Achatina panther description and care. Types of Achatina snails: fulica, reticulata, immaculata, archachatina, limikolyaria. Description of Achatina Panther

medicinal plants 30.07.2021
medicinal plants

In home aquariums, amazing Achatina are often found, the maintenance and care of which is an interesting and entertaining activity. For many people living in modest apartments, giant silent and leisurely clams can replace noisy cats or dogs.

Achatina - types

There are a lot of invertebrate creatures, but our heroes among relatives stand out with the largest body, growing up to an impressive 30 cm long. All types of Achatina snails are interesting, their differences are manifested in the shape of the shell, the color of the body and antennae, and behavior in the terrarium. There are no cardinal features in caring for exotic pets; domestic African Achatina snails, regardless of subspecies, adapt well to being kept in an apartment.

Many species of mollusks differ in the color of the lower part of the shell at the point of attachment to the body, located to the right of the mouth. If you are seriously interested in Achatina, keeping and caring for snails, then you need to know the color of the columella of your original pet. In various individuals, it is found pink, white, bluish, taking on a crimson hue. The columella of adult snails is clearly visible, but it is more difficult to examine a young mollusk, you have to carefully move the mantle aside with a cotton swab.

Columella Achatina fulica is always white in color, but the shell and leg of the snail are of different colors. Giant snails Achatina fulica get used to captivity well, they are unpretentious in food. The average size of mollusks is about 14 cm, but often gastropods grow up to 20 cm. The quality of food, care and conditions of detention affect the color and size of the shell. Sexually mature creatures that are not involved in reproduction grow larger. These Achatina snails have an average lifespan in aquariums of up to about 6 years.

Adolescent mollusks are light in color, but with age, with normal care, their shell becomes brighter, taking on a chic brown or dark hazel hue. Large Achatina snails have a beige leg and a characteristic stripe on the body. The brown line stretches from the head of the gastropod to the shell. Columella panther has a bright crimson hue.

These creatures with a "predatory" name and interesting multi-colored shells live up to 10 years. Immaculata var. pantera is undemanding and grows fast. Humidity likes from 70%, when the level drops, it can hibernate. Achatina panthers are incredibly easy to breed, keeping and caring for them does not cause difficulties. From 4 months they reach puberty, often laying up to two hundred eggs.

In appearance, these gastropods have many reticulata species similar to their relatives; at a young age, it is extremely difficult to distinguish them. The shell of individuals is marbled, but our African Achatina snail has an external skeletal formation with a less ribbed texture, a dark monochromatic last curl and a pink tip. The color of columella in achatina albopicta is yellowish or white. Although these are relatively new Achatina for our region, the maintenance and care of this species does not have cardinal features.

Achatina craveni with a shell up to 7 cm look more modest in comparison with other relatives. It is conical in them, has a smooth surface of beige or yellowish color. It is decorated with continuous or intermittent brownish stripes of a wavy shape, because of which these snails are often called zebras by lovers. The leg of the creature is decorated with a strip that starts near the horns. African Achatina craveni columella has a white or base color shell, and the apex can vary in color from yellow to beige.

Achatina craveni have an interesting feature that is rarely found in other gastropods of this species. Achatina craven maintenance and care require special, without incubation of eggs, because they belong to viviparous creatures. Small mollusks need 5-7 liter terrarium per individual. They willingly eat vegetables, fruits, top dressing in the form of a grain mixture with calcium, branches with lichen.

Achatina Achatina tigers are called because of the interesting dark stripes, their original reddish-brown or reddish-yellow shells slightly resemble the color of the body of a formidable predator. Their leg is found as a spectacular jet black, and almost completely light. These giant Achatina snails start breeding late, sometimes they start laying at the age of 3. Our monsters often live up to 10 years, delighting their owners with their silent company.

The original feature of this species is the characteristic tail of a “crocodile” shape; only achatina achatina can boast of it. Calm pets love to sleep in permanent houses or minks. Their young are nimble, but growing up, our gastropod tigers calm down and look noble. In terrariums, Achatina, with proper maintenance and care, reach 18-22 cm. The largest specimen is considered to be up to a kilogram weighing with a shell measuring 275 mm, it was found in natural environment Sierra Leone.

