Antioxidants in food. The strongest natural antioxidants in food - fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants What foods contain antioxidants

Diseases 08.12.2021

In this material we will tell you how to maintain healthy, elastic, velvety skin with the help of lifesavers - natural antioxidants.

Selection 10 most powerful natural antioxidants and their effect on the condition, structure, and health of the skin

1. Vitamin C

Has truly outstanding antioxidant properties vitamin C- it stimulates the function of cells that synthesize the main skin protein - collagen, ensures normal permeability of capillary membranes, improves their elasticity and strength.

In addition, ascorbic acid prevents the destruction of other antioxidants in the body - retinol, vitamin E, selenium, and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, viburnum, garden greens, sweet peppers, broccoli, potatoes, and spinach.

2. Vitamin E

A - tocopherol, or - vitamin E, aka the “vitamin of youth”. It has a unique ability to protect cell membranes. Contained in large quantities in cold-pressed vegetable oils, especially those obtained from wheat germ, nuts, liver, pike perch, salmon, squid, dried apricots, prunes.

Carotenoids: β-carotene, retinol, lycopene, etc.. Provide effective skin protection from sun rays. Accelerate epithelization, eliminate the feeling of dryness and prevent skin exfoliation.

Vitamin A and carotene enhance the production of collagen, and accordingly, they can significantly delay the appearance of the first deep wrinkles, and make the network of small wrinkles almost invisible.

The largest amount of carotenoids is present in plant pigments that are orange and red in color; They are rich in sea buckthorn, rose hip, carrot, and palm oil; Tomatoes have a high lycopene content.


Or - plant polyphenols, have the strongest antioxidant activity and are similar in structure to human estrogens; they are also called phytoestrogens.

It is known that in women after 30, the production of sex hormones gradually decreases: estrogen, progesterone, etc., and this immediately affects appearance skin: it becomes dry, thinner, and covered with a network of wrinkles.

Many people solve this problem by using creams that contain hormones, but, alas, they have a number of serious contraindications. The use of creams with phytoestrogens (stearins, isoflavones, flavones, lignans) is an excellent solution in this case, when “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”: the skin looks moisturized and well-groomed without any harmful consequences.

Lots of phytoestrogens in soybeans, red clover, alfalfa, wild yam, palmetto, hops, grapes.

Polyphenols They also maintain the endocrine balance of the body, have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect, reduce hypoxia and increase the level of oxygen saturation of the skin, due to which metabolic processes are activated in it.

Foods rich in polyphenols include red wine, grapes, apples, onions, green and black tea, olive oil, aqueous herbal extracts.


E This is a special group of flavonoids that has a pronounced radioprotective effect.

Thanks to catechins, vitamin C is better absorbed and accumulated in the body, the elasticity and firmness of capillaries increases, thereby protecting the skin from the appearance of “stars” and vascular networks on it.

Catechins are found in large quantities in all types of tea.


An enzyme that works on the front line of defense of the cell - inside its "energy depots" - mitochondria.

SOD-containing cosmetics solve the problem of preventing wrinkles especially effectively, since SOD does not allow “cross-linking” of protein collagen molecules.

Superoxide dismutase is produced in our body and is also present in almost all animal and plant foods.

Plants whose extracts have SOD-like activity are widely used in cosmetology: witch hazel, sea buckthorn ginkgo biloba, tea leaf, horse chestnut, etc.

7. Coenzyme Q

Molecule of the “code of youth” of the skin. Participates in the process of energy production directly in mitochondria, and it is they that actively protect against oxidative attacks.

Coenzyme, as an obligatory component, is included in anti-aging masks, serums, and creams.

Red palm oil, beef, herring, peanuts, pistachios, and sesame have large amounts of Coenzyme Q.


It is a whole complex of unsaturated fatty acids. It has proven itself excellent as a component of cosmetic products for the care of inflamed, thinned, aging skin.

Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, restores the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, and, accordingly, makes it more elastic.

Most vitamin F is found in cold-pressed oils: olive, soybean, flaxseed, corn, sunflower; Its higher content is found in sea fish, nuts, avocados, and oatmeal.

