sect. Allegedly, by his actions, he subtly ridicules the signs of sectarianism known to him. As a result, the case was closed due to lack of evidence. In 2000, a new case was initiated: the leadership of the sect was suspected of involvement in the death of one of the adherents (the young man committed suicide after public money was stolen from him at the station). This case was also closed.

After contact with the security forces, the leadership of the sect took measures: the addresses of the "ashrams" were changed, Rudnev completely refused contacts with the outside world. Henceforth, all phone calls were answered by assistants who claimed that the “newcomer from Sirius” had retired. Subsequently, it became known that it was during that period that Rudnev fulfilled his childhood dream - he built a large cottage near Novosibirsk and settled in it with his concubines.

The security forces did not stop trying to stop the activities of the sect. In 2004, they tried to place Rudnev in compulsory treatment, but he left the mental hospital without permission. In 2008, he was again detained, but the case fell apart because the sectarians refused to testify against their leader.

In 2010, Rudnev nevertheless fell under arrest. A dozen and a half sectarians agreed to the role of victims. The total number of adherents of the sect could reach 10-30 thousand. In addition to creating a sect, Rudnev was accused of rape, indecent acts and attempted drug trafficking. He denied all charges. Regarding the heroin found in his pocket, the Shambhala Ashram leader explained that he accidentally put on someone else's pants during the arrest. The court did not believe his arguments. In February 2013, Rudnev was found guilty on all counts. The statute of limitations for creating a sect had already expired by that time, so he was released from punishment for this episode. For other crimes, Rudnev received 11 years in prison.

The few sectarians who managed to leave the ranks of the Shambhala Ashram are still trying to recover moral damages from Rudnev. In total, about 15 lawsuits were filed against him in the amount of 18 million rubles. Almost immediately after the trial, eight claims were satisfied in the amount of three million 700 thousand rubles. On January 16, 2014, the court of the city of Strezhevoy, Tomsk Region, satisfied the claim of a local resident who was also a member of a sect. Rudnev was ordered to pay 28-year-old Andrey Ganyak 500 thousand rubles. The former sectarian said that Rudnev's teachings caused irreparable harm to his psyche. A man still cannot get a job and start a family.

Other sectarians demanded that their guru be released. For example, one of the girls close to Rudnev wrote a letter to the Prosecutor General's Office, in which she said that she needed to experience 300 orgasms a day, and she could not do this without her teacher.

Konstantin Rudnev is the only one who ended up behind bars in the Shambhala Ashram case. At the same time, it was suggested that this eccentric person could not independently manage such an extensive and profitable organization (according to the investigation, over the years of activity, the leadership of the sect received 30 million rubles, not counting the cost of real estate). For the role of a “real leader”, experts offer the most different people. In particular, the name of Elena Zakharova is mentioned (who, according to some reports, after the arrest of the "guru" withdrew several million rubles from the accounts of the sect). Also under suspicion was the elderly Georgian clairvoyant Avtandil Lomsadze, who was an idol for Rudnev.

In addition, for some time the police were looking for one of the high-ranking followers of Rudnev, Pavel Khadzhonko, who worked as a surgeon before joining the sect. He was suspected of infecting several people with HIV: being infected, Khadzhonko did not refuse to participate in "tantric practices." However, no further prospects for this criminal case were reported.

Branches of "Ashram Shambhala" under different names continue to operate to this day. On the Internet, the sect has chosen a rather strange method of promotion: its website and the VKontakte community use the once popular “Padonkaffian language”. This is exactly imitation: in fact, the style is quite different from the original jargon. Perhaps, in this way, sectarians who were not oriented on the Internet tried to become “closer to the people,” or perhaps this is a disguise technique.

Other names:"Esoteric Ashram of Shambhala", "Siberian Association of Yogis", "Academy of Occult Sciences", "Olirna" Society, "Belovodie" Center, "School of Spiritual Healing of Guru Sotinandana Academy", "Everest" Headquarters, School of Yoga, Rajneesh Center, School "Avicenna", "Esoteric Foundations of Business", "Alatai Ashram of Shambhala", "ESOTHERIC SCHOOL OF AGARTA", in Moscow "Russian Tantric School", Russian Esoteric Center, International "Academy of Happiness", International Academy "Way to Happiness", "Way in Belovodie.

Printed editions: Newspapers "Healer", "Rainbow Lotus" and "Newspaper for Fools". All newspapers come to "sadhaks" (adepts) by mail. There is no imprint on the newspapers themselves (i.e. printing house, city, order, etc.). It is through its publications that the "school" tries to convey its "bright truths" and gives some advice to "interest circles" in other cities.