Achatina - content at home

Surprisingly, the terrible pests of the fields, which in tropical countries cannot be expelled for decades, have become favorites of numerous connoisseurs of the exotic in Europe. Here, Achatina snails require special care and maintenance, because they cannot survive the cold without a warm terrarium. Unlike aquatic creatures, clams do not need exclusive expensive equipment for home improvement. Even small children, after a simple training, can look after a silent and proud pet.

It is unnecessary to create or purchase a special container for gastropods; a glass aquarium or other convenient tank made of non-toxic polymers is suitable for them. It is advisable to find a cover for the terrarium by making several ventilation holes in it. Achatina likes content in transparent horizontal-type houses, the volume of internal space should exceed 10 liters per large mollusk. It is undesirable for teenagers to buy small aquariums to save money, very soon you will have to look for a spacious “apartment” and spend money again.

Ventilation windows should be small, with a diameter smaller than the size of the pet, otherwise the Achatina will escape into the outside world. The temperature of the environment in the terrarium is considered optimal within 26 ° -28 °, it is desirable to avoid large fluctuations in the microclimate. The desired mode is maintained with the help of a heating pad, a thermal cord, and heating mats. The container is installed away from direct rays, so additional lighting will help you better observe your pets. We remind you that snails like to be active in the evening and during the dark period of the day.

It is not uncommon for amateurs to use coir substrates supplied in briquettes. They are treated with boiled water, washed, dried and poured into the terrarium. It turns out a good soil on which the land snails of Achatina feel great. You can use calcined earth from the garden, create soil from a sand-earth mixture with the addition of peat. The acidity of the resulting soil should correspond to a pH in the range of 5.5-7. It is forbidden to use substrates for flowers with fertilizers, sawdust, pebbles, sharp stones, sand.

How to care for Achatina snails?

In addition to the optimal temperature regime, it is desirable for snails to maintain an increased humidity of the environment. For this purpose, sprayers are used to spray water inside the terrarium. Achatina value care and maintenance in a clean container, so you have to remove excrement, leftover food, wash glass walls with water without chemicals.

Diseases of domestic snails Achatina:

  1. Sluggish behavior of Achatina as a result of prolonged hypothermia.
  2. Being in direct sunlight can kill the snail.
  3. Salt or chemical household products cause burns of the mucous body.
  4. Injury to the shell and legs as a result of a fall from the aquarium.
  5. Sink disease from calcium deficiency or fungal infection.
  6. Mold damage - gentle treatment with aerosols for reptiles, washing the body with a decoction of chamomile or lubricating the snail with propolis.
  7. Worms in Achatina - are treated by including pumpkin seeds in the menu.
  8. Viral infections - mandatory disinfection of the terrarium.

In the question, there are not many difficulties. You can feed them with cucumbers, carrots, pieces of apples, lettuce, zucchini. Diversity in the diet is welcome, if the menu is poor, then this affects the growth rate. It is impossible to use spicy and fried foods, dishes seasoned with salt in the care and maintenance of shellfish. A grain mixture with calcium supplements is good for gastropods, so include shells or chalk in your diet. They receive protein components by feeding eggs or pieces of chicken meat, used occasionally as an additive.

Achatina - breeding

If you are interested in amazing creatures, then you need to learn the basic techniques of how to care for Achatina snail eggs and keep young mollusks. Pets reach childbearing age at six months. Self-fertilization occurs in them, but to guarantee it is advisable to settle your gastropods in pairs. Of the two hermaphrodites, the creature with the largest size becomes the female. It is undesirable to mate Achatina from one masonry, it is better to protect the family from genetic anomalies.

An environment with a stable temperature of about 28 ° and a thick layer of soil up to 10 cm from coco substrate is suitable for reproduction. Often mollusks dig holes in the ground, but often they leave them on the surface, so keep an eye on the humidity of the air. At this time, when leaving, be sure to feed the snails with calcium. The opening of the masonry occurs a month and a half after mating of individuals. Recall that most Achatina lay eggs, but there are also viviparous species (cravels, iredelia).