Antioxidants are special substances that prevent the oxidation of other substances in the human body and thus prevent the formation of free radicals, which have an extremely negative effect on cells. Without delving into the jungle of science, we can say that antioxidants can slow down the aging process and even prevent the development of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

These elements are most easily obtained by those who advocate healthy and balanced diet. Antioxidant-rich foods include: walnuts and pecans, berries, artichokes, coffee, cherries, cloves, peaches, broccoli. All of them bring other benefits to the body. For example, artichokes are a source of fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and magnesium. Peaches provide beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, fiber, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. We hope these examples will help you decide whether to include the following 12 foods in your diet.

List of foods exceptionally rich in antioxidants

As already mentioned, antioxidants are ardent fighters against free radicals. By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, you will look and feel younger, protect yourself from cancer and heart disease, and recover faster from workouts and other physical activities. In other words, antioxidants will help you build more muscle and less body fat.

Blackberry- This is the leader among berries in terms of antioxidant content. In this regard, it is inferior to blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries. Just 1 cup of blackberries contains half the daily value of vitamin C.

Strawberry. A glass of strawberries is a glass, full of health and energy. This berry is exceptionally rich in fiber and vitamin C (149% of the daily value).

Raspberry- another super healthy product that should be in your diet. A glass of raspberries contains a huge amount of antioxidants and 54% of the daily value of vitamin C.

Cranberry. Eat a cup of cranberries and you'll get a powerful boost of antioxidants and other substances that are very beneficial for the immune system.

Blueberry protects your skin from premature aging. In addition, this berry improves vision and prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Peaches rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, fiber, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Walnuts. The kernels of only 8-10 nuts are a powerful boost of antioxidants. In addition, walnuts do not contain cholesterol, they are low in sodium and sugars. But be careful when consuming them, as they contain quite a lot of calories!

Artichokes. One artichoke contains ¼ ​​of an adult's daily fiber intake. Besides, this product rich in vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, magnesium. Artichokes have no fat, which means they can be classified as dietary products.

Coffee not only helps us stay alert and energetic, but also reduces the risk of developing diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Coffee also stimulates the production of enzymes that protect the intestines from the formation of cancerous tumors.

Pecans are also very rich in antioxidants. It is enough to eat about 20 pieces a day. As a result, metabolism accelerates, but the feeling of fullness remains for a long time, and reliable protection for nervous system.

Carnation. Just a teaspoon of this spice can work wonders in your body. And don’t forget that the food will become much tastier!

Broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, which reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and other cancers associated with impaired estrogen synthesis (ovarian cancer, cervical cancer). In addition, broccoli is rich in beta-carotene, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Antioxidants are compounds necessary for the human body that restore damaged tissues and cells due to the negative effects of oxidants (free radicals) on them.

Antioxidants are natural antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and effectively fight age-related changes.

The effect of antioxidants on the body

In a healthy person, free radicals are formed in the body in small quantities. Just like antioxidants, they are necessary for the normal functioning of human systems. When free radicals increase in the body, the process of oxidation begins, which leads to damage to healthy cells. In order to stop the negative effects of oxidants, the body must receive a sufficient amount of beneficial substances - antioxidants. They have only a positive effect on human health. Thanks to their effects, the immune system is strengthened, the aging process slows down, the formation of modified cells stops, and, as a result, the risk of malignant neoplasms is significantly reduced.

Food as a source of antioxidants

The greatest benefits are provided by antioxidants contained in fresh natural products of plant origin.
Antioxidants in products can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. The following foods should be included in your daily diet:
  • Vegetables. Most of them, especially green ones, have strong antioxidant properties. Fresh vegetables or freshly squeezed vegetable juice are considered the healthiest.
  • Fruits and berries. Raspberries, cranberries and blackberries are powerful antioxidants. Fruits and berries are sources of vitamins, carotenes and microelements.
  • Nuts. Hazelnuts and walnuts are powerful antioxidants; they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the entire body as a whole.
  • Herbs. Herbs and spices are excellent sources of antioxidants. The most beneficial include garlic, cloves, cinnamon and turmeric. Fresh herbs are much healthier than processed ones.
  • Green tea. This drink contains a large amount of antioxidants. Tea has a beneficial effect on heart function, increases physical endurance and is effective in the fight against excess weight.

Foods rich in antioxidants also include: prunes, raisins, eggplants, beans, apples, plums, onions, sprouted seeds, peas, coffee, strawberries and many other products.

