Accounting and tax accounting. Principles of accounting Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Perennials 17.12.2023

easy to learn, reliable in operation!

1C Accounting 8 - a universal software product, created by 1C. The program is suitable for automating accounting and tax accounting any enterprise, from an individual entrepreneur to a large holding. The configuration allows you to keep records for several organizations in one information base, with different systems taxation of these organizations. The basis of the software product is, which is characterized by high functionality and scalability. 1C software products are constantly updated in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.



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* Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road, and installation as a gift (counting the 1st free standard hour of a specialist’s work). The rest of the gift watches are only for the PRO version.
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*** Gift watches are valid for 3 (three) months from the date of purchase of the software.

New feature- preparing and sending reports to the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund directly from the program (without installing additional software)!

By using 1c accounting programs 8 you can solve all the problems facing the accounting department of the organization. Thanks to this product It is possible to configure the work of other enterprise services and relieve the accounting service from routine work. So information about trading and production operations Employees of related departments of the organization can enter. The accounting service will manage and control the settings of the 1C information base, all of which together will ensure timely automatic reflection of documents in accounting and tax accounting.

At the same time, you need to know that in order to automate the tasks of other departments software products created: for example, for automation sales department - 1C Trade Management 8, for the work of the HR department it is advisable to use - 1C Salary and personnel management 8.

The Accounting configuration can work together with application solutions 1C Trade Management 8 and 1C Salary and HR Management 8, also created on the 1C Enterprise 8 platform.

Versions 1C Accounting 8

1C Accounting 8 program Can buy in two versions: PRO and Basic version. When choosing between Basic and Prof. version, it is necessary to take into account that in the BASIC version it is not possible, but in the PRO version you can:

    Work in the program simultaneously for several users local network;

    Maintain multi-company accounting in one information base;

  1. The upgrade (transition) from 1C Enterprise 7.7 to 1C Enterprise 8 can be done in two clicks.

    Click 1. Launch the 1C:Accounting 8 program and specify the infobase 7.7 from which you want to download data.

    Click 2. The data will be transferred automatically.

    The following are transferred to the new information base:

      balances of accounting and tax accounts at the end of the previous year;

      turnover for the past period since the beginning of the year;

      tax bases on personal income tax and wage taxes;

      data on fixed assets, intangible assets

      and other credentials.

    It is possible to transfer credentials to one version 8 infobase from several 7.7 infobases.

    If you are currently working in Enterprise 7.7, you can upgrade from 1C Enterprise 7.7 platform on 1C Enterprise 8.

    The upgrade price for 1C Enterprise 8 system products is defined as the difference in prices according to the current price list between the purchased and surrendered versions, but not less than 50% of the price of the purchased version.

Home 1C:Accounting 8

Accounting principles

The main task of "1C: Accounting 8" is accounting and reporting.

The accounting principles implemented in 1C:Accounting 8 meet the high requirements of reliability and efficiency, fully comply with Russian legislation and meet business needs.

The application solution includes accounting chart of accounts, set up in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application" dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n.

The composition of accounts, settings for analytical, currency, quantitative, tax accounting, as well as accounting by division, allow you to take into account the requirements of the law.

The user can independently manage the accounting methodology within the framework of setting up the accounting policy and create new sub-accounts. Changes made to the chart of accounts are saved even after updating the program.

In traditional accounting, entries are used to record business transactions only in the ledger accounts. In the application solution "1C: Accounting 8" the posting functions are expanded: posting can be used to reflect business transactions in analytical accounting. This is achieved by using additional details in posting - subconto.

Subconto- this is an object of analytical accounting, for example, a counterparty, a warehouse, an employee, etc. Types of sub-accounts are attached to accounting accounts directly in the chart of accounts.

The main method of accounting in "1C: Accounting 8" is to register facts of economic activity using documents.

An alternative way to maintain records is to record business facts using manual transaction entry.

There are various ways to optimize the current work of accountants. These methods include mechanisms for quickly filling out documents, Express verification of record keeping.

Standard reports are designed to view the results of current accounting work. Standard reports are an effective mechanism for using summary and detailed accounting and tax data in your daily work.

For regulatory accounting purposes, an enterprise is described as organizational structure, the main objects of which are organizations (legal entities) and divisions (services, departments, workshops, etc.).