One of the most favorite snails among breeders is Achatina immaculata. And this is no accident. This is a beautiful and rather unpretentious snail. It breeds easily at home. One or more representatives of this species will become a real decoration of a home terrarium. What kind of snail Achatina immaculata is, as well as what kind of care and maintenance it needs, we will tell in our article.

Achatina immaculata is another member of the Achatina genus of the Achatinidae family. Immaculata in Latin means perfect, impeccable. But for some time now this name has been translated as spotless. Thus drawing an analogy with the immaculate conception, since the immaculates are able to reproduce by self-fertilization.


The Achatina immaculata snail stands out for its small plump shell with a smooth structure. The shell is cone-shaped, gradually tapering. Apex sharp, light shade of beige or sand color. The shell size can reach 10-15 cm. Adults have 6-7 turns. The first coils of the shell are light with uniform dark brown stripes. The last coil has a rich dark color with a reddish tint and evenly spaced even stripes without spots. One of the subspecies has a pronounced tou-tone color.

  • Columella is colored pink, raspberry or purple.
  • The body color is light beige with a reddish tinge. An even stripe of light brown color runs along the entire neck. The leg is soft, has a clear mesh pattern. The horns are short.
  • The natural habitat is eastern Africa, but this species has spread to southern Africa and to many other parts of the world.

The Achatina immaculata snail is not demanding in care, but there are still some nuances and they must be taken into account.

For this species, a horizontal type terrarium is suitable at the rate of 10-15 liters per individual. Although Immaculata grow small, they are very active and love space.

Immaculates need animal protein more than others. Since in their natural habitat they feed on dead insects, the corpses of small animals and birds.

Plant protein is also essential.

Below are the approximate norms of protein supplements for Achatina immaculat

Representatives of this species did not observe overeating of protein. But a large amount of protein dressings should not be poured. Half a teaspoon for two individuals at a time will be enough.

If the Achatina immaculata does not receive enough protein supplements, it will begin to gnaw on its neighbors.

Calcium must always be freely available.


Achatina immaculata become sexually mature at about 6-7 months of age. Sometimes 4-month-old individuals with a shell of 7-8 cm can make the first clutches.

The clutch averages 100-200 eggs. In one clutch, eggs can be of different sizes from 4 to 7 mm, among which there are sometimes many fatty eggs.

Please note that about a week before laying, the snail may stop eating, stop growing. For this reason, the shell of a sexually mature immaculata may be scarred.

After laying, care for the coil is possible. If the snail has not gone deep, then let it rest and recuperate. Feed well and do not touch if he falls asleep. If she goes deep behind the coil, then your help will be needed. Feed the snail mashed potatoes, vegetable juices, if not eating solid food. You can offer milk or bathe in blue clay.

Depending on temperature and humidity, the period of incubation of eggs can last from several days to 2 weeks.

Babies are growing fast enough. In a month they can reach a size of 2-3 cm.


As you know, the species diversity of snails has not been fully studied. And in connection with this, on the Internet you can find a lot of different information, most often untrue or outdated. So, for example, the subspecies of Achatina immaculata include:

  • Achatina immaculata var. Panthera
  • Achatina immaculata var. two tone
  • Achatina immaculata var. smithii
  • Achatina immaculata var. lamarckiana
  • Achatina immaculata var. Stuhlmanni
  • Achatina immaculata var dimidiata

In fact, it's not like that at all.

In the general sense, varieties (var.) are forms that have no taxonomic significance, most often the difference is in the color of the shell or leg. Let's now apply this to the above variations.

Achatina immaculata var. smithii does not exist. In some scientific papers there is mention of a separate species Achatina smithii (Craven, 1881). There are no specific descriptions of this species. But approximately a representative of this species should have a shell up to 55 mm high with 8 turns. Achatina immaculate is at least significantly larger. Therefore, the so-called Smitty have nothing to do with immaculates.

Achatina immaculata var. Panthera also does not exist. There is a separate species - Achatina panthera, which for a long time was mistakenly identified as Achatina immaculata. We will discuss this in more detail in another article.