How to protect your body from oxidants

Following the basics proper nutrition it is important to adhere to healthy image life and avoid excessive emotional stress. It is advisable to give up fried foods, fast food and smoking. You should reduce your exposure to ultraviolet rays and spend more time outdoors. It is better to eat large quantities plant food, give up strong alcoholic drinks, giving preference to natural red wine.

Antioxidants are compounds that can be found both in food and in the human body. They help protect cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals.

When free radicals accumulate, they can cause a condition known as oxidative stress. This can damage DNA and other important structures in the cells of the human body. Unfortunately, chronic oxidative stress can increase your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Fortunately, eating foods rich in antioxidants can increase levels of antioxidants in the blood to combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of these diseases.

Scientists use several tests to measure the antioxidant content of foods. One of the best tests is the FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) analysis. It measures the antioxidant content of foods by how well they can neutralize a specific free radical. The higher the FRAP value, the more antioxidants the food contains.

So, in this article we will talk about which foods contain antioxidants.

Antioxidants - which foods contain them?

Top 12 Foods That Contain Antioxidants

Listed below are 12 best products nutrition, with the maximum amount of antioxidants, starting from the largest.

1. Dark chocolate

Good news for those with a sweet tooth. Dark chocolate is one of the most delicious foods that contains antioxidants. It contains more cocoa than regular chocolate, as well as more minerals and antioxidants.

Based on FRAP analysis, dark chocolate has up to 15 mmol of antioxidants for every 100 grams. That's even more than blueberries and raspberries, which contain up to 9.2 and 2.3 mmol of antioxidants in the same serving, respectively.

Plus, the antioxidants in cocoa and dark chocolate have impressive health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and reducing risk factors for heart disease.

A review of 10 studies looked at the link between cocoa consumption and blood pressure in both healthy people and in people with high blood pressure. Consumption of cocoa-rich foods such as dark chocolate reduced systolic blood pressure (top reading) by an average of 4.5 mmHg. Art. and diastolic blood pressure (lower value) by an average of 2.5 mm Hg. ().

Another study found that dark chocolate may reduce the risk of heart disease by increasing blood antioxidant levels and levels of “good” cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and preventing the oxidation of “bad” cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) ().
Oxidized LDL cholesterol is harmful because it promotes inflammation in blood vessels, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

Dark chocolate is delicious and nutritious and one of the best sources of antioxidants. The higher the cocoa content, the more antioxidants the chocolate contains.

2. Pecans

Pecan is a type of nut that was originally found in Mexico and South America. Pecans are a good source healthy fats and minerals, and also contain large amounts of antioxidants.

Based on FRAP analysis , pecans contain up to 10.6 mmol of antioxidants for every 100 grams.

Additionally, pecans may help increase antioxidant levels in the blood.

One study found that people who consumed 20% of their daily calories from pecans had significantly increased levels of antioxidants in their blood ().

In another study, people who consumed pecans saw a 26% to 33% reduction in LDL levels in their oxidized blood within two to eight hours. High levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol in the blood are a risk factor for heart disease ().

While pecans are a great source of healthy fats, they are also high in calories. Therefore, it is important to consume pecans in moderation to avoid getting too many calories.

Pecans are a popular nut that is rich in minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants. They may also help boost blood antioxidant levels and lower bad cholesterol levels.

3. Blueberries

What foods contain antioxidants if not berries? Although blueberries are low in calories, they are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. According to FRAP analysis, blueberries have up to 9.2 mmol of antioxidants per 100 g.

Additionally, test-tube and animal studies have shown that the antioxidants in blueberries may slow the decline in brain function that typically occurs with age (). Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing inflammation and changing the expression of certain genes.

Additionally, antioxidants in blueberries, especially a type called anthocyanins, have been shown to reduce heart disease risk factors, lower LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure ().

Blueberries are among the best sources of antioxidants of any food. It is rich in anthocyanins and other antioxidants, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease and slow the decline in brain function that occurs with age.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries on the planet. It has a sweet taste and is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Based on FRAP analysis, strawberries provide up to 5.4 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

In addition, strawberries contain an antioxidant such as anthocyanins, which gives the berries their red color. Strawberries with higher anthocyanin content have a brighter red color. Research has shown that anthocyanins may help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and increasing "good" HDL cholesterol (,).