List Organizations is intended to indicate the organizations that are part of the enterprise and store permanent information about them. An organization may be a legal entity, a separate division or individual entrepreneur. For each organization, the necessary information is filled out in accordance with its constituent documents and the current one is registered accounting policy, which determines the parameters of taxation and valuation. On the list Organizations there is also a predetermined organization - Management organization, which is used to separately reflect operations on regulated and management accounting.

The application solution supports the following taxation systems:

  • The general taxation system is OSNO (registration of entrepreneurs operating under an individual scheme (IP) is not supported).
  • Simplified taxation system - simplified taxation system.
  • Single tax on imputed income - UTII.

Book Academy ERP. State defense order: concept of separate accounting for contracts

The new version of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 47 “On the rules for maintaining separate accounting of the results of financial and economic activities by organizations that carry out state orders at the expense of the federal budget” approves formalized rules for maintaining separate accounting for contracts and defines the form for reporting the execution of contracts.

Book Academy ERP. Workshop on preparing reports on the execution of state defense contracts

The book contains examples of aggregation and reporting of the most commonly used business transactions. The reflection of transactions in the reporting of contract execution is deciphered before being reflected in accounting organizations.

The description of the operations is accompanied by “familiar” entries for the accountant, as well as a financial or economic assessment of the impact of the operations on the contract resources. Understanding the principles of reporting will allow the reader to independently determine the reporting option for specific and unique operations.

Training webinars

Examples of projects

Name Link
1200 jobs on 1C:ERPWebsite
Implementation of cost accounting, cost calculation, regulated accounting in 1C:ERP (rev. 2.2.) in the production of medical devices

1C: Accounting 8 (Edition 3.0). Level 1: Automated accounting

This course meets the requirements of the professional standard “Accountant”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated February 21, 2019 No. 103n!

A unique course specially designed by teachers Training center“Specialist” with an emphasis on solving real practical problems and authorized 1C! 1C: Accounting 8 is the most popular program for automating accounting and tax accounting. Today, in more than 90% of vacancies, employers require employees with knowledge of 1C: Accounting 8.

  • You will learn all the features of the program,
  • In practice, master entering business transactions,
  • Learn to prepare standard accounting documents yourself,
  • Gain skills in generating standard accounting reports,
  • Get acquainted with filling out regulated accounting and tax reporting.

The course is included in the training program for the certification exam. Its price includes methodological manual, which will help you not to miss a single important moment of the lecture and easily remember the material covered.

The course is intended for training accountants and other specialists who want to master 1C: Accounting 8 version 3.0. A lot of time is devoted to the new functionality of edition 3.0, which significantly increases the efficiency of working with the program and expands its capabilities compared to previous versions. Therefore, it will be extremely useful for those who have worked with older versions of 1C: Accounting. New opportunities for working with directories, recording transactions and analyzing data are being considered.

Comfortable classrooms, a workplace with the installed 1C program, professional teachers, coffee breaks, a friendly atmosphere and communication with colleagues will contribute to the effective learning of the material. Training is conducted on the latest versions: 1C:Enterprise platform 8.3 and configuration edition 3.0.

Benefits of the course:

  • The course is taught ONLY by CSO teachers certified by 1C;
  • The course program is certified by 1C;
  • Certified materials 1C;
  • Two certificates of completion of the course - from the 1C company and the Specialist Center;
  • Author's paper (or electronic) manual authorized by 1C;
  • Practice in the 1C: Accounting program, latest version 8.3;
  • The course prepares you for passing the “1C: Professional” and “1C: Specialist” exams.

The use of 1C: Accounting is so developed today that they have come up with many ways to learn how to use this program:

Courses. In almost every city there are methodological centers whose list of services includes a 1C training program. For a set amount, they will teach you how to use the program and clearly explain the basics of accounting. It turns out theory and practice, all in one.

Educational books. Many tutorials and guides on this topic are published. This literature describes step by step each action or operation, provides a description of the specific configuration and the features of working in it.

Demo version. Typically, a disc with a demo version of the program is included with the self-instruction book. When launched from a computer, it simulates that you are working in a real program. A fictitious company is entered and then you can perform any actions that are within the competence of the program: fill out documents, generate reports, make entries, and perform other accounting-related actions.