Achatina immaculata lamarckiana- also an invented subspecies. Another name is pseudo-shtulmans. Perhaps this is a misinterpretation of the name Achatina immaculata (Lamarck, 1822), and "lamarckiana" is a synonym for this name. Snails, which are credited with such a name, have a shell color like that of an Achatina panther, a columella of white or light yellow color. In some sources, you can find another name - Achatina panthera lamarckiana.

Achatina immaculata var. stuhlmanni- another pseudo-subspecies of immaculata. Shtulmanns have white columella, not pink, raspberry or purple. Therefore, these snails cannot be a subspecies of the immaculata, although they have a similar appearance. Achatina immaculata var stuhlmanni does not exist in the nomenclature, but many continue to refer to the species Achatina stuhlmanni as a subspecies of Achatina immaculata.

Achatina immaculata var dimidiate- another mythical species that is actually Achatina immaculata var immaculata two-tone, but this species is confused with the South African Archachatina dimidiata due to the split shell color.
It follows from this that Achatina immaculate has only two subspecies - Achatina immaculata var. immaculata and Achatina immaculata var. two tone.

Achatina immaculata var. immaculata

The shells of this subspecies are dark in color, with plump coils. The color of the last turn can be monophonic, or with even thin reddish or brownish stripes.

Achatina immaculata var. immaculata two tone

The shell is a very nice color. It is divided into two halves by color. It is noteworthy that only the last turn is divided, which is why this variation got its name. Rare and whimsical. They grow poorly and are difficult to breed. Most individuals die during transportation or in the first months after arrival.

Interesting snails have appeared in private collections of snail breeders. Their appearance simultaneously resembles a panther and an immaculata, but at the same time has some differences. At the moment, these snails are called Achatina SP Cream.


Achatina Immakulyata is a very beautiful and rather unpretentious snail. If you follow all the recommendations for care and nutrition, imma will delight you with her beautiful appearance and good appetite for a long time. Write your comments and additions in the comments under this article. Health to you and your pets!

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Achatina are amazingly interesting animals! How cutely they move their horns and majestically turn their muzzles. Achatina are amazingly interesting animals! How cutely they move their horns and majestically turn their muzzles. Whoever says that watching the fish calms down, he simply did not see the snails! It is believed that keeping snails in the house has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Watching even one Achatina is a real pleasure, despite the fact that these snails crawl quite slowly: about 1 cm per minute. Achatina is a smart creature. It distinguishes "own" people from "strangers".

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In the pharynx (on the tongue) of the snail there is a special apparatus for grinding food - a kind of grater (radula). In the pharynx (on the tongue) of the snail there is a special apparatus for grinding food - a kind of grater (radula). With the help of the radula, the snail scrapes off food, which it then swallows. Such a tongue is able to cope with very hard products. The radula is constantly updated, worn out "teeth" are replaced with new ones.

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Achatina's hearing is completely absent. Even if you shout loudly or blow a whistle, opening the lid of the terrarium, the snails do not get scared and do not change their behavior. They are very calm and not very shy. Achatina's hearing is completely absent. Even if you shout loudly or blow a whistle, opening the lid of the terrarium, the snails do not get scared and do not change their behavior. They are very calm and not very shy. Subtle sense of smell for the smell of food. Melon Achatina will be able to "smell" for half a meter. In connection with terrestrial existence, Achatina has a well-developed sole, on which there are two leg glands that secrete mucus, which contributes to the movement of snails on a dry surface. Achatina leads a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, snails usually sleep, buried in the ground in such a way that only the shell remains above. When frightened, the snail hides in the shell, and then you can hear a squeak. Here, perhaps, are all the sounds that Achatina can make.

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Achatina panther (Achatina immaculata pantera) is a subspecies of the immaculata. In the late 90s, it was brought to our country from Germany. Imperceptibly won the love of snail breeders. Today it is one of the three Achatina for home maintenance, after and

For the first time, the Achatina panther was found and classified in 1822 by the outstanding scientist and biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.

Firstly, immaculata pantera is not picky in food, secondly, it is an interesting and beautiful snail, and thirdly, it easily gives birth to offspring in captivity.

The panther is native to the tropical rainforests of East Africa and the sandy coastal zone of Madagascar.

