What to do if the nipple aches on the chest. Sore nipple? Looking for reasons. Pain in the nipples as a sign of disease

Vegetables 12.01.2022

Most girls have sore nipples, the causes of this symptom are diverse.

At the same time, there are no serious reasons for concern.
Pain is not an indicator of the development of a disease in the body.

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Soreness and swelling

During ovulation, pain in the nipples is possible, the breast may increase in size. Sometimes it happens that a regular bra becomes small.

For such cases, it is useful to have underwear one and a half sizes larger. Due to the release of progesterone in the body, additional space is required.

It is formed by stretching the glandular tissue of the breast.

But the connective tissue at the same time as the glandular tissue does not increase in size, which is why pain occurs.

When menstruation begins, the level of hormones stabilizes, the glandular tissue acquires its former size - the pain stops.

Due to hormonal failure in the body, women may develop premenstrual cider - a woman's mood changes dramatically.

What causes pain

If soreness is not associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding, then this is a serious symptom.

Often it warns of malfunctions in the body.

These unpleasant sensations are often manifested in men. Most of them arise due to disorders in the endocrine system.

Characteristic manifestations signal a woman about various pathologies in the functioning of the body. For a particular case, doctors distinguish a certain type of pain according to the nature of the manifestation.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must know detailed description the health status of the patient in great detail.

This is the only way to find an effective treatment.

When the problem may occur:

  • Before the onset of menstruation;
  • During critical days;
  • After menstruation;
  • Regardless menstrual cycle.

According to the nature of pain sensations, it happens: sharp, pulling, stabbing or aching.

Soreness can occur separately, but is often accompanied by a seal in the nipple area. Various highlights appear.

ovulation period

Sometimes the pain stops after the ovulatory period, often it will only become more intense. There are also women who do not have pain associated with the ovulatory period at all. Affects hormonal imbalance.

The body prepares to release an unfertilized egg at the onset of menstruation.

Women can accurately predict the time of the onset of menstruation by the time and duration of pain. After ovulation, the pain in the nipples becomes intense and remains so for several days. Signals the beginning of menstruation, a gradual decrease in pain.

Manifestations of discomfort

Soreness is often experienced by women due to excessive sensitivity of the nipples.

The symptom is not a cause for concern.

It is not associated with the development of the disease or malfunction.

Doctors attribute soreness of the nipples to an individual, but not to a pathology. It occurs due to the large number of nerve endings in the nipple area, which react even to minor impacts.

Causes of pain in the nipples:

  • Wearing an uncomfortable bra
  • Wiping with a too hard towel;
  • Excessive rubbing of the nipples while washing in the shower or bath.

To reduce pain:

  • Wear comfortable underwear, selected strictly according to size;
  • Give preference to high quality natural materials;
  • Before using new linen, wash it thoroughly;
  • Rinse washed clothes thoroughly;
  • Use cream to relieve nipple sensitivity.

What makes the pain worse:

  • Chemicals and dyes that make up fabrics;
  • Washing chemicals;
  • Personal hygiene products;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Incorrectly selected drugs for the treatment of nipple sensitivity can cause irritation.

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During pregnancy, women often complain of similar pain.

Nothing wrong with that. There are no reasons for serious concern.

The symptom does not indicate a serious illness.

Often, pain begins to appear even before a woman notices the first delay in menstruation. In medicine, this symptom is called hypersensitivity of the nipples during pregnancy.

Why do nipples hurt on the chest in pregnant women:

  • After fertilization, significant changes occur in the woman's body, which are associated with hormonal changes;
  • The appearance of pain is affected by an increased amount of the hormone prolactin, which affects the soreness of the nipples, which is most noticeable in pregnant women;
  • Breast tissues grow rapidly, at the same time the nipple increases in size, and the nerve endings do not have time to grow as quickly as other tissues, which is why pain occurs.

On the early dates in addition to soreness in the nipples, burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations appear.

Incorrectly selected underwear, which will rub and squeeze the skin, can provoke pain, intensify it.

Due to skin irritation with a bra, the breasts may become tighter, and the nipples may become more sensitive because of this.

What to do with pain in the nipples:

  • Wear comfortable underwear;
  • Observe personal hygiene;
  • Avoid irritation.

Often the pain goes away on its own. The symptom will not have any effect on breastfeeding in the future.

Association with drawing pain

These symptoms indicate the presence of pregnancy. The chest becomes larger and more sensitive even to light touches.

The nipples will generally be hypersensitive. Sometimes during pregnancy, the described symptoms do not appear, but this is not a cause for concern.

Many women, even before the first delay in menstruation, observe a small tummy. This feeling is called the fullness of the uterus.

Sometimes, there are sipping pains in the lower abdomen. These are normal feelings. They appear during ovulation or when the baby is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

A woman goes to the toilet more often because the uterus frees up space in the pelvis.