A review of 10 studies found that taking anthocyanins as a dietary supplement significantly reduced LDL cholesterol among people with heart failure or high LDL levels ().

Like other berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Artichokes

Artichokes are a delicious and nutritious vegetable that is not very common in the Russian diet.

Artichokes have long history- People in ancient times used their leaves as a remedy to treat liver diseases such as jaundice. Artichokes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants. Based on FRAP analysis, artichokes contain up to 4.7 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

Artichokes are especially rich in an antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid. Research suggests that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of chlorogenic acid may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease (,).

Artichokes are vegetables that contain one of the highest levels of antioxidants, especially chlorogenic acid. Their content may vary depending on how the artichokes are cooked.

6. Goji berries

Goji berries are the dried fruits of two plants: Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense. They have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. Goji berries are often marketed as superfoods or superfoods because they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Based on FRAP analysis, goji berries contain 4.3 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

Goji berries contain unique antioxidants known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides. They can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and may help fight skin aging.

Goji berries can also be very effective in increasing antioxidant levels in the blood. In one study, healthy older adults consumed daily milkshake with goji berries for 90 days. By the end of the study, their levels of antioxidants in the blood increased by 57% ().

Due to their unique nutritional properties and exotic nature, goji berries are often expensive to consume on a regular basis.

Goji berries are a rich source of antioxidants, including a unique type known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides. They are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer and may help fight skin aging.

7. Raspberry

Raspberries are soft, tart berries that are often used in desserts. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants. Based on FRAP analysis, raspberries have up to 4 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

Several studies have examined the antioxidants and other components of raspberries to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. One test-tube experiment found that antioxidants and other components in raspberries killed 90% of cancer cells in the stomach, colon, and breast (). A review of five studies concluded that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of black raspberries may slow and suppress the effects of various types of cancer ().

What's more, the antioxidants in raspberries, especially anthocyanins, may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. This may reduce the risk of heart disease.

However, most of the evidence for the health benefits of raspberries is limited to test-tube studies. More human studies are needed before recommendations can be made. However, now you know which foods contain the most antioxidants. These are undoubtedly berries.

Raspberries are nutritious, delicious, and loaded with antioxidants. Like blueberries, they are rich in anthocyanins and have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

8. Kale (kale, kale)

Kale is a vegetable from the cruciferous family. Other species of this family: cauliflower.

Kale is one of the most nutritious green leafy vegetables on the planet. It is rich in vitamins A, K and C. It is also rich in antioxidants, providing up to 2.7 mmol for every 100 grams. Red cabbage varieties can contain almost twice as much - up to 4.1 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams. This is because red varieties of cabbage contain more anthocyanins, as well as several other antioxidants, which give them their vibrant color.

Kale is an excellent source of calcium from plant sources, an essential mineral that helps maintain bone health and plays roles in other cellular functions.

Kale is one of the most nutritious green leafy vegetables in the world, partly because it is rich in antioxidants. Although regular kale contains many antioxidants, red varieties can contain almost twice as much.

9. Red cabbage

Red cabbage has an impressive nutritional profile. Also known as purple cabbage, it is rich in vitamins C, K and A and is high in antioxidants. According to the FRAP analysis, red cabbage contains up to 2.2 mmol of antioxidants for every 100 grams. This is more than four times more antioxidants than regular cooked white cabbage.

This is because red cabbage contains anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants that give red cabbage its color. Anthocyanins are also found in strawberries and raspberries. Anthocyanins are very beneficial for human health. They may reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Red cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C can help strengthen the immune system and keep skin firm.

Interestingly, the way red cabbage is prepared can also affect its antioxidant levels. Boiled and roasted red cabbage can increase its antioxidant profile, while steamed red cabbage can reduce its antioxidant content by almost 35%.

Red cabbage is a delicious food that contains many antioxidants. Its red color comes from its high content of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants that have some impressive health benefits.

10. Legumes

Legumes are a group of plants whose fruits are extremely healthy and easily available to include in your diet. They contain a large amount of vegetable protein and fiber, which improves intestinal perilstatics.

