Dana Borisova - latest news. Instagram given to Borisova Page given to Borisova Instagram

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Famous TV presenter Dana Borisova recently pleased microblog subscribers with new bright photographs. The latest news from Dana Borisova in 2018 is not drugs or alcohol, but a refreshed appearance!

What is happening with Dana Borisova today?

It turns out that the star is regaining strength and putting her psyche in order in Thailand. Photos of Dana Borisova on Koh Samui evoke genuine delight and interest. How did she manage to get back into shape so quickly, because just a year ago the girl could hardly express a thought and would not leave the bottle?

“You are so happy and beautiful, you are 10 years younger!”, “In the photo you look like Barbie!”, “Very cute!”, “I didn’t even have time to arrive, but I’m already prettier,” Dana’s fans write on the star’s Instagram.

The TV presenter herself does not comment on the rave reviews addressed to her, but advises using sunscreen with a high SPF.

Dana has an irreversible mental disorder

Despite the fact that photos of a prettier Dana began to appear online, most bloggers agree that Borisova has obvious mental disorders. The girl is not shy about using the hashtags #ladyperfection and #lovedana, extols herself and constantly engages in narcissism.

To questions from surprised subscribers, the star replies that she came to Samui not to relax, but to work: “I have my own De Novo recovery center, watch my video. Moreover, I am a practicing model and a VERY IN-DEMAND TV presenter!”

In the language of doctors, such a disorder is called “narcissism” and, alas, cannot be treated. Specialists can only muffle the symptoms, but they are not able to rid Dana of the problem.

Dana's disease is visible to the naked eye. Apparently, after several years of heavy drinking and lack of demand, the girl’s mind became clouded. This was noticed not only by relatives and friends, but also by complete strangers. Maxim Aksenov, the father of Dana’s child, is worried about his daughter, because nervous system and narcissism can be inherited.

Problems with my daughter

The once popular TV presenter was invited to Alexander Gordon’s “Male/Female” program. She told the audience that she was worried about the fate of the child, since the girl did not see her mother for a long time.

Let us recall that Dana Borisova’s latest news about drug addiction treatment ended with her ex-husband defending in court the right to raise Polina. Maxim did not hesitate to file a lawsuit demanding that the woman be deprived of parental rights, but the successful treatment of the TV presenter led to the judge allowing Dana to see the child no more than once a month.

It is interesting that Polina always behaved well alone with her mother, but as soon as her father appeared in sight, the girl showed violent aggression and negativity towards her.

The star does not blame herself for what happened, but believes that Polina’s violent reaction is not connected with her past, but with the fact that the girl is deprived of her mother. What is happening today with the child, who yesterday attacked his mother with his fists, is not yet known, but Borisova is confident that she will win Polina back from her ex-husband.

Instead of drugs and alcohol - sex

Every now and then news appears on the Internet about Dana Borisova, who, having parted with the bottle, became deeply bogged down in debauchery. The reason for such messages was the published correspondence with the star’s ex-boyfriend. The man opened up and shared candid photos of the girl with journalists, adding that Dana offered him to pay for intimate services.

I like to take photos with my phone without underwear. I enjoy looking at these photos and then sharing them. I didn’t send the pictures to many people, not to everyone.

It is not surprising that Dana Borisova’s latest news in 2018 is related to intimate photos. The star admits that she is surrounded by so many beautiful and good men that I really want to have a close relationship with them. The TV presenter regrets that some of them subsequently turn out to be unworthy and leak her photos to the Internet. Such actions of the gentlemen prompt her to “drown her grief in a bottle,” but for now Dana is holding on, because she is very afraid of falling apart and returning to the swamp.

Does Dana Borisova drink today?

In the life of a disgraced TV presenter in lately There are a lot of positive changes happening, so fans are very concerned about the question: does Dana drink now? Borisova gave the press a comment about her addiction:

Almost a year sober! I can take any test to confirm that I am clean. I’m done with drugs, but I’m very worried about alcohol, there are so many temptations around.

A strong character helped the star overcome her craving for drugs; she avoids alcohol a mile away. According to Borisova, she removed all drugs that stimulate the psyche, and even gave up coffee.

On the way to a new healthy and happy life, the TV presenter changed her environment. She not only does not drink alcohol, but also does not communicate with people who, in her opinion, could cause her to have an alcoholic breakdown.