In the lower abdomen, the veins will be more visible. Throughout pregnancy, they are blue. They are located throughout the body, but are especially noticeable in the chest and abdomen. This is due to increased blood circulation, which is typical for women during pregnancy.

Cyclic mastodynia

The occurrence of pain in the nipples a few days before the onset of menstruation is called mastodynia. This condition is familiar to every woman and it is associated with the menstrual cycle.

Before menstruation, the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood increases; when combined with certain biologically active substances, it can provoke the retention of excess fluid in the body, and in the mammary gland, as well.

Against this background, due to increased blood flow, the chest somewhat adds in volume, nerve endings are affected, which cannot but affect the nipples, the sensitivity of which grows many times and can even cause noticeable pain, and this is observed only when you touch it.

This phenomenon lasts only for five to seven days, and with the onset of menstruation it quickly disappears (against the background of a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood). Pain in the nipple area is not considered a deviation or anomaly, it is a natural process. A delay in menstruation can provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Signs of mastodynia

Non-cyclic mastalgia or pain in the mammary gland is not similar to hormonal changes in the body. The causes of their occurrence are neoplasms and inflammation in the mammary gland, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, various liver diseases, nervous system(intercostal neuralgia, segmental pain).

Pain in the mammary gland and in the nipples will be caused by factors of a psychological nature: these are regular conflict and stress, negative emotions.

Pain can occur when taking hormonal contraceptives, and they are more pronounced. Conditions can signal the presence of a hormonal imbalance. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, the specialist prescribes another drug.

In case of suspicion of the presence of mastopathy, the patient is prescribed an additional examination of the mammary glands using ultrasound, mammography, and the level of hormones in the blood is detected.

Why nipples hurt - causes of chest pain

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

The reasons

Pain in the nipplessymptom, which most often worries women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these cases, the problem is not always associated with any diseases, and is easily solved.

In non-pregnant women, pain in the nipples often indicates some kind of pathology. There is pain in the nipples and in men - as a rule, this happens with endocrine disorders.

There are a large number of pathologies that can lead to the appearance of such pain in women. This symptom can manifest itself in different ways, and have certain features in each individual case. The more a woman tells about them at a doctor's appointment, the more accurately the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment:
1. Pathological pain in the nipples may disturb before, during and after menstruation, and may not be associated with the menstrual cycle at all.
2. By nature, pain sensations can be sharp, stabbing, pulling, aching, etc.

Pain in the nipples may be the only symptom, or be accompanied by discharge, induration, etc.

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy is often a normal phenomenon, which, as a rule, does not indicate any pathology. Usually, pain and other unpleasant sensations begin to disturb already when the first delay in menstruation has not yet come. This condition is called hypersensitivity of the nipples of pregnant women.

Why does it arise?

Almost immediately after fertilization occurs, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body. A large amount of the hormone prolactin is released. It causes rapid growth of breast tissue, including the nipple. Its size increases, milk ducts develop in it. Nerves "do not keep up" in their growth with other tissues. As a result, there are pain in the nipples and chest.

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women note pain, burning, itching, and other discomfort in the nipples. They are especially intensified if you wear underwear that is not very comfortable, squeezing or rubbing the skin. When irritated by a bra, the nipples of pregnant women can become very tight and become even more sensitive (a condition referred to in the common people as "nipples stand").

What to do?

Most often, pain in the nipples of the breast during pregnancy does not require any special care. Over time, it goes away on its own. This will not create any problems for breastfeeding the baby in the future. A woman should wear high-quality comfortable cotton underwear in order to avoid irritation of the nipples and increase pain. Of course, personal hygiene must also be carefully observed.

Pain in the nipples while breastfeeding

Common Causes

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands during breastfeeding is a very common complaint that young mothers present. There are quite a number of reasons for this symptom.

When a woman begins breastfeeding, the skin in the nipple area changes slightly: it becomes denser, rougher. This is necessary in order to protect it from constant mechanical stress. At the same time, milk constantly flowing from the nipple can soften the skin and cause irritation. Most often this happens if a nursing mother constantly wears a bra or wet breast pads. As a result, pain in the nipple may occur during feeding.

In some women, the nipple has an anatomically irregular shape. The most common situation is the so-called inverted nipple. At the same time, the baby cannot take the breast correctly for a long time, does not eat up during feeding, and the woman has pain in the nipple of the mammary gland. The only way out of this situation is the use of special nipple covers by a woman during breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, and then during breastfeeding, women are instructed to carefully observe personal hygiene. But if you wash your nipples hot water with soap too often, this can lead to their excessive dryness. As a result, during each feeding, the woman will experience pain in the nipples.

In general, during breastfeeding, any mechanical irritation and damage to the nipple can lead to pain during breastfeeding. For example, pain in the nipple of the breast during feeding can occur when combing, using a towel that is too hard.