Beans are also one of the best plant sources of antioxidants. FRAP analysis showed that green beans contain up to 2 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

Additionally, some beans, such as pinto beans, contain a certain antioxidant called kaempferol. This can have a positive effect on health, namely reducing chronic inflammation and suppressing the growth of cancer cells. Several animal studies have found that kaempferol can suppress the growth of cancers in the breast, bladder, kidney, and lungs (,).

However, since most of the research supporting the benefits of kaempferol has been done in animals or in vitro, more research in humans is needed.

Beans are an inexpensive way to increase your antioxidant intake. They also contain the antioxidant kaempferol, which has antitumor effects.

11. Beetroot

Beets are a healthy root vegetable. It has a mild flavor and is an excellent source of fiber, potassium, iron, folic acid and antioxidants. Based on FRAP analysis, beets contain up to 1.7 mmol of antioxidants per 100 grams.

Beets are especially rich in a group of antioxidants called betalans. They give beets their reddish color and are very beneficial for the human body. Several test-tube studies have linked betalin to a lower risk of colon cancer (,).

Beets are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, iron, folic acid and antioxidants. Beets contain a group of antioxidants called betalains, which are thought to provide impressive health benefits.

12. Spinach

Spinach is one of the most nutritious vegetables. It's packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and is incredibly low in calories. Based on FRAP analysis, spinach provides up to 0.9 mmol of antioxidants per 100 g.

Researched quite widely. Spinach is also an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that can protect the eyes from damage from ultraviolet light and other harmful light wavelengths. These antioxidants help fight eye damage that free radicals can cause over time.

Spinach is rich in nutrients, high in antioxidants and low in calories. It is also one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from free radicals.


Antioxidants are compounds that the human body can produce on its own to protect cells and tissues from oxidation. But antioxidants are also available in food. In the article, we studied which foods contain antioxidants and exactly how many antioxidants the top 12 food products contain according to this indicator.

  • Antioxidants protect the body from potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals, which can accumulate and stimulate oxidative stress. Unfortunately, oxidative stress increases your risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and many other chronic diseases.
  • Fortunately, eating foods that contain antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.
  • By eating plenty of the foods mentioned in this article, you can increase your blood antioxidant levels and reap many health benefits.

Greetings, dear readers!
IN lately The word antioxidants is considered synonymous with health. Their presence in food or cosmetics automatically turns these products into almost a panacea for all diseases. And although international health associations refrain from recommending the consumption of high doses of antioxidants entering the body through food, they nevertheless confirm their beneficial effects.

What are the benefits of natural foods rich in antioxidants, and in what quantities should they be consumed?

Free radicals and antioxidants

According to the theory, molecules called free radicals are considered the main culprits that destroy cells in our body. As a result of the oxidative process they provoke, the structure of the cell is disrupted and its main components (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids) are damaged. A large number of damaged cells, in turn, leads to the development of such dangerous conditions as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, disorders of the nervous system and brings the time of death closer.

While free radicals are the villains, antioxidants (or antioxidants) are the saviors. Currently, about 8,000 types of antioxidants are known, which are rich in 3,100 foods in the world.

Not all of the saviors work the same, some prevent the formation of free radicals, others prevent oxidation process, still others exhibit activity only under special conditions and only in certain areas of the cell.

No matter how they act, our main task is to give the body a sufficient amount of antioxidants to prevent its premature aging and not become a victim of severe chronic diseases.

Antioxidants in food

The main representatives of antioxidants in food are: ascorbic acid or vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and polyphenols. Since it is not possible to create a table for 3000 products, we will focus on the list of the most significant of them.