The star makes strict demands on the new chosen one: “I want him to be without bad habits and never drank alcohol. My experience of sobriety is not long enough to have connections with drunks.”

Get your relationship back with your mom

A girl who has just gotten rid of drug addiction has to completely change her lifestyle. Dana admitted that she would like to restore normal relations with her mother. Let us remember that the young woman’s illness led not only to the loss of her child, but also to a sharp deterioration in her relationship with her mother. Regaining the trust of the parent is one of Borisova’s most important tasks today.

I would like to believe that Dana Borisova’s latest news in 2018 will be much more optimistic and rosy than in the past. The star's quarrels with her mother arose because of her addiction: Borisova's mother believed that her daughter was following the wrong path. Now the problem has disappeared, which means the road to the mother’s heart is open.

Our relationship is difficult to improve. Yes, I stated that my mother fed me pills. But mom didn’t want recovery, she had to earn money on scandalous shows, go on TV shows and earn money... Today mom is different, we communicate normally.

As Dana stated, she was very tired of the scandals surrounding her person. Now, more than anything else, she wants to be close to her own child, to raise and raise her daughter. The star promised journalists that she would completely forget about drugs and alcohol in order to return to her family.

After several months of living in Thailand, where Dana Borisova, who abused illegal drugs and alcohol, underwent rehabilitation, the TV presenter returned to Moscow. She lives in two-room apartment, which Andrei Malakhov kindly filmed for her.


Dana explained that she did not want to return to the apartment or things because they reminded her of her old life of addiction. “I changed my apartment, and put all my things out of use. I hate them! I gave everything away, took one unfortunate frying pan and one cup. I use this. But I didn’t take anything from that apartment and that life, so it’s completely natural that I have nothing to wear,” she told reporters of the program “You Won’t Believe It!” TV presenter.

At the same time, Borisova admitted that she financial situation leaves much to be desired. “Yes, I’m in poverty and without a salary now. At 41 years old...” Dana said. In order to rectify the situation, Borisova put up for sale the most expensive thing she has - an apartment in an elite residential complex.

The blonde praised her previous place of residence: “I want about 30 million for an apartment, but I’ll give it for 25 million. The stars live there - you’ll just rock! Elena Vorobey, the Presnyakovs with the whole family. Timati lives above me, Garik Martirosyan - in the tenth section, Yulia Nachalova - in the eighth. Zoo, swimming pool, forest river, lake, swans, llamas, Tajik sheep. Take the apartment - you won’t regret it!

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous blondes on Russian television. She is smart, charming and endlessly sweet. In many ways, it was these qualities that allowed the TV presenter to make a dizzying career on TV. She was the sex symbol of all soldiers in Russia, as well as one of the most interesting TV presenters of her time.

But can we say that her life was always like a fairy tale? Of course not. Her biography is one endless race with obstacles, but every bump left behind always made this girl stronger. Knowing about all the hardships of the fate of the famous TV presenter, it is extremely difficult not to respect her. That is why today we decided to follow how the life and creative path of this blond beauty developed.

Childhood and youth of Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova's family came from Mozyr, a small town located in the southern part of modern Belarus. The future celebrity herself was born here. However, the girl practically did not live in this place. The thing is that a few months after the birth of their first daughter, Dana Borisova’s parents decided to move to Norilsk. Thus, the childhood and youth of the future TV presenter were spent surrounded by snow and cold Russian winters.

Three years after moving to Norilsk, there was an addition to the Borisov family - my mother gave birth to another daughter. However, this fact did not at all dispel the loneliness that seemed to haunt Dana from a very early age. Remaining at work 24 hours a day, the girl’s parents were constantly away from home. It was often impossible to play outside with other children due to the extreme cold. Therefore, little Dana spent most of her time at home with her younger sister. She read books to her and treated her to sweets, which her father always brought home, trying to make up for his guilt for his constant absence. The girl’s communication with her peers did not go well either. The thing is that in adolescence Dana Borisova was a very thin girl. That’s why the boys rarely paid attention to her. Made her situation worse good grades in all core subjects. She was an excellent student, and therefore always seemed “crammed” and “boring” to her classmates.

Trying to keep their daughter busy, her parents enrolled Dana in a music school. Here she learned the basics of playing the piano, and also spent several years learning to “subtly feel” this instrument.