In the form of pain in the nipple during feeding, any injuries and operations on the chest of a woman that occurred in the past, even when she was still a little girl, can manifest themselves.

If a woman produces a very large amount of milk, then, accumulating in the breast, it can lead to pain. They can occur during feedings, or in between. This condition is called lactostasis.

Another factor that can lead to pain in the nipples during feeding, but which women do not always pay attention to, is the use of uncomfortable and poorly fitting breast pumps.

Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast

If the baby is attached to the breast not quite correctly, then feeding may be accompanied by pain and other discomfort in the woman’s chest:
1. When a baby takes the breast, his lips should cover the nipple itself and the areola (a small pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple). If the baby captures a smaller area with his mouth, then this can cause pain to the woman. Also wrong is the capture of the nipple when the child pulls the lips inward.
2. Poor support for the baby's head during feeding. The correct posture provides for her position on the mother's elbow. Some mothers support their baby's head in the palm of their hand - this is not entirely correct.
3. Sometimes women make a "dimple" on their chest, so that the baby's nose is comfortable during feeding. Because of such a “dimple”, the nipple moves to the side. The child does not grasp it correctly. As a result, a woman may experience pain in the nipple during feeding. It would seem a banal reason, but often it is the source of all problems.
4. While breastfeeding, a woman should support her breasts from below, especially if the latter is large. This can be done with the palm of your hand, or you can use a nursing bra. If there is no such support, then the breast presses on the baby's jaw, he squeezes the nipple more and causes pain to the mother.

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands during feeding may occur due to improper capture by the baby as a result of a disturbed bite. The most common reason for this is the use of pacifiers, especially if they are not quite physiological in shape.

Pain in the nipples during feeding with blockage of the external opening of the duct of the mammary gland

Sometimes, after the appearance of pain during feeding, a woman may notice a small formation on the nipple that resembles a pimple. Most likely, in this case we are talking about blockage of the external opening of the duct of the mammary gland. This condition is known as milk vesicle. It can occur for two reasons:
1. Incorrect attachment of the child to the breast. Most often, the baby simply grabs the nipple incorrectly, and therefore injures him. To cope with this situation, it is enough just to master the technique of properly attaching the baby to the breast.
2. Clogging of the ducts with "hind" milk from the mammary glands, which is more fatty and thick.

Some women, starting to experience pain in the nipples during feeding, and finding milk bubbles, take them for pimples and squeeze them out. Do not do this in non-sterile conditions. It is best to pierce the milk bladder with a doctor - this will reduce the risk of infection and the development of an inflammatory process. In principle, this can be done independently at home with a regular syringe needle, if the following requirements are met:
1. Before the puncture, the place where the milk vesicle is located must be thoroughly disinfected (for example, with medical alcohol).
2. Hands must be thoroughly washed and also treated with alcohol.
3. After the puncture, the intervention site must be treated with a solution of iodine or brilliant green.

Cracked nipples

Cracked nipples are a fairly common condition in breastfeeding women. They are defects in the nipple itself and the areola - the pigmented area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin surrounding it.

Most often, nipple cracks are the result of improper attachment of the child to the breast, when he injures him with his jaws.

This causes severe pain in the nipples during feeding. Often it is so intense that it makes a woman stop breastfeeding. Other signs of cracked nipples:

  • If the capillaries under the skin of the nipple are damaged, then the defect bleeds.
  • Sometimes an inflammatory process can develop in the cracks of the nipples: swelling, redness, and increased pain are noted.
  • If an infection penetrates into the crack, then this can cause purulent inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis.
The cause of pain in the nipples with a crack is established very easily - by examination. Treatment consists in properly attaching the child to the breast, lubricating the nipples with milk, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin E oil solution, panthenol, and other creams and ointments.

To prevent pain in the nipples caused by cracks, special pads are used, which are sold in pharmacies.

Wrong choice of underwear

Pain in the nipples can disturb a woman if she wears poor-quality or improperly selected underwear. It can compress the chest, and the seams can rub the nipples.

Increased nipple sensitivity

Hypersensitivity of the nipples is a condition that should rather be attributed not to diseases, but to the individual characteristics of the female body. The skin of the nipples in such women is very rich in nerve endings, so they react painfully to any, even minor mechanical irritations. For example, it may be wearing underwear that is not very comfortable, using a towel that is too hard, rubbing the nipples too intensely while washing in the bathroom or shower.

To prevent pain in the nipples with their increased sensitivity, you can use comfortable and precisely sized underwear made from quality materials. Also, the doctor may recommend the use of special creams.

Pain in the nipples of the mammary glands can be provoked by the following irritants:

  • Chemicals and dyes for fabrics. Therefore, before putting on new underwear, it is advisable to wash it thoroughly.
  • Chemical detergents, washing powders, bleaches, conditioners (after washing, clothes must be rinsed well.
  • Soaps, gels, body lotions and other personal care products.
  • Cosmetics items: powders, deodorants, etc.
  • Creams and ointments used to treat various diseases nipples; they, in turn, can act as irritants.