List of Foods Richest in Antioxidants

  1. Berries raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and acai are simply an incredibly rich source of antioxidants. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries contain proanthocyanidins, which prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  2. Broccoli One of the most nutritious vegetables, it contains more vitamin C than an orange and more calcium than a glass of milk. 1 cup (156 grams) of cooked broccoli provides the body with 101.2 mg of vitamin C, completely covering the daily value for adults and pregnant women. Besides useful vitamins and minerals, contains phytonutrients that actively fight various types cancerous tumors.
  3. Nuts- almonds, pistachios, walnuts contain essential fatty acids and many antioxidants, in particular vitamin E, which help control intracellular oxidative stress, protects cells from external aggression, such as pesticides, pollution, tobacco smoke. Also, varieties of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) can be found in sunflower and olive oil, fresh spinach and carrots, sprouted grains and pumpkin seeds. It is important not to exceed the daily vitamin intake: 6 mg. - children under 3 years old, 7 mg. - children under 8 years old, 11 mg. - up to 13 years and 15 mg. - teenagers and adults.
  4. Green tea Characterized by a high amount of polyphenols, its regular consumption will reduce cholesterol levels, lose excess weight and protect the body from cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Tomatoes- a unique source of lycopene. Recent studies have shown that lycopene is much more powerful than beta-carotene and vitamin E in attacking cancer cells. The only drawback of the antioxidant is its low bioavailability, that is, most of it is not absorbed by the body. In order to correct this drawback, it is better to use tomatoes in the form of juices, paste or sauce, and also cook them with a small addition of vegetable oil.
  6. Grapefruit Good source Lycopene is found in red and pink grapefruit, and you can also find this antioxidant in watermelon juice.
  7. Purple lu By the way, apple peels, Brussels sprouts and garlic offer one of the most popular flavonoids - quercetin. It inhibits the growth of cancer, is used to prevent Alzheimer's disease, and also protects kidney cells from damage due to high blood sugar levels.
  8. Grape and grape seeds are suppliers of an antioxidant called resveratrol, one of the best protectors of the heart muscle from heart attacks, and blood vessels from atherosclerosis, poor blood circulation and the formation of blood clots. As part of other polyphenols, it can reduce atherosclerosis by 30% and remove bad cholesterol from the blood by 96%. Since the largest amount of antioxidant is contained in the peel and seeds, it is recommended to eat the whole fruit, chewing the seeds thoroughly, and also drink natural red wine. The healing effect of the antioxidant also extends to cancer cells; in many countries, resveratrol is included in anti-cancer drugs.

How to maximize the presence of natural antioxidants in your diet

A list of 3,000 products would be very long, and not everyone will be able to include them all on the menu. However, there are a few neat tricks that are guaranteed to provide your body with reliable antioxidant protection. This is especially true for women.

Method 1 - 5 per day

Eat 5 different fruits and vegetables in different colors 5 times a day. Choose fruits that are bright, vibrant colors (red, yellow, orange, green, purple or blue). Choose berries, spinach, red-skinned potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, cherries, broccoli and red cabbage. For example, take a couple of grapes and a slice of melon for breakfast, add an apple and a sandwich with a slice of tomato for your afternoon snack, and a plate of potatoes with artichokes for lunch. For each dish on the regular menu, add mugs of red sweet pepper, orange slices or a couple of prunes.

Method 2 - without vegetables and fruits

For those who do not like fruits and vegetables, we suggest paying attention to grains, nuts and herbs. Introduce oats or oat breakfast cereals with dried fruits into your daily diet. Drinks made from oats and blueberries, with mulberries, cinnamon or almonds are very rich in antioxidants. For lunch, eat beans, especially red and spotted beans. Cook bean soup with the addition of tomato, corn, and red capsicum. Puree the beans by adding avocado pulp, tomatoes and cheddar cheese. Be sure to eat nuts in small portions, given their high calorie content. Add nuts to salads, ice cream, drinks and baked goods as often as possible. Replace sweets with pistachios.

Method 3 - seasonings

Spices such as dried marjoram, yellow ginger, cinnamon, cloves and red capsicum contain excellent doses of antioxidants. Don't forget to add them to salads, sweet dishes, soups and baked goods. Don't forget about cocoa powder. Dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants. Drink no more than a glass of cocoa, add cocoa powder to cakes and muffins.

Method 4 - medicinal drinks

If you don't want to eat, drink. For breakfast a cup of coffee or a glass orange juice, as a dessert for lunch, cocktails made from fresh berries mixed with lemons, pineapples, apples or pears. Or pomegranates, blueberries, cherries, watermelon and mulberries. If you don't want fruits, replace them with vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, green lettuce, broccoli and spinach. In the evening, pamper your body with a cup of green tea, and a couple will be good for your health. extra pounds reset.

A couple of months of this diet and you will feel better, your mood will be high, and your health will be strong.

Product table