Description of Achatina Panther

The light cone-shaped snail shell reaches 12-15 cm in length with dark stripes, dots and blurs over the entire surface. Young panthers are distinguished by a colorful and bright pattern on the shell, but the older the snail becomes, the darker and the shell becomes monotonous. Columella - pink or purple, sharp apex - sand or beige.

The massive body of the immaculata is soft with a mesh monochrome pattern, often sand or light beige. Distinctive feature Achatina panther, is a distinct stripe of brown across the entire neck. Albinos are rare, isolated cases are described in the literature.

To keep a snail, it is not necessary to buy an expensive terrarium. Use an old rectangular aquarium or a large food container, be sure to take care of ventilation. The dwelling must be spacious, with a volume of at least 15 liters per adult immaculate. Then take care of quality soil for your pet. The soil is necessary to maintain humidity in the terrarium. In the daytime, mollusks burrow into it and rest until evening. Read an overview of soils for snails.

For normal growth and development of the mollusk, maintain the temperature in the terrarium - 24-26 degrees, humidity - 75-80%. Irrigate the soil and the snail with warm water daily, but do not allow waterlogging and waterlogging. Snail breeders recommend that the terrarium should have dry and wet places.

A shallow container of water looks beautiful, clams love to soak in some water after a delicious dinner.

It is worth noting that the size of the immaculata is affected by the volume of the terrarium and good ones. Subject to these rules, the size of the panther can reach 15 cm in length. It is believed that it grows throughout life, increasing by 1-2 cm per month. At 7 months, the mollusk becomes sexually mature and the growth rate slows down.

Achatina panther care at home

In the warm and humid environment of the terrarium, uneaten pieces of vegetables and fruits quickly rot, mold grows and starts. Therefore, feed your pets in the evening, and remove the leftovers in the morning, adding only a calcium mixture or

  • The soil is washed and a new one is added once a week.
  • General cleaning with a complete replacement of soil, branches and snags is carried out once a month.

Snail hygiene is carried out once a week, if the panther “got out” in the ground, then more often. Read more about how to bathe a snail and properly care for the shell.

Feeding adults and small Achatina immaculata

In her daily menu should be fiber - these are vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Snails are nocturnal animals. During the day they sleep, and at night they go in search of food. In nature, they feed on plants, branches and animal remains, acting as orderlies. In food, panthers are unpretentious and eat everything they give with appetite.

Calcium - sepia, edible chalk, eggshell, etc. Vegetable and animal protein. Snail food is served on a plastic lid, so it lasts longer, and in the morning it is convenient to remove leftovers. Separately, I want to dwell on. They have a big plus - panthers grow well on them and gain weight. Top dressing does not spoil for a long time in the humid environment of the terrarium. Of the minuses - an overdose of animal protein (, ), leads to shellfish poisoning.

Sugar, semolina, salt and flour are forbidden foods for snails. Read more about feeding with recipes and tables of allowed foods.

In the first days of life, small panthers are fed with grated vegetables, cabbage leaves or lettuce. Be sure to give a calcium mixture for shell growth. After a few weeks, they are transferred to the usual diet for an adult snail and pampered with nutritious ones.

Reproduction of Achatina immaculata pantera

In its body, Achatina contains male and female genital organs. She is a hermaphrodite. It becomes sexually mature at 6-7 months, for the appearance of offspring, the presence of a partner is not necessary. "Immakulata" - translates as pure, unstained. This species of Achatina can self-fertilize. Learn more about reproduction. After fertilization on 10-14 days, the panther lays 100-200 snow-white eggs in the ground, 5-6 mm in diameter. Subject to humidity and temperature conditions, babies will be born in two weeks.

If you want to have a pet that is unpretentious to the conditions of detention, you can consider purchasing a giant snail. Achatina panther can have a beige, brown or reddish shell. The shell of a young Achatina is brighter, but over time it becomes dark in color. The body of the snail is smooth, light, with a mesh pattern. Achatina immaculata differs from other varieties in that a dark brown stripe runs from its very head to the shell.

Content Features

What are the growth rates of the Achatina panther? These snails can reach a length of up to 18 cm. It all depends on the size of the container in which they are contained. It is not necessary to purchase a special terrarium for these gastropods. They can be kept in a glass aquarium or a non-toxic container. It is advisable to choose a lid under the container in which you need to make holes. Ventilation windows should not be too large, the main thing is that the diameter does not exceed the size of the mollusk itself, otherwise the snails will get out of their homes.