Pain in the nipples before menstruation


Some women experience chest pain before menstruation for no apparent reason. Sometimes this symptom is considered as a manifestation of PMS.

Pain in the nipples before menstruation with PMS occurs as a result of the fact that hormonal changes occur in the female body. An increase in the level of hormones in the blood leads to the fact that the milk ducts and sinuses grow and increase in size in the mammary gland. In addition, there is a slight swelling of the nipple due to increased blood flow.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

Often pain in the nipples before menstruation accompanies fibrocystic mastopathy. This is a disease in which there is a pathological proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary gland.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, there is pain in the nipples and mammary gland before menstruation, as well as other symptoms:
1. The presence of seals in the chest, the number and size of which can vary greatly.
2. Discharge from the nipples, most often transparent.

For mastopathy, it is very characteristic that all the symptoms occur immediately before menstruation, and with their arrival it decreases or disappears completely. However, over time, the pathology progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and prolonged.

Pain in the nipples before menstruation with mastopathy may differ in intensity and nature. At first, they are not very pronounced and pass quickly, resembling the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. In the future, each time they are more and more intensified, disturbing not only before menstruation, but also during them.

In order to understand in time that pain in the nipples is caused precisely by mastopathy, every woman should be able to independently examine her mammary glands. This is done very simply. First, an examination is made in the mirror, while you need to pay attention to the symmetry of the mammary glands, their location, the presence of deformations. This is followed by palpation in a standing and lying position. The chest is felt, making movements from the axillary region to the nipple.

The final diagnosis is established after ultrasound and mammography (X-ray examination of the mammary glands). Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy involves the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, surgical intervention.

If the first and third therapy options are more likely to be radical methods, then treatment with non-hormonal drugs is characterized by a much lower risk of side effects. At the same time, registered drugs have proven efficacy.

Pain in the nipples after menstruation

Sometimes pain in the nipples of the breast in women occurs after menstruation. The main causes of this symptom are:
1. Hormonal disorders in the body. At the same time, an increased amount of female sex hormones is produced. During menstruation, this process intensifies, resulting in pain in the nipples of the breast after menstruation.
2. Rare sexual contacts. At the same time, a large amount of sex hormones accumulate in the body of a woman. Often, such manifestations cause women who have low sexual activity, big problems.
3. In addition, pain in the nipples after menstruation can be a symptom of fibrocystic mastopathy. Usually, the pain syndrome initially occurs before menstruation, then continues during and after them.

Especially close attention to their health should be paid to young nulliparous girls who are worried about chest pains after menstruation. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Pain in the nipple, combined with redness and other signs of an inflammatory process, are characteristic signs of mastitis, an infectious and inflammatory disease of the mammary gland. In this case, we are talking about a form of pathology when the inflammatory focus is located in the nipple area, and most often is the result of infection penetrating through its fissure. The second common cause of pathology is lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast and its infection).

Symptoms of mastitis are characteristic of an inflammatory disease:
1. Acute sharp pain and redness of the nipple.
2. Increased body temperature, general malaise.
3. Swelling of the mammary gland in the nipple area, deformity. Standing in front of a mirror, a woman notices the asymmetry of the right and left breasts.
4. Significant increase in pain when pressing on the nipple.

In the future, the mammary gland swells even more and increases in size. The skin in the nipple area becomes tense and hot to the touch. The pains intensify, become even sharper, the touch is very painful. In the future, if there is no treatment, an abscess (abscess) may form in the nipple area. With an abscess, the pain persists, but the mammary gland becomes softer, pus may be released from the nipple.

Suspicion of psoriasis should arise if red spots are found at the site of pain. irregular shape.

Psoriasis is diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist. Therapy is selected for each patient individually.


Eczema is a non-infectious skin disease that can affect the nipple area and manifest itself in the form of pain, itching, burning, redness, vesicles, weeping, crusts.
With eczema, pain in the nipples is more like itching or burning. The disease can occur in acute, subacute or chronic form.

When pain and rashes appear in the nipple area, a woman should consult a dermatologist. The diagnosis is easily established after an external examination. Treatment for each woman is selected individually.


Candidiasis is a fungal disease that is caused by fungi of the genus Candida and can affect the skin and mucous membranes. Sometimes the pathological process is localized in the area of ​​the nipples. At the same time, a woman has been worried about pain in the nipple area for a long time. Other symptoms in the nipple area that occur with breast candidiasis:
  • for a long time there is swelling and inflammation;
  • cracks;
  • small bubbles.
If a woman develops nipple candidiasis while breastfeeding, then as a result, the baby may develop stomatitis.

With candidiasis of the nipples, there are signs of candidiasis of the mucous membranes: the vagina, the digestive tract.