The Adventures of Dana Borisova

It is worth noting that as a teenager, Dana Borisova often attended various clubs and sections. One fine day, she came across an announcement that the Norilsk television and radio company, as an experiment, was recruiting for a television journalism class. Without thinking for long, Dana decided to try her hand and, unexpectedly for herself, passed a strict competitive selection.

Dana Borisova's career in journalism

Dana first appeared on a television screen at the age of sixteen. While still a high school student, she began working as the host of the youth television program “Zebra”, as well as an announcer for Norilsk television. Soon she was entrusted with voicing the TV program on the channel, as well as hosting the TV show “Congratulations.”

The blond beauty really liked this job, and therefore, after graduating from school, she decided to go to Moscow to continue studying television journalism. In 1993, Dana Borisova successfully entered Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov.

However, the girl studied in this place for only two years. The reason for this was failures in exams and constant absences due to filming in the program “Army Store”. The girl got a job in this place in the same year, 1993, and therefore at some point she was forced to make a choice between study and career.

The girl chose a job. And I was right. The “Army Store” program became the first serious success in the TV presenter’s career. They began to recognize her on the streets, and the conscript soldiers, for whom this program was actually filmed, filled her up with whole piles of love letters. Everything seemed clear and cloudless. However, Dana herself called this period in her career difficult. Due to her family moving to Sergiev Posad, the girl had to travel three hours from work to home and from home to work. She had to take the last train to get there, and therefore the girl was robbed a couple of times. In addition, the situation was aggravated by the fact that the TV presenter’s parents actually separated. After some time, Dana Borisova’s mother moved to Moscow, and her father moved back to Belarus.

However, while the girl’s personal life suffered from all sorts of troubles, her career was rapidly moving upward. In 1996, she was the first of all the TV presenters of the former USSR to star in Playboy magazine. This fact gave rise to an official investigation, but in the end, Dana Borisova’s popularity simply rose to sky-high heights.

In 1997, the girl left the Army Store, but soon returned - returned to leave again. Dana Borisova was no longer the host of a military television show, but this fact did not in any way affect the popularity of the blond beauty. In 2002, Borisova became the most popular girl in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. A year later, on the wave of popularity, she was invited as a participant in the reality show “The Last Hero-3”. Staying on a desert island was very difficult for the girl, and therefore very soon she left the project and began working as a co-host in the “City of Cougars” program (Channel One Russia).

Working in a new place taught the talented TV presenter a lot, and already in 2005, Dana Borisova became the host of the popular TV show “The Domino Principle,” which aired on the NTV channel. In this place, she appeared before the viewer in a somewhat updated role. She became more serious, tougher, which perfectly suited the format of this program.

The Last Hero 5. Dana Borisova

It is worth noting that during this period another significant event occurred in Dana Borisova’s life - she made her film debut as an actress. The blonde beauty’s first and currently only acting work is the film “Bear Hunt,” in which the girl played a cameo role.

Personal life of Dana Borisova

In 2006, after the closure of the “Domino Principle” program, Dana Borisova became the host of the “This Morning” program, which opened the daily broadcast of NTV. The TV presenter stayed in this place for two years and left the channel only in 2008 due to the birth of her daughter and serious personal troubles associated with the departure of her common-law husband.

Dana Borisova now

In the period from 2008 to 2012, Dana Borisova almost did not appear on screens. Only in 2010 did she decide to briefly return to television in order to participate as a judge in the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” (STS Ukraine).

Since October 2012, Dana Borisova has been working on the RBC channel as the host of the “Business Morning” program.

Creative career of TV presenter Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova was born in 1973 in the city of Mozar, which is located in the Gomel region. Soon she and her family moved to Norilsk, where she began her journey on television. At first these were youth programs, then she was an announcer on the Norilsk TV channel. According to the official website of agent Dana Borisova, in 1993 she went to study at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism and then, after winning a competition, she was hired as a presenter at the Army Store. As a result, she had to leave the university. It was after participating in the Army Store that the presenter became popular. She devoted many years to this television project and left it only in 2005. For her contribution to raising the patriotic spirit of the military, the presenter received a certificate from the Ministry of Defense, which highly appreciated her services.