Information from the Internet. This includes knowledge of 1C using Internet resources: websites, forums, discussions, online publications and magazines.

Direct work experience. This method is the best of all. If you have the opportunity to learn while performing a job function, getting acquainted with 1C will be quick and fruitful.

Getting started in 1C:Accounting

First you need to install the program on your computer's hard drive. Leave it to a specialist. After installation, in clean 1C you will need to enter all the data about the organization in which accounting is kept, these are details, accounting policies, and nomenclature used in the work. If initially all the settings are set correctly, then 1C will only work to help the accountant. In one program you can create several databases with different companies.

“1C: Accounting” has the ability to process personnel documents, hiring and dismissing employees, processing vacations, and accounting. Initially, all this data will need to be entered into the program. From time to time it is advisable to make an archive of the database in case of loss of information or computer failure. Also, as legislation changes and new releases are released, the program needs to be updated for correct operation and updating of data.

Since “1C: Accounting” is the development of one manufacturing company, it has its own individual interface developed over time and, despite constant improvements and updates, those who once learned to work in it cannot master new version it won't be difficult.

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How to issue an invoice in 1C Accounting

“1C: Enterprise” is a computer application program with which you can automate the accounting of various areas of activity in any enterprise (accounting, personnel, finance, sales, etc.).

The computer program “1C:Enterprise” is a system of individual products and components, such as 1C: Trade and Warehouse, 1C: Salary and Personnel, 1C: Accounting, etc.

In order to rationally use all the capabilities of the program, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of the system itself, which are contained in the “Tips of the Day”. In addition, if you have any questions during your work, you can contact the employees who installed and maintain the program in the company.

Additional information for the user can also be obtained in the “action”, “context menu” menu sections, in the “help” mode, in the built-in description, and in pop-up tips. In addition, in the “Options” mode you can find additional system features.

Software products are constantly updated and re-released. Typically, service specialists monitor the timely installation of updates. You can view the version number installed on a specific work computer by calling the “About” mode (the “Help” menu).

Working with 1C begins with launching the program on the computer. Immediately after the program starts, the “Launch Window” appears, in it you can select one of the “1C:Enterprise” (for users) and “Configurator” () modes.

After selecting the “1C:Enterprise” mode, an interface configured for a specific user opens (by default, a menu and a standard panel will open). The main menus here required for work are “Operations” and “Service”.

In general, working with 1C looks like selecting the desired sections from the menu in the windows that open. All configurations have windows that help you navigate them or contain help information, for example, “help”, “workplace”, “navigation assistant”. You can find them in “Help – Function Panel - Quick Start – Additional information- Starting Assistant. The main actions that you will have to perform when working in 1C: Enterprise are entering and adding information to the directory, completing (filling out) documents, and viewing reports.

Detailed step by step instructions can be found on the Internet on developer websites or on user forums.

The “Configuration” mode allows you to create an application solution for a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its production activities, personnel and financial policies. This mode is used exclusively by programming specialists.

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Tip 3: How to learn to use the 1C Accounting program

It is very difficult to imagine the work of modern companies without using the 1C Accounting program. This application has simplified many tasks. In order to learn how to work in it, you need to make an effort and have the desire. The main thing is to set a goal and try to achieve it, doing everything possible for this.

Eat different options training. Can be studied this program independently or with the help of a specialist. Finding a specialist is not difficult, as there are many courses where you can gain the necessary knowledge.

Some people prefer to learn new programs on their own, while others simply do not have the time to attend courses. In order to study the program yourself, you will need a textbook on accounting and, accordingly, the 1C Accounting program. Practical tasks will also not be superfluous.

Without certain knowledge in the field of accounting, it will be difficult for a person to master the program. For clear learning, you need to know the chart of accounts and be able to fill out everything in a certain way. Courses on accounting. In work, the acquired knowledge and skills will never be superfluous.

If you decide to study the program yourself, you need to make sure that your knowledge in this area will be sufficient for the job. This area is quite difficult to study. Sometimes even experienced accountants find it quite difficult to understand this program.

It is recommended to download a quick guide to help you get started with the program faster. You can also learn by watching video tutorials. To study, you need to know the latest events related to accounting, as well as tax accounting.

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