The cause of pain in the nipples with candidiasis is established by a dermatologist. Antifungal treatment is prescribed.


Herpes is a viral disease that can affect the skin in different areas of the body. Sometimes lesions can be located in the area of ​​the nipples. In this case, itching pain and other symptoms are noted:
1. Redness of the skin in the nipple area and the appearance of small bubbles on it, inside of which there is a clear liquid.
2. Subsequently, the bubbles burst with the formation of a crust.
3. Then the crusts fall off, and pink spots remain in their place.

Itching and pain in the nipples with a herpes virus infection can have different strength and intensity, depending on what type of virus the disease is caused by.

If acute pain in the nipples and symptoms resembling a herpes virus infection occur, a woman should contact a gynecologist or dermatologist as soon as possible. Of particular danger is the herpes virus for a child in a pregnant woman.

Treatment consists in the appointment of antiviral agents for external use (creams, ointments, solutions).


Impetigo - skin inflammatory disease, in which a large number of pustules are formed. At their location, pain, itching, redness are noted.

The development of nipple impetigo is due to the penetration of pathogens into the skin with minor injuries. For example, nipple cracks contribute to this, their rubbing is uncomfortable underwear etc. The most common pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci.

Acute pain in the nipple area with impetigo is combined with the following symptoms:

  • the formation of pustules on the skin, which have a characteristic appearance;
  • redness, swelling of the skin in the affected area;
  • after the pustules open, they turn into crusts;
  • after the crusts fall off, small sores remain in their place;
  • the general condition of the woman may also be disturbed: the body temperature rises, general malaise is noted, etc.
The diagnosis of impetigo is easily established during a direct examination. Treatment involves the appointment of antibacterial drugs.

Stitching pain in the nipple due to nerve damage

The skin of the nipple area is very rich in nerve endings and is highly sensitive. Nerve damage may be accompanied by stabbing pains in the nipple. Such an injury can occur at the time of impact, or as a complication during breast surgery. It is characteristic that in this case there is pain only in the right or left nipple - that is, in the one that was injured.

Stitching pain in the nipple of nervous origin can disturb a woman for a short time, and then pass without a trace. Sometimes it - on the contrary, is very long, requires a long and persistent treatment.

Pain of muscular origin

Sometimes pain in the nipple can be associated with muscle pathologies:
1. Constant excessive tension of the chest muscles as a result of a violation of posture, a long uncomfortable posture at work, wearing an uncomfortable bra;
2. Fibromyalgia is a disease characterized by muscle pain.

In these conditions, pain does not occur in the nipple itself, but is only reflected in it.

Paget's disease

Paget's disease is a type of breast cancer that mostly affects women over 50, but can also develop at an earlier age. For her, pain in the nipples is quite characteristic.

Paget's disease is insidious in that often its symptoms in the early stages are not very pronounced, and resemble eczema. Swelling, redness, peeling, itching may appear in the nipple area. These signs are expressed so weakly that a woman often does not even attach importance to them. Then comes an imaginary improvement. Subsequently, more unpleasant symptoms appear - such as severe itching, burning, tingling, pain in the nipples. Droplets of blood come out of them.

Only with an external examination, it is impossible to establish the diagnosis of Paget's cancer. If the doctor has such a suspicion, then he prescribes a biopsy - an examination of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the nipple under a microscope.

Pain in the nipples in men

Pain in the nipples can disturb not only women, but also men. There are a large number of pathological conditions that can manifest as nipple pain in men:
1. Growing up in adolescence. There is pain in the nipples when touched. This state is temporary. It is associated with hormonal changes.
2. Nipple injury. It can be bruises, cuts, etc.
3. Infection penetration. In this case, a man develops purulent inflammation in the nipple area, which strongly resembles mastitis.
4. Gynecomastia - endocrine disease, in which a man's chest increases, and becomes similar to a woman's. This causes pain in the nipples. Distinguish between true gynecomastia, due to the appearance of full-fledged mammary glands, and false, in which adipose tissue simply grows. Pain can be experienced in both cases. Gynecomastia is diagnosed and treated by an endocrinologist.
5. Diabetes . This disease is manifested not only by an increase in blood sugar levels. Significant endocrine changes occur in the body of a diabetic.
6. Pathology of the testicles, adrenal glands, pituitary gland. These glands are responsible for the normal production of male sex hormones. If their work is disrupted, then estrogens begin to predominate in the body.
7. The phenomenon of rollback during the course of taking anabolic steroids - more precisely, immediately after its completion. The fact is that many steroids, being analogs of testosterone, are able to undergo aromatization in the blood and turn into female sex hormones - estrogens. In addition, they suppress the production of their own testosterone. Many athletes and bodybuilders have gynecomastia, pain in the nipples after the end of the course, and testicles decrease in size.
8. Breast cancer in men. Quite a rare condition. At the same time, the man has pain in the nipples for a long time, as well as discharge from them. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

About 60% of women experience periodic pain in the nipples. In most cases, they are directly related to a sharp change in hormonal levels. In some situations, soreness in the nipples can be a symptom of a pathological condition of the mammary glands.