Today she is a welcome guest on various television projects. In 2003, Dana took part in the show The Last Hero 3, then in the City of Women. In 2005, the girl became a presenter on the TV show The Domino Principle. For several years, Dana was a presenter on the NTV channel - with her participation the program This Morning was released. And currently she hosts Business Morning on the RBC TV channel. By the way, Dana Borisova also proved herself as an actress. Her first role was in the film Bear Hunt, which appeared on screens in 2006. You can invite Dana Borisova to an event, to a holiday. She is very charming and beautiful girl, which became the most popular on the Russian Internet in 2002. With her presence, your holiday will become an unforgettable event.

Organization of an event with Dana Borisova

Recently, TV presenter Dana Borisova became the heroine of Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk.” The star’s mother addressed the program and said that her daughter was taking drugs. This topic quickly gained momentum on the Internet and became one of the most discussed. Where is Dana Borisova treated? What is her condition? How dire is the situation really? Not only the presenter’s fans are looking for answers to these questions, but also, it seems, all the glamorous journalists in the country.

According to producer Lera Tuvina (works with the star), Dana Borisova is now undergoing treatment for drug addiction in Thailand, on Koh Samui. The Russian star is provided with all the necessary medical and psychological assistance; nothing threatens her life and health. According to Lera, Dana is aware of what is happening, understands the need for treatment, follows the regime and listens to specialists.

According to the producer, Dana Borisova bought drugs from her stylist Ray Samedov, who even managed to take the TV presenter’s car as payment for the substances. Relatives, friends and colleagues of Dana Borisova are sure that her mother sounded the alarm at the right time, because just a few days of delay could have cost her daughter her life.

Ray Samedov himself stated that Dana Borisova became a drug addict long before she met him. Mutual friends support the stylist. So, according to the host of “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov, it was Ray who became for Dana “the personification of a strong male wall and, in general, all the testosterone in the apartment” during a difficult period for her. Samedov himself said in an interview that he helped Dana as best he could - he carried her in his arms from room to room, fed her, looked after her.

On the air of “Let Them Talk,” Ray Samedov said that he did not know that Dana Borisova was using drugs, and that he saw the presenter’s mother once in her life, during her quarrel with her daughter. According to the hairdresser, Dana Borisova’s mother “does everything to get custody of her granddaughter.” He also said that he had repeatedly suggested that Borisova “go to a remote village” and even flew to Sochi to negotiate employment for the presenter. He also added on the air of “Let Them Talk” that Dana Borisova’s car is in her garage, and he only has the keys and documents that the presenter herself gave him, so as not to drive while intoxicated.

The meeting between mother Dana Borisova and Ray Samedov on the air of “Let Them Talk” became a real bomb (see for yourself, video above). After the woman hit the stylist, the presenter’s friends accused her of being guilty of Dana Borisova’s drug addiction.

The head of the Anti-Drug Union, Nikita Lushnikov, stood up for Dana’s mother. According to him, the woman’s reaction is quite understandable and her worry for her daughter and granddaughter is a consequence of fear for their future. An experienced narcologist, in addition, said that there is a clear example of codependency, when loved ones support a drug addict not in his desire to be cured, but in understanding the reasons that pushed the person onto a crooked path. Our specialist drew the attention of the audience and spectators to the fact that Dana’s mother did the right thing, finding the strength to break out of the circle and take a truly significant step to save her daughter - an appeal to Andrei Malakhov, with whom Dana had known for more than 25 years, was the decisive step that ultimately allowed her to begin treatment of Dana Borisova for drug addiction.

Where is Dana Borisova now?

Currently, Dana Borisova is in Thailand, on Koh Samui - in a drug treatment clinic. Getting a drug addict out of his environment, tearing him away from friends and codependent relatives, and cutting off the supply channels for narcotic substances and medications is one of the most important steps towards the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. It's summer on the islands, and treatment takes place in excellent conditions. Dana has come to her senses, she is aware of what is happening, she wants to be treated, she adheres to the regime and follows the doctors’ orders. There is no doubt that she will recover and return to Moscow the same, healthy and independent of drugs. Friends, parents and daughter Polina are waiting for the TV presenter at home. The girl still lives with her father.

Another important reason why many drug addiction specialists recommend sending people to Thailand for treatment is the complete ban on drugs in this country. For their possession, distribution and use, a person faces the death penalty. This is an additional guarantee that the drug addict will not relapse and obtain illegal drugs from somewhere until the end of the rehabilitation course.

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