Characteristic: a dangerous criminal organization whose leaders are passionate about oriental and occult practices. Puts adherents in the conditions of a slave existence. Uses elements of violence.

In Novosibirsk, the sect had several apartments for the joint residence of adherents - ashrams, the total number of the core of "devotees" was several dozen people.

CULT LEADERS -"Teacher"(Rudnev Konstantin Dmitrievich) the name in the sect is Sri Jnan Avatar Muni, who calls himself an enlightened teacher, a god; Main "priestess"- Shri Subi Lakshmi Devi (Zakharova Elena Vladimirovna); "Main Mentor"- Shri Ganesha - (KHANDOZHKO Pavel Vitalievich); Shudnev Konstantin Leonidovich (name in the sect - Shiva Acharya), is busy with organizational issues, possibly fraud with real estate, as well as several other young people who are divided into senior "mentors"(wearing a black chiton) and junior "mentors"(wear a white tunic).

Lectures are arranged on the study of yoga, "eternal truths", at which promising adepts are selected, i.e. people with increased suggestibility, malleable psyche. Seminars are held, the cost of participation is about 6 million rubles. Gathering about 60-70 people. Classes - spontaneous impromptu lectures of the leader or his students. They are held in rented houses of culture, sometimes in ashrams. Rudnev loves to interpret various parables, to show off his erudition, but in "his circle" he admits that this is only for outsiders, that everything is not at all the way he talks about it publicly. In addition to lectures - collective meditation, dance and yoga exercises. Mentors often engage in so-called tantra yoga with adepts, i.e. sexual magical practices.

The most "devotees" settle in the ashram, where supposedly there are "special" conditions for "spiritual growth." For ordinary members of the ashram, sleep is 3 hours, meager vegetarian food, continuous work, frequent physical violence, sometimes in sadistic forms, for women - "tantra practices". At this time, "mentors" carefully monitor the adherents, not missing the slightest fault, give impromptu lectures (for "spiritual improvement"). Collective meditation is practiced - a curse on enemies, for example, on annoying neighbors, but especially on those who left the sect. Several people stand in a circle, imagining that the enemy is in the center, and pour out their anger on him, swearing, swearing at him, imagining that they are beating him.

In a narrower circle, Rudnev teaches the need to get rid of the power of parents, who are suitable only to take money from them and bring it to the sect. People external to the sect are called "mice", in relation to them theft, deceit and violence are permissible. At one of the meetings, a lot was said about Hitler, about the need to destroy all the old and the weak.

In general, the "school" gives the impression of a criminal group, whose leaders are passionate about yogic and occult practices.

Doctrine: bears a pronounced imprint of dilettantism. Several pamphlets have been published for internal use, presenting the views of the leaders, consisting mainly of excerpts from popular books containing the most dubious elements of Eastern teachings. The style of presentation of the authors' own views is quite vulgar, betraying their lack of any serious knowledge in the field of Eastern religions. The rites of the group are a theatrical performance designed to produce an effect on the uninitiated by its "elevation", actually containing some simple elements of primitive occult practices. Books by Averyanov, Castaneda, "Astral Karate", "Karma Yoga", etc. are popular with leaders.

Criminal activities: There are known cases of adepts selling all their property, apartments with the transfer of all money to mentors.

There is physical abuse of adepts by mentors, or according to their instructions.

On January 26, 1999, the prosecutor's office of the Novosibirsk Region initiated a criminal case under article 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Organizing an association that encroaches on the personality and rights of citizens."

The basis for initiating a criminal case was the statements of desperate parents, whose children became easy prey for "initiated" rogues.

With the beginning of the investigation, the sect curtailed its activities in Novosibirsk and moved its main centers to Moscow and Saratov. The leaders fled. K. Rudnev, declared himself mentally ill and for some time was in psychiatric hospital and then disappeared from the city.

Recently, the sect has been actively operating under the guise of a public educational institution International Academy "The Way to Happiness", which promises to teach:

  • how to call the bright soul of a child;
  • how to achieve comprehension of the mysteries of transcendental sex;
  • how to experience the bliss that is available only to the gods;
  • secret rituals of consecrating the house, turning your house into a temple of happiness;
  • attract good luck in life;
  • fill the house like a cup of abundance.

"Academy" offers "to experience the unforgettable moments of the flight of a free soul, to plunge into the world filled with the aroma of love and harmony." What are these "moments" can be seen on the proposed video clips.

Rudnev got a new nickname "Great Shaman of Altai Bogomud Altai Kagan".

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