Cyclic mastodynia

There can be a large number of reasons why nipples hurt in women. One way or another, not all of them are associated with the development of diseases. The phenomenon of soreness in the mammary glands is called mastodynia.

This disease is associated with cyclical changes in the body that occur during menstruation. So, many women note moderate pain in the nipples during the menstrual cycle, which is usually observed after ovulation or in the middle of it. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, as well as prolactin. It is they, together with other biological substances in the blood of a woman, that contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes, both throughout the body and in the mammary gland. As a result, there is pain, swelling, due to which the breast sometimes increases in volume.

Non-cyclic mastalgia

The second reason why nipples on a female breast can hurt is. This kind of disease has nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations. It is caused by such pathologies as:

  • inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms;
  • disruption of the pituitary system;
  • dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system, etc.

Also, pain in the nipples is often the result of various kinds of psychological disorders (bad mood, anxiety, stress, and others). In addition, sometimes a girl, tormenting herself with the question: “Why do my nipples hurt?”, Doesn’t even suspect that this is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives.

Pregnancy and lactation

Often, women complain of pain in the nipples when touched during the current pregnancy, and a little less often during the period of breastfeeding. These pains are caused by the growth and expansion of the milk ducts in the gland. In addition, the presence of pain can sometimes be one of the signs of a pregnancy that has just begun.

Quite often, young mothers incorrectly position their baby when feeding, which is why a slight pain in the nipples is noted as a result. Also, at the beginning of feeding, the newborn may not grasp the breast correctly, while pulling the nipple strongly, which also causes pain.

What to do?

If a girl first encounters such a common phenomenon as nipple pain, then, as a rule, she does not know what needs to be done. In such situations leading role plays diagnostics.

First you need to find out if these pains do not have a cyclical nature. If they appear and disappear, then most likely this is due to hormonal changes in the body. In such cases, no treatment is required, and the woman only has to wait until they pass on their own.

Particularly noteworthy are those cases when, along with painful sensations, a woman also notes the presence. As a rule, they are the main symptom of a large number of diseases, the differentiation of which is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

Thus, pain in the nipples can mean both the development of a pathology in a woman's body, and be a separate symptom of a complex disease. In any case, when they appear, a woman should be alert and try to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, who, if necessary, will prescribe complex treatment.

Hello! Women who are sensitive to the changes taking place in the body notice that on certain days the breasts swell, the nipples become sensitive. Why do the nipples of the mammary glands hurt, only women know this feeling?

Why do women have sore nipples?

Girls and women know that a few days before the start, hormonal changes occur in the body, triggering the beginning of a new cycle.

Among the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, along with irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, there are also physiological manifestations. One of the most striking symptoms is swollen breasts, sensitive nipples.


On the eve of menstruation, the concentration of female sex hormones - prolactin and progesterone - increases significantly in the blood.

A "cocktail" of hormones and biologically active substances leads to water retention in the body. The mammary glands are no exception, it is the excess fluid that causes slight swelling of the breast.

The expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands causes compression of the nerve endings, hence the discomfort, hypersensitivity, pain.

Before menstruation, touching the chest causes irritation, the usual underwear becomes uncomfortable. Pain before menstruation is considered the norm, after menstruation everything goes away before the start of the next cycle.


Unpleasant pain in the chest may appear in the middle of the cycle. They are not as pronounced as before menstruation, so not all women pay attention to them. The peak occurs in the middle of the cycle - ovulation, the moment of maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary.

The nipples are the most sensitive area of ​​the breast; under the influence of female sex hormones in the middle of the cycle, they become especially susceptible to external stimuli.

Women with a stable cycle can track ovulation and adjust for a possible pregnancy.

During pregnancy

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is swelling of the nipples and an increase in their sensitivity.

Designed to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. As a rule, nipples are very sore and swell in the first trimester. At the end of this period, the body copes with hormonal changes and the manifestations become less distinct.


The reasons why nipples hurt during breastfeeding are different:

  • When feeding, there is a significant increase in the mammary glands in size due to milk production. The rush of milk can cause pain in the chest, nipples;
  • The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly. As a result, the skin of the nipples and areolas around them crack, roughen and hurt. In advanced cases, serious health problems for the mother can occur;
  • Nipples can be injured and hurt in cases where they have too thin (dry) skin, as well as if the nipple has an anatomically irregular shape (flat, sunken, long);
  • Pain can become harbingers of incipient inflammation, mastitis.

Pathological changes causing pain in the nipples

Along with physiological changes that are normal for the female body in certain phases of the cycle, pain in the nipple area can signal the onset of a serious illness.