As for the soil, it should be of high quality, because snails like to burrow into it for daytime sleep and egg laying. It is not recommended to use untreated peat, as it creates an overly acidic environment. The substrate must be kept moist. Clay and crushed bark should not be used as a substrate. An alternative to peat can be loose sand or pieces of partitions from walnuts.

The soil should be washed every 30 days and periodically mixed with fresh soil. In addition, you will have to regularly clean the terrarium, remove old branches and snags. The snails themselves must be washed in clean warm water.

Tropical countries are considered the birthplace of the Achatina panther, so it is important to provide them with comfortable living conditions. The air temperature should be 24-27 degrees, humidity indicators - at least 80%. The substrate should be sprayed with water every day or put a small bowl of water in the terrarium. It is important to ensure that there is no waterlogging.

Achatina snails should not live in close quarters. The terrarium for them must be selected in such a way that each individual has at least 15 liters. It should be located away from heating devices. It is also important to protect snails from drafts.


There is no need to place devices for lighting in the terrarium. Lighting does not play a major role in the content of the Achatina panther. Snail activity is shown at night, and during the day they prefer to burrow into the ground. Lighting will only help if the terrarium has plants that need it.


Moss, pieces of poorly rotting wood, fragments of flower pots are suitable as accessories. Before placing these items in the terrarium, they need to be washed.

Live plants can be planted in a container in which Achatina panther snails will live. They will be an excellent decoration of the terrarium, and will also purify the air. Preference should be given to plants whose leaves are covered with villi. It is possible that snails will feast on vegetation, so it will have to be updated frequently. The most affordable and unpretentious care is ivy and different types ferns.

What to feed pets?

Panther immaculates will also not have any difficulties with feeding Achatina, because the representative of this species is unpretentious in food. The ground mollusk will gladly accept fresh fruits, vegetables, greens from the owners.

In order for snails to fully grow and develop, their food must be flavored with top dressings based on protein and calcium. Such additives strengthen the shell and allow the immaculate to gain mass. As a top dressing, eggshells, cottage cheese, a piece of chalk, store-bought vitamin and mineral mixtures are suitable. It is unacceptable that sweets, semolina, salt, and flour products are present in the diet of Achatina.

Feeding newly born mollusks is practically no different from the diet of adults. Their first food will be pieces of the shell of the eggs from which they hatch. In addition, babies need to be fed vegetables, fruits, herbs.


In the terrarium, be sure to place a vessel with water. If the snails are small, water will have to be poured into a shallow container, because clams that have recently been born can drown themselves. The walls of the container and the soil will have to be periodically moistened using a spray bottle.

Achatina panthers themselves are very fond of water, as they need it for the secretion of mucus. From time to time, snails can arrange water procedures.


Achatina panthers are hermaphrodites. In order for an individual to give offspring, it will need a partner. The first laying is possible after the snail is 6 months old. In a year, a healthy mollusk can bring offspring up to 4 times.

Achatina's pregnancy lasts 2 weeks. The number of eggs in a clutch can be about 150 pieces. If you want mollusks to be born from them, you will have to move them to another container and maintain optimal humidity and air temperature in it. To avoid breeding Achatina, the eggs will have to be destroyed.

Achatina diseases

Achatina can break off the lid of the terrarium, which will lead to cracks in the shell. An antiseptic should be applied to the chipped areas. After a few days, the body of the mollusk will begin to release substances that will tighten the chip and make its edges not so sharp.

It is also worth considering that the Achatina panther is able to scrape its shell or the shell of those snails that live next to it with a radula. As a result, depressions form on the surface, into which the infection can get.

The life span of giant snails is 5-9 years. The better the conditions for keeping a mollusk, the longer it will live. If it is in improper conditions, it will lead to illness or injury.

From time to time, these creatures will have to be carefully examined. So it will be possible to detect the disease in time.

The following leads to the main causes of death of Achatina:

  • prolonged hypothermia or overheating in the sun;
  • infectious diseases;
  • feeding forbidden foods.

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