Benign or malignant neoplasms

Additional symptoms to watch out for are:

  • Highlights on click
  • Changing the color of the nipple, areola, their shape
  • Pain in one of the mammary glands that radiates to the armpit
  • When examining the mammary gland with the hands, dense formations, nodules are clearly felt in it.

These symptoms serve as a reason to visit a mammologist and a comprehensive examination. Neoplasms in the initial stages are treatable, even with the preservation of the gland or its partial resection.

Endocrine disorders

Caused by malfunction of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.


Intercostal neuralgia can manifest itself in a similar way, both in men and in women.

Psychological problems

Strong mental overload also leads to hormonal disruptions and can provoke increased sensitivity of the nipples.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

Some women, choosing to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with the help of oral contraceptives, notice that the nipples swell, itch, hurt, regardless of the phase of the cycle.

Like side effect is indicated in the annotations to many OK. If the sensations cause severe discomfort, then it is worth discussing with the gynecologist the replacement of one drug with another.

Why do boys nipples hurt?

Adolescent boys in their transitional age experience pain in the nipple area similar to girls. This happens for various reasons:

  • Hormonal changes in the body associated with puberty;
  • Allergies to hygiene items, linen;
  • Bruises, chest injuries;
  • Endocrine disorders - diseases of the pituitary gland, testicles, adrenal glands. These glands are involved in the production of male hormones. Their deficiency leads to a violation of the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Gynecomastia is breast enlargement in boys. It occurs either as a result of overweight (obesity), or as a result of hormonal disorders, a lack of male hormones and an excess of female ones;
  • Breast cancer is accompanied by discharge from the nipples, a change in the structure of the gland;
  • Diabetes.

What to do if nipples hurt?

First of all, you need to find out what is the cause of the pain. If pain in the nipple area is caused by the onset of a certain phase of the cycle, then at this time, breast stimulation, overexcitation should be avoided, and possible touches should be limited as much as possible.

  1. Cold showers help relieve pain.
  2. should be comfortable, convenient, appropriate to the size, made of natural materials. It is better to give preference to seamless patterns.
  3. Soaps and shower gels dry out the skin and should not be overused. After a shower, it is worth using special emollient body creams.
  4. A nursing mother should learn how to properly attach a baby to her breast. With an irregular shape of the nipples, you can purchase special pads that make the feeding process comfortable and painless.

When is it time to sound the alarm?

If pregnancy has not occurred, menstruation has ended, and the sensitivity of the nipples has not decreased, touching them causes pain and discomfort, you should pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Change in color, shape of the nipples, areolas; significant deformation of the form;
  • Purulent or bloody discharge from the nipples;
  • The appearance of cracks, wounds, ulcers, swelling;
  • Increased pain.

A consultation with a specialist will help determine the cause of the pain and choose methods for its elimination.

The causes of pain in the nipple area can be different, you should not immediately sound the alarm, but letting things take their course is also not good. Knowing what to look for, a woman will not miss the onset of a serious illness and will have time to take the necessary measures.

The female breast is a special part of the body, which is highly sensitive to external stimuli and internal factors.

Breast nipples hurt in women for various reasons. Both natural cyclical changes in the body and a number of dangerous diseases can provoke discomfort. Therefore, with constant pain in the bust area, with a change in the nature of the pain and the degree of its intensity, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to determine the cause of the symptoms that have arisen.

Natural symptoms

Natural causes of periodic breast pain are considered monthly hormonal changes in a woman's body, as well as periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The so-called premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a sharp change in hormonal levels. The dominant estrogen is replaced by progesterone, the main purpose of which is to prepare female body to possible conception. In this regard, by the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a woman may experience depression, frequent mood swings and irritation.

In most cases, the chest begins to hurt, and the nipples become especially sensitive. These sensations are associated with fluid retention in the body, so the mammary glands increase slightly from the second phase of the menstrual cycle: the ducts swell, squeezing the nerve fibers.

With the onset of menstruation, the pain in the bust area disappears.

After a successful conception throughout the first trimester, the expectant mother may also experience discomfort in the nipple area and swelling of the mammary glands.

The culprit of this condition is the same progesterone, which is produced in large quantities, because it is vital for the successful development of pregnancy. Its task is not only to ensure the successful development of the fetal egg, but also to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. During this period, the nerve endings do not have time to form as quickly as the ducts expand, so the expectant mother feels pain in her chest.

Often, nipples on the chest also hurt during breastfeeding, and several reasons also contribute to this phenomenon:

  1. Incorrect positioning of the crumbs at the time of feeding, due to which unfinished milk remains in the breast.
  2. Due to the irregular shape of the female nipple;
  3. Incorrect latch on by the baby during feeding (only the nipple is grasped).
  4. Violation of hygiene rules after feeding. After each application of the baby to the breast, you need to carefully but gently wash the breast with warm water, wiping it with a soft towel. When even the smallest cracks appear, you need to start treating them with emollient creams or ointments, preventing their further development.
  5. Lactose, in which milk stagnation occurs.
  6. Mastitis. A dangerous disease that develops due to the fact that the infection penetrates the mammary glands. It has pronounced symptoms: swollen breasts, pain in the nipple, elevated body temperature. Treatment of the disease should be immediate, otherwise an opening of the abscess will be required. Therapy is carried out only with antibiotics. During the treatment period breast-feeding stop.

Reasons not related to hormones

In this case, the nipples of the breasts hurt due to a malfunction in the functioning of various organs and systems, often not related to the mammary glands.

Sometimes pain in the bust is associated with the development of neoplasms of a benign and malignant nature. The pain syndrome in this case can be localized only in the left or right breast. At the same time, the nature of the pain is different: only the nipple, the entire chest or the halo can hurt; discomfort occurs on palpation or at rest.

Painful right or left nipple indicates the site of tumor development or pathological changes.

With oncology, nodules appear on the halos, the skin changes its color, and the nipple is deformed, sensitivity increases.


Women who often experience breast tenderness before menstruation should have a monthly visual examination and palpation of the breast. At the slightest violation, you should contact a gynecologist or mammologist for a detailed examination. With the help of early diagnosis, you can quickly begin treatment, preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

Consider the most common causes that provoke the appearance of pain in the chest or nipples.

oral contraception

Oral contraceptives contain hormones. Incorrectly selected drugs or an erroneously calculated dosage leads to hormonal failure, which causes pain in the chest.

A characteristic feature of the symptoms in this case is tingling in the mammary glands and pain.


Before using oral contraceptives, be sure to consult your doctor! With the help of the results of special tests, he will be able not only to select the drug with the desired formula, but also to calculate the correct dosage.

For any unpleasant symptoms after using oral contraceptives, you should consult a specialist and choose another drug.

Skin diseases

If the nipples hurt because of small cracks, from which regularly appears white coating, most likely we are talking about the development of candidiasis.

The fungus, the provocateur of the disease, penetrates into the mammary glands through small wounds.

No less unpleasant is the appearance of herpes on the chest.

These diseases require immediate treatment, especially during pregnancy, as they are dangerous for the preservation of the fetus.


Discomfort or pain in the chest can occur due to injury or pinching of the nerve.

Moreover, the second factor is often provoked by the first, since the nerve is damaged due to impacts, falls or surgery.

Most often, in this case, the pain syndrome disappears on its own after a short time.

However, if the pain is accompanied by bruising or bleeding, you should immediately seek medical help.

Causes of a neurological nature

Very often, the physical health of a woman is associated with her psychological state. Prolonged stress, depressive moods, shocks lead to a general deterioration in the condition. And since the hormonal background quickly reacts to a psychologically negative state, pains begin in the chest and nipple. Symptoms are very similar to the sensations that a woman experiences during the premenstrual period.


Long-term use of antidepressants also causes discomfort in the mammary glands.

fashion trends

Some young girls following fashion trends, began to make tattoos on the halo of the nipple. Also popular is the breast piercing procedure, when the nipple is pierced.


These procedures require particular precision and professionalism from the person performing the procedure. Any incorrect movement will lead to injury to the ducts or their blockage. In addition, piercing and tattooing should be carried out with strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, since with these procedures there is a high chance of infection, which will result not only in pain in the chest and nipples, but also in their inflammation.

Excessive stimulation of the mammary glands during intimacy can also cause discomfort and pain. After all, the peripapillary zone in women is especially sensitive.


When choosing underwear, it is important to consider the size and features of your body. So, too narrow a bra can rub delicate skin, bringing discomfort. And artificial fabrics often cause allergic reactions. In this case, not only does the nipple hurt a lot, but it itches.


During puberty, girls begin intensive growth of the mammary glands, which leads to excessive sensitivity.

As a rule, pain disappears after a short time on its own. However, if the pain syndrome does not disappear for a long time, it is worth visiting a gynecologist for a consultation.

Other reasons

Sore nipples can also be caused by such factors:

  • Adrenal dysfunction;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Failure in the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • and liver;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

All of these diseases have pronounced symptoms, where discomfort in the nipples is only an additional symptom.

Causes for concern

Despite the many reasons that cause pain in the chest and nipples, there are a number of factors that you should pay close attention to and be sure to consult with your doctor:

  • Fluid is regularly released from the nipples, which has a yellow, green or white color, blood impurities;
  • The nipple was deformed, changed color;
  • The mammary glands are edematous;
  • Sores or cracks appeared;
  • The pain syndrome is so strong that it radiates to the armpits or arms;
  • Elevated body temperature;
  • Toxicosis, indigestion.

Such symptoms most often indicate the development of oncology, so an examination by a specialist should take place as early as possible.

Video - Breast Self-Examination

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